ï¬W('IM-I "r‘r‘v arr" .t "-n. Mart-arr unm'lcav.~n-nr-.-.t~ ~- V“-""." -. -v ‘~ ‘ w- - ‘~<‘ ‘Z’~u'A m. ».-~ ~.t..--<.-...»' . w .- v .» a- . .-~ » - » «2v -. .: FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19Tu,_1897t). ‘1 Ravi-0‘1; (new : v- 2“: *. ‘.‘s-.uw~‘h Fla! 'I'm'~:‘\ stimux-» vnvtv-q‘v. .- wt .. .ï¬: “ueï¬ o .3 ~..-.s--~ ~ . C I†I H i M r - V. 1 n E. l’l'()"‘r.(3.‘i.§vi(3:;1l (211415. 7 7 i - a,“ "3“ E y my D iB Q T S SH 0 E S. Another Letter From Kansas. l l J l "’â€" t I l CORRESPONDENCE. l ._. ._ __ _ _ .__._,__ ___.__-_-..â€"- 203-â€" Kaxsts t‘n r. .\lo.. . . . . NOV‘ltlbt ' :to h :51! A Our Stock is now complete, and we ltt\'ll£‘ those who want good goods at low . . , i 1' i V. y I . - . , To (It: f. («for u' (3.1 I-euelon I'dâ€! (la. in. pttces to call and see us. \\ e have a compete ussm‘tmcnt ut ere/y (we, bought , D Q ‘ 5 . - : BAH kll{‘_- from the best manufacturers in Canada, and “I†sell them ' R- M; MASON, TETERINARY StillGlCOX ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, T0- routo, 1384 ; R. .\l. O. Y. M. A. Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louisa streets, l’enelon Falls. RED SPRUCE â€";\NI)â€" WILD CHERRY COL'tttI BA 1.5.x )1 Fort i do n't know how this lllu"l‘.t ! has behaved itself in Canada. but in \;'.. Al PRICES ttttt thUtt ttttttttt tttt ttttttttt it ALL cern back there sometimes. as Well a~ In England. 'l‘ltat gtaud old humorist. Tun: llood, once wrote some funny stanz~t~ t-n November. I remember a line ot luu which,l thin/r. ran something like this. in reference to the qualities of a typical n‘ti- fashioned November: owâ€"u-ur DENIAL' who are desirous of string money. See our substantial Stoga Boot- for â€" 50. See our Men’s Felt-lined Shoe for - $1 50. We are making a specialty of (‘ttttantnx's SCHOOL Boom, and parents will do w. n. moss, DICNTIST, LINDSAL‘Y, will be at the “ McArthnr House," Fettelon Falls, the second Wednesday of each month. “ No day, no night, no son, no ltlttnlt. tilttlls tilt tttti. Try It. A. Sure Cure 1! Beautiful and durable :trtiticial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done Nearly 27 years‘ experience. lG-ly. well to see what we Cull offer before iuvezting. . ,t €%I{.() C ERY I) ‘I C 1) 1k 1% r1“ )1 1'5 '1‘ . N0 dawn, no dusk. no proper lltttQ‘ttl‘ dew" the eloquence of which struck l â€- as lit-ism,- vt-ry expressive of that eccetttrc tinmtzn' The ï¬ne weather here is supposed to con- ttune 'till (‘hristmas or then-about, and llft‘ winter to last’till about the lit-ginning tli ' f‘ F ‘ .74 ‘ r ‘ 7- . ' _ 1)1‘4N 1 In 1 {3'3â€" 0 25 Matt Guests New Season’s Japan Teas, price 35 cents. ‘ , 25 u :s a u u u a 25 is March' so I expect l shall not be dec ’vt-ll in my )cnlcnlntion about the geographical l 0.... l t 41"" ' loop somewhat in the form of the letter l'. with a great tributary running into it ill the bottom, and you have. an idea of hon the Kansas or Kaw river runs into the .