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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Apr 1891, p. 6

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" ear was the screaming of the parrot, which I most reasonable and just. a .. . t 4 x . 1" a' a {a s .l , l p“ d 3‘ e . i“ - .‘ .. ' -. - ., of: i , '- t .' l 4 ‘ 3. half. as"? t .5 'fl i, ft.s~ 3.; ‘r r. ‘ “MWâ€".â€" _-..__. “as 24‘ .l a: a}; 4/: v' a ' THE-RING AND “emu BY 0. G. FURLEY. Several district .Tasseiiiblies of the Govern- ment of Wologda have clhsed their ublic schools: some places they were 0 liged to do so for want of'funds; in other places they didit because the Government agents assumed the positions :school inspectors and principal managers, and this was not to the liking of n the population. Where the latter was the} the assemblies Voted to trim their public schools into parish schools. But~‘as according to the existing laws the ' h schools must hold their ses- sions in the church building, and thechurch-' es of those districts are preparedto accommo- date suoh institution, the schools are prac~ tically closed. In a hospital of Odessa. an experiment was made recently with Brown-Sequard’s “lymph which may prove of greatngi ific- to the medical science. n a patient suffering from scurvy the superin- tending physician resolved to trytberg mjec‘ :tion of Brown-Sequard’s lymph. After one week’s trial the patient’s condition ‘had im- proved. The injections were stopped, and his condition grew worse again. Then the medicine was applied again without inter- mission, and within three weeks his recovery was complete. The lymph was produced, at the laboratory of the physician who tried itgfrom the organs of domestic rabbits. On Feb. ll the smokeless powder factory, which the Government began buildingin St. Petersburg in last June, was opened. After the religious ceremonies, customary on such occasions, the machinery of the estab- lishment was put in motion, and work began at once. Between noon until 6 o’clock pm. eight poods (320 pounds) of smokeless pow- der of an excellent quality were manufacture ed. The Working capac1ty of the factory amounts at present to twentyw poode a day, {but this will be considerably increased when the annex, now in course of erection, is ready for the manufacture of pyroxyline on the premises. ' The Society for the Protection of Animals has awarded a medal to Mr. S. A. Khroostchofi‘ of St. Petersburg for the considerable man» her in which he keeps the horses which have done‘service for him. That gentleman is a member of the brandy distilling firm of Kel- ler & Co. He has caused a special hospital to be built for horses which have grown old in the servide of the distillery. There are at present three horses there. One of them, named Selim, is twenty-two years old, and has been at Work in the distillery about sev- enteen years. V The other inmates of the in- stitution are Maltchik, twenty-nine years old and retired for the last six years, and Starik Syeday, 30 years old, and cht on charity for the last seven years. His head has grown to abnormal proportidns in some parts ; of his te th only the roots are left. He spends the greatest part of the day lying in bis‘stall, and when thelattermust be clean. ed.he is helped to get up with an appliance made specially for the purpose. 