, FRIDAY, MAY 9TH, 1890. ‘ No. 1:2. , ONTARIO VOL. XVIII. FENELON FALLS W1 Professional Cards. 2 ___ _ _ __.__. __ R- M- MASON, \TETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- . iiate Ontario Veterinary College, Toâ€"l ' mute, 188-1 ; R. M. 0.".31. A. . O Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louisal i streets, Fenelon Falls. i Prohibition in Dakota. South Dakota. has adopted prohibi- tiou and every saloon in the State ii i.i be closed. The prohibition lllOVL'lln‘JEI is much stronger in the West, “‘ili‘l‘t' the country is sparsely populated and the inhabitants principally engaged in agricultural pursuitsd In the lame cities and the tliieklyl populated Stirs.» it has very little chance of being succu<s~ 6 DENTAL l M a N N D Y i fiil. the liquor interest being too sll‘tm; mm..«......««»«««»« for it. Whether it krill be successl'iii “' H' . 9 in Dakota remains ti) be seen. it is DENTIST, LINDS.-XY, certain that States irhere prohibition will he at the “ McArthur House,†Fenelon _ ~< prevails are not attraictive to settlers. Falls, the second Wednesday of each month. A b _" ‘ OMWM WOQWO especially to bel‘lllnllti. who drink lit‘r'l' Beautiful and durable urtiticiitl teeth made, pretty much as Americans drink in 0 I L- and all ether dental pork properly done. R E O i and 'coffcc that is nib, a bcwmw and F F d k ’ 3°“r13“‘ym†“pmwu‘e' lï¬'ly' l U E D l look upon all restrictive laws dii-uvn-d 01- ee m yes an 0 er 00 I N against itas oppressivï¬e. ll'prohibitim DENrFISrFRY. HIS BANKRUPT STOCK STORE To Were general throughout the Stains r r ‘ (hers migth be some advantage in it, THE FAMOUS THORLEY GASâ€"(VITALIZLD AIR.)}HHS NEW PREMISES, LATELY UGGUPIED BY 8- but as everything nowadays ls‘jlltlyttl ifroiii the monetary standpoint, tin- G010 J- NEELANDS, Dentist, Lindsay, if 8: lSttites where the liquor trailic is pt-r- ammmmflkmdsof00",,“Powder insist tightrttstftssmilitia; GOLDEN more STORE, one noon ensr pitted a,» an £0139 humid pm s . _ “I, ._ ‘. - - rcer out more ualli‘5‘- iic ti n tl : gm‘usuccess for overol “Iâ€: H" (“died 0F SPRATT 8t KILLEN’S States where the Halli: is pl'olilibitt-il. A L k N I H d with Dr. Coltonpof New York, theT iiiven- 1 - . tor of gas for Chlrflcllng teeth. Nimbch and for the he 5811 S0 long as there are supplies of liquor of pol-sons are Wearing fli-tlï¬Cllll teetlimade men will ï¬nd them out. True prohibi- â€" AT â€" by Mr- xeelnnds 20 years ago. and never Goods at the following very low Prices. tiou will prevail Only when the manuâ€" required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- ’ ‘lfllll crowns and bridgework done. Visits â€"â€"â€"â€">â€"o. facmre 0f the, pom?“ is emi‘yWhel‘“ , , ‘FCHOlUll Fang, McArthur House, on the ‘ suppl‘essctl.â€"â€"l\’etcs. ‘ '1: 0V FAI LS third Tuesday of every month. Call early \VOOl Tweed, per yard, __ ’-i M" F“ 'L ‘ ‘ ' 1“ “‘e dâ€- 40’†All wool Blue Sero‘e 450. per yard. F t I l ' ~ '5' ‘V E r L LI ,3 __ . o 7 u ure mangle ion. - o L >~ - AUcTIONEERS Beautiful Dress Goods, 10c. per yard. . _ . . {Mb . ,890 ' C 1 H1 H .' ,ti. D. HG d. . - ~ .. Sir Charles Tapper, Hitch Comniis L roar), . M o OILL emit kt iess oo s,46 niches w1de all shades 39c . . . 1 ~ . _ ‘. . v. . ’ 9 ' Sinner, in his ziniiuzilireport assures the -,, ._ ._,. .. .. .