\li<- souri where Kansas (3in stands. The Ct Ll't- try south of the bend rises very al~tnptl_v from the. edge ofth river, almost like t'lii'ts l’rol‘cssionul "ardz‘s. AHQTHEB LEADER. .. , - . '1 I i , [hose w.to have tried these two popular lines of our lea know what they are. position of Kansas City tmtlti- g a sham..- D1“. Kendall’s Condltlon POW†Go to J. Normans Dentist. Lindsay, if; and to those who nave not we will so ' that thev are without. exccition the best “'iutcr- Aflt‘l‘ bt‘lnt; 1191'? 50 “'1‘ 1 CIUHM ’ z. ' - . ’ . 3 ' I. - ‘ ' g ' 5,31. for Horses and Cattle. you want tcetlt extractedpositively With-l l‘ras ever oï¬crcd for the money In the county. Get a sample and convince yout- “911’ PW‘S 5m“? “"E“ “‘0 “"“MWWI “‘ ‘- ont pain. Gus has been gtvcn by him With self or this fucp Flmmcfd "'$'~‘"““.l' d'EI’l“.‘“‘d 1’." “W Ame!" Tlichest and cheapest l’owdcr for fattcn- gm,†success for 079,. 2] you†He studied I m r I . H . ‘ . ‘. ' _ .. v _. ,i _ _ tcans in building tip a city. 1 am afraid ing and putting animals in order known. l with DE 001m", of yew y'ol-1(,tt,c inveu- 0,5623 00 “03?â€. “home RAISQS .lu-‘t lccumdt “huh “‘3 “‘11 5L3] 4" 4 “’5' f0’ th: Canadians are not so enterprising in 32%“ listd by the best Stockmen in the [0,. 0f gus fur extracï¬ng WHIL Numbers, .4.) cents. All) thttl; you want In Crockery at Cost. that respect as the Yankees. 'l‘hc perfvc- wurld. For sale only at. ' of persons are wearing.r artiï¬cial teeth made , H l I “"n ‘0 “'l'lCl‘ ii is L‘NNKM l" “'5‘ Vii." 1" bv Mr. Neelauds 2!) years ago, and never (‘ . , .‘ B, k F _.d (1 ° ' “""V‘fllousi bl†‘0 ‘1 "0W Ct‘lm‘l' “"1†it 9 t réquimd any ,qmirs. Ghld crowns, ,,nrc,,_ Junutng mm s cc , 135E 51 e :olborue St, A ~ country place it is oppressive. and jttl't‘iltj; lain crowns and bridtreworlt done. Visits l‘t‘mm“ rant} AUmeL‘r 24m: “‘90- ‘0 'he "“r""s- NOW here um." have IN" N I I penelon pans, McArthur House, on the . . .. . .. _ . . ._ _, ., contend with many obstacles in making: the third Tuesday of ever)‘ month. Call early l'li‘ce ‘lg"'~‘°“bl" “5 “ 3"“ f0" " WW“ "3‘."- LRUG. STORE. lin the-day- 40‘“ - ~ 0 3 -â€"â€":o:â€" has just received the largest. stock of Christmas Geeds ever olfored in Fenclon Falls, consisting of LEGAL 8:0. , Imagine a large river with a bend lilte a ...----. .. on a seaside shore, and, back of that, l‘ll‘vv god and slee ) hills and dt't‘ grullies. in t-r- A. r. DEVLIN, ‘ p l 9 d-t 1.,1' .‘l‘:tlll'ldn )AlllllSTl‘ll’t, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor BISK' I S bhrgritdldzd.p'dliisugi‘ett‘suddtlildnnol12‘s) d1: [ll-v ) in tlhancery,l\'cnt Street,Lintlsay. Na CAPETAL REQUEREDB Stationery, Perfumery and 'l‘oilct. Articles, 00‘1"“? “’t‘nh “P hi†“Hf! flown did": but _. â€"â€"â€"- they lntd to be graded Similar to rflllt'nutlfl ts. tats. EQLLS or not. so are men SEZEé}, l r _ and are building lots standing up like 42's- (Sttccassot‘. T0 MARTIN & HOPKINS) Steadyemploymentand control ot‘terrttory. tlcs of dirt, with the surface of the sirv 1-! ) .Ut‘LlS'l‘l'llt, SOthll't‘Ult, kc Money Have done business ttt Unnuda 30 years. th.rty or torty feet below that of the low: .. ' c -- t. Otiice Kent Liberal pay to the. right man to sell ottr r ‘1 ‘ 1 or you can see lots left itt holes with liJ.