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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 May 1890, p. 8

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up,“ 0...... . , "fl." " v a, .W-flw“ '- The Trade Must Be Suppressed. Since his return from the Dark Con~ House and Lot For Sale. The East half of Lot No. 2. west of Col- tinent Stanley has mismd no opportunity borne and north of Francis street, Fenclon of dwelling on the horrors of the slave l Falls. CO~ “Mutiny lhe PWPHW of MN.“ l trade, which still hoids a large portion of that benightcd land in its deadly grasp. and which so far has deficd thc half-hearted and desultory efforts that have been made to suppress it. From the tone of" his published utterances it would seem to be his idva that the Eu- ropean nations have a duty to perform in this matter, and that they owe it to their position as Christian and civilized I people to remove the last vestige ot'al system that is crushing and degrading the dusky denizens of Al'rican jungles. Ifhe is successful in arousing public sentiment on this subject and crystalliz- ing it into an organized ctlbrt to sup- press a disgraceful traffic, he will have i added to thc laurels he has won already another as wurthy as any. If the na- tions on the continent decline to under- take jointly this grand and noble work, England may Wcll consider if' it is not again her duty, as it has ever been her glory, to lead in a great reform, and to assume a task in which she will have the sympathy, if not the active co-opcr- ation, of all civilized peoples. Now that so eminent an authority as Henry .‘l. Stanley has drawn to the abuse the attention of the world, it cannot be al- lowed to continue, and if an expedition must be sent to stamp it out, no man is better fitted for its leader than the great explorer himself. His knowledge of the country, the climate, and the people tits him pro-eminently for the task, of which, if she stands alone, England must undertake the responsibility.â€" News. * N 0 Extra Charge. . In this issue we publish the full par- ticulars of two executions, one jail de- livery, three sbooting afi‘rays, one high- way robbery, two fist tights, three dog fights, one found dead, a drowning ac- cident, the arrest of a road agent, the deaths of two Mexicans in the late bliz- laid and the stealing ot'Judgc Sprout‘s four-mule team. The thing down the street which calls itself a newspaper, and talks about its lightning press and ist wild-eyed corps of editors from New York, has, to match all this, a cooked-up account of'a fight. between ajackass rabit and a Governi mcnt camel, with its editor for the sole spectator and reporter. Is it any won- dcr that the people of Arizomt can’t wait for the Kicker to be issued each week, and that dozens of them roost on our doorsteps all night \Vednesdav night to get copies the first thing Thurs- day morning? All this and no extra charge, and no hand bills out announc- ing that anything unusual was going on ! â€"Ari:omt Kicker. â€"..- Poisoned by a Tornado. LOUISVILLE, Ky., April iiiâ€"A week ago the family of Louis l’i‘cwitt, living near Lagrange, 20 miles from Louis- villc, was attacked by a virulent disease, the uaturc of which thc local doctors Wt‘l'c unable to determine. Its symp‘ toms were similar to those of sp0ttcd tcvcr, butnc causc ol such a disease could be l'ound in the surrounding neighborhood. Dr. I). N. Porter, :1 phy- sician ol‘ cminencc. was called in and dccidcd that it was “ tornado poison- ing.” The germs, he said, were borne on the late tornado from some infected district probably hundreds of miles an'ny and lodged in the vicinity of the l’rcwitt liomcstcnd. He claims that smallpox and other virulent diseases have thus been communicated to pa- ticnts in many instances of medical his- tory. One of l’rcwitt's daughters has died, and two others and a son are at the point of death. r ~~o -0 â€"_â€"-_..___. Lumber Interests Badly Affected. CIlli‘AliO, April lidâ€"The carpenters’ strike has seriously alleth the lumber interests llcl‘t.‘. Lumber vessels have bccn lying at the lumber market for three to livc days, there being no sale at. any price, the buyers taking advan- tage of the strike to hammer the market .i-own. .-\t present there are some 10.- UUUJiUU l'cct of lumber on the market. 