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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Jun 1890, p. 1

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,5..‘ VOL. XVIII. iSEEDS? W Clover Seed, 9 0 Timothy Seed. MOMWMQWWOW lllltli SUPPLY. PRICES lOW. Oi L CAKE, For Feeding Calves and other Stoolt. __â€"â€" THE FAMOUS THORLEY Horse and (little Food, and all other kinds of Condition Powder. A large Stock Now in Hand ._AT_. ELLIS’S DRUG STORE, FENELON FALLS. ‘VV. E. ELLIS. February, 1890. Pro ibssional Cal-(ls. _ elicits-“flc A. I’. IJICY LIN. )ARIIISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street. Lindsay. EDWARD l’. CONSIDINE, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyanm-r. Money to loan. lim't‘ .‘i’rztrsr, - - thtlsar, Ox'r. G. ll. HOPKINS. (St'cctzssott ‘ro Mann): 5; llot‘tttss) )A‘llll-fi’l‘lill, SOLlClTUll, rite Money I) to Loan at '3 per cent. Ulhcc, Kent strce:.liindsay, Unt. r, n. MOORE, i A RRISTBR. ATTORNEY, J; SOLICITR 1:) and Notary Public. Oillce, Kent street, Lindsay. ,__________,_________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I'll? DSI’I‘ITH S; JACKSON, \ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. b lice. William street,Lindsay. A. Jaexsox Of- A. Ilt'osrnrtt. U'LEARY & O'Ll“A1lY, ~ )ARRIS'TERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAlY, b Solicitors in Chancery, Sec. Oltice, Doheuy Block. Reutstreet, Lindsay. An‘rut‘n ()‘Lnanv. llL’GII U'Lsanr. MCIN'I‘YRE 8:. S'I‘EWART, )AIIIIISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. ) U'liees over Ontario Ilauk, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Mclxrrnr. BARRON &. MEL/l UGHL/IV. ) A RRIS'I‘E RS, E .c. Ollice: llaker‘s lllock â€" Kent Street, Lindsay, opposite Veitcli’s Hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. . if? One of the firm will be at their of- fice :n Jordan's block, Fenelon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesday. Jens A. llanttox. T. STEWART. R. J. MCLAL‘GHLIN. T” ___" ' L- L......_L_.Z.;_.-..-. ..._.._... __ __ A. w. J. DEGR; ssr, M. 1)., ORIINER. Physician.Surgeou.&c., kc. 0 Residence, Brick Cottage, \\ ellington street. Lindsay. IlllS. WILSON & WILSON.- Pill’SlClAXS, SURGEONS .k ACCOU-l :bers. Otlice. Colborue Street, Fenelon I-‘ai'ts. ' 1-3.5. \\'i:.so.v,x. B...\l.D.. can. it.c. r. .i s., Ont Dr. A. Wusox. u. 3., M. c. r. .t s., Uni. nit-H. u. GRAHAM, "iRADl'ATE of the Unisersity at Trinity I College. Fellow of Trinity Medical School. Member of the Royal College or Surgeons oi England. Member ol'the Col- lege of Physicians l: Surgeons oi Ontario. Udice and residence on FranCis-St. \\ est Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gaunt otlicc. .......n- -._.. sciences. JAMES DICKSON. L.Surve_vor. Commissioner in ihe Q. R. e heav _chea , A 1 to, . Conveynneer. ac. Residence. and :td- on y p pp y dun, Fculon Falls. ,JOllN WILSON. Money to WU- llLL KINDS of Agricultural Implements, I ‘ at very low rates. Professional Curtis. VETERINARY. R- M- MASON, 'ETERIXARY Fl'RiiI-ZON : llonor (trad- nut-.- tintario Veterinary College, To-; rotito. 1554 ; R. M. 0. Y. M. A. l 1t.;si._1.~ticeâ€"tTurner Colborne and Louisal streets. Fetielon Fails. ‘ DENTAL. W. H. GROSS, DENTIST, LINDSrXX”, will be at the “ .‘IcArthizr House," Fezielon l-‘a'. s. the second Wednesday of each month. Beautiful and durable artiticial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. Nearly :37 years’ experience. lG-Iy. DEN’FISCFR‘Y. Gasâ€"(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. Nestaxns, Dentist. Lindsay. iii you want teeth extracted positively with- out pain. Gas ltas been given by him with great success for over ‘11 years. He studied with Dr. Cotton, of New York, the inven- tor oi‘ gas for extracting.r teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing :irtilieial teeth made by Mr. Neelands ‘30 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridgework done. Visits I’enelon Falls, McArthur 1101150. on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. AU CTIONEERS. WILSON &. GRAHAM, LICENSED AUCTIOlfl‘E ERS for the County of Victoria. Farm sales a specialty. J. R. GRAHAM. Fenclon Falls. 