BY REV. FRANK Bl. BRISTOL, D. D- f‘ I The Glory of the Cross. 1 I l i God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christâ€"Gal. vi. H. lanr age of a man who was too logical forl creI ulity, too rational for fanaticism, tool learned for deception, and too conscientious j for hypocrisy. It is not an empty l;o;tst.§ There was not in his day a man of greatcri intellectuality than St. Paul. There was? not in the schmls of Greece 3 philosophcrl living who was capable of writing the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians. that sublime treatise on the future state of the a dead. uproduction in the presence of whose: \ 'c may safely challenge any historian to, name the rhetorician then living capable of writing the sixth chapter of Ephesians. . f description of the Christian soldier and his; armor. 'l'hc orator can not be mentioned“ who could have delivered. at that time, the cxtcmpore address which Paul made to the Athenians on Mara’ Hill, or the ingenuous defense which he made before king Agrippa. The ethical writer did not exist, in that. day, who could have produced the thirteenth Chapter of First Corinthians. that inCnm- arable, almost angelic strain on Charity. 'ay, there was not another son of the Hebrew race living at the time, with learn- ing, logic, scriptural knowledge and spirit- ual-mindednees to write Paul‘s letter to the Hebrews. that clear, yet profound commen- tary on the exposition of the Levitical cere- monialism. Paul was trained to a knowledge of the Creek. the language of philosophy, science and poetry, had mastered the Latin. the language of jurisprudence, politics and war, and was bred to an understanding of the Hebrew. the language of sulmody. pro phccy. and religion. To 0.1 of his acquire- ments were added a natural conscientious- ness, 0. loyult ' to conviction, an abhorrcncc of error and imposition, a conservative spirit, and an activity and spirit of interest and inquiry into all that concerned human welfare. By natural endowment and by educational adonpment he was a great- man, built on a magnificent intellectual and moral scale. The infant church found this giant its an- tagonist, bent. on the overthow of the church and the annihilation of the gospel. But the very power of that gospel was demon- strated, the very authority and saving grace of Jesus Christ was made manifest in the glorious conversion of this formidable enemy and pcrsccutor. He who had been a foe to Jhrist became his desciplc, the persecutor became the apostle, the challenger of the gospel bccsmc its champion, and he who had been breathing out thrwtoning and slauglitcr against the defenders of the cross. at. last cricd with a voice that. has thrilled and inspired the centuries: “God forbid that 1 should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. l" \l'lu-rcver mausole his gricfs and sings his joys, whercvcr man toils and battles, mourns and prays. thcrc glomns the cross, dill'nsing the light of heaven, illuminating an (-urth of ignorance and sin and fcur with the promise of salvation and the hope of innnortulity. The power of Christi-.mity is in its cross. Not in its pro- found philosophy, not in its beautiful and pure ethics, not in the moral character and hunurno life of its founder, but in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. In lila‘ self-sacrifice of the Son of (lod, in thcutoniug and redemptiw work achieved by Ilis death, the power, the saving, trans- forming, progressivc, all-conquering. ctcrual powcr of ('hristianity consists. No other Christianity but thut of the cross llllS cvcr Sarvcll a soul or converted a. nation. A Christianity without a Cross, without an atoucmcnt. without lllt‘ cleansingblood. is a sham and a fmud. To preach it. is an im- position. And lhc cross of Christ is more than the cross of martyrdom or it is inlinilelyless. The THE TORONTO EXHIBITION. An Immense Entry