HEALTH. HOW TO EBB? WELL. The Best Disinfectant. “ What is the best disinfectant i" asked an anxious mother of a very prominent physician. “ Cleanliness, madam, andfresh air," he replied romptly. And here is an. other example 0 the same kind : “ Is it not odd that your children should have had so few contagious diseases 2†said a friend to a woman of fashion, whose large family had been singularl) free from illness. “ I30 you know I really think it is because their Eng; lish governess keeps them so wellscrubbed, was the reply. “ She has a theory that it destroys erms, and the children are washed and brns ed whenever they come in. I really believe she is right, and at all events it has given them rosy, healthy skins." Certain it is in any case that the two fundamental principles of fresh air audfresh water are the alpha and omega of hygiene; and, moreover, it is also unhappily true that the neglect of these essentialsis not conï¬ ned by any means to the poorer classes. Few, comparatively, seriously consider that the proper drainage of the body by the pores is as necessary to the well being of our earthly tabernacle as sanitary lumbing is for our houses. Dr. Brown, 0 Edinburgh, in his lectures to workingmen on “ Health " to 113 them “ first and foremost, consider your skin, take reat care of it, for on its health a great dea depends; keep it clean, keep it warm, keep it dry, give it air. You should take time every morning to wash, not only your face, but your throat and breast with cold water, and rub yourself quite dry With a hard towel till you glow all over, and on every Saturday night you must manage to ,- ive a regular scrubbing of your whole body.†Of course he was speaking to work- 'mgmen to whom the daily “ tub†was an impossibility, but even in these latter days, when Dame Fashion has decreed that ma- l tutinal tubbing is necessary, it is by no means as general a custom as one would su pose. t is certain that the love of water is not as inherent a quality with our men as with our British cousins. We are greatly on the mend. however, in this respect, and this generation of tall, ï¬nely~forlned youths and maidens proves that the regime of the day is a. good one. There are a few general principles to observe in the hygiene of a house that it might be well to impress upon young mothers, although the lack of observance { which is seen is not due to want of know- ! ledge so much as want of care. Every mother 3 should see' by personal supervision that 1 each member of the family becomes habitu- ated to sleep with the window more or less open according to the season. If there are , stationary basins in the rooms or in the ' adjoining bath-rooms, she should eiijom the constant and free use of disinfectants. 1f ' any one is obliged to sleep in a room with such a basin, 8. good plan is to throw a damp towel over it before going to bed. Overheating the house, too, with young children is especially to be guarded against, ._ as it is very apt to cause colds and croup. ! Watch the daily bath carefully ; many can- I not stand the daily plunge without ill effect, who would be greatly benefited by sponging and vigorous rubbing with a course towel. For those who dread the cold the following i, is a delightful way of taking an exhilarating ll morning tub : . Stand in hot water deep eno the ankles, ï¬ll a basin with cold water, _ sponge off the body rapidly, and rub vigor- : ously, putting on warm flunuels before dry- ing the feet. In this way the most delicate person will not experience any chill. The, cat point is the rapidity with which it is g dime ; the whole bath should not exceed f two minutes. We close these suggestions{ by a quotation from still another eminent l doctor who has written a great deal on this 2 very subject : “ Icannot overrate the neces- l to cover . sity for plenty of fresh air sunshine and I perfect cleanliness,†he says, “ both iii the . house and about the person ; and it is only ‘ when these primary rules of hygiene are ~ fully carried out that we can hope to keep the health which is given us.