“aâ€, of celebrairod‘zin this village; but there I is some talk of an excursion under the auspices of the )Iechanics' Institute, and we believe there is to be an excur- sion from Lindsay to the Falls by one of Crandell 5; Ellie's steamers. SPECIAL Seances ON SUNDAY.â€" .‘Ir. Utley, Secretary of the Young .‘len's Christian Association, Lindsay, will deliver two addresses on Sunday ï¬rst. llth llay. In the afternoon at. 4 o'clock he will address a meeting of men I only in the Presbyterian church ; and , in the evening at S 30, in the )lethoâ€"l dist church. the meeting will be for the I general public. NEARLY humanâ€"Last Mr. F. J. Kerr came near losing his row. which was caught in the act of stealing: potatoes out of a bag, and part- ly rwullOWlItl the one she had in her tnouth when driven away. Mr. R. )1. Mason, our village veterinary surgeon, was sent ior as soon as possible, and with him came “ Dr." ’l‘womey and Mr. George Jellrey, who lent their val- uable assistance. The cow was cast, (as she wouldn't stand to be operated upon.) and her mouth was held open by a sort of oval-shaped ring which Mr. Mason brought with him; but the job of removing the potato was a long one, as it was so firmly wedng in that nei- ther oi the men could get a good hold of it with his fingers, and Mr. Mason finally managed to extract it with n corkscrew. Fortunately for the animal hilt: could breathe a little, or she would of course soon have been dead; and, as it was, we fancy she must have been black in the face by the time they got through with her. lylrert the Unsavory has resigned his seat in the llouse of Commons, and it is to be hoped that the electors ol' Lin eoln will not disgrace themselves by sending him back again. Longue l’oiute Asylum, ten miles be- low Montreal, was completely destroyed by ï¬re on the tith inst., and a large but unknown number of the unfortunate in- mates perished in the flames or other- ,wisc lost their lives. Emperor William's disarmament nt- terances have not prevented him from bringing every influence to bear on the lloichstag, with the View of inducing it to consent to the increase of the Imper- ial army. His anxiety in this respect i: perhaps occasioned by the fact that France has 40.000 more soldiers and 700 more ï¬eld guns than Germany. The Emperor‘s request cannot be com- plied with without repealing the mili- tary clauses ot' the Constitution of the Empire, by which the annual conscrip- tion is limited to one per cent. of the population. This the lleichstag is nat- urally strongly opposed to doing. ____.__.__â€".â€"â€"-uâ€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" li'IllKFleS. Auburnâ€"In l’enelon Falls, on Friday, May ï¬nd, the wife of Mr. Isaac Archer of a Son. [lentoâ€"4:1 the township of Fenelon, on 'l‘m-sdny, May Uth, the wife of Mr. John ill-wie ofa (laughter. FELLâ€"In the township of Verulum, on \chnt‘sduy. May 7th, the wife of Mr. James l“\‘ll of twirl sous. ï¬..___._.___, ......._.. ._ l)IlCl). (Hymnâ€"In the township of Yerulnm, on Wednesday. May 7th, .\lr. Thomas Ulrer, aged o“) years and 6 months. l‘l‘IN‘l‘ILUN FALLS MARKETS. “quirk/ti by HIV -Vurlr’t Slur Roller .lllll ('0. Fenclou l’itlls, Friday, May 0th. IFSW. \\'hc:\\‘, t‘nll. per bushel.. . . $0.65 to $0 00 “hr-at, String " $0 ‘JU \\'l:t3:\t. Scotch 0r l’ift‘ . . . . 90 Lilli lltrlcy, per bushel . . . . . . . . 35 40 Hats. “ . . . . . . . . 30 3‘.‘ l'easc. . . . . . . . . 50 5‘1 ll_\'c. “ . . . . . . . . All ‘15 l'otutot‘s . . . . . . . . ‘25 3†butter, per lh . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 l?» llog=. per cut . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 5.25 lfggs. per dear-n . . . . . . . . . . 11’. lluV. per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 8.00 llltlu‘s . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . 2.25 2.75 Slicepskius............... ~30 1.00 New Advertisementst 000M OEEVISION. The Municipal t‘ouucil of the Township of London \\' ll inert for the revision of the Assessment ll ill or" the said Municipality {\‘7 illk‘ )t‘fli‘ it‘ll), AT GLENARM, 0V WEDNESDA Y. MA Y 28th. 7890. at l" o'clock p in. All persons interested will Like notice and g-n‘ern themselves accordingly. II. J. LYTLE. Clerk. (‘anrhrny. May 'Ind. lS‘.‘~.|.â€"-l‘.