of Exhibitsâ€"Humorous Special Attractions. If Toronto c'm't get up a summer carnival there is one thing it can do, and that is to i v This 13 the vigorous and courageousmuinmin m, Amway Exhibitim, (3,3: has no; superior on this continent. Successful as have been the past Exhibitions held by the Industrial Exhibition Association. that to be held at Toronto this your from the 5th to the ï¬lth of September promises to eclipse their. all. The list of Olitt‘ics is the ingest and it includes the best exhibits tiut have. ever been uncle in Canada. The special at- tractian as announced in the othsgtl pro- grammes are very numerous, and arc ox a character that cannot fail to attract the adjoining States. The railway arrangements are goo-l, and cheap mrcs wrll prevail dur- ‘ing the whole exhibition, and with hue weather the attendance of visitors at the Toronto Fair this year will probably be greater than ever. All who take a specxal interest in the manufacturing departments should endeavor to go the first week, as the buildings are not so crowded as later on, and apart from the show of live stock, agricultur- 111 products and the dog show, the Exlizbr tion and all the special features are just as good the first wch . s the second. Dr. Harvey‘s Southern Red Pine, for Coughs and Colds, is the most reliable medi- cine in use. If God is against you what is to be the ï¬nal outcome ‘2 All Men young, old, or middle-aged, who ï¬nd them selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp toms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palthation of the heart. emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on_the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of Will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of nearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude. excitabilityof temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with LEADER CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc, are all symptoms of nervous delllty that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send you, address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. LU ;()N, 50 Front St. 1“... Toronto, Out. Books Sent frec‘sealed. chrt- dis use, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, alpita- tion, sxip beats. hot flushes, rush o blood to the head, dull pain in the heart. thhbcats strong, rapid and irregular, the sccnnd heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about. me breast bone, etc., can positively be cured No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBUN, 50 Front Street East, 10- ronto, Ont. l 3 “You must. go to Erratum}. f; on do not 3! mil not be responsi- , lc for the co sequences.†"But, doctor, i m; auroral neither the time nor the money." “llcll, if that is impossible, try . I . . r .. )l. . . . l 5 5 nemu’rlulc “"3 l’r'gmc‘“ mougm" on “m†1 people from all parts of the D~rlllliiioll and l $3 PER DAYâ€"Good men and women. - Fast selling articles. J. E. CLGaE. 59 Victoria. street. Toronto. BACHERS can make money during vaca tion h canvassing for one or more of our fast sclzing looks and Bibles.csp)ec- lly History of (Xanadu. by W. H.Withmw. . .l)., latest and st. edition ever published. pricq; low, terms liccml. Write for illustrated cu'culam and torn“. “'M. BRIGGS Publisher. Toronto. LEATHER BELTING Best value in the Dominion. F. r2. DIXON 5: CO.. Makers. 70 King street East. 'loronto. 33'5an [or l‘rlco lllni" and Discountsfm _: F. T. Hazeltlne. Warren, Pa†U. 8.41. TAHO INSURANCE 00., OF CANADA. Established for the prcvcntion of steam boilcr explosion byproncr ins icctlons. Sir Alcxandcr Campbell. l\.t‘.3l.