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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Nov 1890, p. 4

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I‘D“ namm‘W'“ " ‘ ‘” Dundas ,8: Flavolle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing I .t Well-Fitting Still of Clotheslm i-a'nuea a man with confidence. and preposses others in his favorâ€"which is impoztnntx l \V'u-u rich. 3. man may indulge his eccentricities, and appear in the shabbiesthtttre unthuut losiug‘ caste." but not so the young man who is just hulking his way in the , world: it‘s ruinous to his chances to wear ill-tilting chothes. om W No. mww»... Our New Fall Goods Hare. lust Arri‘vedl'Engm afimmmrk and comprise a beautiful salcction of French and English Suitings and Over-Coatings. Scotch , Irish and Cananian Tweeds. etc., 1 J «a Mob have been purl-based: most advantageously, enabling us to make the prices cou- sidcxably lower than usual. GENTLEMEN, COME EARLY J I‘i who: the material for your Fall and Winter Suit and Overcoat while the Stock is ; Fur/>056. P[Oz[(y/1g f’ 000d (15-. s " o l SOT/711(3)]! of Sfrz'Izg-foollz Har- nm‘. livery article guaranteed a good filâ€"Wt-ll made and well trimmed, and the I’liICES AVVJXX' DO‘VN li‘OlE CASII. CATHRO & Co. Onposite McLeman’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. S- S- RITCHIE has engaged in other bitsimcss, and is iving up he Dry [lords Trade in Lindsay. He is offering the. whole of his fine stock ofll STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS at Wholesale Prices for Gash. The Stock is well assorted in Fall and Winter Goods, and consists of tin-1' and lV/zz'te Cations, Cottomnlrs, S/zz‘i'lz'izgs, YEZl’iflgs, Wadi/25, Dm‘l's, Towels and Yourellz'ug, Blew/zed and Colored Yitéle Linens, [lo/lands, Frill/s, Dress Linings, l'lzm'v. (in)! aml JViwy Blue Flzzmzcls. ["ztll Clo/715, Yarns, li'z'tl and Cas/wzgre- Glows, flowery, Corsets, Blow" (val Colored Dress-Goods.~ 2'7'1. Illa/tons, Cos/1712:3713, szrz‘étt’as, Sanger. .S'z'll's, Plus/165 V glacier/15, zllazztle Clol/zs, Readyâ€"made Clo/lung, Overalls. 1))6’0’ Comforters, l/Voollm Blanks/s, Ila/5., ("a/)5, Gents” Furnishings and Small l’l’hres, .wd other lines too numerous to mention, all of which must be sold andthc Store vacated BEFORE FEBRUARY NEXT. Now is the tiurc to get your Fall and; Winter Goods at, and many lines below, U’flolcsale Prizes for-Cask only. 8. S. RITCHEE, ;_Great Bargain House.) Iicnt Stu, Lindsy. W. Ma ‘ Is Selling His Entire Stock» 0 FURN at and Below Wholesale Cost ul'nut nu tincture. in order to, lnalic 1‘00!!! ('01- 110‘" tlc‘sig'ns and patterns. C'ull early and secure bargains. as I run sol-ling cheaper than any dealer in tho (Jountpr. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK \VARRANTED. UNDERTAKING. ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. We McK.eamm9 .FR/l/VO/S STREET WEST. FE/l/ElO/V FALLS. l have now, on hand full supplies of < étSPRiNG- econs. -./ 7-11, A}? ‘1 [775.5151 {coir/.77: -. x .3 t 5,... been given in any court, suovnrs, sranus, PICKS, .10:IIICIIIIL‘ITIRLXIJ r.- '1‘O()IJS r ._._.______ Johnston‘s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. All Brands of Machine Oils. A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Churns, the Best Churn in the Market. l t l I / /‘/-/;/ xix /. 1 But, “mm... he comma.) 0, not, were I ,,_sssss l blow the fire alarm. but was prevented from so doing by the intensity ofthe Y heat. However. the glaring light made 9 l by the fire was not long in attracting a MANUFACTURER or AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS' radars ROBSDN. the mill. and other mornbles out of harm's reach.. The fire engine did good‘scrvicc in ex- tinguishing the lire at the platl‘orm op posite the mill: and had it not been for AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. BROMPTLY ATTENDED: T04 Bridge Bolts Made to Order. , lyard and made a clean sweep-cl Over Horse-Powers. Straw C n/lw'sq two million feet. of lumber. a» quantity Stand 3-furrow (;¢Illg‘Pl()llgfis.l of lath aud' shingles. and the large ice l a a ' ‘ ‘. . ' house erected III the 'ard last wtutcr. and (1 000d wzrzat I 0 (law) (1/ , )3 - , ‘5 t J / [‘he cause of the tire Is attributed to the exploding of the lamp left on the engine frame, beneath which a quantity evening. there is little doubt that. the rows, Slé‘e’l Hm'rows, from flarrows mall [Vood flarro'zvs ALL OF WdllCll' Wll.l. BE SOLD AT LO\V PRICES TO MEET THE T15] ES. THOMAS ROBSON. FeneIOn Falls, Out. the mill was erected, and this igniting. parts of the engine room, all the materi can be assigned as to the origin ol'the tire. The loss is placed at $15,000.;.iu- surcd for $9,000. In the destructioulol‘ The Fcnclon Falls Gazette. main stays, as Mr. Ellis gave employ- . Friday, November. 