'VVhen he is put on his legs he is led about in the yard for sometime, two men walking by his side to supporthim. He is fed on oats, flour, and chopped hay. ' - Graelidanin of St. Petersburg is quite des-, pondent about the religious state of the Russian people. “ In the higher spl-eres of ‘Bussian society,” the editor moans, “ there 'is a constant and successful propaganda of all sorts of heresies going on, from the oldest heresies down to those which are promulgat- ed by Tolstoi. Among the intelligent peo- ple religion has ceased to be a subject of. earnest consideration, and among the lower classes‘of society many millions can be found upholding false doctrines and adhering to false beliefs. Whither we go to preach rc- ligion_fateful powers stand in-our way. W'e went to enlightened Bulgaria and behold dark and bloody shadows covered that/land ! We carried religious truth to Abyssinia and the waves of theses drove our vessels back. from the African shores. We desired to spend our religious solicitude on Jerusalem, on the very tomb of our Saviour, and trouble and contention among our own foiled our odorts. , VAlas ! it seems that the hand of ‘the Almighty Himself inflicts such painful WOllndS on the bleeding Russian heart.” The illustrious editor of Grazhdanin Prince Mestchersky, writes an editorial two columns long in this heartrending strain. Ever since the Crimean war many of the populous thoroughfares of Odessa have been undermined. In 1884 a law was framed by the municipal council (dooma), making it obligatory upon, every landlord to fill up the mine which opens from his premises. But obedience to that law was never insisted CHAPTER IV. I betwaen the ring and the bird than this ap- I hurried home with the desecrated ring pesl of Agatha’s. It sounds absurd when in my pocket. The first thing that met my i set down here, but at that moment it seemed seemed more violent thm 1 had ever known, And l'olly came to the rescue. He flut~ and from other so'nnds I guessed that he tered on to the little table which held was throwing the weight of his body against Agatha’s work-basket. There he pushed the wires of the cage. with all his might against the slim Wicker- ?“ Can’t you stop, that creature 2‘" I asked case till he thrustjt and, as it chanced, the the servant who opened the door to me. half cold cup of tea as well, on to the draw- “No, Sir. I’ve covered it up and done lug-room floor. And there, among the cot- all I could; bnt‘cver since the ladies went ton bobbins and balls of worsted it lay, upâ€"stairs it has been screeching like mad. " flashing its crimson gleams, that outshone “ The ladies are up-stairs '2” \tb6 red light 0f the sunset, the ruby. of Ram “ Yes, air; in the drawing reom, and the Asoka. omehow at that .Imomenth Colonel is with them.” " to understand how the l‘greed of such a gem as thausmight tempt a “1311350 sin. I‘ made some“ allowance for the Colonel. ‘ a ' ', '3 ' a , i _ We all rushed, to the ring; but the parrot was ahead of us. He picked the" ring up in his beak, and flying to Agatha’s arm, drop,- pcd it into her hand. , Then he retired to his chair-back as one who has done his work. ' Agatha went up to the Colonel. “ I am A wild scream came from the riot. _ “ Let Polly out, Jane,” Isai ; “that 13 the only way to keep it quiet, and my head is aching.” ' . They were all in the drang- room; the had moved there in something I ike military order, and all the time of my absence the other three had watched poor Agatha as cats might an unfledged sparrow. Louisa and the Colonel had gazed unflinchinglyâ€"I heard all very pleased,” she said with a cold smile,- this afterwards; but Mrs. Gretton had shed “ to be the person who hands to you the ring tears as every moment their risoner grew which had so miraculously disa peered.” more exhausted and more eathly pale. He took the ring from her ; ut it was to They had given her a cup of tea, which now the parrot that he directed his reply. “I,” stood untested by her work-basket on the he said “ am much obliged to you for dis- small table by her side. There their charity covering the ring, which, by some means or had ended ; none had spoken a ward to her. another, had got hidden in Miss March’s She looked half-dead as I entered, < but she Work-basket.” ‘ turned her sad eyes despairingly to me. I The sarcasm of his tone roused me once answered the look by clasping her in my more ; butasmy voice was raised in