3o-ti‘ Lindsay. F O 1?. HAMILTON light Steel BINDER, Mowers, Sullty Rakes, liding and “Talking Plows, Root. Pulpers, Grain Crushers, Grain Sowers, Straw Cutters, â€" AND .â€" -â€" ALL AT -- ii“ ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, CALL on J. R. GR-AI-IxLDI, Agent, Penelcti Falls, Out. - __...â€"â€"â€" INSURANCE. Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his Insurance Ilusincss to me, I atu prepared to take risks on all classes of property At \rcry Loxvost Rates. None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. W FALIIBI I’R OPERTX’ $50,000 to loan from 6 per cent. up. \V. E. EIJIJIS, Druggist and Bookseller. Fenelon Falls, June 25th, 1880. 20. FOR. SALE. 32;?” I3riok 1101150 and Lot on Fidler’s Ilill. owned by the late Danie J. Scully, and recently occupied by Mr , Alex. McArthur, W‘S'ill 130 Sold Cheap. Apply to W. E. ELLIS. Penelon Falls. or to J. SCULLY. Lindsay. January 16th, 1890â€"484? i ! Cords'ltl s ‘ â€"o ~ . .t - “ ' '3? ONE IAN. Write for desert tive catnlocue containing testimonials 1mm tau-,6 0! poop“ "I- luv and h‘. c to 9am dot . mu) now success- ‘uu! used. Axener can be ad where there if 5 vacancy. A mt immox roi- tiling saws sent "- ' 6 do it better than the Adapted to all should can file their own curs new on greatest expen can Without it. mama‘s. Every one who owns a saw hive one. I. III! to In” v. nuuruiun in (auto. All . tor or write roLblSG BAWISG Xb- ‘ ‘ii’iitdi‘cou so; to an 5. rant 5e. cum in. ___...._....._ tar FOR SALE, 2 Sets lof Bobsleighsâ€"one light; and W. E. ELLIS. S. Nevison, PAINTER â€"-A.\'D-â€"â€" oporâ€"Hongcr, â€"A.\ID DEALER INâ€" Paints, Oils and Glass, Crockery, Glassware, Jewelry 85 Fancy Goods. Williams from 50. to 50c. per roll. Oil-Painted. Shades a specialty. ..__. 3%“ Remember the placeâ€"2 doors south of J. I-Inann's Hardware Store. Fenelon Falls. May 2111111, 1890. 14. llllllllmlllllflllll. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the County of Victoria will meet In the Council Chamber in the Court House, Lindsay, -â€"0lIâ€" Tuesday, the 10th of June, 1890. at two o‘clock p. m., for the transaction of general business. T. MATCHETT, County Clerk. County Clerk’s Office, Lindsay, May 27th, 1890. - i - .. ‘ v. ‘ t. i ' ‘ Mb ll ‘ -e'f." â€" ~ 3 ‘w’,’ ‘.. " V _ "Qt: . g b. .4 VL.eyman,Undortolter, Colborne-Stu Fenelon Falls. CHAIRS. CHAIRS. CHAIRS- Just arrived, another large assortment of Kitchen. Dining Room and Parlor Latest Styles. Lowest Prices. Stock of Furniture complete, as usual. For anything required during House- cleaning time don’t fail to call on me. IN STOCK: PATTEN’S CELEBRATED ADJUSTABLE IIEAD SPRING MATTItASS. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER lll‘IFORE. L. DEYMAN. EGGS FOR HATOHING. bred Iloudans. Black Cut-Inns. Plymouth Roi-ks and White Leghorns, ALL OF THE CHOICEST STRAINS. TWO Settings. Atihe poultry shew in llowmanvillc last January I took lst prize for Iloudans and Plymouth Rocks: Est and 2nd prizes for Black Cochins: and 2nd prize 3 for White Leghorns. Lindsay. March 25th. l890.â€"G:f. ‘ Notice to Store-keepers. Store-keepers and others are hereby for- bidden to give credit to'nny person whom- sOever on my account, as after this date I will not pay for any goods obtained in my name without is printed order from me. EDWIN WOOD Penelcn Faill. April 2411., 1890 â€"ie4' Iam prepared to supplyegqs from pure- |Price: 82 for 9. Setting of 13, or $3 for gll.t.iith, Russoll-st..lindsay. with each nun-m by the use of wt: tool everybody I INS‘URANCE. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. issues by far the best Farm policy in Canada. JOHN AUSTIN. Ayrnt. Fenelon Falls, June 12th,1890. 17. â€"'I‘I-IE- ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, VS. THE LONDON MUTUAL, FOR FARMERS. The Royal Canadian offers the following advantages over the London Mutual: 1. Ifa building worth $1200 is insured for say $1000, the Royal Canadian is oblig- ed to pay $1000, ifa loss occurs. In such a case the London Mutual is obliged to pay only two thirds of the cash value, or $800. 2. Ifa horse worth $90 is killed in the fields by lightning, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay $90. The London Mutual pays only 860. 