Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 The German emperor spent Sunday with Queen Victoria at Darmstadt. Crowfoot, the famous Chief of the Blackfoot Indians, died on Friday. All the prisoners in jail at Newbery, )lich., escaped on Saturday and are still at large. A cloud~burst struck English, Indi- ana, Saturday morning and much dam- age was done. The bill providing for the closing of saloons in Ireland on Sunday has passed its second reading in the Commons. A cravedigger has been sentenced to one month’s imprisonment in Berlin for cutting the hair from the heads of corp- ses and selling the same to dealers. A cattle disease of extraordinary vir- ulence has made its appearance with fatal effect in the vicinity of Scedwar- zen-Eupen, Prussia. Trafï¬c in cattle has been strictly prohibited with the infected districts. A reign of terror prevails in Santiago de Cuba owing to the daring raids of two bodies of bandits who have been ravaging the country. The outlaws recently engaged in ii conflict with the guards and three of the latter were killed. There was a destructive wind and rain storm in Woodruff county, Ark., early on the morning of April 26th. The village of Yorkville was almost entirely blown away and the disaster is very great. Horses, barns, fences and structures of all kinds were taken up by the wind and carried some distance. On Thursday evening burglars at‘ tempted to enter Patter St Co.’s store .at Ironwood, Mich. A clerk ï¬red a shotgun in the face of the foremost man and the burglars fled. On Friday night the burglar, whose name is found to be John Richards, turned up at the hospi- tal with his face nearly gone. He re- fused to name his accomplices and died on Sunday. A man at Tiflis, in Russia, paid an assassin $75 to kill an enemy, and $90 more when the assassin brought an ear in proof that he had committed the crime. The assissin went to the enemy and obtained $100 for revealing the plot, and produced a. bogus ear. The man who paid to have his enemy assas- inated is now suing the “ swindler †to recover the money he paid. Sergius Sheritch, Socialist and editor- in-chief of The Volks Zeitung, who has been an exile in America for 22 years, having been banished from Russia ow- ing to his political opposition to the Czar, has been forgiven by the latter and will return to his native land. His large ancestral estates, which were con- ï¬scated, will be restored to him. He will leave for Russia in a few days with his wife. J. M. Ferguson arrived at Baton Rouge April 26th from the rear of Pointc Coupee parish in a skiff. He states that at a point between Morgan sea and Labelle, about nine miles inland, a family of ï¬ve uegroes named Watson were swept out of existence. On his Wily he ran across the drowned body of a negro man floating in the swamp. Hundreds of drowned stock were passed, and Mr. Ferguson said the suffering is terrible in the interior. Baton Rouge is full of refugees. The latest and most unique invention is a machine for buttering bread. It is used in connection with a great patent bread-cutter, and is intended for use in prisons, work-houses and other reforma- iory institutions. There is a cylindri- cal shaped brush which is fed with but- ter, and lays a thin layer 'on the bread as it comes from the cutter. The ma- chine can be worked by hand, steam or electricity, and has a capacity ofeutting and buttcring 7530 loaves of bread an hour. The saving of butter and bread and the decrease in the quantity of crumbs is said to be very large. Ixsrirc‘rn Keenanâ€"The annual ‘ meeting of the members of the Fenelon Falls )lechanics' Institute will be held in the reading room on the evening of Monday next, the 5th inst., for the purpose of electing ofï¬cers for the year and transacting other business. A full attendance is requested. Tun Fias'r Loosâ€"On Friday last the steamer Betiubocaqe came to the Falls from Bobcaygeon with Boyd 8; Co.’s cribs. capstan and horses, which were put through the locks next morn- ing and taken to the mouth of Burnt River. On Wednesday morning a drive of the company's logs. about 30,000 in number, from above Gooderham, reached Caureron Lake in charge of Mr. A. Barnhart, and by the middle of next week, if not earlier, the first of them will be running over the slide. 