protest, arms. “ Oh Frank, let him “ It’s all right, my darling 3 I know all alone, she cried. “ For my sake, don’t aboutit now,’ Icried. ' quarrel with him. I can’t stand more to- “ And \Vill 2” she asked ; “what about night." him 3" ' _ So, most unwillingly, I held my peace, and “ I have made it all right for him in the before loug‘we separated, weary with the meantime. We'll talk about that after- strain of the day. ' . wards," A few words more will end this brief Then turning to the others, I said: “ It’s eventful history. Next morning, the Col- all right ; you made a mistake. It was her onel heard a tapping at his door. He thought own rin â€"my ringâ€"that Agatha gave her it was J ane, who had brought his hot water. brother, ’ After a minute he opened the door ; but I took the diamond from my pocket, and there, on the met, there stood, not the harm: ut it again on her hand, the hand she had less water-can, butâ€"more dreadful to him kept concealedâ€"I could guess why, nowâ€" than Edgar Poe’s raven to the gloomy bard under the folds of her shawl. â€"our magically gifted ' parrot. (We found “0h Agatha, I’m so glad,” cried Mrs. out afterwards that he had managed to un- Grctton ; but Lousia said: “ It may be all fasten the door of his cage and so make his right about Agatha, but it doesn’t explain way out.) With an exclamation that had what has become of Colonel Farrer’s ring.” better be left unrecorded, the Colonel start- Thc Colonel took up the strain. “ Oh yes, ed batbk, and Polly hopped into the room. it does,” he said contemptuously. “ That He made'straight for the dressing-table on. precious pair of lovers are in collusion, that’s which lay- ruby ring, still too small for Agatha interfered. H o ah. They know where my ring iswell enough; g the Colonel’ njared hand. He, seized it, and I shouldn't wonder if that brother of I while the human claimant stood helpflless and Miss March’s has it in his possession. He 3 amazed at this latest development. olding seems to be a scapegrace at' the best ; and it i it in his claw, he bent his eyes on the wouldn’t injure his character so much as it, Colonel, and again said, as he had so often would that of the estimable and affectionate 2 done: “ who killed Ram ASOka ?” Then. couple here if stolen property were found in ‘rthe ring still tightly grasped, he’flew out of his possession. That, I take it, is the whole g the open window. and was lost to v1ew; mystery_” é among the surrounding chimney-pots. And This was too much fox» me, mud, I think, '- that‘was the last any of us saw‘ or heard of ’kept my temper fairly well up to this mo- 3 R3111 ASOkflt- _' . . _ meat; but the Colonel’s who‘esaleaceusation, i Was the spu it of the murdered priest in- and the strain in which he worded it, stung , deed confined beneath the bird’s green feath- mc past, patience, ers, and did he come thus to claim ~ the gem u I have knownt one thlef in my life, of which .he had been robbed ? UOr‘ was the Colonel Farrer, one receiver of stolen proâ€" ; W110“ “"118 a chapter 0f 900151811“, 8-1151 0}” party," I cried, u and that one is_you 3 I i parrot no more than a mischievous tluevmh have not got your ring ; I should be asham- l “"1: to, WhPm Chance gave an appearance bf ed to possess a thing thathad such a history. ' res-3°11 1“ 1113 deeds ? I 03411105 venture to My hands are clean ; I possess nothiugI have 58-5“ I tl‘ink‘whab I think lâ€"a'nd Agatha not honestly won. But you became the ‘ agrees With me. But for yourself, reader, owner of the ring you have now lost by { answer the Huesl'io.” as you will” am?” you mans of robbery and muraen It is & ruby . are the more akin in mind to Horatio or to in your eyes: it is a great blobd~stain in ' Hamlet“ ‘ mine, and I hope yen will never know a moment’s peace in possessing it. If you had - ~ ~- auy sense of honor, your chief desire would SHARP POINTS. be not to get thatring buck for yourself, but , v " ~44â€" . z,.; . , to réstore it to its rightful owner." Give a woman your confidence, and she’s “ Its rightful owner! And supposiugI gotyou. don’t- own that ring, may I ask you to tell «The world never-sits down. twice on a me, in that fine eloquent way of yours, who man who has any point about him. it behms's t0?” ' o Cloves are responsible for the first breath : 3?