:xniï¬â€˜au“ ' .... ..~....-..._... - VOL. XI_X. \Ve have just re- ceived this week full supplies of every- thing required for Schools. All kinds of School Books, Copy Books, Slates, Scrib- blerskd'c†in fact any- thing needed in the School line. Call and get your supplies ‘ early at Ellis} C/zeaj) Ci)" fi’c/iaé/c Drug and 1300/5 Store. W. E. ELLBS. Fenelon Falls, August 18th, 1801. l’r'ofcssional Cards. ,_..---_._.....__ - _,._. _. .......___. LEGAL &c. , __ ___.~._â€"_...._.. A. 1’. DEVLIN, .\RRISTER, Attorncymt-Lavv, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS. (Successor; ro Manna & Ilormus) ARRIS'I‘ER, SOLICITUR, kc Money :) to Loan at 6 per cent. Ofï¬ce, “11-- linm street, next to the Bank of Montreal. -,_.,__.~'______________..________. MOORE JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLIUITtéRS, kc. Of- ‘ "il' m street Lin say. 1". [i‘fxillo‘iiiinm ’ A. JACKSON. O'LEARY 8'. O'LEARY, ' i - - AW ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS AT L. , Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ofï¬ce, Dohcn Block, Kentstrcet, Lindsay, Anrayun O’LsAItr. Noon 0 Lunar. _,___._.__,_________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MCINTYRE 83 STEWART, RISTERS Solicitors, Notaries, szc. BAtlliices over’Ontario Bank, hent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on may terms. 0. J. Molarran. "BARRON & MCLA UGHU/V. ‘ - ‘ ’ Block ARlllnTERS 132.». Oilice . Bakers ' I Kent Street: Lindsay, opposnte Vcitch’s Hotel. Honey to loan at lowest rates of ' . t. . “Ilia: One of the ï¬rm will be at their of- ï¬ce in Jordan’s Block, Fenelon Falls, regu- larly every Tuesday. Jon: A. anox. X'ï¬â€˜Tg'. M 3.31:". 'V " 1...â€: MEDICAL. Wâ€â€" A. w. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., ORONRR Physician Surgeon,&c., &c. Residencb, Brick Cdttagc, Wellington street, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON. â€"u. 3., u. 0.11.; 5., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON it ACCOUCII- our. Oflire. Colborne Street, l-cnelon Falls. T. Srswmr. R. J. McLauenua‘ DR. H. Ii. GRAHAM, Eutle ~ -Vv. goods for the least i Remember lâ€"We do not ly uttclct'sell all other dealers. Boots and Shoes. We have watched the markets closely and you williproï¬t, by this. We show A Very .Much Choicer Range of ï¬ends than Ever Before. We handle the best We positive 111 inter Hmn@ï¬ï¬‚ & Graham, t article to your house. Rememberlâ€"We give you sixteen ounces to the pound every time, actor of the goods we sell recommending them to our customers. ' har mg c we you a po 11% It will pay you to see our goods before buying elsewhere. lar with good house-keepers, the sterl ewi. We are better prepared to handle our largely increased trade. Fenelon Falls, September 9th, 1891. show you a sample, and then send an entirely difl'eren and oftentimes a shade more. money. 1s popu S. NEVISON, PBAGTIGAL PAINTER 85 PAPER HANGER, â€"AND DEALER INâ€" Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Fancy Goods and Musical Instruments, Gold and Silver Watches, Rings, Clocks, other Jewelry, Crockery and Glass-ware. :0: amour. ot the Universityol Trinity l m OIL-PAINTED SHADES A SPECIALTY. ' olle e, Fellow of Trinity Medical Selma], Mgemher of the Royal College or Surgeons oi England,Memhcr oi the 091- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Dillon and residence on Frauen-St. \\ est Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gaulte oï¬ice. ...__.. ._.-_.. ..... summons. I l m _. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8.. P. Conveyancer, kc. Residence, and ad- Iron, Fenelon Falls. W-†‘ I. H. 880 s, ' DENTIST, LINDSAJE. will be at the “ McArthur House," Fenelon Falls, the second Wednesday ot'eneh month. Beautiful and durable artiï¬cial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done Karly 27 yenn’ experience. 164;. Two doors South of Mr. Heard’s hardware store. 8. HEVISON. Fenelon Falls, August 19th, 1891. H. AUSTIN’S 0L! STAND. _ *\n.$ Ar «n. - 1.. -...‘.. c - . n.‘\-. e "s. .r. _» O, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30m, 1891. y: ‘A. . v..~, i.~~-._«\ ‘. .._-...~, . . . or, NOTICE. A‘l Notes made payable to JAMES BRA" Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON & Go- }‘cnclon Falls, June 30th, 1891.â€"-19 t.f. INSUR:&NCE. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURAXCE l 00. issues by far the best Farm policy 8 in Canada. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. Fenelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 17. ' â€"- Having in store a large and well assorted Stock of Student’s Easy Chairs, CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES. and everything usually kept in a ï¬rst c'ass Furniture Store, all in want of something nice for CHRISTMAS AND NEW vars Presrnts will do well to call and EXAMINE MY STOCK .before purchasing elsewhere. W All good Goods, and purchased low 1:. DEYBIAN, txnsnr/txua 8: qunrunn DEALER, Uolborne Street, Fenelon Falls. R E 1‘1 O V7 A L. Dr. GRAHAM " has removed four doors cast to his own residence, nearly opposite Mr. McKeown’s furniture factory. Fenelon Falls, July 23rd, 1891. 22-4. LUMBER. We have all kinds Dressed Lumber; also, Common Pine and Hemlock from $3 to $7 per 1,000 feetâ€"Cheap for cash or hay, oats, peas or barley, at market prices at Penelon Falls village. Timothy hay prefer- red. First come ï¬rst served. GREENE & ELLIS. Fenelon Falls, Octt 17th, 1891. 