A: I Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s. Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. ills Cheapllatt’s’ gfl AUCTIOTV SALE. The B'xecutors of the~Estnte of The. Late R. G. Smith will offer for sale by auction at the Village of Ftâ€"melon Falls. _Un_ TJURSDAY, DEC’R 18th, 1890, the following-mentioned property: Village Lots Block east Collmrnm Sittllll Francis and West Clifton streets, to 3"llit‘r with sewn double tenement houses liteh [muse will he put up separately, with enough laud attavhed for necessary yard purposes. hm.- o;_ 7, R, 9, 10 south of Francis and t 9.11 oftfulhorne street. The Clifton llouse is of l» s 7.5.9, and the Clifton llouse shed and hail are ott.lot lll. )lnrylmruugh lmdge. on the shores of "tttttt'rnlt Lake. with stables and out-huild it"s' attached, lying east of railway track.‘ hut I of Francis and north of Water streets. T-ti property would make a very desirable Bu Jill“? residence for a city family. .\tso that piece of property in rear oflots r. to III inclusive, south of Francis, wrst ot t‘ 'burue. north of Water street and the ‘ ri er. and west of May street, and known a the " (irove Lots †Lot 6% Fem-lou Falls West, with dwellint.y :ttlll ottl-httildittgé, nth occupied by .\lr. Samuel Swautott. n l‘art Lot 15 north of‘lmuisn street. with 3 . dwelling now occupied by Mr. John McNeil Part of Lot It. lot 4, and part of lot 5 North of Water and east. of Clifton street. The Executors will also otl‘er Part of Lots 24 & 2'5, Con. 11, tn the township of Fenclon, an improved Faru of 19'! acres. about 90 of which are cleared and have been. cropped. and some oi which are now seeded down, with good Dwelling, Burn attd Stable, all Well lCnCt'll The growing timber on this lot is all available for cordwood. a good market for which is to he found in the thriv- i'l'; "ulna of Fettelon Falls, the farm being situated just outside the village limits. For the information ot'intendingr purchas- ers it may he said that the village of Fette- lon Falls is situated on tlte Victoria l‘rnnch of» the Midland Division tf.tlte G: 'l‘. R. sysâ€" tent, and on the projected and partially built l‘.reut Valley Canal, on the borders of two line expanses of water, Cameron and Stur- g-on i‘utkes. Being thoroughly drained by the river front one lake to the other, it is thus rendered more than usually healthy, and as it is about 800 or-OOO feet higher than Lake 0ntario,.the air is always brac- ing. and cool nights follow the warmest days in summer, thus tnalduggit a desirable place ot residence. 'llltere are Churches of all denominations, two Public Schools, three line well-kept hotels, groceries, dry goods. boot and shoe shops. htttnhers and hikers. enough for a larger population than the present, which is ahottt I500 souls. in addition to the tort-going the undersigned will u tl'e r GRAND or HOOEY’S ISLAND. IN BALSAM. LAKE; consistingofaitout 1,150 acres of good land, 2 to of which are cleared, with a line large 1, w t‘ratne Dwelling, Burn and Stable. and 1; ml suhstautially built Circular Saw Mill (steam p iwer) Ctpaeity about ammo feet pgt‘ tie-.3; The remainder of this property .s n ~ll tttnhured with tlnk, ll' tult‘ck. Cedar. liisswoml :iud o'.h r valuable tituher', so much so tltat the