“? Wk“; . d h, 2" of suspicion'in many happy families. ’ ‘ The 03185;? :1: d “E: 318mm,} I_I ,t Marriages are called “ matches ” because ' can they are sometimes followed by scratching. say, but that arrot seems to know, und’â€" “ » The Colone actually smiled, so pleased| ‘ Have you 9‘ large Staff 0‘ reP°rter5 to was he with his advantage.‘ “The idea of * gather the news for you?” Country edivor: . . _ r , ' n referrin to a rrot for information as to u I“) - we have 9' “’lfe- the film 8 of a epaned spirit seems_weu n Don't laugh at your wife when she tries .__.__. to stone the hens. She may ask you to help “ I don’t care "' I burst in im ati mtl . he” “one the fulfil!“- “ The parrot krfows something : lie knodr’s‘ What is the difference between the first everything ; and I believe that the soul of 2 sergemn and the ten" drummer ? 0.“ ‘ - Ram Asoka. the man you killed, is imprison- i calls the mu and the 0th.”.rous the can" ' ‘lll’on’ and the nous" owners.‘g"°red "‘5 8:" ed in that bird’s body... .- u pld ya? know that, Skinner has pueu. islcnce. Uf lateseveraLaccidents have 09- u M,._ Laurence, I am a Chriuiau', said momannd is not expected to live 2'" “ No: 0}“‘1‘8‘1 Where the, ground on .the Streets "Ind the Colonel with an imaginable dignit“ “I how am he mks cold?" “ He got his feet; sidewalks caved in and fell into the mines. don't believe‘ in the tmmmigmtion Of' souls wet going around trying to find where he The municxpal conned contemplated the en- or an ' such heathenish doctrine. And if I could WY“ 1’3" of rubber“ chef‘PeSt'” forcement of “1911‘” W’ buy the 1.10"” owners did, couldn’t nuke restitution to n Parrot 2 presented a petition against this measure on It couldn’t we” & mb tin _n SOME ODD” the plea that the mines are used as cellars u I don’t know ; Iflfggivegit a chance_ h __ - for the storage of goods, and if they should evidently wants the ring): The Chinese cultivatd an odorless onion be 51195» up: their Properties “Wild deterio- m , ' . . ,,, . _ .. . - r rate in value. Hereu n the city council :2Slr‘tazbgiazsi thirties, mail?“ °‘ Hm“ ‘5 “7° sawed o the words and there was the parrotâ€"I had almost said In the language of flowers the mushroom “31%”: the “"253 wmfih 03???? 211:8" house; Ram Asokaâ€"hopping in at the door. He means suspic on. “1" cemcn wa‘ s a e groun looked atme ‘ l ' - - New York now has a lar er area an above th'fm Should not (lave in‘ . In cases maconnuential manner, and A g d where um cannot be done the mmes must with the courteous comment of “ Right you mileage‘of asphalt pavements than has either be fined up. . The landlord who fails to do are, says Moses,” sprang upon the back of a London 01‘ Pm'is- ~ ~- ‘ 0 is i be ‘ chair and surveyed the compauY. An Australian photographer is“ reported Zfieazléifififigtfiit $3;&Eausgf 13:11:18,152}:ng \\ e all laughed. 9:8“ P00? P3115 Agatha. to get excellent pictures of objects at a dis- game “d be liable to M .u administrative evcp the indignant Lolonel. \I 1th the par- mace of sixteen “mesh fine ,,'for disobedience. The Board of City {32:80:2‘1‘2? ‘30“ .°f ‘fhalint‘ll’al‘hmd; b“: A Rochester, N. Y., teacher having oc- Architects, moreover, drew up a plan of all ex main thmfinymgt I: {Eh mimner ° casion to use a portrait of George Washing the mines in the city, marking those which mama“ 3“) Raw‘l’f? h° '9 “ng‘m‘ge ton at school exercises was unable to-find can be made secure. and those which must mm 0,. wherever 1m as,“ n “gt even one on sale anywhere in the city. be closed up, _ macs“ {mmwhich Mm Gr?