--.......â€" - g. n. Clothes‘ I l l W3“ .l min with confidencv. und prepossos others in his favorâ€"which i: importnpt. ‘ i-n rich. :\ mun mnv indulge his cccentricilics, and appear in the :‘lmuluest attire I t, ,0â€; {Uging' caste." but not so the young mni. who is jâ€1"L "mkng his way in the World : it‘s ruinous to his chances to wear ill-tilting chothes. Just Arrived, o...oacoo....ooooovcoooooooonvo New Fall Goods Have :31. p and comprise a beautiful Selection of French. and English Suitings and Over-Coatings. Scotch Irish and Cananian Tweeds, etc, rm ‘ll llzt'i.‘ been purchased most :ulvnnmgeonsly. enabling us to nmke the prices con- Tl-lllillllS llll-BSON. IRON FOUNDER & llAClII'NlS'I‘. MANUFACTURER OF IMPLEMENTS. Work AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS PROMFTLY ATTENDED 1‘0. _......_Lâ€"_..â€"â€"~._â€"â€"â€"o~o Bridge Bolts Made to Order. sideinbly lower tlmn usual. ‘ Horse Pan-,6)?" S‘trdze, Cathy’s, l l G ENTLEMEN, COME EARLY - :i -.-l.-«-’ il.u mntcrizil for Vt)ll£’l“llll and Winter Suit nnd Overcoat while the Stock is l'}\'t'|'\' article guaranteed at good fitâ€"well mude nnd wcll trim-tiled, and the E Pincus AW'AY DO“’N Eon CASH, CETHRO & @oo Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. S- S- RITCHIE has engaged in other business, and is living 9 lie Dry [lands Title in Lindsay. lie is offering the whole of his fine stock of STAPLE AND! FANCY DRY GOODS at Wholesale Prices for flash. The Stock is well assorted in Full and Winter Goods, and consists of .l ‘ '3. (ire-r aml lV/Iile Cations, Coltomm’ers, .ST/Iz'rlz'izgs, Tz'rl'zil-Igs, ilk-ulna, Dug/(’5, Towels and Towel/291g, [float/zed mm’ (To/oral Table Linens, f/ollamfs, Prints, Dress. Linings, limrr, Grey and [VJ-U} Blue ["lamzcls, Full C‘lo/lzs, Yams, Kid and Cas/mzcre Glo'vz's, [7051-5791, Carrels, Bloc/6 aml ("o/oral Dress G 0012’s in div/tons, Cashmercs, [{wzrz'etias, .S'njgctv, Silks, Plus/1a.; Velvelcclzs, il/mzlle Clol/ts, Ready-made LL'lo/lu'ug, Overalls, Bed Com/artyâ€, I/Voollm [Him/Eels, [la/s, Cit/)5, (jazz/5’ finals/tings and Small lezn‘s, nil other lines too numerous to mention, all of which must be sold and the Store vncnted BEFORE FEBRUARY NEXT. Now is the time to get your Full ttlltl Winter Goods alt, and manv lines below, H-"V/ole'salc l’rzlvsfor 015/; only. 8. S. RITCHIE, iGreat Bargain House.) Kent St, Liudsy. w. MOKEO N Is Selling His Entire Stock of ‘ FURN ITURE at and Below Wholesale Cost 01' nxunul'aoilu'c. in 01111 1‘ to “lake 1'00)“ for ne‘v «It-signs and patterns. (Tull early and secure bargains. us I an: selling- cheaper than any dealer in tho (Runny. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. McKeown, FRANCIS STREET WEST, FE/l/ElO/V FALLS. I have now on hand full supplies of {‘l I Aflizï¬lï¬fï¬L~ILMZLLA£LLZEJCZQ[LAZL‘LK‘LiZiZEAZ SPRlNGâ€" eooosféé ,4 .4 ’ Iii/HAZ‘SYIWLK-‘lc’l 7 '77 '7 7:737 77117152577. Z:_‘ ms, PICKS, suovuLd SPAD AND A FULL .\~_.\7ltlt'l‘.\;l-I.\"l‘ HI“ A u 1,: [C L7 I :1‘ 171: A I . 