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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Jan 1891, p. 7

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-.â€"...¢.»r~â€":s-w;v»yossvr‘ ‘: ,wotma ..- . . r ... a 7.. ‘3‘. W magi-Wmfit- Busy Clerkâ€"How can I serve you, madam! Madame (producing halfa dozen letters ' and some postage stamps.)â€"â€"Just put some mucilage on these and stick ’em on for me. Isoakcd them OE some misdirected enrol. Opes, because I had read somuch about the bother it was fordru isle tosell mgr: staunps. Don’t say a1 women are t ought- less any more, will you now 2 A Hint to Hunters. Fanncr~\\'hat are you prowling around here with a gun for 7 There is no game within twcnt miles of here. Nimrodâ€" know it. That’s the very reason I'm huntin around here. I won’t feel disappointed ' I don’t get a shot at anything. Brealnng' the Record. Mrs. Lushforthâ€"“I am glad to see you home so early, but you seem to be full, as usual.” Mr. Jaggs Lushforthâ€"“ Zhoozhal? Jane, ’f your powers vobzerbation was equal to your ekâ€"ek 'ence you could plainly see I've passed a l prevus records.” Put to the Test. Traversâ€"N I want to ask you a uestion. Suppose that five years from now should be walking the street clothed literally in re ,-weanng a battered old hat and shoes In I of holes. Would you think enough of me then to take me by the hand, buy me a new outfit, give me a bath, put five dollars in my hand and send me away with your blessing 2" Dashawayâ€"“ Why, of course I would. flow absurd." Travers-“ Then bring the scene a little nearer. Suppose that in four years from now you should meet me as I have described my- self, with this exceptionâ€"that I had on a good hat. Would you still do the square thing 2" Dashawayâ€"“ Why, certainly. Whatâ€"” Traverâ€"“ Make it still nearer. Call it three years and say Ididn’t need a bath. Throw ofl‘ the blessing and make it two I! Dashawa (facetiously)â€"“ Make it a year, with a go pair of shoes, ch 2 Substitute a new suit and”â€"â€"(a great light dawning on m)_u 041â€"" Traversâ€"“ And, if you are a man of your word, let me have five dollars I” Going to Stop it. Landlordâ€"“ I want to notify you that I Want the room you occupy.” Single Lodgerâ€"" Why , what’s the mat- ter ‘2" “ In the first place, you have not paid your rent ; and, secondly, you kiss my wife every time my back is turned. That’s going to stop on the first of next month.”-â€"[Texas Siftings. A Serious Lack. Young Mr. Forundred (in Squash Center) aâ€"Aw, my good man, do you evah have fox hunts heah ? v Nativeâ€"Nope. What is the mattah't No foxes l Plenty o’ foxes. No dogs? Plenty 0’ dogs. No horses? Plenty 0’ horses. Thenâ€"aw--what is the mattah! No fools. Of Remarkable Memories. There was a Corsican boy who could re- hearse 40,000 words, whether sense or non- sense, as they were dictated, and then repeat them in the reversed order without makingoa single mistake. A physician, about cars ago, could repeat the whole of “ Para ise Lost," without making a mis- take, although he had not read it for 20 years. Euler, the great mathematician, when he became blind, could repeat the whole of Virgil’s “Eucid ” and could re- member the first line and the last line of every age of the particular edition which he had on accustomed to read before he became blind. One kind of retentive memory may be considered as the result. of sheer work, a de- termination toward one particular achieve~ meat without reference either to cultivation or to memory on other subjects. This is frequently shownb persons in human life In regard to the Bi Io. An old beggarman at Strrlin , known 50 years ago as “ Blind Alick,” ordod an instance of this. He knew the whole of the Bible by heart, insoo much that if a sentence was read to him he could name the book, chapter and verse ; or ' if the book, chapter and verse were named, he could give the exact words. A gentleman, to test him, repeated a verse, ely making one verbal inaccuracy. 