curious“ ' I.“ " .‘ s is .. v.» .91- M. l..." 3 ..,- ' 1m fume “contains or Fire Within a una- lns or n [tonal-ed .‘lllcs. “Mil is bani-Of the stately iromeva £13.15, in soulhein Alaska, which woman‘s-a Akuhm wrvgi‘s feel. Mallilfk ll‘l‘ the, mm. at.» This exprésses the miveb 19,31,“ feet above the sea level. because of its being the highest mountain in America, but ibis mountain withfits smoking crater, “we. . . ., though prnlmhly the grandest, is not thef‘, . _ most interesting oneof the north by any means. The volcanoes Urnuak, Bogosloli', l'rogramoia, Akutan, Shisbahlin, and l'av- loll, nlblo’dt’ed in the’dleutian‘lslandglï¬m ‘ miles txbz‘x‘l'sx‘nâ€"‘gsmnroinbï¬r‘ the must in- teresting mountains inthc world. All six volcanoes are in actiVe operation, and are located within a radius of 100 miles of Oona- . 000,000 and 37,000,000 babies.â€" are borniutp. laslia. From the Paciï¬c Ocean all the moun- tains, with the exception of Pavlofl‘, which is hidden from-view behind anothermopnt. can be seen at. once, with the smoke and steam. rolling upward from their craters. More is not told the world of these splendid mountains because they are seldom visited. ,Tourists do not go within 1,300 miles: of them, for there is no regularly established . line of steamers running further north tharrlâ€"Sflï¬ï¬m thatwrcould'tlwlnfants o£ ayean .mv _ Sitka. The far-off land favored with the}be mused 1“ “line incradles, the cradles results that buys followed their; use fo the .shouldtaksthesems. presence of these smoking mounts, which should prove the life ‘study of in. geological: :Wrilel' looks M; thovmattprgin Fa; stilbrï¬hore », . student, is visited only by *_ an occasional whole: or a. revenue cutter.'« 1‘ f ‘ :r {g} - The revenue cutter Bear, which returned from the Aleutian Islands last week, and ‘ which is now on her return north, brought down a great deal of information concerning tho volcanoes. 3 Lieut, :D. H. Jarvis of the Bear, who has'taken especial‘noticé of the six volcanoes in this group of islands, has made several cruises north, having been in both the Bear andRush, Governmentcmters, and upon each cruise he embraced every op- portunity to learn more of. them. Several of them he has visited; he has climbed to their summit and acquainted himself with their peculiarities. _ , x l .. ,1 He ent muchitime examining B ' Oslofl', whichslle soon found to be tbemost'iin. ercst- ing mountain of the gi‘bupn‘a Spepking of Alaska and volcanoes, the Lieutenant says : “ From the mainland to Attu, a distance of LOGO miles, are hundreds of islands. The map will Show that they are chained along, Attu being the westward islnndv of thqgroup that composes the ' Alaska peninsula. The islands are sll’of volcaï¬â€™ic'orig'in", Oona- lasku, or Oonalaska Island, is east to the centre of “the group by several hundred miles, and is in‘rtho centre of. the Aleu~ Lian Islands.- 'Qoualaska. Island, which is about eighty miles long, is the largest. The other is]a.nds,of which there are numbers vary- in size from this down to a. mere reef or rock projecting out of the isea.†The Lieutenant found Bogosloff an espe- cially fascinating study. One hundred years ago Bogosloil‘did not exist. The is and on which the volimno islsituntod lay’nt lhc bot- tom of the, sea. ,,’Just about 100 years ago there were continuous jarrings in the Aleutian group, and the several volcanoes smoked and belched forth lava, showing that an internal war wasiin .progress in the bowels of the earth: " Oh‘c‘ morning, during a heavy disturbance, the natives of Don- uluska saw an immonsc object rise up out of the sea, about sixty miles to the northward. Grunt,- volumes of smoke and showers of a hes and running lava came out of the object. After many days the disturbance subsided, and the natives