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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Aug 1890, p. 5

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- c '. l .i the chair. - :llotlt. «councillors Ellin, McFarland and Mc- Viilage Council Proceedings. Feneloo Falls, Aug. 4th 1890, The coupcil incl. pursuant to alljuuln- meat; members all present and the rccle ' I Minutes of last regular meeting: read and cnulirmcd Messrs. Lansficld and Ei~her waited on the council and requested that the drain on the north side ol Bond streu t between John street and the foundry he covered. Referred to the street and bridge committee. Mr. John D. Naylor appeared coul- pl lining against the equalization made lint year for school purposes. rcqne.~tin:_- that the same be looked into, and il'any orror be found. that the lleCcss-ary cor- rections be made. .‘lovcd by .\l r. Ellis, seconded by Mr. .‘chcowll, That the constable see that the fire engines and hose be taken at once. to the foundry to be thoroughly ovclhaulcd and repaired under the au- pervisioa of tho street and bridxc c un- ulittce, and then taken to the fire hull Ill-d not be removed tllerelroul unless in case of a firmâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. Nichol-land, That the following accounts he paid. and that thc rccvc give his or- der on the treasurer for the Same :â€"-â€"O. Illgclotv. for getting description of Fell lot. SI ; Roi-t. \Vallacc, work on street and drain, $10; JnO. Magoo, cutting needs on street with hoe, 35; Win. Jor- don, for rent ol hall, $25; l'ld. llansficld. carting etc. on streets, 57 30; David. Taylor, work on streets, 31 ; Neil MC- liillt'ay, work on streets, 8:) ; Jno. Ma- gma, salary up to last July, cemetery ac- count. 87; Isaac Archer, assisting con- stable on ISL July. Siâ€"Carried Adjourned to ment on Monday next. l l August 11th 1890. The council lllct pursuant to adjourn- Mclnbers prc cut. the l‘CCVc, KCthll. Moved by Mr. Edis. seconded by M r. McFarland, That the. following acc'ts he paid and that the rccve give his or- der for the rant : :-â€"Wlll. Golden, work on streets, gt‘uvcllillg, $53.43 ', Will. Wichita), repairing crossin; and drawing canine, 81.75; David Varcoc, work on .Streets. and sidewalks, 817.82 ; J no. In- gram. work on streets and sidewalks, .811) 63.â€"â€" Carried. The council a~ljourncd to meet at the call of the were. ‘7... ._ w. __._a- Mechanics’ Institute Meeting. Feuelon Falls, Aug. 5th, 1890. Board met at. regular meeting. the :«i‘rald. Arnold. and W. E Ellis. Mill- utcs 0! last tlluctlllg read by the secre- tary and approved of. Moved by Mr. E. Fitzgerald, second- ed by Mr. Arnold, That W. E. Ellis’s amount of $5 25 be paidâ€"Carried. Moved by M r. E. h‘ilu:crald,second- cl by Mr. Nic, That. the secretary be instructed to order a quantity of books from Wookstock, on approbation, for the purpose ol'sclcctiug a quantity for our institute â€"Carried. The hoard thcu adjourned, to meet in a short time. for the purpose of arrang- ing lor an excursion on civic holiday. Powles’s Corners. C'orrcapande ac»: of tho Gazette. The Good 'l'cmplars here intend L'IV- ill: ll. telllperallce entertainment. on Fri- dav evening, the 15th. and the mem- bers have spared no pains to make it a scoot-Se. Don't miss it. leciioll will ho taken up. Fall wilt-at, spring wheat and barley have been harvested ill this locality, and are very good, with the exception of lull wheat, which has been struck with rust. From this time forward farmers will be about as sure of getting a good crop of fall wheat as a person holding a ticket. in the Louisiana State Lottery is of making a big haul. A silver col- Not long ago one Lauglois was cou~ victcd at Alderncy ol' trcspnnaing on mincbody's private property with for- rluts Ho pleaded guilty and wan fined ton sltlllitlgm which he paid with the remark that it was a pleasure to him to .lo :0. “ as ho had had the honor of the uaolnpany of his Royal Highness Prince ll-ulry of Ilztttcnburz on the occasion ‘Wlli‘ll the breach of the law was com- mint-d." The " Fcneion Falls Garrettâ€"ell3 ,-. l‘,‘.li{;d ovary Saturday at the ofiicc, on the corner ofMay it Francis streets. .