Ik‘. THDMAS ROBSDN. IRON rorxnra & iiicnliisr, MANUFACTURER OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. , l l rEngine aidâ€" Mill Works AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Bridge Bolts Made to Order. Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, 2 and 3â€"fztrrow Gang P/oug/zs and a. good variety of Graeme “SELLING on: AT‘co‘Si an intrusion E5. S. RITCHIE is retiring from the Drv Goods trade in Lindsay, and is offer- ing the whole of his stock of Purpose Ploug/zs. A good as- & y sortmmt of Sprz'ng-toot/t Har- Ilats. Caps. Ready-Made Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings 8; Small rows, $1661 H'U‘i’m}? rpn mes (rt lV/zo/esa/e Prices/or Car/z. The Stock is well assort- HWVOTUS and WQOIZ' 1‘" 7 OMS wed in every department, and everything will be sold without Lo‘yghlggsig’311‘ti‘pkzp1:112:14) AT reserve, from a needle to an over-coat. .Remernber, tlus 1s no ‘ ‘ ‘ 's liuuihug or catch trade affair, but a genuine selling out and re- Fenelon Fan‘TOIIIIPMAS ROB 0N. itiringr from business sale. Now is the tinie for the shrewd, . °-' ' wide-awake citizens of the town and country to pnrchase/zrst- The Fenelon Falls ‘quâ€"“ette class goods at from 25 to 35 per cent. less t/um t/zey am buy t/ze __-’> '_ same quality drew/167?. The “Thole Stock Must be Sold in a short time, so make hay while the sun shines. P. S.â€"â€"The store that I occupy 1s to let, and I have two houses for sale at a bargain. S. S. RITCHIE, Iient St, Lindsay somslpme NEW. (a‘r IENCL‘IJEBIE'N, A'ETENTION ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK or NEW SPRING TAILORING GOODS, .:oliip0.it:il of French and English Suitings and Trouscrings, Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tun-Luis, which Were bought early and at a low price from a large assortment of goods. neg“ Come early and choose your Spring Clothing while the stock is new, and get a Nobby Suit, well made and trimmed. A NEA'J? ITICF GUAB.ANTEED. Prices Axvay Dovvn for Cash. CATHRO & Co. Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. W. McKE OWN Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at and Below Wholesale Cost of unannl‘acturc. in order to lnake r001n for newv designs and patterns. Cull curl" and secure bargains, us I am selling cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, BASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. McKeown, FRANCIS STREET WEST. FE/VELO/V FALLS. I have now on hand full supplies of Friday, June 27th, 1890. Dominion Day. Tuesday next will be the inst of July, Dominion Day, and although there is to be no celebration in Fenclon Falls, it will of course be observed as a holiday, and the members of the Quadrille Club have arranged for an excursion to Wash- burn’s Island in Scugog Lakeâ€"a long trip but a pleasant one. The residents of the vicinity of Rettie’s Station in Somerville have determinel to honour the day to the best of' their ability, and posters announcing a programme of sports calculated to draw a crowd have been printed and circulated. In Lindsay the congregation of St. Mary’s church announce a monstcr cel- ebration on Dominion Day, which they will hold on the grounds of the agricul- tural park. A list of attractions, longer than we can afford space for, has been arranged, chief among which are bicy- cle races, foot races, running races, jumping, vaulting &c., a match at base- ball, a named trot for horses, and a green race that is expected to be partic- ularly interesting. In the races purses to the value of 8200 are offered, and some of the best stock in the county will be present. The famous band from Bowmauvilleâ€"the Dominion Or- gan C0.’s bandâ€"have been specially engaged for the occasion, and lovers of ï¬ne music should not fail to hear them. Arrangements are made for dancing in the agricultural buildings. Meals will be furnished at low prices, and a day’s thorough enjoyment may be had by all who go to Lindsay on July lst. Fenelon Uouncil Proceedings. Rescdale, June 17th, 1890. Council met pursuant to adjournment. All the members present and the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A Communi- cation from N. Day was read. . MOVed by Mr. G a'iam, seconded by Mr. BrOWn, That M r, Coodhaud’s bill for loss of a. horse can not be entertained. -â€"-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Chambers, seconded by Mr. Graham, That Mr. Jas. Jack- son is hereby authoriZed to expend the sum of $15.50 on the line between the 9th and 10th concessions south of Stur- geon Lake, being the proceeds of tim- ber off the said road allowanceâ€"Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Chambers, seconded by Mr. Brown, That Mr. William Copp be allowed the timber on the quarter line between lots 25 and 26 in the 5th the 6th concessions, provided that he grub out the 5th concession two and a half rods wide, and give a bond for $4“ for the due performance of the work, and that the clerk prepare a bond in accordance with the foregoing condi- donsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Mr. Graham, That a by-law to author- ize the expenditure of certain moneys on the roads of this municipality be re- ceived and read a ï¬rst time.