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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Dec 1890, p. 5

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’3‘ Corpcts and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. .._.|__‘_,~‘_W~,___V>_~__ V_____ , , a“ _ A. The cholera is fast disippeaiing at. Tokio, Japan. ' A branch of the Ontario Bziiik liasi been opened at Siidbuiy. ! Joe Coburn. the puzilist. died of con- sumption in New York on Snuriay. : The American Cultivator sziys lllf.“ entire peach crop shippvd over the D-z-lâ€" i aware railroad this year omnisted at: two baskets and one crate of very iii- ; different fruit. A: steel saw about six inches long was ,, _ discovered, a. few days ago, in a roll of any btaple 0“ Fmle Dry GOOdS butter sent toa prisoner named Graham, flats, Caps, Furs or Clothing in jail at Montreal for obtaining money C A R l E R, for it means Dollars in your under false pretenses. BIIZTIIS. LITILZ’IONa-I-At Fenelon Falls, on Sun- duy, December '7th, the wife of Mr. George Littleton ofa sou. W FENELON FALLS MARKETS. â€"___.. RWtcd by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Dec. 12th 1890. Wheat, Scotch or Fife 83 to 85 Wheat, full, per bushel. . .. 8‘}. so Wheat, Spring “ . . 78 80 Harley, per bushel.... 38 4‘2 Hilts, “ .. I’m-use, “ . . I’otnfocs “ .~.v.. . . .. 30 333“: Iluiter pcr lb.... . . . . . . .. 14 15 v . 7 . " ' - ,Inmrimrmolbs _____ 4.50 5,00 takes stock yearly, beginmng Eggs, per dozen.......... 17 18 the lst of January each year, 3mg“ ‘°”""" 3'23 and he finds his stock too large by about Sbecpskins............... 50 7‘5 . .- ._- .. ..~ _ ._...._._._ Advertisements. “7,000 dollars. The Dust. lilfllfof LQI27, l,IVcrulnm. and he Ollly 1131‘s 'n'lontll Apply to Rev. Wm. Logan, Fenelon Fit-113. FOR SzLLE_ December to sell the above a.- mount of goods in. So 18 does certainly mean some TO FAR-DIERS. The undersigned will take Cord-wood, either hard or soft, in exchange for Furni- iiig Implements. THOMAS ROBSUN. Fenelon Falls, Dec. 10th, 1890. 42-t.f. h Below, CARTER quotes a few A good general servant wanted. Apply ,- - , . i to Mrs. W. II. Robertsdn, Pcterborougli. In Ices? to g“ 9 you an ldeil’ _.1_. GIRL VVx-XNTED . what to expect if you call 011 Notice to Debtors- him. All goods guaranteed All parties indebted to the undersigned A- 1 qllhllty, or ‘your Inoney Will be reliinded. will please call and settle before the 15th day of this month, or their accounts will be placed in' Court without any farther n0- Iicyas I must have money to rebuild my mill. Any persons having claims against me will please call iit my office and have them settled. All Wool Grey Flannel, only 15 All Wool Tweed, worth 50c., now 25 Beautiful Coatings, double fold, worth $1 50, for - - 85 Feather Ticking, regular price l5c., now 7 Colored Henrietta D’res‘s Goods, o‘ll shades, "1,0 inches wide a 25 Stray-ed from the subscriber’s premises, mael‘ cashmere! 