- , .w . . n - - WILSON & GRAHAM, DllVe 1n Blimk and COIOI‘Cd Sllks- Canadian Government that the class of Professional Cards. LICENSED ZOO. Wlllte Dress Lawns for 100. immigrants that will} come to Canada ":“"â€":""T:“~::'-f"iâ€â€i' “7:717†AU OTIO ZN‘E E R8 Job lot of Einbrmderies and Laces; from White & Co., littelv “‘15 ye“. ‘5 1“ every “ape?†“Perm†850. for the County of Victoria. Farm sales ‘ damaged by ï¬re. V llnboprlevmusd years. .mcflmmca‘ ï¬cni’lrfl .,-_._- "w Mada“; __. , a specialty _ . , ‘ - . . ‘ a re 's an .navvuis iave octco to X P DWI N JOHN WILSON, J. R. GRAHAM‘ Job lot‘oi Lace Ctu’tains in white and meant, from the fire. Canada, and insteadof being a beneï¬t ‘ F; . A. .1 1 [L1, q r .W 3,â€, Lindsay. Fem:le Fan, Beautilul Print-s from no. and up. to our country have forced the Canadian 1 ’I‘J‘ï¬idzfy‘c‘ M _ __ “mmflmï¬ï¬‚w CARTER, the Cheap ,Mgm. artizau to accept loti'y wages. What i i ) ~ - . . . .. i, ' . ' , , , i . -r- â€"- F012, Heavy Slurtlngs, fast colors, ac Canada requues is wen \i ho hate capi~ tal to invesr in her undeveloped reSour- ces. and especially those who have .siili'i» cient means to commence farm opera- tions in the North-Westunder favorable circumstances. Another redeemingr fea- ture of the report is tiiat. hereafter no persons will receive aid to emigrate who are afllicted in sucll a way, physically or mentally, that 1incapacitatcs them from earning their} own living. The. indiscriminate methods heretofore em- ployed in'selecting emigrants has entail» ed considerable expense on Canada, as many of them are today supported by ,) EDWARD P. CONSIDINE, . - Cottonades, only , Attorticy-itt-Li'tlw, Solicitor in Chancery, †Roller Torvening’ 50. Conveyance-r. out-y to can. Gre Factor 7 Cotton inches “ride on ' _. ‘. Knxr S'riinsr, - - LINDSAY, Osr. Muwers, Sulky Rakes, nglels (ml; 500 pg; ((1078v1 ) ly 80. , blg (hive. , I A‘ A I .......-â€"-â€"â€" ~~â€"-â€"»-â€"’-â€"â€"-â€"-’-""‘â€â€"‘ - _ - ‘ ,7" -' V . - G. [L HOPKINS, Rldlng ‘md Vi duflng 1310‘â€: Men’s Merino Undershirts, only 250. ; cheapâ€"cheap. (Successon To Mnm‘ix .5.- HOPKlNS) ROOt 13116399.er 1 CARTER, the Cheap Man of Lindsay, ARiilSTER, SOLICITUR, 5w, Morey 1am Ills 1,915, Feather Ticking [1t “7111 hold water] only 10c. ‘0 mm M 2) per mm Oflwe’ km G mu soweYS’ Men’s White Shirts only 500 each street Lindsay, nt. ‘ . v ‘ . it. , ~ . . , ' .. -. . bun“ Outtaâ€: New BrunsWick Cotton Yarn, 0 lbs. each, only 951. _â€"~‘ ~F. D._:ilOOlllC, - AND -â€" the chem) mm R Sm 7tllyq n ‘t d . ' i . T’l‘ORNEY,k ‘OLlCITlt . , _ l I t p c 9 - ) L 0 t s an . ’Sdliiidfv inning. none; to Loan. ALL KINDS of Agricultural Implements, Beautiful black bmlded Jerseys, only $1. Oilice, Kcntstreet,Lindsay. __ ALL AT __ Ileavy Grass Linen, only l1011§fsll9fmfugfn mid 0mm; Cl’arimbll‘; _-__.__#__.__â€"â€"â€" , ~ ‘ - : ms 1 u was. lvery coun ry 5 ion l o ' ‘ p - ' HUDSPFTH & J.\UI{SON W ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, Steamlo‘om’ 000d qu‘Lhty? £01 )0“ prowdc for its own poor, and Canada. . “muâ€,qu 30,,U{1.O,,S M’ of ~ CALL 0:; Hemp Carpet, good quallty, for 100. in refusing to receive any more pauper “ L l . - ‘ n 1 I n v' s Q ) .lY‘ . ' r ' . 