2131;; 1890IL meat to a large number of men all the year round, both at the mill and in the woods. It wil be greatly missed by the farming community until such time as it. is rebuilt, as it is M r. Ellis's intention to do. Execution of Birchall. The sentence of death against. Bir- chall was carried out a few minutes past 8 o'clock last Friday morning, as no .A doubt all our readers are by this time errant}. [Ha met death as bravely as he always said he would ; for, though his face looked like marble, he marched unassisted to the gallows. and exchanged a few words in an uulaltcriog tone with the haugman. llc was jerked u wards _ . i . l by the fall of a 350 lb. weight. ath it is H Laogdgg PIIE£R'.,3;,-J-;OOL 0:” f0: I believed he suffered no pain, though his ' 1:1 H y - bf . efkllel'nbe" n.“ picek was not broken and more than six l'wee ' "b In” a' “I 5m“ 0‘ 00“ ‘md W__--.- .A i Local Items; FREE To ALL.â€"'I‘hc Independent Or- der ol' Foresters will give a free lecture andcntcrtainmcnt ,inlngram's hall next Tuesday cveu'r'ug, to-wshich all.are in- ‘vited. For particulars see bills. minutes elapsed before he was quite )srws “label: 5‘3“le "2313’ Swapping] dead. Al‘tcr the usual inquest, his body “,e saln'm 1'?"le . e. 8m . f’da 0‘: at he“ was buried in the jail yard; but as it was “at “my” arm“ ‘ was (-mbe]nmdluudlcuclosc' I itr-n.mctal ' KERN“ VlCIQRlAZâ€"T.hc CMlServa' lic coffin, it is evident that. his wife has “V05, 0"?10’“) V.‘°‘°““ “"11 “01d 3 00"- hopes mm hel- rcqnoht that She be pom venttou in this village; next T-hcsday to mined to take it will, hm. to England nominate a candidate .to oppose Mr. will be accededqo. The exceutimgcr is Barron at the next election for the Com an Englishman named Thomas linsley,.l "3mm . '31": man Who‘gets “1.0 ,nomina who for some time past has been Steward “0" “ll”. fi,',‘d that H mere 1"" t "well of the Suuuysidc Yacht Club, of Town 5‘38"" l" ‘l' to, a position which he has been request- PERSON-\LLâ€"MP. 55' MI'S- Andrew ed to rt'rlflll. although some oFtltc mcm- MCEEH'laDd returned ”0")- thC‘ll‘ well- bcrs (he says) do not object. to hitn on “ding tour last Friday... Mrs. George G. account of his being “ the finisher ol‘ Keith, of Toronto, was at the Falls from the law." Birchall is the fourth man ‘ Friday last until Mbuday...;\Irs. B. H. ’hauged by Rasley, who has applied for '“Villsv of Toronto, returned home last e pnsiriou ot'statc executioner, and it Monday, after a visit of abouts-iniouth is said that Mr. Mowut has promised to her relatives at the falls. to use his influence to get him the ap- A SAWMILL Conmg._Wc are an. poiutment. as it is more seemly that thoriz¢d by .‘lr. Scutt to state that. th there should; ill} such all UlfiClill lllllll lNapanC 13:1!)01‘ CU. have at 1)};geront,y a ' llmt lllc prosmtsyslcm SllWld Cnlllln'lc saw-mill of modern construction, which ’ About. three minutes alter the drop f'cll they do not require there. and which the news was received in the. old country, they imam] m mum-e m 190mm” 1rd“... null all the lna'liu_r papers commend the . firmness of the Canadian Executive in carrying out the death sentence, notwith- BK“: OF MOVTRE u, S “.NGS DE. l l P.\RT.\1E.\'T.â€"As announced in another column, the Bank of Montreal has open- ed a savings doparmcnt in connection with its Lindsay branch. This step has been taken in order to meet a grow- ing demand, and to provide additional banking-t'aciliticsl'ovthc public. In- tot-est will be allowed. on sums of $4 and upwards. Boar's t’lrmnx.