‘-'Zw Notice to Store~keepers. l Monday i i l hEST irrricrrr tr ten rants c rune n. In securing the Salvage Stock of DRY GOODS. READY MADE CLOTHING. GENT’S FURNISHINGS, Etc, in Hamilton at one-half price. we were fortunate, and are enabled to offer goods wonderfully cheap and gain the approval of our patrons. IN ODD GARMENTS WE HAVE From Tweed to the Finest Worsted. Youth’s Suits with both long and short punts. Boys Suits from the smallest Sizes in a. variety of patterns. Although we are talking Ready-made Clothing strong this week, we have EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN .A. FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS STORE IN ABUNDANCE. No need to be disappointed if you ask us for any- †thing in GLOVES, nosIEnY, EMBRoIDERIEs,‘ LACES AND CMISCELLAXEO 78 always well asseringUNS’, as we are M WllWll , Store-lemmas and others are hereby for~ ' hidden: to pro credit to any person whom- MM’VK‘! on my amount. as after this date I will no: {my for any goods obtained in my 1; ZKEXT STREET, LINDSAY. name witcha: a pram-d order from me. F'sill‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ .23 fans, April 34th, hutâ€"1‘3»: EDWIN W000. r Next to the New Post-Ofï¬ce, i A Rare Scully. blocks to suit purchasers. NO‘V IS l’O‘LTJR. TIDIE TIâ€"IE‘Y DIUST BE SOLD & McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate, Lindsay, or to The Banada life Assurance Bu'y, Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, Annual Income for the year ending 30th Total Sum assured to 30th .lnrll,1885, +87 - LOTS - 87% IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J. Will be sold in single lots or in Also a brick house and lot on Fidler’s llill. __..AS__ For terms and particulars apply to Barron “2E. ELLIS, Fenclon Falls. April 25th, 1890..â€"10tf ESTABLISHED IN 1847. ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. 1889, over $10,000,000. April, 1885. $1,840,000. amounts to $47,000,000. The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Oilicc doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio of expenses to income are less than that of any other Canadian or British ofï¬ce. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-class oflice. All’forms of policies are issued. MCDOUGALL a BRANDON, Agents, Fenelon Falls. PIONIC SEASON HERE ALREADY. 43.132 BUYERS ARE HAVING A DAILY P I C- I G ._AT_ Mrs. R. MoDOUGALL’S. Come and be not only suited and pleased but delighted with your new head attire. QUALITIES TO SUIT ALL. PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW. _â€"â€".â€"_â€"â€"- Millinery Purchased Here Trimmed Free. Mrs. Rï¬rï¬ougall, 2 Doors North of the Post-oflloc L.Demar,lltke, Colbome-St.. Fenelon Falls. CHAIRS. CHAIRS. CHAIRS- \Just arrived, another large assortment of Kitchen, Dining Room and Parlor Latest Styles. Lowest Prices. Stock of Furniture complete. as usual. For anything required during House- cleaning timedon’t fail to call on me. IN STOCK: PATTEN'S CELICIIRA'I‘ED ADJUSTABLE HEAD SPRING MATTKASS. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. L. DEYMAN. Iam prepared to supply eggs from pure- bred lloudans. Black (Joe-bins, Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns, ALL OF THE CHOICEST STRAINS. Price: $2 for a Setting of 13. or $3 for Two Settings. At the poultry show in Ilowmanrille last. January 1 tool; lst prize for Iloudnns and Plymouth Rocks: lst and 2nd prizes for Black Cochins ; and 2nd prize for White Leghorus. l. E. IREW, Russell-3t, lindsay. Lindsay, March 25th, tamâ€"mt. years. CALL OH R. .l. FROST WHEN YOU WANT A HUGE WATCH. A. New Line Just Arrived. ALL KIN DS OF THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE 7 7 PIPES And SILWRPLATB KEPT l.\" srocir. WATCHES AND CLOCKS illllilllll llil‘llillil. _â€"___â€"-. R. d. FRQST, “ The J eweller,†lid ill be led (many by cverypzqï¬ of 2.0272th that blows. STILLâ€"ALIVE and able to compete in my own line of business and thank my numerous patrons for their kind support for the last ten I have withstood op- position ï¬ve times in the last ten years in Fenelon Falls, and will still be able to give satis- faction, as in the past, after having had thirty years’ ex- perience. .r. snawnn, Watchmaker & Jeweller, FENEL 0N FALLS. 2 Doors South of Mechanics'lnstitute. GREENE 86 ELLIS’S LUMBER. YARDS, illiilllli HillilNll lliillSll. “'0 have for sale here and at Lindsay all kinds oflhrildiug Lumber. .lniFl,S('1lllIllllfl l'lunk, Timber, hath. l‘irkcts. Shingltw . Fence Posts and all kinds oi l'lanHl Itml Matched Lumhr r from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, both l'iue null Hemlock, inch and two i!l('h. is mostly new stock, out last St'HSUH. wle roof! d. dry and bright, manufacturrd expressly for the local trade 02' Fondon Falls and Lindsay and surrounding Country. From our long ‘5);pet‘it‘nfrl‘ in the bu=iucss, and being builders ourselves. we have a good idea of what is required for ï¬rst clues or common building materials for houses, barns uml outbuildings. We have assorted and piled by themwl v1~.â€"‘ both qualities to suit purchasers. I’riu-i- from $2; 50 to $5 per .‘vl foot and upwards. We have about two million lc-rt that mu". be sold to make room ior new stock. Par- ties requiring any of the above stock will save money by calling before purchasing elsewhere, or by sendith tlmir hills her" or to Lindsay for quotations. lllls estimated and returned for approval. (Tan ship by (-nr loads to all points. Can get special rates on to April next. Send on your ardent, “’ One Dollar Saved is Two Dollars Earned." TAKE Normaâ€"The above is all gang Illin- bcr, parallel widths. GREEK}: & ELLIS, Fenrlrm Milli, SAM'L PAP-SUNS, Agent at Lindsay. l t r