could see that a new island had come to join the group and they called the new arrival Bogoslolf. The island was about half a mile long, and was 350 feet high. The island in reality was nothing but the volcano. for from the water line it tower- cd from all: sides .up to tho-summit. A peculiar... featureof the mount' was that it had no well-deï¬ned crater. From many fissures which cut across the sides of the mountainund around ti o up huge volumes ,of smoke came, bu ’ at if 7. primers: was no hole. Still notwi I standing this defomity, Bogoslofl‘ was very livbly‘ti andrms‘ile'lmore fuss than all the rest.“ the larger vol- canoes. ' “ “ L ‘ > About eight 39st? agEfd‘uriï¬g a violent eruption, another 'islsudzcsmol up mat. of‘ the sesaud joining Bogosloff became one island. During the summer $3889, while in the Government service, Lieut. Jarvis visited llogosloï¬â€˜ for thehtirst time. ,He all over the mountain whose ï¬tire sides ‘werc rent with hqu ï¬sssures nit '6fw1fféli’l6ame ~ hot, stilling smoke, odorous with sulphur. _‘; So much smollo came'out of the fissures that l a.“ '. 3-. it was sim ly impossible to go close to them much less ook down into them. There was no crater or fisures directly at the summit, a“. miss 'fdhndisy'sm'mniauon. "'A'gain, last summer, the ,Lleutc LWBHD to fAkaa, this time. in thé revenue. cutter Rush.†7' . WhenthecuttermadolandingnoOoualasku tho natives told the ofï¬cers of the steamer that a. four months before there wcrn erup- tions among the volcaupcs ‘ and that Bogus- loil' was cspccinly angry} glint the. island gave out great slim rs ofhot asllcsand steam and black snmkc. The Rush made the run of miles to.thn island. and long before she hovu to those on board could soc that the whole top 'of the volcano had foil-en in, forming an immense crater, from gift of which the smoke not only rolled, butiprtil‘cd him; the exhaust“ of ‘un enormous engine. ‘l‘ir‘ so who went on shore did not dare. go v c l" {he summit luccsuscof the inform.- bent. ll'.‘ .2249 top falling inâ€th “hoi-‘Ihtoffjthe . umuthhp» l'flrductd-fult; 150 (vet, leaving -..-:_v 2.4) lw‘i ulmvethe sea level. Clear days are almost unknown in this {and of ice and volcanoes. \\'hcn .it- is not raining in summer it is foggy, and when it is no: saluting in \viuta'r t 0 wind isJicrcc and howling. Once in u \vhilo, in'thc’ curly :gxzi-i :_ marizn-rs are favored with a few Bitty days: ’l‘hcwind'liosdown.tbolsltj‘ is 51w of clouds, and the deep blue azure of mm. o loiilm dunu upon the trembling ocean ' withn cold, uut'ocliug gazed At thisgtimo 3f the your the ,couutr ' is covered with ice ind snow, the loud icing distinguishable from the sen because of its whiteness; The scenery from the deck of a cutter or whale: on such a dnv is enchanting, "and the , viiw remainsindelibï¬ upon the memory. During the latter part of A )ril lash-while the Bear was cult-onto from t e l’ribylov Islands to (lonulsska, such a day as described was en~ joycd. Morning brain: while the Bear. was forty miles from Bogushm', and Umna'k, hlzlkusbiu, Phrghmnin, Altman, and Shis- haldiu came out in bold relief to the south- west. All were in active operation, and li-ogcslofl‘, not content with merely smoking like the rest of the mounts, was pufï¬ng savagely. ‘ , _ Unruuk, which is 8,000 feet high, hes the furthest to the westward of the group, and l 7 I i l I l r latter is a h' round mount 9 000 feet high and is by falzgtbe tithe grole ts niwn 's grumbling, and a steady volume of, solo a continual? wreathes the summit. Progï¬mnit, is,,5,500 {bet bi ‘ l is 5,500 feet high. The grandest viewof the volcanoes can be had from the Paciï¬c on our it ‘ ' I r . 4 . .1. .