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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 May 1891, p. 5

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" woman. but there does not appear to be Navigatiod at Sault Ste. FOR SALE_ -'Narie .. ’ . The east half of Lot 2., Goa. l, Verulom. harem" COIeman' the insane 50" Or Apply to Rev. Wm. Logan, Fenelon Falls. a well-lode farmer near Steubcnvillc, ‘Ohio, shot his mother and sister and the hired man, because he thought the shooting would reduce the price of cof- lce. The maniac is in custody. A frightful murder was committed in a New York slum during the night of April 23rd. The victim, an elderly woman named Carrie Brown, was first strangled to death and then terribly mn- ‘tilated, her abdomen having been cut open and part of the viscera carried away. The assistant engineer of a stea- mer was arrested because of his real or supposed resemblance to the man who 'o’ntcred the house with the unfortunate .â€" INSURANCE. HB ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. issues by {at the best Farm policy in Canada. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. Fenelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 17. THIS IS AN EASY ONE. FR-EE TRIP.â€"The success of our last word~fiudingr contest,just closed, encourages us to offer another Free Trip ALIK-OUNI) the world, or its cash cquiralcnt,to the person sending in the largest list of words spelt the same forward and backward, such as “Pip,” “Bob,” “ Hannah.” 'EI-IE contest closes May 15. Three daily prizes for the three largest lists received. The contest is open to the ‘VOIELD. Every one sending ten words will get a prize. Nearly 1200 won prizes in our recent contest. Rules and sample paper 12 cents, together with a large illustrated catalogue. Address Bell‘s Magazine, Orillin, Ont. any evidence against him. Some think that “ Jack the Ripper " did the deed. At the Registrar's office in South Shields, England. on April 26th a mid- L'ct uirl only 32 inches high was mar- ried to Prof. Iledlcy, a man 6 feet 1 inch tall. Ilumbcrt. the man without arms. gave the bride. away, signing the certificate by holdingi the pieu betwlecn his teeth. The bri csmni was i tss Nina, thcAmci-ican giantess, who weighs; 500,?uggfigilfggg 1:3,)“, - s u . 1. tons, and we will send ou byoxpress.C.0.D.. illi) pounds. 'lhc best man. “as Capt. | thmelogan, watchme youmemmine.wd Ilallis. who is 7 feet 10 inches tall. , i: gm %0 not find lien. Metilonc, ‘39 inches high, was one 3 an evenmore of the wedding party. All Were con- than we claim for it no nor TAKE IT, met-ted with a travelling circus going through the country. but if perfectly sat- isfactory, pay the W Express Agent OUR SPECIAL GUT PRICE ‘ F $53 o IiIIlTI-IS. llAItl.l.\'G.--Ai. Fcnelon Falls on Friday, . 5 and tak a watch. Such 3. April 17th, the wife of Mr. Charles Hurling ut'u sou. chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a. ridicu. lously. low price is .\lCD.H:oALL.-â€"At Fenelon Falls on Thurs- - day, April 23rd, the wife of Mr. I‘lugh Mc- llougull of a Daughter. . ' Nauruâ€"In the township of \crulam, on ‘, seldom. it-ever be. fore, offered. This Saturday, April 25th, the wife of Mr. Tunis Hart of a. son. is a. genuine GOLD Ponceâ€"In the. township of Verulum, on FILLED WATCH made or 2 plates of." soup ‘\\'ednesday, April 29th, the wife of .\l r. Al- 'hert Fugue of a son. ‘1 GOLD over composx- two metal. It has solid bow, cap and DIED. Normanâ€"In the township of Fencinn, on crown, hunting casemeautlfull en- '"l‘hursduy, April 30th, Mr. Robert )loifat, aged at years. graved andis ust- proof. The works ‘ - -~ " are Waltham style, richl Jewelled. with ex ansion balance. is regu ated and we‘vvarran it an accurate time. keeper. It is suitable for either a. lady or “rims-a A stone .3...“ “seeds 63“ we. c . ress . . . VVatchmakers, Poterboroug . Ont. ’ and aslip of paper the sizeofyourfinger.and we will send you postpald this elegant .5 - * -~ ELDDRADO DIAMOND SOLID GOLD FILLED RING These rinfidare now worn by ion uni gentlemen in the been > society. and have the same appearance as a. rmgcostingswoo. We . V. FALLS MARKETS. It'qmrtril by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Fenclon Falls, Friday, May lst, 159l. Wheat, Scotch or Fii‘e 1.0.": to 1.08 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 1.0;) 1.08 Wheat, spring “ 98 1.03 Savoy, perflbushel . . . . . . . . gggfififigazgggect fit l’:|\:ia, H ....... . 70 75 Address mm... H ........ 