'ok hesitated, named the place where the passagewas to be found,but at the same time pointed out the verbal error. The same gentleman asked him torepeat the ninetieth verse of the seventh chapter of the Book of Numbers. Alick almost instantly replied, “There is no such a verse. That chapter has only 89 verses." Gassondi has aired by heart 6,000 Latin verses, and in 0 or to vo his memor exercise he was in the ba- t daily of reciting 600 verses from different hnsunsu AnOld fireball Ler A Wet sheet and a flowing sea, A wind that follows fast And fills the white and rustling sail And bends the ant mast. And bonds the t mast, my boys, While like the eagle free, Awa the goodshi flies and leaves Old England on e lee: O for a soft and gentle wind! I heard a fair one cry : But give to me the snoring breeze And white waves heaving high 3 And white waves heaving high. my lads, The good ship tight and freeâ€"â€" The world of waters is our home, Andmsrrymsnmwe. Harm’s tear in horned moon, And my”; cloud; n , But hark the music, mariners ! The wind is piping loud; Devindispipingloud. myboys, - The lightning flashes freeâ€"â€" “35.330 hollozoak ourpalace is, crith t a sea. 7; \. Comm-aux. Why his Wife 15 “ Hana." 7 Ihavethebestoooklnthelown. _ Whoseme is delicious and white: “s 2°“: answerer“ But 533nm; complains of the worry U“! She's my gwn darling wife. but afldgety thingl Your wife is worn out, and needs Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the only medicine guaranteed to cure debilitated _wo- men. How many overworked American, ladies we see with lack-lustre eyes and hag- gurtl faces, growing old before their time, zrom those exhausting ailments that men t know nothing of. They can be permanently “fired by this remedy, as numberlees teful women will attest. Price refund , if it fails to give satisfaction in every case. guarunlee printed on bottle-wrapper. Saints are not made in a day, but sinners can be made in a moment. A Love Song in II! Flat. “ Milnrodcst, mntchlcss Madeline! ark my melodious rmddlght moans: Much ma my melting music meanâ€" My m ulated monotones.” This youn man stayed out too late,‘ser- enading his ady love. He caught a cold, which developed into catarrb, but be cured it with Dr. Sa e’s Catarrh Remedy, a. sov- ereign specific Nor chronic cases, “ Cold in the Head,” Catarrhal Headache. It corrects the tainted breath, stops the ofi'ensrve dis- charges, heals the irritated throat and nose, leaving the head clear, and smell and taste unimpaired. It costs but 50 cents, and the proprietors offer in good faith $500 for a case they cannot cure. The survival of the fittest is the doctrine that always wins in a. dog fight. Some Strange Mlsnomers. Much of the Russia leather comes from Connecticut, Bordeaux‘wiue from Cahfornra, Italian marble from Kentucky, French lace from New York, and Spanish mackerel from the New Jersey coast. Dr. Piercc’s Golden Medical Discovery comes from Bufi'alo, Y., but there isnothing in its name to crrtr- cise for it is truly golden in value, as thou- sands gladly testify. Consumption rs avert- ed by xts use, and it has wrought many posi- tive cures. It corrects torpid liver and kid- neys, purifies the blood, banishes dyspepsra and scrofula, renews the lease of bio, and tones up the system as nothing else Will do. What is more, it is guaranteed to do all this, or the price is refunded. “I believe in taking things quietly, ’ re marked the thief Fifty-one thousand dollars was given in prizes by the leading yacht clubs in Eng- land last season. Recommended to Sufferers. Gibbons’ Toothache Gum Price 15 cents. The person who can least spare it is often most willing to give others apiece of his mind. Nasal Balm has cured cases of Catarrh when doctors