34-4. LINDSAY Marble Works. R. OHEIBERS 332% is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Matthews' puking house. Being a practical workman all should ste his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. BOBT. CHAMBER?» North of the Town Hall “0h! Mamma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine HEADQUARTERS “ Read this. Willie-†‘ The Oil: for Genuine Satisfaction {or all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED LAlllllitiE & GYUNEB DllS, used by the Largest Millmen in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS & 00., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD In Fenelon Falls. Oil.†IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR hum Paper and Picture Frames -â€"l5 11'â€" w. A. eoonwrws, Baker’s Block, Kent-st†Lindsay. Artisls’ Goods 3 Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dre Works Agency. 38‘ Please ed] and see my 5c. Paper. Linduy, April 1nd, 1891. «a ;â€" 1.. -x - Millions Must StarV-s. Loxnox. Oct. Lilâ€"Winter began in Russia on Thursday with the ï¬rst sharp frost. Living men cannot rum-tuber any other year in which this simple ant nounccmcnt meant what it does now; There are literally millions of human brings, at the furthest within a six-days' journey oanndon, to whom this frost comes as a sentence of death by starv‘a. tiuu. Althongh the censors have for~ bidulen the Russian papers to discuss the famine, The Novost ventures the declaration that 20,000,000 creatures are already without food and that a sum four times greater than the recent loan extracted from France is needed to keep them alive. Needless to say, no such sum is forthcoming. Indeed, in the mutter of intelligent relief noth- ing is forthcoming. Vague ï¬gures are given of money vied for the sufferers quite often by eccentric emotional de- vices of sell'denittl, which show the warm-hearted childishness of the Slttv, but nobody is able to tell how this mou~ ey has been applied. The only intelli- gt-ncc which reaches us from the doom. cd district is of the famine prices put everywhere upon food by the Russian lllt‘l‘ClltllllS, and of Russian usurers and small traders who are going about trad. ing upon the misery of the peasants, buying hair from the heads of p0or girls tor a few shillings and stripping houses of every portable article. old iron. pies lures, costumes handed down from mother to daughter, and the like, lor next to nothing. O..- A Miraculous Escape. LONDON, Ont., Oct. 25.â€"A serious smash-up occurred in the C. l’. R. yard here about 10 o’clock last night. A train of between twenty and thirty freight cars, comprising empty Armour refrigerators and flats, was leaving for the west with an engine on either end. A switch just west of Waterloo street' had been hit open and the train run on to a siding. On this were a number of loaded coal all cars and a box car. In the latter was Rev. Thomas Patton, (Reformed Presbyterian), of Balines- ville,,N. B., who was on his way to Lin- ton, Iowa. The rev. gentleman had with him in the car, besides a quantity of household effects, his horse and bug: gy, and had been side tracked on ac- count of his scruples against Sundny' travelling. The driver of the front. on- gine,observiug the danger, did all in his power to prevent a pitch in. but the rear engine, noticing the speed slack- ening, put on more steam, and the re- sult was the front engine dashed into the Minister's car with great force. A portion of the side of the car was knock- ed out and Mr. Patton slid gractil'ully to the ground, alighting on his side. Strange to relate, he escaped with but slight bruises to one side and a couple of scalp wounds. On looking" around lor his horse, he found the ani- mal quietly grazing near by. The wonâ€" der is that he escaped instant death, seeing that the car was completely wrecked. The force of the' collision was such that some 8 or 10 cars were turned over on their sides, several of them being smashed into kindling wood, and scarcely one escaped damage. The fireman of the front engine. George Burr, of Pall Mall street, being an experienced haud,jumped and alightcd on his head. sustaining serious injury, the doctors fearing concussion oi' the brain. 'l‘raiiic was interrupted for seven hours, and a wrecking crew have been at work on ti o debris all day. The switchman is blamed for the disaster. The loss to the company will be several thousand dollars. -0 - o w--.»- â€"â€" Spanish fever has broken out at the Cincinnati stock yards, and sewnteen cattle have already died of the disease. The E tglish sparrow was introduva-d into the States in 1853. Now he rava- ges 37 states and six territories, com- prising an area of 885 000 square miles, and in Canada he is familiar over 160,- 000 square milns of territory. A woman bought 15 buttons in a Gi- rartl, Kansas, dry goods store at a cent. apiece the other day. Next day she stepped in for some skirt braid. costing (our cents, and for payment presented three of the buttons bought the previ- ous day and a cent. The trial of a notorious female brig- and named Miler has commenced at Posarcvnts. She has been the terror of Servia for years on account of the u u tnre which she inflicted upon her we- tims. She is charged with thorn-mt murders and an endless number of rob. beries. f It sate can. t' i a .A Ala/e.»- ‘ M..._._. MWW Mm Wm AAA‘MI- “n..-