(l.. flout-Gov. of Ontario. President. lit-ml Olllrc, ‘3 Toronto ï¬lrcrl. Toronto, om. Consulting Enginch and SOLACiTORS OF PATENTS: GEO. t'. ilonn, Chief Engineer. A. Fussun. Soc. ,. magic???" TORONIOrQ $357132 0 LIGNY GOLLEGE, OTTAWA FOR YOUNG LADIES. Spacious buildings. lighted with gas. healed "3 by hot. water. nll modern conveniences. cx- tonsivc grounds. First class staff. under Lady Principal from Europe. Board. furnished room, fuel, light. tuition in English branches, French and German from $150 ywrly. Thoroughly cillcicnt Music and Fine Arts Department. Session opens Sept. 16th. For circulars writ-3 to REV. DR. WARDEN, Montreal. STARTLIllilâ€"BUT TRUE ! Solid facts have come to light. Victims ore ro claimed from THE GRASP 0!“ THAT HORllll) I’O‘NER. Ol’lL‘M. St. Loon \Val’cr. if free 13' used. will onows _: 'rim DEMON our. Get a - burr-cl. stay by it. drink without; stint. and you will escape from the deadly pit of null and woe, to the cnjoynu-nl of door, sweet life. The Palace Hotel is now open at Springs. in l'. Q, for. the l‘cccpliop ol f/ visitors. For nil infor Q- I matron address 51. he :1 ï¬lincrul 'll'nter l'o., XML, Toronto, Or to St. Lcon Springs, Que. SF. in. T0 :iisc'rox, Director. M y NTO CUTI'IXC SCHOOL. â€" Grand DR- Oglgmm for young then to acquiro a ï¬rst clam trade. Terms moderate. Send for part} "' . F l :- CUlilï¬sâ€"Kl King Street \\ mt. o . For (‘hlldrrn and Adults. Invaluable for Indigestion and Constipation. FRANKS & (‘0.. London. England. Proprietor Mom'nui. Orrinâ€"2. 17 St. John St met. . Dr. T. ll. Allinson. Ll{.C.l'.. London. $11)S:â€" " I like Dr. Nichols ‘l-‘ood of llculth' very much and find it of cat dietetic value in many dis- eases As a mnkfnst dish I prefer it to oat- meal. For the regulation of the bowels it can not. be surpassed." Semi for sample Fill-2E. Cheapest and BEST PLACE ' in America to buy ’ ‘ Baud nnd litile Adde WHLLEY. ROYCE .t (0.. 158 Yong! Street. Toronto. Sand for (‘atnlozum Tun coxï¬ov canmscu TOPS ARE THE BEST KNOWN. Ton In afï¬liation with Toronto University. Their lncrcasmg popularity is a proof of thel superiority. Be sure and get a Conboy top on end for prospectus. your buggy. The Allianca Bond and Investment Oil. of Uï¬iï¬ï¬‚imiiul. Incorporated February 27th. 1890. CAPITAL - - $I,OO0,000. General Ofï¬ces, 21 3s 29 Wellington street East, 34 8c 38 Front Street East, Toronto. . This Company undertakes ngcncios of every description. and trusts. such as carrying out issues of cnpitul forcompnn icsnnd otl:crs.convcrsion of railway and other securities, will give euro ful attention to nutnagcmcm. of estates. the collection of loans. routs. interest. dividends. debts, mortgages. dohcntnrcs,bonds.hill<. notcs,coupons. and othersecuritics; will not usngcntsfor issu- ing or countersigiiing ccrtillcatcs of stuck. bonds or otlicrobligal ions. llccclvcs and in vcsts slnk- mg funds and invests moneys generally for others and otfqrs tho best terms therefor. Every dol- lat-invested with or through this Company ourus the highest returns and in absolute] ' sufo. All mvcstmcnlsnrc guaranteed. THE INVIis‘Tsfl-ZNT BONDS of the Company are issuu in amounts of $100 and npwnrd and offer unpnrnllcllcd induccmcn s for accumulative investments of small amounts, monthly or at larger periods for terms of years from tlvo upwards and the inVcstor is not only absolutely protected . "ainst. loss of a single dollar but can rely upon the largest returns consutcnt with security. Correspondence solicited and promptlyroplicd to. L_S'l‘0NI~I. I’rcsldcnl. G. F. POTTER. Mann:an Director. First-class General and Local Agcnis can obtain reinuncrutivc contracts by applying to run ALLIANCE noxn AND vansniux'r 00-. 0F 03mm». LTD" ToRONTO. ONT. donfcocratlon ORGANIZED 1871. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO REMEMBER, AFTER THREE YEARS Poicies are lncontestable. Free from all restriction-i as to residence “"3ch or occu ' ' . ' . . . . , .. pallon. Paid-up Policy and (.31in surrender Value (lunrnmccd in curh Policy. THE NEW ANNUlTY ENDOWMENT POLICY. AFFORDS ABSOLUTE l’llO’l‘EL‘TlON AGAINST = EARLY =-= DEATH. Provides an income in old age. and is a good investment. golicics are non-iorfcitublo after the payment of two full annunl l’rcmiums. _ ‘lgll-trl,.