“ had mgggg There are 33359399“ mm" in the “mm, The Governor of Ekaterinoslav has issued him Like a ood mm llamas w] turning 0‘“ 1'904'000'000 pounds of Pap?” an order thata sufficient number of boats ick‘ u our [w 8 e {mm‘g’onnmfion [’0 annually, half of which is used. for rintiug, mm, and aimflar “pm-mus be 1“,me readi'. and as, con mm “1 more t ' “3 (3)0300,“ pounds MIPS “(fluted 01‘ WWW ness in all towns and villages of his overn- °‘l “"1 “P “e” pa ers alone. ment lying below the water mark. 1874 than dignity. f,- Elih , um But wh b ‘ f b e g .' Ill ' . u om“ ‘8‘” t lake 5"“ and 1878 those towns and villages were in. men‘mexbazar wztivegd‘tst‘ill' 13:; Ire: so damn" 1‘81“ m1“ fmm “1° "90"”th undated by the melting snow in the spring, M with the no“. ’ of. carbon. It is estimated from the oreti- and mm liven were lost. This win“, the fig 3 Indeed, oughgfimhxjfifi 05‘ ground: that"? PM“? “"3 "‘3' 10,000 snowfallswas much heavier than previously. all, at brought it back rpm gas 'oléudy degrees F‘hrf‘v’he’t’” “mm-d" - v, A sudden thaw may gain bring an inunda- regions where ‘ my super. A calmed mu 95,0038th LIL”, charg- tiom ThevGov‘ernor, gherefore, desires his stitionmerhaps, ‘ ‘ 1% rbln'g the peace. Went into peopleto have such'means of esmpe athand “ This is "Said the Colonel , 113?». den. V to em~ if such trouble-“$3131: has also issued “and no doubt Mr. sLlurence. apprm, If”! by‘ ury, con- strict ardentan -hoe agents to warn the the valuable up this 0 ' 'ous harvere. “"3 ' _. . ,, .. ceived. Butreven a must diff: that bcfo . V , canal), “gs” which «thafiultsn m. t the coming of swam wave. [give thering to his learned-parrot! mast can 37 pissed .h.fl16.-bfib6-dderiof the The . Commander cf‘ithe St. Petersburg antimaan m , i an he added emu Sam’s ax Iona-m said to have pofiqohuigfimd orderltotbe police force to tr'uculedtly,‘ “ l, ‘I‘thlnkfbe becomes: arptdi u: dumbed}; tdthh “ sacred 1; island WW8 scribblers who ed‘lvy giving Miss March into custody." mm" on which the prophet fled from Mecca ' " ‘ call exclaimed: but the famt's’ohy 'to'.:Modim-. of grief rang ' above all. began some A v fluttering: 50‘ A83th ed Which it 53 alleged. his Skeletal im- saloons, and other places of the kind and in- tothe ptanot, said in a‘piteoua tone: pervious to water, and wxll even atan boil- cite the unsuspicious and the illiterate to “ 0 y, can you save me . mg. The waterproofingcan be carried out petition the authorities for all possible and Noluoogerproof could well be gieeu of ,, either after the papa is made or during the impossible thin , to present unjustifiable ourgxuwingfuthinthe mystic connectiou'openuoaotmshngh. “Puma, m to 89 ink, mm [THE sun] .......m_,-- .n‘xomr . W...â€" Y persons. Such . a; :- , aftâ€"ET. “.77-?” ’ l “ litigations. Beside the money avhich such ‘ JUST FOR m. persons 10m their missives givp an untold ___~_, ’ .' We‘had a long time to wait, as the Pope Singing _ this m°ming~ pea le as sooi’ae’ enigteorological stations ' P :- petitions to‘w £532 , .' MESH fiftiin 5:15;ng . “WW .7 .I v Special kind 0 PM has been invent- scrib len install themselves in manna“; . amount of unnecessary trouble for the author- _ _ ‘ : < ities. The commander of the police prepares . ,th‘,“ 1% 3 wall" m“ “f 3t” 3‘Wh' to this practice of the “ profssional ” ‘t 3 a “Flight. petition writers. 7 -' '> ' 7 An ice bill may be cool, but it is not alâ€" “ Among the saloon keepers of Yilna the ways collected. ’ superstitious belief prevails that if a. wee ‘ Early to bed and “fly to rise, mums m, of rope whereou a person has ban ‘3 in)- _ self be put in a barrel of brandy, t 05.. who _"‘° “5'8 very tired. taste of that'brand will be eased of an . . indomitable desirey for drinkfi: As soon, “h? b“ any pomt wont hm“ therefore, as they hear of asuicide by haug- .' ‘0“ “my doubt 3' mm’fi Chris‘imi“? ‘h" ing, they come in large numbers to the 13 31W” mnlplainlng of his duller 0“ ml” house where the misfortune occurred, and d8)“- ,Qlfmjlaxgggumsffofi'the rope whiolfis‘taken The professional oarsman is an influential from the neck of the unfortunate.” This is fellow, for his business gives him a great thelatestcanard publishedinhfozoye .l'remya pull. ' for anti-Semitic pdrposes. ' By the time a man realizes that he i! a r - foohiiis usually too late to realise on his - . 