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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Sep 1891, p. 7

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APAMLBBIGASAM ‘Vu'andwhentheypnlloutthe crowd ofdpg: Ono momentous-m. . â€"â€"~ I mm: “mm earths mm, a» m m um“ I e 1113 ' e . . . . “the Story on mommnruon the trusted to Keep c ooer t4; it until they have that: dmhflamfim< median mun. devoured everything salable. line. Pm.8p§uufl-In ! is . “mm- tion of A “fl-“l8” ‘80: 0“ the . Of the Car . phowcrfulsnodynes, audit stairs“ once to l m. . I u m at Indian Northwestneu a reporter - I- - = o nerva soothm' thorn an 01'di g in "3“ met a missionary of the Church ’of En d, , watm °, we} Tow? one minuh; total relTeffiom pain. Mothers, mum“ '“m‘ who was on his way to visit his bro rat Sll' Edwud “Mk1!” Pmlect 0‘ In try it for ur children’s toothache. Ner- _ ~Soo‘rmfio, CLEANSING, Brandon, several hundred miles east. His " Elli-El " Tower for L°nd°n 11” assumed viline is so din 10 and 25 cent bottles by all _ LING. »â€" field of work is in the prairie wildémm substantial form. An estate of 280 acres drugs-ism, Instant Relief, Permanent south of Cal ary, .wherc his parish extends be?" PPPCEMGd. 3 30mg"? firmed some men would think they wan chum Cure, Failure Impossible. to the boun ry line. Without application to the pub c, a plan has it they h“! the mumps fighter mu their. "Pu? w“ “ It is fourteen months," he said, “ since I came out from England to begin the life of a missionary on these prairies. I ex- ected the change would be very great, but Twas overwhelmed when I realized the en- tirely new conditions under which I must live. My parish is 100 miles long and forty miles wide, and at least once a year I am expect d to visit every person in it. It is a pretty hard life, and sometimes I wish I were in old England again." The s caker was about 28 yaars of age a fairly e ucated young man from the English provinces, full of earnestness and evidently ssed of considerable perseverance. He was in clerical dress, wore a broad brimmed, black felt hat, and seemed rather uncom- fortable in the heat, which the sun was pouring down upon the plains. “ I live allalone,” he continued. “ Some- times Ido not see a human being for days together. I had a little shack put up for me to live in. It is a common pine board .shauy of one room, and in it I have my li- brary my bed, and cook stove. There at has proved to be leaky, and when I go back shall try to patch it up, for a good rain been approved, a stationerected on the con- tiguous railway, the foundations of “ The Tower” have been commenced, and on saturdaya large party of representatives of the press were conveyed from Baker-st. to Wembley Park in lwelve minutes to see what was going on. The ground acquired is undulating and woody. The estate is nearly divided between the building pro- perty and the ornamental park, with its “ Tower “r and lVinter Garden. Aline lake of over five acres is being formed by the aid of the Upper Brent River, which will be pleasant for boating in summer and the scene of curling, rinking and skatin in winter. The tower will stand on the highest emin- ence in the park, from which, at present, pretty views are to be seen extending some miles beyond the immediate surround- ings. The design of Mr. Stewart, one of the competitors for the prize awards, has been adopted aSIthe basis of the plan, and Slr Benjamin Baker has been associated with himin the construction. The tower will be mainly su ported on four large concrete blocks, in imeusions ‘26 feet long by 20 feet broad, and 25 feet deep. The excavation atom, makes things very dump. I live for one of these blocks is nearly completed, largely on tinned meats and flour, which I procure at Calgary. Sometimes a hunter or an I ndisn gives me hit of game which is quite a treat. “ No one knows till he tries it himself how many discouragements there are in the life of a. frontier missionary. I often travel ten miles to keep an appointment to preach, and not a soul comes to the place. Two weeks ago I travelled eighteen miles, and only‘two men came to the meeting house. They said that as no one else had come it wasn t worth while for me to preach,“ and so they went away. The largest congregation I have addressed was eighteen people. I am compelled to keep a horse, which, fortunato‘ ly, costs me nothing for feed, as he picks up his livin on the plains. I am in my Mexi- can sadd e, on his back, a good deal of the, time." “ What salary do you missionaries get ‘2" “ Tho Missionary Society of England pays me $100 a your. The Bishop of my diocese gives me, in addition, $100 from the funds in his charge. A collection is always taken up at the meetings for my benefit. Some- times it amounts to ten or fifteen cents, and sometimes I get as much as fifty cents or a dollar. Many of the people are not in sym- athy with my work, and do not cure to 101p it along. I thoughtan occassional wed- ding might ckc out my income, but I have not had a single marriage ceremony to per- formats yet. The Presbyterian missionary has been more fortunate, for he has had several weddings. The largest audience I have addressed was at a. funeral, where over 100 hundred people were present. I have not read a. book for months. In fuct,I have very little time to read. I am in the saddle most of the day, and when at home am engaged in preparing my meals, mending my clothing and other duties of the house.” “ I presume you are looking forward to better times soon,” said the reporter. “Yes, I think I shall stick to my work. The discournging feature has been‘ that I have not been able to see that I was doing much good. Perhaps I shall see better rc- lattacks, etc. Ranchmen are coming ly harmless, they are unequaled as a. specific to resist and overcome disease. Send for circu- sults in the future. the geological formation of the hill being stiff clay. The elevation of the site is about 140 feet higher than the site of the Paris tower, and the ironwork of the Wembley tower will be 1,000 feet. As this willstand on a. sort of pedestal portion of 150 feet, the total height will be 1,150 feet, or 350 feet above the Paris. example. The roads and ornamental grounds are being prettin laid out by Mr. Miller, and there is undoubtedly an attractive settlement being formed which if it can be always reached with the prompt- itude of Saturday’s journey, should prove a popular place of resort as well as residence. Toronto’s Great Fair. The wheel of time has again revolved and the people of Canada are invited once again to visit Toronto’s great Industrial Fair, which will be held this year from the 7th to the 19th of Sept. Many important altera- tions and improvements have been made in the buildings since last year. The attrac- tions on this occasion will be on a. far more extensive and elaborate scale than ever before. Space in all the buildings has been up lied for earlier than usual this season, an the live stock and agricultural depart- ment is away ahead of any previous year. All intending exhibitors should bear in mind that the time for receiving entries will close in a. few days, after which the books will not be again opened. In conclusion, we may say we cannot recommend a more pro- fitable or interesting holiday trip than a. a visit to the Toronto exhibition. During its continuance the cheapest rates of the year will prevail on all railways. .â€"â€"â€".â€"+.â€"â€"â€"â€"._ Living Questions ‘ are most esteemed by every intelligent man and woman. Derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels speedily present to us the living question of' obtaining relief. It is at once found‘in Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, which cure sick headache, bilious headache, constipation, indigestion, bilious Purely vegetable and perfect- ‘ _. .. - . neighbors. Probably no Hinder-n Medicine has obtained wider notoriety, within a iven time, than the roalhlay wonderful SLOC M's OXYGENIZED E ULSIONofPURE COD LIVER OIL. Tosufl'erers from lung troubles we say: take no other. As all druggists sell it, it is easily obtained. 1 . Silence is golden ; chin music is cheap. I erase .. some? A0. cs... 9.9."- A. P. 569. ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN or A POUND A DAY IN THE use or A MAN WHO HAS sscosn; “ALL RUN DowN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE TnAT REMARKABLE ruasu PRODUCER, sear-1's Ell-II [SleN DF PURE ODD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Is NOTHING UNUSUAL.- THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND oven AGAIN. PALATABLE As MILK. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. Scor'r’s EMULSION IS PUT up ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT 50c. AND $I.oo SCO 77‘ c» BO WIVE, Balm/ilk. AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS CUTTING Taught by Miss Chubb, General Agent for Ontario, 256} Yongc St, Toronto, Ont. ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers un- precedented facilities for ac uiring o. thOrpngh knowledge of Cutting: arms on application. 63 King St. West. 0 THE FRONT AGAIN. , For 20 cents and the nddresstot all the agents you know, we will mail you “_ Tonnage on Palestine,” the latest production of the celebrated divrnc, nearly 200 pages. ' E. N. Moyer 8:. 00., 60 Yonge Street, Toronto. THE BESTâ€"Business Education to prepare . young men and young women for respon- sxblc positions is given at the GALT BUSINESS COLLEGE,Galt Ont. Re-opcns Sept. lst. Circu- lars free. We want the name and ad- dressofevcrysuffer-rinthe & ASTHMA Instizr‘ni'nnrn: COMPOUND OXYGEN Will cure diseases which medic-inc is unablo'to much. It. roaches every nerve in the human I body. It Imports to all the vital forces of the system a new and healthy activity, gives back to nature the powersho has lost. and strength CURED TO STAY CURED. into the the country, and its population for the complaints named. Onctiny,sugar- 134‘- ‘V-1’~CORNELL,I31 D‘Arcy SLJ‘oronto. before many years will be much greater than contcd Pellet a dose. I shall not then pine, as 1 do now Carry them in your vest-pocket. it is now. for human society, and as I get better aquainted and little churches are staited i surfeit of my list of friends will increase, and I shall I I some- ' l I will not tell you her name, but one of Ithc neighbors says that during her brief could find plenty of visit the Other day the milk turned sour. I find missionary life more pleasant. times think that it would be more agrees- ablc to be a missions in Africa or India, for there, at least, In vials, 25 cents. The pro er thing to do when you have a. ust and heat is to surf it. The Milk Turned Sour. - meet. me. " people among whom to labor without going Her countenance looks a. yard long. She! mile I and miles to see them, and then find sighs perpetually. The cloud on her brow . very likely that there was no one there to _ is deep. If beaten out thin, I believe it i would cover the sky. Her voice is doleful, 'und her eyes show no radiance. l-lerl i wrinkles lure numberlcss. She is a. sorry DOGS FED FROM THE DINING CAR 5 picture, and all because she is the victim of .mllll‘ll‘llllll. LEEDS, For Circular Address J. DOAN & SON, 7’7 Northcotc Ave.. Toronto I m: ms: When I say I cum I do not mean merely to stop them for n. time and then have them return 11. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of ITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant In remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have hfledls no reason for not now recelvln a cure. Bend st ~ once for a treatise and n Free not 6 ofmy infallible rcmed . Give EXPRESS and POST-OFFICE. . ROOT, M. 0., [86 ADELAIDE ST. GAIN . s"; l one of those complaints common to women. Her system is deranged. She needs a. course They Have the (tholccst Crumbs that Fall I of selfltmatment with DR pierce’s Favorite from the Tourist's Tnblc. Fort Willinm, on the north shore of Luke Prescription. This will eradicate thorough- ly those excruciating periodical pains and Supcrior, seems venerable enough with its ' functional weaknesses incident to her sex, two or three buildings, a century old, of the Hudson Bay Company and the Catholic Futhcrs ; for nearly every other hamlet be- tween Ottawa and Winnipeg was called into being by the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and is therefore in its infancy. Ilotwccn Fort William and \Vinuipcg the milrosd traverses u very wild region, dotted and streaked by lI‘tliCS and rapid rivers, and covered with smull timber greatly charred by fire. There is scarcely n wilder stretch of mud .Ilong this transcontinental highway. At Sitvnnnc, well on the way to Winnipeg, a slwctaclc is wttncsscd twice a day that sinuses tho travellers on the Atlantic and tho l‘ucific express trains. As the trains halt luv a few minutes at the station n num- l her of hulfobrcd Indian Women are always soon on the platform. and as they are about the ms; specimens of the sort that are met on the journey west, the travellers gaze at