a .2, . ; '. .47. 53$ 5" i, . aâ€. ‘3 a l o Dundas &. Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinery â€"-_.V- ' -.. -.'.~- M .~.._ . w- . .8 - ml 1 rooms mason i!§.’3‘.i.l.',‘2 221‘: 5.2353323?3522332333133Elspiiii'ï¬â€˜il“2333333333. . “ANUFACTURER 0“" v. i-thont losing ‘- caste," but not so the young mur- who is just making his way in the world: it‘s ruinous to his chances to wear ill-ï¬tting chotbrs. IMPLEMENTS. Our New Fall mlliiiliwlliii Just Arrived, Engine aid-Mill Work and comprise a beautiful selection of week he saw that amputation was un- avoidable, and told Mr. Rattle to send for the little fellow’s mother, who lives at Scarborough, to come and attend to him after the operation. On Sunday morning Mr. Rattle again came to the Falls and said that Mrs. Lee had arriv ed, and on the afternoon of the same day Dr. Graham went to Mr. Battle’s, accompanied by Dr. A. Wilson and Mr. E. Fitzgerald, as assistants. The doc- tor had to amputatc fully hall bf the patient's right. foot, and the big toe, the little toe and part of the fourth too ol the left foot. also. The boy is doing well, but of eonrse will necessarily be more or less of a cripple as long as he lives; though, being so young, he may in time be able to walk fairly well not- withstanding the extent of his loss. Powles’s Corners. AND REPAlRS OF ALL KINDS PROHPTLY ATTENDED T0. Bridge Bolts Made to Order. Horse Powers, Straw Callers, French and English Suitings and Overâ€"Coatings. Scotch Irish and Cananian Tweeds. etc, which have been purchased moat advantageously, enabling us to make the prtcea eon- sidembly lower than usual. 9 mzd 3-fm’r0w Gang Ploug/zs 9 and a good variety of General a : l select. the material for your Fall and Winter Suit and Overc‘oat while the Stock is Purpose Ploug/ls‘ A good as- n ‘w. Every article guaranteed a good ï¬tâ€"well made and well trimmed, and the . i - sorlme/zt of Sonya-loot}; Har- R E A ’ DO WIV FOR CASI‘I. ‘ o P 10 S “7A1 rows, Steel liarrows, [r071 @KTHRQ & Co. Haw-ow: and Wood Harrow: Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. AL“ 0“ “’"m" “'"-L BE 50"†"T E - THOMAS ROBSON. has engaged in other business, and is Correspondesz of the Gazette. _ A basket social will be held at the residence of Mr. Robert Cooper on the evening of Friday, January 23rd; pro- ceeds in aid of the minister's salary. M r. Maybec, our teacher, has opened a night school here, which will be con- tinncd every Friday night for a month or six weeks. At the opening about ï¬f teen or twenty farmers of the vicinity assombled. Bookkeeping will be the principal thing taught. Mr. Mnybec proposed this scheme at the school meet- ing. to make up for lost time in 1889 and 1890. Miss Martha Cullis, teacher, has been re-engagcd for 1891 at Pleasant Valley. Miss B. has abilities such as few teach- ers possess, and we congratulate her upon her success during the past two years, and hope that she may keep the good will of the section. Mr. W. A. Gillis is busily engaged drawing the materials for a born he in- tends building next summer. Farmers complain of a poor yield of clever seed. ‘ W 1’tmTos.â€"-Onc dozen of ï¬rst-class ex- tra ï¬nished cabinet photographs for $2 50, at Fowler & Co’s, Lindsayâ€"3. DENTALâ€"Be sure and call on J. Neelands, the dentist, at the McArthur House, Fenclon Falls, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 20th. He will have a complete gas apparatus for extracting teeth. Tun RURAL C.tNADIAN.â€"-\Ve direct attention to the advertisement of the Rural (I'anadiun, an old established, ï¬rst-class journal which should be in the hands of every farmer in the DJ- miniou. The book premiums ofl‘ercd to subscribers are this year unusually val- uablc. Write for list. RELIABLE AGENTS Wannaâ€"The Cosmopolitan Lite Association, Head Ofï¬ce, Toronto, is appointing reliable agents all over Canada. Away above its competitors stands the Cosmopolitan. May it continue to lead the van in the new era which it has inaugurated. Ap- plications for territory should be made at once.