'l'in~ stocks on hand in the yards show an llll‘rcztst‘, ol' I‘_’,illl(l,tllltl feet of hard- umnl luinbt-r ovcr that of last year at this time. and a ilccrcnsc of 20.000.000 of pine. The shippers and buyers i.avl laid out for a your ofunusnal ac- tivity. Fl'clg‘llls arc l':ir. and it is ex- g-tt-ttll sci-rial largo dcmurrage bills will have to be paid. H .-....__... Spdttd l‘cvcr has broken out in Union county. Kentucky. Nutigatiou has opened at Parry Sound and the Sec. "i'ln to l.‘ as _\’ct no chS of steamshins 1.1”“ .; the St. Lawrence. . A wire worm is doing great damage in wheat near Atchison, Kansas. Colonel Bruce, a noted tnrfman and breeder of the horse St. Gatien, thc ngLt‘l‘ with 1884 Derby, has commit- ted suicide by shooting. . I Calder. There is on the premises a trame E ,5 SC,“ fr“. and gives the acres Cicarcd‘; l noose '12 :33 feet. For full particulars apply to MARY CALDER, Nov. 19th, 1889. Umemec P.O. House and Lot For Sale. For sale, very cheap for cash,a half-acre corner lot and the buildings thereon, op- posite the south ward school house, Fenc- lon Falls. The house is ls‘ x24 feet, lg stories high, on a stone foundation, with a kitchen 13 x in feet and a woodshed. There are also a workshop l4 x ‘10 feet, a never Failing well of excellent water and a few fruit trees. The buildings were erected about twelve years ago, and are in good condition. Apply at the Gazsrrs office, or to the undersigned. GEO. W. MARTIN, 10 Pearson Avenue, St. Alban’s Ward, Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"7tf. GROCERIES â€"ANDâ€" PROVISIONS. J. MoFEiLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, and to which he invites the attention of the public. CROCKERY, GLASSWA RE, Earthenware, Brooms, Pails, Washtubs, Blocking-brushes, Clothes-pins, Matches and other articles in great variety. Banned Fish, Fruit 8: Vegetables of the very best brands and at; the low- est possiblc prices. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs and other farm produce. 11%” Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. JOSEPH MCFARLAND. Every Housekeeper NEEDS The liaise n ! Pronounced again and again “The Best,” as it is the Oldest Domestic Journal in America-:5: .â€"â€"_â€"___ NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO TRY IT FOUR MONTHS -â€"â€"FORâ€"- Only Fifteen Gents. Yearly subscription $1.10. Sample copies free. Address "‘ THE HOUSEHOLD,” Braillehoro, Vl. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT IV. T. JUNKIN’S{ l l l FARMS POI-'3 SALE. The following cheap and good farms are in the finest section of \Vcstcm Ontario. . Send for the “Canadian Farm Advertiser" to]. J. I)al_v & (30.. Guclpii P. 0.. Ont. It , sizes and kinds of buildings. x0, Ru, ot these and :75 other farms. No stones, hills or swamp on the farms. and the soil is guaranteed deep, rich. clay loam that never bakes. Money sent it reâ€" quired as guarantee, for expenses if the farms arc not cheap and as represented.â€" and intending buyers. after seeing them, left to decide for themselves, and then keep or return the money as they think right. Pure spring water on every farm, good fences; land not hilly nor tlat. Gravcl roads. chccsc factorics. crcamerics, schools, churches and post oliices ncnr all the farms. Good water every where and healthy coun- try. Only enough money to bind the bargain need be paid until taking possession. and then 60 per cent., $60 of every SIOO, of the price will be left on the farms, or less than that, it buyers wish, payable Just to suit the buyers in every way. This will be put in writing and is the best chance ever offered to buyers. All buyers get good titles and their deeds when they take pos- session. ~ 1 10 acres. 65 clcarcd, l5 acres 1 9 . tine maple bush, good house and burn. markct town with railway 2 miles. / ' 100 acres, So clcitrcti. balanco ‘9 0 bush, brick house, good barn, marl-let town only 1 mile. TTT‘ 100 acres, So cleared, house b 3 . and burn, ncar market town. - b 7'32 50 acres, all cleared, good b l 5 . buildings, near market. (gig) O 65 acres, all clcarcd,good q; A, . buildings, nczirlargc town. ' I) 100 acres, 85 clcTL-râ€"Jd, IS DESI): (‘3) 9 , brick house and bank barn, market town with railway 5 miles, village near. ill 100 acres, 90 cleared, to bush, SD , U large fresh water lake is houndarv at back end, good house and ham, market town with railway 5 miles. “6 205 acres. 