NOTICE All Notes made payable to JAnss BRA? Ag ent, will have to pbe paid to Frank Kerr post-1n master here, who holds said notes. ..H.S JOHNSTON 5?. Co- I I. I I I I I'.‘ l I I I I I I candi- Canada, at If you want a neat fit and a Shoe that will stand the “Sear, at 751' g Penelon Falls, June 3011, lSQl.â€"â€"l9 1.1. lâ€"Il â€<23 INSURANCE. H .: m“ HE ROYAL CANADIAN lxsunANcE m 00. issues by far the best Farm policy CD in Canada. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. Fenelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 17. .â€" BUY Albums, Plush Goods, Christmas Cards, Picture Books, 850., H. AUSTIM’S OLD STAND. Furniture. If you want the best Teas, we have until you see the stock at em , ,_________________._I_________________. - ave ' l "‘ Women’s and Misses’ Rubbers, Wool-lined Rubbers, Buttoned Over-shoes, Laced Over-shoes, Felt-forced Balmorals, Felt-foxed Gaiters and Felt Slippers. Having in store a large and well assorted ï¬lm Gmahanxng leimed to be the best in the market. . we have the best Long BOots made and everything usually kept in a first class Furniture Store, all ill want of something nice for ELLIS'S DlillliSTllliE. 32; t? 4, Student’s Easy Chairs, WHALF PREGE'QJQW Q CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, o :1 ,3, BEDROOM SUITES, as S ta EXTENSION TABLES, .â€" & w“ 111g EXAMINE MY STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. 3%†All good Goods, and purchased low In. DEYIVIAN, UNDERTAKER & Funxm'unn DEALER, b‘olborne Street, Penelon Falls. 1% El. "VI O V7 A L. ' Dr. GRAHAM has removed four doors east to his own residence, nearly opposite Mr. McKeown’s furniture factory. Fenelon Falls, July 23rd, 189l. 2.5-4. Horses for Sale. The undersigned have llllll lllllllllli lllllll of Horses for sale, CHEAP FOR CASH, or part cash and approved notes for the balance. GREENE & ELLIS. Fenelon Falls, Dec r 10th, 1391. 42-4. LINDSAY name. PM we. Hawaii lllalllle Walks m Christmas, New Year’s & Wedding Presents, $11.11 CHEBERW " . . is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- DR. A. WILSON, COnSIShng of 5m and surrounding countrv 111th â€"-11 11.11 c.1'. l. s, Olltllrioâ€" Ladies’ and Gent’s Dressing Cases in Plush and Leather, Col- noxunnnrs AM) 111‘ ADS'l‘ONIIS, both Marble and Granite. )111'SII'IAN,SL'11GEO.\' .t ACCOUCH- 1.11' and Cull Boxes, Shaving and Perfume Cases, -â€" (‘1‘? Othce, COILWUC Street l'enelon ' Estimates promptly gluon on all kinds of ‘â€"'-â€".~â€"~â€"â€"-~ â€"â€"~â€"â€" s I 1. v E R - as e. n e, Marble '1‘ Ible Tops. “ ash Tops, Mantel D11 ll. ll. t:llA.-.‘,Illl . I’1ccts, etc., a sat cialty. (11' 1.111111%: 0, ,1“, L-mm. ,,_, 0, Trln1t1 , Christmas &- New 1'0 ear 3 Cards, Pictures and Picture Frames II WORKSâ€"lu real' 0 the market on (i'aln- llrid e street 0)pUSllc Matthews" pmkiuw College. l-cllow 0: Triniu “ï¬llet†a verv fine assortment of IV edding Rings, \Vatches, - housi. ’ 1 ° School. Member ct â€10 n“) 11 (0â€th or Being a practical workman all should Surgeons “l 1"“‘gmndJmuiNr m the C01 see his designs and compare prices before love of Plusicilns .1: Surgtous of Ontario. I purchasing elsewhere. Oil 2 and reside llce on F'HlllL‘iS-St. \\ est “‘ 3031'. cunnsens. Feuelon l-‘- ails oppositt the (1'11 '(Ut‘ otlice. North of the Town Hall A. 1). DEV LIN, ARR‘ISTER, Attorney-atâ€"Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent. Street, Lindsay. © 5 ll . no.4. , s . â€"â€""__..