â€"1. Bissauâ€"Among the candidates at the high school entrance examinations held here in December last, the only two from the Fenelon Falls school were Miss Agnes Dickson and Miss Minnie Ingram, both of whom passed with fly- ing colors, Miss DickSon taking the highest number of marks and the coun- ty scholarship. MASONIC LECTURE.â€"--Mr. J. Ross Robertson, proprietor of the Toronto Ercning Telegram and Grand Master of the Masonic Order in Canada, yester- day evening delivered a lecture in the lodge room here to a large and appre- ciative audience. From the Falls Mr. Robertson goes to Bobcaygeon, and from there to Lakcï¬eld. Tun FAtutEus' INSTITUTE.-â€"-The two sessions of the East Victoria Farmers' Institute Were held in Dickson's ball last Friday, according to announcement. Several excellent addresses, full of val- uable information, were delivered; but, we are sorry to say, the farmers present. to listen to them were not half as nu- merous as they ought to have been. 81‘. Janas‘s Gunmanâ€"We are re- questcd to state that the Rev. Rural Fenelon Falls, Out. The Fenelcn Falls Gazette. Friday, January, 16th, 1891. {.1 t l i A Poor Look Out. The cficet of the McKinley bill upon hung up he Dry it s has . in Lindsay. He is offering the whole of his ï¬ne stock of mm, upon ,hewhmc ,,O,,,,],,,io,, 0mm STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS at Dominionâ€"is still a leading topic of Conversati -n wherever a few individu- als get together. and the question " who Gagh, pays the duty ?" is eagerly discussed. The tories of course try to show that it is paid by the consumer, and point to the fact. that the new American tarifl’ is ‘ t , ‘ , 0,1“ S/u‘,,yz'â€os Ticking: nearly as unpopular on the other side (“‘l' mm, IV/ut" collofls’ canto†( ’ 4’ ’ ° ’ of the lake as it ts on this; but Its un- lk’lzz'uzs, Dimes, Towels and Towel/i113, Blew/zed and popoulamy on both Sides only proves V C olore'd Yizéle Linens, Hollands, Przm‘s, Dress Lzmngs, that i, has no redeeming feature The .l'lmtj', Grey and [Vat/y Blue Flmmels, Full Clot/as, Yams, ‘ lvlft'k, in a. very temperate article that li’z'd and Casï¬me'rc Glows, Hosiery, Camels, Bloc/r: and “Ppgarled 1:1 1a,“ Fridays Gafzvfle. Illr- Colorrd Dr ss Goods in Illellorzs, Cas/nneres, Hezzrz’ettas, ï¬xertgza’ 1;L,?;:°“,,c,?g:::euioo5,3: Slog-es. Sills, Plus/zero Velwtems, jlfanlle Clot/as, Ready-made du'ty, and the correctness of this View Clo/lung, Overalls. Bed Comforters, I'Voollelz Blankets, is proved by the “kicking†on both Ila/s, Caps, Gem‘s" Fmvzz's/zzï¬gs and Small I'Vares, sides of the line. That. “ misery loves , company †has passed into a proverb; a ll other lines too numerous to mention, all ot‘which must be sold and the Store vacated but when, next summer, the Canadian ‘ farmer‘s wife has to sell her eggs for two or three cents per dozen less than . . she rvot last. sutnmer it will not we Now is the tune to get your Fall and Wlnter Goods at, and me; be much cowgwo, to he} to many lines below, lV/zolesale Prz'cesfor Cas/z only. know that the American consumer is payinor two or three cents per dozen S. S. RITCHIE, ° more than he has been accustomed to Kent St., Lindsy. Pay “’1' them- Thc Stock is well asserted in Fall and Winter Goods, and consists of So far there has been no drop in the price of poultry and eggs in this locality; but Prof. Shaw, of the Ontario College of Agriculture, who will shortly publish the result of his in- vestitations as to the loss occasioned to Canadian farmers by the McKinley Bill, says, “ Next year will see the poultry and egg trade in Canada almost anni- hilated.