1 rea tion. , p In the‘slsnflebha‘pel‘ , Sheâ€"“ You don’t mind my talkin so ' A correspondent writes from Rome.- \Ve much, do you 3" He_u No, indeed - shut have just returned from the grand mass cele- .(facetiously) I may mind after we m ’11,“. brated in the Sistine Chapel on the anniver- may Sh9.'_H But 1 311mm, mind the“ if you sary of the death of Pious IX., for which we 'do,” were so fortunate asto obtain tickets through _ Woman is a theory. and mm makes no Count 0., one cf the Pope’s guard 0f “Obles- more serious mistake than when he attempts Only two or three 'such‘ sermons are held in to deal with her as he would with a fact. the Sistine Chapel during the year, and very Men are facts, and facts are stubborn few beside the clergy and officials can be things, admitted, so we considered ourselves ex- Aged Husbaud_.n I understand youwem ceptionally favored. We were cautioned to engaged to him before we were nmpried z" 20 early. 89d at 9139 0’0100k “’6 were 011 the Young Wifeâ€"” Yes, but he’s single vet, Scala- Ragla) waiting to ascend t0 the and there’s certainly no harm in his asking Ch’irttpgl.s iss nlw.p.é hmdut . smildin how your cough is getting along.” W . g“ ‘ 9"- ° . y’ 'z > He (feelin his wa )â€"“ Iâ€"I wish we on the “MN” I ‘ armed m 8‘ wonderf“ were good enfiugh friedde for you toâ€"to call combination 0 red, blue and yellow, de- me b ,, . . . .n . p ymy first name. She hel m lnm signed for them by Muhael Angelo, which along) ,, Oh, your last name is Pd Slough l defies description. They l(parry spears about for me ,1 six feet long which loo as if they might Ninét . ' y-mne men out of ever hundred be‘ have come out of the Tower Of London’ and lieve in their hearts thatadayy of judgment are altogether mOSt “mque‘ will come, and ninety-eight of them secretly ‘We found quite a crowd already waiting - , . the ladies in black with black lace veils 0d Baliilshglfgniomehow they Wm be overlwk‘ their heads, the men in dress coats and u , . _ White “mam When the signal was given The face of the returns,’ saidthe chairman thereiwas a grand rush up the staircase, of the meeting], “shows Sixty-seven ayes and and as we were “mm, the first we of, ex. no noes.” “ I but a queer looking face that cellent places in the Ehapel on bencgfies di- mu“ be," remarked an Old lady “1 the bulk '-tl bl'dth dfrthed'l-IOW- {Egg-19,33, use reserve 0 1P 0 Small Boyâ€"“Grandpa, the robins are Is that a sign that was late, and mass did not really begin until SPWFE 13 here 7” Grandpa (,Who 1}“ been 11, but we were well entertained Watching dec?“’ed: t°° Oftenl”" It 5 8' 318“ that the celebrities arrive and learning who they mme amt 8°“ '10 “113% all were, and enjoying the beautiful chapel. The world consists principally of two The sunshine could not have been brighter classesâ€"those who deceive and thosewho are and we had a fine chance to study the beau- deceived. It is more advantageous to" be- tiful paintings. An Italian lady next as long to the former. but much more decent knew all the people’and told us nho they to belong to the latter. were- _ The diplomats were *‘imPly 801‘839‘15- The Squireâ€"“ Good morning, Miss Violet. Some in blue and gold, others in brilliant Bent on M, errand of mercy ‘3’ Miss Violet scarlet with various Orders and decorations ; (the rectoris daughter)_u Oh, no! 1 am some “,1 blue “"51 “fiver! altogether? duZlmg just taking a few little pics