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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Mar 1891, p. 5

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j. f, N O '1‘ I C E. The cast half of Lot 27. Can. I. Yerulatn. A" Farm“ "fing a“ 358‘“ of Hugh Apply to Rev. Wm. Logan, Fenelon Falls. )chottgtll, Peneloa Falls, rill please call and settle their accounts at once with Mr. llugh Ross, agent, and save c ists. JAS. JOHNSTON &: 00., F0 R S ALE_ n~ House and‘Lot For Sale. For sale, very cheap for cash,a half-acre I corner lot and the buildings thereon, op- , posite the south ward school house, Fene~ 2-2. Montreal. lon Falls. The house is I8x24 feN, l§ stories high, on a stone foundation, with a kitchen 13 x 20 feet and a woodshed. There In themm Cit-Hugh Kcmng'au’l’fme‘ are also a workthop H x 20 feet. a never VillageofFenelonFalls.mth600unty . failing well of excellent water and a few of Victoria, Dry Goods Merchant, In. fruit trees. The buildings were erected . about tWelve years ago, and are in good 301Van I condition. The insolvent has made an assignmentl APPLY M “19 GAIN“: Officer“ ‘0 the of his Estate to the undersigned, in pursu- l understgned. GEO. W. MARTIN, to l’earson Avenue, St. Alban’s Ward. Toronto. ance of an Act respecting Assignments for l the benefit of CreditorsrChapter I24, R.S.0., i 1817, and amending Acts, and Creditors ’ are notified to meet at the St. Lawrence Hall. No. 139 St. James Street in the City I of Montreal, on Monday, March 2nd. 189l, at 3 o'clock p. m , to reeeire statements of his nth-tire, appoint Inspectors and for the ordering of the atl'airs generally. "E ROYAL CANADIAN, INSURANCE Aud mm“ is hutch" g‘mulh‘“ an?“ Co. issttes bv far the best Farm policv the tenth day oprril next, the said Trustee ! in Canada. ’ . will proceed to distribute the assets of the I said Debtor among the parties entitled ' theta-to, baring regard only to the claims or which Notice shall have been given, and that. he will not be liable for the assets or r . . _ I I - - to am per- . n stomps [simpl as a any part thertof so distributed 1 unnamed 03.! 'th son or persons of whose debt or claim he mutant, we will nudge“ by exprgsg'cfifD} shall not then have had notice. um deg“; watchth yofican egamjntefigg HENRY manna, Trustee, - it you do no 20 Front Street East, Toronto. 811911 evenmore than we claim for N. ll.â€"Creditors will please file their Toronto, April 2nd, 1890â€"7”. INSTTRANCE. JOIIN AUSTIN, Agent. Fenclon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 1?. it no nor TAKE IT. - - but if 1 t1 1;. claims at once, in order to facilitate the “bag? egayyeflém speedy winding up of the estate. Express Agent on“ F n 891 SPECIAL GUT PRICE 01" ’mh' 1 ° 0F $5 35 and take the watch. Such a. chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a ridicu- lously low price is seldom, if ever be- , . fore. offered. This is a. genuine GOLD of 2 plates of' Soul) QOLD over composi- tion metal. It has solid bow, cap and crown, hunting case.beautitull en- h a a. 0K 5 ' gmfd ii? is “in”? comes t c vc ict at t I) never ' proo . ‘ e wor disappoint. Why wastexnie, monscy an pang-nee on . " - . aro.VVa.ltham style, others, when you can buy the BEST at same ricer richl Jewelled, With expansron balance, is Make no mistake this year: send 2:: cents tor V ck's rogu atcd and we warrantit an accurate time- Flornl Guide, deduct the to cents from firstordcr, keeper. it is suitable for either a lady or and it costs nothtng. It is better than ever: 100 large gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each pa es,colorcd latcs, rand noveIties worth of watch. Address GEO.W.\~VYA ‘ . culiivatton. rigs 100° and 3200. y “'atchmakers, Petorborongh. Ont-5T1. & ('0 ’ JAMES v13 . Rochester. n. v. , . SEND us St.os:sfissmttzsrtn we will send you postpaid this elegant . .ss, ‘_ .. ELDORADO DIAMOND T].{.IP.