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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Jul 1890, p. 4

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.n. w m”... f »«J~§'r-nâ€"- v-vW I .4..." ' stoma i on AT cosr Dundas St Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Manned} K Tanfifinossor. ll IRON FOUNDER & llACllINlST, l l MANUFACTURER OF “ANDâ€""‘ AGRICULTURAL IMIEMENTS. , l, BUSINESSEngme and Mill World 5 AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS l PROMPTLY ATTENDED '10. g g R TCHIE Bridge Bolts Made to Order. ‘ o o 1 Horse Port/67‘s, Straw Callers, : is retiring from the Dry Goods trade in Lindsay, and is offer- , 3 and 3furr0w Gmlg-P/(Mgm ing the whole of his stock of mm! a good amid), of Gmcm, I 217* so 210115. A g a’as- fitaple & Fancy Dry Goods, P 1” P!“ b 00 $07'l7flé’llt of Sprz'lzghtool/t flar- llats, Caps. Ready-Made Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings & Small 70705: 5566’! $17752: [70”: Wares at I'V/zolcstzla Prices for Cars/z. The Stock well assort- [14770105 and 00 “7 ’ 0705 (ill in every department, and everything Will be sold Without ALL or wmcn WILL BE SOLD AT reserve. frbm a needle to an over-coat. Remember, this is no LOW PRICES TO MEET THE TIMES- humbug‘ orcatcli trade affair, but a. genuine selling out and re- THOMAS ROBSON. tiring from business sale. N w is the time for the shrewd, Fem” “115:0”- widemwake citizens of the town and country to purchase firstâ€" [/1153 goods at from L5 to 35 per cent. less .t/zzm t/zey can buy t/ze _ same quality elsew/zere;. The Whole Stool: Must be Sold in a short time, so make hay while the sun shines. P. S.â€"â€"The store that I occupy is to let, and I have two houses for sale at. a bargain. S. S. RITCHIE, Iient St, Lindsay SOMETH MG NEW. :1“ (1‘:- lEN’l‘InEB’IEN, ACETTEN’JTION! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF NEW SPRlNG TAILORENG GQODS, composed of French and English Sailings and 'l‘rousoriugs, Scotch, Irish and Canadian 'l‘weeds. which were bought early and at a low price from a. large assortment of goods. 3513“ Come early and choose your Spring Clothing while the stock is new, and get a .\'obby Suit, well made and trimmed. .A. NEACF 131“? GUARANCFEED. 1’1'ices :vaay Dowvn for Cash. CMTHRQ & $0.. Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. @- MQKEO 15 Selling His Entire Stock of as Soon as they would: like to. they’d at and “get there just the some " and havo : wh‘olc- bones upon their arrival. Our local line has an enviable reputation for its non-liability to accidents, and the managers arc-bound that its reputation in that respect shall not suffer, even if they have to cut down the rate of tra- vel to four miles an hour. On Tues- day tllternoou Mr. James Stephenson, superintendent of the G. '13. 1%., Mr. J. .‘l. Riddell, general manager, and Mr. Macklin, chief engineer of the Midland Division and M r. Ferguson road master, went through the Falls in an ollicial car to I'Ialiburton and returned nest morn- , ing; and the fa JD that those gentlemen have passed over and examined the. track is an indication that the work is to be thoroughly done,,and than we may ex.â€" pcct to be able, before long, to ride to l have now on hand full supplies of r- A a"! Lindsay at the old-tin” Speed of'ubout ‘ l’ ' " -, 20 miles an hour. H ll acetates... The Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday, July 25th, 1890. The Victoria. Railway. For some time past the trains on the Victoria Railwayâ€"or, at any rate, on certain sections of itâ€"have been re- stricted to a speed often or twelve miles an hour, owing to the dilapidated con- dition of the track, the thorough over- hauling and repair of which was recent- ly commenced and is now in progress, two or three gravel trains per day leav- ing the pit a short distance north of this village. The rails and ties are in fair condition, as those which became defec- tive were replaced by new ones as soon as the defects were discovered; but the track itself. has sunk in so many places that a higher rate of travel