‘ 3| ‘2’ 2),}: r “(n ’ unexcellcd N'nrseryStock. Send for terms. p X) L , streets abutting into thettt liltc it railway s cm, a I. ) - I, , ,_ ctnlmnluncut. The rule is. the corporzmnn .. V CHASE Bc.OEHERS GOMrANY.l ‘ R1601“;&:]»:\U]{SQN, lsuch as Violins, Aecordeons, Coneertinas and Mouth Organs, a large stock of "1"“ “wk “H†the “we†“"‘l ‘1‘“ 1"†must look after themselves. There is sonn- ‘Tittttts'rtaas, sontot't‘otts, &c. or. ,84. PICTURES & PICTURE FRAMES, grand architecture here. Most of the built!- ) ,-u,c'w-,11i:\tn street, Lindsay. ings are red pressed bricks, with vrty !lti.t A. Jacnsoa. a very ï¬ne assortment. of joints made with red mortar, done in tltl‘it ~~--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~~â€"â€"â€"â€" A . . _-. .....- a way that l have not seen anything in“. ',; ()‘LEARY a omnnv, . in Canada. The bricks are perfect in oll't‘! p, I) \Rl'lï¬'Tl‘Wiq aTTOltN’EYS-A‘LLAW, Ifyou want to make MONEY, take hold " . N - ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ . . . , very red very smooth and Very hard tor . . , . ,. and other Jcivolry, Plated Ware, l’tpos, Cigars. l‘obaeoo, ' ’ ) 5. ,. -,mg in Chum“). kc Opicei, and sell ottr chotce Nursery Stoclt. No“ 13 L . 9 tot '. i t * ' the best work. All mechanical trade: :10 Doha“. muck, Renting“, huntsuy. the time, write us at once for terms. separate: stone-masons do nothin bul .1 stone laying; bricklayers, brick, kc. l :‘ttt . . I ' lluon O‘Lnanr. ' , _ , A’mb'â€) LEM“; __._.__ M Wrscryme'“ all of which will be. sold .c. 4 on “""""""" A , a stone-unison only. The people ln-rv- :«zt- _... ' ‘ very bitter against the Mttliiltlt'y tnritt' b‘tl, hIClN'l‘Y 3‘ & STl‘)\V.X1{.l , , _8_5¢ Bantnsrctts, Solicitors. Notaries; “- G. [1. HO l’KINS, Toys, Vases, Fancy China \vare, NURSERYMEN, Colborne, Ont. l". l). Mount-L “Dongs-pm, x_ Y, At tlle "TeI-Er 1’40“r(}$t IJi‘ijlg. I)l.icesl lor the very simple and ull~sntlicient l't‘ni-ttlt that it makes provisions d art-r tvitlu,..t tttlices over Ontario Bank, Kent sltrcet, 5213‘“ Call auddipslieoi. tberl blltoclc, ttpo doors south of [Icard's Hardware Store, L‘:li:ll:'tllit““'l‘lt3’lï¬-mums: ‘zguï¬â€˜srf l“ - . v - in at6 W! €011 ~ 0“ ‘ . ' ' ' ' it to t] 5 met ill!" to suit 'cu. ‘ ' .~’ .“ I ‘ "f" I'llldb‘“.‘r'ms‘“°â€c-l w 10‘ I ~_,__ __,_‘_________,________.,____.__._._ and do“ can I)“ d i 0 ° -" counts for the great Democratic Victory "1 OHS! e - â€""M T_ Summm.‘ E‘012’ S. the late elections. The weather is mn'r‘n‘t'v 0‘ J' “CINTWI' Fcuclon Falls December 18th 1890. icent: sunshine all day, and mild whit-.- - ...~.Wâ€"uâ€"w-~---~--â€"-â€"'-'“~'â€"*â€""““‘"""_’â€" . ’ ’ frost at night. No snow yet. and tin lllt‘l &/ l frosts. The social condition of the pump!" H PS. p ’ on-ce 1;,1.L,.u§l:',oct, l I e a does not suit my taste exactly. Montiin '.' Altl‘tli" ‘3 u. \- l : ‘," ‘, .’ ,‘_t l . . y ,9 g :t word the meaning of which «coma in I“ l KentS‘irceh1111\‘153é'v01‘1‘05‘lc “‘“Chb‘ Mowers, Sulky Rakes, llttle {unit-ration; or, it' mutt-Moon, to. "OWL MWâ€? N 1"â€â€˜u “l’ “we†nuts or ' ' . n. . . ' n. . .q lightly valued. The number of tlth‘l'Hw « interest. R'ldnlo And \Valklub P10“"’ dtflttt'lllillt! frightful in this continually. in .' I. ‘ . ) . ‘ I > 3555- 01†of “do mm.“m belitnllltliflf 110013 Piiliim‘s, B S, CS, also are scandals of an impure sort. i-"I't-w. ‘- ï¬ce in Jordan sr‘l’luf‘k; “New†4 >1 “o Grub.) Crushers int-R nll'rn,".s are vct‘)’ common, and '« -‘ l-u‘l! '3‘â€) Tubuw‘ ’ tontslnng how few persons get l::'. l t JOHN A. Bannox. R. J. MCLMIGHHN i Gl‘tllll SOWCVS, proportion to the amount ofshnotin': .l..' I LLâ€"l' 1143;14» 1'31""‘â€"::;â€":‘v~s;‘“â€"“'4â€: ‘ ‘th’ Cutters, Unly a day or two ago a tit-gm ctnptI-tl V contents of" a llt’C-(‘lmtltlvt't't'tl t'ct’ttl'.†t :t o MEDICAT. Wï¬Ã©-OMNWO WM ,Hats, Bonnets, Birds and Wings, perfect 111 every detail. MW: 9 â€"‘ AND â€" l flfl‘lVCll. his wife, who would not live with hi"); and M. .. w . ,_::._-:-.: -'"*w""""‘ ' I . I h ' L _ ‘ . I slit '5 tlll"t'.(l c ‘in 1 ln- it‘i', :tl hung}: :t'st {,g"",""',‘,,f,,i,;(q., .,, ,, ALL KINDS 0‘ Agriculmal Implemenlst winch embrace nothing but the lat >st styles units pint-illicit “‘5.- ..l nut-tin " ' ' ' " "‘ V" ‘ ‘ ' " â€"- Ahl. .t't‘ â€" r - c - †Sunday is not a common working day t' i i‘ ’ I 'si ion “11"00 1k w k ‘ i ‘ ' ‘ ‘ i ‘ " l ' i I 'v , ‘ " r ’ Ill no 0 ice is n -.-n o'thl: h'l Wm H? " ("Ll-“Luv “3’ c '5 H" n c c (111d Ellatlflb, all 01 “ lllC ll “ lll l)? SOltl. all» tllL l t H t l k l < l ‘ J l‘.:si‘lcnce, ilriek Cottage, Wellington tor of the day; nntl tht- it.junt:li-':u "1 street, Lindsay. CALL ON done Moses on .\lnttnt Sinai to “ Let-p the: J W ‘ day holy 'l' is ignored by most of the 3w to. v. most reasonal‘de prices. .-._----._- o _ - __.--.._.... ...._.- . ._ ,__.._-_-.,__ , nnd i understand lll‘ll tl cviaztptrut tn, rr ably with other l-trgo citiuat in the Sam ac regards morals; but, if an, it luau; ~ ; .- rrage Yanltcc \vith a't Utt-tttuttty m‘. ., cotruhtiou (rift-naive to the sun-ll. {1.1, » midst ttll, Vilttt pity-ft'ttl ili'ftgtt'~.ii ‘.‘.i. -' strides in science! \‘.'h.tt l: :g;h::. it. ':.t - V " “ " - .- 3 z r E : - , on. .x. moses. J' I" “1“â€? X 1’ "‘"‘ "t’ to order. A ll work (/tt-m'mtteetl. n mow-c †raw or ; ~- . Ilcnulnn [‘“llst 0m“ ' t'un, good. haul and tndtllut‘cnt, are in" ,-'~l _"‘ “‘t n‘ C‘ l" A 6" 0mmywrâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" R ' b _, 1‘)0'LTG I in to an unlimited extent (‘t’t:l_\ Ftturlt . )llYSlClA-st SURGEUXS "‘3 ACCUU'. ‘1 v1]. he {to . | I; J_ J, In not wish to give this piam: :t hm‘ . um, cut-rs. onn-c. Colbornc sum-ct. WM“ l E N % 'l‘wo doors North of the Post-ofï¬ce. lï¬â€˜enelon Falls, October 5th, 1.800. mam ' ~ EF vote ogre a WATCH Falls. l l .\l r. G. Cunningham having transferred his 1 i insurance Business to me, i not proparcd t lltt. ll. ll (ill.