liegret Se “7"†a} RED SPRUCE â€"-A.‘iD-â€"- WILD casnnvl Cocoa BALSAM Fon nuns it can Try It. It Sire Gael 0 ANOTHER LEADER. 1‘ Dr. Kendall’s Condition Pow- der for Horses and Cattle. The best and cheapest Powder for fatten- ing and putting animals in order known. gï¬â€˜i’ Used by the best Stoekmcn in the world. For sale only at W. E. ELLIS’S DRUG STORE. ‘Afi'of'cssional Cards. M A. 1’. DEV LIN, ) ARRlSTER, Attorney-ut-Law, Solicitor l) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. . fl..- ._.‘~. G. H. HOPKINS, (Srccassoa 'ro Alarms &. liorxms) ' .» l'l‘iS'l‘ER SOLiCl'l‘UR, the Money l ‘1; liman alt 6 per cent. Ofï¬ce, “il- liam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. _... --.____a about; JACKSON, ,-.... .â€" .-.._ PARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &:c. Of- 184. 3 i i " 'tm street Lindsay. lice, \\ tllu , A. JACKSON. P. D. Moons. V ~ â€" O'LEARY 8; O'LEARY, r._ you want teeth extracted positively with- VETERINARY. 3 R- M- MASON, 7E'I‘ERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- ; ‘1 uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ; ronto, “3.84 g R. M. O. V. .‘l. A. . i Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louisa ; streets, Feuclon Falls. l DENTAL; l W. H. GROSS, DENTIST, LINDSILS’. will be at the “ McArthnr House,†Feuclon l Falls, the second Wednesday ofeach month. i Beautiful and durable artiliciul teeth made, land all other dental work properly done. Nearly 27 years’ experience. lG-ly. l DENTISTRY. GASâ€"(VITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. NEELANDS, Dentist, Lindsay, it out pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over 2| years. He studied with Dr. Golton,ot‘ New York, the Inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth; Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teeth made by Mr. Neelauds 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridgework done. VlSItS Fenelou. Falls, McArthnr House, on the Call early 40-t.f. third Tuesday of every month. in the day. """nis'cELmsaus; ._._..__--_._ -__.._ _, BEEREGEEEY H0 RISK. ND CAPITAL REQUIRED. N honorable and praiseworthy business without any possible chance of loss. Steady employment and control oi‘tcrrttory. [Have done business in Canada 30 y tars. l Liberal pay to the right man to sell our . nuexcellcd Nursery Stock. Send for terms. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Nunsnnvnna, Colborne, Ont. TO F:XR~1\IER S. The undersigned will take Cordovood, P \“RISTERSi ATTORNEYS'AT‘LAW’ either hard or soft, in exchange for Farm- .) Solicitors ta Chancery, &c. ' ' Lindsay. Dohen ' lllock, heatstrtet, ‘ ' Almiau O'Laaav. Hoou 0 Lanai. W'iicm'rvan a STEWART, ‘ ' " ' Ste. . l‘lllSTi‘l 18 Solicitors, Notaries, ItOllices overbutario Bank, lxcnt street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. 1). J. liolsrvas. T . Srrzwsar. BA BRO/v & MCLA UGHUN' iCapitai & Assets as at the 30th of April, ‘ P ' ' ' ’ Block . itRia'i‘l-lilb F. -\.. Oihcc . Bakers . ‘ llKent Street: Lindsay, opposrtc \ ettch 3 Hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of ' ~ ‘. t. , mg: One of the ï¬rmtwill be at their of- fice in Jordan's Block, Feuclon Falls, regu-l larly every Tuesday. Juan A. Batman. R. J. .‘lCLAUGili.l.\“ . _....-.,. _.-. . ~â€" w . . >__» .7 "gtiw. J.- monassr, M. 1)., ' ' - kc. GROVE“. Physrcutn,Stirgton,&c., ltcsi‘dencb, llrick Cottage, ll ciliagton street, Lindsay. m. A. WILSON, -â€"u. 3., u. c. r. .l 5., Ontario,â€" " ‘ ' ' OU- 'SiCiA\'S Sb liGEONS it A‘CC lyihers. Ohicit. Coiborae Street, heneloa Falls. Du. H. il. GRAHAM, "iRADUA'l‘E of the University oi Trinity (I College, Fellow of 'l‘ruuty School, Member of the Royal College or, Surgeons of England, Member of the Col- lean: of physicians & Surgeons of Quail-12., (Chico and residence on [- ranCts-St. cs i W1, ARMâ€"-â€"PROPERTY,Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Plumes, Feuclon Falls, opposite the Gazelle ofï¬ce. JAM IS menses, . . ‘ . B- L. Serve 'or CommtsSIontr In the Q. , . Coureyxdnce‘r, in. Residence, and ad. dress, Feuclon Falls. Olllcevl iug Implements: THOMAS ROBSUN. Feuclon Falls, Dec. 1011:, 1890. 42-t.f. The Canada life Assurance Eu’y, ESTABLISHED IX 1817. THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. â€"._. 1889, over $10,000,000. Anna lIncome for the ear ending 30th 5‘ April. 1885. 