than that. above mentioned would have been dan~ gerous, and the order “'go slow” was wisely given to all the engine dnivers on the line. It is several months since the speed was reduced, and persons who have occasion to travel on the road have been impatiently awaiting the repairs that have at length been commenced. As we understand it,.all the hollows in the track are to be- filled with fresh gravel, the tics being raised-sufficiently to allow it. to be shovcllcd under them, and. when a. level has been reached, bal- lasting will be dumped and spread , wherever nccded. Travelling on a N i railway at a rate that could be beaten by a good smart horse is no doubt very irritating. but passengers on the Vic- : toria railway since the trackbecame dau- gerous have bad the satisfacrion of knowing that they were Safe, and that. if they couldn’t. reach their destination ot' ununtfavuu-e. in order“ to» lnuko roonl for lie-VV' «It-signs and patterns. C'ull «windy and secure ha rg‘ains. :15 I am selling; cheaper than any (10.11101- in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT iii STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W0 MOK®®Wflg FRANCIS STREET WEST, FE/l/ElO/l/ FALLS. l s ' 7 "">.7‘;1?L7€.7 .1777‘7773’777777‘ A NARROW Escaruâ€"On the even- . . ing of Thursday, the 17th inst., which _ v , A was very stormy, Arthur Ilead, aged 51 labout 19, only son of Mr. John Head, l“ A ' L“ 7 k * k}? 7 modern language teacher in the Lindsay l Collegiate Institute, went out from litur- lgcou Point. in a small canoe withtwo ! large sails; and when about. a quater ‘ ot‘a mile from shore a sudden gust of wind struck his frail cralt and upset it. ‘Ooe of the air-tight bulkheads of the canoe had been taken out, but fortu- ' noter the other was in, or the young A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Churns, the Best Churn in man would Probablyhnve been drowned- Amougst those who witnessed the acci- the markEt' dent werelDr. Graham, of the Falls, and Too Much Stock and Too Little Money I 3illil‘fill'3321.3£12‘.?Ii°”.t§ffi‘°.‘;i‘£ tient, and they immediately went to the rescue. took )Ir. Head 03‘ the canoe, to which he had all the time been clinging, and towed it. bottom up. to shore. BADLY SOLD.â€" Last Friday afternoon some person on Sturgeon Point saw, and pointed out to others, an objectâ€"about a mile to the west on the lakeâ€"that .\.\'D A FULL ASSOR’I‘MENT OF ext} IR ICITIJTURA L 'I‘()()IJS Johnston’s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. All Brands of Machine Oils. WILL SELL AWAY DOWN FOR SPOT GAS“. Rags Taken in Exchange for Time‘are 012331.. l m .__â€"â€"._____._.â€"__._.â€"â€"__â€"._â€"_____â€" i. looked exmuy like ‘ cmoe or boat, with wi.l be pleased to learn that ho is recov- , ice from one o; LZAL‘ Coin, J os E PH HE A RD 4 a a: w - a of it. Hot a while there was great ex- lwben a child. citemeot, the ladies one and all declar- ing that two fellow creatures were in danger of drowning, and that somebody must go out and save them. was so high and the water so rough that the heroes who happened to be around kept modestly in ground; but at last Mr. Howard Me- The wind Langhliu, of Lindsay. and )Ir. McCart- ney, of Bethany, jumped into a big skiff, and with lusty strokes rowed out toâ€" a big log. with a root at. one end and a l the back i l ful treatment, he will ultimately be re‘ stored to his usual state of health. Mr. & Mrs. James Bray are again residents ol Fenelon Fails, having left B ohcaygeon. where they have been liv- ing for about two wars. Mr. Alexander Graham, of Rochester, N. Y., who many years ago was propri- etor of the Pcterborough Examiner, is visiting his relativ'es at the Falls and in its vicinity, and we had the pleasure of nearly an hour's chat with him on limb at the other. that kept serenely. Wednesday Inst. bobbing up and down. and doing its best to fool observers. Never mind, the two gentlemen, who had to stand lots of challiug when they got to shore, deserve as much credit for their perilous trip as if they had done what. they went out to