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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 19 Sep 1890, p. 7

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v“ b CANADIAN LBPEBS- -" The Leprr Srtllvmrnt at (.louccutcr, County, New Brunm lrk. One has not to to so tar as Molokai tO' witness that nwfid blight oi the flesh,1 1e )rosy. Here in this out of the was“ spot 0 New Brunswick, or. the )L'L’i of the great ocean, are sights to lit-lllc Ines/Jill :". writes a correspondent of the L.- Luvl' LTilII'n‘. Herc are literally ininnired a ‘ mre \- or more oi wrctches touched with a fullness which, for no fault of t' ‘ excludes them forever from the world. is true than the lepers of Scriptural ti nes w.io~ dwelt in the open sepulchres about Jerusa- leii‘i, subsisting on tl‘c: fragnu-nts that acci- dental charity dropped on the ground in the ' \vilder less. Nor is heard. from them thatl . . l l l I they are treated with more 1-ierat'oni | I licll, “ Una-lean, unclean." No; the lot 0 these unfortunate-s is made. as cndurable as the ghastly malady of which they are ti o victims will permit. The Dominion Uovci‘ii- inent has erected a commodious hospital on the banks of the Tracadie river, o'.’erlor;king the gulf into which the slender streamlct terrible crv as of a lI,):T. soul in the Dantcan i a lovelicr combination of " strcaullht and hill“ than this. Would that one could for. get the hopeless fate of their fellows. llut alas ! they are, " the world forgetting, by falls. It would be diilicult to find anywhere ‘ woitlicnduring hasbecn withdrawn from them. Nevertheless it is pleasant to know that their lot is more endurablc than it was years agro. \\'l:en thelazaretto was established, ' )oiit forty-live years ago, the poor crea- ropcs, and beaten with long poles to force them toward the lazaretto. No one vould touch them. They were torn from the bosom of their families, although in many cases they werothe sole support of wife and children. The cottages which then con- stituted the hospital were filthy and uncured for. Males and females were cast together, and the contamination of immorality was added to the other horrors. Their food was laid down on the ground, to be eaten where and when they choose. To the people in the surrounding country the name “ lazarctto ” was clothed with all the horrors of gehcniia. ! llll'CS were lassoocd like beasts, drawn n‘ Little wonder, then, that when a member of a family was attacked with the loathsome disease his relatives took every precaution to conceal his condition. It may well bel supposed that this secrecy tended to spread the disease: The condition of the lazar- ctto at length became a public scandal, of the Hotel Dieu, Montreal. She volun- teered to go and care for these poor out~ casts. Other volunteers were asked for, and every sister in the house' tendered her ser- vices. Seven were chosen, carefully in- structcd in the treatment of leprosv, and then they ‘éttll'tCll a mission compared with which the task of cleaning the augcan sta- bles was alight. one. They found the laz- arctto a veritable abode of the damned. hit the sisters cheerfully set to work. and in .l. very few years everything; was trans- formed. The provincial government of New Brunswick, glad to have the scindal re- moved, pro 'idcd all necessary funds for meeting the expenses of the institution. Te‘r: in being a loathsome charnel house it was transformed into a home. The inmates and the house itself are kept scrupulously clean. llired attendants do all the work. The iii- in.