of my own mak- collection of uniforms. Then to add to the ing round to the cottagem.» picture, the aisle was lined with the Swiss Intem . ,, , gencehas just reached me, b an guud and many 0f ‘the POP“! own guard Mr. Blodger, as he sat down to the digger were on duty' Of these latter them table. “Thank heaven if it has at last,” seem to be three grades; the lowest wear . . . . _ . _ . exclaimed Mrs. Blodger and the food was dress suits, With the white expanse of shirt Pm‘mken of m silence. front- 'overed with ver beautiful wold L y ° Sheâ€"“ So you are tied fast, for good and chains, fastened together in a. curious we. , , _ _ _ almost, a harness, also a, broad red rig. all, to the beautiful heiress, LIISS MacShmers, bon_ _ Then come the camerinim in black \Vltll the golden locks." HGâ€"u yes; but short clothes,_ black silk stockings, and W113 the government bonds. ’imd not the pumps with buckles; black cloth coats, golden 106k?» that IWa-s after- -with a grcatd‘cal of black velvet let in, the “Has she no prideâ€"no self~rcspect? How t0ps of the sleeves large puffs of black vel- can she permit that fellow to smoke while vet, plain cloth below, and deep cuffs of old they are promenadm on the avenue ‘2" lace ; a velvet belt with silver buckle and “Oh, that’s Charley \ an Niuny, and she’s sword and a black velvet cape gracefully afraid people wouldn’t know its amen.” draped over the left shoulder. Heavy gold “That old maid of a, Miss Skemkin's is chains around the‘neck, or rather around the 55m fishing for Mr. uichem'n u You shoulders: then abovea red ribbon and should not say that,» remarked her older 3W0"? “bahwlery fun. whlte “‘3' mm“ l’w' sister, severely; “considering dear Miss ’tfures‘lue “m1 becommg' The“ com“ “1039 Skemkins’ general physique, you should. 'who are nearest the Pope. They look more rather my angled for him.’ likcisOldiers, wearing tightly buttoned coats Gadsby__u Those three dude sons of Van With gold epaulets, a great band of gold Nostrand cost him about $5,000 a year.» across the chest and helmets ‘of gold and Miss Caustique_uThen hem“ been putt-m silver, very, very magnificent, but not so a good deal of money into real estate} becoming as the dress of the Camerinia. Howrs “mt-3n “He is spending $5000“ Soon the .church dignitaries‘began to arrive. your on a vacant lot." ’ BEtWeel‘ .t'hirt'y ’fm‘l forty .cardim'ls, .in “PS A gentleman had just succeeded in saving 'Pm‘Plei “Ch WWW“ tmm‘l’ea'Ier" ermine albig.clothiug merchant from drowning. capes and scarlet caps. Many bishops, and u Ah,» remarked be, gratefully. u I we, m all the ordersof monks were represented.“ rescuing me, you have ruined your clothes. The Chapel 15‘ 5° “man, and “l was 30°.“ Permit me to hand you my business card. c'oll'd'ed'"a' Wonderflll "1385 Of °°1°r' m Ten thousand of the best suits in the city which the ladies, all in black, made a rood from 310 upwards." contrast. Just before the Pope arrive the Miss Shmp_u Ah, My. Duuurd, you Me servants 9f hm househ‘fld filmed "1' They looking the art of the Black Prince to perâ€" were all intredofa splendid color ; Silk motion." . r. Dunard_uye_ea; but do stockings; knee breeche’s of velvet 'brocadc, you know, Miss Sharp, I feel like a, perfect 9'11 the, “We .Bhade’Of Fed; 19ng 003'“ 0f same: idiot.” Miss Sharp (carnestly)-â€"“ Now, that back anddront and sleeVes of plain red silk: will never do, Mr. Duunrd. At a masquer, at the‘collar two long lace tabs, pieces about Ede, as on the stage, one must forget, his three, inches’w1de and seven or eight long. real character entirely." Now to the service. The Pope entered I through a small door attended by some of his " “- Butter from Oocoauuts. guard and a number of cardinals. They all knelt in from 0f the an”; an}; "’3? Pop? Cocoanut butter isanow food stuff, which surrounded ‘- by cardumls“ bearmg m3 tram seems to haves useful future before it. Ao- r cording to a report by the British vice-consul ascended .' his throne. lie 'was eased in “7‘3"” .