Feeding a Big Lnake. “Lilli APPET‘IZIXG MEAL A BOA CON- DTIII‘IT‘IR DELIGHTS IN. Three corpulcnt rabbits of Belgian Lr-wgd were caged in a soap box quietly awaiting their fate. They Were the up. -=; for which the snake was anxiously He had not tasted meat in il'I‘ll' months, and his voracious maw ‘.'~t'~‘xll(.‘"i like a bottomless pit for the ntii‘r-rrrtn:ite trio in the soap box. Man- 'tklzllilllu. ol' the rabbits. After stroking “ bunny †on the back for a moment he opened the door to the snakes den and tlirust him in. The latch boa had curled himself up in a corner, but at once roused himself for action. He was lul- ly twelve feet long. and having recently slwl his winter coat, his skin glistened anl show: like satin. He raised his lll'Ml a foot or so from the floor and viewed the first course of his quadri-an- nnal meal. The rabbit showed no signs of fear but rather seemed to enjoy its new quarters. The snake slowly lower- ed his head and cautiously began to stretch himself along the side of the ~ll'll. the rabbit. which was still unconscious of his longer. Suddenly the rabbit be- gill! to not Stl'ullgt'ly and to cut all sorts of ritiiculeus Capers. He would leap lale'k and forth over the snake and then r ll up against it. and appeared to bc fascinated. Slowly and stealthin the snake turned his head about until it was within a f' ot of the rabbit’s hauncli~ es. Then, quick as a flash, he darted =.'u'\vartl. seized the rabbit in his mouth and in another instant there was nothng to be seen of the little animal save the tips of his cars, which protruded from l-ntwecn the folds ofthc snake. The huge serpent then raised his head full two feet from the floor. dart- ml out his forked tongue and hissed horribly at the motley group watching him. lf'thcrc was any strugglingr on the part of the rabbit‘it was not visible. The snake had him in his awful coils. Then the coils slowly, but with a strength which was terrible to look at, began to tighten till every bone in the poor rab- bit's body must have been broken. This done the coils relaxed, and the limp. lifeless body of the Sportive rabbit of a few moments before lay ready to be swal- lowed. First the serpent nosed his vio- tim all over. The eyeballs of the dead rabbit were protruding from their sock- ets. and by way of beginning the hon licked them with his tongue. Once more he coiled about his victitn, leavingr his head and shoulders free. Then he opened his monstrous jaws and, taking v ounny’s " head therein, began to swal lovv,’ noon the head and shoulders were out of sight, and in leSs than fifteen minutes the hind legs follo'wed. â€"â€"â€"___...o. . ,. Stanley says the director of' a Dutch house. recently told him that his firm now has 30 steamers on the Upper Con- go, and that their house alone has bought $1,500,000 worth of ivory in the last two years. Herr Victor Meyer. in an address at Heidelberg, announces that we may reasonably hope that chemistry will aid us to make the fibre of' wood the source of human food. The fibre of wood con- sists essentially of' cellulose, and l-lcrr Meyer hopes to make it into starch. During the last year 303 clks were shot in the forests of Norway. Most of tlmii were killed in the District of Nam- tl;i.s. in the north of Norway, where the best forests are let to English tenants. Tito rental returned to the Government ir-un the oil; forests is nearly £60,000 a year. i‘no visit of the. Shah's first favorite wit'o to Europe will c0st at least £20,- not) [Ier journey from Teherun to anna occupied four weeks and expens- es were £6,800. The fees of the two surgeons who attended her in Vienna and operated on her left eye amounted to .L'lJiUll. and £1,000 has been paid for. the hire of the villa at Frazcnsbad, whore the Sultana is to go for a month before returning to Persia. The Sul- tuna. who is just forty two, but who lo zks like a very aged. woman, has im- inmse influence over the Shah, who is d~vote=l to her. and, if she had died durm; the operation which she recently un-lt-rwt-nt. the astrologers who advised th.