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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Nov 1891, p. 3

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CUBEIJ isms]: His WILL. After Ten Years of Suffering a Hamilton Man is Restored toHealth. A Case limiting the marvellous Cure of John 313M311- Hamilton Times, Saturday, Oct, 24th. “ A good name is more to be desired than great riches.” The truth of this scripture quotation is proven every day. Once a per- son are. firmor an institution achieves a good name its road to success is short and sure, but to achieve a good name is quite a differ- ent thing. Not many months ago the Times brought to light one of the most marvellous cures that has ever been effected. Mr. John Marshall, after being’ for years afflicted with locomtor atax y, supposed to‘ be incurable and after having been paid $1,000 from the Royal Templars as being totally disabled for life, was permanentl' cured by them use of Dr. Williams’ Pink ills. Mr. Marshall may be seen on thestreets any day, astron , healthy man, with no trace of his old tron Is. The case gave Pink Pills a name throughout the length and breadth of the land, and vastly increased sales of the remed followed. The results are being seen on a1 sides now in wonderful cures wrovght. ' The Times came across two yesterday. At No. 196 York street Mr. \V. J. Clark, who is employed in Messrs. John Calder ll: Co ’3 clothing manufaclorv, was seen at his ' resiâ€" dence and was-pleased with the opportunity .of saying a good word for the remedy that had put him in a position to enjoy life, after ten years of affliction. Mr. Clark is ayoung man of intelligence, and told'the story of his case in an interesting manner. “ Ten years ago,’ he said “ I ot a. very heavy cold, which settled in t e small of my back and has ever since, u to short a‘timc ago, defied all the remedies could hear of and the skill of many doctors. At times I was so bad that I could not work and was seldom free from pain whether standing, sitting, walk. ing or lying. The only thing that gave me relief was an herb I got from an herbalist. For two weeks it relieved me and then the pains returned. I got more herbs, but whether they were the same or not, or whether they simply ceased to operate I can‘t say, but I got no more relief from herbs. Turpentine applied on hot cloths and taken internally gave me relief for a lit- tle while, but I gave that up too. Several doctors examined me and said, “ Oh it’s nothing i” They gave me medicines which they said would make it all right, but which didn’t. After almost ten years ’ of declaring I came to the conclusion I would never be cured, and tried to ‘ resign myself to my lot. Some months ago I; went into the country to see my father. , He said to me, ‘ Will, I have something here I want you to takeâ€"a box of Pink Pills!’ -I re- plied to him : ‘ -~ I ‘ You mightas well throw them out the door.’ . . ', ‘ Take them for my sake,’ Will, he said, and I said I would do "anything for him, though I had no faith in them~â€"‘ They are not worth that,’ I said, snapping my fin- era. 8 I took the box and really felt better. They gave me an appetite, at any rate, and lessen- ed the pain. So I resolved to continue them. After using‘three boxes I stopped. That is over three weeks ago, and I am now well and strong. The pain is all. one and I do my work like a new man. am now work- ing over-time until 10 o‘clock, and stand it well. I have gained in weight and feel better every way. It was. no case of faith cure with me, for I had no faith in the pills at all. My matelat work, at my advice, took .Pink Pills to build up the system, and says he is much better ; he certainly looks it. ” “ Yes,” remarked Mr. Clark as the Times reporter was withdrawing,l“‘yo'u may use my name, and if you see any one who has I any doubts as to the curing properties ofI era oxidants by post id, by address- ing the DK.,Williama" Mefibine Cc., Breck- vllle, Ont. , or Morristown, N.Y. THROWN INTO BOILING SPRINGS. ch Light l'pon the Fate of the Christians in- Japan Two ('enturles Ago. Anyone who reads books on Japan will remember that heis told, if he ever visits