3. For a cow worth $30 killed by light- ning the Royal Canadian pays 830. The London Mutual pays only 3‘30. For other animals the Royal Canadian pays the full value. The London Mutual pays not more than $5, no matter how valuable the animal may be. 4. In the Royal Canadian animals are insured against lightning while at pasture anywhere. In the London Mutual they are insured while pasturing on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured specifically. such as musical instruments. the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount insured up to the cash value of the article. The London Mutual pays only two-third of the cash value, no matter what the in- surance may be. 6. When -- ordinary contents ” of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian ALL implements are included. In the Lon- don Mutual ouly one reaper and one mower are included, no matter how good others may be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one sum the “ ordinary contents ” of all building not cut oil“ bya distance great- er than 40 it., the same as if the contents were all under one roof. The London Mu- tual requires a Separate sum on the con- tents of each building, it‘ the distance is more than 12 ft. This is a very important dilfercnce iti many cases. 8. In the Royal Canadian it is a part of the contract that standard srnau Titansunns mav be used without a. special permit and without any restriction as to the distance from stacks or buildings, caretakers, pails of water, kind of fuel or direction of the wind. Matty of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obling to run their own risk while threshing last season, be- cause it was found to be impossible to com- ply with the conditions of their permit. When a farmer pays for insurance he should secure a policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. 9. The Royal Canadian is obliged to pay its losses within sixty days and usually takes much less. The London Mutual need not pay for ninety days, and since it has become so hard tip as to be obliged to bor- row money largely, it usun.iy takes about the full time allowed. 10. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutory conditions only. It has none of the numerous variations against the policy-holder printed in red ink on the back of the London Mutual policy. 11. As to security, the inspector of insu- rance reports that the Royal t'anadian has necessary to enable the company to carry out all its engagements with its policy holders. Besides this he reports that i'. has to the good the S»iu0,(rliti Capital paid in cash by the shareholders, and a net surplus Sl 17,13”? liliililllg iii all a total cash surplus of $5173”? to protect its polic_\'-ltolders against unexpected contingencies. in mi- dition to these cash items it has a sul.~(_-:-ii,- ed capital of :‘ltltLIJHH'I not called up. gill‘tllllg the security of the London Mutual lit-- unearned premium it should have (in lumil is Stumllttu. To make up this amunat in cash a second call would have to be made leaving a surplus of only 9371.31“. even it there Wet'e no bad debts. and thi~ surplus is made ttp wholly of lliC unpaid balance of pr initim notes already heavily “SKI-“wit. The company report~ the losses ariytsttul but unpaid at the close of the year at So".- 387, but the Inspector of Insurance finds that the liability for unpaid losses at the end of the year was $3".3:G. The rash on hand to pay these losses only amounted to $1:l,:-li. in view of the foregoing: facts farmers will have no difficulty in deciding as to the company in which they should be insnrcd. for insurance apply to S. COI‘KNICIL. lT-Bm. 7 elon Falls “ Gazette,’ only SI a year in advance. modetate prices. $302,758, the amount he estimates to be: l l’uivcrsity at the :th of It} years. the inspector reports that the amount oil on the premium notes for a l-U‘ge amount. I Agent, Lindsay. th?’ Subscribe for the Fen- All kinds " . of Job Printing executed neat- ly, expeditiously, and at very Under the Wreckage. HEARTRENIIINU SCENES 0N THE \YAliAall RA 1 l.\\'.\ Y. ST. LOUIS. 