. é Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing,'..Millin-eryf§ Jï¬sTOPENED. Nev Boot & Shoe Store in Newman’s brick block. Having purchased the manufacturing business of MR. HENRY France, and added a complete assortment of All Kinds of Ready-Made Foot Wear. I am now prepared to give entire salts/helium My ready-made lines are BOUGHT OF THE BEST FIRMS IN THE DOMINION. and will be sold at the very [cu-est living profits. Remember,â€"-0ne Price to all. I invite especial attention to my stock of BOOTS AND SHOES OP- MY OWN MAKE, of which [ will keep a full line always on hand, and guarantee satisfaction. None but ï¬rst-class workmen employed. Repairing Done at All Times With Neatness and Despatch. 38' Remember the placeâ€"Newman‘s Brick'b‘lock. G. 131. PEARCE. ., Fmdwiibmiinnmnns. I beg to inform my customers, and farmers generally, that [have become Agent for the Farm Implements Manufactured by Peter Hamilton, Peterhnrough. Ilis Implements are allowed to be the best adapted ibr the back country. His perfect knowledge of how they should be constructed has gained lnnumerahle Testimonies for him all over the back country. I am erecting a large implement shed, which will be ï¬nished and ï¬lled‘ with. all kinds of Implements by the 15th of March. I would thereâ€" fore. ask you to Place no Order for Anything you may Want until you See Them. Binder Twine at 100. per 1b., equal to anything in the market. Thanking you for past favours, Yours Respectfully, IJ'OEPH. HEARD. ' Boy‘s’ 5:. GOOD FITS. WELL MADE. I NICE PATTERNS. VERY CHEAP. Call and see them at CLAIUdeSOBWi AIJEXelflCMIREL SUGGESSOR TO‘ R. J. FROST .. “MW W†0660‘ Fenelon Falls, June, 1891. To the MASSEY MANUF'G Co. Dan. 3135 :â€" The Toronto Self Binders that we purchased from your agent, Thos. Rob- son, Fenelon Falls, have given us entire satisfaction. \‘l’e started them ourselves, without the aid of experts. and they went right along from the commencement; in fact, we consider them just as easily hau- dled as a Single Reaper. Joseph Littleton, Peter Ferguson, Fred. 0. Chambers, Richard Lee, J. W. Snddaby, Elisha Mark, D. A. McNevan, James H. Stinson, William Jordan. 3%†Mr. Jordan's Self Binder is in its sixth year of use. Fenelou Falls, June, 1891- To the MASSEY .lL-LVUF'G' 00. Dean Sins :â€" The Silver Composite Binder Twine we purchased from your agent, Mr. Thos. Robson, Fenclon. Fï¬lls, for the hnr- vest of"‘1890, gave us perfect satisfaction, and we consider that it does just us well as the Manilla for the purpose. Jas. H. Palmer. Joseph Littleton, David Brokenshire, Alex. McArthur, George A. Ende, Fred. C. Chambers, George D. lsnnc, Elisha Mark- W The Feuclon Falls Gazette. Friday. June 2,6th, 1891. The Budget. On Tuesday Mr. Foster'broughut down the budget, the chief feature of which is the repeal of the duties on raw sugar, which will somewhat lessen the' price of the universal sweetuer, but still leaves the reï¬ner protected to the extent of founï¬fths of a cent per poundoo reï¬ned sugar, or not far from $2,000,000 :1 year on the total amount consumed. To make up for the loss-of. the sugar duty, Mr. Foster proposes to put a cent a. pound on malt, to add 20 cents per gal- ion to the duty on distilled spirits, and ,to inpose an excise tax of 5' cents on tobacco as well as to increase the duty on the “ weed.†As all the sums de- rived from these sources will fall far short of the loss on sugar, the balance will have to be- otherwise made up or retrenchment must be practised in some direction or another. The Ministerial- ists set up a rousing cheer when the repeal of the sugar duties was all-- nounccdipbut they sat mute «as mice when. Mr. Foster was compelled to reply in the negative to- Sir Richard Cartwright’s question whether he meant the House to understand that all the duties on sugar were to- be abolished. However, “ half a loaf is better than no ' bread,†and we are quite satisï¬ed to “have the duties on liquor and tobacco increased if the price of such it across :ary as sugar is thereby lowered. The 'G'overnmont promise economy in the public expenditure, and‘ everybody but boodlers will hope that the promise will be kept. The Tarts Charges. The enquiry into Mr. Tarte's charges against. Thomas McGrecvy and others is being pursued from day to day, with occasional intermissions, and there can- not be the shadow of a doubt as to. the 3 guilt of the parties accused. The most .sturtliog evidence against McGreevy was given on Friday lost. by Owen E. ' Murphy, who- produced. and! identiï¬ed a. written agreement, signed by the ï¬rm, by which, in consideration-of obtaining 35 cents-per yard- for dredging at. Que- that he personally paid Hon. Thomas- Watches, 010 OllS. it Jewellery. Itidbitttfm.‘étéltmitzfzt‘i‘: mowmoeoow $«W REPAIRING WATbl'lES A SPEGIALTY. WWW NMMMOV OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE. FENELON FALLS. meg Not cat's/ting to keep Szeraere’, I will sell rel/tat" I" ï¬ll-are a! greatly reduced prices. C awe and get Bargainsâ€"A . 112'. Novelties in Millinery'. A choice stock, replete with every requisite in this line. Goods areï¬rst class. Styles cor- rect. Prices right. Call and secure your head attire. W I.JADIES’ WHITEWEAR. A large and beautiful assortment of Underwear, which will suit all and be sold at lowest prices. ‘ w Dress and Mantle making done to order. All wore guaranteed. Eggs taken in exchange. Mrs. R. McDOUGALL, ‘ Two doors North of the Postâ€"ofï¬ce. ' Echelon Falls, April 2nd, 1891. McGreevey $10,000, and. Robert Mc- , Grcevey 810,000“. Besides, the witness , spent $7,000 himself. He also testiï¬ed ‘ that in: the three years, 1886-87-‘88, the ï¬rm spent over $100,000 for expenses “ in different contracts," explaining that expenses meant “ donations and contrib- utions and such like, if you please.†Further, he swore that after the ï¬rm contributed 811,000 out of the Esqui- malt growing dock contract, such of the ï¬ve partners made a' clear proï¬t of 814,000.. ‘ Plenty of otherr evi'd'enoe, nearly as strong as the above, has also been laid 'before the committee; quite sudicicnt to prove to all. who read: it: that a con- spiracy to defraud the taxpayers of the Dominion has been. inactive and success- ful operation for yenrs ;' and although, thanks to an immoral and servilc major- ity in Parliament, the conspirators may escape the ï¬tting punishment of their dishonesty, they will be marked for the rest of their lives as me ‘ who, if. they had their deserts, wool have spent a lengthened; term as convicts in the peni- tentiery. m Mascara Seanceâ€"The members of Spry Lodge A. F. .St A. M. will at. tend divine service in the Methodist church here on Sunday next, the 28th i-net.,-at 3.30 p. m. The members of Version: Lodge, Bobcaygeon, have been invited, and will, it is hoped, be present. BINDERS a moose rwus. Pension Court of Revision and ' by Mr. Maybee. directing that the moneyspuid by them Council Proceedings. Glenarm, June 4, 1891. The council met as Court of (Revision. After having taken the oath as members of the court, Mr. Berkley tools the chair on motion of Mr. Chambers, seconded Moved by Mr. Maybee. seconded by Mr. Currie, That Mr. Isaac’s assess ment be sustained that; Mr. Eli Wors- ley’s assessment be reduced to $150; that Mr. Thos. Isaac's assessment be sustained; that Mr. Caleb Smith be entered on the roll as owner of the south half oflot 14 in the 2nd ;~ and that the roll as now revised be ï¬nally passed.â€" Carried. The council took up general business. the reeve presiding. Minutes of the last meeting wore read and approved. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Currin, That Mr. J. D. Naylor be re- funded $3 overcharge on assessment for 1890 for part of east. port of lot I in the altâ€"Carried". Moved by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Mr. Graham, That the property holders of‘ Sturgeon Point, who are desirous of so doing, shall have the privilege of as commutation for statute lnbor' shall be applied to the red'uction of the debt incurred by the erection of a wharf on the quarter line' bethen lots 10 and 11 in the 10th-con., and the path master of the road division- for the said village is hereby instructed to pay over such money to the persons who are legally responsible for the said dobt.