83 A Tuxâ€"The remark in last week's Guzeuc that the price of ice was rapidly rising was quite true, and the Mondary Times said in its last issue that ice was held in the storehouses at 2 :30 a ton, and to day it is probably worth 83 per ton on the cars at Fenclon Falls. Our villagers who went into the ice business all did exceedingly well, mid were wise to sell at a highly re- niuneraiive figure; but if Mr. Ellis and Messrs McDougall & Brandon could have seen into the future and had held on until now, they would have added several thousands of dollars to their profits. S. A. NOTESâ€"A week of Salvation Army special meetings commenced on Friday last. On the previous Wednes- day Adjt. Mouton, of the Candidate Department, was at the Falls, and ob- tained three applications from soldiers who wished to become ofï¬cers and de- vote themselves entirely to the work. Capt. Robert Cunningham, late of the Irish constabulary, has led the meetings and been the chief attraction during the week. The following local ofï¬cers have been appointed : Maggie Ruther- ford, secretary ; Sarah Ellery, sergeant, and Sarah Brokenshire, corporal, of the Visiting Department ; Susie Broken- shire, sergeant, and Lizzie Boice, cor- poral, of the War Cry Department ; Joe LePagc, color sergeant. W At the Grave. A MONUMENT FALLS AND AN EXCITING SCENE ENSUES. Svnacnss, April 25.â€"â€"The funeral of Frank Ilotchkiss, who was killed by a falling elevator at Cortland, was held yesterday afternoon and an exciting scene took place at the grave, into which [be body, coffin, a pull-bearer and part of a monument were dumped. The family monument had been undermined and it fell just as the cofï¬n was about to be lowered. The base went into the grave, followed by the shaft, which crushed the coffin and carried James Robinson with it. It was some time before he eould be taken out and he was badly bruised and cut. One woman fainted and there was much excitement. The body had to be placed in a new collin and the ceremonies had to be post- poned for an hour. _. .__-._L-â€". -....â€"_.._._ A Scott Act Sensation. The judgment of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick. conï¬rming the con- viction of six persons in Fredericton for violation ol'ihe Scott Act, has caused a large sensation. As these are the third oli'ences the parties are sentenced to fine and imprisonment. Among the six are the proprietors of the two leading hotels of the capital, the Barker house and the Queen's, in one or other of which nearly all the members of the Legislature boarded during the session. They are both men ol substance and standing, and a to their case public. attention is specially directed. Both have left Fredericton and were in St. John yesterday, it is said with the View of leaving the coun- try at least for a time. This is the most determined and spirited attempt- that has been made for the complete enforcement of the Scott Act in this province. l)I]CD. Mannaâ€"In the township of Verulam, on Sunday, April 27th, Mrs. Ann Martin, in the 88th year of her age. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Rrpnrttd by the North Star Roller .Ili'Il C0. Fenelou Falls, Friday, May 2nd, 1890. Wheat, fall. per bushel. . . . $0.75 to $0.80 Wheat, spring ~‘ 70 so "“ ‘““"°-"‘ Wheat. Scotch or Fife . . .. 85 90 Kemmler’s Execution Postponed. “cries. Per, bushel -------- 3" 36 .__ Unis. " . . . . . . . . ‘28 30 u u . I 1. ~\ ‘3 I") AUBURN. .\. \.. April 29.â€"â€"Judgel {,‘jmi “ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0; Wt l‘ H if tl ‘ U S Ciurt has "r-iut-l 'w' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' " 4‘.) J "‘“3 k “i ‘ ~ ‘ i -â€" ‘ , Potatoes u . . . . . . . . 25 so ed a writ of hitbcns corpus, returnable ; nun“. 1.9,. u, _ I . _ . . I _ . . _ , H [5 June 17, in the case of Keuimler. The l Hogs. per cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 5.25 ground for the writ is that the Act un- , MIR-“- l“?r 0030“ - - - - - - a - - - __ m q dcr which execution was to take plane ', gap?