310., June libâ€"Particu- lars of the wreck on the Wabash road yesterday my the scene at the wreck was a terrible one. Cars and Engines were intermingled in one huge mass of debris, from under which came screams of wounded and dyinv Some were cursing and begging to killed, while. others were praying for help. In one of the cars next to the engine was a most pitiful sight. The sides had been crushed and the roof was resting in an inclined position «arms the bed cl'Jas. Keller and his son Fi-ank. They were lying on their pillows just as they re- tired and never knew what hurt them, although they were horribly crushed. About two feet from them was an im- prisoned negro, who was alive but had a leg and arm last under the wreckage. In the same our two dead accrues were found, while a little further on was found one negro boy scalded and liter. ally cooked alive, and a colored jot-key buried under a car of' shelled corn. from which position it took several men three hours to extricate him. A tort-e ol‘ men worked from two o'clock until 7. resus- clawing,r the unfortunates. and had it. not been 101' rain the loss of life would have been much greater. There went in all eight. head taken out. four whites and tour accrues. and 25 wounded. The eighth body is that of Frank Mor- ton, 528 West Fortyiil‘th street. New York. The loss to the railroad will ll~ mount to over 5200.000. Nine blooded horses were killed, while many were. badly injured. Several persons are. mis- sing, and the search for bodies under the wreck was continued at a late hour last night. __..__._. - ..__ -0, . What a Buffalo Paper Says. Ill'l‘FALO, June T.-â€"â€"'l'he News. in its issue of to-day, clitorialiy says (it the. Ontario elections :â€"â€"“ The divughiy little Attoruey-(leucral has been sustain- ed and the de~tiuies of Ontario will re- main in his kculilllf.’ lor another low; term. The province supports Sir John Maedouald iu Dominion politics, but Oliver Mowat's pel'mtlal popularity, his high personal character, his: notable ad- ministrative powers and his genuine lib. ei‘iillty of views have kept the Liberals in power in Provincial government tor many years. llacc and religion t't‘les have been made against Mr. Mowat, and the campaign in many respects “5' scmbled those of the days of the Know- uOtliing agitation iii this country. All liberal-minded citizens in this country who do not believe that such questions should be brought into politics will be pleased to see tanaticirm giVeu a black eye as it Was.” â€"~ 7-- -â€"â€"~». -4“. A SeminOle Reporter. A haltlbrecrl Seminole habenmc from New Orleausto Pittsburg in a small paper canoe? John llyeut':t~~ is the English translation of this lmlian’s uti- prmiounccable name. Mr, liyvgrass is tall and well termed, with the sinall ‘ hands and feet which lmi'd llyrnn says are the sure cxennplar~ of noble descent. lllyegrasrs was born at 'l‘allnhatehie, Florida, but was taken by Father llur- nor. a Jesuit Priest. in the New Orleans llc .‘ seems to be fairly educated. and states , that his ambition is to become a lH'Wr Lpaper reporter. } the. .‘Xlleglicny as list“ as it is navigable, and then return and transport his mum.- l to lake l‘irlc. :luliti ll_.‘e:t'cm-' has itrl'-. ' tell several article.- ibi‘ the New (L‘lenns ‘ I’.'«-ug/unr- and other southern [aflltl‘i'r.-â€"~ [’l‘ffSl/il/‘q llfslullt'lt. . .fi-. ._ Ids-President Clevl land has lawn : C‘lCCleil a member hi the Century Club. Several buildinu~ were burtmi on 1 Saturday in the Village (d Munsumin. , X. W. T. 1’ An English syndicate is said to be , buying up larze iron works at l’arkrns- l burg, W. Va. Two cattle sheds were destroyed by fire at Montreal. and 3:: cattle m-re t cremated. on Sunday. i The northbound stage from l'kiah.. l 3 (7.11.. was robbed on Friday by a lotit: : highwayman. 600 from the Wells Fargo box. | In Quebec city the Other day a golden l wedding was celebrated, the Ceremony lbeing repeated with the same gromm- I l i man and bridesmaid as on the first mur- 3 tinge; and the same hackmnn conveyed l the part] to the church. llc will prom-ml up. The robber secured Sl,-.. 0

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