â€"«.».,.,.. -7... , . .fl 7 I,“ . r d; . I pm“: I = ’ - * ’ W a, ,. “r; ‘- mesons; Chocbla‘tc Creams. f summons: " out I \ ~ - midi , ,EHJP‘P . gp V: . _ Soldbynan-umsmmabox. . ' ,FINELY ' "BEGIJRATEDTINWIRE sob-verdict, and if you are suffering from any'painful affection, internal and external h . <- .m‘Neryiline gum, sun-mm moliel 7 ' " some ‘ u“ I .massss . . ,,33¥¥.9,P..,..,.,, 3°. 7" ..§.‘:.;Pssr.‘:.u:n:.spvrm°“r . v mow; marrow “monument ' f: I†. . :9 p l -: .r i I ‘ lg. :Tho h site I‘ ' I l . owné vguwoï¬. 33! Toronto. Al'roces‘sion Lama: swim-s-.- ~ ~ 3 It has been computed thht '86-;- the world Cacheyesri I-fl‘he “riteiof,p1‘bdué~ tion is, therefore, about seventy per minute, or‘ more thanfoiie'for every'beat of the «clock: “'1th one note . circulation ' reader is familiar, ut it is not every on who stops to calculrte, V , A :11, comes ton year‘s suppl' . ‘Itwi'ill, there; fore, probably startlg a goodvmsny persons to find on the authoritv of s. well~kuowu would extend arounditlie globe. The same picturesque light.“ Hé imagin’es the babies eing carried past a given point in their mothers’ arms, one by one, and. the proces- sion being kept up night and day until the last hour in the twelfth month had passed' by. A‘sufliciently liberal rate is allowed, but even in going past at the rate of twenty a. minute, 1,200 an hour during the entire year, the reviewer at his post would onl ha.ve_ seen. the sixth port‘s! {this .infauti e host. Inother‘» words, the“? babes that had to be carried when the tramp began would be able to walk when but a mere.fraction of its comrades had reached the reviewer’s post, 'andwhen the . yean’szs'upply of babies was drawing to a, close ~ thizre 'would be a. rear- guard, not of infants“ butof romping six- P year-old boys and girls. On a. Long Journey. Trampâ€"“ Please, mum, I can’tfgit work at me' trade now?anywherevahund} here, and wud you be so kind as for help rife along on me journey to a place where I can find work? †i - . - Ladyâ€"“ Poor man 3 I didn’t know busi- ness was so dull. Where do you expect to find work ? †y - . ,“.Conside'r‘in’ “1&3th o: ycnr, mum, I’m I’ll have to’go a. long waysv’north-of ere. ’ “ Indeed. What. is‘your'trazde 21-†“ I’m a snow shoveler, mum.†‘ _, . “InterestingMI-‘ind. An interesting ï¬nd his been made in a. mound at Hobro, J utls,nd.'~ iIt consists of a large sacriï¬cial bowl of solid silver, evidently of Gallic origin, after Roman arï¬â€˜liad influ- enced the nianufiiotures of the province. The measurements are’263inches indiameter, 16 inches high, god it wei' 11s 20 'kilogrammes. Inside and outside the owl is coi‘er‘éd with silveripiates ornamented with mytholOgical ï¬gures in high relief, representin’lï¬ods, warriors, women, wolves, lions, elephants, stags,'oxeu,. Ljifï¬ns, serpents. The Warriors’ helmets are." ecorpted with horns and the imsgeszof hosts and birds. The bottom of the bowl is around silverplaté,’ ornamented withrthc ï¬gure of s. bull in high reliefll‘. a, I , .â€"-â€":_..j‘ .._ ~Pnt’sfllrcnt N‘l’ondnr.~ _ 3 '- Vve are surrounded by dangers all the, it'snyer the'éradle to the grave. ‘.‘ The great wonder-fig,†its Put says,¢“‘-,thut_after getting", out of our cradle, we ilivéjflong enou ,to rea our gruve.â€~ Thousands are out o \hculth-V-émorose, morbid [and iniserP able, because they do not avail themselves of the remedy 'W'ltlllu ens vreach7of’them- Dr.‘_;‘Pi‘erce’s~ ,Golglen Midicgl Discovery would"du1‘e,thdm.,' ' " '1 ,.: . _ For all chronic oilingerihg~0011ghsteak Lung ~.S itting of Blood,-‘Bronchipis,’ Short-. ness 0 reath, “Asthma and kindred sil- ments, it? isf n, ixfost .potent remedy. 1t cleanses theibloud, invigoratcs thc'liver, im- prpvies digestidn,,s.nd builds up bobhtflesh nudistrength. ‘Dpse small and pleasant to taste. Large bottles, one dollar. Of" all druggists. ’ . <7 ‘; There itsomcthing of the angel in even the ' ruiï¬an that lpvcs flowers. a ‘ _ I V. ‘ wopurxou no .