1‘1 ' lice, \V’illittni street,Lindsay7. J. R. GRAI‘IAM, Agent, 2 SP001†Cotton Thle‘ld) d ‘nds each: ï¬n 50- ('mi’mms’ 18‘ ï¬fuucién “1?. muilfwih 0‘ A.lluoiipnru. A.JACKsos Fem,“ Falls, OM- Job lot of Bianufacturers Smulfles of flats [away down]. soctety geuela y.â€"-j (mat um i .tttun. __. . ._._..__...._.. ,_...~.... ... 0’! it my t O'LEARY Only to be had from CARTER, the Cheap man, ) innisrcns irron‘irys tr LAW S Men’s Tweed Paints 0111)’ 900- Somahgm a 120%“ . L ‘ -. . ‘. A L’i - , ) Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ollice, . n Serge n The May Day demonstrations in tin- 80:0“). Blgcii’ziiantsmet’ “m. Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his Cottonade Overall’s onlv 500. rope passed off without anything more RTHUR Una '. - A . I N. ‘ I ‘ . ', . ‘ ' m - i . 0 ‘1 .t1 H t r; “a†My“ - Insurance Business to me, I am prepared Blen’s (L11 WOO} ’lweed 5mm fm , 4. serious iappenin, tian ie aiies o i "'"\I DITYRE & STFW \RT to take risks on all classes of property BOYS, ‘ n at E1 95 few extremists in‘ the various cities. ‘ C ‘ C J ‘A ’ ‘ “I ' Emperor William had no occasion in ARRISTERS, Solicitors. Notaries, kc. At Very LOWOS‘: 331505- 30510, Men’s Odd Vests. 0W†W" 0m“ 1“â€â€˜k' KC“ Sim" None buiï¬rsi-class British and Canadian All to be found at the New Store, next to Spra’tt & Killen’s. Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on . . . . easy terms. Companies represented. See our beauhful Spmng Overcouts, half the pnce of ordered. try his bayonets or sabres on l'lolcl‘: or disorderly persons,iand it might be, mid that everything passed off pleasantly. . . . S - .I 'â€"““ , ‘ But the countenance "ivcn to social? 'lll 0' J. Md“nn:_____,__,_ ;T:‘if:: W†11‘.A.12.l\;[ PROPERTX’ †“(lbby Wa’tjellmoc’f †cal"3 attaChedâ€"ChCa‘p- by the Emperor is1 edi'tain to haveii“ at very low mm- The largest, nobblest and cheapest stock of Men’s Furnishings effect alter a while. Their iiieeiinp cannot again be piit down as they haw been in the past 1 and they will haw more liberty of action than they Inn-r had before. It is‘thc opinion of French Socialists that the great social uphuai-al which they have ibecii looking for in." years will beginjin Germany shortly and spread over d‘luropc. They haw- good grounds upon which to base :'-i- ir judgment, for German socialism can never in such a commanding position .l'~ it is tn-day, haviiig so strong: a votv 7.. the Reichstag that coiiihiiiutions u" it~ opponents are necessary to keep it truni having: the balance of power. But illi‘ der the patronage of the young Ztll'i erratic Emperorï¬irhat'a power twin: ists might becomeâ€"News. i I? 0†& MCLAUG’HL/N. .. . . gins/iris r Oflice' Bitters l‘lock $909000 to loan “01116 Percent-11h 111 Lmdsay. . ~ M \ . .c. . \ 1 . . B Kent sinctjinndsny,opposite Veitch’s - 130%, call and see the cheap man’s Ties at half price. Fm“. 310"“? ‘0 10““ “ “W†m†°f ‘V. E. E In In I S , Ladics,it IS to your advantage to see our Prints and Ginghmns, t .t. , H . . o . i r mtg: Onrof the ï¬rm will be M “mittâ€- Dmggm and B0°“=°“"' New destgns 111 Silk Handkerchiefs at 90c. he in Jurmtl‘fs monk' Fencm Fans: mg“- Fend‘m Fnus’ ‘7‘“ 25‘1" 1889' 20‘ 6 White Linen Handkerchlefs for 250. lsrlv ever" uesuiiy. >_ N W . ~ ‘ r ‘ h T l ‘ ‘ Joni A._B)ARRON. R. J. MCLAUGHLIN. Ladies’ and Misses} LIsle .l‘hitad Liidei vests for 200.; regular " M: I anti?" hfrd'fl'v: 36" Brick IIouse and Lot 1 2 Papers Pins for 50. MEDICAL F'll ’ ll‘ll - d b'th i : D '- - - . __ .. Sc‘alfyf’san'd £3,221, accucpi’c‘f mfg: Consult us before buying your Shootings and Pillow Cottons. A. W. J. DEG USSR )1. 