“ ‘0“ ~ ' ' - ' ' ' - - - ' ° - ,‘yq,’ is in violation of the C institution. Rogâ€" , _‘ ......... "3‘0 1:0,, or )I. Sherman, of New York. is attor- - net for Koinmler. It is said the action ol llaroid Brown. in charge oi the elec- trical apparatus, in making business capital out of the execution, led to the , I New Advertisements. W__.._.. _._ .__ .-._.._........ Notice to Store-Keepers. granting of the writ. Store-keepers and others are hereby forâ€" bidden to give credit to any person whom- :ncrer on my account, as after this date I will not pay for any goods obtained in my name without a printed order fr ~m me. EDWIN WOOD. l Fenclon Falls, April 24th, lSsu.â€"â€"lOâ€"l' .. m.-. A terriï¬c hail storm visited Baltimore I_ on Sunday. Windows were smashed, , and horses and carriages were abandon- ed in the stream. The damage is con†suit-table. Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. M A Rare Chance ! +87 -LOTS- 87%» IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, 1 I l i CALI. on i WALL rinses. New Pallems Arriving Daily .35‘.‘1"giii‘ii‘i°bihe of??? 2153‘: lï¬l° f3; 3.; | FROM .. _'. S i S V S ‘ blocks to suit purchasers. Also a brick house and lot on Fidler’s Hill. NO‘V IS X'OUIR. TIDIE .__ AS __ THEY DIUST BE SOLD AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in Hall. Dining Room-Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers. Ceiling Papers. Corners and Decorations. [ PRICES & STYLESâ€"Mn CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 50. per ‘5 R. J. FROST WHEN YOU WANT A' GUUD WATC . For terms and particulars apply to Barron 5; McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate, Lindsay, or to W. E. ELLIS, Fenclon Falls. April 25th, 1390._10tf roll Paper. (‘ L‘ “ 6c. , H H 76' u it ihelanadahfelssuranceBu’y. ANeW Line Just Arrived. :: :: gg- ;: :: ESTABLISHED IN 1847. u a me: u .. ALL KINDS OF BROOCHES, RING-S, PIPES And SILVBRPLATE KEPT IN STOCK. WATCHES AND CLOCKS liliiilllll lilillllili. R. J. FROST, “ The Jeweller,†._â€" THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, 1889. over $10,000,000. Annual Income for the ear ending 30th April, 1885, S1, 40,000. Total Sum assured to 30111 April, 1885, amounts to $47,000,000. And all the way to 50c. per Roll. I have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. REMEMBER THE PLACE : Just Opposite New Post-ofï¬ce, lient Street.| LINDSA‘Y. G.A.MriiERELL 3%†Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1890. The Great Discovery. wallow] carefully and net wisely. Many my valuable lives can be saved by the 3%“ “58 0f:*-:EEE::_:E 39" MOSES COUR'I‘EMANCHE’S WW9.†nwmoouo woooomom to strive error? “9+â€VOOQ Moo “wwooooooomwoeo "6m W’l‘his is undoubtedly the best lung med- Wicine in the world, and for Dyspepsia Wires no equal. Manufactured by Moses WCourtt-mnnche, Midland, and sold by W. E. Ellis. Fenelon Falls. â€"â€"52-l7-3m. USINESSJIIITIGE. .Notice is hereby givén that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swanton as a dealer in The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Ofï¬ce doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio ofexpenses to income are less than that of any other Canadian or British ofï¬ce. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any ï¬rst- class ofï¬ce. All forms of policies are issued. MCDOUGALL A: BRANDON, Agents, Fenelon Falls. .__â€"â€" PICNIC SEASON HERE ALREADY. 43.1y. BUYERS ARE HAVING A DAILY PICNIC ._AT._. Mrs. R. MCDOUGALL’S. Come and be not only suited and pleased but delighted with your new head attire. ll ONT be led (many by every/pit]? of wind that blows. QUALITIES TO SUIT ALL. ’ PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW. 9o «meouowvoo i RailwayTies, Cordwod, Telegraph l , Poles, Cedar and all kinds . of Timber Lum ' and able to compete in my own i.MW.M.LNWb€l.EPE..