‘_i urraey to Vienna would assuredly have been beheaded. W The -' I‘enclon Falls Gazette†l: panted every Saturday at the office, on the corner ot‘llny 1.: Francis streets. i.r.clil?'l‘10§ $11 YEAR IN ADVANCE. or one cent per week will be added as long as it remains unpaid. .Judvcrtising' Itates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 25 cents per line for the first insertion. and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- r'on. Contrasts by the your, half your or q mrter. tor a column or less, upon reason~ able terms. JOB PRINTING a! all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor may and reasonable rates. 3. D. BAND, I’M. A Rare Chance ! +87 -LOTS- 87s l | l Scully. "blocks to suit purchasers. N()\V , , l THEY MUST BE'SOLD ager bell appeared and drew forth one l .l: McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate. ‘ Lindsay, or to THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE Capital 6; Assets as at the 30th of April, lle never once took his eyes off Annual Income. for the earending30th Total Sum assured to 30th April, 1885, IN' FENELON FALLS FOR-SALE, Belonging to the Estate-of the late Will be sold in single lots . A350 :1 bricl; house and lot onl’idier’s Hill. IS X’OL’R T131133 â€"_._â€".. ‘XSâ€"_. For terms and particulars apply to Barron W.F.. ELLIS, Fenelon Falls. April 25th, 1800.-â€"-10tf The [lanatla life Assurance fu’y, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. WW-.. _______________.._.. GROCERIES â€"_-\ND-â€" PROVI SIG N S. J. McrAnLAND has now on hand a splendid stock of fine fresh TEAS, CGFFEES, 1889. over $10.000,000. April. 1885, 81, 40.000. amounts to $47,000,000. The profit; of this old and reliable Com- | puny are larger than any other Life Office ‘ doing business in the Dominion. and its i ratio of'cxpcnses to income are less than I that of any other Canadian or Iiritisn office. The policies of this Company are indisputa- blc on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-class office. All forms of' policies are issued. MCDOUGAliL (v BRANDON, Sugars, Syrups, Tobaceos, Rice, Raisins 43.13’. Agents, Fcuclon Falls. Currants, Starch, Soaps autlil allllothcr ' groceries, which he wt so The Great Discovery. Cheap for WRead carefully and act wisely. Many valuable lives can be \’(‘ll by the and to which he invites the attention of the public. in???“ 1150 Of: tier MOSES COURT THAN-SHE‘S CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, 99.3fmooossoosowoo~ooooo¢os..ooooqooo~â€"~¢¢oooooom ' Earthenware. Brooms. I’ails, \Vuslitubs, l Blocking-brushes. Clothes-pins. Matches and other articles in great variety. Canned llSll, lull ll legelables of the very best brands and at the low- est possible prices. Cash l’aitl for Butler 8; Egg. and other farm produce. m3? Flour and feed kept constantly on hand. .00 booooov allied Whirl? m§}“‘..........-.-...............m........ KQTThis is undoubtedly the host lung med- u§§?icinc in the world. and for Dyspepsia {(7,}?has no equal. Manufactured by Moses {Cï¬i‘Courtctnanchm Midland. and sold by W E. Ellis. Fenelon Falls. . â€"-5'l-17-3m. o O 3 Q 9 9 outlines “um. Notice is hereby given that the business hitherto carried on by Samuel Swunton as a dealer in JOSEPH MCFARLAND. amulet. Fast Colored Ging- hams for 100. Fast Colored. Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. W The freshest Goods in ovowowuovo¢~¢oowooseoouoo»“oooo¢«omo RailWayTics. Cordwcd. Telegraph Poles. Cedar and all kinds of Timber. Lumber and Shingles, owmooooooo coco.nooooocooooooowomoouoono woocovoooooo. 00969006000 will be continued on a much larger scale than formerly by the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASII PRICES, and payments will be promptly made on the 15th ot‘every month for all materials delivered. 