g. 3’. % '17qut'fj.‘ \â€" v s. ':‘:""E-?«'D‘ " ‘- s Cgrpets and Oil-Cloths, N o. FOR. SALE- -â€"â€"â€" The cast half of Lot 27, Goa. l. Vet'ulnm. Apply to Ref. Wm. Logan, Fenelon Falls. Two men of Palmersville, Tenn, re eently cut down a tree. On the trunk, about eight feet. from the stump, was a gnarl which covered a little hollow. On outline into the hollow, which had been completely overgrown, they found inside a frog which was lifeless but well pre- served. By counting the grains it was estimated that the tree was at least thirty years old. The frog had been preserved for years in his air-tight home. INSURANCE. HE ROYAL CASADlAh' INSURASCE Co. issues by far the best Farm policy in Canada. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. Fenelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 17. I pssaib‘x FALLS makers. â€"â€" Report: I by the A'ort/i Star Roller Mill Co. Feuelon Falls, Friday, April 17th, 1891. ..-. THIS is AN EASY ONE. FIIEE Tï¬P.â€"Tlie success of 4 . - our last word-finding contest, ‘iist closed, “:l‘mi' semen or Fife 9! to 1‘00 encourages us to otTi-r anotliei' Free Trip Wheat, fall, per bushel. ... 9.) 9S ‘ ARC)UND the warm} or its cash “m'm’ 53mm" 93 9‘) equivalent, to the person sending in the B “dc-l" 1'" busml‘ "' ’ ' " 35 f0 largest list of words spelt the same t‘orivard “Jâ€! u ‘ ‘ " ‘ do :3 and backward, such as “ Pip,†“ Bob,†"0"", ‘i ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' 6‘3 ‘0 “ Hannah.†TIâ€"IE contest closes May 1‘3â€.- '_ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' 53 60 15. Three daily prizes for the three largest P‘â€"“°“ ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' 4O 47 lists received. The contest is open to the llzitter, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . H 15 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent; Street, Lindsay. House and Lot For 8318.! R. MASON: I TETERINARV SURGEON ; llonor Grad- For Sale: WI'J' Chm!) for cash,a half-acre ; uate Ontario Veterinary College. Too corner lot and the buildings thereon, op- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. 0. V. M. A. posite the south ward School house. Fenc~ ; Residence-Corner Colbornc and Louisa lon Falls. The house is is x24 feet. lé : streets, Fenclou Falls. stories high, on a stone foundation, with a _ kitchen 12; x 20 feet and a ivoodshed. There are also a workshop 14 x 20 feet, a never failing well of excellent water and a few A Rare Chance l fruit trees. The buildings were.erected years ago, and are in good . . Apply at the Gazsr‘rn ofï¬ce, or to the IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE: undersigned. Bdonwin . . , ‘ ., g to the Estate of the late D. J. GEO‘ “’ Myâ€:va Scully. Will be sold in single lots or in 10 Pm?†“Velma, blocks to suit purchasers. Also a brick 5" Aim“ 5 “Md? - house and lot on Fidler‘s Hill. Toronto. . . Toronto,April2iid,1890.â€"â€"7tt‘. NO‘V IS YOUR TIME â€"â€" AS â€"- & THEY DIIISTEE SOLD LUMBER YARDS, For terms and particulars apply to Barron a McLaughlin, Solicitors for, the Estate Lindsay, or to VVORLD. Every one sending ten . Fora ï¬rst-class Suit- of ‘f"3~‘i l)" '00 "’5' ' ""' " 5‘00 5'2: words will get a prize. Nearly 1200 won "4‘55: l’" dun" - - - - - - 3,4 ,. lo prizes in our recent contest. Rules and Hill's l‘" l0"“'"‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ 6““) "50 Sample paper 12 cents, together with a “"1†' ‘ “' " ' ' 3'53.“ 4‘00 large illustrated catalogue. Address Bell’s Sheepskins. 