\\r'llllt'lllll‘c uncxcollcgl by any Company doing business in Canada. are allocated pligilgedw years from the issue 0. the policy. or ul. longer periods as may be selected by the l’roiils so Allocated arc. Absoiule and not liable in bc l‘ulnrc :iinc u‘mlcr nil)‘ circumstances. ’ reduced or “called at an, I’m-(wiputum Polwy Holders are entitled to not less than 90 per cent. of tho prollts corned in llicclaxs and for l: 't ' w w -- - '- - . - Earned. w the; 1:» seven )Lrlln have actually )L‘LCLLcd 95 per cent. of the pig/us so W. C. MACDONALD, J. K. MACDONALD, ACTUARY. Manama Dmi-zo'ron Sb'hEh‘l ‘ s2 cum TO THE EDITOR :â€"Please inform your readers that ii Ave 3 ositivc remed {o l ‘ above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have bgen permanently! en:ch i shall be glad to‘ send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con. sumption if they “fill send me their En mess and Post Ofï¬ce Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOOUM M.C.. I88 West Adelaide 5%.. T RONTO. ONTARIO- ‘ “‘1 ‘ru *7‘5v:3ï¬.¢ Inwrw.‘:§x 1-?" .‘.‘~. u}: .. .v x a’nuvmvsn mu: m. flag-“at- or i COD LEVER. OIL. isometimcs call it Bermuda. Bot: tied, and many cases of CONSUï¬ï¬PTION, Bronchitis, Cough or Severe Gold I have CURE!) with it; and the advantage is that the must. sensi- Ilvc stomach czn take it. Another talus which commends it is the stimulating properties of the Ely- opliosuaiiics which it. contains. gnu will ï¬nd it for sale at your nruggist's, in Salmon wrapper. Be sure you get; the ircnuinc." SCOTT .{2 n(3‘-"Xl‘..ncllcvlllc. WMnnnan-a which holds ocsus up simply as a. martyr to truth. lie wot; a martyr to His divinity and Mcssiuhnhip. ll" lie was not divine, if He was rot the :lon of God, if He was not Blessi- ah and Savior. Lilt‘ll lie was simply a martyr to a lie. and :1 Christianity which robs the crucifixion of its atoningr power and Jcsus '(.' of llis divinin end Navinrhrmd invilcs the world not to admire. a martyr to truth, but a martyr to crror. \V‘nat the cross rc- prcscnlcdon Calvary. that it represents to us, that. ii has re urscntcd to all peoples, the vicariousdcoth o the Son of God, the power of God unto salvation, thc wisdom of God unto all spiritual culightcmncnt, the love of God unto all gnu-e and comfort and hope. ~Therein is its power. The cross makes liv- ingbcuuliful, thecrossmukcsdyingsublimc. As the cross is this tomankind and makes no false claims. iron and nations have not ~cncd and exalted them. Nearly every ruin p l l l i must illogica‘ doctrine ever taught is that E , Send at onze for a FREE BOTTLE "and 3 valuable Treatise. This remedy l: azure and radl'j‘ll cure and is pcrfc-‘tly Bran "' as no injurious (lungs are used it: .t; ,. t. nation. 1 will warrant it to cum EPllEPll ii ill! FALLING SiOKllESS in severe cases ‘ here other remedies have failed. My reason for sea ‘12,: n free lion's is: 1 want the ~ medicine :o be i - cwu recmu- Eu lilCn-liiiufl. l: v. .n you with . lug {or .1 trial, am a rauicalcui’e is ccrnin. Give Ezprcss and. You Uxiicc. Addun: H. 6. R00? fl. 6., I86 West Adelaide 6’: 'ï¬nonto. Ont. a. â€"â€"‘x H l l l l E wwwwuw Ind TUMORS Curd. Nu Knif: Bonk l'u-r. G. ll. MCMICHAEL. 'l.‘ ‘di! in vain. lthu. ins xi 1m ' v' - ti hit 5 t. l l,sticngih “.0.“NiavnshummulN,“ of nun oi nal.oi. llM‘ bull but Lie lugpal I TAN 1M)", every town m Um Dmnunmh oulcomc. 1hr memtuolr‘ couscqucuc of build« reliable men to rcprcscnt the Dominion mg on talsc hopes and wrong principles. i Bldg and L91!“ ASE}: (U477 \Ollge M- 10’0"“). _. __,___._.____.__. 1 low sud and friï¬htfnl to sec in mm sink into ' ' I: _ _ , ‘ , procured in Canada. L.S- the darlzncss wzulc dcspairmgly clutching and Foreign Countries. an error which he has mistaken for truth l" __ W- Jo Gilli-“l. 7| lei-:0 Mu Toronto- WL‘TFmâ€"Monoy Uhoiccâ€" * _'Books._ Control of terrilpry. Apply‘nt once Tho .lltllllf‘ili‘ di Roma. rctorring to the Inga Mm: lull & t‘tï¬._120_}qr_u:9_3t~. 