Fenelon Falls,,April 2nd, 1891. I is: ofnwnn. Her Boot & Shoe Store in Newman’s brick block. Having purchased the manninéturing business of Mn. Hnsar Prunes, and added a complete assortment of All. Kinds of Ready=llllacie Foot Wear, l am. no“; prepared to give e'atir: .y-m'vfnlion. My ready-made lines are BJUEHT OF THE BEST FIRMS IN THE DOMINION. : .mil‘ will be sold. at. (In: very lowest.Iiz's'ny'prqï¬fs. Remember,â€"â€"One Price to all. I invite especial attention to my stock of BOOTS AND SHOES OF MY OWN MAKE, -..r which I will keeps full line always on hand, and guarantee satisfaction. None but firsl-clnss workmen employed. ‘ Repairing Done at All Times With Neatness and Despatch. W Remember the placeâ€"Newman‘s Brick Block“. l-‘cnclon Falls, April 7m, 13in. TO FAR I beg to i‘nfbrm my customers, and farmers generally, that l have. become Agent. for the._Farm ‘lmplEments-E Manufactured by Peter H'amiltom;Peterbornugh. llis.,lmplcments are allowed to he the best adapted-for the hurl; country. His perfect knowlcdgc Vof how they should. , h» constructed has, gained lnnnmuruble Teslimnies for ‘ him all over the back count'r I am. erecting a: large implcment shed, which will be finished and ï¬lled with all-- kinds of Implements by the 15th of March. I would. there- furi- ask you to Place n Order for Anything you may Want until you See Them. Binder Twine at 100. per 1b., opml to anything in the market. ‘fnvvmrs, Yours Respectfully, 303E153 HEARD. ' I have received a choice lot of , SUITINGS â€"â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" ~ TROWSERINGS. Call and get ï¬rst choice". R- J"- F R o s T, THE JEWELLER. OMNOMOMO OWOOOQQOOO†Watches, Clocks dt Jewellery. ommmowwl M REPAlBING WATEHES A SPEGIALTY. «COO-60.00000... OOMOWNO FENEL 01V FALLS, OPPOSITE THE POSTâ€"OFFICE. N OVELTIES in MILLINERY. 0°09¢¢6¢¢¢6¢¢°¢¢§¢¢9¢6°¢ A choice stock, replete with every requisite in this line. Goods arcï¬rsz‘ class. Styles cor- rcct. Prices right. Call and secure your head attire. O¢9¢°¢9¢¢O©¢ ‘ IJADIES’ ‘V’HI'FE‘VEAR. Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinepgji d---» -. s......~.-â€"«~\_ .u- â€"‘. THOMAS 80830". IRON FOUNDER 8'. MACHINIST, MAMFACTURER OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. words regarding him as a candidate. “ Now in the names of all the Upon what meal. doth this our Caesar food, That he is grown so great? " In his own cstimnticu,.nt any role, is naturally expected that the victor in gods at onca, beds-’30 great that he mustn't be criti- cized even in his public capacity. It Dunnâ€"Don‘t fail to call on J. Neelnuds, dentist, at the McArthur House, Fcnelon Falls. on Tuesdiy. April ‘llst. Mr. Neelands will have a mu» plcte “ Gus Apparatus " for extracting teeth. Call in forcnoon if possible.†Pnorocnnrns.~â€"Cnhinet Photos for $2 5') per dozen at R. B. Sylrester's Gallery, Fen- clon Falls. G. BI. ‘ Thanking you. for past i - qualification for either position more ' that anyone will venture to assert that, ' 7who,is not‘as popular as he would bo‘if ‘zupou ou-r‘ devoted her. 5 almost every an election will feel goodnntured; but. our new move, as soon as he knew he . I of his wrath, and' became so excited ~ ‘ that, one of his hearers declared. “ he looked like a wild bull staring over a slash fence with his face covered with burs." Well, the reevo has his doorstep ,nnd we have the Gazette, in. whch we can record his expressions of ignorance in the reeve’s chair and his sayings, wise or otherwise, when he is called upon to net in his magisteriul capacity, which ‘Engine millâ€"Mill Work AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS it, and found tlut nothing had happen- EROMPTLY ATTENDED T6. bridge BoltsMadezto‘OIder- _H0rse Powers, Straw Callers, 5.? and 3-furr0w Gang Ploug/zs iami a good variety of General 6 fly] w." tb a†ed to kirk al ._lllBlDOGOWS'~ Purpose Plough?" _A goolléa‘i though he probably hopes to be ablia to 5071mm†ofSprZHg'tOOl/f “7' do so. That his victoryâ€"or, at least, wows, Sled Harrow, [7‘073/ part of his majorityâ€"was obtained by Harraws mm: Lyooa’ Harrow; corrupt practises there is notthc shadow l -.of n doubt;.but anticipations of the fun to be derived from seeing him flounder- ing in the difï¬culties he has so boldly assumed will probably save him from a of timber, which can be replaced by no- .other as soon as the water goes down. Limesâ€"Try Junkin's Cream of Witch Hazel, the ï¬nest thing in the world to re- store the complexion, especially after tho strong sun add tanning winds of March. Only 25 cents a bottle. Tun TELEPHONE.