3E5“ One of‘ the firth will be regularly on the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton, No. 5‘]. Victor Avenue. Toronto, or to J. H. Brandon, Fcnelon Falls. SWANTON, BRANDON & Co. N. B.â€"Mr.Swanton thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten years, and lit-gs to solicit a. continuance or" the same for the new firm. Fenelon Fails, Aug. 7th, lSSQ.â€"â€"‘36-tf. SCHOOL BOOKS _AND SUPPLIES PATENT I MEDICINES AND DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT rm Ts JUNKIN’S. the village at Wm. Campbell’s. MHN BERRY, MANUFACTURER 0F SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES. Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept In stock. Done on the Shortest Notice. lKent-st, Lindsay, 011i. .. v- , . . v ‘5 It ï¬ll 0 led the trade last season, and we intend domg the same this season. “use. navel Lot For Sale. . positc the south ward school house, li‘cnc- ~W .._â€"â€" ' FARMS tron} LE. The following cheap andï¬g‘idod farms are in the finest section of \\"cstcm Un ' Send for the “Canadian Farm Adver scr’ l to]. J- Dilly 8‘. Co.. Guelph I'. 0.. l bit. I! is sent free and gives the acres cleared. sizes and kinds of bindings, No. we. of i these and :75 other farms. No stones. hills or swamp on tho tarmo. '- and the soil is guaranteed deep. rich. lay loam that never bakes. Money sent i' re- quired an guarantee. for expenses it the farms are not cheap and as reprcst-tvr'd. and intending buyers. after seeing trem. 7. left to decide for themselves, and I.-"l‘. keep or return the money as they think right. Pure spring water on every farm. Lani ; fences; land not hilly nor tint. Gr. \z'l roads. cheese factories. crt-amcrlcs. win ’ churches and post ol‘liccsncar all lll.‘l1ll‘l.l.~'. 2 Good waterevory where and hoalthy econ- ‘ tr . Only enough money to bind the Emma-n need be paid until taking posac53.0n. and then 60 per cent.. $00 of every area. of the price will be left on the forms, or less than that, it buyers wish. payabl: jun: to suit the buyers in every way. This wm .10 put in writing and is the boat chance :3er offered to buyers. All buyers get good titles and their deeds when they take pesâ€" session. l l ' $3.8m . l and burn. market town with railway .' miles. ' ‘ l 7"“ â€;‘“‘â€"“â€""‘y,"':, .- ,..v .. . y, g Ill .\t.ts.. )\lL..Y(tl. .. lt' 110 acres, 65 clmrnl. '; .l. as fine maple hush. glam: r.‘ .. : bush, brick house. -..l m. barn. market town only I mile. East Francis S:rect,l’cuelou Falls. I wish 1 9...») . .. O to draw the attention of the public to the ""0,O( ). fact that l have purchased the livery busi- ' _;:;_.._-_-_'.. ncss lately owned by Mr. Win. llontly, and , (l, 2") . have made such improvements as will meet ' â€"-5-~ , V . . . . "a ) the requirements of the travelling public. A . l l --.__. Iain prepared to furnish first-class horses . â€"..-~ ~ - i . . . r H_ , and comfortable rigs at the lowcsllivmg prices. market town with railway _: ' ‘ W190 llk‘l'l‘.\.l)l| L‘li‘ll‘lt‘ti, m i‘l‘. h, b ,L . ‘ large fresh \\’;|l(“.‘ Law :~. boundary at back end, good liousennd barn. Ell.†inn. town with railway 5 miles. N "8"" _’ ' l a villuth .2 miles. market town with ruilw 100 acres. \‘orlcar . ' and burn. near 1: ' ‘ 50 acres, all clean-t1. gut-d buildings. lit-.tr mar kci. 65 acres :lll cit-arr... L'I‘Ol. . I‘lllllllltgs‘,lll‘;ll‘l2l1‘2(‘10nd. 100 .ttics. *St‘lcarui. i; innit, brick house and our}; “.illz, IllllK‘S. \ il‘. 1:: 'i: .lr. GEORGE GOODIIAKD Tlouse and Lot For Sale. The East half of Lot No. ‘2. west of Col- bornc and north of' Francis street, Fenclou r' ï¬esant-gigsammo. Falls, Co. Victoria, the property of Mary K'. 9),! A o “""ldvf-imd“mmâ€5‘“ 205 amps, rm l‘lt'ilYl‘tl. l'\\l ltard\\'ood,lhtusc :im. l-21|.~, llv.:rn. Calder. The“. is on the “remit,†.l “anâ€. market with railway l lllllt'. large town (: mills. . . ~ ~ s i ".L '_. " "m" L 7 if. Lia‘.‘ " . ., - . 0-) ~ 0-. . . t . ‘ . . ; . .. l .0 .3 100 .u its, by titdlL‘ll. 5 » l‘lollst. .... A OJ cht. For full patt.cnlais i an )’ , wood, mm brick hum _ . 