93”“ fine ‘l‘mlltyi lot :18 iii the 8111 con. of Verulam, in June 40 11101108 Wide - - 2n last, one black Steer, one black and white Heavy plain Dress Goods, worth 150., 10 “me.” one red Ham‘r’ with a while 5901"" ' Bcnutiful Stripe Dress Goods, all shades 10 her face and a spot on her Side, and one grey lIeifcr. They were tlll a year old lust spring, nud when they left each had a small Towels, per dozen, - a 50 ring in its right ear. Any person who re- “Junipuprims - _ _ 5 turns them, or gives information that leads to their recovery, will be rewarded. EDWARD PRESCOTT. liobcaygeoii I’. O. Yeiiilnni, Doc'r 4th, ISM. 41-11. JOHN A. ELLIS. Fenelon Falls, Dec’r 3rd, 1800, 41-2. CATTLIC LOS’JT. Extra good quality White Cotton, 5 Heavy Roller Toweliiig, only - 5 6 white or colored Handkerchiefs for 25 2 papers of Pius, sharp as needles, for 5 , Beautiful Silk Sculctte Coating, Y worth $10, for - - G 50 2 spools black or white Thread, | 200 yards each, for - 1‘} S 713]}. Al '1' (3 x3. '1‘ '1‘ L It) . (II 'I'wo Steers and a llcit‘er, coming 2 years _ , ‘ , Oldâ€"colour, red and white-«conic on to the Lam“ mack ('“Sh'nme “loves: sill)<(‘l‘ll)Cr'S premises, Lot No. 11 iii the 4th Price was 250., now - lo t‘nui‘ession of Soniervillc, in July lust. The 300 pup-3 1)],le and colored “1mg,- owner can huvii them upon proving propor- L , , Gloves, job price, - - 10 ty and paying charges. MALCOLM gynrpfp , Satin fiiilsli Table Oil~cloths, all ' colors, A 1 quality, - - Somervillc, Nov'r 27th. 1890. 40-3. ~-r--â€"~â€"â€"~â€" llemp Stuir Carpet, only 10 ‘t i All W001 Blue Serge, regular price BANK OF M0 TRE I... . - Beautiful white wool Blankets, 6 lbs. 2 50 . . - ~ ~ - t l fShulter Flannel. re riilnr ,. t I gtflCJS 0 L, ' E L‘XTJ’ a, -‘i, k ' . Price 12c., now - - 9 , bLlfl]0()y000- i 1,700 yards of Cotton Shirtiiig, _ ""“ regular price To, now - 5 . A Swings rh‘.p:‘“"."“"i hm hm Opencd Men’s IIt-uvv Winter Guernsevs 2:3 iii connection With this branch. . ' 1| . . _ {MN-c331”,de current rates , Men's 'l op hnii'ts. collars attached, on lion‘s Cardigan Jackets. \rorth $1 25. 71'» A' F' oxyacfilfilciflsslfnch E 2' pairs of the Wonder Socks for 1 (=0 . aiiiigcr .inisn_ .r: . . i .‘icn‘s all wool Socks, worth 25c. now 15 Litidmy. Nov'r lath. 151M. dli-Llll). l Husbrl Baskets full of Men's and House and Lot For Sadat ,,\,,.,.C,,,S _ . _ 21$~ \ 's i'. “‘5' 5‘ ' ‘. '. . For sale, very cheap for cusha linlf-ucrc l, ‘ Jo” "‘1 “N “m” “New or lot :‘Jli'l the buildings thereon. op-y before ist of January, low prices. punizr the south ward school house. Ii‘cnc- . ann Huck Driving Glove»: l («0 ~ -i H... Us. I; ‘ 0 ‘. - l‘ .. . . . . . _ l"" 1““‘5‘ H" 1N" l' ‘I h x 7‘ he? I: ' Lhildrcii s \\ lute 1‘ ur t :ips. a few left, 1.: gfi.-_'io:l'.i§ll.till:tSlulIl“i.1llll(l;lil\)ll.\\llll u! , M . . , lliv‘vuvi l"- V '.‘.i feet And u wemlshnl. Thorol “‘3” 5 "‘9‘ “megs "0“ gum}: “1 1“ 'ii" iii“ a workshop 1.1 \ ‘Ju tout. :i never} .‘lcn's \VUI‘SIr-l (H'L‘X‘ngus, bmmd, tailing “til of mt-ellcnt water and :1 fen" -, velvet collars, - 83 trees, 'I‘h: buildings Wot": erected ! Q: , c i l pairs of Men's Pants. worth $2 23. k . . “t ixvclxc yours ugx llllil arc in giod now going for - - l 35’ \-.;.‘.i a! the (i.\.’.:iTTLZ oflico.or to Illt‘ â€"â€" run» .~ _':‘..ii. - I ‘ . n A ‘ tum \\'_\i‘\py1_\' ; 3.15:“ 1.117.] .lllil. lloni-iri rlll’f (lint-I 1‘" Pearson Avenue. Si. Albau‘s Ward. - . . . . . . '1‘ um, . INS or her Ant (5 (Kris. for irr in“? amino x..t . . , . . _, . ito It’ll'i‘ some Buy Buy 'i'HS for you. 1 Come. curly; «1an gr! fin: rhoiir. Til." INSI'ILXNCEG- ‘ :1 kiwi/h qf lic- '(ILOL‘C prices (1)". far .i: shout]? 6 ill Milt] .