â€"â€"Carried. By-lnw received read and passed in the usual manner, Mr. Brown in the chair. SPRING GOOD _-- 277. . si-iovELs, jsPADEs, PICKS, AND A FULL ASSURTMEXT OF AGPRICUL'l‘ITIiAIJ a CFOOIJS Z I . If“! ¢ am J ohuston’s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. All Brands of Machine Oils. A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Churns, the Best Churn 1n Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by the Market" Mr. Brown, That the clerk procure three . -d- . 3 . H - Too Much Stock and Too Little Money l ; glimiifdsi 3'.‘ ri.°â€ii2,..Ԥi C‘Msogd rl. Chambers, seconded by wan. SELL AWAY DOWN FOR srur cAsH. l narrates. vision, the said amount having been! paid as commutation for statute labor Hugs Taken in Eccimnge for Tz'mcare Only. in1559,_c,,.,,,_ Moved by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Mr. Graham, That the clerk is hertby J O s E PH HEARD ~ _ . . . . meat in the Fenelon falls Gareth: that I ~_â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"__â€"_ this council will at next session, to be held at the village of Cambray on the 11th day of August next,procced to pass a by-law to convey the quarter line between lots 30 and 31 in the 8th con- cession to Mr. John Daniel, in lieu ofa read to be given by him of? lot 31 in the 8th concessionâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Berkley. seconded by Mr. Graham. That Messrs, Berkley, Chambers and Brown are authorized to procure the right of way temporarily through Mrs. Mchevin’s lane, in or- der that Mr. McIntyre can reach her land, and that Mrs. McIntyre shall have the privilege of performing her Statute labor on the 9th concession at lot 31 for the present yeahâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Berkley. seconded by Mr. Chambers, That the collector shall be allowed an abatement of the taxes appearing charged against James Swan- tou, William Thibadcau. R. Wallace and A. McPhaiI.â€"Cnrried Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Chambers receive $1 each for services inspecting road at lots 25 and 26 in the 5th and 6th concessionsâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Berkley. seconded by Mr. Brown, That the following grants be made out of the poor rate :â€"â€"Mrs. McFarquhar 85. E. Fieldhouse 85, H. Hutchison and wife 87, Mrs. McInnis $10, (in care of Mr. Brown,) Mary Mc- Fadycn 85.-â€"Carried Moved by Mr. Chambers, seconded by Mr. Berkley, Tnat the following bills be paid: J. Daniel, attending tax sale re lot 32 in 8th con, 84; School Section No. 7. Lovely Grange, Cameron L. O. L., Cambray L. 0. L. and J. L. Brown for polling booths used for the Legislative elections, 3400 each ; J. Campbell, use of ball for council, 81.00; J. Daniel, use of room for council, $1 ; W. Simpson, road work charged in er- ror, $11 ; Sub. treasurer for school mon- eys salary for ’89 & '90, $11 ; S. Nich- olson, rewooding scraper, 82.50; 1’. Sin- clair, repairing scraper, 81.50; E. D. Hand, advertising Court of Revision, 8200; Jon. Cooper, printing, 810.75; J. Fittal, salary as collector, 875.00; J. Fittal, postage and stationery, $5.00; W. Dowuer, salary as assessor, $75.00 ; W. Downer, equalizing S. S. No. 12, $4.00 ; W. Brokenshire, expenses to Lindsay re Roscdalc Bridge $2.00;â€" Carried. The Council then adjourned, to meet at Cambray on the 11th of August next. - Fisticuï¬'s. Monday last Was a good day for ï¬ghts in Fenelon Falls. During the evening two athletic young villagers, known ro spectfully as Archie and Buck, quar- rcllcd about somebody else's horse trade and adjourned to the McArthur House stable, where they fought for a quarter of an hour, Archie being the victor. Constable Nevison, hearing of the oc- currance, summoned them both for a breach of the peace, and Buck Was nexr day ï¬ned 81 and costs (total $3.85) by Mr. Dickson, but his opponent went to Lindsay in the morning and did not appear to stand his trial. On Monday the steamer Stranger was in the locks nearly all day, as she had broken her propeller and was brought here for Mr Robson of'the Cameron Lake foundry to put in a new one. For some reason â€"possib|y out of " pure cussedncss †or to show his authorityâ€"the captain per- sistently bullied the engineer, who at last lost his temper, and in the evening they got from words to blows. The ï¬rst time they attacked each other they were separated before either was hurt, and the peace-makers thought the trou- ble was over; but a few minutes later the two men resumed hostilities, and the captain was knocked down and had his face badly cut, but whether by his opponent or by the stones on which he fell appears to be a disputed point. They were not summoned, as the fight took place near the wharf-and they .eft before the constable could take action, as he did not hear of' the affair until some little time alter it had occurred and did not know the pugiiists’ names. W... . Powles’s Corners. Correspondence of (Its Gazette. A mean trick, that might be classed as highway robbery on a small scale, was perpetrated near here on the even- ing of Tuesday, the 17ih