\'.3l..iI'IUI'TlUN :11 YEAR IN ADVANCE.l .lr t-E“ cent per week will be added as long 1 as it remains unpaid. .\dvvrtlsing‘ Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents ,vt-r l.'lt‘ par unnum. Casual advertisements, N cont:- pr; lint- for the first insertion, and 2 cents per liar for every subsequent. inner- !tou. Contracts by the year. half year or qmrlcr. to; a column or less. upon rectan- i- -‘ ' ‘T'lli JO ' '3 ‘ . . liTl‘TG a! sll ~ ~ .1 1‘. 'nll)’, cor and; z n, l I“! . president, Mr. T. Robson, in the chair. Directors present. Messrs. Nic, E. Fitz- hitherto curried 0" by Sllmuel swam“ 35 iA Rare Chance ! +87 - LOTS - 87+â€" ill FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, ’ Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J. , Scully. Will be sold in single lots or ill 5 blocks to suit purchasers. Also a brick‘ house and lot on Fidicr'a Hill. I NOW IS YOUR TIME â€"- AS â€"â€" I THEY MUST BE SOLD .._._ I-‘or terms and particulars apply to Barron 6t McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate, Lindsay, or to W. E. ELLIS, Fenelon Falls. April 25th, l890.â€"i0tf ' I I The Banada life Assurance Eu’y, ESTABLISHED IN 1847. TIIE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE] ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, l889. over $10,000,000. Annual Income for the year ending 30th April, 1885. $1,840,000. Total Sum assurcd to 30th April,1885, amounts to $47,000,000. Tho profits of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Lii'c Ollicc doing business ill the Dominion. and its ratio ofcxpcnscs to income are less than that of any othrr Canadian or British office. ‘ he policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-class oflice. All forms of policiv s are issued. MCDOUGALL & BRANDON, 43.1y. Agents, Fcuclon Falls. . Th Great Disihvery’. Read carefully and act wisely. use of_;w ~»-~â€" ~â€" «*â€"-â€"--â€"â€"--~-~--â€"-~< (£3? MOSEls COURTEMANCHE’S wwmomo.ooowuo~mmmn air williéh SYRUP 13$”.«uoomnwomovoooowwoawowom W'l‘llis is undoubtedly the best lung med- nfifi‘icine in the world, and for Dyspepsia. Whils- no equal. Manufactured by Moses MEDCourtcmancllc, Midland, and sold by W. E. Ellis. Fenelon Falls. â€"-5‘J-i7-3m. :0. to.“ .~_..__._.__. BUSinIGE. Notice is hereby given that the business a dealer ill mewooowo m RailwayTies, Cordwod, Telegraph i Poles, Cedar and all kinds of Timber, Lumber and Shingles, 9W”..chme WOO-00¢". will be continued on a much larger scale than formerly by'the undersigned, who will pay, as hitherto, THE HIGHEST CASHd’glICES. and payments will be promptly made on the 15th of every month for all materials delivered. W One of the firm will be regularly on the road. For particulars apply to Samuel Swanton, No. 62 Victor Avenue, Toronto, or to J. H. Brandon, Font-loll Falls. SWANTON, BRANDON dc Co. N. Il.â€"-â€"Mr.Swatlton thanks his numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past ten years,nnd begs to solicit a continuance of the same for the new firm. Fcuelon Falls, Aug. 7th, 1889.â€"â€"26-tf. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGS A FULu STOCK AT um T. JUNKIN’S. $252? We led the trade last season, and we intend doing the same this season. C L A R K & S 0 N . l Goodhand’s Livery, GR 0 C E IEastF‘mncisStreet,Fenelon Falls. I wish to draw the attention of the public to the â€"-ANDâ€" PROVISION S. J. McFâ€"fii-lâ€"tLAND l has now on hand a splendid stock ol'l fine fresh TEAS, COFFEES, Sugars, Syrups. Tobaccos, llicc, Raisins [Cut-rants, Starch, Soups and all other groceries, which he will sell Cheap for Cash, Mimi and to which he invites the attention 323- vulllable lives can be saved by the. ol' the public. Earthenware. Brooms. Pails. Washtubs, Blaclting-brushes.Clothes-pins.Matches Ci’rm‘rl'" “"d “‘0 bilil‘linlls llm‘eo". 