1‘00 LS :5 Johnston’s Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White Lead. All Brands of Machine Oils. A New Lot of Daisy Barrel Chums, the Best Churn in 1 the Market. ., Too Much Stock-3115.330 Little Money I WILL SELL Aw_A_r__viif_t_iy srm‘ DASH. [tugs Taken in Exchange for Tinwmc Only. ‘ he is alter. ‘ JOSEPHWHEARD LOW PRICES TO M BET THE 'l‘lMES. W The Fenclou Falls Gazette. ,3 and 3-fzzrrow Gang- Ploug/zs : mle a good variety of General For/>056 Ploztg/zs. A good as- sorlmczzt of Spring-tooth flar- rows, Harrow: aml l-Vooa’ 1‘1 arrows Slecl [{arrows, Iron ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THOMAS ROBSON. Pencl'ou Falls, Out. Friday, November 28th, 1890. Barron vs. Hughes. About 70 of' the Conservatives of‘ North Victoria. met in Jordan's hull, lt‘cnclon Falls, on Tuesday last for the purpose of choosing a» mun to oppose Mr. Barron in the election, a flew months hence, for the House ol'.Com.mons, and their choice fell upon Mr. Sam. llughcs cl'thc Lindsay ll’urdcr. Dr. Wood, of Kirkï¬eld, and Mr. llugh McDougall, of' this village, were also nominated, but at the ï¬nal ballot Mr. Hughes got neur- ly hall' the total number of votes given. We need not say that a CousCt‘t‘utivc candidate more satisfactory to the Re- l'ormcrs could hardly have been selected, and if'hc be not. sent home on polling day with (as the saying is) a " lien in his car," you may set us down as the most. mistaken prophet, who ever said so-and-so is going to happen. Ol‘ course we have already been reminded that North Victoria is n Conservative riding, and that, if it had not brcn for the dc- tcrmiuntiou to get rid of llector Cam- eron, Mr. Barron would not have been elected; but that doesn’t shake our con- viction that he will continue to be our rcprcseubdivc as long as the parties of the other part can only get. Mr. llughc [OUPPU30 him. " If the Cons..-rv:ztit‘c< unite on Sour," said one ol‘ them to us on Wednesday, he will be elected." Possibly; but they will not unite on him, l'or already we have had the strong- est assurancgs from several members of the party lhnt they Would vote lin‘ .‘l l‘. 3nt‘t‘0l) or would not vote lbr M r. Hughes. Everybody admits that. it would be impossible to have rt more active, energetic and Faithful representa- tive in the lluusc~ of Commons than the one we are so fortunate as to call our own, and when Sam llughcs and his Condj'utors go out to the buck Country they will ï¬ndâ€"possibly to their surprise â€"ihat there are hundreds of Conscrvu lives who will scout the idea of voting against John A. Barron. They have found out. what it is to have :t “ real live " member ; and although Sum. llughcs is lively enough, in all con- science, it is not in :1 taking way. Up on what groundn' tho clcctors will be us.de to throw Mr. Barron overboard and accept Sdlll Hughes in his place we really cannot colccive. riding being rcprc<entcd by :i Iieliu‘mcr; but the great mijority ol' the clectoxs‘ little lor ptirty, or, :it any g (3;! l‘t: Vt‘ l‘)‘ rate, not enough to induce them to oust . u representative who has pi'chd him- , self to be “ the right man in the. right‘ place " simply beetuse his politicnl views ‘ ’ ‘ sigum tut. of deer l'cCl:l\'c&l in the ciiv. Sum llu-glics,7 - ‘ ~- ‘ may dilicl‘ from theirs. as everybody kuow's, is exceedingly um bitious, and has, moreover, just. the : kind ol‘gilts that he could turn to his? own pccuniul‘)’ udvzmtngc il' he could 1 ' only SLCUI‘L‘ it sent. in l‘nrlinment. Noisy, unscrupulous and Sell assurtivc, it would ' probably not be long bclbro he would be considered worthy ol‘ a timber limit or some other valuable rcwnrd for My serviccs; and that, no doubt, is what But. we do not think his. hour has come. The electors of North Victoria are :0 well :zitislicd Wltll .