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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Aug 1891, p. 1

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C School Books - \Ve have just re- ceived this week full supplies of every- thing required for Schools. All kinds of School Books, Copy Books, Slates, Scrib- ’ blch &e., in fact any- thing needed in the School line. Call and I get your supplies early at E/lz's’s C/wap (‘3’ Rclz'aéle Drug and Book Store. W. E. ELLHS. I’enclon Falls, August lSth, 1891. nunâ€"unn- Professional Cards. LllGAL &c. A. P. DEV LIN, )ARRISTER, Attorucy-nt-an, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. ,v__________._.._.â€"- “F...__.. G. ll. HOPKINS, (Srecnsson TO Mums 5.: IIomuus) "" ‘ ‘ " lllonev . ll"lbll‘.R SOLlGllUR, kc \touliouu :it 6 per cent. Office, “11- Bunk of Montreal. ”‘__’__________.__. lium street, next to the MOORE &- JACKSON, l).\RRISTERS, SOLIbLITgRS, &c. 0fâ€" ) lice William street, lll say. ' ‘ l‘. l). lioonn. A. JAcxtsos. "WNMM O'LEAIlY & O'LEARY, ~\RRlSTERS, ATTORNEYSâ€"AT-LA‘“, . Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Olhce, D ohcnv Block, Kentstreet, Litids:ty).ILEmY Aurthur O‘Lusnv. IIbGll . . .__________.________.__~ .W-..’ ...._â€"â€"--â€" \IclNTYRE & STEWART, . , . . . kc ~ ‘lllS'I‘EltS SOllCltOl‘S, Notaries, . A(illices over’Outario Bunk, Ivent street, Lindsnv. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Ilclsrvnn. T. Srnwzm'r. WEAR/MN & Mot/1 UGHLIN. l A RRISTERS, F. .c. Office : Baker‘s Block . . _ ,, Kent Street, Liudsny,opp0s1te Veltch :1: llotel. Money to loan at lowest rules 0 ' ~ e‘t. . . llltLl" 3 one of the fivn‘ “,,u be “t (her of. tiec in Jordan’s Block, Fenclon Foils, regu- larly every 'l‘ucsuny. ‘ Venus, Jons A. llsnnox. 1». J. MCLAL A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ’ ' ‘ ‘ 32c. &c. 'ORONlull. Pll}ol(.l.|ll, Surgeon, . , llesideuc’e, Brick Cottage, \\ ellington street, Lindsay. . -,_-.___..__..____.._.._.._â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Won. A. WILSON, -â€"n. 3., n. e. r. s 5., Olllttl‘l0,â€" ' ‘ ' ' ' - .lUCll- lll’Slt?lA.\, bl RGEON It ACC‘t I) eur. Ullive, Colborne Street, hettelon Fulls. W...â€"â€"~.-._-. ~._ i . on. u. n. GRAHAM, .._ 3. ..,v ADUATE of the Lunersit; oi 'I‘nni _ . ,- (fldut‘vollege. Fellow of Trinity .‘ledtcnli School. Member of the Royal College qr, Surgeons ot linglnud. Member 0l~the Go -, leg.; of Physicians k Surgeons ot ‘Onturi‘o. Ollice nod residence on l- l‘t|!lClS-bl..“ est Fouelon Pulls, opposite the (jazz!!! olhce. JAMES DICKSON. ) L. Survevor. Commissioner in the Q. 8., « . Convoyuucer. the. Residence, and uti- dress. l‘enelou Falls. --.. M.__._. . -. .. .0 M...» 1)ENTIS’.F, LIN DSAIS’, will be at the “ heArthnr House," Penelon l-‘nlls, the second \Vednesdny ofench month. Bountiful and durable artificial teeth made, and all olive; dental work properly done. Surly 2‘: years“ experience. 16.13. 6 or on 01 Cl :5 4. ,M O :6 E” I. H. GROSS, l #3 o o m g: .9 0 CW 0 ~43»; f, +33 ,H g“ Qpâ€"It d N cs :â€"4 = 3 = as O :0 :3 ‘f‘ s: 03:13 0 ha ":5 o-= 3 0. , m-H "g Q o "’ *2 G‘ofi .: P" "â€"4 .0... ‘3 s ch 8 .s a... iâ€"l seek serviceable, reliable, makes and motor of CANADA. MCCOLL’S CYLINDER OIL need only be used to be npprecintcd. Try it. Beware of those who imitate Lax-dine, Do you to 1s spr ‘3 icinity the V Here you will find all these desirable qualities combined, and At a. saving of from 25 per cent. upwards in s sold at the lowest prices will do it. QUR GRQCEKV DEPARTMENT l3 NEVER NEGLECTED. Therefore, if you want the Best Goods for the Least Money, select from our rode in Boots and Shoes th M O O 43 U) "'3 H5 *9: o s «a, CD .90 4" C00 .21 CS “530 REP 00 coca me :~ U) >0 "do SH - r--¢ .ClsD (12â€"49 635-1 '-4 +39 02 ma r235 Opt c.) 330': MFG Finâ€"i a) 53s.: :33 l-J': wag 00 «:34: H :â€"« 73 :0 ,_. CE% 3 cc: .,‘_4 Q). "'" SM 4-7 ‘30 .2 CU) S. N EVISON , -â€"-AND DEALER IN -- :o: Fenelon Falls, August 19th, 1891. LARDINE IIAS BECOME FAMOUS AS THE GREAT W Get only the genuine. ‘R .1“ .ms 1, Our Silver Star Bark H. AUSTIH’S 0L“ STAKE. it is a bargain. Gmaham, t goods. Don’t fail to try our 25 cent Tea: Price, 25 cents per lb. Mmmofifl ICES tssortment of the c110 should be used by those who want the best. I K o i +3 H 2 s a ,':' râ€"i s s o '23 c: 5 01 '2 r; .