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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Jul 1891, p. 3

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his raisins AT HATFIELD. His Majesty Visits Lord Salisbury’s Beau- tiful County Beat. le son he flew [understands the Secret of Waterloo. In commentin u n the visit of the Kaiser a great degl o surprise has been ex- pressed at the excellent English he speaks, as well as the fact that his accentuation, too, is English. . It has been for otten, perhaps, that he is the son of an Eng ' h Princess, who from his babyhood has insisted that he should speak En lish daily. _ nsequently the Kaiser aks ‘better English than the Prince of ales himself, who, it is well known, cannot speak many words without a heavy guttural German accent, while the Emperor speaks the same words in exactly the same manner as an Englishman does. But some of the London papers do com lain that though the Kaiser speaks Englis well enough his sentences need at times explicit elucidation. Thus, for instance, it is said that after the review at Wimbledon he turned to the Duke of Cambridge and said : “ Now atlast I under- stand Waterloo l" Pee lo are puzzling their heads as to what he really meant. Did he refer to W’aterloo in an En lish or in a German sense ? If the latter, the universal belief in Germany is that if Blucher had not turned up.“ Oh, for Blucher or night i”â€"Napoleon would have been victor. If he adopted the English idea of Waterloo, then it was the English impregnable squares that did the business. Who shall interpret the Kaiser’s phrase? THE VISIT To HATFIELD. One of the cat events of the Kaiser’s trip to Englan has undoubtedly been the visit to Hatfield, the seat of the Premier, the Marquis of Salisbury. There was cer- tainly no particular reason why he should have thus paid such a palpable compliment to Lord Salisbury, unless he wished to show to the world at large that England had in some way or other given her adhesion to the Triple Alliance, which, in its renewed shape, is a. pet scheme of the Emperor's. Declarations have been repeatedly made in Parliament, however, that England has refused to be a member of the alliance, and that though she looks upon the affair benevo- lenlly, she will take her own course in the Mediterranean whenever the time comes. The visit to Hatfield cannot be looked upon as putting the official signature of England upon the alliance of the three powers, but France and Russia may see things in quite a different light, and the remarks of the French and Russian inspired journals will be anticipated with interest. ON HISTORIC GROUS D. The Emperor and Empress arrived at Hatfield House on Sunday afternoon and were received with due honors. The im- perial visit was taken advantage of by the residents in the neighborhood and the country folk for miles around, who flocked to the seat of the Premier to pay their respects to the visitors and incidentally to enjoy the freedom of the spacious and bean- tiful groun"s which surround that famous old English home. The gates of the vast park were thrown open and thousands of people, many of whom had traveled dozens of miles in vehicles of every description and on foot, throu ed the pathways and lawns and de- voured the lunclieons they brought with them under the shade of the great trees. The Emperor is said to have enjoyed this icturo of rural life quite as much as he Sid the more gorgeous sights presented in his honor in the metropolis. This morning the Emperor went out unat. tended by any one save a guide for a horse- back ride through the most interesting parts of the beautiful Hatfield Park. He after- ward looked at the apartments of the castle, and expressed his wonder at the magnificence of what he saw. Hatfield House, situated in Hertfordshire, one of the most picturesque counties of England, is the most famous and the most magnificent Jacobean mansion in the country. Surrounded by a large park in which grow fine old oak trees and associated with historical events of momentous impor- tance, it is worthy both Of its lordly hosts and its imperial guests. IS IT GREATER THAN NIAGARA ? Mr. Bryant's Proposed Vlslt to the Grand