â€"A tea in connection xwith the union bible class will be given standing the efforts that were made to obtain a commutation. A- few days bc- } tore his execution Birchall wrote a doc- llaration, which appeared in print, to l the effect that he had made no confes- sion, cithcn total or partial, of his guilt, and that if any statement that he had done so were made after his death it would be False. The Rev. Mr. Wade, who has been Constant. in his ministra- ;ordcr for, the spring work. tiuus to the doomed man, was so in- censed by the declaration that, although he read the prayers for the dying, he w ofii-iatc at the funeral t" . - . . llduscll to b l 1’ 10m 'l‘ca from :) t0 7 oclock. after which Rev. Mr. Parker, of Fuuclon Falls, will deliver a lecture on the North-West. and' Rev. Mr. Lockheed will address the audience. Music by the choir. Ad- which it. is inferred that Birchall had made admissions that were tantamount to a confession; indeed, it has been stated that the reverend gentleman said l lilrchall died with a. lie in his mouth. - - .. .' t ‘ .l V. I} . cannot be the slightest doubt as to his Gen": fi “1 “e H n d ‘ guilt ; for a longer and stronger chain 05' ficm‘mm‘p‘ Tn”: ‘\(l-‘m--I“"0" of circumstantial evidence than that Since 1““ spl'l"! more has bee" 3‘ 5“““1' - iug order running between Lindsay and Fenclou Falls not to exceed l2 miles an hour between the two points named. 'lllrc or- der was issued on account. of the then - ~ l condition of the track but was cmch- ~ 11]. .11. . .. , .. . «a w .t s “.1 \lleCt ) a ter , Imeh n I I 3 ‘l ’l l led a few days ago. and trains are now . . . . , . . ' s tire on the cream" of l‘rtdav, . . dlq‘tmu " l allowed torcsumc schedule time, as the track has been put in first class repair, the greater part now being laid with steel rails. W A Titanium: MISTAKE is often made by lct ting a (fold or Cough run too long. Red Spruce & Wild (Sherry Cough lltlsam stops it at once. Try itâ€"-â€"at Ellis's Drug Store. upon which he was convicted has never Another Big Fire. John A. l‘lllis's saw mill. The tire broke out about 715 p. m. and ten minutes later the whole structure was 9. mass of flames. Alter the mill closed for the day. night watchman A. 'l‘nr- rancc took charge, and went through the usual routine of extinguishing the , Millinerya ,4. A. Five Thousand Dollar Treg. On the side ol‘ the. Big Black Moum :taiu, three hundred yards from Wise it, combined with (lie. calmness of the so as not to. lose even a chip. t l this prwcrty the Falls has lost one-ol'tits ‘ and that they will have it in running in the Presbyterian church at But-y's- irecu on Friday next, the 28th inst. ‘ mission, adults 25.cents; children 15' to. G. 'l‘. R. cugiuc drivers. I l l l l tory in l l l 1 Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . lame crowd. which. however, was pow- v County line, in lirtl‘lltl) County, Kerb rcr‘less to do anything towards saving , lucky. and about ten miles lrom Biz A pail gang organized and Stone Gap. there stood, until ashore worked with a will on the. adjacent - time ago, a true that is tlmluht to be- buildiugs, while others got the horsesl . the most valuable tree in the South Ap- palachian. .‘lou'utaius, and is perhaps without a peer on this continent. it is a curled-grain black walnut, and the owner had it grubde up by the roots, It is. between five and six t'eetiu diameter at. : fire would have spread to‘ the lumber 5 the base. and tire. cuts, eleven l'eet eac‘t, hare been sawed. the diameter of the filth cut being four feet. Some ad. «litioual smaller cuts were gotten out ot" the top. The grain runs in graceful wavy curls, and is one of. the.- mnst v ll- uablc woods known, being uscl iu veu- coring. Capt. l’lcnsauts, of New York, ol'wastc oilhad-becu accumulating since l who for years has dealt exclusively in, this class of timber, purchased it for spread with lightning speed to the other 840 loan a mountaineer, and thinks it. is the tiniest tree he ever saw. lie. paid als of which were as dry :‘5 tiudcrwood. _ George ll'. Sliatterfield 3300 to more, This is the only rca<0mtblc cause that . the truul; Gixniles,.to the end of the 9., .»\. &. t); It. It, on lmoucy Creek, whence it was shipped direct to the the- New York. Capt. l’lcasaut thinks that the tree will realize him at. least $5,ll00.â€"(}omuht Luntlwrntan.. -â€"â€"a-c During the past three months 300.00“)- l’ulish peas-nits and Jews are said to have lel't Russia for Brazil. An attempt will be made to raise the. l‘hull of" lhe-seamship. Cynthia. SQUk.i‘l the St. Lawrence just below: )l‘butrea. Anthrax is reported to be ragiugeih. \Vawayauda township, near .