31, 40,000. » Total Sum assured to 30th April, 1885, amounts to $17,000,000. l The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Co‘m- lpany are larger than any other Life Oiliice ‘ doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio of expenses to income are less than that of any other Canadian or British oliice. The policies of this Company are indisputa- - l bio on any grounds whatever after two! years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by tins Company are as low as any ï¬rst-class office. All forms of polici. s are issued. MCDOUGALI. .ir BR ANDON, thunANoE. Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property MedicallAt V’cry Loxvcst Rutes.‘ i None but ï¬rst-class British and Canadian Companies represented. l at very low rates. l $50,000 to loan from 0 per cent. up. i‘V. ID. EIJIJIS, Druggist and Bookseller. Feuclon Falls, June 25th, 1889. Wâ€"â€"«~'â€"-â€"â€"~.â€"â€" WILSON & GRAHAM, Ltcsxsso .A. U C 'I‘ I O N E E R S for the County of Victoria. Farm sales a specialty. . ‘ Wt SON. J. R. GRAHAM. “3.13:! L Lindsay. Feuclon Falls. FOR. SALE. on Fidler‘o iliil, owned by the late Danie J. Scully, and recently occupied by Mr Alex. McArthur, WWW]! Be Sold Cheap. Apply to - W. E. ELLIS, Feuclon Falls. or to J. SCULLY, Lindsay. 2 January lcth,1899.â€"-§8-t_{ I . Wu“...â€" 3 Professional C‘nrds. ‘ l l l isfactory.‘ "FALLS, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, MARCH 6â€" 1891' .i S T U 'f ECGNOMY and serve your best. interests by buying your goods where you ; forring to Kansas City. can get Me 5m z'zzlzzefor your money. We will sell you EDGTS and SHGES for less money than any one in the trade. \Vc have the new- est, the best and most complete assorted stock In town. Don't buy until you SEE OUR GOODS AND GET OUR PRICES. This store retains its well earned reputation for keeping 11‘: EST QUALETY of GRQCERIES. You will always ï¬nd our stock complete and Our prices sat- lternember the placeâ€"H. Austin’s old stand. R. J- FROST, THE JEWELLER. OMOOOOOQNOOOQO‘O‘OOOMOQOOO. Watches, Clocks (it Jewellery. 000"1OOHOOCOOQOOOQOCOOOOOOOOO. REPAERING WETEEES A SPEGIALTY. OOQO“MO¢OOOQQO0900990006.“... FENELON FALLS, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. CHRISTMAS ï¬ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ .0. s- NEVIEON has just received the largest stock of Chg-istmas GOL-dS ever offered in Feuclon Falls, consisting of CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S CARDS, Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, DQLLS 0F ALL 30 RTS AND SEZES, Toys, Vases, Fancy China-ware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, such as Violins, Aeeordeons, Concertiuas and Mouth Organs, a large stock of PICTURES & PICTURE FRAMES, a very ï¬ne assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, RINGS. BROOCHES, and other Jewelry, Plated Ware, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, WALL PAPERS AND WlNDOW BLlNDS, all of' which will be sold “3°“3’F°"“'°“ “113'; .At the Vrery Lowest Ioiving Price:. 3%“. Call and inspect the Stock, two doors south of I’Icard's Hardware Store, and you can hardly fail to ï¬nd something to suit you. _ S. NEVISON. Feuclon Falls, December 18th, 1890. Millincry 8: Mantle Cloth. Birds and Vings, perfect in every detail. - W m Now Mantle goods have just arrived, ,0, which embrace nothing but the latest styles land shades, all of which Will be sold at the i . ‘0 «aw-3...... no... a... 1...; most leasona-ble paces- Dressâ€"making done to order. All work guaranteed. Mrs. R. McDOUGALL, Two doors North of the Post-ofï¬ce. Feuclon Falls, October 8th, 1890. I being in ‘- ...‘~ ~ WV». 4 - .t x. .i‘oanssronnsncsi ‘ m l w-..“ ._.__._..._..â€"â€"...... Kansas Ctrv, .\lo., February 20th, 181:]. i To the Editor (afï¬ne Feuclon Full: Gentle. Dun Sm,â€" As i presume that you and your readers are getting tired of reading so much about Kansas City in my correspon- dence, i will, in my present and future let- ters, write you a little general United States matter in as interesting a manner as I am capable of; sometimes, of course, re» I am in a very good position to gather up the sentiments and observe the manners of Yanktedom, (nearly) the center of the Union. You will observe I have spelt centre contra. which is the American orthodox ending of' all such words. The American is above all things practical in “ must everything." and does n't believe in spelling old words diii‘cr~ ently from what they are prouounced.. Therefore, in spelling centre and theatre, they use or instead of re, which latter 1 am persuaded is the Era/It'd: correct way of spelling them according to precedent. Kan- 5115 city is at present rather quiet in com- parison to what it has been for years past, or such is the opinion of many ; but if you were to come here and walk through its principal streets, you would not think it was quiet long, as there is always a great: crowd of bustling people continually ou- the move. This season of the year is not conducive to very stirring times in any city of North America, M, on account of the winter weather, building and general im- provement is to a degree at a standstill,. throwing a large number of wage caratrs- out of work, which in turn atl‘ects all. lint there is not nearly as much Stlll‘ct‘illg from the winter as there is in more northern cities. I have been gathering up as much information in a political sense as I could, and putting this and that together. 