â€"Tlle‘p05ti for the say and Bbbcaygeon'nre‘lnidialong-bnh routes. The work of erecting them will be commenced by the 1st of May, if not ALL OF WHICH" WILL BE SOED AT" LOW PRICES TO MEET THE'TIMES. THOMAS ROBSON. protest. RenelonFnlls, Ont. ‘ i , W 2EEEEEEEE2EEEEE2EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB ~ , . ' A.Bonus Questmm The Fcnelon Falls Gazette. be in operation by the end of that month: CHANGED HAan.â€"The European Hotel hus~chunged hands, Mr. Henry ,Broolcs, the tenant, having purchased ...r..... price paid, if we are correctly informed. It appears to be “ on the cards †that. a bonus by-lnw, though not for a large nniouut,'will be submitted to the rate- payers of' Fenelon Fulls' before very = ’long. For some time past negotiations have been going on between Mr. W'm iMeKenzie and; the executors ‘of the Smith estate fdr- the purchase‘by the former of the mills, water privileges &'c. in this village; but it appears that they cannot agree upon the price, and we un- derstand that it is the intention of the IDE‘CMIIUTS and some other; property owners to ask the ratepayers to smoothe matters by giving a bonus of ï¬ve or six thousand, dollars to induce him to close the deal. The matter was to some ex- tent a factor in the election on Monday, ,it. being known that: Mr. Dickson would :go against a bonus and; Mr. Meir-thin- in favour of it; but it. probably had but little effect on the result. of the contest. On general principles we are opposed to the idea of giving a bonus to Mr. Mc- rKenzic or any. other nun; but if it is to be in lieu offrecdom' from-taxation, â€"â€"-which the people appear willing to grant in order to have our water power utilized,â€"nnd it can be proved beyond .iany doubt that. the village. will be mak- ’ing.a good bargain, we'shnll not oppose the proposition simply because it is fu- vored by our mortal enemies, the McAr- 1 thurs. It would be premature to say much about it at presentâ€"to either of- .fe1'.or refuse the money. before we are 'a'sked'for ii;.but it cannot-be said too early or too often that, if an agreement be entered into between the corporation and Mr. McKenzie or any other capital- ist, let. it be so carefully drawn up and so frequently revised, and correctedthat there will be no possibility of'an evasion of any of its provisions. has done exceedingly well, and is srid.‘ to keep a very clean and orderly house. HOUSE MOVING.â€"â€"Somo months ago i 5' Friday,Apri117th. 1891. ' * Our New Reeve. hours out]: having it‘couverted into n residence for The bye-cloction for the-reevcship of .Fenelon‘ Falls took place on Monday :last. There were the names of three candidatesâ€"Mr. Dickson, Mr. Wm. Mcirthurnndil‘l'r. Burgh McDoug-allâ€" on the ballots ; but Mr. McDougall post- :ed. notices that he was not in: the field, ,andithe contest was, theref'ore, between the other two. To our regret, but not to our surprise, Mr. McArthur was elected by a majority of 24, and is now both recvc and magistrate without hav- “ing, as far as \‘lFO--lillOW-, the slightest placed upon a stone foundation, after which a large addition will be built my, theeast side. When finished it Will icwcellent‘location for a medical man, being only a few yards from the main. street. ' ENLARGING Tnnm BUSINESS â€"â€"â€".