â€" râ€"t Qâ€"nw pd w: < he i sin ,2 )0 :a '3 63: F1, rig pa "‘7‘ 0-0 d-‘ u: 3 so 2 E"? O 1": m 0 F34 PRAGTIGAL PAINTER 85 PAPER HANdE R, ‘ OIL-PAINTED SHADES A SPECIALTY. Two doors South of Mr. Heard's hardware store. 3. NEVESON.: ,_ lMachine Oill It is made only by .‘sIcCOH. BROS. k 00., Toronto. For sale by Leading Dealers throughout the Country. the all-important question : “ An advertisement in :1 morning pa- per begins thus : ‘A Freehold Town ’House, (so rarely to be obtained in London).' And why should a freehold house he so rarely to be obtained in [London ? Because the ground land of 'London belongs to n smull uumberof ground lnndlords, who reap enormous benefits without doing anything in re turn; whose income from ground rents is always increasing, not by anything they do, but because other people do much; and, to cap the absurdity, these never-do-nuything ground landlords do not pay rates and taxes for their ever growing reutnls.”â€"â€"Ncws. :1 5:611)! I... . ‘N-t’ urniturc. - ‘*-' ’ix'fiv - IIuvingin store a large and well assorted Stock of Th sfiifigfidd is}. Ago. Henry George, writing in the .\'e\v York Standard of August. 5th, culls nt- tention to an old publication bearing the quaint title of “ The Portland l’leu- sure Bout,” dated June 7th, 1848, in which is printed a letter to the editor, signed Edward Burgess. This letter. Mr. George says, is “a clear and tltlml- ruble statement ,ot' the reasons for (in: Single Tux from the fiscal side," and Mr. George adds: " It is pleasant that; the progress of our ideas are reviving the memory of men who ndvoentcd the same truths ere the time was ripe t'or them, and who, seeing no results, could only trust that After hnnds shnll sow the seed: After hands, from hill nnd mend, Reap the harvests yellow." The letter is as follows: I want. now to say a few words on the best means ot' raising “ revenue ” or taxes so as to pic'- vent land monopoly. I know not. what. are your views on the subject, but. should like to have you inquire whether raising all the toxins oil the loud in pro- portion to its market; value Would not‘ produce the’greatcst good to mnnk'lbd,‘ with the least evil of any means of i'uisi’ ing revenue. Taxingpel‘sonnl property has a tendency to limit its use by in~~ crcnsing its price, and thcconscquent' , 1 . I Student S Easy Chaus) ..difliculty of obtaining it, whether in the CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES. and everything usually kept in a first class V Furniture Store, all in wunt of something nice for EHHISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S Presents will do well to call and EXAMINE MY STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. 39’“ All good Goods, and purchased low IJ.DEY1\IAN, anunmunn & FURNITURE DEALER, Uolborne Street, Penelon Falls. 1% E RI O V7 A L. Dr. GRAHAM has removed four doors east to his own residence, ncnrly opposite Mr. McKcowu‘s furniture factory. Fenelon Falls, July 23rd, 1891. 22-4. LU PRICES AWAY DOWN. Now is your time to buy Lumber, the undersigned hnving bought out the entire stock of dry lumber At Greene & Ellis’s Mill, and commenced shipping it to Lindsay. Any person wanting either n large or small quantity will find it to his advantage to buy us soon as possible, as the whole stock will be cleared out in a very short time. One of the firm will he at the yard ’ until all the lumber is removed. KILLABY & KENNEDY. Fenclon Falls, June 3rd, [891. l5-t.l‘. z GREENâ€"131; ELLIS have also all kinds of Paints, Oils, Glass, Vm‘nishes, Fancy Goods and MusicnliDressed Lumber, Planed Sur Instruments, Gold and Silver \Vntches, Rings, Clocks, other Jewelry, Crockery and Glass-ware. face Lumber, Inch and 1% , inch Pine & Hemlock Flooring, r V.