do. WAâ€" Accidents. On Friday last Mr. John Hodgins, of Burnt River, fell from a load of poles and had his left. collar boae broken. He was turning a pole with a. cant-hook, when the latter, not having a. good hold, pulled the piece out, and Mr. Hodgins fell to the ground. He drove to Dr. Wilson‘s office at Fenelou Falls on Sat- urday and had the bone set. On Monday last. Willie Quinn, only son of Mr. John Quinn, of this village, fell backwards on to his head from a de- livery waggon in front of Mr. Maybec's store. He was carried unconscious into the store, where he soon recovered, but vomited constantly until Dr. Wilson was called to see him in the evening. He still remains in bed,.aud yet sufl’ers from- somc pain in his head, but. it is not expected that his injuries will prove serious. Henry Austin, eldest son of the late Silas Austin, met with a painful and possibly somewhat serious accident, while helping to ship- ice last Tuesday morning. A.pikc-pole,whioh one of the men was using, slipped from». block of ice, and the iron spike at the and struck young Austin in the calf of his right. leg, which it penetrated to its full length. He continued towerk for some time all ter receiniug the'hurt; but when he left fort homevat noon his leg pained him so much thnohc could barely walk. Since then he has been laid: up and has cut- fcred a good deal, but it is to be hoped that the accident will have no serious results, especially as he is very lame on tho-otherdeg from an injury he received Pike-poles appear to be dangerous weapons in unskillul or care- less hands, as Mr. Lewis Dcymau's eld- cst boy was struck above the knee by one on Monday last and slightly punc- turedâ€"just enough to make him feel sore and limp for a. few hours. Personals. Miss Delurcy, of- )Ianilla, is visiting at Mr. A. Clark Sr's. Mr. George Byrncll, of Parkdalc, is visiting his relatives at the Falls and in the townships of Feueluu and Ops. Mr. Edward Chambers left on Mon- day morning for Midland, where em- ployment is easier to be got than in Fenclon Falls. Mrs. Samuel Swantou, of Toronto, is at the Falls with her two children, vis- itinf.r at Mr. J. II. Bramlon's, and will remain for a couple of weeks. Mr. David Barrett, of Toronto, came to the Falls on Saturday and went home on Monday. .VIrs. Barrett and the chil- dren are still at Mr. Mitchell's. Miss Emma Frost, of Orillin, came to the Falls Thursday. of last week on a visit to her brother; Mr. It. J. Frost. and will remain at least; a fortnight. Mn. Robert J. Cameron, second son of Mo. James Cameron. came home yes- terday evening from Seattle, Washing- ton State, for a fortnight’s visit. He looks blooming. Me. Neil Clark. of Cannington, eldest son of Mr. A. Clark, Sr., came to the Fallson Sunday with two of his chil~ drcn. whom he left at their grandfather's when- he went home on Tuesday. Miss Hooper, ol' Nap-lace, was at the Falls from Friday until Wednesday, when she returned home in company with her brother Mr. Samuel Hooper, who left. for his summer holidays. Mr. Tnomas Gregg, editor of the To- ronto News, and Mrs. Gregg Were at the Falls on Sunday, attending the fit- neral of the late Mrs. Fitzgerald, with whom they wore Connected by. marriage. Mrs. George C. Church, of Burials Fails, was at. the residence of her broth- er-in-law, Hr. Wm. H. Church, in this village, from Wednesday of last week until Sunday, when she left to visit. ac- quaintances at Cohocoak. Mr. W. LI. Robertson, of the Peter- borough Ta'mrs accompanied by his wife and child, arriv-d at the Falls last Sat- urday. MI. linlwrtmn went home on TUCMIBY, but .\lr.