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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Jan 1892, p. 8

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.t: 5 <. 1,}; . of loud, 2 000.000 Dog Law in England. stare," mid Mr. Justice Wright, in a case tried in the English High Court ul Justice; and the obnrvation was i 'For Saleâ€"A Bargain. l The law a ' ' ‘ . , , bout dogs Is In a curious ‘ of Colborne street, in the Village of Fenc- Lot 3'0. 6 north of Bond street and west lon Falls, with buildings, engine and boiler â€"formcrly used as a carding mill. Apply at once to “ w M cm Is Selling His Entire Stock of FURNITURE N! g to us, and we will send , thiscleetnt watch“ rogers-n examine. l . . . , cf." SEND summon“ .3. u by “puns. 0.0. u do not and 1t ~lindevemnnro than we claim (or l‘ulA cxatliplitied in the coura'c of the G- H- HOPKINS. ‘torr. New -. ' _ , , - - ‘ Barrister Exproultgent OBI trial. The father of a lllllt. boy of 51%,: Lindsay at. and «men .‘lltd a Roman Catholic priest for "organs owat‘ . Such a .f. '-:'tl"l- i . ‘ __ _ 3.123;... 2: ::.::,:.:.:1.:::;l‘3.530233% THE 1% Below W Eng-35am 935$ “m“..w- ' . T 01> um. The priest kept a school; the ROYAL CANA DIAJN oflnanufactnre. in order to nutkc roonl for 110\\' 133%? “1‘33be rings were Confined to the premises; but one tln)‘, according to the evidence of the pluintifi', they slipped through the force and worried the little boy, who INSURANCE COMPANY,- vs. designs and patterns. Call early and secure bargains, as I am selling; cheaper than any dealer in the County. tore. red. Th . a nulno “(mg 3 Lb! WATCH 0 Is . Fl -. ot .. plates of' 80L . 00th over- compo - \-.:i.~'playing in an adjoining field. The THE LONDON LIUTUAL, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. §°§§8§$§§§ lvlicat declared that. the child was trts- passing in the carden,and he denied the ferocity ci'thc dogs, but he did not attempt to deny the injuries. The-c were most serious. The poor child's clothes were torn to shreds, his head, arm and log were bitten and gnawed, !)U," propensities. .â€" ........ _. O ._... The Russian Famine. The Russian famine appears to be assunung vast proportions. A trust- worthy correspondent. dcclairs that in , tho Province ofSnmara, where he re- sidcs, one-half of the populationâ€"no fewer than 1,250,000 personsâ€"arelitcr- ally dying of starvation, and chasseur, the eminent French statistican, has calculated that to supply the deficiency - in thirteen provinces 6,500 ships must be employed carrying 128,000,000 hec- Million 01 grain, which would cost £60,- 000,000. The State has not the moncy 1o .~pcnd, nor even if it found tho-money could it provide the means of transport over a surface of 1,000,000 square kilo- meters to the 5,400,000 houses in want Moreover, the assertions at ti:-.-t elaborately denied and anxiously . disbelieved that the official corruption ' would not. be checked, even by the horrors of so dire a calamity, have now -. been abundantly proved to be true. ', The entire subscription of St. Petersburc -. for the benefit ofits own poor and thosc , of tho environs has been stolen; the 15,- pounds of rye flour purchased has been found to be so inl'amously zulultrntcd as to be wholly uneatablc . and in parts poisonous. The revelations ~, are now but beginning. .. more of them. We shall bear A Crazy Girl’s Crime. COLUMBUS, Wis, Jan. 10.â€"â€"Lyddia , A. Walker, the 17 your old daughter of Samuel Walker, living in Columns, four , miles from this city, was yesterday dis- - ccher in the act of setting tire to a horn belonging to Julius Venio. She , sought to cscwpc by running: away, but tiudilu,r her pursucr coining upon her, she drew a large butcher knife and dolled arrest. Two blows from a club were necessary to compel her to surren- der, and when finally safe in jail atJun- can she confessed to have committed 15 deeds; of outlnwry in Cntamus during tho past three months, including the ,mutilntion of much valuable live stock, lln.