‘Il‘.; Burrou that we doubt whether anybody could beat him. and we l'ccl quite sure that Sam llughcs can't. The rditor :Lnd prupriccx l‘ ml the ll’unlrr has, no doubt, umny admire“ amoug~t llime cou'sc enough to like hi~ atyic oflun- guch and igiloruut enough to mistake mere asst‘l'llnn for proof, but, terrible as some think him in print. he doesn't amount to a great deal on a plut‘orm, and In: won't make much of a show Lain-1 .\lr. Baron when they 111ch during the nuns. promise to subsidi l the electors return a Tory. oi' bribing the people with their own money is about. the, only course left to, the Government. irresponsible talker like .‘lr. Luke 0 Oshawa. can stand up before a farmer's 1 meeting and argue with a straight face Xntut'nlly, the - bigoted Conservatives object to the: An Impudent Piece of Rascality. The Globe of the 26th says :â€" lhvrsmx Conanâ€"Next Tucsan will be Division Court day in Feiiulr-n- l l“ull‘~‘. Parties to suits will do well to Sir John's followers in South Victoria l be present when the Court opens at It) The game N.) onc, except nnl that the N. l’. hats beuclited agriculture. ting :\ l‘old or Cough run too long. Sprure .‘k’ \Vi‘id (‘hcrry (‘o‘igh lhlsnui stops f! it :it once. Try itâ€"ztl Ellis's Drug Store. so :1 local railway il‘l o'clock. as there is no certaintv as to which case will be di<poscd of ï¬rst. A TERRIBLE llismxn is often nmdc bv la: Rbll ll.\.\iu.rox's lurr.i:\ii~‘..\'1‘s.â€"-â€".\l r. .lw eeph llcnrd hns been appointed ngcnt, , in place nl )l r. J. ii. Graham, rcsigm-l. Victoria is one oi the ï¬nest counties in t for the 5310 of [he nivricullurl‘l imp!“ ments manufactured by Mr. l’t-tcr llam» the Province, yet even there l‘drm land; have depreciated in value since 1879, i ltou, ol' l'ctcrborough. )lr. llcnrd Will and the. general condition of the lm'ming probably [mm] a spacious “afghan,†tor the reception of the implements, and community has dedcriomtcd. l‘ivery larmcr whether Grit or 'l‘ory knows that a system which leaves him a prey to combine; and augments the cost ol'l producing and ol‘ living, without adding l u] put in a larger stink Inn has hitherto been kept in this village. FOUND A Nittitsi. .‘llNl-2.~â€".\ luckv tin-l; hit 0 I“:irm:rs nnd owners of Stock who l'cr-l a. cent to the market price of his CF01“. Dr. Kendall's Con lition l‘owdcrs are on tin is aimply :v irmudt as far as he is cm- 1 right mud to wealth. crncd. Accin‘dingly the argument. to the pocket is invoked, and he is asked For sale only at El- lis’s Drug Store. A Bio TURNIP.â€";‘Il‘. 'I‘homns .\u.~'tiu to accept .1 l.n‘.ioad bonus 21> comp ha.» y had at [us store a mmâ€) “my “TM†tion for the directand indit‘cctloss which ~34 lbsâ€"nearly hull‘ :r bushel, he sustains from a high tariff. It is M" Aqiilc {he grcyw‘sone variety, and was raised from this inunorol character, the bur- r by Mr. [fob-rt Wilkinsom of Vflulum’ gain is in bud one. Pt would take a large subsidy indeed of other people's money to recoup the farmers of Victoria for the drain on their resources arising ll from onerous taxation and the cxclu<ion of their coarser wares from the United States market. 'l‘o offer to brib: them with a. bonus that in the lust. uuulysi> is taken out of‘rhcir own taxes, is an impudcnt piece of rmculity. Finedforbuyihgliiquor. i l l By an amendment of the Crooks Act â€"â€"â€"nmdc,. we Suppose, with the intention of protecting hotel kccpers from tcmptu- Lionâ€"any person who buys or attempts to buy liquor during illegal days or hours is liable to a penalty of from two i to ten dollars, and Mr. Inspector Short i l ment. shall have full force and effect. throughout the territory under his charge. On