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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Jun 1891, p. 1

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Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, JUST TO HAND AND GUARANTEED FRESH AT W. E. ELLIS’S DRUG STORE. otbhas. Call and get your supplies ear/y. iii. E. ELLES. Fenclon Bulls, March 2611:, 1891. l’rol’cSHionul Cards. ‘W “HTâ€"fl"- A. 1’. DEV LIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-an, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, (Scccrsson T0 Mums a; Norman) AllltlS'l‘Elt, SOLICITUR, the Money to Loan at 6 per cent. ()flice, Wil- linm street, next to the Bank of Montreal. noonn & JACKSON, ARRISTI'IRS, SOLIUITORS, Ate. Ofâ€" ) lice,\Villinm street,Lindsay. F. l). Moons. A. JACKSON. O'LEAILY 3.: O'LEARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNI‘IYS-AT-LAW, B Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Office, Doheny Block, lx'entstrect, Lindsay. Anrnnu U’ lunar. Iluon O‘Ltutar. wimiidivnn STEWART, ARRISTEIIS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. B Otllccs over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. ' D. J. ltlcls'rvnn. BARRON & McL/l UGHL/N. ARRISTERS, F. e. Office: Baker's block Kent Street, Lindsay, opposite Vettch’s Hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. ' ' One of the firm wrll be at their of- fice in Jordan‘s Block, Feuclon Falls, regu- larly every Tncsony. Joint A. Bunion. R. J. McLanonmx. MEDICAL. T. Srnwaar. .ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington Itreet, Lindsay. DR. .\ WILSON. â€"u. a. n. c. r. a 8., Ontario,â€" ilYSIGlAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- our. Ulliee. C-olborne Street,t"ene10n Falls. . ha. ll. ll. GRAHAM, RADUA'I‘E of the University of Trinity 1 College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal Collcge‘ or Surgeons nl England. Member ofthe Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Odie: and residence on l-‘r:\neis~St. \\ est I‘nuelua Falls, opposite the (intent oiliee. SURVEYORS. “.53"-;11.1 . .‘ "’ ‘ Janus l‘li‘KSON, L.Snrvevnr. Commissioner in the Q R, , Conroy-urea kc. Residence, and ad- drou, l-‘enelon Falls. AUCTIONFEBS. W‘Z‘JJ.” .. .. If" . 71." .I'TTIT.:::L-_."“‘:â€"_â€"‘ WILSON 8r. GRAHAM, l.lC ENSEI) AUCTIQNEERS for the County of \‘ictor'n. Farm sales a specialty. JO!!! “‘lIStN, J. R. outrun. 3-)~tf Lindsay. r‘eutleu Falls. v--. v -~-. ‘ -¢‘-,.... , -4« b We 11 1 as as g 03:: 0:: *‘é o S: m is 3'2 5.3 do w A 4:48 E37; 43 m “:32? «of: “(if 5 H on O a» a (5‘8 <D_;~ . :> egg-:3 F3 “23.3 5‘93 9" 0% tie-i ‘0‘” Q“ a 5%-. 22$ 5 $3 Co's fl g w W “'3 Q4123 (5 dis Q88 81: M; .00 S M1 p 5m “3 0-043.qu I "" 28% ‘5‘"; fire: @235 m egg; ME: .H VOH : Fâ€"i no G3 "35,30 @333 Q [Berâ€"1'5 mm idols-3 $.EE g? .-d ,__,,§ SHE M “cats 3 G) . _....rc Q9 33-13% to 3:“ @ who mmfio MOS-t Q4302 Qm‘: *3,“ C38” wail-«Fng '82‘3 m “0*? ‘4‘: $‘,;__ Ads-3‘3 ca see; c.1859: g 65:32 esp § g, age: 0 3 .gg; MITâ€"1 Q “one: 60-1:: 283 $1 “‘55 « 0Q €553 ctau-I 25.1% fi-‘a’s >5 Cayâ€"4m Psi-‘2». Sir-:5 Etna “so a“: cow” mew-‘3 was Q @630 733 cm eso mm 6CD E-i 0Q 33 on 4;, as o 0) any. fl ‘9 %§8 :00 bx) ’13â€"'31 CSmo IF"! m8“ gees p "‘ mg}? 0 0M ,. rd V Câ€"t $44-30 3 GE 3? O m8 “3'5 ‘6 "a o“: CD Essa E m Fenelon Falls, April 29th, 1891. You can always find on the fio‘ures‘ asked elsewhere. Powder is pure, and should be 11 Do you seek se lect from the Lar stock. GHEISTMAS GQGBS. ZOI-â€"â€"-â€"~â€" S... NEVIEON has just received the largest stock of Christmas Geods ever offered in Fenelon Falls, consisting of CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S CARDS, Stationery, Perfumery and Toilet. Articles, DOLLS OF ALL SQRTS AND SEZES, Toys, Vases, Fancy China ware, MUSICA INSTRUMENTS, such a~ Violins, Aceordeons, Concertinas and Mouth Organs, a large stock of PICTURES & PICTURE FRAMES, a very fine assortment of GOLD 'AND SILVER WATCHES, RINGS. BROOCHES, and other Jewelry, Plated Ware, Pipes. Cigars, Tobacco, . WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW BLINDS, all of which will be soid 953“ Call and inspect the Stock. two doors South of lleard's Hardware Store, , and you can hardly fail to find something to suit you. i l s. mew-sow. l"cneluu Fails, December 13th, 1890. 