‘ burning of a schoolhouse, and the .llofill'llcllUll of other property. The gill l: of unsound mind. FOR FARMERS. The Royal Canadian offers the following advantages over the London Mutual : 1. It‘a building worth 31200 is insured for say 51000, the Royal Canadian is oblig- insurcd against lightning while at pasture anywhere. In the London Mutual they are insured while posturing on the premises of the insured only. 5. When articles are insured specifically? such. as musical instruments, the Royal Canadian is obliged to pay the full amount insurcd up to the cash value of the article. The London Mutual pays only two-third of the cash value, no matter what the in- surancc may be. 6. When “ ordinary contents ” of out buildings are insured by the Royal Canadian Am. implements are included. In the Lon- don Mutual only one reaper and one mower are included, no matter how good others may be. 7. When the outbuildings are not joined to each other the Royal Canadian insures under one sum the“ ordinary contents” of all building not cut off bye distance great- er tlmn 40 it., the some as if the contents were all under one roof. The London Illu- tnnl requires it separate sum on the con- tents of each building, if the distance is more than 12 ft. This is a very important difference in many cases. 8. In the Royal Canadian it is a part of the contract that standard STEAM Tmmsnnns may be used without a. special permit and without any restriction as to the distance from stocks or buildings, caretakers, polls of water, kind of fuel or direction of the wind. Many of the policy holders in the London Mutual were obliged to run their own risk while threshing last season, be- cause it was found to be impossible to com- ply with the conditions of their permit. When a farmer pays for insurance he should secure a policy which will hold him safe when it is most required. 9. The Royal Canadian is obliged to pay its losses within sixty days and usually takes much less. The London Mutual need not pay for ninety days, and since it has become so hard up as to be obliged to bor- row moncy largely, it usually takes about the full time allowed. 10. The Royal Canadian policy is subject to the statutory conditions only. It has none of the numerous variations against the policy-holder printed in red inlt on the back of the London Mutual policy. 11. As to scenrity, the inspector of insu- rance reports that the Royal Canadian has $202,758, the mnount he estimates to be necessary to enable the company to carry out all its engagements with its policy holders. Besides this he reports that it has to the good the $100,000 capital paid in cash by the shareholders, and u not surplus $117,607 making in all :1 total cash surplus of $517,607 to protect its policyâ€"holders against unexpected contingencies. In ad- ditiou to these cash items it has n subscrib- ed cupitnl of $100,000 not called up. Re- garding the security of the London Mutual the inspector reports that the amount of KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALL WORK ‘WARRANTED. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. . M @K@ @ng FRANCIS STREET WEST. FE/l/ELO/V FALLS. Frepch and English Suitings and. Over-Coatings. Scotch and cbmprise a beautiful selection of ~ Irish and Cananian Tweeds. etc, which have been purchased most advantageously, enabling us to make the prices con- nnd select the material for your Full and Winter Suit and Ovcrcont while the Stock is sidernbly lower than usual. GENTLEMEN, COME EARLY. new. Every article guaranteed a good titâ€"well mode and well trimmed, and the PRICES .1kVV’.A.1T DOVVN 10012. CASII. Opposite McLennan’s Hardware Store, Lindsay. fENLARGED ’ i .To.. is PAGES *NO FAKES! THE ' . WEEKLY llllll FOR 1892 AND BALANCE OF 1891 THE Moor LIBERAL OFFER EVER noon NO CHEAP BOOKS l N O J ACK-KNIVES l SCISSORS OR CATCH-PENNY OFFERS! BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE \VEEKIA' GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages a. heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it mourn READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its department». Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages. and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS W'HOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 31$t DECEMBER, I891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SENT TlIliM UN’I‘II. CLOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION. THIS MEANS I5 months of a lé-puge for S}?! to every one who subscribes; now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTEI) Dlrs'rlucrs. For terms, address cumbeantlmll oa- gravod audio un- , proof. The works " ‘ ‘ are Waltham style. rigidly jowelled, with 0 re a sion balance. is and we wan-an It an accurate timo- keeper. t is suitable for either a lady or gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each watch. Address GEO. W. \Vntchmakors, Potorboroug . OiiirT & 00., . l l \ - . _ ed to pay $1000, ifa loss occurs. In such on: )c was for months under surgical a case the London Mutual is obliged to pay . SEND “S s. 00 apdaslipotpaport treatment. 'I he case turned on the nice only two thirds of the cash value, or $800. 1 0 - o e will send you pdstpaid‘ileligfo 333:8“. .- qucstlon whether the defendant had 2. It‘a horse worth $90 is killed in the 6 _ l , 11:10 111 O O , 168 w _.-.....,. ELDORADO DIAHOID ’; rca:.~on to bchcve that the animals were “01319 by lightning; the Royal Calmdm" 1: . b ' 801.10 GOLD FILLED R1113 1. ol :1 ferocious disposition, and here obliged to pay .90. The London Mutun . . . . The,“ ring? are now i collars in that; curiouc state of the law pays only $60. imbucs a man with confidence, and preposscs others in lllS favorâ€"which lS important. . won} by iadios an: i to which the J (1., if” d I' 3. For a cow worth $30 killed by light- When rich, 8. man may indulge his ccccntricities, and appear in the slinbbicst_ntlu‘c z" Egciitefgle:ndnhtii‘v°obt?o ; . . ‘ u no r" ””9. - l a dog ning the Royal Canadian pays $30. The without losing “ caste,” but not so the young man who is just making his way Ill the some nip oamnoe as a . 1030103 {1 “9"50 0" 3 COW: ‘5 509“”: ”“3 London Mutlinl pays only $20. For other world: it's ruinous to his chances to wear ill-tilting cholhcs. rlngoostt ngSfioo. cg _ owner :shuble, no matter what his animals the Royal Canadian pays the full . WWW...» fl, fill’d‘léfifi” 3 knowledge or Ignorance of the ferocity value. The London Mutual pays not more ' ' ' ' Address -, of the :u' . . ’ ° .. L than. 5 no matterhow valuablothe animal . . . or en a 00 s are us no ottoman. » innmn beings, it must be shown that - ‘ . _ 1 j Jewellers x the owner knew of the brute’s mischcv- 4' I" the R03“ 0“““dmn “mm“ 5 “re Poterborough.0 Scientific American CAVEATS. » TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN Sr. 00.. all BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Oldest. bureau for socurinu patents In America. Every patent. taken out by us is brought beforo the public by a notlco glvon free or charge in tho firientifilt gazillion: Lamest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. S lendldl Illustrated. No lntelllccnt; man shou d be w thout. 1t. W’cekly‘, $3.00 it can $1.50 six months. Address M NN & (10.. Imusmslts. 361 Broadway. New York. Fast Colored Ging- hams for 100. Fast Colored Mos- 11115 for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. 1% The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. ___,_. ___ N, , ...... unearned premium it should hnve on hand 1.. , is $200 309. To make up this amount in , 4 ‘ , ,' ,. , A Painful Duel' cash a ’second call would have to be made T Li B G LO B E] 1» Ul‘ .3. ’ llolsnClrtJdnhoJunl1th.