‘t‘l' us 7.13.3. jut/’0’: rain.) Toronto. Apr?! Sud. ismâ€"Tut r iiii-t novxi. t‘.\.\'.\ni.\.\' ixsrnuci-t j umber, su’g‘cct tn willows. l «‘0 issue: by I.t'.‘ illk' host I'urnt policy- ii: i‘ i:;.‘.ii.i. JOIIV AI'QTIV. .ljcm'. ' reorder. FallsJune12tli.1990, 17. THE CHEAP MAN. . 555135;. L l l l I l i l I l ; lion's L'ottonadc Overalls. worth 75c, o0 ‘ The Executors of the Estate of lame Late 11.0. Smit will offer for sale by auction at the i ‘ ' lvuiage of Fenelon Falls. ._on_ forte/s, if you are in want of THURSDAY, DEC’R 18th, 1890, the following mentioned property :' Village Lots Block E, eust Colborne, south Francis and west Clifton streets, to. gethcr with seven double tenement houses. Each house will he put: up separately, with enough land attached for necessary yard Purposes. Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 south of Francis and east of Colbornc street. The Clifton House is oflots 7, 8,9, and the Clifton House shed and ball are on lot 10. Maryborough Lodge, on the shores of Cameron Lake, with stnbles and out-build- ings attached, lying cast of ruilwuy truck, tics “‘15 Si-“ll (133' Of NOVE‘WbCI‘i 1890- south of Francis and north of Water streets. This property would muke it very desirable summer residence for n city family. Also.tliat piece of property in rear oflots 6 to 10 inclusive, south of Francis, west of Colbornc, north of Water street and the river, and west of May street, and known as the “ Grove Lots ” Lot. 68 Fenelon Falls West, with dwelling and out-buildings, now océupied by Mr. Samuel Swanton. Part Lot 15 north of Louisa street, with dwelling now occupied by Mr. John McNeil. Part of Lot 3, lot 4, and pit-rt of lot 5 north of Water and? cast of Clifton street. The Executors will also offer Part of Lots 24 & 25, Con. 11, in the township of Fenelon, an improved Fnrn of 190 acres, about 90 of which are cleared and have been cropped, and some of which are now seeded down, with good Dwelling, Burn and Stable, all well fenced. The growing timber on thisi lot is all available for cordwood, it good market for which is to be found in the thriv- ing village of Fenelon Falls, the farm being l situated just outside the village limits. For the information ot‘intcnding purclius- crs it may be said that the village of Fene- lon Falls is situated on the Victoria Branch[ of the Midland Division of the G. T. R. sys- tem, and on the projected and partially built Trent Valley CiinnI, on the borders of two Iine‘ expanses of water, Cameron and Stur- geon Lakes. Being thoroughly drained by the river from one lake to the other, it is thus rendered more than usually healthy, and as it is about 800 or 900 feet higher than Lake Ontario, the air is always bruc- ing, and cool nights follow the warmest days in summer, thus making it a desirable place of residence. There are Churches of all denominations, two Public Schools, three finc well-kept hotels, groceries, dry goods, boot and shoe shops, butchers and bakers, enough for :i. larger population than the present, which is about 1,500 souls. In addition to the foregoing the undersigned will offer GRAND or H0 OEY’S ISLAND. IN BALSAM LAKE, consisting ofabout 1,150 acres of good land, 1100 of which are cleared, with a line large new frame Dwelling, Burn and Stable, and good substantially built CirculurSaw