timber, lit-int;- mauul‘ac l-tt't‘ll E 1i†Ittzu'o tr by me ms of the saw-mill, would materially (it‘ not entitely) help to pm lot the property. This Island otl'ers an opportunity for parties of small means to t'ut'ttt a syndicate and buy it. dividing it up after paying; for it to suit the members ; or some t'arun-r with a ta nily ot‘ grown-up sons i-ouiil do the same, each one in tltecnd'th'us bet-outing the ow tter of a good farm of from we to .t t' acres There is also a good ser- tieahle steamboat. with scow. which will he so d with the Island. The Island is with- in t1 miles hy water of Cohm-ouk Station oi“ the 'l'vvriuto and Nipisdug lt. ll.. about the same distance from Fettelou Falls, and ..h rut to miles from Lindsay. The .‘oliowing: \\"I To] ) 1.41â€"XN 1.)â€5" will also be otl‘ered: 'l'tl\\'.\'.\‘llll‘ t‘F \'.l-‘.itl'l..v\.\l. l‘:trt Let 9. “oil. ‘1 - - 5 part F. l Lot 1W. Con. ‘J 70 “ 'l‘t\.\'.\'.\'llll‘ HF lllide-IY. Lot 7. t‘ou. Ti - -- - Lot 5. i ill]. 7 - - - 2th) “ 'l'tl‘.\'.\'.\ tll’ HF SNUWDUN. Lat to. _\ t'ttnt‘essit‘vtt ~ QI‘IO acres. '1‘tt\\'\'>‘llll‘ Ill~ l.l"l'Tl~‘.l‘.\\‘ttR'l‘ll; 1...; 1],, Line-swim] - \ l t. it t‘~. .\ t'i 'l‘tl'\".\'.\".ill‘ HF Sllï¬llil‘d'llddin Lot 4‘). Front Range t‘ou. llo acres, l-Its! tntrt Let ll. t'ott.1‘> - To s» -« i.“.~‘r“.titl - Lot 7. t'on. T - - - ‘30" “ Lot in that. T - - '2'?†“' Ln‘ ‘.' (I it Q - - 5"†L..; T. t'urt. 1‘ - - - 2th 5 pat! .\'. (l Ina Zitt‘sn. '3 .;:i- e l. »'| e, t't-u. 3 - - 1“â€) -‘ North halt Lot if, t‘on. 1“ 10d " St-thl: ital!~ Lot 17. t‘on ltl 1~‘I) “ s ~ :‘l: tut‘t‘ Let t, t‘on. t2 tun «- 'l“-i had in tittny tt' thew lots is coed. :‘t‘i._ l‘ltt-y are all within :\ tow ,,-_‘_‘.< ‘2' mi".th cl ttnEctziun with the y'-..-it an»! :i‘. :trol‘we rt vi on them “all! timl renly markets within a short .' "not {'17 its. J“.- . -.~. . t . .ttgl; oi“ ill-Stu. mswl‘etitts .ttt-l ‘tl wi l lit» :t;e~ as will s'ii'. purchasers. made, knotty; .t'. th- stir. Sal-s to etmtnencc at t ax»: ck '3 to slurp For 21.111 r details and t'vtrt‘wr particulars pnqztirv 0i. lllt‘ EXPCHUJTS. \i (i. .‘lt‘VliF. 4.x: t? ~ri-~. St . Toronto, or J. G Williams amt J D. Smith, Port Hope. Canada. 334‘“ ’.‘9 acres. : 200 acres. . g Bankrupt Stock Store for Great, Big 125E!- flow 1‘4"; -‘, 2 bus. cotton Grain Bugs, per don, $;- 75 Heavy Grey Flannel, per yard, 10 All Wool Grey Flannel, penyard, 15 All Wool 'll’meedsi pcrjmrd, 25 Featlter'l’icking that will hold water 7 3all to be had at CARTBR'S, the Cheap Man. Cotton Shining, fast colorspperz-yard, 5 ,)lett‘si‘ï¬interrSltirts and Drawers, 25 Men’s Cardigan Jackets, worth $1 25, 75 Benny Wool Knit Shirts, 50 lt‘you are in want,vsee CARTER, the the Cheap Man. Men’s All Wool Grey Socks, only 15 Gents‘ )eantifttl'Sllk Ties, worth 3530., lo Colored Henrietta, 4" inches wide, only 25 Black Henrietta, 40 inches wide, only 25 CAltTElt's Bankrupt Stock Store is the plaCe. Beautiful Check Dress Goods, only 8 Plain Dress Goods, all shades, 10 Something-New in Stripedlress Goods, 10 The Wonder Sox, 7 pairs for l 00 CARTER is the Poor Man‘s Friend. Ladies‘ Black Cashmere Gloves for 15 Hundreds of Men‘s and lloys‘ Cups, 25 Extra ll’eavy Steam-doom, only A Good Boy‘s Suit for 1 25 CARTER is satisfied with Small Proï¬ts. l Beautiful White \\'ool.l‘ilankets, 6 lbs. 2 5f) t Men's White. Shirts, only 50 i Towels. ité?