â€"â€"A fear- .t‘ul duel to tho death took place on the streets of (lhullcs. L. U. Kestlcr, a prominent runchnmn. come to town in an ugly mood. He met George Jucoby and demanded 66 which he sold Jacoby owed him. JJCUby said he could not pay him just then. Kcstlcr replied ,tl.;l: he would take the worth of the :n-chy out. of his debtor's hide, and ‘--\l:tl'll‘|l townxxh Junoby, who drown V;.E~tol. but. the cylinder failed to revolve. .ll_:l'.u‘c tho detect Could be remedied .Kwstl-sr drew n. largo b-wie knife and 533.4qu Jacoby acrm‘s the throat. Jaco- ;~'.l_v molly rumored tho oh~t1cl¢ that l l l l on the premium notes for a large amount, leaving a surplus of only $74,218, even if there were no bud debts, and this surplus is made up wholly of the unpnid balance of premium notes already heavily assessed. The company reports the losses adjusted but unpaid at the close of the your at $6.- 387, but the Inspector of Insurance finds that the liability for uupnid losses at the end of the year was $2.),286. The cash on hand to pay these losses only amounted to $13,911. In view of the foregoing facts farmers will have no dilliculty in deciding as to the company in which they should be insured. For insurance apply to S. COIENEIL, “C““Llndmy' numerous patrons for then‘ MANUFACTURER 0F DQNjT WALL ?AEERS. SADDLES, ‘ FROM be led (many by everypufi ENGLISH, CANADIAN AND of wind that blows. AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in _â€"_ Hll,D" R0 ,0 ' R d STI LL ALIVE asedrlllgpafié'ls, 223535 .2235" and able to compete in my own Corners and Decorations. HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES. Everything belonging to the line ot‘business and thank my lPRlCES & sunsâ€"filo CUSTOMERS. sadd'e" 3"“ "me” "a“ constantly kept in stock. "n w vwm l.:.l hindcrc-l the action o1 his revolver, :' g‘ t r; kind SUPPOFt for the laSt’ ten Call and see my 50. per roll Paper. z... i i:~.l\:..‘>tltl‘ again mimic-.0 in dual f The Fcnolon Falls huzcttc lyears. I have Withstood op-, “ ‘: 6c. “ “ T , x s-onlsotng blow Jacoby clutched his; is printed every Saturday at the oflicc,on l position five lllllCS ill the lustg :: :‘ 7C. ‘: ii I} It I PA I R I h (I fibril“: tzlnniltt 41:; lldll; atoyj thcdllptlvi of? the corner of llny «t: Framers streets. , ten years in 13011810“ Falls, andi ” H 3:. u u Done on the Shortest Notice I,ttl:l.lt5i\l use on an . to“l ‘ ' \'_ ',_ _'_. '_"“ . - ' .-‘- ' ' mm ground a c 'rpsc. t. bLBSbRIx’TIO\ .l l “HR 1“ IDLING» “,1“ Stlll be able to glvc “11.1.5- “ “ l0c. “ ,, or one centper week will be added as long -â€"~<- -- ~w t-»-â€"â€"â€"‘~... faction, as in the past, pftcr, ‘nnd all the way to 50c. per Roll. having had thirty years ex- ‘ __ pericnce. . Ihavo on hand the largest stock of Wall , , l Paper ever brought into Lindsay. 3“ g L g“? 3R9! REMEMBER THE PLACE: Watchmaker & Jeweller, 2 Just opposite New l’ost-oflice, £191 VEL ON FALLS. l ' . I{e:xt saber. L I 1‘ D s A 'Y. . . _ as it remains un laid. One of the boost newspaper bull-lung. I in America is to be erected as a homo ' .." ‘ '1-.v "’ v\‘ ..' ' - . - to. lhc Ulnar-I lurks. The mic is to » Professxonnl or bnsmcss cards, no cents d): tho around it! prcsrnt and for many ocrline per annum. Casualadvertisements, van-e buck occupied by the paper, and i 8 cents pcrllne for the first insertionmnd '1 , cents per line tor every subsequent inser- '. - ,lunon. in news )3 er and war count as ‘ . . l P " ’ tron. (,untrncts by the year, lntlf year or i . '. . . “ . - x... "J“ “lure hencral an’ld‘i at~ ‘ quarter, lora column or less, upon reason. zit-mptcl to suppress The Times when l able terms. «ho bury \\ tll-ur h. Storey was In edito- ‘ JOB PRINTING Advertising ltutes. Kentâ€"stilling on. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". FOR SALE. m” lh-ick House and 1.01; on Fidlor’s Hill, owned by the late Daniel Scully, and recently occupied by Kr. Alex. McArthur, pay-\Vill Be Sold Cheap. tin. charge. The structure will b 12 : - - patios hi-vh and the no“ will nppi‘bxi- of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cut 2 Doors South Of 311300311438 "Think“ Apply to "'3.“ $1 0:", 000. TI“! buildiu" permit , “CH" and renounble (KNOB. W I 1 Jw-S%LFLI4IS, Font-Ion yd“. ‘ ' 3 S. D. RAND. W Subscribe for tho (Imusâ€"o- 1 on G. 1A.. LIETIIERELL. or to . Lbl,L1ndzuf. up ahead} been issued by the city. l Jun"; 16th, 1590, fropriauv, dollar n year in advanced

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