(ltrztbtlï¬io é"? :. ‘ muslibo healthy: ‘3 )Wohld you' be healthy, always keep within reach, ready ' for any emergency, Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant ‘ Pellets, thoperfeciion of ,pbysic 1, Head- ‘ ache, v biliousuess, caustipation. Taucoated tongue. always indicate a torpid liver. These magical Pelletsabt directly upon the liverâ€"the fountain-head of many illsâ€"coin- rocting all disorders, driving; out albiru'pm'i- ties, stimulstinghealthy action. The best Liver-Pills : mildly giving’ all‘ the "beneï¬t and none of the dlscc-mfort‘of other pills. Gold seems inclined to spend the summer in Europe,‘ butthen it can afford it. Au Introduction to the Queen . is an honor" conferred upon only-.9 favored few. But'cveryilndy of the land‘mny have ready acocss to the (Queen of Remediesâ€"Dr. l’ieroo’s Favorite Prescription; Once-known, alws'ys‘a valued friend. 'It p'r'oinilscétd'po- silivcly cure any form of weakness pccu- ' liar to wonwn, undgconï¬rms this promise by a written guarantee of satisfaction, guaran- teed in cvcrv case, or money returned. This Royal licnfcdy is 'curcfullyiprcpared for, ‘ women only. and its bilicieucy is vouched for. by countless happy homes and countless thousands of testimonials. A trial will con- vince you that it. is invaluable in correcting all iiiegnlnritios alldwflknétsï¬': for? which it is designed. v The barber etshis fullzsharc of rest 5 be 1m on a. cone st night 'aiid‘ lays‘onf lather . all day. Health and a vigorous appetite regained, by using Adams‘ Tutti rutti ’ Gum. A delicious apdihcalthfulclonfegtipnp Sold by all‘Dr-uggists'nhd Confectionen’s: 5 cents. You caultyumke, an insurance agent be- lieve that honesty is the best policy un. less the policy was issued by hissompany. CATARRH and ASTHMA were not so readily controlled and cured before T. A. SLOCUM'S ’OXYGERZIZED EMULSION of PURECOD LIVER OIL came†into the market. Everyfniggistis pleasedto liandle . ' tig tness’ it for they all ow‘its value. For of title chest and difï¬cult breathing it has no equu . ' Adam and Eve were not exactly thrown pmqom also 3.000 {wt high, lies me outof tho Gardenâ€"they were snakedout. furthest to the eastward. Between these tu-n arc mood in nnler. from west to out. 61.33053" TQOTMCHE Cfâ€. _ Amgre dpn er- . humus ‘_ ,~. .' bustlgis person who, for the 3&1? ' either in person or by letter 'on‘ all chronic and attractive“. get on, . 57,11,511} the little ones are out o'ftsgigh‘fin the dottom.’ ; n l A badger-ans Counterfeit. ' v , M» r z“, A as: r" {K ~ '2 i _ mm or 9mm bank. no'gfor who is etccted ingn attegpt to don‘tmhilfeit i3532’8611)’ :plaiedcin: pri- ls npsapers‘ on too , , , H to 0 permit: {'36 lobe atlarge. Hoéanrlllgrg summon m . ., onetime mssocumsrs _ i y p »- ,..MONTREAL. ‘ - z = -. . -- ' Monufsctum of_all kindsDomostio Cigars, .ElE-lll “5 rm“ s.“ r “i.- †out orâ€? an R d .Pim‘a’ysï¬e wglergamsgiï¬pmczudmaboeag 1‘3 ‘ rm el‘all fill ' ‘8 One trial 15 a. guarantee for continual mo ‘ain,cndeavors‘ to impose upon’dit’b pa 'c a angerous and, worthless ,counterfeit of a popular medicine. The great popularity eiby. .Bink. Pills..a.nd. thamwudeflul physical an mental. . sirnvdwostéssgggne $333213?“ when .‘é‘é‘xecséa‘.’ . “i†’ ,treptgfcnt offall femalcgcompl ts, ne _. 'oug , - . _ . , Th 1 discases,.sud: generalf’debihtysuï¬mth males W m 1 cure the w . suits or youthful bad habits. and strengthen the system. . rem seriousness-i make them regular. . . I V 3:..Es‘é‘ssl’is‘tssrru;utilises?" . 