-â€"â€"-_Carried. Moved by Mr. Cinriu, seconded by Mr. Graham, That abylaw be intro- duced to open the road allowance be- tween the 5th and 6th concessions from the new road at Cameron south to the load between lth Sand 7 by the ï¬rst .of November next, and that Mr. May- bcc shall be authorized to sell timber on the said portion of road allowance.â€" Carried. Bylaw introduced and‘ passed in. the usual manner. Mr. Berkley in the‘choir. Moved by Mr. Graham, secoaded by Mr. Berkley, That Mr. Currin is-here- by appointed to inspect proposed road' allowance between lots 26' and 27 in the 7th con. and report at the next meeting of the councilâ€"Carried; Moved by M‘r.~Currin',.secondbd by -Mr. Moybco, That the clerk is hereby authorized to notify Mr. ,W. Styles to move his fence off the road allowance at lot 14.â€"Oarried. . . Moved by Mr. Moybee. seconded; by Mr. Currie, That Mr; Shmuol‘ Hill's ’taxes for the year 1890 be remitted.- Carried. , Moved by Mr. Graham, secondedI by Currin, That Mr. W. H. Copp is hereby .nuthorizcd to sell by public auction, the timber on the road. allowance between lots 25 and 26 in the 5th and 6th cou- cessious, and he shall make whatever terms of payment he shall deem most expedientâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Berkley, seconded by . :Mr. Currin, That the following persons receive grants from the poor rate : Mrs. -M‘cl§’hrquhar, $5; E. Ficldhouse, 810; W. Hutchison and wife, 87; Mary Mc- Fadyen, 8LO.â€"Carried. , Moved- by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Maybee, That the following bills ‘court of revision, 32; J'. Cooper, print. inc; account 39 25; J. Campbell, use iof hall, 81-; P. Sinclair, repairing scra- ‘ per, 500.; '1‘. Shir-e, 2~ steel hammers, $1 30 ;. sub. treasurer of school~ moneys, lsalary, $11’.â€"-Carricd-. The Council then adjourned to- meet ,on the 1.5th day ofJune. C'ambray, June 15,. 1891-. The council met pursuant: to adjourn- ment; present, Messrs. Chambers. Berk- ,ley, Graham, Currie, and M'oybee. -M'-i'nutcs of'tbe last meeting were read and uppmved. The treasurer‘presentcd the ï¬nancial report. Moved- by Graham, seconded by Mar. .B’erkley, That; the collector be allowed of the statute labor charged against 82'; also an abatement of 85 62 over- charge on Mr. H. Mc-Dougall’s taxes;- also an- abatemcnt of 848 77 arrears of taxes returned in error against Mr. Robe’slot;also 82 63 charged against 'Mr. Jae. Knox, and that the collector receive $5 for postage and stationery.-â€" ‘ Carried. Moved by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the clerk is hereby instructed to advertise in the Fenelon Falls Gazette that the council will, at its next session, to- be held- ot Cameron on the 8lst day of August, proceed to pass a by low to authorise the convey- ance of the road allowance between the 81h and 9th concessions north cm the quarter line between lots 13 and 16 to the Fenelon Falls road, and to open a road in lieu thereof across the southeast corner of lot 16 in the 8th concession; also that the council will, at the same time. proceed to pass a by-law to author- ize the conveyance of the quarter line he paid :. E. D". Handy advertising. between the west halves of lots 25 and 26 in the ?di com, and to’ open It road in lieu’ thereof across the" north side of the wast half of lot. 26 in the said concession, and‘ that the rcevc Is hereby instructed to have a our“:er employed to survey said roadsâ€"Cork). base and Moved by Mr. Mayboe‘, Seconded by Mr. Unrrin, That a by-law toanthorim' thc expenditure of certain moneys cu the tonnship roads be received and readE a ï¬rst timeâ€"Curried; By-law received and passed in the usual manner, Mr. Moybce in the chair. Momd by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Mr. Graham, That M'r. Dbugnld Sin- clair receive $4 50 for cedar for repair- ing bridge on the third con. and lot 23. and that Mr. W. Simpson be refunded $11 for statute labor chargcd’ngaiust E. U. Dunhum, in error; that R. Burton receive $1 50 for taking out stump on quarter line-betwecen‘ lots 5‘ and 6, con. 2, and J Clinic, for examining propos‘ ed road across the 7th OOD.'