Carpets and Oil-Cloths, N o. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. Strvnawaanâ€"Mr. J-vsep‘ tlca‘rd received a few days one a splendid lot of silverware to which he invites the at» tention of all who need any such articles for their own use or for New Year's presents. llis stock is far larger than ever before, and the prices a great deal lower than in towns and citic<. TUE Cncacn CONCERT.â€"Thc con« cert given in the Methodist. church, Fen- t-lon Falls. on Thursday evening by ’rof. and Mrs. Church, of Lindsay, was well attended and gave great satis- faction to all present. many of when) sav it was by far the bcxt musical enter~ taintncnt ever given in the village. The Professor is gifted with an exceptionally line voice, and Mrs. Church has few equals as a violinist. A NEW FIItM.â€"â€"l\lcssrs. Jas. Arnold and Thomas Graham have bought Mr. llenry Austin’s grocery and boot and shoes business, of whicl. they will take possession on the lst of January. But they have not bought the crockery, and, in order to get rid of it, it is being run oil' at almost any prices offei'ed. We wish the new ï¬rm every success. Mr. Austin will henceforth conï¬ne himself" to butchering and cattle shipping. LEG BROKEN.â€"â€"L:\St Friday \Vcsley Anderson, a farmer who lives southeast of Cameron, was working: at threshing on Mr. Samuel Campbell’s farm, and, in stopping over the tumbling shaft, his trouser leg, or some part of it, caught in the shalt, which tore the trousers and a felt boot entirely off him, and broke both bones of his left leg close to the ankle joint. Dr. A. Wilson was imme- diately sent for and attended to the suf- ferer, who is doing well so far. W IBIRTIIS. Coonâ€"In the township of Fenclon, on Christmas Day, the wife of Mr. Thomas Code ofa son. FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. | Mortal by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Dec. 26th 1800_ Wheat, Scotch or Fife . . .. 86 to 83 Wheat, fall, perbushcl.... 8!» 87 Wheat, spring “ 80 82 Barley, per bushel. . .. . . .. 38 42 “an. “ 38 40 Pense, “ .... .... 55 53 Ilyt‘, “ . . . . . . . . 50 52 Potatoes “ 37 ‘10 Butter, per 1b . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘4 15 llogs, prr 1001bs. .. 4.50 5.00 Eggs, per dozen.......... 17 18 llay,pcr ton...... 6.50 7.00 llides 2.75 3.50 Shoepsltius............... 50 75 . .-_.__._._ __.__.__.‘___.______._ New Advertisements. Furniture. llaving iti store a large and well assorted Stock of Student’s Easy Chairs, CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES. and everything usually kept in a first class Furniture Store, all in want of something! nice for I {CHRISTMAS Alli] NEW YEAR’S Presents will do well to call and g l EXAMlNE MY STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. l 1 3:3." . ll good Goods. and purchased low I 1.4. I) 1"] ‘1’ .VI A N,t l solarixsit & I’L'mirt‘nv Iliiitnn. Cofbarns Street, Pension Falls. li‘()l€ .-\.I.JI‘]’ The cast half of in". ‘27 (761:. l. Yer-alum, Apply to lter. Win. 1. 5.1a, l-‘erielon Falls. ( -‘ I R I; ‘3' .\ N'l‘ I‘ll). A good general servant wiintcd. Apply to Mrs. W. ll. Roberts in. Pelt-thorough. Not loo t u l)cbtors. t i All parties i'idcbtc‘. to the undersigned ‘ will please Call and Settle before the lSth day of this month. or their accounts will l 1.: placed in Court wizliout any further no-I ( l inns: have money to rebuild my , p mdt. Any pct-stats having claims against l me will please call at my attic: and have them settled. : JOHN A. ELLIS. Pcnclon l-‘alln, Dec‘r 31d, 1890, 41-2, 1 TO b’xkl? )1 151:5. The undersigned will take Cord-wood, either hard or soft, in exchange for Farm- ing Implements. THOMAS ROBSUN. 4.?r‘lt.f. F’enelon Falls, Dec: 10th, 1890. CAPITAL, $12,000,000. REST, $0,000,000. A Savings Department has been opened in connection with this Branch. Interest allowed at current rates. A. F. D. HacGflCl-IEN, Manager Lindsay Branch. Lindsay, Nov'r 18th, 1890. 