†Good Suggestions for Dyspeptica. A writer, evidently of a practical turn of | mind, tells a contemporary how easily the _ wakeful dyspeptic can be made to slip off ' into the land of dreams. He says : . “ The dyspeptic. of course, eats a light} The jewelled and jetted bonnets, which _ MACDONALD MANUFACTURING UO'V, THE DEATH AGOITY. Al'hyslclan Says It Exists lain): in the Beholder-'5 Imagination. “ Man persons wonder," said the house doctor 0 a well-known hospital to a re- porter, “ how physicians can watch unmov- ed the death of persons whose dissolution is seemingly accompanied by evidence of great suffering, and the remark is a common one that doctors are heartless and nnfeeling. This harsh criticism is founded on a wrong idea of things. The fact is that what is known as the death agony islargely restrict- ed to the imagination of the watcher at the bedside of the dying person. The visible spasms and distortions of the facial muscles which in many cases mark the ending of life are not only painless, but take place uncon- sciously so far as the dying person is con- corned. “ Even in cases of death by hanging. where the prolonged agony of the suï¬'erer is feelineg described by witnesses, it is rea- sonab y certain that in a few moments the person becomes unconscious and dies in that condition. Such has been the experience of persons accidentally or purposely hanged, ut afterward resuscitated. It is a fact that people who have been nearly drowned agree in the statement that after a few moments of painful struggle a feeling of tranquillity ensues. “ The suffering is while the resuscitated person is being brought back to conscious- ness. Then it is he often suï¬'ers physical pain and mental misery. It is- a merciful dispensation of God and nature that, when the last moments of the dying man are at hand, vital forces give out, and the long- drawn-out gasps for breath come and go, the apparent sufferer is happily in a coma.- tose condition, and so passes painlessly into the other life.†â€".â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" The Lost Snowdon Guide. Early on Friday morning a. party of 170 men started from Llanberis to search for the ody of Griflith Pritchard, the Snowdon guide who perished in a snowstorm on the - 25th of March, while descending from the summit. Pritchard reached the top in safety, but was advised not to attempt the descent, as there was every indication of a storm. He resolved to do so, however, and was not seen afterwards. Several parties searched the mountain, but the depth of the snow and the severity of the weather precluded any hope of recovery. The ï¬ne weather of the past few days has dissolved the snow, and on Friday the numerous searchers di- vided themselves into several parties, taking all sides of the mountain. Thomas John Roberts discovered the unfortunate guide on he Rhyd-ddu side, four and a. half miles from Llanberis. His hat was ï¬rstpicked up, and then the body was discovered, standing, in a leaning attitude, beneath an overhang- ing rock. It was in such a state of decom- position that it was resolved to prepare a coï¬in in which to take it to Llanberis. ' â€"â€"â€"-â€"¢>â€"â€"â€"â€" Conjugnl Wisdom. “She who ne'er answers till her husb an cools. Or, it she rules him, never shows she rules"â€" is a type of wife happily becoming common in these days when women may have good health, cheerful dispositions, strong nerves and clear minds, simply through the use of Dr. Picrce’s Favorite Prescription. Before the reputation and use of this remedy be- came world-wide, irritable, cross, nervous, debilitated women, suffering with displace- ments, hysteria, and every female disease, were the rule rather than the exception. The “ Favorite Prescription†has proven to gbe the key too. long and happy lifeâ€"the key which effectually looks out that old array of uterine disorders, periodical ains, weak back, prolopsus, inflammation, 11 cera- tion, nervous exhaustion and general debil- ity. See printed guarantee on wrapper. Money refunded if it doesn’t give satisfac- tion in every case. The newest black lace gowns are of