failed. Itis the greatest Ca. tarrlr Remedy of the age. If you are troubl- , v ed with this disease give Nasal Balm a trial- The Pleasure Ridge Distillery warehouse, at Louisville, fell on Monday, and 25,000 barrels of whisky were smashed. The ad- jacent grounds were completely flooded, and several workmen were injured, some of them probably fatally. The easy quiet way in which T. A. SLO- I CUM’S UXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL has won its way into public favor speaks volumes for its mer- its. At the ofiice of the company, Toronto, Ont., can be seen scores of valuable testi- monials while any druggist will tell you that fori alil pulmonary difliculties it stands unri- vale . Modesty is a bright dish cover, which makes us fancy that there is something very nice beneath it. Dr. Harvey’s Southern Red Pine for Coughs and Colds is the most reliable medicine in use. It is announced that the German Govern- ment intends establishing factories for the manufacture of the Koch consumptionlymph. At Clophill, near Luton, a boy named Stimson vomited a Int 6 brownlizard. He is behaved to have swal owed it when quite mall while drinking water at a well. Easy to use, pleasant and a reeable, is the verdict of all who have trie Nasal Balm for Cold in the Head or Catarrh. A trial will convince you of its merits. One thousand stand of arms are to be is- sued to each of the states of North and South Dakota. Wvomiug, Nebraska and Montana The Head Surgeon Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be con- sulted either inperson or by letter on al chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them. selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from execs or overwork, resultin in many of the following sym - toms : Ndental depression, premature o d age, loss of vitalit , loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness o sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitchin of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bas rfulness, deposits in the urine, loss ofwill power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabb muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rest b sleep, constipation, dullness of h ' , ass of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed with nanny omens, oily lookin skin, etc, are all symptom of nervous ebilit that lead to insanity and death unless curerz The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanentl cured. Send youraddresa forbookonall eases to man. Address M. V. LUBON, Front St. E, Toronto, On. Books sentfreesealed. Heartdisease,tbesymptomsofwhich arefaint lls, purple li numbness, pitation, 'pbm, ot es,rushofboodtoths head, ' mthe heart withbeatn strong, rapid and 5:253“, the second i heart beat qmeker than first, pain about thsbreast 'hi .. 9- Bacon, or from Vu'nm Beacons in .. e_Br.oon, and also a vrgorste and BUILD - ‘ the Bnoon and g Bram. when broken 3 down by overwork, . mental worry disease, excesses and indiscre- ; lions. They have a. Resume Amos on eSnqur. Srsrrm of ‘ both men and women, toring Losr vroon and correcting all moms and surrnnssrons. 1,. Who finds his mental fac- Efifilh nature can .2: mils. The will restorehis lost energies. both physical an mental. should take them. ..Eifllaflghdhlssmsn . entail sickness when neglected. should take these firms. ..iglifififlnu allergies: e: m YOUNG WllEN as: names make them regular. I For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon receipt of price (50¢. per box), by addressing TEE DE. WILLIAMS' MED. C’O. Brockville, Ont. ATARRH CURED i REE for testimonials aft-er cure. Address THE GERMICLDE 00., Toronto, Ont. ATENTSprocurcdinCanada,U.S. and foreign countries. W. J. GRAHAM, 71 l'ongc St., Toronto. ’ sum F03 rr . r 98mm “0 aiumoas withifit‘ihidgkn‘ll‘: a“ Book rm. G-H.31clllCfllEh,ll.D. cs Macon so, BUFFALO. s. r. AGENTS