40-3m. House and Lot For Sale. 0107i 0F MONTREAL; t t l R T E R, _ Boots &- Shoes, Rubbers Over-Shoes. .qu- lit 010 $18,000 worth of general ' “Great {Moving Sale. for it meas Dollar in your Y . . l I" 051"†If 3"“ a†’“ “ant Of‘ Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies’ and Gents’ Fur a‘ny Staple or Fancy Dry Goods Hats, Caps, Furs or Clothing. â€"â€"the-â€" For sale, very cheap for casli,n half-acre ‘ ‘~ ‘ corn‘crlot and the buildings thereon, op-i positc the south ward school house. Fenc- Ion Falls. The house is 13x24 feet, 15, stories high, on a stone foundation. with a kitchen 1:»: x 20 feet and a \voodshcd. There are also a workshop 14 x 20 feet, a never failing well of excellent water and a few fruit trees. The buildings were erected about twelve years ago, and are in good condition. .. Apply at the Gszsr'rit. ofï¬ce, or to the-i undersigned. GEO. W. MARTIN, IO Pearson Avenue, St. Alban‘s Ward, Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890â€"7â€. INSURANCE. [A HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. issues by far the best Farm policy in Canada. JOHN AUSTI N, Agent. Fenelon Falls, June 12th,1890. l7. A STEER LOST]. Slrayed from the subscriber's premises, lot 16 in the 4th concession of Somerville, early in the summer, a Red Steer, coming 3 years old. Information as to where he is to be found will be thankfully received, and reasonable expenses will be paid. WM. SHUTTLEWORTH, Burnt River P. O. Somervillc, Nov’r mm, 1890. 39 3.‘ Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore carricd on by Samuel Swan- ton, Findlay Ilchougall and John II. Bran- don at Kinmouut and Feticlon Falls, under the name, style and ï¬rm of Swasros, BRAN- DON Aim COMPANY, has this day been dissolv- ed by mutual consent. All debts due and owing, or to become due and owing, to the said ï¬rm of Swanton, Brandon and Compa- ny are to be paid to Samuel Swanton, who will pay all debts owing by the late firm. Witness the hands and seals of the par- ties this sixth day of November, 1890. S. SVVANTON. FINDLAY MCDOUGALL. JOHN H. BRANDON. Witness, Joint A. Bunion. In connection with the above, Mr. Samuel Swauton begs to inform the public that he will himself continue the business as here- tofore, under the name of Samuel Swanton- â€"38-3w. for Dr. TALMAGE’S _. New Book, covering his life’s work and great trip " To, Through & From the Christ-Land,†entitled ‘ it ‘From Manger to Throne, Embracing a .0110 LIFE 01" CHRIST, and a Story of Palestine ntid its People, illus- trated with over 430 wonderful engravings of scenery in the Holy Land. copies of old masters, and famous pictures from the Land . and Times if the Saviour; also a. grand picture of Jerusalem on the day of the cru- cifixion, in 12 colors and ten feet in length. i This is Dr. Talmage's life Work and great- ' est book. Orders lire now pouring in from all parts. You it‘ii’l net'cr Ititt'e‘ another like it. Agents should drop all else and secure ter- ritory. Such chances come only once in a. lifetime. Exclusive territory givenâ€"full , protection. The most remarkable and won- derful of all books about the Land. Times, and People of the Bible. Go to work new and you will make money. Territory going i with a rush. Act now; no capital needed. Name territory you want, and write at once for particulars to 1 WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher. 37-4. ’l‘onosro, ONT. _._._..7_ -..._.