dotted ’net of light quality, like that used: for veils, made over rich, royal ribbon silk, i CHECKS . pearl colored, pale gray or stem green. All druggists sell that well known repar- ation' T. A. SLOCUM’S OXYGE IZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL, and no preparation for lung troubles etc. deservos to be better spoken of. Consump- tives can now take heart for at the general ofï¬ce in Toronto Canada can be seen the highest testimonials that were ever given a similar medicine. suprer, may resort to the use of a towel. s are mere skeletons, incrusted with this wet with tepid water and covered with a. brilliant finery, and are so much worn this dry cloth, the whole then applied to the pit Spring are, many of them, heavy burdens to of thestomuch. Before the sufferer knows it ; their wearers. she \le1 float into a shadow lllnd, such is the ; “1mg: umpmg Yet: sympathy between the organs of digestion. and the brain. Owing to the )osition of the . . - stomach a light glee I. oughlt to sleep on \ Putnam’s Painless (lorn Extractor Wlll re- the right side instea of the left, never on move your coma in“ few day“ It Will give the buck. If there is a tendency to cold i 91mm“ insmnt’ relief and a guaranteed cum feet a thin woolen blanket may line tllelm the end“ Be.sur° 5'0“ gal the genuine lower third of the bed. The limbs ouoht l P“‘“":'.“’“ com I“xtmct°r’ mude by Pomona; " ; C0,, hingston, for many substitutes are being not to be greatly flexed a. position which - - prevents free circulatioh and they should aggeglggdï¬gzlaggays better tog“ the bean k , , 0 rest one upon another lightly. The night light, where used, alight to be a tiny taperl Another fame" is for a coat of black and not gasor keroslue, both of which dcvi- ‘ foulard with co ored design worn with a tallze the air. A darkened room is the best. black grenadine skirt. Nature puts out her light and draws the ‘ ' ' . : lih d ' curl‘olln pf ddlikllljss for a purpose. “'ith Indifgngagdztgsï¬g‘lfg‘t’fi ï¬lmiméï¬imeg soc ,m )‘5»1"}9‘°“lflnd_lnmml“"1 a de- ; .l'clicious and healthful confection. Sold by telininatlou not to deal With anodynes, sleep an dmggists and confectioners. 5 cents mm- bo won from its slivcst l ' t ' ‘_ - ova-r the “guess pillow... a" 0 “atch; Corded black laces almost like passa- _____ imcnteries are chosen for flat trimmings, - and the French laces with fine dots and ‘ ‘ 1,013.0“ 'of the To“? bow knots and the new basket pattern for Biting the nails is an oxaeedlnglv dangor- I flounces. ous practice, as the biler never knows when ’ to stop, and {it any moment is liable to bite l piggome nigggï¬ngn‘aaggggzeï¬ all}; into “ thcqulcl; "and cause blood poisoning. and an do“, up“, ailments that $1“ Even whendhe utmost care is taken of the I woman-sum almost unbearable 1),. “7mm. teeth. a salmon! secretion is apt to collect .' Pink Pills are an unfailing curb. The build on them, and the entrance of a minute por- : u the blood mm“, the new“ an bl.- tion of this into the simulation may provelapglow of him"), to “now ch’eeks‘ :11? as certainly fatal as the pus on a surgeon's i duhâ€, 0,. by mail at, id on receipt of scalpel. I ricekï¬ll)? 5 box). “ï¬lliams Med. Co., â€"'- "*~_ " rec no at. She muued- Some handsome black grenadine dresses Eire. Dikink~I am afraid I'll have to dis- madeoversstin haveacrestof white guipnre miss ournew French maid. lace that is studded with large lot nail hirei"Van Wickâ€"Indeed ! Why! heads, or with smaller bits of cut steel. Mrs. Dikinkâ€"I notice that she always has a smile when my husband speaks to GIBBONS' “meniscus cm. her. . _ . Sold by all Drusslsts- Mm ‘ m Wickâ€"I have aqua! that. too. Black silk stockings with slippers of but he um: weeks to her m French- suede kid, stitched across the vamp, with ribbons or not, as the wearer fancies, are worn with commencement dresses. E be tl So them very t e 0 . arveys u Red Pine for coughs and colds is wanted Ameetingof 3.000 striking printers in Vienna announced the preparation for a I oral international strike, perhaps to in- nd/n Ained'a and Anti-alts. \Vhy should you 0 limping around when l ’ ~r " ‘ ‘ ' .