__â€"â€"- EHBISTMASIND 010 Ian . LEGAL 860' .Eb Presents will do well to call and S. 131001“, which G. H. HOPKINS, (Successoa 'l'o MAtt'rru .1: Hopkins) )ARRISTER, SOLICITUR, kc Money I) to Loan at 6 per cent. Office, Wil- liam stlcet, next to the Bank of Montreal. o . '0' lb G‘Rï¬ï¬ERIEgrâ€"New Raisins, New Currants, New F Our stock Of MEN’S SHOES, both ill Lace and Congr the choicest brands of Blacks, Japans and young Hysons. completeâ€"«all new goods and new styles. MOORE & JACKSON, \RRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 33c. Of- tice. William street, Lindsay. F. D. Moons. JLJACKSON. 011111.1le &. O‘LEARY, kRRlSTl’JRS, ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, Solicitors in. Chancery, kc. Office, ollonyBloek, Kentstreet, Lindsay. Allrnun O’Lnanr. Iluull O’ Lsanr. .._..__' )IOINTYRE & STEWART, \llRlS'l‘l’RS, Solicitors, Notaries. kc. B Otliccs over Ontario Bank, Kent street Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. 011 01151: terms. 0 J \[clsrrnm BA BRO/V & Mot/l UGHU/V. ARRISTERS, E .. Ollice: liakcrsBlock Kent Street Lindsay, opposite \ eitch’ s Hotel Homer to loan at lowest rates of interest. Jons A. R annoy. Felt-forced Shoes, Felt Congress, Rubbers,Wool-lined Rubbers, Felt Boots, and a complete assortment of Men’s Over-shoes. T. Srswaa'r. were See our hand-made Long Boots before buy We handle the Walkerton Felt 063 that will suit you every time. Men’s 1m what reasonable people call a reasonable pr "I Fenelon Falls, November 25th, 1891. R. J. MCLAUGHLIN 112233;... c-1‘...h . ... MEDICAL. MMM____ ....-....._.__._...._.. .._.. ,\_ W. J. DEGRXSSI,)I. D., GROVER P111 wlLlln Surgeon, &c. ., &c. C lesideuce, llrick Cottage, Wellington tract, Lindsay. (I‘D r... ziud other Jewellery, 1‘ILL1Cttl Instruments, Dolls and Toys of all descriptions, all of which will be sold a! rock bottom prices. 8. NEVISON. Fonelon Falls, December 16th, 1891. IN \lCTURIA C01 NT! [-08, ,lluum Paper and listen Flames --lS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S Baker’ 8 Block. Kenostq Lindsay. l “.85 Artists’ Goods 3 Specialty. _ ’ . , JUIES DICIxSON. I ) L.Sur1'c1'.or CommissiencrilltheQ. l‘». I. (‘ouveyaucrr . kc. Residence, and :1d- ,011 1! dress, l-‘cuelou Falls. ‘Ohl Mamma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine ‘ Read this. Willie †The Oils for Genuine Satisfaction {or all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATE!) I. H. 68058:â€. WinM ILARDINE a camera used by the Larges t Millmeu in the Country, and manufactured solelt by itllifllimill.llii’.°§ii.i.{.ili’é§l’1m£i‘ll MCCOLL BROTHERS & Co 0., TORONTO.l iMachine Needles. Alabastine and Eye Works Agency. 36‘ Please call and see my 3c. Paper. , Lindsay, April 2nd, 1891. i will be at the" .\2c Asrthnr House,“ Fenelonl and all other dental work properlly done. ‘ lmly 27 years' experience. 16- ly. For Sale on" by JOSEPH Hâ€: uflBD in Fenalon Falls. HEADQUARTERS, .years, when another glacial epoch will No. 48. The Fatal Title. It was the Queen who insisted upon giving Albert Victor the title of Dako- of Clarence and Avondale, despite the singular futility attending it. The ï¬rst Duke of Clarence, who was the tllirtl~w son of Edwald III., died from riotous » liting in Italy. Tlie prince best known as the Duke of Clarence was the un- happy person who was put. to death in the tower in 1478. The Duke of Al- bany held the title of Earl Clarence. ilisy unfortunate death a few yams two is within the memory of all. For 300 years the title was in nbeyauce, and was not revived until it was conferred by George III. on his son, afterwards William IV. 110 was the only Duke of