-'. ELobertsou and her little one are ~l... at .drs. Brandon's. The many friends of Mr. Archibald McArthur, of Balsam Grove, Fenelon. ering, though slowly, lrom his severe l store-houses on. the shore- illness, and it isvhoped thnggunder carc- Lake, and 1 traiwoad 5m 1 M r. George Kcllv, who left here for Toronto about three years ago, came to the. Falls last Saturday and returned on “rednesday. accompanied by his wife. (a daughter of Mr. Qulble's,) who had been here about live weeks. )l r. Kelly obtained employment in the Electric Light Co.'s works the day after he reached the city, and has been there ever since at very satisfactory wages. Rev. Rural Dean ~Bakcr, of Bath, and his wife and son were the guests of Mrs. Geo. G. Nie from Saturday noon until Monday morning; and on Sunday the reverend gentleman preached an ex- cellent sermon, morning and evening, in St. James’s church. After visiting his two sons who are managing Rathbun & Co.'s business in Lindsay, Mr. Baker came to the- Falls to see Mr. 8; Mrs. Nic, who were formerly parishioners of his, and whom be united iii-tho bonds of matrimony. m GARDEN Pacerâ€"A garden party, in aid of the improvement fund of St. James’s church. will be- held-in the Rec. tory grounds on the evening of 'l’hurs- day next, the 315i: inst.. For particulars sec bills.. R. T. 0F T.â€"We are requested to announce that a meeting of the Roval 'l'etuplars of Temperance will be [fold in. the True Blue hall on Monday evenâ€" ing at 8 o'clock for the installation of otliccrs. A full attendance of the mem- bers is requested. TRUE BLUE EXCURSIONâ€"The mem- bers of Maple Leaf True Blue Lodge No. 42, Fenclon Falls, have chartered the steamer Bctzubomge and barge I’a- lama for an excursion on the 12th of August to Bobcaygcon, where The Re- lief of Derry is to be commemorated. Fare for the round trip:-â€"-Adults 3'5 cents : children 20 cents. The Fenelon Falls brass band and a good string band will accompany the excursiouists. Goon Sronr.â€"-Sincc the beginning of last. week Dr. d: Mrs. Graham, Dr. Mason. their visitor, and Mr. J. W. Brien have been out for a short time nearly every day still-fishing in Cam- crou lake. and have had capital sport, never failing to bring home ten or a dozen line large bass, and on one es- pecially lucky day they got. fifteen. And. they didn't. have to go far either. tren- crally anchoring their boats somewhere near Dheil's l’oint. Iuox IN IfENlil.()N.â€"Fol‘ a few dnvs- past )1 r. Robert Wallace and Mr. Gob. .llagcc have been at work blasting oll' portions ol a hill of rock on the Bvrnell farm south of Cameron Lake, lilo-l. 1}. Campbell. an expert in such matters. hating expressed the opinion that it was rich in iron. (inc Inninng this Week M r. .lolzu Austin took a small quantitv of the rock dust to Mr. ilrard‘s store and tested it. with a magnet, which was immediately covered with particles of apparently pure iron; but whether the rock contains it in paying quantities or not is yet to be determined. Com: m MUskDK.t.â€"')n Tuesday morning a party of tcn cry/Woody's in live canoes passed through the Falls month: for the Boaumaris summer resort at Muskoka. Four ofthc young mothâ€"viz James and Fordyce Barr, Herbert Greg- ory and J. Spiet'~â€"-Werc front Lindsay, some were from Hamilton and some from the States, one of the latter being a Sandwich Islander. The expedition was organized by Mr. James Barr, who has been attending Cornell College. Ith- aca, N. Y. and some of his crnntmiitms are fellow students. They expect {0 be away about. a. month, as it will take ten days to reach their destination and near- ly or quite as long to return. {UNA\\’.\Y.-â€"As Ilarry Austin and )harles Ilnskill were driving down the main street, last Sunday evening, the mare, from Some rcrsoo, turned the cor- ner ol' Loni-a street with sucri rapidity that the cart tilted on to one Wheel and pitched the young follows out, slightly injuring an arm ofone and a leg of the other. The mare then want at full speed down the sidewalk to Bond street, and. turnng to the right. upset the cart. which t-‘he drt-w On its side nearly as lar as the marlwi rupture. where she broke moon: and lv-lt it I , the I! tell, and then headed w l: r ': Francis slrcrt. .‘ine w:~.-- d about the lltull. and ' . . . consider- able rep.rriu::. ICE.~â€"-On 'I‘lz. f-lv' John A, Ellis, who is in ;..a-. z ’.:,n with the Grenadier Ice Co. to. .t rr woload of any“: three of Cameron ..w.c.masehfitaflfiflst€4 1' -~'~ day will be;

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