inst. As a lit- tle boy of Mr. John Browu’s was walk- ing home from the lake with a nice ï¬sh that he had caught, he was overtaken by three young men, or, in other words, three who called themselves men. They demanded the ï¬sh from the boy. who was so scared that he gave it up, and it was taken to a relative‘s house, about a mile west of the school-house. where it was cooked. One of the young men, who Was made a tool of by the other two, had to make it all right. or face the law. They live at Pleasant. Valley, . but we will not give their names this time, though it was not the first min. deed of which they have been guiity. Mr. Uliver Qluspcll has had the fortune to lose a good young cow that got stuck in a beaver meadow. Such a loss is keenly felt at this time of year. In one of the neighborhoods in this section the farmers combined together for the purpose of buying a threshing machine. We wish them success. Road work has been expanded on the Queen's highways. but, as very little money is spent on them. the statute la- bour alone is not sufï¬cient to keep them in good condition. Mrs. D. S. Willock has been som- moned to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Graham, of Ops, who is lying at the point. of death. Quite a number of our young men are off to Kington, not for any crime, but for their annual drill as Volunteers. May they have a good time. Personals. Mrs. Wm. Sewell left on Monday to visit her relatives in Ireland. Mr. Berkley, That Messrs. Brown and ! Miss Bella Fair, of South Monaghan, is visiting at Mr. Wm. Jordan's. Mr. W. C. C. Logan, of Pcterboro', has been at the Rectory since Monday. Mr. St Mrs. Richard Wilson. of Man- vers, are visiting at Dr. A. Wilson's. Miss Jeannie Twomey returned on Tuesday from a ï¬ve weeks' visit at Belleville. Mrs. Guest, of Adjela, and Miss Ma- son, of Mono Mills, are visiting their brother, R. M. Mason, V. S., at the Falls. Mr. Babbitt, the “ icc man," left the Falls on Mon lay for Point nzulshem', to ship the contents of two or three store houses there. Mrs. Jas. A. Todd left on Tuesday with her two children for Dallas. Texas, where Mr. Todd has had profitable em~ ployment for upwards of' a year. Dr. E. S. Wilson is in Edinburgh. attending the hospitals, and witnessed the presentation of the freedom of the city to Stanley, the explorer, on the 11th inst. Mr. Archibald McDougall, of Min~ nedosa, Manitoba, where he has resided for about 13 years, came to the Falls last Wednesday, for a month’s visit to his brother, Mr. Hugh McDougall. W? W Damâ€"All the Potato Bugs that tasted Junkin’s Paris green. METHODIST S. S. Pic-Nicâ€"The Met'i- odis Sunday School picnic is to be held this year at Jacob's I‘land, below Bob- caygeon. For particulars see posters. Cnuncu Nounsâ€"We are requested to state, for the information of those concerned, that the Rev. Wm. Logan will, (I). V.,) resume duty at St. l’e- tcr’s, Verulam, on July 6th. Service at 3 o’clock p. m. ' W No Flies onâ€"anything,if you use our Insect Powder, “ Shoo Fly," or Wilson's Fly Padsâ€"W. 'l‘. JUNKlN. Masoxrc TRlP.â€"Last Sunday about half the members of the local lodge of Masons, accompanied by their wives or lady friends. went to Lindsay by the Steamer Em, and in the afternoon at; tended the Methodist church. where an eloquent and appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. Dr. Williams. They had splendid Weather and got home about 8.30 p. m. Snanoxs To OllANr;l-}MF.N.-â€"Tlll5 year the 12th of July is to be Celebrated in Fenelon Falls by the Orangemcn and True Blues of the district, and on Sun- day, the 6th inst., they will march in full regalia to St. James’s church in the morning, and to the Presbyterian church in the evening, where sermons suited to the occasion will be preached by the Rev. Wm. Logan and the Rev. Mr. Lockhead. THE Damsâ€"The drain on the east side ol Colboruo St, from Mr. llearrl's store to the creek south of Twomey's hotel, is ï¬nished; and, contrary to gen- eral expectation, Mr. liobcrt Wallace, the Contractor, has made fair wage. The job was Commenced four weeks ago last Wednesday, but 803V‘3rhl stop- pages were caused by wet weather, and the work expended on it was only equal to forty days for One man. Th: our tanct price was $56, to which Mr. lleurd added 810, as the drain Was undertaken mainly for his beneï¬t, and he was de- termined to have it done to his lflllsfï¬C‘ tion. Poisoxsn.â€"On Wednesday lust Mr. John H. Brandon's big dog, Tigrr. died of a dose of strychninc; but whether it was laid for rats and he found it or it was given to him intentionally there is no evidence to show. The prub::l;lllt}', however, is, that it was a cube of wilful murder, as Tiger. though he had many good traits of character, was rather fond of fighting, and had blrmdshot eyes which made many persons afraid of" him. He was a splendid water dog, and, on Tuesday inst sprang into the canal to rescue his friend Bob. an Irish terrier, which Mr. Brandon had throwu in v. i give him a bath, as he couldn't be got into the water by any other means. -â€"-â€"â€"~-â€"â€"-â€"-â€". .. Hails-tonne are causing immense darn, l age to crops in Mexico.