l‘nllsln Labrador. The mystery which has always hung over the Grand Falls in the interior of Labrador is to be cleared own at last, and in a few months the scienti c world will know whether the falls in Grand or Hamilton River are the greatest in the world, or Whether the previous accounts have been greatly exaggerated. Hour ' G. Byrant, a member of the Philadelphia )ar, accom anio cd by Prof. Kenister of Georgetown, ni- vcrsity, is now on the his way to visit the falls. Only two white men have ever seen the falls, so far asis known, and they both place the height at 2,000 feet. Both of the men stood high in the service of the Hudson Bay Company, and, although they say saw the falls at different times, their accounts agree in nearly every particular. Maclean, the first to reach the scene, conducted an cxpc- dition into the interior in 1839, and was stopped by these falls. licnncdy reached them under the guidance of on Iroquois In- dian, who had spent most of his live in Lab- rador. The natives give the falls a wide berth, owing to a tradition long current among them they are haunted by evil spirits pod that no man can look upon them and ivc. Above the falls the river is said to be 5 yards broad, contracting to fifty yards at the falls themselves. If this account be true, then in the whole world there is no other fall haviu such a volume of water descending at a rind from such a stupend- ous height. Niagara's volume of water is far greater, but its he' t is only 16»; feet. The famous falls of Ambesi are but 100 feet. In the Yosemite Valley there is a fall of 2,550 feet, but this is broken into three leaps, and the volume of water is not equal to that of the Grand Falls of Labrao dor. 'l‘hus, taking into account the com bination of hei lit and volume, these Grand Fills of Libra or throw all others into the shade. A fall of 2,000 feet- has genrally been rev garded as uiicrly inconceivable, however, and various efforts have been inst to verify the re rts of Maclean and Kennedy. In 1387 dle E. Helm of Oxford University madean effort to reach the falls, but his provisions gave out when be supposed himâ€" self within fifty miles of his journey's end, and he was absolutely forced to go back. -. M r. Bryant hasmrefnlly studied the situa- tion, and has made his preparations with so much care that his success is regarded as assured. He sailed from New York on June 23, and reached St. J ohn's two days later. All his supplies were purchased there and his final arrangements completed, and to-day he sails for Battle Harbor, on the Strait Of Belle Ise. Another steamer will take him to Rigolet, a post of the Hudson Bay Company, in Hamilton Inlet, from where a two days' sail will land him at Northwest, from where he will begin his last journey of 300 miles up the Grand River. Besides himself and Prof. Keniston Mr. Bryant hopes to take about eight Indians and a. white man for guide if he can get one. The journey up the river will be made in canoes, which must be carried around the many rapids and falls. It is estimated that the trip of 300 miles each way can be made in about six weeks, and on that estimate Mr. B at will get back to Northwest about the mi die of Se tember, andto Philadelphia about Oct. 1. is idea is, however, to come back by a different route if practicable. In a letter to his mother and brothers Mr. Bryant a cake very hopefully of his trip. The rench priest, a very intel- ligent man who makes pilgrimages throu h Labrador, estimates the height of the is at about 1,000 feet. - Mr. Bryant, the head and front of the ex- pedition, is a. graduate of Princeton College, and was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in 1886. He has not practiced much, how- ever, devotin most of his time to travel and scientific stu ies. His present venture is undertaken solely on his own responsibility, to settle the long-disputed question of the hei ht of the great falls, and, if successful, wil make him famous in the world of science and travel. He has a wide field before him, as few portions of Labrador beyond the coast have ever been visited by white men, and only the barest outline of its geography is known. ______.._.