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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Feb 1892, p. 7

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‘41 .3 .3 ”Gold‘sâ€"sThcughtrfor Every Day. Mon dayâ€" Beauty ls but a vain and doubtful Good, A shining Gloss that fadeth suddenly ; A F-ower that dies when first it ‘gina to bad: A brittle Glass. that’s broken prusentl : A doubtful Good. a Close a Glass. a l-‘ war; Lost. faded, broken. dead within an hour. And as Good lost is sold or never found. As faded Gloss no rubbing will refresh. As Flowers dead lie withcr‘d on the ground. As broken Glass no cement can redress. 130 Beauty bécmishl‘gionpc. forever-‘5 :ost, t. 1: its 0 p ysic, at . pain an. cos 9p â€"-[\\;i§uam Shakespeare. Tuesdayâ€"A week filled up with selfish- ness, : nd the Sabbath stuffed full of religi- ous exercises, will make a good l’harisee, but a poor Christian. There are many pen was who think Sunday is a sponge, with which to wipe out the sins of the week. Now, God's altar stands from Sunday to: Sunday, and the seventh day is no more for religion than any other. It is for rmt.‘ The whole seven are for religion, and one of them for rest. â€"[Henry Ward Beecher. \Vednesdayâ€" . _ He is a path. if any be misled: He in: robe. if any naked be : If any chance to hunger. lIe is bread; If any be a bondman, he is free; Is any but be weak how strong is He! To dead men life He is. to sick men health ; To blind men at t. to the needy wealthâ€" A pleasure wit out loss, a treasure Without stealth. , uâ€"{Gilos Fletcher. Thursday.â€"When the sun shines all in- deed looks brighter; but the sun does not shine always, and your fate is as variable as the atmosphere. ' * When the skies are inclement, Providence sends us good hearts that succor us in the road : it is not therefore in moments such as these that we should declaim against it. â€"[George Sand. Friday. ‘ Peace troubled soul. whose plaintive moan, - Hath taught each scene the note of woe ; . Cease thy complaint, suppress thy groan And let thy tears forget to flow : Behold. the precious balm is found. ' To lull thy pain and heal thy wound. Come. freely come, by sin opprest, - Oh Jesus cast thy weighty load; In Him th refuge flnd. thy rest, Safe in the mercy of thy God ; Thy God's h Savior glorious word; , 0 hear, he eve, and bless the Lord. â€" ‘ a, -[Anonymous. Saturdayâ€"Another thing, and only one other, I will say. All books are properly the record of the history of past menâ€"what actions past men did; the summary of all books whatsover lies there. f It is on this ~ ground that the class ‘of books specifically named history can be safely recommended as the basis of all study of booksâ€"tho preli- minary to all right and full understanding of anything we can expect to find in books. Past history, and especially the past history of one’s own native country, everybody may be advised to be in with that. Let him _ study that faithlu ly; innumerable in uiries road? will branch out from it ; he has a beaten highway, from which all the country is. more or less visible, there travelling let hun choose where he will dwell. To Remdvo Bali Ink Stains. ‘ Several subscribers ask how ink stains can be removed. If the stained article be washed immediately in several. waters and then in milk, letting it soak in the milk for several hours, the stains will disappears Washing the article immediately in vine- . gar and water and then in soap and water will remove all ordinary ink stains. Washing at once in Water and then in liquid citric acid or oxalic acid is another mode. Oxalic acid is very corrosive, and should be removed from the article by a thorough washing in water. If, after the washing,~the article he wet with household ammonia any acid remaining will be neu- tralizcd. N o matter what substance be used to re- move ink, the stain must be rubbed well. If the article stained be a carpet on the floor, use a brush. As the acids often affect. the' ' colors in fabric, it is wise to try the water and milk, or the water and vinegar meth- ods before resorting to the acids. Chem- icals should always-be the last resort, nu» less one be rather familiar with their ac- tion. My own experience isthat it is a moat difficult matter to remove the stains of some kinds of black ink if they have stood for a few hours ; whereas, other kinds, notably