WANTED For the Patent PINLESS CLOTHES LINE A wire line with which No l’cgs are required. Illustrated circulars FREE. Address TAR- BOX BROS? 73 Adelaide St. west. Toronto. LEATHER BELTING. Best value in the Dominion. F. E. DIXON8: 00., Makers, 70 King street East, Toronto. E'Send for Price Lists and Discounts. ‘Et NERGETIC AGENTS WANTED in ever municipality, ladies or gentlemen. E. . OYEER Sc 00., Publishers, 60 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ont. s Territory and Rights of the greatest invention of the a e, “Tile Fence Post." Just Patented in Guns :1, Address at once. J. F. MARSHALL, Cleve~ land. 0. , “1. 1‘. . . --.. Watson’s dough Drops I Are the best in the world for the throat and chest and for the voice. Unequalled. B- 85 'I‘- "W'- stamped on each dro DR. TAFT'S ASTHMALENE never fails; send us Wu” “Thighs TAFT 13ng iii 1100mail trial BOTTLE. - n . socsrsnzr, n. v. ’ FREE a GENTS should drop everything and sell Tammon 3 LIFE on Cmusr, entitled, From Manger to Throne." Over 600 quarto pages ' 400 Illustrations from cat paintings; an a Panoramic picture rn co ora. ten feet in length, of J erusalom on the day of Crucifixion. Sold only by subscription. Exclusive territory poutifiuts. Address, for terms \VM. BRIGGS. her, Toronto. Out. How to Get It! How to Keep It! .,.-,-........,. .. . .v’ Jaw-.. camp‘v'wa-‘x Fullyexplainedlnthc HEALTH HELPER. Send stamp for sample copy to the editor. Dr. ONO. H. DYE. Buffalo. New York. SAUSAGE CASINGS. Im ortations of finest English Sheep Casings arrl g weekly. Also small American Hogs' Casings in lots to suit purchasers. JAB. PARK 8.: SON. Toronto. - ‘ESLQ . . .4; THE BES OUG ?' i sons .8? DBUGGIT rears “G€QTN§?SS"&J.M”PET:IQN ‘ J. LJONES, ‘ ‘ awoon ENGRAVER. BhJOaIZKING SIEAS'I; ., TORONTO,CANA0A- BEAVER LINE STEAMSIHPS. Sailing weekly between MONTREAL and LIVERPOOL Saloon Tickets 840, $50 and $60 Return Tickets, $80, 890 and $11 , aocordin to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate $25, Steerage $20. Appl to II. B. MURRAY, Gen- eral Manager Cana Ian Shipplng (30., 4 Gus- roar HOUSE SQUARE, MONTREAL, or to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. The Boiler Insoection :- AIID INSURANCE 80., OF CANADA Established for the reventlon of steam boiler explosion bgmfir tions. Serloxander Campbell. 0. Ga ‘eubGov. of Ontario, Presrdcnt. Head once, 2 Toronto Street, Toronto, nt. Consulting Engineers and SOLICITORS OF PATENTS GIO. C. Roan. Chic: Engineer. A. Fauna. Sec SOLID Leather. Tht Goods Sold by the Principal Boot bone,etc. can 'tivel becured. Nocure. bacilli. bozk. Address M. v. and Shoe Dealers. awn, 50 Front Street East, Toronto.‘ Every Pair Stamped. ‘ » ‘ . First-class securitiesâ€"Handmfl's and time locks. AP. 535 umnu PAWâ€"Recent! mated, rm- sale at Inventor-8’ Union. Tax-onto. “a” Man. J messing ..“i‘s'tx Wm lthozranhed Tin ' " cones and semi“. “(HELD MANUFACTURING GO'Y, m . n; Street East, Tomato. WORMScni’ctl‘fit’Nia Recommended by physicians, Being In the mm...“ s. mares v r and ulnar ‘ ‘j term or a. chocolate cream theyare loasant N‘Juhmcm I. totho taste, Children noverremsc a ooolate MW mm" cream. Requires no aner medicine. Askfor Dawson‘s and take no other. Sold everyth N. G. ROOT Adelaide 8% u (an: a Box. --- Dawson Modlclno 90.. Montreal- .l.’RA'rraAv& 00 ~~ WHOLESALE TUBABGONISTS MONTREAL, Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Celebrated Crusader and New Brands One trial is guarantee for continual use. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY INCORPORATED A..D. 1885. tangential. tulle-snack EPILEPSY“ FALLINGSIMESS bmmsswhenecburmdkshavcm Myrmhrsudinganeebouhb: 1mm ‘ Send stone. [or a FREE 150111.! and a “Realism Thhmedyl emanate-i can and b mammwugd They are Fast. They are Beautiful. They are Bnlhan‘ ' t. SOAP WON’T FADE-THEM. in;le bedc qgumtar ........ . ....... s gmggg H You d th if d n R ........ as . . . . . . - . . s ' Reservld Fugd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.400.000 “e :38 Fm ’cL not try an Total Assets ....................... 11,600,000 0 “mm” Oflice, Toronto St, Toronto. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Sums of $4 and upwards received at Current Rates of Interest, paid or compounded haltâ€" yearly. DEBENTU RES. Money repeivod for a. fixed term of cars for which Debentures are issued. with alt-year] interest Coupons attached. Execu- tom and ustees are authorized by law to in- vest III the Debentures of this Company. The capital and assets of the Com any bein pledg~ ed for money thus received. ebenturo- rolders are at all times assured of perfect safety. J. HERBERT MASON, Mane. glng Director BAD LIER AND JAUNDIGE. One Package equal to two of any other make. Canada Branch: 481 St. Paul Street. Montreal. . SeadputallorSamplaCardandBoobq/Iwmm Was troubled for ears with bad liver an boo came ellow with jaun- . dice. card about ST. LEON MINERAL WATER. Went to the Springs and V got entirely well. That -.rs four years ago, have used the water ever since . 1 and have the finest health I could desire. Never enioyed life more, \l also my 5 'in re ained its ‘ natupalcolourâ€"N’Irs. John ..- ,l Maser, Boxton Falls. THE ST. LEON MINER. A]. “1le (30., Ltd. 101; King St. West. Branch Ofilceâ€"lGlYonge I St., Toronto. 3 GET STRONG AND KEEP STRONG by taklng REGULARLY .3‘ i THE wi‘ 0'13“ 711mm UU'RES OATARRH, RHEUMATBN, NEU-g EALGILSORE THROAT,PILES,W0U1EI9§ BURNS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, HEMOBRHAGES 0F ALI. KINDS. . viadIntmazzyoEztmalzy. mammals. POND’S EXTRACT 00. New York 5614011601: oursrr's FLUID BEEF. ‘ : Silhth WEED! To Turn EDITORâ€"Please inform our readers that I have a ositlve remcd for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopelesopcases have bccnyper- maneirtly cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of you made? who have consumption it they will send me their Post Ofllco Address. canectfully. T. a. Slocum. M. 0.. 136 West Adelaide on. Toronto. out. The Universal Verdict. Here is a sample from a large farmer, Marsdcn Smith, Brussels, Nov- 8, 1890 : “I enclose $63, second pay. ment on Chopper. I certainly never paid for anything more cheerfully than I pay for this 20 inch Mill. “It surpasses my expectation every way and is beyond the representations of your agents. It does seem to ‘me it must require a wonderful stretch of s . - conscience for these iron plate machine \ *“ follows to claim they have the best ~f~ ' “ ' chopper on earth. Surely they never 2 inch Chopper, New Style. saw your Standard Mill running.” Mr. Smith had an expensive plate Several second-hand iron late GRIND- ' ' I Ens for sale cheap. m1 prevrous to the Standard] Keep Your Engine AT WORK. BUY OUR Shingle Mills, Chopping Mills, Lath Mills, Veneer Machines. y Large Returns Waterous Engine Works 00., Brantford, canada A donfcber atton Tito ORGANIZED 1871. HEAD OFFICE. TORON REMEMBER FTER THREE YEARS ' Policies are. Inoontestable. mmm all restrictions residence, travel or ocen anon. Paldoup Policy and Cash surrender Value Guaranteed :1 each Policy. THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY. arrows ABSOLUTE PROTECTION scams'r =-: EA LY =-: DiALH. =-= 9...... Winners“ “awe-st: mammal-m. osanenon- epaymeu ' Prod hlchareunexcelled an CompanydolngbusincseinCanadmmalloosM mam“ trmntbelssueotthbgvollcy.oratlongerpetlods umybewhcmdbyths Profits to mudmAbulure and not noble to be reduced or recalled a: any future (1an under any Warren. m. WM Policy wersareeatltlcdtonotleslthanm center the pro mmcdmmdforthepezsfgseven years have aduallyrecetvedygper cent. of the profits so earned. . , W. C MACDONALD, J. K. MACDONALD, ” .. Amen. museum Drama-u. xâ€"vmvi

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