§IlT§Ef1â€Â§ line of business and thank my numerous PatroHs for their than formerly by the undersigned, who . Will pay, as hitherto, kind support for the last ten ‘ years. I We withstood 0,, THE HIGHEST CASH Pincus. OSiti 1 v ' ' , and payments will be promptly made on p 01 ï¬ 6 hnles 1n the last the 15th of every month for all materials Millinery Purchased Here Trimmed Free. Mrs. Rï¬ï¬ougall, 2 Doors North of the Post-ofllce will be continued on a much larger Scale- ten years in Fenelon Falls, and delivered. Wlll Sun be able to give Signs- REE†One of the firm will be regularly on the road. faction, as in the past, after havmg had thirty years’ ex- perience. For particulars apply to Samuel Swnntcn, No. 52 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. I]. Brandon, Fenelcn Falls. SWAN’I‘ON, BRANDON 8: Co. J S L E R N. B.â€"â€"-Mr.Swnnton thanks his numerous O 9 : plustomers for their liberal patronage during 1 re past ten years d l 2 s . l' :' : COlbomest" Fenelon Faus- & continuance of the fdi‘gt‘in-thcii') ‘ CHAIRS. CHAIRS. FENELON FALLS- Feuelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1880.â€"â€"20-tf. CHAIRS_ |2_Coors South of Mechanics†Institute. LINDSAY Just arrived, another large assortment of Kitchen, Dining Room and Parlor CHAIRS. assess a truss R. CHï¬BERs is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- LUMBER. YARDS, IENEUN HILLS Am] “NBSâ€, MONUMENTS AND llIï¬AIIS'I‘ONES. both Marble and Granite. .We have Elisa-19 here “Dd M Lil‘dmy a“ : Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Scantling Epiccps, Etc†a “Nanny. Plank, Timber, Latin. I’iekets, Shinglesâ€~ Being ,, pmclicnl “.“rkman' a“ “mum Fence P05“ “rm fԠkmds 0f lemd and ' see his designs and compare prices before Matched Lumber from one to two years old. . purchasing clw‘ghcro. 0â€" common Lumber: b0â€) 1’3'10 Mid- WOIlKSâ€"ln rear of the market on Cam» Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new 1 bridge street, oppugiic Matthews’ packing stock, out last season, well roofed, dry and . house. ROBT. CHAMBERS. ‘\"a M I , . 35.. ‘ ‘ r \9 ix. ., 311‘ Latest Styles. Lowest Prices. Stock of Furniture complete, as usual. For anything required during House- cleaning time don’t fail to call on me. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of IN STOCK: PATTEN‘S CELEBRATED ADJUSTABLE IIEAD SPRING MATTRASS. PRICES LOWER_ THAN EVER BEFORE. L. DEYMAN. ,EGGS FOR HATGHING. i [am prepared to supply eggs from pure- bred Houdans, Black Cochins. Plymouth bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fcnelon Falls and Lindsay and, surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, . and being builders ourselves. we have a= good idea of what is required for first class i or common building materials for houses, “I? cum“ “I MU & FF‘WCIH SUM?“- barns and outbuildings. We have assorted and piled by themselves , SCBMJBI‘ “0" $1“ u“. n “n AML’ V H , , both qualities to suit purchasers. Prices 0’ one cu†I"? “TERM†be {‘ddcd “5 “mg Rocks and \\ bite Leghorns, from $3 so to $5 per .\l feet and iipwardg_ as It remains Ilellld. ALL OF THE CHmCEST We have about two million feet that must i be sold to make room for new stock. Par-i , . , y I I ï¬es requiring an). of the “bow stock will; Professional or business cardspnl) cents :' Price: $2 for 9. Setting of 13, 01‘ 83f01‘ save money by calling before purchasing: l’erlmu I’er 9mm?" (“35?â€) ‘}d""5â€}5“m“"â€r » Two Setting-s. elsewhere. or by sending their bills here or , 8 “ms I'cfll'm :0†we "’5" ‘MPHIW- and 2 I ' ( . ,n, -, L ‘, _ ,. - cents per me or every subscrnent inser- - M “‘9 DON‘T." Show 1.“ Bowmannne '8“ U Lm‘ a ) rm qumam n‘ Bl 13 Minimum : t‘on. Contracts by the year, bill! year or January I took Is'. prize for Iloudans and ' l I’lyiimulh Rocks; lst and 'lnd prizes and returned for approval. (Jan ship by car; loads to all points. Can get special ratesiquanerv A" a What?" "I “‘55: “PO†1085011- . . ' a 6 terms. i for Black Cochms ; and 2nd prize for White Leghorns. on to A ril next. Send on your orders, JOB PRINTING ii. lililEW, Russell-st, lindsay. , ‘° One Do lar Saved is Two Dollars Earnedâ€, l l Lindsay, March 25th, 1890.-â€"6tf. The “ Penelon Falls Gazelle †is printed every Saturday at the office, on Advertising Rat cs. TAKE Normalâ€"The above is all ganglum-l of an ordinary kinds executed Denny, 00,, bar, parallel Widle. lrectly and reasonable rates. GREENE & ELLIS, Fender: Falls, S.D. HAND, - SAM'L PARSONS, Agent at Lindsay. Prophet» ' r ‘g __;,;.~Am-»rm-p f: v- - v. a. , _. .u‘M, ,nwin...) .__†aw“.