Mill (steam power,) capacity about 20,000 feet per day. The remainder of this property is well timbercd with Oak, Hemlock, Cedar, Basswood and other valuable timber; so much so that the timber, being manufac- tured into lumber by means of thc saw-mill, would materially (if not entirely) help to pay for the property. This Ishiiid offers an opportunity for parties of small means to form 4 syndicate and buy it, dividing it up after paying for it to suit the members; or some farmer with :1 family of grown-up sons could do the same, each one in the end thus becoming the owner of it good farm of from 200 to 400 acres. There is also a good scr- i'icuble steamboat with scow. which will be sold with the Island. The Island is with- in 6 miles by water of Cobocoiik Station of ,AUGTION SAL-E. g, :3. STEEIR LOS'F. l Strayed from the subscriber’s premises, , g lot It} in the 4th concession of Sonierville. Icurly in the summer, a Red Steer, coming’ LUMBER YARDS, , 3 years old. Information-its to where he is Ito be found will be thankfully received. , and reasonable expenses will be paid. l r “'31. SEUTTLEIVORTII, Burnt River P. 0.1 . , W . {1 s ' ll somewlne’ Roy: 19th:, 1890. 39.3.. e have for sale here and at I 1 id a} :1 kinds of Building Lumber. .Ioist. Scuutling . . _ ; Plank, Timber. hath, Pirkcts. Shingles. Dlssoluuon 0f Partnerslnp' Fence Posts and all kinds of I‘liiiicd and Matched Lumber from one to twoycurs old. V I n ‘ . Notice is hereby given that the partner-l 0": S’QmmO" I‘umbi‘r’ b9”! “no Mid amp heretofore carried on bysnmue, S‘mu‘ Hemlock, inch and two inch. is mostly new to", Final“), Menuhin” and Juhn H. 1h_m1_,,stoc}\, cut lust scuson, “mill roofed, dry and don at Imimouiit and Fenelon Falls, under: "lg "’nlmmfuclum:1express”. fl" "'0 lom‘ I [he m‘mey 5”.“ and firm of Swums' BRA», trade otVFcuelon I-nlls and Lindsay and Don AND Conmsr, has this day been dissol'v- Smmuflumg mum'y' . . . ed by mutual consent. All debts due and “91“.0‘"105'H¢¥1’°“°"‘°"“"° busmess' owing, or to become due and owing, to the and Sung hum"? onrsi‘lws’ we have B said firm of Swuuton, Brandon and Compn- l goud me“ of wlmt. '5 reqmrofl for. mu cm“ n,- ,,,.e m be paid ,0 Sammy Swnnmn, who i or common building materials tor houses, Willy-pay all debts owing by the late firm. l ban? and ouwulldmgs’ . Witness the hands and seals of the pur-l “ c 1m"? {lssofled “."d plied by themselves lhoth qualities to suit purchasers. l‘riccs from $3 50 to $5 per M feet and upwards. b \Velliuve about two million feet. tliiit must JOHN m BRANDON. . t.enso d topiuke room for new stock. Pur- Wmmss’ JOHN A. BARRON. 1L: requiring tin} of the above stock Will I . ‘_ . . {save money by calling bcfoye purchasing 5 ii connection with the ttb0\ 0, Mr. Samuel elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or wanton begs to inform the public that he i to Lindsay for quotations. Ilills estimated Will himself continue the busmess as here-i and returned for npprovul. Cnn ship by 1:1,. togog-ej under the name of Samuel Sivniiton' - loads to all points. Can get special rate â€"- -' w. l i ‘ s on to April next. Send on your orders -“Onc Dollur Saved is Two Dollars Earned." AG for Dr. 1‘ A L M A GE’s! TAKE Nortonâ€"The above is all gang lum- covcring his ' bel', [P37531101 \Vldths. ‘ life's work