'THE DR. WILLIAM"MED. C'O. ' Brock-mu, Ont. ï¬nd fei’nale’sï¬hnsï¬nducéd sbme‘ unscrupulous parties to place upon the market a worthless imitation, resembling the genuine Pink Pills in appearance only. Thc'publlic are caution"- ed against these spurious imitations, f and are asked to see that every box they pur- chase bears the trade mark and name of The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., of Brockville, .Out. Do not. permit any dealer to palmoll‘ ï¬pbn‘v you any imitntiou'of lthq genuine pill, us 'not‘dnly will-they notproilucc the'e‘xpec t- ed results, but may prove positively harm- ful. No other; pill made can produce the extremely wonderful results obtained by the use of Dr. AVllliamslyPink. Pills, . ,Sold‘iby all dealers or sent post‘paid, on“ receipt of rice t(50c..a box)" by addressing The Dr. Williamsâ€MediéiuoCo;, Brockville, Out. The virtuous follow the biblicalinjunction to “hold fast that which is good ;†but there are more who hold good that which is fast. ..“ . . Norms» .; Every bottle ‘of Dr.’ Harvey‘s. Southern . Red Pine for coughs and colds is warranted Satan must be in high feather these days , when he. looks upon , the, dissensions of pious clergymcn, with slimmervacation just at hand.“ GR APH‘ OFw Send u': once for a FREE sor‘rLs E Sand n vain-bio Treatise. This remedy ls a suro'lnd‘ndlcal cure and 1:. tree aromas-all: harmless as no hummus drugs .... .n. its preptnflom:.tvrulwanant "town FEEILEPSYORFALLINGSIGKNESS COWLING‘S suns fur tho- complexion. 25c. abox. , Sold. by all druggist... in severe cases ,wherokxher rem ha ï¬lled. My reason for sending s free ‘bottlu : ! '3“: the medicine to be its own recom- mendation. It costs you noun :2: for ahtdslbuipd anneal re m . ° . mom was. :9?“ H. o. Boo-r u.o.. use was Adolaldo at. Toronto, Ont. V CANCER and Tumors cured without the Send 'for book of- treatment and testimonials, free.‘el.~ M. D., 63 Niagara St, Buflalo, NJ. > IVE SPECIAL AGENTS wanted for ours- _ presented districts. Attractive features. bcml terms. Address Supt. Excelsior Life Insurance Ofï¬ce, Toronto. , TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL oï¬â€˜ers un- precedented facilities It? so uiring a. thorough knowledge of Cu n3.‘ arms on apphcation. (33ng St. West. . 0 THE FRONT"AGA1N. ' ' . For 20 cents and. the address of all the ugents you know, we will mail you,“ To] mngc on Palestine " the latest production ol! the celebrated 111 no nearly 200p es; ' ' E. N. Meyer 8:. Oo...60 Yonge treat, Toronto. PACKERS ! TEACHERS! TEACHERS 'Twfll ay you to read this. Employment for the hoh eye is what you no doubt are 100':- mg for. Let us give you “ a pointer. " . Writ ) for .terms. &c., or our ï¬rst class and in t selling books. Ey book recommended; WILLIAM RI GGS, Publisher, . . Toronto, Ontario , \ . YOUR SAVINGS. Can ,. . place 3100;- thousands. l'ro- n‘ts, 10 per cent. upwards 4:3 'pro‘pflbgble- 100. Legixtlmntcmlconservztplvo, no ".. ' ca †no. am ., We. '3 so. 0 some cases G maï¬rnnlb‘lgmxmd. Real Estate, Loans. Fields :â€"-Britlsh Columbia. Wash - ton, Missouri. Write. statsng class invos meats preferred. Roprcsentin “ West Kootâ€" vena. ," “Silver Tin,†ï¬â€˜Colum lit-American." " estcrn Consolidated." and “ North Western Development†Mining Companies, 13. 0.. and "Marble Cave, Missouri. Address, W. H. LYNCH, ofï¬ces, Spokane, Wash, U.S. ; Toronto. Ottawa.- and Montreal, Canada. ' MON EX; MONEY? T M93511 ...-...-... LONDUN um GANADIAN Unwnn AG‘ETGY‘W‘h". LEIMI' TED “108 Bay Street, from nu. Ca. ltal........‘.’....i...:....$5,0 00.CCO. Money to. Loan on improved farms. cit and town property on liberal terms or repay meat and 41‘ LOWEST comm: RATES Muxr wirinwwrussu 0- one. up in pp y = J.,F. KIRK, Manager. Choice farms forsale in Out. 6: Manitoba. ._ I ~....‘.‘.....