Monday, the 10th inst. our three village hotel-keepers were lined by Col. Deacon for selling llltOXlCLllltS cd thattâ€" Leary, of Lindanv, and George Brokcushire, oi: Fenclcn. Falls, were the parties who bought it, Mr. Short promptly summoned both ol'slwm. Leary went to Col. Deacon, “'oanl'csesd judgment †and paid his line, and on the 16th the. Colonel and 311'. Short came to the Falls to try Brokeiwhirc. who, however, had “skipped " bcl'orc thrir arrival. Notwithstanding his ab sence, the case was proccded with, and, thero being no dclcnce, ho- wws convicted and ii icd S'll) and costs, which he will have to ply if he return to the village. The amendment to the law iv .1 wise one. as there is. no doubt tliwt :5 good don: oi" the drinking during illegal h nir~ i~ l l l l l l I i l is evidently determined that the mnend- l on Sunday, Oct. 26th, and as it. appear l i love ol' grin us of the paiwistcucy with which liquor is boggul by those who not. so lltllch t'ic vcault ol' hotel-keeperk have u craving l'or it. ’r'ut the Snot [lile ; the l'L‘CJll’ttl‘ of the intoxicnnt is now in :is much danger of the p cuni try penalty as the giver, will have it great tendency to prevent violations of the law, and Mr. Inspector Short's enforcement. ol the amendment thercl'orc has the warm Cal commcudnliuu of all who are opposed to the liquor trnllic. The Slaughter of Deer. A good deal is being snid just now in the 'l‘oronto papers about the whole sale slaughter of deer, the cni'cascs nl l which are sent to the city in such num l bers that venison is cheaper than bccl'. land measures to put. a. stop to it are talked of. All that is needed is to en- uumbcr of deer that each huntsnmn or Epuriv of huntimcu may kill during . the seison; but how to enforce. [lll‘ ' law is the rub IL woull be rather ' expensive and troublmomc \l'mli lu lui low tho luck truck ul' evvry lnrgc cm ,und lind out when and where and by. ! \vliimc hands the animals came to their obtain ci'ilcocc. lint it IS quite cvi dcul. tlmt, unless " put. hunting " Clll by Some menus be stopped, the dc-ur ‘ within the Cotilluc: ul' civili..uion will ‘mmu b: l'XlL‘l'llllllflIC'l, and to prchui such it rc.~u.t ot‘ the disregard of flu gumc laws ticilliut' trouble nor expense bllUuill be spared. _____._.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘- form the existing lnw, which limits th-- . Lizzr'ruiti; nx l-‘o.u;.~‘rur â€"â€"'l'lmr.- wa. v ; Ulliljilltl. 'l'utmd’ly mthcr :l slitn :ntcml.mc.: mt cvcniu.’ in lngrusn': hzil ill tlic l“ui'«:~t- 3 cr'- l'ltK-‘rl'llllllll nt, which 0 Jllwlï¬wfll chivfl‘; ol n l"t:"lltt by N. l. l'.itt'-r~ nu. lli1ll Cnicl lil'lg'tfl' nl' tnv- l’mvincc «,t ()4: .rio. .‘lr l’attcrmn i~ .i .' v id -p rri': er. but lll‘ :zl‘j ct. has of Very little: iz‘itcrcd to .my but ltlc;ltl)"l'.‘, or those whc thi.ik of h c uniu; lll'flul) r , ol' the (Jl'llcr ul l'lnrwli-i‘a, :l‘lll tli-rr"wr-:. ul- though the lecture w.†free, uoly a. low . went to lldll' it. l who says he has any number almost :u‘ , . large. “lnle we were looking at it, somebody in the store remarked that Mr. l‘homus Ncwhouse had told him ho- had one that weighed 28 lbs. Now then, who can beat tlmt.! PHOTOGRAPHS Your Churnâ€"During tho mouth ot'.\'ovcmbcr we will Inukc Chrxl sin I’hotugmphs for .5l ()1) per dozen up; (Tub- inct Sim $2 5-) per dozen up, and nll oth. r sizes at reduced rates, at chm-zit k Co‘t Lindsayâ€"Minn . I Scorn \"icrom.\.