- b . i ,, Got the m “on Every Time. “I can marry anygirl I please," was his exclamation, but unfortunately then he did nut-please any ; and there was a plain reason for it. He had contracted catarrh of the worst form, and, although a wealthy, - educated, attractive person every other Ithaca-tabla! gland? was positively; repulsive to-higihdy Edd“me mum .en , a num r o whom rejects his SOOTHI 0, CL offers of marriage. A friend ndvisod him to umflamsma' Instant Relief, p'ermanent use Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. He took Cure, Failure Impossible. his advice, and now is the most popular bean in town, and he really can “ marry an girl he pleases †to ask. It made his breat pure and sweet, he has no headache, no of- fensive discharges from the nose, in short, is in perfect health, and all from using a few bottles of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. A black riding habit is rarely seen abroad. A novelty just now is to line the habits with silk. Dark blue and green are the shades most used. A Romance in a Nutshell. She went to a ball ; were too tllin clothing; caught cold ; was very ill for many days ; a devoted admirer' brought a remedy, when her life seemed to hang by a thread; she took it; recovered ; and, ï¬nally, married the man who saved her life. And the remedy he brought her was Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, which is a certain cure for all throat andlung diseases and scrofulous complaints, of whiCh consumption is one. Robes, in which almost the entire skirt is of Russian or Irish lace, in white or corn, are exceedingly rich over silk skirts. A. P. 562. sane ' dragsde its preparation. lflwnnt atom.- FEPILEPSY Oil FALLING SIGKHESS Nyressenf ding boa]. “a p “crumb o's‘he htl than mean. i g; for . megawatt “306:9. Add‘rs-i I “a "u 0- ROO'I' no, In West Adelaide 8t Tom Ont. 1'0 THE RED RIVER VALLEY or Minnesota and Dakota, on the line of the Great Northern Railway. Thlsis settled to a large;oat,ent by CANADIANS, so that new Red Eivgr Valleyis like a Cliitigdéan sctglemont. ! ‘ac year's progress 6 a y an sure. “Loâ€"“3.5L .MQNEXI. They have the beneï¬t or good sell. good water, o. healthy climate. accessibllit to rail.- AND way communication. and 9. HOME ll ARKET of over 65,000,000 people to purchase the produce LUANTNT AG’ENEY‘GU T Ll'llllin News. 108 Bay Street. Torontl. Ca. ital. . . .. ................. $5,000,000. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"- To the Northwest! If so. weigh and consider Money to Loan on improved farms, cl well every little detailâ€"every requirement so and town property on liberal terms of rope. essential and necessary to success. Write for meat and AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES MUN particulars to “PAL DEBENTURES PURCHASED J. M. uneuiss, or c. LIV’lllillAllls, Eml- APPIY 1701mm appmlsers 01‘ t0 - gration Agent. 4 Palmer llouse Block, 'l‘ol J.F-KIRK. Manager. route, 0m... or r. i. \uimvav, Great Choice farms forsale in Ont. 65 Manitoba. Northern Railway, St. Paul. Minn. USE GEESTER’S CURE FOR Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Etc. 'l‘qRoxTo BREW'ERY. I must candidly say that (yours is one of the most extraordlna medicines I ever came across in my life. 1 have cause an indeï¬nite number here to use it, an intend to recommend it far and Wide. E. O'KEEFE, Brewer, Toronto. To W. E..CHESTER, Montreal) For sale by all druggists. Large box $1 ; small, 50 cents. If your druggist has not got it in stock remit $1 by mall. and on will receive one box prepaid, by return. cow Address W. E. CHESTER. 