‘V‘l’ha' very."mgl"fi°°”t "ed cfll’e' I at- Berlin, thc production of an edible fat think it Is something like the one rather from the marrow of the cocounut has been Brown “fears only very’ very long' 0“ hm carried on for the last two years by a firm head 1" “Iver metre” ” A” 50°“ 8'3 he w” 3m" at Mannheim, the process having been dis- cuvercd three years before by Dr. Schlinck. ed muss Was sa'id by'fou'r-bishops all in green Factories having the same object are about and gold, then came the music, the finest we have heard“ only "Olfiesv "0 guitrl'men.‘ 5" to be established at Paris and at Amsterdam. The Pope “Oka- B'M PM“ 0 7" 9 saw“ The nuts come from the South Sea islands and also from certain places on the African and his voice rang out clear and strong but. he looks frail and feeble. He is 80. ..\l hen and South American. oouflw The butter. whichis sold at less than half the price of the host 'was raised chry one in the building knelt and there was profound silenceâ€"a ordinary butter in London, contains from 60 to 70 per cent‘of fat and 23 to 25 per most impressive moment. 'lheservwelasted about an hour and then cent 0, organic matter_ I“ color is white ; it is of an agreeable'taste, is suitable for The world never sits down twice on a man the Pope left as he came. It was a beauti- ful sight in the ante-room as we passed out; - « - up ml “the? “de' presentlxlg “ms' ‘5‘“! free from acid, it digests with greater ease many of the/diplomatsand cit-meals standing than dairy butter, and is referable in other about-feuch a picturesas only this old world ways to the bad butter w M, am one“ finds could sf“ “5“ ’ its way to market. It is also amore attrac- "" tive compound than the various reparations Pom- Pim of Laughter, called margarine, somé of whic i have such At ten a blithsome little maid, ‘ cry questionable orlgm' Restrained by nau ht but nature's law, Went rompin o’er t e rassngIlfde And laughs a merry w, w, Haw. At twenty she was bright and fair, But now restrained by fond mamma, She onl tossed her golden hair » And Enghed a rippling Ha. Ha, Ha. At thirty she was,more sedate, _ And, stillfrom wedded bondage free, * She‘saw’lie‘r‘tim‘e was growing late, , â€"And laughodva yearning He, He, He, , At forty the deepened of 'oy, ,For none had come her , cart to woo 1: A ' Sh bed tor either man or be * o ai \ J whedsygoleful Who. Vgho Who, , we.» Probably Satisfactory. Sharpsonâ€"“Phlatz, What makes your v-a ~M W~- Treasure Lyine‘ Idle in India. It is estimated in the Allahabad Pioneer that the treasures lying idle in India in the shappoof boards or ornaments amounts to 31. .000,000. Acompetent authority gues- ses that “ in Amritsar city alone there are jewelsto the value of £2,000,000. " Asregards some other'districts the figures that have been furhishodare riot less astonishing. The miserable waste of Montgomery instituted to about 50 lakhs in ornaments. The hil 'des and valleys of Kain are put at 3 lakhs. .In Jhelam two'fifthl cf-the wealt of the district is said to be vested in pro- pertyof thignsturemnd in Kabul, f‘ probably one of the of the province in this respect the’ esthh'ate is taken at 800 rupees foreach Hindoo family, and 10 rupee! nose so red ?" _ for each Mussulman famil , and a lakb in Phlatz-â€"“ It glipws With pride because it the aggregate {or the swab and other never pokes itse into other people’s busi- Raises. making a total for the district “I 75 noes.” lskhs." A lakh is worth about 835, “'1 ‘2 1 ""a .‘t'r'flwvâ€"M ..m~m W-..‘ , m _‘ we“; r“ I ' ‘ . . . A 1 l l a . . l f l 1 M...“ w“; -»-w< ».~..-..‘__ - ..-â€".. “Aw . a. --. -~.....a- â€"-..... .... y..." -..s..- .1 w .. -._ .mr-‘a‘ -s..-”. A.» .q .«w_.....a_._. ..â€".......,...i .,,,<, ._ ._ 2,.

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