â€"'l'hc election to ï¬ll the vacancy in the llonsc of Com- i mons for South Victoriw will take plucv uu \l’cducsddy, l):ccmbcr llhh, 'nnd thu- nomnmtions will be held ou the 3rd- \\'cduc.~‘lliy ol' next week. llow .‘li'. lt‘hirbnit'u and his friends i‘ccl, we «l» not. know; but the supporters ol' .‘lr. llHVllel'Oulll are conli lcnt cl' vioiurv. and we think the event will show thibz their cont} lenc: was not. mispluccd. stooli>i~:N'n.wl'cstei-tlay mornin-v' a lad mun-2d 'l‘liom-is Stoplich cmnlxlvcl in All. lIcnry Austin’s store, incl; vim» it serious accident. A'temptinu to mount the delivery wmgg lll. while it w u in motion, he was thrown bilCliWill'tl-L l'ro'n the front wheel, and hi~i heul struck the l‘rozcn ground with such Vio- lcnee‘thut he is still under tho cnrc oh Dy. Umhnm, who is of the opinion that, his skull was very slightly {matured WiN'l‘liit.â€"~l‘ividcntlv, winter is close at hand. ln<t Monday there was so much. snow on the ground thut two-or thrth liurmcrs C‘Jlllc. to the villzwc in slctglis, and already there has bin-sin ic' thick |cnough for boys to cnipy ud- lun of skating. 'l'o-daiy, ('l'lniwlnv.) appendices inlimie [halt thch- Wlll’lv: lll'll‘c 5 low bcl'ore ling. l5 it, it is tim: tor \\'llll\'l‘ to put in nu :ip,)_-:u'.mcc, :n‘ ‘ .'. . ‘ ' ,n lxllll :x Dty “’1†be here lll less th [I] :l calendar month. 'l‘\Vo AT A Silu't‘sâ€"Cki tho Tlh incl while Mr. Wart-cu Scln-ll, ol'Sorncrvillcr was out hunting in the town~hip ol' Anson, was in the net of >kiuuing :t dccr hc licird :1 slight noise, llllll,‘ looking. around. saw it buck and 3 «Inc >t.indi l‘; ~i-lc by side about eight rolls di.‘t:intï¬. [hopping his kuilc and picking up llli Nil 2, he took :t quick aim and lircd :L'Ill huh (lccr dropped, the bullet hnviwr gone through the neck ul' one and [luv-i heard of the other. M r. Schvll, like Nil“:- rod of old, is a mighty hunter; :rn-l. when hound his rill: go out lu".-Llltfl‘ lbr n walk through the woods, who h:- tido anything wearing lur or lcnthcm that cros~.es their path. 'l‘nn “MANi:.\'ioit.-~\\’c have lmfuiu: us :1 cripy ol' 'I'Iu: [Aliment/r. :L monthly magazine of fashion, culture and lim: nit: puhlislic-l in Toronto. l‘iich iwio contains illustrations and Ilvscriptiou‘ nl'currvut :lll'l incoming styles l'or l'l liv"I mi‘wa null children, :Ll'llt:lt‘-‘ on the nan (33‘! (ll't,‘<\‘ iiilLlc» .‘Ultl IIUVUlLivi in [ritu- 'niug~. illl'l l'l'])l"1‘flltlllll we of the lntiwt ll'H in lllllilllt‘l'y, lingerin- .t'Ivl luriny Work. in :t lilltinu thc-rc lll‘tf pip'r. hv p ‘ I t . : przictiml \‘l‘l‘llsri nu Imuwhnu a†i“ dt-nLn, regarding nil of which poini~ ' .. U . v \ K It Would pl‘ol>.tb.y he very dtlilcult in! proper lllllllltjlldlilli. uni n .x'lcml -n ul entertaining and instructive r::i ling nil m'tny suhj 'uh‘. Every limulv. portin l-urly where there are vuniig lzi lim, ï¬ll-Mll'l subscring U,“ 4..†“~ a 3mâ€. Gun. liJUlll'D l'uud L'GlHJHO. l’uicr .‘lucllcr, an old (ntin ra-putul to be worth tlircv-vptartcrs of a midinn dullnrs. hu~ rent to priaon {or ill days: luv bugging on the slrccla ul' llUW amount: U) l)‘:'.‘l| ll. is said that l) "Ill Wade, of Wood- Lllyjk‘ l. I.- b.1711 Uifflu’ l .1 ll llt‘l'il'lllll; quH'J by :L 'l'oronto publisher for the copy ri:‘.[ ul- llm t:-mlt‘~'~l ill lSiroluili l4 bull Lu liu‘h: made to his rpirilunl whim r. 1:. is us†a mountain. (4' mica hm bum 'livuu'.clt:~l up the Xirth ll‘liJlllll- so: river in lï¬iiish Columbia. The in- dimtionn are that the mica is of vL-ry (in: quality nu-l almost unlimited iu ‘ quantity.