and great trip GREENE & ELLIS, Fenelon Falls, or To, Through &From the Christ_Land’n SA M’L PARSONS, Agent at Lindsay entitled “From Manger to Throne,” lllllllOlIe Y0lll' Embracing a New LIFE 01" 011mm", and a Story of Palestine and its Peoplc,illus- trnted with over 400 wonderful engravings THE PURE'BRED of scenery in the Holy Land, copies of old, masters, and famous pictures from the Land ! H0 and Times of the Saviour; also a grand picture ot‘Jerusulcm on the day of'the cru- . ORGHARDSIDE’S KING, cilixion, in 12 colors and ten feet in length. (No. 11,305 H. F. II. It.) This is Dr. Talmage’s life work and great- est book. Orders iii'e now pouring in from all parts. Youwillnrv'er have (mot/terlz'lcc it. will stand for service on Lot. 22 Con I Agents should drop all else and secure tcr- Vcrulum. Orclinrdside Kin", bred by Smith intory. Such chupcos come only once in :1, Bros, Credit Volley Stock Farm, and owned lifetime. Excluswe tciritory givenâ€"full by Walter H. Stevenson, was CillVL‘tl April protection. The mostremarkablc and won- 16th, 1888. Sire, Duke of Edgolv (552.) dcrfiil of all books about the Land, Times, Dmn Belle of 0- . .- â€" _ , ichiiidside (9999 who has and P901”? 0f “10 Blble- G0 ‘0 “'Ol'li now a milk record its a. two-venr-oldoof 1.0317} and you Will make money. Territory going pounds in 30 davs. U ' with a rush. Act n0w; no Capital llCCdCd- has n. iuilk record of not pounds in one day. I\a,me territory you want, and write at 01100 and a butter record of 19 pounds in seven for particulars to 0.1in. 1101‘ dnm, Ecrkie, hits ii milk record WILLIAM BRIGGS,Pub]]sher, ‘ of 98 pounds in one day, and a butter 37",. Tonoxm, ONT‘ of 205 pounds is. seven days. Also. at the same place, the fine young bull Prince Alcck 2nd, (10,587,) rcgistcicd in Dominion Short-horn llerd Book, and the I lJersey bull Riotcr. 'I‘intiis.â€"â€"-llolsteiii-Friesinn ‘31" 00; Short- I I I New Pailerns Aiiiiing Daily horn and Jersey, S1 00 cacllf “25 per cent. discouiitwhcn the cash is paid at time of FROM Vcriilnm, June 5th, 1890. 16 l l. ENGLISH, CANADIAN ‘AND AMERICAN MARKETS. service. All the Latest Designs in Hall, Dining Room, Drawing Room and be led away by every 7mg? Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, . ' " ' of 2027ch that blows. STILLâ€"ALIVE S. SWANTON. FINDLAY MCDOUGALL. Duke of I‘Idgcly’s iluin W. II. STEVENSON. PRICES 81 STYLESâ€"ThngT CUSTOMERS. Call and see my 5c. per roll Paper. 5| t6 H " 6c. u u 7c_ u n and able to compete in my own ‘: go. line of busnicss and thank inv ‘ . u “ 10c. ” “ numetoiis potions toi thur kind support for the last ten land all the Way’to 500‘ Per Rou‘ years. I have withstood op- the Toronto and Nipissing R. 1%., about the [have on hand the largest gmck of Wall 1 POSIUOH 11 V0 “"103 Ill iillC lllfit same distance from I“(‘HCIUII Falls, nndi 3'1 1 about 20 miles from Lindsay. The following ‘VIIJD LAN DS will also be offered: TOWNSHIP OF \'ERUI.AM. Part Lot 9, Con. 4 - - 79 acres. S. part B. 1} Lot 30, Con. 9 70 ‘-' TOWNSHIP 0F llIZXId‘lY. Lot 7, Hoof: - - Lot 8, Con. 7 - - - 200 “ TOWNSHIP 0F SNOWDOX. Lot 10, A Concession - 200 acres. TOWNSHIP OF Iili’l‘l‘l'IRll'OR'l‘lI. ' Lot 1'.’