__. An Ancient City Found. In the right bank of the River AmoosDaria near the town of Karki in Bokhara, grottoes have been fouud among the hills leading to a subterranean city, the evidence of which dates back into antiquity. Silver coins and inscriptions of the time of Gapora I. (the first Persian King of the Gassanidean dynasty, who lived about 200 years B. C.) were found in the place. The subterranean town stretches over a distance of more than three versts (about a half mile) with streets, lanes, squares, and hanging fountains. In some places the ground on the top has caved in; but the largest part of the city can be passed through without the least difficulty. ‘y the light of the miners’ lamp, the place presents a quaint, fantas- tic appearancc. There are houses in in perfect construction,one or two stories high, witha pretence of architectural elc- gancc, and filled with furniture and various domestic utensils. The ceiling or upper covering of the streets are constructed of blOCKS of alabaster granites. The natives of Bokhara knew of the place long ago and carried away many silver and gold coins, ornaments, and utensils of great intrinsic value and of still greater archzeological im- portance. The Russian authorities of Bokhara have made arrangements to take care of the antiquities Of the place, and sent notice Of its discovery to the Archaeological Society of Moscow. The society has sent a commission of experts to make explorations during the summer. ___â€"â€"â€".~.â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" Treble and Bass. “ Twinkle, twinkle. little star, How I wonder what you arc." In lrcblo sweet. piped little Grace. “ Cutarrh. cuturrh, catarrh. catarrh, W'liat a horrid post you are ;" Growlcd dour papa in lowest bass. \thn papa reads this, he will learn how to get rid of the post. By its mild, healing, antiseptic, and cleansing properties, Dr. Sage’s Catarrli Remedy cures the worst cases. A This infallible remedy does not, like the poisonous, irritating sniifl's, “ creams ” and strong caustic solutions with which the public have been so longhumbugged, simply paliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the lungs. It produces a perfect and permanent cure of the worst cases of Chronic Catarrh. “Coldin tlieHead"curcdwithafew applications. Catarr-hal Headache relieved and cured as if by magic. It removes oli'cn- sive breath, loss or impairment of the sense Of taste, smell or hearing, watering or weak~ ness of the eyes, and impaired memory, when resulting from catarrh. Only 50 cents, by druggists. The fellow who lives on his wits must frequently put up with poor “ wittles.” Little Johnnie, on seeing a skeleton for the first time, exclaimed, “ Why, but they skinned hcr mighty close, didn’t they ! She looks worse than Aunt Jane did, before ma gave her that bottle of ‘ Favorite Prescri ~ tion 1‘ ” “ Aunt Jane ” was so complete y worn out, by prolapsus, periodical dificul- ties and nervous prostration, that she was a constant. sufferer, night and day, but Dr. Piercc's Favorite Prescription acted so promptly and favorably upon the uterus and other organs, that she suffers no pain at any time, and her general health was never bet- ter. As a remedy for all female weaknesses, as a strength-giving tonic and quieting ner- vinc, “ Favorite Prescription" is unequaled. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or price ($1.00) refunded. ‘ A You've got to raise the wind if you want to be a heavy swell at the seashore. Perlls ofuodcru “to. Contacts with electric wires, railroad ac- cidents, broken car and elevator cables, ex- plosions ofjstcain, natural ' and chemicals, isons in adulterated foo and drink, area ow ; but all these dangers combined do not kill as rapidly as slow and sure Consumption. The deal 1 rate, however,§from Consum tion, is being yearly cut down since Dr. ierce of Buffalo, N. Y.. has given to the world his celebrated “Golden Medical Discovery,” a cure. for Consumption and Throat and Lungs troubles that lead to Consumption, if taken in time and given a fair trial. The time to euro Consinnption (which is really nothing more nor less than Lung-scmfula), is in the first stages. A couch generally sounds the alarm, and you should take the “ Discovery " at once. There is a time when it is too late. it has accomplished in cases of consumption, vouu Six-mos. INVEST s 3A1 1” Liver-Oil theigignong a,“ “13,310; _ mama-thousands. lro suffixes: of l8. loner-cont. upwards u Au . vmbshle "100. - ‘Imlgpinathlconscrganttlve, no ' u “u 08 no . \V . 