461 gauchetiero street. Montreal. elitism, . simian: To THE EDITORâ€"Please _ our readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named'disonse. By its tlpie y use thousands of hopeless cases have been per- manently cured. I shall be glad send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Post Ofï¬ce Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUII. M. C. 186 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont Sandi um... "flu? M FULFORD a CO». Brockvllle, Ont. ask for and see that you get Dawson’s Chocolate Creams The Great Worm Remedy. Sold by all druggists. % cean 0. box. Children slams. phosphltes of lee and Soda ls almost as palatable as mllk. A HABVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It Is Indeed, and the little lads and lassles who take cold easily, maybe fortlfled against a cough that might prove serious. by taklng Scott’s Emulsion after thelr meals durlng the winter season. Beware of substitutions and imitations. SCOTT 6c BOWNE, Bellevllle. ' ‘ Ullle ' ’ LIBERAL USE or - -_ E CANCER and Tumors cured without the knife. Johnston’s Fluid Beef is the combi- Send for book of treatment and testimonials, free. nation of the Stimulating tonic and nutri. G.H.McMichael. M. D., 63 Niagara Sn, Buffalo, N.Y. ï¬veproperties of Prime Beef Highly Concen. . trated. Easily digested. A perfect food for ATENTSprocureQmCanadaflS. - P... .; cum... .rllssesutas. 31°00 Bram, 30119 and Muscle- mmeoemtiou illic- Health without Medicine Testimonials HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. given on application. C. C. I’OMEROY. 49 BUSINESS IN FORCE, $20,000,000. 1323 St. W., .l‘orontp. Assets and Capital FOUR. AND A QUARTER: MILLION DOLLARS. PECIAL~SESSION for students and teachers, commencing July 13th. Book: e lNCREASES - MADE EN I890. I In Income, - ‘ . of pure Cod leer 0" wlth Hypo-i COMING'S PILLS for the complexion. 25c. abox. Sold by all druggist.‘ URNl 3 I." BBRAND oping and Shorthand courses. Business $55,|68.00 In Assests, College, Galt, Ont. SIB K AND AFFLICTED, WEAK, NERV- 84l7,l4l.00 In Cash Surplus, - $88,847.00 Oils, wretched mortals. should In New Business, *- $708,961.00 read the HEALTH HELPER. It tells howto GET WELL. 50c a year, sample In Business in Force, $l,600,376.00 J. K. MACDONALD, copiesfree. Address, MANAGING Dmrnroa. Editor, J. ll. DYE, M.D.. Buffalo. N. Y. STENCIL: ALL HEALING TAR AND GlYflERlNE SOAP is the only reliable and safe -‘ Soap to wash your head with It preserves the hair, makes it grow, keeps the scalp healthy. tions and always ask for BURTON'S. HAY FEVE glfahlnslgtsglggz {€550 everysu crerin e . & ASTH‘M hulllltrsi-ossss FINELY DEGURATE‘D TINWARE W. C. MACDONALD, . Amour. ‘IU 231 King Stredt East. Toronto. Plso's Remedy torCatari-h is the ‘-‘ I _ _ , Soldbydmsglstsorsentbymall,5oc. Eur. Hazeltlne. Warren, Pa. mas. o - ' 1‘ includeli to “ i .’ measurzellfyd: Beware Of Imita msutionthispsper .DOMINION PANTS CO. 362 and 364 St. Jamar Street. Montreal. FRUIT EVAPORATORS. La'rge proï¬ts quick returns. “The Econom- ical evaporator is the best. easll built at slight expense. Iron work furnls ed. Five hundred square feet of retlned wire cloth for trays-Jo.“ rule cheap; also 1 "Rival" apple- purer. Waterous Engne Works 00., RANTFORD. THE BOILElt INSPECTION AND INSURANCE 00., OF CANADA. Established for the prevention or steam boiler explosion bflprogfr etions. Serlexan’der Cam bell, C. ‘G.. out-Gov. of Ontario. 1 plant. 81:1;an Ofï¬ce, ‘Cnnadn Life Bulld- n, n . . erosion-eon“ . (gonsul zEnglbecrsand' 8 ï¬nd“ Solicitors of Patents. 620.0. Rosa, Chief mm. A. Fassm. See YOUR. SAVINGS. Can placeSlOoi-thonsands. l'ro- llts. cent. upwards «to lo probable will). beginning? conservative. no “Wilden no 'mbl . Alwa 3 sale some assent] ans. TEED. mm .Reslhlstate, Loans. Fieldszâ€"Brltish Columbia W' . ton. Missouri. Write. stating class inv meats preferred. Depresent “ West Koot- ." "S:lvcr Tip. “Colum lapAmsrlcsn.†“ csttrzl (Zon<olidawd." and “ North Western Development†Mining Commnlm, B. C.. and s .3. E 5 2 r: promo 0â€"] {29 OLD MEDALE W. .8) Y EARS Use Peerless Axle Grease for wagons and. strings. ' Peerless Hoof Ointment is aremarkable 3.1an mi- all kinds Marble l‘nvc. Missouri. Address, w. H. in h a, g 11 fs vac films ,w bur ; sores. etc“ arses an cat. to, cures cracked and on , etc .ouswoa‘agu mo’f’ï¬ï¬m“: "a “mum Sold everywhere. ' ‘ -i . . w... ,o. ,u u. «n “tuna... of. .4 .. o' .v L _.. ..,. . .,._ . ‘ s..«p.-,.~..wâ€".A o m...w~....\w hum-«nous. l m“...- .. m... ..... .,._ V--.. Wm-.. w... .J'--:. y~ -AM...... 4‘ “WOW