the harbor of Na ki, thathemust look at the lofty rock 0 'Pappenberg, descending sheer for some hundreds of feet into the deep water. He is further informed that in the seventeenth century, when there were many’Christian converts ~ in Japan, thousands of .them were cast into the sea from this cliff. It will be remembered that there was a rebellion of Christians in south- ern Japan, the rebels undertakin to over- throwthe Government and, estab ‘sh their new faith as the state religion of Japan. It was after'the suppression : of this rebellion that the frightful persecution of the Christ- ians began. . ‘ \ V ' Dr. ’Reiss, a professorfiin the University of Tokio, has recently been investigating the records of this Christian rebellion. 1 He has shomfluite conclusivelythat the rock of Pappeuberg was not used for thepurpose described'io tourists. ’ N o mention of throwing the, Christians ever the rock is made in any of the contemporaneous records , and Dr. Reiss says that it would have been absurd to have dragged the prisoners to that distant place. . ‘ ‘ J ‘ What happened, however, was even more frightful, and the scene was quite different. The rebellion occurred in Sliimabara whose interior has for its conspicuous object a volcanic mountain mass, called Onsenga, which is said to‘have one. of the largest craters in the world, while its slopes and base are full of boiling sulphursprings in a constant stateofefl‘ervescence. Dr. Reiss says that the greatest number of victims of the rage of heathen Japan were taken to On- senga and hurled from a precipice on the mountain side into the boiling sulphurous springs below. Japanese sources of infor- mation coincide with the missionary reports that this was the form of execution common~ 1y employed, and-'that‘ it remained in use for a long period. Shimabara is almost an island in agreat inlet’ on the west side of Kiusiu, the bigseuthern island of Japan. It is connectedwith the mainland by a narrow isthmus. The volcanic mass of Ohsenga. in the centre of the district, is plainly marked on any good map. _â€"___._____.__.'__ "To DEFEND STAM‘BOUL. The Sultan Calls [German Engineers to Help illin for Emergent: (as. The Sultan is hastening preparations for the efl‘ectivefortification of the .Bosphorus and thexDardanelles. He does not propose to intrust the work to Turkish, oflicers, but has already. engaged some _ 'of‘tlie best en- gineering talent in 'the German Army for the purpose. VYit-h the consent of King William, M ajor Steffen of the German Army has been given aleave of absence, prolonged for three months, to instruct the Turkish ar- tiller in theme both of» heavy guns for forti cations and field pieces- The. artillery is to be thoroughly reorganized; under the Major’s supervision, and the work of re- . organization will keep pace with the laying out of the fortifications. New cannon are to be supplied from. . German and - British foundries, and both .the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles will be put in a condition to ,give a hotVreceptio'n to any fleet endeavor- 1ng to force an entrance. rm: SULTAN’ AND ma ENGLISH. It is said that the Sultan thoroughlyagreed in his recent conference with Sir \Villiam \Vhite, the British Ambassador, as to the growing danger of an attack upon Constan- tinople by the Russian fleet from the Black Sea, possibly aided by the French from the Dr- William’s I»)in Plus In“ send him to Mediterranean, and he then and there de me D Another ("asc- _ Mr. James \Vright, No. 1292; Bay street north, is another of the great army of wit- nesses. For a year he sutl'cred from diabe- tes, but was restored to health under the attention of Dr. Anderson. The disease however, left behind it a fearful state of nervousness, debility, lack of appetite, sleeplessncss and ringing noises in the cars and head, which at times drove Mr. Wright frantic. From weighing 180 unds he came down to 118. He was wel acquaint- ed with Mr. John Marshall and knew of his trouble. Hearing of his cure he decid- ed to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and (lid so in June last. After taking one box, all these troubles began to vanish and eleven boxes completely cured him, appetite re~ turned and sweet sleep was no longer a stranger to him. In two nionths‘lie recov- : cred eighteen pounds of his lost flesh and I a still gainin . Mr. \Vright is confident that the romei y will have the same ctfect : upon any one who is utilic.ed as he was, if given a fair trial. In connection with the wonderful cures. resulting from the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink i Pills, it must be gratifying to Canadians to i know that they are the discovery of a Cana- diau doctor, agraduatc of .