. A ('oucession - Sf) acres. Lot 1:3. A Concsssion - 80 “ TOWNSHIP OF SOHICZH'ILLE. Lot 4'3. l-‘ront Rniige Con. 11.0 acres. East pzii't Int 11, Uutl. L“. - Tfl " Lot 7.1'nn. 7 - - - 200 u Lot lav Con. 7 - - ‘2‘“) " Lot u. (You. 3 - - - 5m) ‘- Imt 7. Can. ‘J - - - 2W ’ S. port N. Lot 11t.(.‘0n.9 43 ‘ Lot 10, Lil-31.9 - - 11:0 ‘1 North llflli Lot 1‘2. ("on. 10 10’1 " South half Lot 1?. (Wu. 1-! 1'“ll “‘ South half Lot 4, Con. 12 In") ‘- Tiir.‘ land in many (if (hr-2c lot: is good, fairly well tiiiil-ert-d, and would “till-2" exâ€" c'llcn‘t firms. Tin-y are all within a few i:.iics of railway Conimiiriirition \‘-‘l1lilli-‘ fr. zit. and .111 :h: province r ‘wl on them would find reidy markets within u short distance ot‘rzich of (him. {Q'Iéfi’i‘vrnn and condition» of :c’--, which will be finch :15 will suit purclmstra nude known :1: 1 o'clock p. in. slurp For rilllt'l' dziails and further pirticilar: J cuq :ii'e of the lit rotor; (I ll. Ii. \li'Yiiy. J. o o '4‘ . 3’ 9~~ li.:ro:i 5‘... Tommi-v. or J. I: \i‘iliimius 1 land J. D. Smith, Port Hope. C.ui;id.i. 3‘.‘-<l\". 200 acres. the swiz. Sal: to commenci- n'. Itcn years in Fenelon Falls, and will still be 'tl)lC to rive s'tl‘is- REMEMBER THIS PLACE: f V. .‘ E ‘ . action, as in the past, alter lJuSt illillIDSitc fiell'PilSt'omcci having had thirty vcars’ ex- Kent: Street. l periciicc. V I ENEMY is. snnnsm, i d Watchmekerttdeweller, . 7 y, T. _ . 3’3?" Please call and see my 5c. Paper. [1 ELK/E LJJASY. ‘ ~ .' ‘l '2 d 8’. . " , _ , I‘mmy’ \P“ n ’1 '0 :2Doors South ofMechanics Institute. LINDSAY y MEN, local or travel- , / 6 b1 I, 7 ‘ Y ‘ nu..- ‘u: ltlg,.l0 sell my guar- , t, ‘ illll"l'(l .\i iisiuii' brook. buliiry or (minimis- L ( ‘ A. l o slim, ltlll’l \\‘t":lil_\’. (liiliit fri-c. Hpcciul iii- 'lt'lill')” given to beginners. \Vorkcrs nun-r H r, fuil to make good \vw-lzly wages. Write me {,3 R. $11} liit once for piirtir-ulurs. E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman. ‘ ’I‘oiioxrn, 051. ,I'l‘his house reliable.) til-1"». Paper ever brought into Lindsay. l i l 35 Frown-oil to furnish the people of Lind-l 2 9.1) 'iiil "viiiiiiling Country with l Bl(,l.‘{l'.‘illi.\"l'.\‘ .‘ Nil llli.\l)>"l‘().\'l£S, ‘ lwth .‘durhle uni] (ii-.iiiiic. I l I . I".~".iin:it~'~‘ [irrnilitlj' Him-n on all kinds of, W A N l E D j C"mvi'lr1'_\' Work. I Sin-rill" 'l'n‘nlt‘ THIN “Wilt TUI'F: Mimi“ Ilolinhlo l’llh‘hill" 317011 10 I’ll:1"'~, llU‘. . It 1‘1""3171ll.“ sell choice Niii'sl-rv Stock. 'I-Jompletc .'1.‘- “I 7" l'rucziml ""'"“‘1"'-"‘-””-_"‘ll 51“”‘M: «nutrient. A splvddid opportunityoffered . . 1.” “""1 "li’i‘i'l‘dm lmC‘Js it‘d-0T0 for-“print: work. .‘dr Sill‘:.’iillt:ll hich good p‘li‘u‘l I _ 'r'm'f‘i‘iWTi“ ' - success, inniiv sellin'g from $100 to $20“ “Wigwam r~ :lt‘fii. the lilill‘h’"i on (‘um- Pu- wcck, “.1 {U15 Proof and Testinio~ 'f'l'l‘li?" 517"“: "I"i”“""»‘ M‘V-il”“‘3. I'M'bl’H'J: iiinls. A good pushing mun wuiitt-d here liutl'~i‘. 3 nt once Liberal Tern”: Itil'l tiu- lit-r. 883T. CHAMBERS-V good; in it... "1:1rlu51, “'11-... i‘mziiziiicx Ii. Knit. or the To...” “an Yui so, Xiirsoryuiiui, Roch-tier, .‘i. Y. .‘ a” {gt/~35. Subscribe for the Fen-i For fil‘Fi-(TltlFF .lnli I’i’liiiiiip‘. (flUIl l’alls “(:liixette." only SI lat i‘noderutc wires "4) the of- . . l 1 i: ,a year in advance. lice of the I". I”. (.jazcilc. lc‘itEEtiE "3.“‘ru’isi‘s -~_-....._.. m mun. .._.-..... ,. _.«

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