__ , LthsAir“ . Marble ill 01k}. R. GHKEIBERS is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MUNL'MENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of , cemetery work. ' Marble Table Tops. Wash Tops, Mantel ‘ Plums, Etc. a Specialty. v Being a practical workman. all should i see his designs and compare prices before - urcbaslng elsewhere. ‘ WORKSâ€"In rear ofthe market on (‘am-~ bridge street,oppositc Matthews' packing} house. L 8081'. CHAMBERS, North of the Town not i :nsav, takes stock yearly, beginning the 1st. of January each year, and he ï¬nds his stock too large by about 7000 dollars, and he only has the month of December to sell the above a- mount of goods in. S0 is does certainly mean some .0. Rises Below, CARTER quotes a few prices, to give you an idea what to expect if you call on him. All goods guaranteed A 1 quality, or your money will be refunded. 15¢ ’1 All \Vnol Grey Flannel, only 15 All Wool Tweed, worth 50c., now 25 Beautiful Ceatings, double fold, worth $1 50, for - - S5 Feather Ticking, regular price 150., now 7 Colored Henrietta Dress Goods, all shades, "10 inches wide - ' 25 Black Cashmere, extra fine quality, 40 inches Wide - - 25 Heavy Plain Dress Goods, worth 150., 10 Beautiful Stripe Dress Goods, all shades 10 Extra good quality White Cotton, 5 Towels, per dozen, - - 50 Beautiful Prints - - - 5 Heavy Roller 'l‘oweling= only - 5 6 white or colored Handkerchiefs for x 25 2 papers of Pius, sharp as needles, for 5 Beautiful Silk Senlclte Coating, worth $10, for - - G 50 2 spools black or white Thread, 200 yards (‘ll('ll, for - 5 Ladies’ Black Cashmere Gloves, price was 25c, now - 15 800 pairs black and colored Winter Gloves, job price, - - 10 Satin finish Table Oil-cloths, all colors, A 1 quality, - - 3’2 lletnp Stair Carpet. only 10 All Wool Blue Serge, regular price 60o, now - - 45 Beautiful white wool Blankets, 6 lbs. 2 50 Stacks of Shaker I-‘liinuel, regular price 12c, now - - 9 1,700 yards of Cotton Shirting, regular price Tc, now - 5 Men's llv-nvy Winter tiucrnscys 2") Men's 'l‘op Shirts. collars attached. 50 Men's Cardigan Jackets. worth $1 '25, 75 7 pairs of the Wonder S. icks for I 00 Men's all wool ï¬at-ks, worth 25c, now l5 Men‘s Cottonad' Overalls, woth F5c., 50 Bushel Baskets full of Men‘s and litl'VS' Caps - - - 2':- = ‘23? Men's and lioys' Stills, it) clear iii-fore lst ofJanunry, low prices. ana llziL-lt Driving\'.-s I 00 Children's White l-‘ur Gaps, a few left, 15 Men's 25c. lraees now going at. 15 Men‘s Worsted ithfrClMliE, bound, velvet Collars, â€" - 3 35 ST paits of Men's l‘aats. worth $3 25, now going for - - 1 3S â€"â€" 2h? Era-g .lltut, Woman and Child should ml! unil sac us b-Jime purchasing his or her Xmas Iii/ls,fhr Il‘t‘ are going In Intro 807116 Big Bilr‘glfns for your Come cur/i/ (mil gr! first choice. The: abort: prices are for the month of [)6- r camber, sttly’crt to sold-outs. iLJLUARTER, THE CHEAP MAN. Coats and Caps, Goat Robes, Russian Buffalo Robes & Australian Bear, â€"-‘â€"â€"102 I will offer my whole stock at a. big discount for the next two months, in order to make room for Spring Goods. This is a genuine clearing sale, so LOOK OUT FOR BIG BARGAINS. Men‘s and Boys’ Suits and Over-coats, a little damaged, at Ital/price. Fifty pairs of grey and white Blankets at less than wholesale prices. Inspection invited. TEE/WS-«SPOT CASfl. N. B.â€"Full lines of Tweeds, \Vorsted and Over-coatings made to order, and ï¬ts guaranteed. 1 Hugh McDougall. Fenelon Falls, December 16th, 1890. ‘EREENE & ELLIS’S WALLEPERS. LUMBER YARDS, N PH A†[H llllilllN llllSlNllllNllSlY. 8" @0512.