‘Icliill College and post-graduate of Edinburin University. l Hitherto the great discoveries in intuit-hie have come to us from abroad, but Dr. \Vil- liains‘ Pink Pills have com ucrcd diseases hitherto declared by the wor 's ofspec: ilists as incurable. and have shed a new lustre on Canadian medical science. What is claimed for Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills is that they are an unfailing blood builder and nerve . tonic, supplying the wants incident to over- work, mental worry, or excesses of whatever ‘ nature. They stimulate the system, build; anew tho bleod.audrestorr shattered nerves, 2 removing the fruitful causes of prematurex decay and insanity. They are also a specific for the ills peculiar to women. such as sup- pression, bearing down pains,displaccments, I ulcerations, etc. They are a certain remedy for headaches, dimness of visiou,palpiialion, I shortness of breath, and by restorin the. blood to a healthy condition, bring wk 3 strength and the glow of health, where had been pale and sallow cheeks and broken down constitution. That these claims are not exrlggerated is borne out by the remark able cures investigated by the Times as well as by hundreds of testimonials from all parts of Canada in the possession of the pro priotor. One thing in connection with the use of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills is the compartively light coat of tmtment. They are sold in boxes (never is- bulk or by the hundred), at 50 cents a box. and may be had of all deal- clared his purpose to put himself in a posi- tion for a. defence that would last sufficient. ly long to enable friendly powers to come to the rescue. The Sultan is known to be deep- ly attached to Constantinople-as the Seat of the Ottoman Empire, and to have no inten- tion of abandoning it. The Manufacture of Damphor. Camphor is generally obtained from the tree by chopping the wood and roots into small pieces and boiling them with water in an iron vessel till the camphor begins to ad- here to the stirring utensil. The liquor is then strained and the camphor coucretes on standing. It is afterwards mixed with a finely-powdered earth, and sublimed from one metallic vessel into another. In Japan the chips are boiled in a vessel to which an earthen head containing straw has been fitted and the camphor sublinies and con- denses on the straw. Crude camphor very much resembles moist sugar until itisclean- ed. The refining process by sublimation re- quires care and experience. Almost all the camphor which comes into this country is imported from Japan and Formosa. In the latter place the crude camphor is thus usually obtained :â€" Anexpertselects a tree and scrapes into the trunk in various places, using an instrument resembling a rake, to ascertain whether it contains suilicient ‘camphor to repay the labor of extraction. If the scrapings obtained from the trunk yield well, the clipping is continued until the tree falls. The roots are then grubbed up, as it is certain they will yielda good return. A Sure Remedy for Neurnigln. Neuralgia is one of the most common and distressing complaints incidental to this climate. It is not confined to any particu- lar season, for whilst most general in the winter seasons, yet many sufl'er its excruci~ sting agony in the heat of summer. In late years this form of disease has become better known, and conse ueutly the means of relief have become great y increased in numbers, as well as in efficacy. Among the most powerful and penetratin combinations, placed Within the reach of t a public for the relief of neuralgia, we can mention no rem- edy ual