44 ‘ FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 5m, 1891. I l 1 Now is your time to buy Lumber, the undersigned having bought out the entire stock of dry lumber At Greene & Ellie’s M111, and commenced shipping it to Lindsay. Any person wanting either a large or small ,quantity will find it to his advantage to ‘ buy as soon as possible, as the whole stock will be cleared out in a very short time. 33" One of the firm will he at the yard until all the lumber is removed. KILLABY G! KENNEDY. Fenelon Fnlls, June 3rd, 1891. 15-t.t’. COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision for the Township of Somerville will be held AT BURNT RIVER, (RETTIE’S STATIONQ _.on.._. Monday, the 29th of June, 1891, at the usual hour. All parties interested will please take notice. SAM. SUDDABY, T owns-hip Clerk. Somervillc, June lst, 1891. 15-3. l l “*- i PRICES AWAY DOWN. l The finest lubricating, harness Those who use it once use it always. MCCOLL’s RENOWNED CYLINDER OIL. The famous heavy bodied Oil for all machinery, made only by MCCOLL BROTHERS &- 00., TORONTO. Has few if any equals in America for engine cylinders. tanners’ oil. __â€"._.____.__ .___. __.._.._.._-._-.- ... .- -.... .. .__._ A Monster Printing Press. The New York Herald is now the owner of the largest. the fastest, and the most complete printing press in the world. R. I‘loe &. Co. have been over a year building it. It makes one dizzy to try to imagine what this monster can do. It is like a fairy tale. It will print, cut, paste, fold, count and deliver complete 48,000 ten or twelve page Heralds in one hour, which is equivalent to 800 a minute and a fraction over 13 a second. It has a most voracious ap- petite for white paper, and is not satis- fied with being fed from one roll, it must have three. Each roll is sixty- thrce inches wide, and this gigantic machine will consume over ttvcnty‘fiw miles of this paper an hour, drawing it in to throw it. out again in the shape 0! Heralds all ready for the world to read. I The press has two delivery outlets. At each the papers are automatically count- ed in piles oftifty. No luattct’ how rap- idly the papers come out, there is never a mistake in the count. It is as some as late. By an ingenious cuntrivancc each fiftieth paper is shoved out. an inch beyond the others that. have been drop- ped onto the receiving tapes, thus serv- ing as a. sort of tally mark. the mechanical progrese. but. al~o ol' the advance of science and thought. in lllla progressive nineteenth century. ~~¢ -. o A citizen of Palmyra, Mo , accumu- lates ctlllsitit'l‘dlilr money and makm a. bosiuess of dividing it. among his Clll «- dren at intervals. .u-il $l5,flUil. this makes $11801!" he has di~tributevl among his six children. He dues not think it be~t fora man to gvt too rich, v in-l has adopt-d this plan to keep his sortnnc down to :t tnmlt‘st icrel. The is an is eiltirl"it'tzrt'_\' to him and t’...: chi;- dreo do not Complain. This Inou~ l “ ster scxtupel prc-‘s is typical not only ol 1 Last week he tliVl-l With previous divisionsx -â€"-_-._â€"._-.... -...__-____.._ _._..___..... Ah.--» . .._....e __-_. _.. ..-__ Death of A. Dorian. L U M B E R‘ A asuowxcn mason CANADIAN Pol.t‘t‘~ ‘lCIAN AND JURIST PASSES AWAY. MONTREAL, May 3l.