‘tl07.t‘ll,. an i lleavy 'l‘iedowns, 65 Extra llenvy Etotl'e l‘ants, 1 75 CARTER wants you to see his Big,r Bargains. ‘ Beautiful SMIettc Coatingworth Sin, 6 50 : llttnp Carpet, only 10 , t.‘ottonade Overalls. only So '1 l '1 White Linen llattdkerchiet‘s for 2:3 ; '2 papers of l’ins, sharp as needles, 3 Satin-ï¬nish 'I‘aivle tfdi'einths 3’3 Ladies. see our Biaek Cashmere llose '25 The Poorand the Rich get served alike AT t‘.\llTlth‘S. .‘len‘s Buck Dtiving Gloves. only 1 (to Q Ladies, see oar new Continua. at. 8:. l “ see our new Dress Robes. N we show the Largest Stock of Dress Goods in Lindsay. “ go to L‘Att‘rrtt's for your Kid Gloves. '. \.\' ll ‘inzl-r r «l. :tfld would m-tkn (“pl _â€" ,letms Dash, and One Fine, AtT CALIITIQII‘S. on: of sale. which ', W CARTER make: a Specialty of Gettta' '1 Clothing. 31. J. CARTER, l The Noted Cheat) Mam. Men's BoundWorsted (lrercoats, it 90 ' All Wool Blue Serge 4.";- Beautit’ul l’rints. only ’» lleavy Roller 'l‘oweliug, 5 Heavy Grass Linen, te- l 2 Spools Black or White Thread, 1. ‘ it‘ll yards each, tor - - t 5 ; . 3 At CARTliB‘S Great Bankrupt Stock Store. . W acres. : coking Is a. pleasant occupation to many. They enjoy contemplating with. secret self-satisfaction the good they have done. it l8 NUT MKE BS, however, for we beltevc in progression of the most rapid type conâ€" sistent with safety. Our plan for the future contemplates taking ad- I vantage of every cn'cumstance that thl aid us to increase our already large patronage and give better satisfaction to our customers... - and Prices. l DUE GODS AND) ER The goods wanted now thatwintct: is. expected we have in quantities. Dress, Goods, Finis, Randy-limit} Clothing, 1 amtï¬ï¬mggsg etco Our Sale of the-iii. MOL8fl1l& Co. Bankrupt Stock still Continues, ,mth 1ncreasi’ng“ interest, at the store next the Post-ofï¬ce. some of the many Bargams While you have the opportunity. You are welcome to go out without leaving a cent, It you feel that way. ave; Things to Ell-Ya Have Things to Sell, and 111 Justice to. yourselves you at least ought to. look at our Goot s But you won’t. ALWAYS TAKE. Secure- THE GREAT BANKRUPT STOCK MEN, 3 Doors East of the Daly House, Lindsay. Lindsay, November 7th, 1800. MEN, local or travel- . ing, to sell my guar- ......_..- a... ........-,_... , _ anteed .\L'ttSt-:ttr brook. hulary or Commis- Ston. paiti‘Weekly. Outï¬t free... Special ntL tentiou given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for particulars. E..0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman; T'ottosro, Oar. (This house is reliable.) 29-10. entitle & ELLlS’S LUMBER YARDS, ilNElllll Fllltlllll llllllSlll. \\'e have for sale here and at Lindsay all t kinds of Building Lumber. .Iiyi‘t, Sr-zttttling l’lattk. 'l‘ittther. Fence Posts and all kinds (it~ l’htned and Matched Lutnlver from one to twoyears old. Uttr Common Lumher. both Pine and llemloek. inch and two inch. is mostly new ‘ stock. cut last season. well rooted, dry and might. manufactured eXpres:ly for the local trade of Fenrlon Falls and Lindsay attd surrounding Country. From our lunt: experience in the business, , and being: builders ourselves. we, have n. ; good i lea of what is required for first class 5 tvt‘ common litliltlitlt! materials tor honses, ‘ hunts and outbuildings. i We have :tzsortt-d :tttd piled hy themselves 1 hath qualities to suit purchasers. Prices l t l v from S". Eel to $3 per .