to or more certain than Polson’s NonfiSIine. Its power over pain is some- thing wonderful, and .we advise a trial for neuralgia, or any other painful complaints. Too G ‘ “ Where are you oing my pretty maid 3” “ I’m going a-msilking, sir," she said ; “Can I go with you, mypretty maid 2" “ The cows would bite you, sir," she said. . â€"[t’uek. Luggage Transport in England and Amer- rui-e Cod mm}- on. ice. and Emulsions pro 1y made from it are The EnglishandAmericansystemsofdealo undetedl)’ the b remedies for pul- ing with travellers! luggage are entire} dif. monary complaints. Many emulsions have ferent. In England the traveller ooks been Fined on “10 What. but 110110 3601“ after his own lugs, e. of which the“, is no to have met with the success accorded to booking, and feels sand to keeps sharp SLOCUM’b EMULSION 0f PURE COD lookout after it at junctions where i L!‘ ER our Their hbomtoryls at 136 changes have to be made from one train to “escAdCIQde Stu Toronto. Ont-3 i3 00‘” another. In America, 50500:: as you have smnuy £0198 911d eve" drussist in “1° “ checked" your impedimeuta by seeing the celimrl' 13 suIll-“led Witht ° humus rem“?- oflicial hitch bras: tickets upon the several 3" “5- Per boule- boxes and trunksâ€"the exact duplicates of 'a-r- 1 - ~ or hem th Bacon, d aim a an so -‘ vigorate and Bonn) - the 81.00!) and 8mm. when broken 0 . . which he hands to youâ€"all care is over. As yeirglizgg§$i3§£:dla never grow Older w , . ~ ' j 2:92;! a, °m you you approach your destination an “ eq- _ . . V, ' . , ': I excesses mindless-e- presg man, "persmbulating the long carri- . Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure men‘ahd 3' . .. . . , “9‘”; Th” “'0 . age, Will make note of your hotel or. resld- ‘women, young and old. They" rebuild the A Effigéflfixfi ence, take the brass tickets, for which_ be blood and nervous system and restore lost bothmen and women, hands you a‘rece’ipt, and your belongings energies. If you smelling-give them a fair ~ ‘ “mg m “a” Will then be delivered almost as quickly as trial, _ ‘ 7 ' fizmg “:2 -~ Surrnsssious. “A Who finds his mental taco h. ph i u nnlties dial] o5 giklln , or As a cure for cold in the head and catarrh P3,” “The powerrzmrseg 51%? got“ a "no . _ , . will ‘ onergi bill-h ~NasalBalm has won a.» remarkable record physical an mental; "9 ‘ u' the carriage or omnibus can deposit your- self. Meddlesome people never have medal; ~ struck in their honor. .â€".____°___â€" A Wise Young \Vomnn. Young Agolphus Fitzwilliani. he lovedafair' fr m Au _ to h PM I I h“ M max . . _ - , , p 0m, e antic t e ' c. t never I on] take em. But to ask her to marry him he was afraid. fails. Give it trial. A11 dealer; .Thoy cm 311 all?- Because of catarrh, which she had verybad ; 1 pre sions and irregularities. which inevitab y 30 mucth stotttllmt ofocn tlto‘yoluth qllllte glad Eutinor can wreck a bank as well as a re. entail sickness when neglected. O‘Oml a 0 par mg. e 1580 _ 0. over. ._ u ‘ , .. .. .- .f .. .' ' . mm The reason of this she set out to discover. P on fiznymm °°$2°°m pg: “ Catarrh makes me loathspme‘. It‘sfatel t0 . ‘ sultan: youthful bad habits. and strengthen the “The proof of the pudding is the eating of love. . . ,, p , . . 3 tom O.‘darlin Adolphus. by allthat‘s above . - lt'; Try Adam sTuttx Frutt: Gum for Weak 3‘ ' I vow I'lInot lose thee if something thcrb is digEStion and be‘colivin‘ced of its great 'vir- gigng Put“? Emgrfii . .tue. Sold everywhere. 5 cents. make them regular. ‘~ ""~*" ' " l' ‘- ‘ Forsaleb all druggis orwill be sent 11 When woman finally, selects. her sphere receipt of prylce (50¢. per 35:), by (undressingpon man Will know definitely. what she is here THE DB, wrms’ MEDK: CD. for. ~ » - ,Brockvme, Out. To drive out catarrh and to sweeten a kiss”. , So this wise young woman began search- ing fora cure, and good luck attended her. She found Dr. bagefs Catarrh Remedy, at the drug store, and felt convinced that a preparation which the proprietors had such confidence in that they were willing to offer to pay $500 for a case they cannot cure, owner's Too'riucr‘m'cun. For sale by Drugglsts, Price 150. must beworthirying. She bought it. She . . .. tried it. It cured her. And when Adolphus .