-.tcs have no tasks imposed on them. Their path todeath is smoothed and re- licved of cares. They have a small farm with which they may do what they choose. ' ‘hc_' have boats, in which they may fish and trawl, or simply idle away the suinme' days. .-\s to flu n of the disease, some. find it in the deterioration caused by generations 3 ter, which is the sea: of the disease, is set- tled by L‘anzvlian-lfi'ciidi. The little community married and interiuarricd until nearly everybody was related to everybody else. (hie. story is that; 1 ll) years ago a bark from the coast of Syria was wrecked in the Unit of St. Lawrence, just- otl'thc shores of (limit-ester county. The rescued sailors stayed for some considerable time with the .‘vauiians, and from these the latter con- tra 'lx‘i the lirst case of leprosy. Auoihcr v.-:-.~ion has it- ih-it a stranger hailing from 31.3w» was alilicted with thchorror, and i i: as a legacy to his entertainers, wliilc ' l another story is that the disease. was - : ’rn-iiul through s une of the people _.n__-; putrid iish. 'l‘.i~.- disease is called leprosy, although it is probable that it is in many respects (lif- ‘ ill from the leprosy which whitened the . .ind rotted the bones of the Hebrews of .\ recent authority thus describes its (:lii. -S_\'lll§|:i)lll.\'1 " 'i'lic iirst indication of the disease is the r. mearince. of tin‘.‘ tubercles on the skin, an i especially on the face. These lllCl'O-‘L‘L‘ Vt'r an the si 'e of a. pin ii-‘Ml 1*: that of a barle- n'u. ‘l‘hcnosc and ill cued and swollen. s'i th toz’tml and thi-fenii , . vy-s droip, and e','...i+;irs and eyebrows and spun-:iznm the hair dropout. “After a time ih} tubercles break. ul- vci'a‘m and discharge, the disease even at- tasking the castilrtgc and bone, and piece by piece joints and desk fall oil until death gives the still-yer {re ‘Illllll from his terrihlc lot." The average duration of the disease irnn the time the iirs‘. symptoms are dis- cu\ ere-l until death ensues is about ten twelve years. The ' iarcito was taken charge of bv the Domini-iii H‘H'vl'lllildll‘. in l‘“ l, and. lh‘. Snail: was plan-d in charge, who keeps a sharp lookout for i:".~.‘:r.l persons. In a c viin-i'szitiou had with .:‘ doctor he "- “ I am no: .\'i-~‘. sit; {that the- .. incurable. idiscliarce-l «in: man fiotn the lnupital several vows a; i and he has lad no return of tin" S)‘;.t;lli\llli. L'izt year 1 diseiiaz‘gnl a gill. “ho had been admitted to the l.t.'.H‘(Elt<‘ just as .w: m as the first >_\'lll])~ tutu“ oi int-union developed divans-Lines Still. though then two are apparently free from the malady, 1 do not regard tl._‘ c s x; as pt :‘lllvHIL‘lllly cured. and I still it 'ti :ini'i under close filli‘Ytlll‘tflC”. Of late the disco»- has llt‘.3ll dyiagoui in 'l‘raeadic. its +.'.:-.;;2..\l seat: but out of the live new cases taken in last year the \v.\~‘fi1unit'.ipe Breton and four (min the parishes wldsh adjoin 'l‘i'a-xidic. I have raced a ten: twin: to the ~'.’ situated between 5itl§ipc5|ii and tar. pint. and from this centre 1 have ti‘.‘.:e:l it 1) other settlements." li. .ch .l.‘_. ._.__.__.