-Joint & Novelty Siding, which will be sold ' Cheap For Cash ('nll and see for yourselves 1 AT GREENE & ELLIS'S MILL. Fenclon Fnlls, June 16tl1,1891. 17-8. ! LINEAY _ lMtll‘blt‘ Works. .‘. ’: gm: R. CHAMBERS ' is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- i any and surroundng country with MONUMENTS -\.\'l.’ lll'lA DS'l‘ONl-ZS, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds ofl Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel t l cemetery work. i Pieces, etc., a specially. WORKSâ€"In renr o the market on Cam- ridge street, opposite Moztbens’ puking b house. Ncnb of the Town Uni. lhc_ public mind is working around to l i 8081'. CHAMBERS. form of a duty to the Government or a profit by the maker or seller. The high- er the duty demanded by the Govern- ment, the more capital will be required to prepare the article for the purchaser. and as the Government. has diminished the sale, a larger profit on :1 smaller sale will be required to retnuncmtc the capitalist for investment; hence the con- sumer has to pay a sort of treble taxâ€"v the Government tax, the extra capital tax and the tax on diminished salc.. Apply this rule to any taxed article you’ chooseâ€"clothes, conl, tea, coliee, lace, silks, knives, etc., etc. Now, the (limin- ished use throws the workmen out of employment, cvcrstocks the labor mar- ket, lowers wages. causes pauperism and its consequent vices, or indolence, or the want of lu-nlthy excitement. I Let us now consider the eonstqucnco of laying all the taxes on land. The laudholdcr would then have so much less interest in keeping the land by tho extru amount of‘ taxes levied on it. 'I‘.) make it equally profitable it. must b: better cultivated; and it' they cannot or will not do it themselves, it will be to their interest to sell it. or hire the culti- vation to be done. This will give em- ployment and food, instead of diminish- ing them, as in the taxing of personal7 property. How can wages be Continued without. land being made productive? How can land he made pro tnctive with- out the requisite labor? Then why not make it the interest of landholders to have the land cultivated by laying all the taxes on the land, and thus thrnv the speculation on personal property? Winn care we how much personal prop" erty any one has, if we have the usc‘ol' the land to make the same for ourselves 2’ Ought. taxes to be raised in suctio- way as to encourage industry ? Noun. if two persons own equal quantities of land, say eighty acres rnch ; one puts 3 thousand dollars’ worth of iml'rtovement on his land, the other one hundred (lolv lars. The improvements are taxed acâ€" cording to their value; consequently, the one who has made 0. thousand doll lnrs improvement has ten times the tax- es to pay for his industry that the nth- cr has to pay for his indolent-c. .l)ocs not the industrious man pny oil the idler man's tnxes? As they each occupy an. equally vnlunble portion «1' the land, why should they not contribute equally for its use to defray the necessary ex- penses of government '3 Now, as to the moral results. The getting rid of paying a tnv. by smug- gling or false swearing seems tlllllle considered smnl't. which lufih'slls respect for all law and honesty. Three of our principal Int-reboots lz'~\'\)l"' wil' their per- sonul tnx lust your, oth~r~ have to p: their tax, which Cl-Ctlill'.l’." v them w- t» ’the some, till the liJllil‘. ol' :ul l. .m- Inorc corrupt. One of the an ru' ~ - :or. up a petition this your to allow w tltt'l' chants to swear off what 1." is they owed (01350 that while the «lllL‘l' of a house must pay his tax, limit ; l he out-a: the lull amount of it, the lllt: :lmut may evade the tax by swearing l. - owes for his goods. GROUND 8231‘s IN Losmm, £901“th. The following is from a scmicditoriul note in the London Echo, which is Lib» eral in politics and has u very large middle-class circulation. It shows how .e. um»

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