1)., Mex- ï¬lo-Wimp See the Cheap Man for Table Napkins. CORNER. Pliysicinnï¬urscoq.k9, kc- 393' ‘Viu BO 501“ Cheap- Meii’s Napti Buck Driving Gloves, only $1, cheapâ€"cheap, streffs‘fifiihfdrimc‘i Oouagc’ “clllngwn Apply to W. R. ELLIS, Fenelon Falls. Ladies, 30 to for your Gloves- . ' â€"â€" 0r ‘0 J- SCH-1AM? Lindsar- Something new in Skir‘tiiigs. I "3M"?‘6â€â€˜=1590'â€"â€S“f The best satin-ï¬nished Table Oil-cloths, 35c. See our Ladies’ black Cashmere llose at 25c. DRS. WILSON & WILSON, llYSlClANS. srnunoxs .t ACCOU- l 'r‘. Olliee. Colborne Street, r‘ciielon ‘ A ~ ‘ " ______. Wt-.- ~__ ' C“ a i CARTER the cheap iii-.iii, next to hprntt 8; Julian , ‘ . , v . 1 Falls. I V , ’ . ’ , V Several Lliiriainen who enrlcaimm. E75. WNW“.Bpfx‘bt‘c,“i,,,.c.,._, salsut: V, bow brunswmk Caipet \Vni-ps, all shades, [away down]. to ï¬nd their way, in,†“,0 5mm ,.,..-., - ‘ ' . . .'..tiit.L . . . Dr' A' Humid. 8†M. r p ‘ x ' ; . N , Lower California not 1054. in the dim "i. “A my I"; “1 l ‘ i m '3 v58 g'" i and one of thcmldiml from pl'il’uliï¬u. I i . ‘ {'2‘ . - I 0 In" H' ‘ b .A t l ‘ . . . "" w ' f d .,..v “m. “mime, i The sum oi 33);).000 in gold con: N12» CRADUATF‘ "f a" U“‘V°“’~.l";"‘ a! Trill“). gigging gadgéniniiutemiii 553533; " Vé'v“ '“ i sent from San B‘eriiiirdiiio to San i’rrun {I Colleen Fellow of Trinity Medical hu- “Irdm‘mSQers duh. mun now sui‘cesa- . . L I " h ’ - ‘ " Tu“ Used * "it" "n b0 *1“ “he†“"3†‘3 “ ei~co b ' mail a few days n'vo an encum. Stimul- “cmiwr 0‘ me no)“1 ‘ “Hm-"c m racincy. i ix’ii'NKï¬â€™m! for tilan saws tenth. 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ a U - I ‘ *Biii- eons oi Fl\t{l‘\nll \lemher oi the Col-'with met: rum-"brine use oriniuool everybody . class matter at one cent an ounce. :.u ‘ K .'. r ‘ ‘5 - 1 - icon are thetrowunws nnwnnudoitbettermnn me p ‘ , ' I I _ p ' ‘ V lege of l‘lii-sicians s >iirgoons 0! ‘ 1mm"- grutm expert can without. it. Aanpmd igous‘g Insurance (ANDREI!) took a risk on im . ‘ v . ‘ .'. ‘ ‘ < " s . , . “thee and resilience on i‘ffllltlr-Dl.‘“ est ,Lmmauaaugtfgyfgfuszreï¬xglz (Suite; A“ com, and the bupk saved 810,, by mm: Fonelun Falls, Opposite the (;IJI€II€ oihec. ,Fï¬l‘r‘désiEY gzg‘utglfglé$§¢q:lshl‘3h the mail , . V C “I. I ‘ D l O ' J ’â€" ’“"""‘“â€â€""""““"' * "flï¬. , I , M. I’cdrous,ii piiyszcian at harm-v. SURVEYORS' France has thcl stranuc gift of hem-.3 .W FOR SALE, 2 Setsl l i r able to see the} color of sounds. il~ says that bitmap voices are red, hill-3, M w. .._... .. ..... ... fl; 2,...â€" l .____â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"- JAMES DICKSOS; iof Bobsleighsâ€"one light and iii-Sum OHCWmiSiiOnt‘fin WQ- B-v - ea A to ’. Q.â€"â€"An'ent for Tctlev 5: Co's India and whim" “mi 3““ “d ‘u “be†"mm"- ). Conreyayaccr, kc. Bcaidence, and .ad lone heaVy Ch p. pply I k C “ Gaylon Teas’ 1m" i and that the c lor of some very haml- in". hm“ m1, .3, ELLIs. {5111) in lead packages, guaranteed absolutely pure. Try it. ' Home "new pim i! like bummuk