5.5 so Geo. W. Wyatt &. Bo. Butter, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 13 Jewellers Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . 09 r 10 Peterborough,0nt. llay, per ton...... . . . . . . . 7-00 (-50 llides . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 4.00 Sheepskins . . . . . . . 75 1-00 New Advertisements. ESTIiA‘Y’ I-IOUND. (Jame on to the subscriber‘s premises, the east halt‘ of lot. 8 in the 3rd concession of Somerville, about the let of March last, a black and white Hound. The owner can have him upon proving properly and pay- ing for his keep and this advertisement. RICHARD CAVANA. Sotuervillc, April 15th, 1891. 8-3w. N O '1‘ I 0 ID. All parties owing the Estate of Hugh BIL-Dongs“ will please take notice that all accounts must. be paid to either Mr. James Bray or myself, who can only grant receipts. Furniture. Having in store a large and well assorted Stock of Student’s Easy Chairs, CARPET PLATFORM aocxsas, IICGII ROSS, Ml BEDROOM SUITES, 71d." EXTENSION TABLES. and everything usually kept in a. first class Furniture Store, all in want of something nice for EHlllSlMlS llllll NEW YEAR’S Presruts will do well to call and EXAMINE MY STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. 5%“ All good Goods, and purchased low Penelon Falls, April ‘th, IS‘JI. w. H. Gauss, 1)EN'I‘IS'1‘, LINDSALX”, will be at the ~‘ McA rthur Ilouse,“ Feuelon Falls. the second Wednesday ol'cuch month. Beautiful and durable artificial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done Nearly 27 years“ experience. lG-ly. ..__. L’snsaraxsa & Fonsiruas DIALER, Uolborne Street, Pension Falls. ' . Apunphl f ton and 1 Itmct or the laws, chewing flow to °m"“““"ci.°“‘r‘a‘.§i‘l°:.$& 1mm" . ' Adam “(INN I. 06. 881.8rondwny. .- York. ._ ~ R. CHfiBERS or:â€" is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MON '.‘.iE.\"l’S AND HEAD-STONES, both Marble and Granite. HEADSOETERS Room Paper and Picture llamas -â€"ts ar-â€"' w w! 7 Bein a pro-ticsl workman all should ' A" N S’ ; sec hisgdcsigns'hnd compare prices before Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. u...” N-.. .... Baker‘s Block. Kent-st” Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. fluchino Needles. Alahesfino and Dye ' ‘ Works Agency. ‘ purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"lo rear 0 lthe market on Cam- bridge street, opposite slatthews‘ puking llglg§¢. 808T. GHA!BEHS. North of the Town Hall A». ., ILL Fora firstâ€"class Suit of hill in for a. pair of all Pan ._1 Nâ€" on Tree 3. for a Boy’s Suit worth double the money. Men’s all-wool Tweed Suits. Regular prices $l2 85 $15, FOR $6. Jr; .28 ({g'fl‘éreizt patterns. The above Goods were bought at a. rate on the $ from the Wholesale Bank- rupt Stock of Clothing he- longing to the Estate of WILLIAM EWAN & SON. of Montreal, and are now stocked on my counters to L. 1) E Y M A N, be sold at half price. a. l. GAMER, THE CHEAP MAN, Marble Works. U N DSAY. House and Lot Fir Salml For sale, Very cheap l‘~r cash,a half-acre ' cornerlot and the building‘s thereon, op~ posite the south ward School house. Fene- lon Fails. The house is I? x 24 feet, ll} stories high, on a stone foundation, with a kitchen 13 x 20 feet. and a woodslied. There ore aISu a workshop H x 20 feet, a never failing well of excellent water and a few fruit trees. The buildings were erected about twelve years ago, and are in good condition. Apply at the Gazsrrn office, or to the undersigned. GEO. W. MARTIN, to Pearson Arcane, St. Albun's Ward, Toronto. Toronto, April 2nd, 1890.â€"7tf. GREENE & ELLIS’S LUMBER vanes, FENELUN llllS Alli] llllllSlY. We have for sale here and at Lindsay all kinds of Building Lumber, Joist, Scnntling Plank, Timber, Luth, Pickcts, Shingles, Fence Posts and all kinds of Pinned and Matched Lumber from one to two years old. Our Common Lumber, both Pine and Hemlock, inch and two inch, is mostly new stock, out last season, \vell roofed, dry and bright, manufactured expressly for the local trade of Fenelon Falls and Lindsay and surrounding country. From our long experience. in the business, and being builders ourselves, we have a good idea of what is required for first class or common building materials for houses, barns and outbuildings. ’ We have assorted and piled by themselves both qualities to suit purchasers. Prices from $3 50 to $5 per M feet and upwards. We have about two million feet that must be sold to make room for new stock. Par- ties requiring any of the above stock will save money by calling before purchasing elsewhere, or by sending their bills here or to Lindsay for quotations. Bills estimated and returned for approval. Can ship by car loads to all points. Can get spe<.