‘Ie-‘~ -'Storc~""nre huvingmnr opening cut thro' than is’possesscd by any rate payer who can read and write. Why there was such a determined effort made to elect ghim we really. do not know; and why, there being such: a. determination, the majority of the electors endbrsed it, we don’t know either. We do not believe occupied by Mr. ljlugh MoDluuall, which they have routed, and which they 'painted. we suggest that: they point half the front white and the~othcrrhnlf lishment the Red, White & Blue l‘l'n- 'ns “ a. fit and proper person †for the office- of reeve, Mr. hie-Arthur is for-n . iin thisultm loyul‘littlo town. moment lobe compared to Mr. Dickson, A Victorious Pnrty. he were not as conscientious as he is in the discharge of his duties, and against "whom there is the one objection that he “is away about three months in every year on a Government survey. We can, therefore, only infer that there was some ;occnlt reason for the tremendous effort put‘forth in Mr. Win. MCArthur‘s be- half; or, in other words, that his most prominent supporters have some “ axe to grind †and hope that he will help them to grind: it: Against, him we should The tidc'of Liberal victory'roll's on: Federal contest. in. the different Provin- ces since the general electiOn, nndin ev- ery case a Liberal has been clectcl. El- Huntingdon Mr. Scriver was returned by a. splendidt majority, in spite of the ghost desperate and unscrupulous effn'ls Grey, 11 doubtful. if‘not'u Tory constib ’ , w . . , Y ' m ucncy, Mr. McKechuic was elected to “me nethm‘? to say If he- lmd “well-n * . the Ontario Lewislutnre without a conâ€" term or two in the councrl before aspi- Personals. ‘3 1test. The Tory party did not venture gto put upga candidate. Attorney-Gena: EnlIMnrtin-was rc-‘el'ccted. to the Manito- ba Legislature for I’OI-tnger la. Prairie. In Nova=Scotia three Local bymeloctions resulted in the return of- thrce Liberals». :In Prince Edward Island four bye-elec- tions have just been held, and the re- isultiis-tho'ovcrthrow of the Tory Gw- ernmcnt of the Island. Every l’rovvinc; ring to become head ofit; but he has . lproved to be fair coarser and“ more vol 9 gar than we ever expected him of being. After the result of the election was made known he delivered a brief address from the step of a vacant store in Mr. Jor- ld'n-n’s brick block, and nearly the whole of his “ speech " consisted of a tirade of low and insulting abuse of us and ,the Gazette. As we were not present, ii: is possible that: his: lnngunge' may 'hnve'beeuexaggcratcd by those who re. tailed it tons, and we hope it was. All unite, however, in saying that ho heaped ,Dr. E: S. Wilson went to- Rbchcstcr, N. Y., on Tuesday. Mr. H. P. Homing, of Toronto, was at the Falls on Wednesday. ' M'issv EdithI ankin; of Bobcaygeon, who had been visiting her' relatives at the Falls, went home on Wednesday»;- Mr. R. McKenzie left on Thursday for his home at Mount Forest, but will return to the Falls in n week or two. Mr. John Finn and family, who left the Falls for Midland a few months ago, ,Libcral rule in. LOCll affairs except British Cblumbiui The strength of the are back again_ Tory party in the Commons was very Mr- Gwrge 0. Church, of, Bhrkfs ggroatly reduced In the recent election- ‘Fulls, was here on Tuesday visiting his lflhc'mvcmment must 509",“06 R‘m‘“ ,bmmen Mr. W; M, Church. moot. and some grave und‘dlï¬iculc ques~ M'L Edward Mchne and Mn Thom tions, and the esposure of at least oun- ns Brood, of Lindsay, came to the Falls .gm‘“ 59â€"d‘ll’.‘“th ‘1 313m" '“ajoï¬ty‘af‘di on Monday to vote for our new reovc, l“ pme 0pm?†grown"; mom “03m.†‘Mn'. Wm. McArthul; everyday. lwcrywherc the outlook M Mr. “cum, of lymph, “end can,“ hopeful for’the Liberals ; everywhere epithet, not absolutely profhnezor’ inde- cent, that. he could think of; but how he could have been “ sue left to himsel’ †as to cull us a †skinflint " is more than we can imagine, as that word has been so persistently applied for years to each and. every one of thc McArthur brothers, falls had'given way, wewont‘tcdookl-nr ed worse than the breaking ofn stick ,telephonc lines between hero mid-Lind.» earlier, and the telephone will probably; it from Mr. Joseph McArthur. The- ,was 33.00% Though south of