â€"___ In lilo: matte:- nf sgxhca v At up] , f .L' o P‘rm'l Gum”: liifl‘t‘ too many. an“. ‘.' mo . f‘ . i l' \ . . . . mas: :IJXLLIHS teleis am he in antes. i Free Trip A round the \‘i'nrld. Also, in order of . awarded: A Free trip to Florida: A Sliver Tea _ ~ . Sci. 563‘: A Donie~tic Sewing Machine. $5”: WIAGIC Sl‘Al.Eâ€"~For dross cutting, taught .L l story impel-31')“; lluaii; r‘_\si"i,\*,\'i‘xoi;." The perâ€" 3 ANTED in every town in the Dominion.- the world forgot.” All that makes lite‘ so much so that in 1863 it reached the ears of Sister St. John (Miss Vigcr), of intcrin'iri‘iuge. The countv of oecs . ‘â€" i R N TH WORLD. This Graduate: and Stu lcnts of A o 0 Aispt'licnngcfif travel. The 5:3. Thomlus, ()utnAkgy new be Never 1t F3211. peopie are all educated and cultivated to ' such a degree. that in the hearts of almost found 1.“ honorable and “lentil”? emplo" . “u Hen- om. more i,- “ longing m 59... foreign mun. ment, in shop, store and office, in behool‘mid . \ Jro CUR, Conqi",,mu; tries and view the Itl;\CC~"\\'hu‘l‘COf so much has College from the Atlantic to the Pacific in A“? S' TU Chang, n‘w li‘wr ‘ been written and said. ’1 “E Home rascmxron both Canada and the United Sm‘es. scores To Wm“. me b100,.“ .-. .. _....- I _ Clan-post and BEST FLAIR 'n America to ba Han: and Musical "u . ‘o.,0f Mon r=al. il’c .‘ a 'raudn no nnii ' . . _ . _ .. ‘ . , in [ho worm: L'rroon criméon .Cnfiyngthen’, are teaching successfullv and others earning 1 go i uni-huh“ ppm»? Instrument.- ' W ' ' ' i " ' ‘ . > ‘ \ .t x u i . the largest. number of Englile war 5. construct- large salaries as Stencgmphem or Book- ' 0 "‘4‘ ““l" “‘m‘“ , Husk. h. ism, _ _ I To annihilate Dyspepsia. . h . .7 ~ .s. i , . . ~ $373 $3,335,“;“gm... titldress wuaun. km u. .t 11L, isslona i; '1‘..m;‘t;cilu- wmkstrons ' \‘rvi‘t. Toronto. Send [or L‘aialozue. Tn perfect health. cd from letters contained in the sentence:â€" kee rs. A 60 . Calendar sent on a Uli- "con savi; THE QUEEN.” will be given A -t-llon to mefil’m ANT“. B D ” merit the following additional prizes will be innit-«ai-uum: llk. Gold wlmvu. 5;». A pm. by ans.» Chlibb, General Agent to: 0n~ 1‘7131§,,l‘f,§,f§3.‘,‘fi,.m m, f l (illth EUROPE“ D ; sent will be glvcn to anyonesemlingalist of not tarlc, 126.} Yongc .-tr.ct, Toronto, Ont. ‘ wi, kcnc‘w “‘2” 'g, lC~i than '2} l-‘nglisli words, of not less than four 2 â€" â€" ..__- .. ~ â€"â€"~- f m “an ,r ‘.u‘ of”): . _\ \ \ r I lctte ' (min. in \‘.'e‘.u<te. or \\'orcc~t(‘r~‘ Dic- ' and unions Curml. No Knife (1"? k u‘ln‘dfiu‘w «.m , ‘~ » tionary. allowable. liill‘lthf‘ .'>‘J cis. to par for at 90““ "C(10- H‘ ~‘“-‘-}“C““}L.- .r‘“ ,' ‘ l n I * ~ . X/LJ Grand l’rn-mium (‘at 2 ill a 6 months trial MUG: MazsraSi-.buimu. .\ l. 1.0!!“ . The 5:. Leon )Ilnrral “‘nu‘r (‘u.. Lid. Toronto. SQLED .. A LEATHER sill-in:iptiontoihebcint' iviilustratciifamily son sending in the largest list or correei words I reliable men to represent. the Dominion may not bum a podium, or (‘nrc in make the ~ Bldg and Loan Assn, 60â€"6? \onge Si. 'loronto. extensive trip pli‘cred, thepubiidiers give such â€"â€"â€"- pcrscn thechmcc ot the trip or $1000 in cash. P g procured in Canada (5.5 .lildrcss: The Home l-‘a-aclnatur Montreal. and Foreign Countries. \V. .l. “anti”, :1 iongc St” Toronto. “W Corn Fed Oysters. Most people, when they hear of “corn fed oysters,” laugh at what they take to be a little extravagance intended to convey the 5 l’liltDAXâ€"Gofld men jun}: “pinch. idea of fatness, the association of ideas avith 59 V. .. ‘l‘i‘jftsl'ld‘flg E‘FWJCB- - - U405?