45 1.0 Muguzme’ Grim“, out. New Edvertisements. w NOTICE TQEREDITORS. Inthe matter of Thomas Austin; of the Village of Fenelon Falls, in the County of Victoria, Butcher and Grocer. Xotlcc is hereby given that the above named Thomas Austin has assigned all his real and personal Estate to me, James ' ' " t such a. ridicu- chkson of the soul \illnge of Feuelon foal 10w 1 i Falls, 1:. L S. and Accountant, for the Email,†(are?st g.‘ll0l‘.tl li'cllclll. or his creditors, pursuant to l. '. 0 1887. Chat .124. l .2 meeting of hi; creditors will be held :it the cities of Messrs. Davidson &- Hay, Front Street, Toronto, at the hour of 10 o‘clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the 253m dav of April, A. D. 1891, to appoint lzis esters and give directions for the dis- poshl of lllo Estate. _ Creditors are requested to ï¬le their claims with me, duly'provcn, on or before the dtiv of meeting. ' JAMES DICKSON, Assi'gnee. I-‘euclon Falls, April 16th, 1891. 8-2. ICSTIEIAX’ I-IOUND. (tame on to the subscriber‘s premises, the east half of lots in the 3rd concession of Sinner-ville, about the lst of March last, a black and white llouud. The owner can have him upon proving property and pay- ing for his keep and this advertisement. RICH A RD CAVANA. niggiggaction. Si e‘ 'lle, A "l 15tl, 1891. 8-3w. e nu lVl - Pii i Geo. w. Wyafl&'co’ ’ . N 0 CE" I C E0 Peteï¬gzg‘lllgegmt a S All parties owing the Estate of Hugh Melloiigall will please take notice that all accounts must be paid to either Mr. James 1irayot‘ii1ysclt‘,\vho can only grant receipts. HUGH ROSS, Agent. 7-t.f. li‘enclon Falls, April 9th, 1891. .5? : -. .. . ~_\\i. .v From millions ofcustmen, during c t years. armies the verdict that VIOK'S 5 BF never e disappoint. \Vhy waste time, money on pat nce on others, when you can buy the B ST at same rice? Make no mistake this year: sen IO cents tor V ck’s Floral Guide, deduct the :0 cents from ï¬rst order, and it costs nothing. It is better than ever: 100 large pages, colored plates, grand novelties worthy of cultivation. C ' ooo . ‘ Jams woi'stlï¬iï¬iï¬hnfï¬oiigm. N. Y. W. H. GROSS, DENTIST, LINDSA.Y‘, will be at the “ hilt-Arthur House,†Fenelon Falls. the second Wednesday ot‘cach month. Beautiful and durable artiï¬cial teeth made, and it‘ll other dental work properly done. Nearly 27 years’ experience. lG-ly. “ ’3; A pamphlet of lntormntlon and ab- ‘A I suact or the lawsmhowiug utm- zo ’ ‘; ‘..". ~ Obtain l’aicutl. Caveats. Trade . . - Marks. Co yrtithu, tent frrc/ ‘ ".' Ail-inn UN" .9. CO. 1‘" “ '1 ,. _ 361 Broadway. ‘ a; ., harmonise l.\‘ \‘lCTUltlA COI'NTY FOR Brim Papa and Picture Frames â€"li ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, i Pi ‘- Baker’s Block. Ream†Lind ay. Actists’ Goods 3 Specialty- Hashim Radios. Aloha inc and Dye Works Agency. i i i i see his desi. gas and compare prices ta‘ore In stamps [slmpl as a. . G. guarantee otgo faith] to us, and. we Will send on by express, C.0.D. this elegant watch whio you can examine, and __ it you do not: ï¬nd it all andeven more limlll) vlilircl'riiits ii". but: if pcrtectly sat.g istactory. pay.,tho Am ""2 A GUT PRIG $5.35 and take a watch. Such a chance to secure a. reliable timepiece fore, offered. This .j I is a genuine GOLD "i; FILLED WATCH made » , of 2 plates of some [ZULU over composi- ‘ ‘ two metal. It has solid bow, cap and crown, hunting ease.beautifull ren- graved and is net- proof. The works 4 v ~ . are )anthnm style. richly jewelled, With expansxon balance, is regulated and we warrantit an accurate timw keeper. It is suitable for either a. lady or gentleman. A guarantee is sent: with each atch. Address GEO.W. WYAT . ll'atchmakers, Pcterborwgh, 0n .1. & co ’ ._â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"____..