â€"The success of 7 " “ " ~. GUI-ID Gill-ll FlllED RING our last word-finding contest,jus‘t closed, " I £13338 mtg: encourages us to oli'er another hree l‘rtp , 4 gentlemen in the best IAIEOU'ND the world, or its cash society. and have the equivalent, to the person sending in thel largest list of words spelt the same forward ‘ a g: "'I a E C) I: B S. 0 From millions of customers, during the ast years, ringcosttng$25.00. We guaran tee a perfect fit and satisfaction. Address same appearance as a and backward, such as “ Pip,” “ Bob," “ llannuh." ’L‘I‘IE contest closrs May 15. Three daily prizes for the three largest lists received. The contest is open to the ‘VOI?.LD. Every one sending ten words will get a prize. Nearly 1200 won prize-s in our recent contest. Rules and sample paper [2 cents, together with a large illustrated catalogue. Address Bell‘s Magazine, Orilliu, Out. F‘or Sal câ€" A. Bargain. Lot No. 6 north of Bond street and west of Culborne street, in the ri'lagc of Fenc- lon I’al‘s. with buildings, engine and boiler -â€"I‘ormerly ust-d as a carding mill. Apply at once to C. II. llOl’KlXS, Barrister, Lindsay. . llaving in store a large and well assorted Stock of Student’s Easy Chairs, CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES. and everything usually kept in a first c‘ass Furniture Store, all in want of something nice for EHBISTMIS AND NEW YEAR'S Presnnts will do well to call and a : ’_ Apamphlet of Information and ab- .’ 1' ~_ stract of tho laws,showing now to ,v "":. Obtain Patents. Caveats. Trade \ y. Marks, Cop rights. sent free. =-_' Address M NH .91. CD. '~ ,. 361 Broadway. "' EXAMINE MY STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. 355" All good Goods, and purchased low CAPITAL, $12,000,000. REST, $0,000,000l L. D E Y M: .A. N. n I â€" l l l, xnsnraxsn & Fuaxtrvnr Drama, A Savings epurtmcut ms teen opeuct '1 connection with this lmneh. Uolborne Street, Penelon tans. interest allowed at current rates. _ LINDSAY A. F. D. MacGAGI-IEN, Manager Lindsay Branch. sindsny, Xor'r lath. 1890. 40-3m. W A Rare Chance I sit: R. CHAMBERS any and surrounding country with MOXUMENTS AND Ill-ZADS'I‘OX'I‘ZS, both Marble and Granite. - . is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- L i N 2: lh' FHNELON’ FALLS FOR SALE, , lit-longing to the Estate ol'the late I). , Scully. Will be sold in single lots arm! blocks to suit purchasegs. _Also a brtelt house and lot on Fidler‘s llill. N0\\' IS, YOUR "mane.l -â€" AS -â€"- , Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, l-Itc.. a Specialty. llciug a practical workutan,all should see his designs and compare prices before TIIE'Y )[US'I‘ BE SOLD ' For terms and particulars apply to Barron ', J: McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate Lindsay, u: to W. E. ELLIS, Feaelon Falls. are! no. wasâ€"amt. pun-busing elsewhere. V WORKSâ€"In rear ot'the market on (‘am- bridge Streetmppositc Matthews' packing house. mar. CRANBERS. -~ KortlLot‘the Town llsll. ~~Q,.pets and Oil-Cloths, N 0. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. I l l Goods Buyer. } Goods Buyer. E AND CAP BUYER. To me "stream * BUYER. In the Gelfi’ Furnish; ings Buyer. Wm For the Spring’s business 1 have made unusual and extra- ordinary preparations in all the Departments. No point. has been left uncovered. N0 effort. has been spared to make the Store attractive to a de- 1 gree. The Assortments are e enormous. i , The Prices are [be ‘lowest, and, in justice to her- Gem wuwyafigwo. wself or himself, every buyer Jewellers Poterborough. Ont- should give my display a tho- rough and critical inspection. In all my transactions, both buying and selling, I am con- SplCllOllS for giving and receiv- ing gr at As a marked result of this, I illustrate the enormous and constant growth of my busi- ness. A buyer once sold to is a customer made, and in this manner each season’s business shows an increase over the preceding one. Every person who does business with me knows that, whatever kind of goods I handle, I do it right beyond dispute. NorE.-â€"If you have not al- ready become one of my many customers, do so at once, for it certainly means dollars saved for you. Marble Works. M. j. METER, THE CHEAP MAN, SAY. l I 1. JA REM I To the Staple. Dry To the Fancy Dry TO THE HAT Gre at Mo $18,000 word}: of general DRY Goons, Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies" and Gents" Fm" Coats and Caps, Goat Robes, Russian Buffalo Robes & Australian Bear, Boot-s & Shoes, Rubbers & Over-Shoes. I will offer my whole stock at a big discount for the nex two months, in order to make room for Spring Goods. This is - a genuine clearing sale, so LOOK OUT FOR BIG BARGAINS. Men‘s and Boys' Suits and Over-coats, a little damaged, at lmlfprz'cc. Fll'ty pairs of grey and white Blankets at less than - wholesale prices. Inspection invited. TERMS-«SP 0 7‘ CA 5H. N. B.â€"Full lines of Twccds, \Vorsted and Over-coatings- mado to order, and fits guaranteed. Hugh llchougall. Fcnclon Falls, December 16th, 1890. ’ GREENE do ELLES’S WALL PAPERS. LUMBER. YARDS, N P“ ML tttttugrtusnn IINDSIY. 