1 am of the opinion that in the great Presideu- tial election next year the Democrats will. score a victory all through the States. A. great killing fact stands out prominently in bold outline against the Republicansâ€"~ that is, the McKinley tariff law, which not only is doing a great and incalculable mis- chief to other countries, but is hearing hard upon the toiling millions here. i cannot give you a list of the accessories of life that have gone up in price; but I can tell you that it takes more money out. of they workng man's pocket than it puts into it. The law is such a cotnplirated mass of an- intelligibility that the average man or mind cannot grasp its import.‘ But there is one sure rule to follow, which is applicable alike to Koch’s lymph or McKinley-’3 tariff law; and that is the arithmetic of I'C'JNUU.. There has been a great outcry about Dr. Koch’s cure for consumption, bttt the results ofits trial have not justified the llrQIEIlSltlll. There has been a great promise that the McKinley tarili' bill would “prot'ct†the American citizen; but the promise is very slow of fulfilment. This was observed and acted upon last November, when the t'l(c~ lions unseated so many of the .lleKialt-y hill supporters, and the Democrats scored a great victory. The same party is waiting for its opportunity next year, when the Presidential chair will be open to the man- try for competition. The great Democratic champion who has already tilled that chair with honour to himself and the country, has dcuooueed the law in unmeasured terms, and said that cheap provisions meant beneï¬t to the country; whereas McKinley said dear provisions meant benelit to the country, a proposition the absurdity of which i need not dwell upon. Uld " ilcu " ilarrisonuvrappcd up in his conservatism, says “ the people do not understand llm law,†(McKinley bill); but, as l have. said or implied, the \vugc-earuer‘s ability to card by this law does not. make. up for what he has to spend for the necessaries of life, and therefore the tarili‘ law is detrimental to the prosperity of the country. i will ven- ture to prophesy that if that great “.1110- crntic champion puts himself forward as a. Candidate for President in 1892', Cleveland will again he returned as President of the United States of America. The probabili- ties scem to be divided between James G. Blaine and Grover C;cvelaud. Blaine is a very popular man on the ltcpublican side, but the McKinley turiil‘ will probably kill the Republican candidate, and it is a sure thing that lla'rrison will not go in again, for he is very unpopulsr as a President. i willjust tell you a little anecdote in con- nection with this.’ Senator Quuy,a leading U. S. statesman, had occasion to apply to President Harrison on some important question, and could get no satisfaerory rc~ ply; whereupon Quay got mad, and said to the President: " .llr. Harrison, who elected you President of this couutty ? " Harrison, with a wry sauctimonious look and voice answered: "I thiukl owe ny election to God." Mr. Quay said, “That settles it,†and wont away. Just after leaving he met. no less a person than Bob lugeraoll " lu- gersoll,“ said Quay, “ l have just been talk- , ing with President Harrison, and what do, l you think he said?†“ How should i know. ’ What did he say, Quay '1†“ Well," nonver- ed Quay, “ he said that God elected hint President.†lngcrsoll replied: “l have said a good many mean things about God in my day, but Fat (1 d if I ever said so mean a thing as that about him." The idea. , has generally prevailed that the [maple laud , the election of President in this country : 3 but i suppose Harrison believes in the old i saying. “ l'oz populi out llu'," which, being i interpreted. means, “ The voice of the peo~ ‘ pie is the voice of God." if that be the cue, God, lpenking through the poem.- next year, will put someone therenho will Work tor their beneï¬t a little more than 3 the present God-elected ('0 President has. 0 Yours truly, l JAEES TEAUUE. 4'? “1...... .._....v_ A. w. .. FA...“ _. .. A .. 4“; u‘ I... «.2‘Iw’e.‘ v: . >,.........m