____ $ arid a. slip of paper the §§hllll§n lsgpgrzsrigsam and .~ . ' , ELDDRADO DIAMOND - ‘ 7 some GOLD FILLED Rim: These rln s are now 'â€" worn by adios uni, - gentlemen in the best; a; society. and have the if some appearance as a. v ringcosting$25.00. We i guarantee aperfect ï¬t i ‘ double the money. ‘a F Men’s allâ€"wool Tweed Suits. Regular prices $i2 aria gFR $5. In 28 dzï¬â€™revzz‘ patterns. Havingiu store a large and well assorted Stock of Student’s Easy Chairs, CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, BEDROOM SUITES, T b - G d EXTENSION TABLES. he a We 00 S were and everything usually kept in a ï¬rst 913153 at rate on $ Furniture Store, (Eilcéllfsiallt of something from Bank_ CHRISTMAS iii NEW YEAR’S we stock of Clothing be- P ,. ..,,d 1,, n d longing to the Estate of EXAMINE My STOCK WILLIAM EWAN & SON. of Montreal, and are now 11$†All good Goods, and purchased low stocked on my counters to L. 1) E Y M; A N, be sold at half price. L‘NDERTAKEI‘. k Fritxircni: DEALER, m j c a R Colborne Street, Penelon Falls. LINDSAY THE CHEAP MAN, Marble Works. i LN D SAY. R. CHEBERS is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMEXTS AND llEADSTOXES, i both Marble and Granite. ’ l i i before purchasing elsewhere. t . Estimates promptly given on all kinds of ' cemetery work. Marble Table Tops. Wash Tops, Slanth i a sneeialty. i a practical workman .all should i piirclnsin v clsenh ire. WORKSâ€"tn rear 0 ttho market on Cam.- bridge street, opposite Matthew: packing house. BOBT. GHAIBERS. Sorth of the Town Hall- bc led (natty by cverypzqï¬ iiiiillili ' Fills liill UNDSAY. We have for sale here and at Lindsay all kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Seantling Plank, Timber, Lath, Pickets, Shingles, Fence Posts and all kinds of Planed and I Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, bolli Pine and Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new stock, out last season, well roofed, dry and bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fenelon Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our Ioiigexpericnce in the business, and bring builders ourselves, we have a good idea of what is required for ï¬rst class or‘ common building materials for houses, barns and outbuildings. We have assorted and piled by themselves 'bOlll qualities to suit purchasers. Prices from $3 50 to $5 per M feet and upwards, We have about two million feet that must be sold to make room for new stock. Par- ties requiring any of the above stock will save money by calling before purchasing elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or to Lindsay for quotations. Bills estimated and returned for approval. Can ship by ca,- loads to a!l points. Can get. special'rute on to April next. Send on your orders “One Dollar Saved is Two Dollars Earned." TAKE Nortonâ€"The above is all gang lum- ber, parallel widths. GREENE Sr. ELLIS, Fenclon Falls, SA .lI’L PARSONS, Agent (II Lindsay ilEElEl’. DEALER IN lillLLliiERY AND FANCY" GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Stampingdoiie S Cnibiine Street, iiidnn Falls. DEN’FIS'ER.Y. GAS.