0}“ and other articles in great variety.- of the very best brands and at the low- est possible prices. Cash Paid for Butter & Eggs and other farm produce. REE” Flour and iced kept constantly on hand, StS‘i illuE Fast Colored Cling:- hams for 100. Fast Colored Mus- lims for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. WThe freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. lclul BERRY, MANUFACTURER 0F SADDLES, Era-WES, ital-liquors. TRUNKS, VALISES. Everything belonging to the Saddlery and Harness Trade constantly kept In stock. REPAIRING Done on the Shortest Notice. dent-Si. Lindsay, Ont. l ' gal]an fish, Hull & Vggglahlgg - iiiélflin‘li"; {2.531113 i”:’3‘ii§2‘.?§a.“lll;.2 ‘ Ill-int: r. ‘9... l a .; l .rAhlus FOR sip E. The “lowing cheap and In‘ the finest section 0t We: Send for the “Canadian 1"an - to]. j. Duly & Co., Guelph P. ., 0m. it Is sent free and gives the acres cit-am; sizes and kinds of buildings, CW», xii. («I these and 275 other farms. No stones. hill: or swamp on me farms. and the soil is guaranteed deep, rich. cm loam that never bakes. Money scntAN re- quired as guarantee. for cxpvnsm~ lI Hr farms are not cheap and as lrprcSt-nu‘d. - and intending buyers. after seeing them. left to decide for themselves, and ti»: keep or return the money as they :znm right. Pure sprlnanter on every farm. spud fences; land not hilly nor flat. Gum roads, cheese factories, creamnics. Sk‘il- ~~l< churches and post otfices near all the fauna. Good water every where and healthy coun- t . lgnly enough money toblnd tho b:':ain need be paid until taking posscsaion, and than 60 per coon, $00 of every SIOO, of the price will be left on the forms. or less than that, it buyers wish, payable lust to suit the buyers in every way. This will be put in writing and in the best chance oval ofteer to buyers. All buyers get good titles and their dead: when they take no.- session. 1 10 acrcs, 05 cleared, is an“ i . tine maple bush, good boom and bam. market town with railway 2 miles. 100 ltrrt-s, $0 cit-.trt‘d, balanw $4, 0 . bush. brick house. gone barn. market town only 1 Hill". mm ’ _- __ '7 _‘ioo' :ll‘lggfg'ifiml‘ll, -ll‘:;h'-l‘ , . and burn. bear market town. fact that I have purchased the livery busi- ness lately owned by Mr. Wm. Ilontly, and have made such improvements as will meet the requirements of the travelling public. I am prepared to furnish first-class horses and comfortable rigs nttlle lowestlivillg prices. - b 5 r 50 lll‘TL‘b, all cleared, paid (I A , Q) . buildings. llt‘:lr lllarlwt. '3‘?) '65 u "all "vii-.lr-otli'iolkl A , . lHIIlllllu... . near large town. "('6 ' 7-mâ€"3flâ€"foo .i‘ci-‘cs,‘SgilaQ-arl-dfi5 ltd. 3) 9 ( fl . brick lltl‘JSc and bank but". market town with rail\\.l_\' 5 lliilt‘<. villagu :uva‘. GI‘IOI‘GEGOODIIAND ' ‘~"“ ' ”' ‘ an», mfm ‘l him}. i I-TIL‘;II ltuiiei" xltlztt ‘I: boutldarv at bztclt end, good house and barn, marina House and Lot For Sale. ~..-.-..-..:.-..:;.; .. ha: dxvood, house ind lumg The East half of Lot. No. 2. west of Col- borne and north of Francis street, Fem-Ion Falls, Co. Victoria, the property of Mary Calder. There is on the premises ll frame house 22 x 33 feet. For full particulars apply to Mr. J. ll. Moll'at, Verulam, or to MARY CALDER, Nov. 10th, 1889. Olllclnec P.O. a village 2 miles. market town \\‘l!ll!‘lll‘.\'v'1\\":'ll.n :. " “ " ’â€" l “at” ( 1($5lll‘rcs,lgoclmtl‘ctl, l} but. Q, Q) 9 Q7 . \\'ll(lll,:._:lil‘ll house, stunt. [Lt a, market with railway l lllllt‘. largo town '-IIltlr’.