50 H ER drugs“ ‘ Magnum“ .simucissufii: asosG Loans. Fields :-British Columbia, Washing- ton. Missouri. Write. stating clam inpat- mcnts pretax-rod. LRo‘prescnti “ West hoot- ena .” “Silver Tip. "Colum _a~Amerlcan.“ " estern Consolidated.” and " hei-tn Western sell this valuable preparation andvthe c catarrh, asthma and all pulmonary dificulo ties are well attested facts. ammo m IV hen some men discharge on ob ' tion SOOTHI O. MING ' Development“ Mining Companies 3. 0» Md you can hear the report for miles aroldgn‘d. . rlEtu-‘INO- '. Marble 08W- hfistom'l. Adm W- H- lnstam‘ Bend, Permanent LYNOEollIoes. Spokane. Wash..U.S.:'l‘omnt0. Nothing iinnts out Corns Ottawa and Montreal. Canada. Like tight boots. Corns are very smal afl'airs, but a ly to thema pail:- of tight boots and all ot er concerns of ' sink into insignificance. Tight boots and Putnam's Corn Extractor (the great and only surecnre for corns) may go together, and comfort will be their partner: but don’t fail to use Putnam's Corn Extractor. Frauds, cheap, poisonous and dangerous substitutes, menu the market. Beware of them. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. Poison & 00., pro- prietors, Kingston. Girls in countrypost-Oficesaremail clerks, although they indignantly deny it. Men who are sufl'erin from nervous debil- ity, overwork, early in ‘ cretions or any of thenumerous causes that break down the sys- tem, should use Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. A certain blood builder and nerve restorer. They never ’fail. Try them. Sold by all dealers or post paid on receipt of price (50¢. a box). Address Dr. Williams Med. Co. Brockville, Ont. An Invigorating and healthful confection, that cleans and preserves the teeth ; Adams, ,Tutti Frutti Gum. Sold by all Druggists Care, Failure Inipossibla. - FEPILEPSYORFALUKGSNKKESS gymfumsfim ’hl‘nvm as medldas to be in on recom- ' n mandarin. mm. huforatrhbsn‘dosrnfi‘calm mecca Adam" is“ " Is. 0. Boos- aao. issue-e Adelaide Toronto, one. FULFORD & 00,, Brockville, on. ‘ or; THE RED llllllll VALLEY 0! Minnesota and Dakota, on the lino of the Great Northern Railway. Thisls settled to a large:e;.tent by CANADIANS, so that new Red. River Valleyls like a Canadian settlement. A RALYSIS. Kidney and Gravel St.Lcon relieves. Nov. 5th,1891. . DEAR Simâ€"As on Each car's progress steady and sure. and C°nfe°t1°nersi scents“ know I was softly They ave the benefit or good soil. good It is when straws are made up into hats troubled with paralysis water, a healthy climate. accessiblll to'mu- way communication, and a HOME J ARKET of over 65,000,000 people to purchase the produce of their farms. for many years: of the many remedies I have ~ tried,the mineral water that they show which way the wind blows. “will; *3??? “m 1: tgfit‘l°my°hshi°°”‘ » 0 ya ru gis . , e_a overa . iavc ' ‘ ' ' The slipppers will be popular with moth- ' ragga?- Egfiotgmiflggig ers now that the swimming season has be- m3},ng the water To the Northwest, “so. weigh and consider ’ freely. andtwould not J be Without it. Also for kidney and ravcl it has proved itsel unequalled in my case. l\l.Simmer, Aultsvdlepnt. St.[.eon Mineral Water (30., 141.. Toronto. "USE CHESTER’S CURE FOR Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Coughs, Colds, Etc- _ TORONTO Bnnwnnv. I must candidly say that (yours is one of the most extraordlna but brides are medicines I ever came across inmy life. 1 have cause an indefinite number here to usoit, add intend to recommend it far and wide. E. O’KEEFE Brewer. Toronto. To W. E. Crissng Montreal) For sate by all drugglsts. Largo box $1 ; small, 600011 If ur drugglst has no got it in stock. remit 31 by m all, andlyou will receive one box prepaid, turn. Address W. E. Cll .-.S'l‘l£R. 461 agauchctiero street. Montreal. FORTIFY lilllllSllLl‘ AGAINST Till] lNFtUENZA BY TEE well every little detailâ€"every requirement so essential and necessary tosuocess. Write for particulars to J. M. llllCKINS, or C. I. \YHELILAMS, Eml gratlon Agent. ll’almcr House B100 '1‘ ronto. 