-.-- - Beware of lmltations. kissed her at the altar last. week. her kiss "' . NOTICE was as sweet and pure as roses in June. ' AUTOGgAPH - ' Girls, a word of advice : If you wants 9 o lover to stay alover, you must get rid of catarrh. Do as this sensible girl did, and get‘the only sure remedy for thisd is usting and dangerous diseaseâ€"Dr. Sagc’s atarrhr Remedy. _ Too much money will break a. faro bank, ‘ That Helps to Cure The cold. i The disagreeable ‘ ; taste of'the " “ but not a national bank. _ . . v a f. .- l. U _ Worn and Wan and Weak and Weary _ p Ho! ye women, worn and weary, with 15 GUSSipated In , MANUFACTURED BY, - ’ lOREELMA/V‘BRW GEORGETOWNQN'I? , _ fidVERrIsjEMENfIsroR You, :-~: 45456000 ran $299 srlvoirAND‘A .sictlv’rS‘nmP ms ML‘PARTICULAES y wan faces and so indescribably weak. Those distressing, dragging-down pains, and that constant weakness and wornncss and weari- ness can be cured. For all such sufferers, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a. panacea of inestimable value. As an invigorating tonic, it imparts strength to the whole system. For “overworked,” , semis 'PRICE'uIs'T v-wgl E FI'I'SI ii IS 1' Wh worn out, debilitatod teachers; dress Pure Cod layer 011 With makers, seamstresscs, shop-girls, house- on 115 I cure Ido not mean merely tostop them . ‘ HypopflosPHITEs fora time and then hov them return a sin I mean a keepers, nursing mothers, can feeble women OF I _ v radical cure. I have ma 0 the disease of Inc's, armor. generally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription "IME AN D SOD-Aw 5" 0' FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I “mm m remedy to cure the worst cases. 13 faded Is no reason for not new recelvlnmmamcourzt}!eSondrs uh: once for a treatlso and a Free BottIe of my infallible remodé. Give EXPRESS and FOBT-OFFICE. . R OT, M, o, 53T- ORON'ro. biling ADELA'DE ST- . The patient suffering from V‘ CON SUMPTI‘O-N. 31203501111718, COUCH. COLD, 0R VNAS I‘ING DISEASES, takes the remedy as he would take milk. A per- foot cmulsmn, and a wonderful flesh producer. Take no other. All Druggista, 50s., 1.00. SCOTT c9: BOWNE,‘ Believille. M We want the name and ad- dressof every sufferer in the & U. S.and Canada. Address, P. Harold Eaves. ll.ll., But‘do. M. IORCNTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers unpre- cedented facilities-for acquiringa thor- ough knowledge of garmentcu'tting in all its branches. Systems easily learned. Terms moderate. Satisfaction assured. Send for particulars. 63KING 81‘. WEST. - . ALJIAGE 0N I‘lLESTINE. is the greatest earthly. boon, being‘uuequal- , ed as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a. soothing and strengthening nervine, ‘ ‘ Favorite Prescription is unequaled and invaluable in alloying and subduing nervousexcitability, exhaustion,prostrution, ‘ hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms, commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondench Dead men tell no talcs,-but their biograph- ers weave romances. All For a Barley Corn. LaFoutuine, in one of his fables, tells of a barnyard fowl that scratched up a gem while scratching for corn. Not knowing its value he gave it to astone-cutter for a. barley corn. Thus do many persons throw away the priceless pearl of health. A' “ trifling ” cough is neglected, then comes consumption then death. Stay the cough, or look out for a. coffin. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery will cure catarrh ‘in the head, bronchial or throat affections, or lung-scro- fula (commonly known as the consumption of the lungs). If taken in tire. and given a fair trial, it will cure, or the money paid for it will be refunded. It is the only guar- anteed cure. The fellow who is always in deep water is usually shallow himself, MONEY! MONEY! MONEYI LDNDDN. AND CANADIAN ii _ .L 103 Bay Street. Toronto. Coast) ’To' smv cusso. M_m Capital....................$5,000.000. Money to Loan on improved farms. city and town property on liberal terms of re ay- ment and AT LOWEST ( unusm‘ RATES. UN OIPAL Dannm‘uuns Pl. ncnasrm. . . . . , Apply to local appraisers or to Contains nearly 200 is es. Tholatcst ' » production of the ,cclebrafhdg divine. Price J- F- KIRK: M33333?