‘liddlctowu, New York state. llzdl' a dozen cattle have died on one Farm. Sir Charles Tuppcr has cabled to. l .lliuistcr Bowell that a. musigumcut oi} " Janadiau eggs recently rcceivcd’ in. Liverpool met with great success. William Thompson, a wealthy tanner i of Kansas, .suicidcd because the Farmer-41' I..-\lliauce candidate lor governor was: Udefeated. He had made ltcavy bets on the election. it is said Prince Bismarck will refuse I to let Emperor William revise pt'ml'sol‘.‘ his book, The Lti of Emperor Willi-tut- I, cvcnil‘he has tc.,r_;c> the work pub- lished in l‘fngland. Lee Ching, a Chiuaman who. had:- bccu smuggled across Suspensicubridgc on top ot'a lreight car. has been arrcsh ed at the Bridge, along with a white man named Muldoon, said to bxlong to Toronto, who is charged with assisting the Chinamau in evading the law. They are in the hands of the United States: district attorney. A French attorney was writing out a brief. He was in splendid health, only. ~10 years old, and was writing rapidly, when all at once he. stopped, and from what unnucut could not tell his own name. .‘lc'nut‘y went out. from llkc a ll'h‘ll ol' lightning. Adam Kern, a- succusslul and pram- »incut farmer of Boone-county, [udiaum began ten yearsago to keep a dairy. lie. was an eccentric man and on tho llirst page he wrote: " .‘.t the end of ten years Fromnhis cutry, it' I am alive and out of dzbt, I intend to take my life.” The time expired Friday, and Kern killed himscll’. Oltl. A rare incident in the history. ol‘ tho, l London stock exchange occurrctl'duriug Ithc past week. It was the action of him. [10 was 70 years the committee in expelling from the institution Percival l’rceston, a broker.- for breach of faith with a client. It Msccms that the client had orderth l’rccs- securities, but that the broker, disregard ing the interests of his client, first gold for himself, thus spoiling his client's market. l-‘liNlilMtN FALLS MARKETS. Report» I by Ill” .Yur/ll Nmr I! :I/« r ,lh‘ll 1'... Fetteloti Falls, l-‘riday, Nov. ch lFi‘lo. Wheat, Scotch or l’il'c . ',t to VJ Wheat, lltll. {fur lr‘l~lll.‘l.... *3 it? Wheat, spring “ >7": 1H [(4th y, per bushel . . . . . . . . 4’) 4": ltou to sell a large parcel of Mexican l l t (hm, “ . . . . . . . . 'tf. Ill; l’rasc, “' . . . . . . . . Si 5? llye, “ . . . . . . . . 5’: 5:2 Potatoes “ . . . . . . . . 2'3 Il’l lutter, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . H ’3 llugr‘, per lill'lllm. .. mo 51"» El's'k'r‘; W'r down lt l'v llay, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . ".W: ".h , . , . _ .".,li'n ' In 5hcep~kius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5n 2‘3 New Advertisements. tires. placing a doz~u pails of water in front of the boiler. and cleaning the v 14th inst, which totally destroyed 31.x" l l When he quilted the engine; engine. room he left a lamp burning on thcl engine frame. lle. (lien made .1 com-» plete tour of the mill both inside and v uut~id-\_ and, finding or rythiug all right. crossed over the railway track to Too Much Stock.313§.;rgi£ittle Money WILL SELL Alifilgllflflh SPflT BASH. lt’m/s Ill/ran in. [irritant/c for Tt'mcurc 012131.; ‘ r » *._â€":â€"â€"~.â€":â€"â€"â€"â€" :over five minutes before flames were of the mill. He quickly roe-crossed and ; t endeavored to cuter the engine room to - right rnul to wealth. FM'SD A NICK“. lille â€"-.\ lucky find; but 3 y the Farmers and owners of Stock who feed ‘ .( [)r. Kendall’s Condition Powders are on the 1 I For salt- only at le __,_ Iis's Urug.Slut‘c. Prrormnurus Year Cameâ€"During the mouth chM'ernber we will make Card size l'hutt-grtphs for $1 0’l per dozen up: t‘uh- . llll‘l. ~iz: $3 in per d can up, and all oth 1-} size; at roducul rates, at Fowuzn It 0033, Lindsay‘sâ€"363w. CAPITAL, Stewart“; mas'r, $0,000,000. A Savings Department has been opened in connection with this branch. interest allowed at current rates. A. F. D. HacGAGHEN, Manager Lindsay brunch. Lindsay, Nuv‘r 18th,1880. 40-3111. w.... . ~â€"_--__.-.. ~â€" l - t l Over 1,300 cattle have lately d'cl while cumin; the ocean. l

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