0nt., or F. l. WHITNEY, reat Northern liailwar. St. Paul, Minn. gun. NOTICE. - . Every bottle of Dr. Harvey: Southern Red Pine for coughs and colds is warranted. When a sick man refuses to send for a doctor that is a. sign that he still clings to life. The end of a long strikeâ€"a home run. Satan is busiest when other people are resting. .Every man has his price, given away. The popular beverage of the man who works the circular sawâ€"Sauterne. A. P. 564. 80W GAE“ LIBERAL USE OF thnsfip’sslé‘luiflblteetf is “led comtbi .;. na ion 0 e imu a in onic an nu ' . 3‘ Ff \ tive properties of Prime lief Highly Concexif- ' 71' trated. Easily digested. A perfect food for -‘. I--.r.. . â€"~;..:'.3.~'r 1:, A GAIN or A rOUND A DAY IN THE case ora MAN WHO HAS BECOME “ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN To TAKE THAT asamnmam FLESH PRODUCER, minâ€"us Blond, Brain, Bone and Muscle. . ouicccrat HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. HUSTNESS IN FORCE, $20,000,000. Assets and Capital FOUR AND A QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS. mournersâ€"Tulips in race. , 1'. "t or PURE can use Dll. I HypophOSphites of Lime 8!. Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. Tins FEAT "',,',",E:;;‘:,’s, sgi'l'ffiflem HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER In Cash Surplus, . as £411.00 AGAIN. PALA’I‘A‘BLE as MILK. EN- In New Business. - $706,967.00 DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT,S In Buelncsa in Force, $500,376.00 EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG. GlSTS AT 50c. AND $1.00 l 300 TT c» 130 WNE, Bella/271a. J. K. MACDONALD MANAGING Dinar-son. Containing a large percetntâ€" age of flour and Oatmeal. It makes and keeps Lady’s hands soft and smooth. It cures eczema and all dis- eases of the skin. "W. O. MACDONALD, Acruamz. OWLING'S PILLS for the complexion. 250. n. box. Sold by all druggist. CANCER and Tumors cured without the knife. Send for book of treatment and testimonials, free. G.H.McMicliacl. M. D.. 63 Niagara St, Budalo, N.Y. .. l . PATENTSgusciatuuifi W. J. GRAHAM, 71 forum St.. Toronto MOTHERS askior and see that you get Dawson’s Chocolate Creams The Great Worm Remedy. Sold by all druggisls. 25 cents a box. 8 i G KAND AFFLICTED, ‘VEAK, NERV- OUS, wretched mortals, should copies free. Address, >Wc want the name and ad- & P. Euddllsyss,li.h., Bulldo,ll.Y. MACDONALD MANUFACTURING GD’V, 1, stampfcrsampla . include linen tape DOMINION PANTS CO. . ,v ;lllllluhm 'Be Sure You [let the Genuine. Made. by The AlePl) Toilet Soap Company. Silhhh‘i WEED; (TO THE EDITORâ€"Please in! ur readerstfiti‘havea positive remedy t the above named disease By ltstlm y use than of Wham ebc'cn pe . ii be glad send two homes at monuywsrrh-m any or -.. ' .,.. ,..- manently cured. I sha your readers who have consnm if they geodetic ti ' Oll'ico'mldress. Respectfully. T. A. a con. 11.13. WW“! Alienate $2.. isotonic. om nmUno 0-! read the HEALTH HELPER. It Editor, J. IL DYE, ELI)“ Bull'alo. N. Y. dress of every sufferer in the FINELY 23! King Street East. Toronto. and Self-measure is " ‘ ‘ measure ifyou 362 and 364 St.,James Street. Montreal. tells how to GET WELL. 600 a year. sample H CURED TO STAY CURED. U. S.and Canada. Address. Send three-cent -v menthlanksAVill ‘7“ ‘ mention this paper MONEY! MONEY; MpNEY LONDON AND. BANADIIN LOAN Alli] AGENBY [ll-1., ITIMITED 103 Bay- Street. Tommi. Capital ...................... $6,000 ,CCO. Moneyto Loan on improved tar-ins, city and town property on liberal terms of repay. meat and AT mwnsr CURRENT Rants MUNI- crrar. Disszx'runns meanest). Apply to local appi‘i‘aiglcrs or to . ' er. Oholce farms mrsaleln Out. 6: Manitoba. Plan‘s Remedy forestsrrh Is the Baghdathme " 9 _ 5 R ; ..A_ SoldbydruggisuorsentbymsllJOe. ' - fi’l- 8mm». Warren. Pa. 0.8.s. Use Peerless Axle Greece for wagons and gearings. Peerless Hoof Ointment is a remarkable rained sores, etc., in horses and cattle. cures cracked and Sold evervwhere. for all kinds rd boots. etc.

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