~s...s.. O'ftliéi’liubon‘ Medical Company i""~’nolv at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted AND AFFLIC'I‘ED, WEAR, ivn'nv- , ous, diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who ï¬nd themselves nerv- ous",wes.k and exhausted, Who“aro'broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many offohe following symptoms: .. Mental depression, premature old age, loss' of vital- ity, loss of memoryï¬bad dresmsydfiptn’css of sight, 'palpit-atjpn of. thee heart,}emis'8ions lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face 0'; body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wast- lng cf the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids, and elsewhere, bashfuluess, deposits - in the I urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the " scalp and spine, weak and flabbg muscles, desire to sleep, fsilure to be reste by sleep, constipation; diflh’ie'ss of. horas'aloss 0: ' voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with ' LEADEN cmoLE,’oi1y looking skin, etc.,‘ . . all symptoms of nervous debility' that dead ‘ - to insanity 'and death unless'cured. The ’ spring or vital force having lost its 'tension , every function wanes in consequence.“ Those - who through abuse committed » in‘ ignor- ance'may .be permanently cured. Sondzyour address for'bookvon all diseases peculiar to main. “Address'M. -V. LUBON',‘ 50 Front St. 'E.;‘Toronto, Ont. ~'Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptbms of which are faint’s clls, purple 1i 3, numbness, alpita- ’tionys ip beats,-hot ushes, rush of loodto the head, dull pain-in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst,= pain abou n the breast bone, stew-can positively be‘cured. "No cure, not ay.‘ Send for book.T ~ Address M. ‘V. LUBgN, 50 Front Street East, To- ‘ranto;‘0nt.‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ '7 V "«-‘ , I 0 A. P. 561. wretched. mortals. should read. the HEALTH HELPER. It tells how to GET WELL. 500 a year, sample copies free" Address, canons. 1:. mm, 11.11., nun‘nlo. m. ' c‘unso TO STAY cussu. llï¬slé'lv‘ehéé’fflï¬ï¬‚lifl &_ ASTHMA logistirrirroifri lllTlFlClllL ’LlllllS, or Circular Address ,_ u.__ DoAN 8!.SON, A, 7'7 Northcote Ave.. Toronto. Plso's Remedy for Catsrrh Is the ' Best, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. ‘ Soldylstsrsctbymsll,50c. - - "": 111‘. mum, Warren, Pa" U. 8.4% tomato M1393 " ‘ Gets. Conboy Top On your Buggy. The have eight patented. improvements, notin auyyother make. > V _ - ‘- sussuv ' SHRED: .’\*,_»<qj,:; .-‘.x~....' “ ~ To THE EDIT!) Please inform your readers that! have a positive remedy for the above named. disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases haveboen ner- 'ma.ncntly cured. I shall be glad‘;to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of : your readers who have consumption if they will send mo their Post Ofï¬ce Address. v - . Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. M. c. 180 West Adclulde BL, Toronto, Ont - Domainng a large percent- uu.., ' age of the (flour of Oatmeal. It makes» and keeps Lady’s hands soft and 3111001311. v 'Ityoures eczema. and all dis- eases ofjthe ski-n. ,...Mll;tll BETTER. .- _ Thank ~ You! ~ ‘mrs 1.9 THEUNIVERSAL'MSQ- MONYof those who have sufercd from annomo moxczuns, caucus, 001.139,. on ANY r0112: 0F rust- lNa DISEASES, after they haven-ted 3* Burs God ,Liver‘01l_~and HYPOPHOSPHIT s -0f Lime and/so 8.4- ‘ 11' 1.9 moss- As PABATABLE ASJIILE. 11 Is A. iroxnmm FLESH pno‘bucs'nj ,2? «mac? purl endorsed by ‘P‘lzusic'iqm. Avoid all (irritation: or multiple?!†Sold by all 92-qu0 at 60c. on?! 81.00. . - soon .2 no mm, new“. Be Sure: ifï¬ï¬‚e. Genuine. ..-.~-â€"â€"â€" . ~ in 1 Tth‘est Goods. i '_ _ Sold by the Principal-Boot and Shoe Dealers. L " ‘ Emryml’air F4 a oped. , ., “n,- ..:. Use Peerless Axle Greesefor wagons and gearing: . Peerless Hoof Ointment is aremnrkable remedy It? all lands sores. etc, in horses and cattle, cures cracked andhsu'd hoofs, etc. Sold everywhere. --. ‘7‘. . «a Gun-amt:th 'W .1. Mao-th ' wok...“- .- -._-.__. a.