â€" (V ITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. NEELANDS, Dentist, Lindsay, it you want teeth extracted positively with- out pniii. Gas has been given by him with great success for orer..21 years. He studied with Dr. Colton,of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artiï¬cial teetlimade by Mr. Neclaiids 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porce- lain crowns and bridgework done. Visits Fenelon Falls, McArthur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. DON’TIE'. of wind that blows. STILL ALIVE and able to compete in my own line of business and thank my numerous patrons for their kind support for the last- ten years. I liaVe withstood op- position iivc times in the last ten years iii/Fenelon Falls, and will still be able to give satis- faction, as in the past, after having had thirty years’ ex- perience. J. SLATER, Watchmaker&Jeweller, FENE’L 0N PA, 11218. 2 Doors South at Mechanics'in'stituie. W.E. ELLIS, Feat-Ion Falls. April 25th, 1890.â€"10tl‘ â€"â€"-â€"____________________ The Canada lifelssurance ,En’y, ESTABLISHED Ix lS-l'l. ~ THE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIF' ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. m Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, 1889. over $t0,000,000. Annual Income for the ear ending 30th Aprll. 1885, 81, 40,000. c Total Sum assured to 30th April,1885. amounts to $17,000,000. The proï¬ts of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Oilicc doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio of expenses to income are less than that ofiiiiy other Canadian or British ollit-e. The policies 01' this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are: paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any ï¬rst-class other. All forms of polici.-s are issued. MCDOUGALL & BRANDON, Agents, Ii‘cnclon Falls. SCHOOL ,BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT ' MEDICINES AND DRUGS AT FULL STOCK AT W. ‘ T. J UN KIN ’S. Improve Your Stock i g..â€" Tim PURE-BRED illllSlllli ifliiSllN Bllll ORCHABDSIDE’S KING", (No. 11,305 ii. r. B. B.) will stand for service on Lot. 22 Con. l Veriilnm. Orcliardside King, bred by Smith Bros ,Credit Valley Stock Farm, and owned by Walter H. Stevenson, was enlved April 16th. 1888. Sire, Duke of Edgely (5.72.) Dam, Belle of" Orcliardside (5509,) who in... a milk record as a twoâ€"year-old oi l.i~:i7‘, pounds in 30 days. Duke 0! lidgeiy's dun: has a milk record ergo.) pounds in um.- «lay, and a. butter record of ll) pounds in sow-i: days. Her d'am, Eerkie, has a milk rt't‘Hitl of 98 pounds in one day, and a lliitzm 0t ‘20}, pounds is seven days. Also. at the same place. the line young hull l’riiicc Alec-k 11nd, (10,387,) regi~irmt in Dominion Short-horn l'lerd Book, llllll the Jersey hull lliott-r. Tramsâ€"llolstciii-Friesiuu,$2 m); Short- liorn and Jersey, .00 each. '25 per not. discount when the cash is paid at time at. service. 43.1y. W. H. STEVENS! iix‘ Vernlam,June 3th, 1809. 1'; t 1. MEN,IOC:1I or tram-iv log, to sell my gnar- nnteed Neiisenr . Box Salary or Cthlh..." sion, paid weekly. Outï¬t free. Special to. tention given to beginners. Workers new; rail to make good weekly wages. Wi-iie inc at once for pnrtienlara. E. O. GRAHAM, Nursrr man, Towxro, O"- 23 ' 1.3.4. This 5)“. inclisblc ) .vrlw “I 1.; . new-ms i i ,, of E... a“ .v m m... 'l†4n‘«,;w v m ...« ,. 4A , . p A .‘ -wvv«' ,., . .w. ............- ,7“. ,i -..1u-w- «. \s worm“... . gage/Mann our s ahaâ€"1.- v-ï¬ ..~.~â€;g..;,7;.. .(3 v ,« .___'_ ,_'_'.",.I,'_.;.my‘nâ€"L_‘ uni :QL-‘a. 4...-‘..’L;Lz.‘;~;5 ,.., h~w4-.-.~ U. .- .vâ€"a.....4 M... . a. -- H- . k... ..-.......-. .: m. .. wï¬mw . -....~.....a. -»... .4 ......-« .