-iulr.-1tes on to April next. Send on your orders “One Dollar Saved is Two Dollars Earned.“ TAKE Nortonâ€"The above is all gang lum- ber, parallel widths. GREENE ck ELLIS, Fettelon Falls, SAM’L PARSONS, Agent at Lindsay Mhd. iiEElE‘i, DEALER IN MILLINERY rarer oooos. Stampingdono Bnlbnme Iliad, lenelon Falls. DENTISTRY. GAS.â€"(VITAL1ZED AIR.) Go to J. Neeuxos, Dentist, Lindsay, if you want teeth extracted positively \VlLll- out pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over 2i years. He studied with'Dr. Colton,ol‘-New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teethmnde by Mr. Neelands 20 years ago, and never required any repairs. Gold crowns, porceâ€" lain crowus and bridgeworlt done. Visits Fenelon Falls, McArthur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Call early in the day. 40-t.f. DON 5T be led away by everypufi 0f we'rch that blows. STILL ALIVE and able to compete in my own line of business and thank my numerous patrons for their kind support for the last ten years. I have withstood op- position five timcs in the last ten years in Feuelon Falls, and will still be able to give satisâ€" faction, as in the past, after having had thirty years’ ex- perlence. J. SLATER, Watchmaker & Jeweller, FENEL 0N FALLS. zoom South. at Mechanicsilnstilute. R- 552:- E‘TERINARY SURGEON ; llouor Grud- uate Ontario Veterinary College, Tu- ronzo, lSS-t ; R. II. 0. V. M. A. Residence-allure" Colbotuo and Louisa streets, Penelon Falls. A Rare Chance 2 +87 TOTS- 87s IN FENBLON FALLS FOR SALE, Belonging to the Estate of the late II. J. Scully. Will be sold in single lots or in .blocks to suit purchasers. Also a brick house and lot on Fidler’s IIill. NO‘V IS X’OUR TIDIE- TI‘IEX’ BITIST BIG SOLD. For terms and particulars apply to Barron d: McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate Lindsay, or to “2E. ELLIS, Fenclon Falls. April 25th, 1890.-â€"-l0tf The Banada life Assurance Bu’y, ESTABLISHED IN Eur" TIIE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFI ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. â€"_ Capital & Assets as at the 30th of April, ~ 1889, over $10,000,000. Annual Income for the ear ending 80th $1, 03000. Total Sum assured to 30th April, 1855, amounts to $47,000,000. ._.__ The profits of this old and reliable Com~ puny are larger than any other Life Ollice doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio ofexpeuses to income are less than that of any other Canadian or British oilice. The policies of this Company are indisputu~ bio on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-class office. All forms of polici--s are issued. MCDOUGALL & BRANDON, 43.1 '. Agents, Feuelon Falls. SCHOOL; . .. BOOKS AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES , AND * " DRUGS ATczi FULL,- STOCK ‘ AT W. T. J UN KIN ’S. Indore Your Stockl THE Smithson lllllSlllll Filliillll Bllll. ORCHARDSIDE’S KING, (No. 11,305 H. r. n. a.) will stand for service on Lot. 2:! 0011.1 Verulam. Orehurdside King, bred by Smith Bros , Credit Valley Stock Farm, and owned by'Walter II. Stevenson, was culved April l6th. 1888. Sire, Duke of Edgcly (5:32.) ¢ ‘ . _. l l l l O Dam, llclle of Orclmrdsidc (Milly) who has 7 a milk record as n two-yenr-old oi lJK’Jl pounds in 30 days. Duke of Edgcly‘s dnm has a milk record of 905 pounds in one day, and a butter record of If) pounds in seven days. lIcr dam, lierkic, has a milk record of 98 pounds in one day, and :1 butter of 205 pounds is seven days. Also, at the same place, the fine young bull Print-e Aleck 2nd, (l0,587,) registered in Dominion Short-horn Ilerd llook, and the ~ Jersey bull ltioter. 'l‘suus.â€"liolstein-Fricsian,$2 M; Short- horu and Jersey, $1 ()0 each. '25 per cent. discount when the curb is paid at time «t service. W. II. STEVENSON. Vernlnm,June 5th,1890. ill-t l. 'MEN, local or travel. . ing, to Et'll my guar- anteed Nunsqu .‘rocx h'ulnty or Cmm... u siou, paid weekly. Uulflt free. Spa-rial .m- tcmion given to beginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write we at Once for particulars. E. 0. GRAHAM, Nursrryman. Tomato, 0;»: This house, is reliable).~., flit-Jana. ‘. .i‘. 4 e . .k .V ‘V i . i y . A), I“ weld... ,J , __4._._........____W-.~. -“ww 4...._;.:_.~ " r 5 ,

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