Clarence who did not die before reaching 30 years ofage. With the fatal title on his shoulders Prince Al- bert Victor took his seat in the House- of Lords as peer 011 June 23 last, on which occasion he was introduced by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh. The ceremony was wit- nessed by the Princess of Wales and the Princesses Victoria and Maud, who occupied seats in the royal gallery. It is a singular coincidence that tho - Prince Concert died on December 14th, 1861. The Princess Alice died on December 14th, 1879, and the Duke of ‘ Clarence died on January 14th, 1892. This seems to be an evil date in the royal family. The Indians Are Progressing. Mr. J. C.‘ Nelson, ill charge of Indian'r reserve surveys in Manitoba and tho North-west territories, has just returned to the department, having completed his season’ s walk. He says that duriul the past ycal llt noticed marked progress tow'alds civilization on the part of the treaty Indians ill the territOIies. The- last welk Ml Nllson did previous to his return to Ottawa “as to survey a reserve at White Whale lake. west. of Edmonton, for a band of Stoncys who~ have decided to take up a reservation under tleaty No. (3. The 1"eselve is 32 square miles, which 1311 little more than the proportion of one square mile to- every lamily of live, but the sur‘p .us is- due to the fact that allowance has been made for some swamp land embraced in the reserve. Speaking of settlement in. the territories, Mr. Nelson says the rcsi-I' dents are ill high spirits over their good elops. The Edmonton district, in his judccmcntis, par exc llcncc, the best. distlictin the tel'ritOlics, the land being gem] for hay, wood and water plentiful, and coal may be had at $2 per ton. Many settlers have gone into the dis- trict since the completion of the C. and E. railway. A.-. â€"._â€"-...... Fast Riding. According: to the A'ulimml ch'mnq :1. company has been (llgtllllzctl in Ham- burg to forward persons by pneumatic. tube from Hamburg t0 Buchcn, aboun. til'tcen miles. The distance, it is expect-- ed, will be covm'cd ill about eleven min-1 utes. The tube will be 111:1th by the famous Manncslnnnn process, and will- carry a carabuut seven lect. wide and three and one half fort long, capable of holdingr three persons. When the pas- sengers are ready, the end of the tone will be closed, and highly compressed air will be released from a receptacle attached to the car so that line Clll’l'l'llt? will strike the end of the tube behind and start off the car. The fare, the: circular of the company says, will be: ten cents. ____.--.____-. - .._.....__._- Our Winters Growing Milder. A reverse of seasons is supposed to» take place upon this earth choc in every 10, 500 ycl'lls, due to the varying im-Iiâ€" nation 01' the calth s axis About 1,500 yeals :1er we enteled the epoch oi a more genial winter temperature. and it" nothing happens to prevent, we may ex- pect a gradual softening of our winter climate during.r the next nine thousuul begin W hat sell. ol‘n country will Ihi ~l , be in the year 11.000? Will It res-1m- blc l} .rypt.11ith lelnains ofgzleat bui. Il- ings bulicd OI sticking up out of the sand, and known to be more than 4_. "(10 years old ?. - __..__-.-.__._..__.._ A serious dispute has arisen am It: the doctors who attended the I\ll'll1\0 of E try pt as to the cause of his death. Malcolm I‘OleS, of Boston. Mum-4.. is alleged to hate paid Seuator 81111111 .11 $100, 000 for the phenomen'll ltuL'ul', Arion, 2- -ycar -,old record 2.102. ., l l, l