8“ aflfiéfl” a” ENGLISH, CANADIAN 'AND 1 “3);; ‘:;}‘,’,fll,‘:,‘i:;‘f"l'§§° g"; ttttgrfigpigjj AMERICAN MARKETS. l’lauk Timber bath Pickets Shingles . . Fencc’l’osts add all llinds of li’laned and _ 4” the Latest Designs m H Matched Lumberl'rom one to two years old. Hall, Dtnmg Room, Drawmg Room and. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and Bedroom Papers, ceiling papers. Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new . smelt, cut. last season, \vell roofed, dry and corners and Decorations' bright, manufactured expressly for the local 0" Feue'on Falls and Lindsay and PRICES & snotâ€"T337011 CUSTOMERS“ surrounding country. From our long experience in the business, and being builders ourselves, We have a Call and see my 5c. per roll Paper. . good idea of what is required for first class ‘6 H 6c. or common building materials for houses, ' u _ u 70 u it burns and outbuildings. . u u 80' .r u I We have assorted and piled by themselves ‘ ' . . ‘ . _ ‘ V, . t it 90 it it both qualities to sutt purchasers. l, rtecs ' from $3 50 to $5 per M feet and upwards. “ “ lOc. " “ We have about two million feet. that must be sold to make room for new stock. Par- ties requiring any of the above stock will save money by calling before purchasing Ihave on hand the largest stock of Wall ‘- elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or Paper ever brought into Lindsay. to Lindsay for quotations. Bills estimated and returned for approval. Can ship by car loads to all points. Can get special rate on to April next. Send on your orders “ One Dollar Saved is Two Dollars Earned." TAKE Nortonâ€"The above is all gang Inm- bcr, parallel widths. GREENE 5t ELLIS, Fanclon Falls, masons, xiii! at Lindsay G. A. E E L L‘ , Improve Your Stock 1 Lindsay, April 2nd, l890. mud all the way to 500. per Roll. REMEMBER THE PLACE: Just tlppcsitc New Post-olliec, . lient Street. LINDSAY. S THE PURE-BRED aluminium tumm- be led (natty by ct,'67-';2/_pnfl" of mind that blows. ORCHARDSIDE’S KING, (No. 11,305 n. F. n. n.) I will stand for service on Lot. 22 Con. 1 Vernlam. Orchardside King, bred by Smith I â€"â€"-â€" Bros ,Credit Valley Stock lt‘arm,undowncdy by Walter ll. Stevenson, was calved April I I I 7 I :‘ 16th. 1883. Sire, Duke of lidgely (552.)i J t Dam, licllc of Orchardsidc (5899,) who has: ‘lk ec rd :5 1. two- ear-old of 1.037 I, . ‘ - . , Emmi?" go airy; Duklc 0,. Edge,” (ml, , and able to compete in my on n bns a. milk record cram; pounds in one day, 3 line of business and thank my and a butter record of I9 pounds in seven ' ,1ulner0us Imtrmm 1'0]. their . days. ller dam, Eerkte, has a milk record l of 98 pounds in one day, and a butteriklnd support the last ten 0W“! MUM-“1‘55"” ‘1“5'5- years. 1 have Withstood op» Also. at the same place. the line youtng . . ' . . . V ‘ bull Prince Aleck 2nd, 00,587,) registered I POSItlUn fi‘ 0 “1an In the lilbt in Dominion Short-horn llertl llook, and the 9 tell Vemts in Fcnelon Fans, and l Jersey bull Rioter. ! l Titansâ€"llolstein-Friesian,$2 00; Short-iwnl. l30.ul’le to give mill-S-" l horn and Jersey,$l on each. 25 per cent. 3 fnctlon, as l" the Pub-t, after . l '. t ‘lc tl tl' a'd at t't e of, . . , “ l u 'e “"5 p ' in ghavmg had thirty years ox” w. II. STEVENSON. i perience. l Vernlam,June 5th,1890. Its-Lt. WNW-FED J. SLATER, i ' ' Watchmaker& Jeweller, Reliable 13tu~11ing 31011 to 1 . . . , .' I tell choice Nursery Stock. Complete as- 1P7IIJZ\7EL 111/1 ‘ l lortmcnt. A splendid opportunity ofi‘erec ' l for Spring work. My Salesmen have good 52 Doors south of Mechanics’ Institute. I success, many selling from $100 to 5200 ; â€".._.__...__......_..._..__ ... ~~-_.__..- .. .. . . 8 ad I‘ r Proof and 'l‘rstimo P" week 6 " MEN, local or trarrl~- I ing, to sell my gunrw lgoods in the market. “'rile FIE}.?£I"CR E. “nu-pd qunny‘g;6CK. Suh‘ry or Cumulus“... Yovso, Nurseryman, Rochester, is. Y. no .uuw lsion, paid weekly. Outfit free. Special on. ving Sale- ' . Mad;.AW.W.M.A~A--.._S¢A..AMMA“AA .a........;: H..- . ,. ~.;... - For first-class Job Printing, at moderate prices, go the of- . free of the. F..F..Gazells.. , nials. A good pushing luau wanted here ‘ at once. Liberal Terms and the besti I tention given to beginners. Workers never' fail to make good weekly wages. Write me.- at once for particulars: E. 0..GBAHAM, Nurseryman,.. _'I‘onosro,- (I‘m-r 296w. ‘(rtst houseisreliablet), Luv-WW ....V....».~ -/~.. .e a 9......

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