tin-m with considerable interest. the other side of the track, where twentyor thirty dogs of various breeds are seen, some of them Iinc specimens of the Hudson Bay reputable appearance. All are athcrcd around a pile of kitchen refuse w Iich has been thrown out by the dining car cooks. All stray scraps of most are kept by the cooks until they reach Savanne, where thce a day, upon the arrival of the west and the cast-bound trains, the dogs havcatincfeast. The owners of the animals ncvcr pretend to , supply them with food, and the dogs depend entirely upon the treat they got from the dinin cars. There is alwsys sure to be en- ough or them. though their appetites are very keen, and the scramble fOI the choice morsvls is hourlin enjoyed by the lookers~ on. These dogs arc owned by the half breeds, and are very useful in winter as sledge teams. The half breeds hunt and they have Hudson Bay sledges, to which they hitch their dog teams and bring home the products of the chase. Savannc is probably the most southerly point where dog sledgcs are in use. The trains stop only a few minutes, 0 , Dyspe sin. .tions \ iso. pear, under its use, and your . Their at- ! tcnuon, however, Is suddenly diverted LO' {OXYUl-INIZI'ZI) l V I v‘ ‘ dog and others of mongrel descent and dis- i (’01) L“ l‘h 0”" i is the inevitable result. and at the some time build up and invigor- ate her whole system by its health~impurting influence. A trial bottle will convince. The car stove must go. Exactlyâ€"about the rate of twenty to fifty miles an hour. Better and Better. “ Better than grandeur, better than gold. Hotter than rank It thousand fold. Is it health? body a mind at case. And simple pleasures that always plcarse." To get and keep a healthy body, use Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery, a remedy designed to not only cure all dis- cases of the throat, lungs and chest, but keep the body in a thoroughly healthy con- dition. It cmdicutcs all impurities from the blood, and overcomes Indigestion and Blotchcs, Pimplcs and erup- mind can To “ at case" as to your health. Tbcxc is nothing that makes a. man so warm as talking continually about the heat. DR. 1'. .L SLOI'CJI'S. EMULSION of PURE If you have any Throat Troubleâ€"Use it. For sale by all druggists‘ This is the season of the year when the I hook and lyin‘ stories fill the air. “ The proof of the pudding is Ill-"outing of it." Try Adam‘s'l‘utti Frnlti Gum for weak digestion and be convinCcd of its great virtue. Sold everywhere 5c. Diligence is the mother of good luck, and success is the grandchild. \thrfthé‘ldmxl is out of condition disease Dr. “'illiams’ Pink Pills supply the constituents necessary to enrich the blood and buildrup the nerves, They cure suppressions, irregularities, debility. etc. Good for men an women, V young and old.- Sold by all dealers or sent 5 on receipt of price (50¢. a box). Ur. Williams Med.‘Co.. Brockville, Out. The Chicago girls admin- thcir own feet. No doubt they are carried away with them. Paradoxical but trueâ€"â€" When a carpenter goes on a strike he doesn’t use his hammer. EST. TORONTO, ONT. '5 ,THE BEST DOUGH MEDICINE. “1 BOLD BY DBUOGIEI‘B EVERYWHERE. . q . mfg-~:C._O;N 5U M,P.TION Dawson’s Chocolate Creams. Sold by all drungists, 25¢. a. box. I lit. ;.-. Bewar of lmitali " NOTICE AUTOGRAPH THE GREAT WORM REMEDY I EINEL‘Y DEDURATED TINW- MAODONALD MANUFACTURING OO'Y,‘ 23! Kins: Street East. Toronto. ? E Pox-Salobvnllneakrs. g i5 ii i i SEE I: II g2: Igééi. g ‘4 Eliâ€"i 2? E 3 E. a g i i a E. 5 Human a‘co,‘ Brockvllle, Ont. AND Al-‘l‘flcl'l-ID, WEAK, HERV- OIIS. wretched mortals. should read the HEALTH HELPER. It tells how to (ll-11‘ WELL. 500 a year, sample comes free. Address. - Editor, J. 1!. DIE. 31.0., Buffalo, KY. POMLYION I’llOVmEN‘T BENEVOLEN’I‘ 00 AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION. rated July, 1839. R. S. 0., Certificates issue with coupons payable every four years, _ and death benefit, without medical exam- ination. Agents wanted in unrepresented ter- ritory. Write at once to head Office. Strntford, Ont. (Mention this paper. MON 5‘“ i LONDON AND OANADIAN LOAN AND AOENOY OD, LIMITED 103 Bay Street, Torontl. Capital . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,(0 Money to Loan on improved forms. city and town property on liberal terms of repay- ment and AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES MUSE CIPAL DEBENTURES Punanssp. Apply to local appraisers or to J. F. KIRK, Manager. Choice farms forsele in Out. 65 Manitoba. OONSUMPTION.“ I have s posltlve remedy ‘for the above disease: by Its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standlng have been cured. Indeed so strongis my falth In Its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, with a VALUABLE TREATIBE on this disease to any sufferer who will send me their EXPRESS and 9.0. adilms. T. A. SLOOUM. M. 0., we ADELAIO ST., WEST, TORONTO. ONT. E WIII WILL IIII AND WIN 2 Be sick, weak, nervous and matched when they can as well be strong, well and hulp . Write for n. free sum 1e copy of the HEA HELPER the best eslth Journal published. It 18 edited by Dr. John H. Dye, who has made a. world wnlc reputation as n. writer and by his wonderful cures of Obscure delicate chronic diseases. Address HEALTH HELPER, 1’. O. Box 137,8ufl‘a10. N. Y. Ono subscriber writes “ The first number I got saved me more than $20, and my childrcns lives by. teaching me what to_do in scarlet fever, while my neigh- childrcn all died and he had a. big doctor I . HAMILTON LADIES’ COLLEGE and CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Will rc-opcn on Sept. ' 7, 1891. The 3lst year. Over 300 graduates. Courses in literature, music, art, olocution. bookkcc - ing, shorthand, t ' cwriting, etc. Music pupi 5 prepared for the us. Bnc. degree. For terms and Free Catalogue address the Principal. A. BURNS, S. T.. D.. L. I..D PARTNER WANTED. Wanted a. Person with Capital to ioin an Established House and take an active interest in management. Object to extend business here and in England. Address P. O. Box 523, Toronto. . FIELD'I‘RAOD Coast: EAR .............m......e.°:.:s Toronto Fair, or Oman m AGENCY. 817 Church 8%. Tomato. T‘Ififum‘ m... Ohmsmd TIE ASHE" u m grins nfigwmm no or. us vs 11 “apolnter. " rib for terms. &c., of 0,3.- flmtclass and M selling books. Eve book recommended. WILLIA 563. Publisher Toronto, Cacti-Io PPEE CANADA COHEOE. FOUNDED 1829- The and session will n in the new build.- in on THURSDAY. 8. EMBED. 16th. staff of masters In every do out.» the Classlml, the Modern or Solon Do and the Commercial. Facilities for instruction in Vocal, and Instru- mental Music and Drawing In all its bronchus. F respect vln full information to "p “8'9 Hispanicer ‘ Upper Canada College. MAN'S WONDERFUL NETWORK. As all lights up the ebbing names, as frgsh fuel replaces the dead ;, embers SUCH VIR~ 2 TUES HATE S'I‘.LEON WATER. POWERFUL BEYOND COMPARI- SON,toel .tosup- or and t at {T0 DERFUL '1'. WORK, thoNERVES, through which alone building and repairing of the body is surfed o and health an eta-fir; ' flows. To all who St. Leon comes sue health and pleasure as never before known. THE ST. L N MEDAL f WATglI‘Hito '1‘ TED). HEAD OFFICEâ€"Ion; King St. West. BRANCH Tidy's Yongc St. Uses BEST THE IMPROVED STANDARD Send postal for new Circular for Season 1891. Waterous Engine Works 00., Brantford, Canada. III III.» NII mu 0! MI crota and Dakota on the line of the Greatlil‘oiithern Raiquy. 'Thisls sottlcdto a largojoatont by CANADIA NS, so that now Red - River Vulloyis like a Canadian settlement. Each year's progress. slowly and sum. They have the benefit of good soil. good water, a. healthy climate, noccsslbllit to rail- way communication, and a HOME ARKET of over 65,000,000 people to purchase the produce of their farms. Are You Thinking of Emigrating To the Northwest? It so, wolgh and consider well every little domil~cvcry rcqhh'e uent no essential and necessary tosucccss. V rlto‘ for particulars to .l. M. llllCKlNS, or C. l. NVIIELLAMB, Enli- grutlon Agent. A Palmer House Block, filo-l ronto, Ont... or r. I. wmrsu, Grcah’ Northern ltuliway. St. Paul. Minn. ' TAR . Is the Beware of Imitations and B u RTEN‘ET‘” ALL HEALING AND OWE; EElNE SOAP only reliable and safe Soap to wash your head with. It preserves the hair, makes it grow, keeps the scalp healthy. always ask for BURTON; Use Peerless Axle Grease for w one and outings. Peerless Hoof Ointment is a. reaggrkable rgmody for all kinds sores. etc, in horses and cattle, cures cracked and handbook, etc. Sold everywhere. . ' ~ g «M‘s/3. rW/y WWW MOM W, wmvm’»« :3 Munâ€"nume man. M “(News‘s-a ‘AA‘A ‘ .‘ WK.“

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