7,. apply to large hank burn, market town with railway 3 in~ ~ I I?) 6) ' 200 acres, iï¬n \: ‘ti b _ , A Q) . balance hardwmul, .- «tt . of fine buildings, :bank barns and : good house». market town with railway _- lllllk'h‘. run lw and l.dividedâ€"one of tlio lit-st farms in the con ' ,olio East: .1 suit purchaser, tine buildings that cost a inumm. This farm adjoins Citv of Guelph, and is one til the best grain and stock farms of its sin: in Ontario. MARY CALDER, Nov. 19th, lSSE). Omcmcc P.O. :. .- v v ,. For sale, very cheap for cash, a half-acre corner lot. and the buildings thereon, op- "mâ€"CW‘ P’“_"â€" I {320,000. valuable hardwood bush, 3 sets lino bull-hm \. J hank burns, 1 line new brick tlwrllinz. ut-ar pt-tu‘. market town with railways. licst large farm in llll‘ , . L150 acres in l‘llll'l‘. w, lou Falls. The house is 18x24 feet, 1.1. cleared, m H... ,3...- stories high, on a. stone foundation, with a kitchen 13 x 20 feet and a. woodshed. There REPAIRING are also a workshop 1-1 x ‘20 feet, a. never failing well of excellent water and a. few fruit trees. The buildings were erected about twelve years ago, and are in good condition. Apply at the GAZETTE oflice, or to the undersigned. GEO. W. MARTIN, )0 Pearson Avenue, St. Alban‘s Ward, Toronto. :ountv, is formed into3 larms-â€":oo acres. :5“ art-rs, and 160 acres, will he sold . urn or togttht i. Send for the “ Farm Advertiser," it gives lull particulars of these and 275 other farms and valuable information about thiq countrynï¬ddress. a. J. Only at 00., Guelph P. 0.. ot'lJ his ulster",- I)l‘l.\l.lill IN ll‘llLLllllERY AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. I taping Done. Culbune Street. leneltn falls. Toronto, April 2nd, 1800â€"17“. "WALL rArraa New Pallerns Arriving llain FROM ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in Hall. Dining Room. Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. PRICES & STYLESâ€"Min CUSTOMERS. , Call and see my 5c. per roll Paper. ti H 60. H it U |‘ gc. ‘I H t; u c. t‘ “ __ __________fl_____,m , - . . H N > 90. “ “ u n 10c. “ “ HEADQ UARTERS- And all the way to 500. per Roll. IN VICTORIA COUNTY I‘llll Rum Paper and Picture frames -â€"IS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block. Kent-st.. Lindsay. I have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay- IIEMEMBER THE PLACE: Just 0pposile New Post-office, lient Street. LIN 1) SA'ST. G.A.Miiiiiitt [ti-'3)" Please call and set: my 5e. I’apcr. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dye Works Agency. Bil/id Chambers. General Blacksmith, Francis-st†Fenelon Falls. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1890. flitvnsav l Blacksmithinginallilstliflcrcntbra'ncl1-- donc on short notice and at the Marble Works. living prices. l’articnlnr attention paid 3! R. CHAMBERS ,, . ,. . 0rï¬(5-'ll0"lng. II'I'C me a call and I brill is prepared to furnish the people of Lind-l guarantee mum-action sav and surrounding country with . M(J.\'I.'.\ll'2.\"l‘>‘. AND llI-IADSTONES. both Marble and Granite. ltmr-t 45-ly. ,. .__. ....... SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"07 County of Victoria. Estimates promptly given on 'all kinds of "’3- eemetery work. Marble Table Tops. Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, Etc, a Specialty. Being a practical workman.all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In rear of the market on Cam- 'l'ld: next sittings of the above Court will g be lit-Id in Dickson’s hall, Iv'enelon Falls, On Monday, July 7th. bridge street, opposite Motthews' packing ummencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. G50. MASIIKO, Bailiff. Pent-Ion Falls, Feb. 27th, 1890. house. E. D. IIAID. 808T. ouauazns. one, North of the Town Ilall. “'v-“'-‘~L.“'C£l. . l . l l l i i l i a I . ~l XI l ‘l ,. .l .. 2. g? ,. . '2' ll ,. >4 .9! ‘ l . l l i . . . l l l l l . l l