†Out: optimistic Tory friends were so conï¬dent that the closing of American markets to Canadians would lead to the discovery of better ones else- where, that we expressed a hope that the McKinley bill might prove to be a blessing in disguise; but we are begin- ning to think that the Tories were only “fooling†us or were themselves tlte victims of misplaced conï¬dence. Mr. Goldwin Smith, in an article in McMil- lan's for January, says it is absurd to fancy that the McKinley Act was direct- ed against Canada, but he admits that it “ hits her hard.†If so, it appears to us that it doesn't make much difference whether she was hit by accident, or the McKinley Act (to quote an expression of too Celebrated Sir Boyle Roche's) was “ a shaft aimed at random that struck the very mark it was intended for.†That Canada, through her farm- ers, has been " hit hard " few will deny, and the prespcct at present is, as it prob ably will be for some time, discouraging in the extreme. The masses in both Canada and the States are beginning to see the fell and iniquity of what is snei‘fntjs, SPADES, PICKS, (Great Bargain House.) W. MQKEOWN Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE at. and Below Wholesale Cost 01' nutnufucturc, in order to nlake roont for newv Ilt‘HiguS and patterns. Call early and secure bargains, 112.4 I am selling cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. MQKeomng FRANCIS STREET WEST. FE/VELU/V FALLS. I have. new on hand full supplies of ELM“ ‘7 92m * sear coons. t balsa/221252;? 22.95525â€" “ .2- ' w .; -\ ~. * I . .r . â€"â€"...._L- lots or Temperance in Dickson's hall last night and was fairly A‘voll attended. 'Rev. Mr. Parker oï¬iciuted as chairman. There was plenty of music both vocal and instrumental, Mrs. Dr. Wilson pre- suting at the organ ; a Scotch reading by Mr. D. McDotuall, a recitatimi, “ The Creed of the Bells," b: the Rev. Mr. Tapscntt, and a recitation by Miss. Fanny M'Diarmid. Refreshments were served during the evening, and between two and three hours were spent very gllegsantly. The proceeds amounted to W The Indian scare at Delorainc, Man., is snbsiding. _ The weather in Winnipeg continues remarkably warm. Southern Illinois had a rczular bliz- zard all day Sunday. I Spotted fever is raging in Fu’irï¬eld, Texas. Business is almost suspended. Mrs. Rachel Stillwagron, the oldest person on Long Island, hasjust died at Flushing in her 106th year. It is reported that the trotting stal- lion, Nelson, has been priced to rich Brewer Rewpcrt at Sl36 000. Part ofthe Town of Lime, in Bosnia, was buried under an avalanche and a number of people were killed. A number of Alberta men propose to form a company to carry out an irriga- tion scheme in the vicinity of lilachod. Ilcnvy galesblew on Monday on the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick ciasts. l‘he tide at St. John was the highest on record. j .' 0t Saturday night snow fell to the depth of ï¬ve inches at Del Rio, Texas, b:ing the ï¬rst snow in four years and the greatest depth on record. , 'l‘lte Yakima Indians in Washington state are now reported to be indulging in the ghost dance, and it is feared they will join the Indians in the north. Alter two years Of license since the repeal of the Scott Act, the Township of South Norwich has pronounced for prohibition by pussng the local opinion by-law by a majority of six. The London Times publishes a his- tory, which it vouches for as accurate, of the circumstances which caused the downfall of Bismarck, the old man’s haughtincss being the chief factorin the catastrophe, - The news in regard to the Indian trouble in the North western states shows that the red men are coming in to the agency at Pine Ridge. There has been no lighting. except the hostilcs ï¬ghting among themselves. An Ottawa gentleman interested in the egg and poultry business received a letter from Mr. A. Jacqucment. of Lon- ment says the result of the shipment of Canadian eggs to England did not. bring very great proï¬ts to the senders. Speak- ing of a particular consignment, he says the freight and other expenses amiunt- ed to £313 on goods to the value of £23 odd. He admits the possibility of lessening the cost of freight, but on