\ll.-\.\l, ll;\llU.-\’l‘ll of the l7.tivt't.~it_v oi Trinity H .l Cullcge. l"t'llu\\‘ of 'l‘tluity .‘ledtcallxxt \ru‘.‘ to take rislts on all claims of property 1 IA)“'<-st Rates. : Sum)“. Hummer of the lloyal Coilryx I’ll? ‘ t B I r i . “CA, knuwhdzfl my: “in: “Mild, , s. 14...â€.- ..t n tgl.t.t.l. .‘lt-till'k‘l' “tum Uji'lNenebtttftrs -class * rt man anattan . . , , . k, r 0. our ul'J union oi Martha}. wt n... luigc tl' Physicians .k Sargeous ot Out-UW-L Companies represented. 1\(. (,Ilï¬ t ,l m, ,nx up “My, Wart", “Uâ€, H, ,. ‘llCi"5l‘ “Ml ' r ".l t' (It‘lllutlut r" ï¬r. and n'rmt'J! Ht: :' s t I. la . iftgttiton. ll ~.‘r.lti:u ltl" ltlL.’ It.» i. .. \Hice .tt‘. l residence on F: v Fcztelou l“.k‘tl>, Oltlh‘stlt' the (burn; U.t'.LL. _ t o a g5“ lv‘xlttï¬l Plu,).1):t«3n'r3' , Re 30 t6 F125 Elï¬o ' - tl"ll:'.!ll r.’:on ' "r' 1m; rll'itf'. um; r at very lozv rates. I f a: ,, ~â€" " l â€" - o . . . Vere. or the nvvrag' .\-.;t.:3a .u i. l'...‘ .u SURVEYORJ' $50,090 [0 loan from?) percent. up. ' All \‘t' alches repaired or sold guaranteed to give smolaclton, "Amity...- in l: wiliny t... t..-. .tm... t: .-. .- .'.‘.;;::;*_:*.;:;:.:.. ‘.- . ‘ -'~~'-“"' "‘ - ' H to ntc tin: biblical lti - t at melt ‘tlftt st ' "- .l.\ .\l i'IS lllldKSUN. t-niplitivd in hint. and, tht-r.fon-, ti L t., hthttt-nl card: of evilâ€"de “trial on t..l vj :utn. lint l Ht_t/ hi: dyspeptic; 1 my, -.: morbidly t..ot.il. llnvt-vt-r,l thank .' Say with truth tint theâ€: it (“iltl'l'rl‘l .i‘ lif- tonsnw; i't ihi~ city to rtt'li a Itâ€: ml fw' .v l Ring-s, Pipes, Clerks, Watches and Silver-ware ‘ JAZZHS TENNIS. m w. 1«:.§:3L‘1ih‘it§§, l IE YOU BEEN) ammo. ‘ w ~ - "-S-‘cncc and M1- llrttzn'ist and liooksrllt-r. . to..\t}....ttt,.\t. u\..l.. , _‘ l l l I . . . .. . 1) L. Survt-yor. t‘ot.‘.m;s.~tt~:trr tn the Q t... , dress, Ftltvan 1'.tlis. ! Fenclon ,L-nlls, June 23th, lSr‘D. 3.0, l t t i . .a good Gold or Silver Watt-h for Christmas, please examine I my large and carefully-solooted stock. ..__.._______._._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- -.___.. v..._._..â€"...c AU CTIONEERS. turn?“ - > « v “731897? 5‘: HAM, : l’hl‘ 2's liill. x\\\:.t'l liy tl r‘ lztlt: Danie ordered for the Christmas trade. . ngtl'. :t..l rtrtttliy u;c.ipirl by Mr l.l"i3\?zl‘:il .xitx. .\lr.‘t.'.l;t.r. AUCTIOlQ’EERSEmr “fill 150 sn‘old Ghoul»; R. J. f ',(‘ --.t\~ot‘\’c‘otl‘\. Farm sales V -\l‘l“‘5"‘3 , . , . . W W 'W - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ w. t: bl.l.l>.l-enelon Falls. 3 S'ts‘t‘inlh‘. ‘ ‘ ' ' I ‘ . ' l or to LbLLLLLlnnda). '3 N \\'lLS().\'. J. l1. GRAHAM. .1. ‘ Jéoijt! Lindsay. Featltu Falls; January 1551.359-‘P‘x5'lr Oklahoma is cove .l .zith moat to the depth of from ï¬v to t'a't-lt'o i clean. Oplmsilc the Post Ofï¬ce. , food, tut-l and clothi 4 are needed ‘4] . . . Qt U {the poor, an: .1..t tw- .~;,.tt. .t .... on Fem-lo“ Fans: RELODC‘ “'1‘: 1‘J0' 1 {snug mil 5 .JlCha.’. t Mu? 'VZK: 1;; .V .. k “"4. 1’1..- 4. “cw...†V .w... w