†a†n l r l h d L d h ENGLISHs CANADIAN oAND r “"0 01's n l. in 58. a kind: of Building Lutifbceii, Joist, Scantlving Plank Timber Lath Pickets Shingles . . FenceiPosts arid all kinds of Pinned and _ S†the hue“ Designs m Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Hall, Dining Room, Drawmg Room and Our Common Lumber, both Pine and Bedroom Papers, ceiling Papers Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new _ stock, cut last season, well roofed, dry and Corners and Decorallons. bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fenclon Falls and Lindsay and & surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, -â€"-â€"-- and being builders ourselves, we have a Call and see my 50. per roll Paper. good idea. of what is required for ï¬rst class H H 3c. H it or common building materials for houses, u it 70 n It barns and outbuildings. “ u ' ., “ We have assorted and piled by themselves ‘ am both qualities to suit purchasers. Prices ‘ H 90- u “ from $3 50 to $5 per M feet and upwards. “ “ lOc. †“ We have about two million feet that must be sold to make room for new stock. Par- ties rcquiring any of the above stock will save money by calling before purchasing Ihave on hand the largest stock of Wall elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or Pa, 3 ' ' to Lindsay for quotations. Bills estimated p r ever brOUght mm Llndsay. and returned for approval. Can ship by car loads to all points. Can get special rate on to April next. Send on your orders “One Dollar Saved is 'I‘wo Dollars Earned." TAKE Nortonâ€"The above is all gang lum- ber, parallel widths. GRE i.'E 5:. ELLIS, Fenclon Falls, fâ€"â€"4~â€"â€"4â€"7â€"7,G,ARMETHEBELL inpr0ie l0ur Stoct. ,mvtmmcmumm00....- _ lindsny, April 2nd, 1890. THE PURE-BRED 3 ihnhmuaufxï¬r¢tr be led away by (army/m,†of mod that blows. And all the way to 50c. per Roll. REMEMBER THE PLACE: Just opposite New Post-attire, Kent; Street. LIN DSAY. __.__. 8 ORCHARDSEDE’S KING, (No. 11,305 11. r. 11. n.) will stand for service on Lot. 22 Con.l Vertilnm. ()rchnrdside King, bred by Smith Bros .(‘redii Valley Stock Farm, and owned by Walter ll. Stevenson, was C'll\‘C(l April i V T ' ' Tl" 10th. 1393. Sire, Duke of l-Itlgely (5512)l J / l Dani, Belle of Urchardsidc (5509,) who has a milk record as a. twoâ€"year-old of I 0374 . . , _ - , bounds in 3') days. Duke of I-Idgt-ly's’ dam l dud am" to COInlx’tc 1" In-V 0“ n has a milk record of 9M pounds in one day, line of l'HISlIlCFS (llltl tllt'lllli HIV and a butter record of It! pounds in seven! . . . . . ‘ . " . days. ller dam, licrkie, has a milk record “lune! “"5 Pitt} “"5 1ԠHie†of 03 pounds in one day, and a butter kllld Slllllllfl‘t it)? lltO ltlFL it'll of 2% pounds is seven days. , v u Q . . , .' i . As», at the S‘ltnf‘ place, the fine youngf‘lLdf‘.’ hi“? “ll'l'gtlmd “l†bull Prince :‘llet-k 2nd, (10,587,) registetcd ; Illlsnlon llVL‘ lllllOS 111 ll“: lttFl. ' I ' Q i ~ I - . ' in Dominion. ll( rt horn lltrd Book, and the ’ ten )(yurg 1“ li‘cnpl‘,“ Fully? Hm] Jersey bull lliotcr. , . . , , 'l‘nitus.â€"llolstein-Friesiau,$2 oo; snort-3W1“ still be able to give saltsâ€" horn and Jersey.$l (If! each. 2:? per cent, ‘ f. . ', . . ' , . . _ . disenttnt when the cash is paid at time of dc“. )1.†lb 1“ 1.1“: 1Mâ€: it‘ll! mm, gllflVIllg had thirty years ex- perience. \V. ll. STEVENSON. l Verulatn. June 51h, lï¬sl'i. I!) t l. l ' ' Watchmaker & Jeweller, [toliubh- l’uuhing :‘IOII 104’ l sell choice Nursrryb‘tm'k. Complete as t} 101‘? LIJ‘S' ; sorlm -nt. A splendid opportunity offered', X for Spring work. My salesmen have good‘: ' ' ' 1 “ms; "my “HM from $1,,†m $200 72 Doors South olldecliantcs Institute. . per week. Feud for Proof and Teslitiio- nials. A flood l’llslilllg "Mil wanted here Em": l‘WUl “T Unï¬l- ut once. Liberal Tenn: and the lies! a “'8: ‘0 9"“ "’3' KW" {Gods in tin: t::..rl;et. Writt- lintninttcx Ed 5 anteed Nunsaitv Srot'it. s:ll11l’\' or Corinna- \ot‘.\'t;, Nurserymaa, Rochester, .\'. Y. i sinn, paid wet-le. Uutfit free: Special M. m ‘ ' . :tentton given to beginners. Workers never "HHSâ€"h- _ o _ ; fail to make good weekly wages. ‘t'iite me For first-class Job Prlllilllg,ifll0DC¢ fort-nrtfculura. l at moderate prices, go the ofâ€"g E' 0' GRAHAM! Nurserymanv , I, , Ton it ,0 . I lice of the l. 1". Gazelle. 0 27:40:? (This house it: reliable.) ,,,... .- --. ;.Anl.""l’-.'ii5§' I 4"