‘-. i i-Jâ€"Nflw ” 100 :lt‘lt'>, l‘lt‘illlrtl, L lulu“.- ' world, title llriclt llmru .4”; i large bank barn, market town \\ :tlrraliway i r t a». ‘0 .>_{ w .7 i - v 3300 acres, lb'o clvarul. $10, 2 balance barrio-nod. a u 1-. of line buildings, : bani. barns and .- good hO‘lM" . market town with railwav 1 miles, can ht and .» dividcdwflne of the bust {arms in the county. CROCKERY, GIJASSWARE,‘H°“53 and Lot For Sale- ,gQ-jâ€"OGOâ€" .2... 1, .v ' $4,000t‘anh, lilIlJl'Nl 2‘ suit purchaser, lint: buildings that (‘05! 'L-‘lllJX’in. This farm adjoins Cilv of (inrlph. .aad ln’ will: u: the best :zrain anti stock farms of its size in I )lll::“i'|. lositc the south wn‘ 'l il b l , " ‘- . . 1 Id SL1 m 0150' Ian 450 acres in blow-l». you The house is 18x24 feet. ll domcy 9,, u...)- hm. valuable hardwood bush, 3 hl'lh' line builllimm .' bank barns, 1 line new brick dwelling, near paw-,1 market town with railway 5, best large farm in l:.t :ounty, is fenced into3 farmsâ€"urn llt‘rl‘h. :50 urn-a and we acres, will be sold separately or tmzri‘w‘i. For sale, very cheap for cnsh,a half-acre - Ion Falls. are also a workshop 14 x 20 feet, a never failing well of excellent water and a few frmt trees. The bulldlngs were erected Send forms “Farm Advemnrvnit mm, . . - l l‘bUL'F_tw°1‘e Yen‘s 8g”) and “m “‘ g°°d lull particulars of these and 2?5 other condlllon- farms and valuable information abom rtilu Apply at the Gaznrrn oflice, or to the country. Addreac.d.d. Dalya003,0uelpn undersigned. P. 0., c:... Width? , MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. taping Dine. GEO. W. MARTIN, )0 Pearson Avenue, _ St. Alban's Ward, ' Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"-â€"7tf. WALL rainâ€"Rd New Patterns Arriving Daily FROM ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in Hall, Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. PRICES & STYLESâ€"Tidal CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 50. per roll Paper. u M 6c. 1‘ H :: :: gg; :: :; Cnlhume Sicilienelun Falls. u (t 9c. (t u __._______, ____,___., tt u 106’ u u HEADQUAlfiERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR lililllll Paper and Picture Frames ~15 AT“ w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-sh. Lindsay. And all the way to 60c. per Roll. I have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. REMEMBER THE PLACE: Just Opposite New l’ost-oiiicc, Kent Street. LIN 1)SAY. G.l.MEifiERELt [6‘ Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay, April L‘nd, 1890. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastina and Dye Works Agency. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. LINDSAY ' Illacltamithing in all its dill'ercnt branches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to borse-ahoeing. Give me a call and i will guarantee satisfaction. tb-ly sill R. CHAMBERS iii? is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. _. -..._.._...._.... SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"or runâ€" County of Victoria. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery Wul'k. Marblo- Table Tot-s. Wub Topa, Mantel I’iccrs. Etc , n l-‘nv r lzl‘fi. -'..','-l_"i~.“’ll turkmln,‘all should The next Billings of the above Court DIN .". um: w : part- prices before I beheld in Dickson's hull, Font-ion Pain. .-. u £l 1: ,lv.;l 1 - l l: . -. ml the mllrkt-l on (him-l ()n '1 "0"‘(l:‘."- (\"'”r 7"!" 5,,- Lcwg Padang ruminvnc n:.'.il lw o'dlt‘ Zr the torn;th \\ hi": -» i;r}.tg ~"-.v-E ' - iv 1.1.4313 Gull. Slam-w. tofu, Pent-loll Falls. titlt lath. lit-C. l3. I‘.llA!L, ' '9' r" WT? : fit. ... fi-al‘w.” «LR-s.i (o’e'i ‘Jortb of the Towr: Hall. a» ‘53-); mice; w" ,‘5 c «v «Lunar ‘ . .aâ€"«~w.... ....

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