- " H f- t ss anl corn fed how's bein lcwlmfliiflo' exnenm d “e” l l . a ' g EOl’LE out of town “coming to the exhibi natural. But‘cm-n fed oysters me as much I no“ shoum have their dress“ Parisian 1" met “'5 com led “06'3- ob'Slm‘ cull-"anon I l’laiteil. _ Skirts we a yard; Children's skirts m- I (il-ZSTS “ANTEDâ€"Biz; Money Choiceâ€" 4 Books. Control of territory. Apply at once ii. N. MUYER 8'. 00.,‘l2-J Yongc st" :I‘oranto. Unusual; 1::- Echuzii and Burt :.' Cater/kg. They are the oxn‘ urn-3 that W! LL NOT WASH OUT! \VILL NOT FADE OUT. Tlieie ls nailing like them for Stringih, Coloring ' er l‘asuu-ss. Dtlzl‘sc‘xage 3531.::WColanyfihtrtyclnttamrkot. I! you donbt it, try it! Your money uill be re- fiiinlc-l if you Ire not convinced nit. trial. l~ itty- in all the bays and sounds of the east is con- apes 250 a vnrd. Miss Stackhousc, #27 Yongc ' . _ . . . . . - . . ,’ r ‘ . ' a V ‘ hur ‘olou a: inn-I wit '1 nrkish Dyes ibra II)‘ ducted with asmiich selenceasthe cultivation . “Lav LDWMO- The Baht “00:15 l L l l ' alum astbey - . _ all . cw sliiulegainl others .uc midi d of arvricultural products, and in many places LEATHER BELTING by the Principal B001 3 become filshlfifilill‘. bc'l‘hcylmu warrim. Dto dyc 5 " .. . ' . . .q . . . -, m gemsm dull. tteri iannuyutuer r on the Lhehdpe‘me m) the 03401 Lumer Best value in the Dominion. F. E. DIXON & {MN} 51100 ID. ‘Iillfli’S. livery ’air bummed. Same Price as Inf :lcrEye, 10 (>133. Canada Branch: 481 St. Paul Street, Montreal. SmdmlaI/arSwnplc Card and Book of Inaimctlm evcrymorning stiews with a liberal hand upon CO__ Makers, 70 King Strcct East. Tomnw_ BE‘Scnd for Price Lists and Discountsm the surface of the water covering his beds of the bivalves quantities of finely ground corn meal, which rapidly sinks to the bottom and is devoured or absorbed by the gaping shell fish, the result being an especially fat and luscious oystcr.~â€"S't Louis (I'lobc-Democrat. .3th any": is. Anviigtlfimeh sensao‘stedno/ ’ . . a. . ‘ : Tram-mi: Boys 31nd Gulls: VPEA‘CHERS can make money during vaca- The chome of a school is very impcrtant, tion by -anvassmg~ for one or _morc of our almost as much so as the choice of a home. fast 5013"”; BOOkS‘m‘l HINGE-0* ‘cmi‘ll-‘V “wholly ,m. l ._ . . , q d f . ' q. . of Canada, by \V. 1LWithrow. ).l).,latcst and “3 c 101” ‘5 1“ L-l'v 13-“ 5 0 P‘ucnts 'v Hat“ best ciliiion ever published, prices low, terms ly. Let them investigate fully the claims lineraL “’ritc for illustrated circulars and of schools and colleges. ll'liose that are t‘v‘l'mS- WM- BIHGUS Publisher-'i'i‘l‘mlm- Llolllg‘llfi‘lltlst wax-p ‘arc always: yearly to give N PEUAL 3.011(1)“, “WHITE” Lu” :5 names 0. students and full particulars. The In 01,101. that You mm. km,“- umc OAK surroundings of the school should be moral- BALM isa positive 'curc for‘fcnmlc complaints, ly pure. For instance, a billiard room in Ftptao0"Tl!9}“3'2‘1‘513: the same building would neutralizc'a great Wm, stiln’p"_1_ TROTTIIHE'. 