- 35 cts.» Agents .. wanted everywhere. E. N. 0110108 farmsforsalein Ont. deuanltoba MOtYER 8.: 00., Publishers, 60 Yongo St.. To- ron o. , SAUSAGE CASINGS- W spare distributing-vanents for MCBRIDEIS CELEImM‘uD Exdnisn‘ Slim:er CASINOS, put up in kegs of 50 bundles. Finest American Hogs’ Casin s on hand. orders til ed for any desired. unntity. Low- est priccs to the trade. JAE}. ARK 8r. SON KOFF NO MOB El Natures Creative Powers Surpass all thearts of man. Fearless of contradiction, St. Leon mineral water has proved its super- iority. Used freely as a table water it absorbs those secretions that quench life. Also St. Leon soothes, feeds, and tones up the nerve and vital forces, is so full of that mysterious life, sustaining fluid can be ignited. The charmed, refined feelings that flow steadin on when St. Leon is imbibed those only can tell who try it well. Honesty is the best policy ; but the policy men don’t think so. Dr. T. A. Solcum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have a wasting away of Fleshâ€"Use it. For sale by all drug- gists. 3.3 cents per bottle. All the world's astage, and it’s full of bad actors. warsou's COUGII DROPS Will give positive and instant relief to those suffering from Colds. lloarscness, Sore Throat, etc.. and are invaluable to Orators and Vocalists. It. &'i‘. ’W. stamped on each drop. Try them. FINE DEUURITED,, ,, TINWIRE MACDONALD MANUFACTURING DD’Y 231 King Street East, Toronto mi-..“ Mag... .r u ....s THE GREAT Olll REMEDY. Dawson’s Chocolate Creams. \ Sold by all 9mm... 25¢ a box. ' :7'AIITIFICIAL LIIIBS J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, 77 Northcote Ave.. Toronto DNSIIMP'I'I I have a positive remedy for the above disease: by its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing havebeencured. Indeed-o strangle my mo: In Its emcee], that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, with n VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any sufferer who will send me their EXPRESS and P.0. Milton. T. A. SLOCUM, M. 0., we ADELAIDE ST.. WEST. l'oaou‘ro. ONT. Tu: IMPROVED STANDARD ,.__ ,_,,.,...- .,.. A. P. 579. How to make money,buy the Patent right for Canada. for this " Hair Dye" and [nvigorston "Grain Meter" Patent ri~ht for Canada for $110. easy terms. Address‘lxvnxron’s UNION, ' oronto. FA FIELD TEA cues Constimtion, Sick l Headache, restores the Complexion. Get Free Sample at Gsnrrann 'l'na Aosxcv, 17 Church St, 'l'orcnlo. Use the B. F. 1’. COUGH DROP. Ask your Drnggist, Grocer, or Confectionary for them. Manufactured by the Tonox'ro Biscurr AND CONFECTIONERY Co , Toronto. URNEW BOOK “House and Home." a complete housewife's guideby Marion Har- lood. the greatest living writer on household matters.areeognizcdhuthority in all domes- tic aifairs. Send for illustrated circulars and terms. \VM. Buioos. PUBLISHER, 'l‘omntn. WW DR. TAFT sasrmramxa ASTH M our address. and wefwfll REDIIIIEII (iii? ,ittle. mt TAFT BROS. ROCHES- R E T ‘ i'.Y.C. Al" LISGA lail m» . Stinelr'f'l‘zoldbgro. Dancing: AGENTS WANTED 0N SALARY or commission. to handle the New Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Ilene“. Agfints making 50 per «ve'ek. Monroe Eraser {'3 Co;,La .'losw.W‘ls.,80x 831. ~ .THE ‘ BOILER. lNSPECI‘ON AND insurance 00., or owns. Established for the prevention of steam boiler explosion biproper in gctions. Seriexander Campbell. '.C.- 1.6.. icu'.~(‘xov. of Ontario. President. Bead once. Canada Life Bulld- ing. King St. W.. Toronto. rooms 49 and so. Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents. 630.0. Rona. Chief Engineer. A. Fauna, Soc Send postal for new Circular for l89l. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CD. BRANTFORD,’CAN Containing a. large percent- age of the flour of Oatmeal. It makes and keeps Lady’s handshsoft and smooth.“ It cures eczema. and all dis- Be Sure vfifim Genuine. ' Made by The AIIIBPI Toilet Soap Company. eases 0f théSkin.. , . . _ .. v00. .- .. m... .. “an... .. ,..-..-m..m~.awmnxm «Whet'p‘irtth-i‘w .._l’_.an -h A I I I I . . ,.MMM'

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