-“'Clll'l‘l0(l. Moved by Mr. Berkley, seconded by Mr. Graham. That a by-lnw to amend by-law No. 352 be received and read :r ï¬rst time carriedâ€"Carried. Bylaw received, read and passed in the usual manner, Mr. Maybec in the- chair. The council their adjourned to mect‘ at Chnierou on- the 3'lst doy‘ of~ Augusto- next. m A Chapter of'A‘coidents‘. ‘01 Friday of last; week, while Mr; William Biokenslaire was on- his way to' the Falls, his well known‘ white horse. ,Bu‘ney, broke his record for general- good conduct by running away because .Mr. James Thurston suddenly drovc’ past him. Mr. Brokcnshire was thrown over the dash board of the buggy and by some means-got wedged’ in- hotnecw the body and a wheel, where he rode for' a short distance and then dropped to- the ground. Some person caught Barâ€" ney a little further on-und‘ tied him to- tho fence, and Mr. Thurston brought Mr. Brokenshire to' Dr. Wilson's ofï¬ce- at the Falls. No bones Were broken, but he was badly shaken up, felt very sore, and had numerous bruises and scratches, some' ed the latter being so' severe that the doctor had' to dress them. As we have not heard to- the contrary; we presume that he is getting along all right, none of the injuries-being at all. serious. On Saturday evening lust‘ Mr. Mark" McGivern, of this village, met with an accident in‘ a rather peculiar manner. Mr. Joseph lllanrlandls tum-wheeled grocery truck had been left, with the handles up, against the wall of Twomc '3‘ hotel, which adjoins- the store, and 1V 1'. McGivcrn was standing with his, heels on the iron guard over the wheels. A. slight pressure upon the handles of the- truck raised' the guard, from the side-i wolk,.thc wheels suddenly began to re-1 volve, and' Mr. McGivcrn was thrown backward and his head’ struck against a ledge of bricks just above‘ the-stoma- foundation of the hotel, inflicting so ex;- tensive-a scalp wound~ that Dr. Wilson1 had to=scw‘ it up. The mining party. who“ left here on- tho 8th lbr thc'north' allure of Georgian' Bay returned last: Saturday, and‘ one of them, Mr. E. R. Edwards,.came home with his right arm- in u- sling. Whilc' d'esccnding‘one'of the numerous mono»- .tuins of the region travcrscd‘, he fell for“ ward" among some dry tamamck that was on ground, and a sharp-pointed: piece about as mice as a- goose quill went entirely through his hand' frour front to back. The wound has already _henled,.though. there is still a slight' swelling, which will probably. all be gone‘ by the end- of the Week. On Sunday lost" a gang of Boyd 8:. 'ETo’s river drivers hud'wca‘mp at Itcttic's, in Somervillc, audlono of them, a- young. monnumed'! Henry Austin, (no relatiOu- to the Austins of Foncl’on' Falls,) fell- baekwnndoon'tow block of wood', while throwing a “ peevie " over his shoulder, and was seriously injured. Dr. Graham- went from here about: midnight on n- hand-car that was sent for him, and? examined the patient, whose back- was- A~lex. Truax $2, and Chas. MoG'regor, ‘ badly hurt, but not broken, on was re- ported'. The doctor did what he could' lbs him, and’ be was takenx to his home- ot H’aliburton by train on Monday after" 'noon ', and. we have not: been able since- then to obtain any reliable information as to his condition. O‘n Tuesday evening Mr; Henry Austin's third daughter, Ethel, about 6- years old', while playing with some other children, ran- against a pile of edgings, ,ooeof' which cut an ugly gosh in the- front of her head, but so high up that ifs scar‘shouldibc left her hair will hide it. Dr. Wilson, who“ was called? in, put" a stitch in the wound, and the little girl will soon be all right again. M Tris H ommrs.-'i-'lw public schools will close for the midsummer holidays on Tuesday, June 30th, and will re- 0 n on Monday, [august 3lst. The igh School entrance examination: will be held here on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. wwï¬m -..._...__._.___..., ~_... - -.__, . . .w... ma... ’.5<vm~ ‘ “awâ€"W Mu :- ...-â€"_