5 liich'l‘uouh west" deal or the good a boy would get. 1 be new Tux-mum um. premises of the Canadian College of Com- in(rce, 385-395 Yonge street corner of Ger- rard St, are beautifully situated, handsome- ly furnished, and the surroundings are spe- cially choice. Messrs Bengough and \Varri- her, are experts in shorthand, bookeeping, and the other subjects taught. in the college. Visitors will be made welcome and shown through the spacious apartments. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"<> One dose of Dr. Harvey’s Southern ‘Rcd . ,. . J. .DOAN 81. SON. Pine willin‘tantl ' sto ) a severe fit of cough- _. mg, a D I ' For Circular Address, . ‘ 9.?«53‘1-‘0’1‘1‘3’2 "’ ‘ ‘ ‘ l i ‘ l ‘ ‘ ‘ GURES CI‘TARR'H, REEUMATISM. NEU- ITORUMU LM‘LME M mm’ m' BALGIA,§ORETHRO.':,Pii.ss,wovims In affiliation with Toronto University. Evin-'1 XLE COMPLAINTS ANfi F. H. 'l‘GRillNG'E‘ON. Director. figfiogfigii‘ggg 013 ALL liming. l2 and 34 Pembmke Stu Toronto: Ont- Mezllniemzl’ytfiExni'iul’y. Priceswc.$i,$l.m Send fon‘mspccu‘s- POND'SEKTRACT CO.NewY 3’ amnion {X man 'is known by the company he ,2» skips. Pure Cod Liver Oil and Emulsions propor- ly made from it are undoubtedly the best Prime Beef in the most; easily digested form is sup- plied by 77 Norman" A"°"T°”°“‘° the nutritious elements of ilii s WEED T0 TH E EDI'l‘Olhâ€"Please inform your readers that if ave a positive named" for the above named disease. By its timely use tlions..nds ofhopcless canes have been permancutlv cured. I shall be. glad to send two bottles cf my remedy FREE to any of your renders who have con- sumption if they will send me their Express and Post. Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. M-Gq I85 ‘Vcht Adelaido St" TORONTO. ONTARIO. FAVE}! LINE STEAMSEHPS. remedies for pulmonary complaints. Many emulsions have been placed on the market; but none seem to have met. with the success accorded to SLOJUM’S ()XYUl‘llx‘IZl'll) EMULSION of PURE (101) LIVER ()‘lL. 'l'hcir Laborator ' at 186 \cht. Adelaicht., , se d ' i . ' - . , . . . ' . n at once for a FREE BOTTLE Tomato, Out” is kept constantly gomg and mm, a “mac “misc. This remedy is every druggist in the country is supplied a Mum and radical pure and is perfectly “.itil the flu-10“ ‘ Pen j 1 ' )hannless as no iinunous drugs are used in l l a let ) . Its preparation. 1 will warrant it to cure Mrs. “hintingâ€"“dial does your husband FAluflflsmKfiESS think or the warm weathei? I I‘ll sever!) cases \mrc other rcmlcdies have fail-id. Mrs. l.arkinâ€"He often applies a heated gggggj’tgi‘g";Enggfifgcggggtc ‘5 ° 3 “a” “’e f” ;. ten“ [0 1C. mendatioa. . it (-753 you nolh- g -‘- ii ‘ ‘ . jug rui- {mm}, tint :. tailicalcurc ' Truth is more of a straiiner than fiction. 15 cert-1m- GM Express and .: 1 0 ’ast unuc. Aildim: . . All Men . , p H. G. ROOT g; Cu l86 West Adelaide St. young, old, or middle-aged, who find them * roronto, Ont, , sclvcs nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in man ' of the following symp toms: Mentafl (.cpresswn’ prenml‘uw 010‘ Sailing week] between MONTREAL and age. loss of Vitality, loss of memory, bad ut’mtrgyon Sgt oon Tickets 316.5311and so) dreams, thinness of sight, palpitation of the serum licllcclg, $30. Sfppn‘131111t). “00031115183141 . . 1 - ' “ H.0lllll01‘flllf accommona ion. 11 Cl'l‘ilL‘UL‘L C_,'_~] rim“ 3"“"‘5‘°"S’ “Apr (ine'gy’ Dam m the Sicvuzgc s20. Apply toll. i. mutiny. Gen: mane)?! hemludle: PWW‘CS on,th face or oral Manager(‘iinndlnn Shipping (10.. 