\l t‘w-t and upwards. “'e have :tlmltt two million feet that must 1 he sold to make room tor new stock. l’ar- this red tiring any of The almve stock “ill i J,l\‘t" tnot‘ey l-y railing h fore purchasing tv‘<I'\\-ll"r". or hr sending their hill.s iwre or l, to Lindsay fl:- tt‘ltiittiiulis‘. ltiiis estimated 2 and returned t‘-tr approval. t'nn ship by 0,3,- } loads to al paints. , . Send on your orders. 3 “Unt- llnlla: Saved is Two Dollars Earned.†tun to .\tiril next. Tun: \ert: -â€"-The abort- is all gang lum- ber, parallel widths. GREENE 1.: BLLlS. Fender: Path, in“. l’ABSUSS, Jpn; at Lining Lath. l’iekets. Sltingles,. l‘att get sn- cial rates '3 Two-rowed Barley Fbr Sale. I The undersigned has too hushels of two- rowed Barley: for sale at $1 ()0 per bushel,; the 'l‘orontoprice. ' \VM C. FELL, Lot 18 Con. ‘3, Somerville, Fenelott Falls 1‘. 0.". SOmerville, Sept. 22nd, tsoo. 3t-z;.° l t ,DON7T. l tbc Zed Cathay by aren't/Mm ’ 0 wind that. blows. STILEXLIVE ‘ l Eand able to compete itt my own ï¬line of business and thank my" lntttnerous patrons for tlteirl lkind support for the. lust tenl years. I have withstood opâ€"l position live times. in the lasti, ten years in Fettelon Falls, and; _will still be able to give satis-l liitction, as in the past, at'rert Ihaving had thirty yiars’ ex-i pertence. 'tJ. SLATER, Watchmaker & Jeweller, t [3/9le J UN [ti-11.1.5. i 2 Doors South of Mechanics'lnstitute. ï¬fï¬? Subscribe for the Fete .elon Falls “Gazette,†only 3} at moderate prices. gm the «1.; .ciie of the I“. F. Unsaid. . la year in advance. - horn and Jersey. ‘il h‘lwANTED- ‘l?oli:1h](r I’ushing‘Alon t- - sell choice Nursery Stock. Complete a! sorttnent. A splendid opportunity oil‘vre t'or Springr work. My salesmen have poo Rttecess. many selling t'rotn Slim to $20 per week. Send t'or l’rm f and 'l‘ertimt nials. A good pushing.r man wanted her at once. Liheral Terms and the bet» goods in the market. Write Flirmztztett l'. YOUNG, .\'ttrserytunn. toelu-ster. N. Y. THE PURE-BRED HillSlllll lllllllll‘l Bllll. oacnnnnstos's KING, (No. tt.::w:. u. r. tt. 1:.) will Stand for :s‘erviee on Lot. '3'} ('ott. v Verulittn, (lrchttrdside King, lured hy Ftnitt. Bros .(Iredit Valley Stuck Faith. and owned by Walter ll. Stevenson. was r nlw-d Attril llitlt. l‘t‘r‘. Sire. llttke tit†l-Ztiuv-ly (fl/J) Dani, lit-lit: of tlrt‘lzut'dsitle (3-1'1',) \tlttn llhd a milk Tt'CUr'l us a l\\'n-)I'ltl-ttl'l hi i ‘37} pounds in I'm days. Duke [ll l'Itlgely's ‘JIYI‘ has a milk rceor-l ot‘ HM} tIl'llHtls‘ in one «int. and a butter record ot l'.’ pounds in .u-t'ett days. ller dam. l'lt-ri-iie. has a milk rem-rd of 1"“ pounds, in one tiny. and u hotter ol ‘Jlté pounds is sewn day». Also. at the s-ttne place. the line your: ltllll l'rint'o: Alt-Cit Z'lil. (ll-,'t"i'.; rt'L’l‘lt‘l' «l in Dominion Short-horn llerd Book, and ti!- Jers‘t-v hull “inter. Twins -â€"-ll(ll?'t'l't-l"l‘i|"iltll. t-I'I: E‘iit rt- 5"t‘1tr'll. 2.7 pt r cent disc-mot when the t-a-it is gltivl at ilUH’ of service. W ll.F'l'lL\'lLNr‘tuN. Verulatn. June, 31h. l~fv’). it} Lt. For iirst class .loh l’rintine, t I