this consignment the loss from broken and bad eggs destroyed the whole proï¬t. A singularly pathetic incident occur- red a few days ago on the high road between Canterbury and DJVCI‘, Eng- land. The night; was intensely cold, and at. the several stopping places it was noticed by the people who received the mail that the driver of the mail cart had not his usual cheery word of greeting for them, but out still and silent on his box. 0.) the‘ arrival of the mail cart at the Dover post-oliico it was discovered that the man Wis dead and frozen stiff in his seat, The horse had made all his ncoostomed halts, while the reins were held in the dead man’s icy grasp, W MARRIED. Arcrtasonâ€"Ansxaxonn.-â€"At the residence of the bride's parents, on Tuesday, Decent- ber 23rd, by the Rev. Caleb Parker, Mr. James Atcbeson to Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. John Alexander, all of Fenelon Falls. FENELON rams MARKETS.†Evert“! by the North Star Roller Mill ('0. Fcnclon Falls, Friday, Jan. 16th ltifll. Wheat, Scotch or Fife . . .. 85 to 88 , add, at any rill-0“" “mum hiâ€? hm“ u '.u . . , , r I .‘ Wheat, fall,pcr bushel.... 8!: 88 axe A FULL Ar'SOR'l‘llEXT or slnmptd out long "so, but for the “MC 13â€â€œ A c“ “' .plï¬â€˜c‘ “° “9"â€? "W Wheat, spring “ so as , r ‘ , r ‘ ‘ countable fenlty ofthousands ol'bcnight- 510"“? ‘3“:me “1 ol- Jam‘j‘ss c‘lquh. I BM,†1,“. busheluu 38 42 .13. (a: I: I. [TLRAIJ .l. 14$ 2 cd electors to the Artful Dodger who I‘t‘DCIOU 1‘_““5;_011 “’0 “Willi-5 or 5m“ I on“ ’ u 38 ,. invented the N. P. and is responsible day. lllc 20}“ "15mm. M 7 0 010.ij and , puns; u 55 _ for the evils that have sprung from it. “ml _l‘° “ls†{:50 I'm)!“ “1 ‘"\',S°'l°;m'.l' Rye, ’ “ . . .. 50 52 , - - T m meeting at .t. eter s c turc 1, cm am,. potatoes u 37 4o Johnstons Celebrated MIXED PAINTS and White .nead. 0,, the evening at Menday, the 26th, l Butter, per 1b...... ..... . 14 I: Frozen and Amputated. On New Year's Day Mr. Frederick _ ltattle, a farmer near Mitchell's bridge the regular menus of the Maple Leaf All Brands of Machine Oils. A N ew Lot: of Daisy Barrel Chums, the Best Churn in the Market. ' - l- '11.: ‘d 1,; 1 “1b ,1 , held on Wednesday last, the t'ollowinrr Too Much Steel: and Too Little Money! $5312; 1,3,3“; {2 ,‘.:,;: 0,533,330; own... i... u... Albert Lee, both of whose that had been 59‘" 3*1’0‘0" Dfl'm‘mt w- M-i Hilbert ' ‘ ,. r v , urn;- .D..n.;rt.n.c- .u.s.- Will. SELL AWAY DBWN Fflll SPOT EASE. f:.‘l".l’"fl;'§.‘l.“l.?? 'i‘ii’f‘i.23“’..é‘i.ll; “ “d ’ at 7 o'clock. -â€"-‘--â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"---â€"-â€"-â€"- I John Wright, F. S. ; Samuel McCutch- i about it at the time; but three or four 90"}, ,D- Of 0'3 E‘l‘f‘ml F150â€. (3!“pr dz, .3 anuwards he beg," to complain. “Illle B:lcb, I‘rcasurcr; \ltlltaml Rags Taken in Exchange for flatware Only. “3, ,,.,,,.,, 3,, RMâ€, b,,,,,,_.,,, h,,,, ,., Jeï¬'rey, 1.1:; Wm.Magee, lst c. t . l . the FIllSlli: feet were quite black. Dr. Ramnow Sconeâ€"An entertain-- ,, Graham gave inst. actions. which were men: called a Rainbow Social, because E mrricd out. but. when tie boy was the youngladics wta.'strip:d cap sand â€" ' btought back about the aidllc of last aprons, it.“ given by the Royal Temp- â€"â€"_â€".â€"â€"â€"_â€"-.â€"__~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" tthat the ob Hogs, per 100 lbs. . . . ... .. 4.50 5.00 gga,per dozen.......... 17 18 E Tact: BLUE APPOINTMENTSâ€"At, my, ,m ,onmm . 8,5.) 7,00 Hides ............. ..... 2.7!) 3.50 _,, somcrvme, drove to Dr, Graham's Lodge No 42 of the Loyal True Blues, Sheepskins. ...... so 75 nu. New Advertisements. "WUâ€"W Tnar ALL aoaza aspect place to buy Albums, Bibles, Picture Books and Xmas Card: is Ellis's Drug Store. See them. Tnz near acoaontcat. won»: in Penelon Falls says Ellis's Drug Store is the cheapest plate: in the county to buy Albums, Pocket Biblca, Pictm Books and xrms Cards. don, Eng. In this letter Mr. Jacqucg a, a-