4 GUS- body, itching or peculiar sensation about the roar HQUSl-‘l SQUARE, Nourunan. or to Local scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzmess, ‘Agcms 1“ all 'luwns mm mm“- specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulucss, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of nearing. loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitabilityof tempo ', sunken eyes surround. ed with muons CIRCLE, oily looking skin, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€";;â€"â€"â€"â€"7- etc., are all symptoms of nervous deility B I 'tll‘llfll} lead. to insanity infld dough uplcsslcué'czftlé FOR YOUNG LADIES- 10. spr‘ng or ‘11.“ owe .1‘“ mg 0° ‘ Spacious buildings. lighted with gas. heated tension every function wanes in consequence. by 1,0,, mum, a“ lunacy“ c,,,,.l.o,,i,.nc(.5_ ox, Those who through abuse committed in i ilg-nsive glrpundsl.‘ Firsrfilasxstfail‘. lllllllt‘]? Indy :. nu - u. i ‘ , ‘ y - 1. gend l‘llll‘lpll Toll-l "AllIODQ. illll'l . lll‘lll.‘ |C( ‘I‘UOHI. ‘ m0, "nee um) he phm walk} culet L - incl. light. tiiition in lunglis'n branches. l‘ rcnch you, address for book on all diseases pec‘uhar and German from $15., warm .rhnmngm). to man. Address M. V . LUBOB, DU 11mm) villuient Music and Fine Arts Department. st, 11, Toronto. 011:, Books sent free sealed, Session opens Sept. lflth. I- or ('ll‘Clllul‘S write to Heart. disease, the symptoms of which are REV- 33- WARDEN: Montreal- faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita- ‘ tion, skip boats, hot; flushes, rush of blood P to the head, dull pain in the heart. withbcats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart; I beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address .\I. V. LUBUN, 50 Front Street East, To- ronto, Ont. WHOLESALE TGBAQGGNISTs. MONTREAL. Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, Ad‘. 519, including ~3â€" Ci-li-linileil Crusader and lieu) Brands '3 One trial is guarantee for continual use. MGGELL ill llllS ll. SESSEON 1890-1. 6 l ‘ __._____â€"â€" § The Matriculation Examination: in Arts. and of Lime and Soda I ' , ! Scott’s Emulsion is a inmdcqh: Flo]. Producer. It is the :4)!“ anfnly {or ; Scrofuls, Bronchitis,Wa.sting Dis- t cases, Chronic Cough: and Colds. 2 Applied Science, :\n_il {or entmiirc~ into the. Him-lalt"oiirsc {or \\ onion in tho Far-tiliy of Arts. and also (01‘ Exhibitions and Scholar rlilps, will begin V. , ‘1 ,- . he difi'eranca to you in a season’s cut of, 8a , 310mm), Milk 19th: . 1890: 3 “millions, mean; a loss or gain of over y 6,000. Press of orders. home and foi‘r5igii,prc\'eiit our exhibiting a fluid Mill at Toronto this your. One in our building. bowm-cr‘ (,r a magnum in unfiguv, will ly- Procitt'l at our ,_ . ivt-rksmherc interested Dailies can me it in operation. We will exhibit Ste-um Flro “ 11'- i‘““‘-"‘°““‘ 0“ Fm“? 5"” “"h- ““"“‘l Engine. Acriel Truck. Hook and Link N-Trnrk, Fire. Department Sup- ‘"’~‘tilc:.~"; lvi - 2"“; " ’- - ' . ‘ - v V . stringent."“°““‘ l1“l""°p**ll“”“~’-" “mm” and womuug mus Pan-m mm... ‘r p n ey. J. at. summer, 3.3.3., The will;an Engine Works 00.. Lil. Brintford. Calida» ‘ AT 9 .A.-M- I‘A LATA BL!) AS )1 ! LKC. Scott. slimnkiimn out; put up is salmon color wrapper. Aron! all imitation”! substitutions; Sold by all Wguts 315).: Ind $i m. SCUTT .k BOWNE, llelloville. v~._. lat Sen“ 1310. ._ ...M.W.....m, fin, a, . ..

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