â€"â€"\\'hiln the angel of death hovers over Earnecllfi'oa another of Canada’s nblest men has pas- sed away, in the person of Sir Antoine Aime Dorion, chiefjustice of the Court‘ of Queen’s Bench. So fleeting are the. wings of time that a good many of young men scarcely remember when the name of Dotiou was the rallying cry of the old French Liberals of this province and a household word throughout the two older provinces of the confederation. The eminent judge, who has been 1111-” well for some. weeks past, was attacked with paralysis of the brain three days ago, and this morning a most. distin- guished member of a very brilliant fam- ily breathed his last, full of years and worldly-renown. The deceased was born in the district- of Three Rivers in 1822-4, and at the early age of 18 was ready to bo admit- ted to the bar of Lower Canada. It will not. be said that Chief Justice Dor- ion was a great man, but he was certain- ly an able politician, a great. judge and a particularly pure minded gentleman. in order to disabnse people of the he- licf that all politicians made money. it. may be said that when the Hon. Mr.‘ Dorion vacated the Department of Jus- tice to assume the highest jtidicinl pos- ition in his native province he was in debt.to the amount of $25,000 or $30,- 000, all of which had been contracted during his many bitterly contested po- litical campaigns. Providence, however, spared the hon. gentleman long enough to place himself beyond these financial difficulties, :1 portion of his yearly salary being devoted to their liquidation. _..â€"â€"â€".-. oâ€"â€"â€"-â€"-«â€"-â€"-â€" Fearful Suflet'ings of J ews. BERLIN, May 29.â€"-â€"'l‘he Ilebrcw res lief committee here has secured a long railway tunnel at Charlottenburg in which to shelter Russian Jews en route to Hamburg for cmbarkment. Boxes of clothing and necessaries, enormous boilers of tea and coffee and supplies of bread and brandy, arc in readiness to relieve the misery of the crowds of fugi- tives that daily pour out of the railway trains. Many heartrcnding scenes are described and tales are told ofextrcine suffering. Many of the fugitives had to leave on a day's notice, and wero‘ compelled to abandon everything but; what they had on, while others, often octogcnarians hardly able to walk, are seen staggering under sacks containing, all their worldly possessions. In many cases the fugitives are of the poorest classes, with numerous scantily clothed children dragging at their mothers’ skirts and crying for bread. All are shy and. suspicious. remembering their ill treat- ment at Russian railway stations, and fear fresh torments if they enter the‘ waiting rooms. A doctor attends the‘ children who are ill from the edicts of the journey. The fugitives describe how the streets in which they lived would he suddenly cordoned with tlto‘ police scarchiQ; for Jews, who would fly to the synagogues for safety; how the doors of the synagogues would be- wrenchcd and twops of armed men‘ would tic their hands and feet and plan-1 der everything in the place, and how,. 0n arriving at the frontier, the police would extort bribes to allow them to cross. -.~...._ ..-.. .. $500 Fora Needle. OUR HOMES, a thirty-two page month: ly magazine, devoted to house building, home furnishing, hoan decoration, fash- ions, general literature, etc., is the host publication ofits class in America. 'l‘hn i, publishers. in order to increase the cir- culation of their magazine, offer large cash rewards to those of their sub-cit hers, or intending subscribers, who cor- lrcctly answer the following question: 'hcrc in the New 'l‘cstament are the words, “a motile," fir-t lound '.’ Ulhll daily and Weekly rewards given whifc the Competition lasts. The publishers will give away thousands of dollars among those corrcetly answering the ,qnestionâ€"the leading reward being, l 8500 in gold. Send ten cents in stamp-- ; or .~ll\'0|’ for a sample copy of ()Utt Um: no a and Complete rules governing the coin: lprnition. Midi-cu- OL'P. llouss [’1 n. i Llstttxfl C0., Brockviiie, Canada. | _.-...- .-...-._..-.._. ._. .- , A plague of locusts threatens the l Egyptian delta. 5 Cholera has appcarc-l atnon: Lion i ligt‘ims 0:1 the bland oi' Kaznaru ., off the we=t coast of Arabia. l4- J. xv v Wmvww- . _....~. -uw‘ -... -h -509:

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