the river,. out; of the ruck of business, Min Blocks- Dr. Graham bought Mrs. .Calder’s from? runeIs street west, and isnow. himself. It is being moved ï¬fteenfeen further back on the lot and will" be- mnke a. comfortable hound-nod; is-iunn. sers. Burgoyne 00., of the " ll€:.l‘ 1the wall intotho-next store north, lately. intend to fill with dry goods as soon as it has been cleaned, whitewashed and" blue, and then they can call their estuh». porium, which will be an attractive namo Thero=l1uvcjbeen.eigl1t Incal anl ono' :ofxthe OttawaAdministration. In South. of the Confederation willfnowv be under that anyone would think they would desire to have it banished from the tion of the new rceve's we should like to have explained, as we do not wish to do his brother Joe an injustice even in our thoughts; He said that. about two years ago he “saved Us from a thrush- ,ing on the public streets "â€"that some- body unnumcd “ had got u rawhideull ready, and that he (the reeve) prevented him from using it as he intended." At ï¬rst we thought he was drawing on his imagination ; but it afterwards occurred to us that about two years ago we drop- ped a few words into Joe's left ear some- what. calculated to disturb his equinim- ity. Possibly he may have throneued .\ large and beautiful assortment of Underwear, which. will violence and his brother may have dis. suit. all and be sold int lowest prices. 321:!- Dress nud Mantle making done to order. All work gm ran/ad Mrs. R. McDOUGALL, suaded him therefrom; but whether, if he had r nly assaulted us, we should have got a “ licking," or he would have been carried home on a shutter, with something the matter with his viscera, can only be conjmztured. The recvc's Two doors North of the Post-oï¬ice “"53 “"3"†“Wk “9°†“3 "‘5 in consequence -f our having said, in plus Gazette, n for unfavorable but and vocabulary and fortvotteu. 0.10 nsser- , _ _ H a :day or two this week- \l‘lLll bilious fever, , Commissioner lorthis district, was here on Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Heard was laid up for u but. he is able to around again. Mr. William Kennedy, of Bobcnygeon, was at the Falls yesterday. He drove up with his brother, .llr. Simuel Koo» nedy, who is a. commercial traveller in ,Lhe lmdware line, and is on his route , in this part of the l’rovinc:. Mr. John Thompson, Mr. eorge .Fridny,.\larch.6m,1h: wifc of Mr. (lung.- Cunninghum, Mr. Thonms- McIntyre, ‘ Mr. Thomas Me Duinnid and Mr. Rufus Manning all left the Falls on Wednes- doy for the Rocky ill’mnludm, and a. large number of their acquuiclcnces as- ‘ sembled at the railway station. to give them a good send oft. 'l'hcir destination is a point about 151) miles beyond Unl- gnry, and all of them but Mr. Cunning- ham were engaged by Mr. Wm. McKen- zie to work in various capacities in his mills and timber limits. W. 02 [xrznnrr r.) Fungusâ€"W. E. Ellis has now a full supply of Clover, Timothy and all other scedsâ€"gunrant rd {hill- gthey: are in splendid" lighting humor. The future is theirs, and they will soon enter into possession-.-â€"-Giobc. â€"â€"_-0‘°- 'l'he‘hnrd-wnrc store of A. J. Filmer. aid at Norwood' nus burglarile on Friâ€" diy night. of $150 worth of jlclilinll'cb, revolvers, watches, etc. N) clue. BIRTIIS’- lea’uâ€"In the township of' F'cnclo'i, on King of twin sons. Lawsonâ€"[n the township of V.- nlnm. onllondny, March immune wife of.\lr. John Lawson of n son. Powcm.â€"-â€"ln the township of’FenL-lnn, (m Sntnrduy,ll~.wch 29mm wife of ll r. Jumvs Puwlcs o la daughter. DJUGJKwâ€"Il) Fcnelon Full: on Thursday. April 20d, the wife of Mr. wulim Jougun Ma daughter. Gunman-4n F'cnelou Falls on Friday, April 31d, the wife of Mr. Clem Chntlan of" a daughter. Snowsâ€"In the township of Reunion, on Saturday, April 8th, the wife of Mr And'w Stablcr of a daughter. swimâ€"In Pension Falls, on Friday, April 10th, the wife of M'. Sundfud nit. at of 5 daughter. “wowâ€"Rm: vâ€"u-vâ€"uâ€"wâ€"o . I .I- “M... .; ~- .. .qvn...’ gm : “w. . ... . :-~">MW c» ~...~.... -.~v>.‘ . . - w- M ..