90 cleared, rest (3, . hardwood, house and burns, a village 2 miles. market town with railway'; miles. ll) . 165 acrcs,i§o clearcd, i5 hurtl- g$ 9 . wood,good house, small barn, market with railway l mile, large town 6 miles. .3 C) 100 acres, 85 fired, 5 hard- ! .J . wood, tine brick house and large bank barn, market town with railway 3 miles. 200 acres, 130 cleared, $ 1 , . balance hardwood, ascts of line buildings, abank barns and 2 good houses, market town with railway 2 miles, can be and is dividedâ€"one of the best farms in the county. 300 acres cleared, only $ 1 , - $4,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser, fine buildin s that cost $10,000. This farm adjoins City of uelph, .and is onepf the best grain and stock farms of its 5128 in Ontario. 450 acres in block. 360 $ , . cleared, 90 very fine valuable hardwood bush, 3 sets fine buildings, 2 bank barns, 1 fine new brick dwelling, near good market town with railways, best large farm in the county, is fenced intog farmsâ€"zoo acres, 150 acres, and 100 acres, will be sold separately or together. Send for the “ Farm Advertiser," It gives l'ull particulars of these and 275 other farms and valuable Information about this country._‘Address, J. J. Daly a. 60., Guelph P. 0., 05.] SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"OF THEâ€"- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenclon Falls, On Monday, July 7th, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forcuoou E. D.Ilaxn, Clerk. Gso. Maxnrxo, Bailiff. Fenclon Falls, Feb. 27th, 1890. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenclon Falls. Blacksmithing in all its different branches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a. call and I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-1y. .___‘ HEADQ UARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR 4 Hum Paper and Picture Frames --â€"15 ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabasfine and Dye Works Agency. ins. HEELEY, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS taping Dane. Collins Street. Ienelun Falls. 'IJ \Ve led the trade last season, and we intend doing the s... ., . i w<'w "“ same this season. CLARK & son. Klingon _ l S. NEVISON g l I has removed his business to the store 2 DOORS SOUTH OF IIEAIID’S HARDWARE STORE, where he has opened out the largest stock of Christmas Goods ever brought into Fenclon Falls, consisting of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR’S CARDS, DOLLS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, STATIONERY, PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, A Fine Line of Plush Goods. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ‘ PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, WALL PAPER, OIL PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, 38" PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. Don’t forget the place, 2 Doors South of Board's Hardware Store. 5. NEVison. ‘ t W Old English hndilinn Powder, used by such well known horsemen as Joseph Staples, Mnnvcrs; Geo. Worry Fenclon ; Albcrt Ware, Fcnclon ; Wm Hancock, Illnriposn; (lco. Skuce, Ops ctc.,ctc. TESTED AND TRIED. Rain or shine, it won’t hurt any animal. 25c. EACH, 0R FIVE FOR 31. AFTER. W. 3‘. ELLIS, .AGENT, FICNELON IFALLS. BEFORE. Goodhand’s Livery, j 0 H N EastFrancisStrcct,Fenclon Falls. I wish R to draw the attention of the public to the fact that I have purchased the livery busi- MANUFACTURER 0F ncss lately owned by Mr. Wm. Routly, and have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the trnvclling public. 5 Iain prepared to furnish firstâ€"class horses and comfortable rigs atthc lowcstliving GEORGE GOODIIAND ______._________.___ 9 I - Everything belonging to the prices. Saddlery and Harnéss Trade constantly kept in stock. REPAIRING Done on the Shortest Notice. Fast Colored Cling» hams for 10c. Fast Colored Mus- Kent-st, Lindsay, 011i. 1113.5 for 100. Fast Colored Prints 1890. for 10 cents. ,ROUT CELLS The freshest Goods in Printed in first-class style. on good paper and at short notice .At the ‘Gazette’ Ollice. Wm. ‘ Several new cuts to select from. .PRICES RIG-HT. the village at

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