'lorfnfo. «many converts gained to the Roman (.‘itholic, - )pflpLE (“not town mum“, ,0 mm “mm. Church in England. dm-larcsthal ifthc work; lion should have their dresses Parisian of conversion continues at the rslcmointainf Phil-“9‘3; Skim “)0 “I‘VE: lil‘ndrcu" Ski!“ "" red for thc last half century. Catholicism.SEES; 71$;{.;'.‘.‘.§"' Ml†"Imikhoui‘c'ifl“mm will bc. dominant in England a. century ; L. i ' ' Ihence. ! . WM “'5 ALMA LADIES’ OLLEGE, a new: institution, over-taken am surpassed itsE \vcll cstablishcd competitors, securing ins 'cars the largest cni‘olmcnt in ()iituri..1§-â€"~â€"»â€"-â€"â€"-â€"~â€" .r 3‘ ‘ " ~ V A u ‘ ~ . ~ ‘ ' o u w ' ubtlcss many (‘flllfl‘lllllglit llt‘ “signml' um; _ : b.\l.l‘.:‘.\ll‘..\ by the - - V - . . ; ' \ ~ mm . "WNWIH’ “NW!†w‘e. I"’7~~"‘N(1"I" rul‘tJh'urli- A i. :nzh: \Vc's't. l'ix u.‘.- ' l.†_.~‘- . I “ (a! any. . o up .- any, youd '(‘Ig'..)ll'!1l.’hhf, “Humâ€... “M “.~.~,~.\‘1~:,-, l'crmnn-‘ni position“. “wrath/fl " ' '-‘"""’~ {Mid 50"?" and the "Illâ€- Hood )3 '. \V'ritc it! oil-'13. H†to work NOW, . . l ) forts u: u" '(‘xlvyzirlrt‘rt o/‘in hmâ€. [,f.‘ “5' whilcitis endyloscllau-l triviiory unworkod. stall now numl as nmrly 2o mm “3 so" studentsovcr ‘30". amp“ t'ulcndu‘ can _ , . be obhlnrd on application to Pain-nub ___,._,___,____"9‘_"‘"“ L 3"- Aus'rla. ll. ll. St. l'hou.u. Ont. Bunyan L13}; sq‘lg“]1§:lllb5:~ A lchly fan but the Hill face covered with r ‘ "‘ largo pennies of every pouiblrsltado. "mung. ed on mruh-noipcarl stick... miorcd to match the purple pansiu. 1 linequ for Riel-.253 3:: Early ci Coloring. Theyare the our bra: that. WILL NOT WASH OUT! \‘JILL NOT FADE OUT! There ll noting like firm for Strength, Coloring 0r Fastucss. m Yacht: 2333.3 7Y7: ci::;c‘.l:2221e‘.ntho whit. I! you dmlzt it, try it! Your money will be re traded it you are notamviuc- d enr: v. trial. Filly- tourculon or \ my": in 'i' whisk Dyon,- ulna-in: all ..ew hinder. and all-:1 are nddrd r .- Iocn in they becom- tuna-bio. '1 hey an: Varrnnu n to an in .. good-urch it bettcr than any other Dy -- Sam Price as Iniaï¬crnyo, 10 01:5. Canada Branch: 431 St. Paul Street, Montran :liom Ssi‘iug weekly borne-‘71 uovrunu. and Lll'l-IRPCHOL. Smoou lr'lzcta Sin. (1.“) and 56) Return 'l‘ickvrv, :94. SW m-l $ll0,.1cconling to - slcamcr and ncmmniulali-m. intermediate #5. v . . . :. . , r - . .Stccm *c rt". Apply 1‘ l1. 3:. nrnnu. Gun- “ O "“u‘i‘if 3‘} ‘6 “5" .i"“ .l‘ j": "LU‘ ‘ crol Minugcrt‘anadlnd shipping l'o.. (CU;- -('U_\l of Ho \\ out Adclmdc .‘L, lorontu, Ton Hill's); ‘ol'um. Blrircrizxii..(...-to 01m. imul teal mcrc than fir.linM-_y Wide- Agcntsm Ih'1nï¬ndund(it:mi in thc success oi his vnlxublc preparations“, ' " " ' ‘ ' for the cure of lun ' diseases. ‘-".7.: Sl.().l (:UM'S ()XUll-ll‘lfhitl) EMULSION uh PURE .301) [AVER OIL. No preparation of the kind has evcr um with the same soc-i cons in the rune time and the testimonials in its favor are I.†irom the most authentic sources. Every druggist sells it. The difference to you in a. season’s cut of, say, 3 m1111ons, means a. loss or gain of over $6,000. l’rm orders. home and foreign. prevent our exhibiting a Band Mill at 'l'oronlo this year. Due in our building. bnwevvr, tor a customer in Hungary. will bc crecletl at our works,whcre interested pailâ€. (an :0" it in up-‘r-‘ll'ili. We will exhibit Steam Pl"- Englne. Aer-lei Truck. Hook and Lnddcr Truck. Fire Department Sup? Plies. Engines. Shingle and Clio i , grip Pane)“ PP “I Hills and our Patent Friction The Waternus Engine Works 00.. Lil. Brantfurd. (Janna. 60333 05.2.5333. 332mm. NEW WILSDBB TEROAT.P&ES,WOUHDB. BURNS. FEMALE comm, All: 3330' 1333533 01’ ALL KINDS. U00! IWylï¬mmï¬y. Bummthflï¬t mmcrcomwz i ï¬WQ a; ._50. .. .-._ _' Sand for Catalogue. ~{’ ‘~' 910w.“ A