It-ylographie ink spots, can be remove easily with soap and water. ' ‘ ”Humâ€"M Cars of Brooms . Don't hang your broom brush end upper-- most, unless you want to spoil it. If the brush is the least bit dam ,. the moisture will work down into the bat y of the broom and make it must-y, and after atime will rot the threads all out: I know there is a great fancy nowadays for fastening the brooms on the wall by means of nails driven through spools, as well as various broom-holders and similar devices, but it is all a mistake, as one may see by giVing the subject a little thought. Hang up a wet broom in this way, and the water naturally soaks into the trying. Before it could be thoroughly dried, it gets wet again. The insidcportion of the broom isfustened with wires. These become rusted and break nvay and the threads which fasten the out- iidc get rotted and some little blow breaks them loose; Then the broom is spoiled. [lo to the hardware store and buy a dozen large-sized screw-eyes. Put one of thcso’in the end of the handle of every broom iu'the house. Drive nails and hang them up. Be- fore putting them up it is well to dip them for a out four or five inches of the length of the brush into hot water, then’wrap them smartly to throw out the water, hang them up and let them dry thoroughly before using. [n this way the brush dries straight and the broom will last as long again as when treated in the usual way. These screw-eyes have various uses, and It is economy to buy them by the gross. I‘ho dusting-brush, floor-brushesâ€"tmy- thing with a wooden handleâ€"may be hung up by means of them. The bread- board, the ironing-board, indeed every wooden utensil about the house may be much more conveniently placed by means of l these trifling appliances. Such small wares cost almost not ing. and by their use one finds elboWoroom and order much more easily than by almost any other means. a...“ -â€".. Universal Testimony Cannot be disputed, and the case is yet to be heard from in which l‘utman's Painless Corn Extractor has failed to perform a per- fect cure. l‘bis with painless and rapid action and freedom from annoyance during use. The great corn and bunion cure stands, unrivalled. Sure, safe, painless. Beware I of frauds offered assuhstitutes for the great ‘ corn Cureâ€".Putman's Painless Corn Extrac- tor. N. C. Poison .k 00., Kingston, proprie- tors. Use no other. _ Women Should Know. That beuzoin isan excellent polish for the finger nails. That vaseline, taken half a teaspoonful at a time, cures; cold. ‘ That the superfluous hairs may be made less plainly visibly by bleaching them. . That an excellent beautifier for the com- plexion isa hot-water bath followed up by dab- of can do cologne upon the face. That a mixture of tincture of benzoin and rose-water is an excellent remedy for tight- ening the skin when it is inclined to form wrinkles.~ ,_ . That people who are unable tit-sleep after drinking tea. or coffee find that they can en- . joy thejaweetest kind of repose after drink- ing cocoa. w ‘- That a change,in the weather will often ,cause disagreeable spots upon the'cbmplex- ion in the summer. , The remedy may often , beffound‘in simple. cooling drinks. That the hands may. be kept from per- spiring by powdering them with the finely. pulverized starch perfumed'with orris-root . or sandal-starch .,powder,.or anything else that may be preferrred. . cabs Sense; .j 3 -. Disease is largely the result of impure blood. To purify the blood, is to cure the disease I As a blood-purifier and vitalizer, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery stands bead and shoulders above any other known specific ! Its power in this direction is nothing short of wonderful. Guaranteed to benefit or cure in every case, or money re- funded. - ' ' ' 'Kecp your’tempcr and your temper will keep you. . , Make a Note of it! Read it over and overs sin, e ellitout and sing it, until it is inde ibly xed in your mind, that Dr. Sace’s Catarrh Remedy is an. infalliblecure‘ for chronic catar'rh of the head, ‘ with all its distressing complications. Im- paired taste and smell, offensive breath, ringing noises in the head, defective hear- ing, nose and throat ailments, are not only relieved. but positively and permanently cured ! This is no fancy of the imagination, but a hard, solid fact, proven over and over again, and vouched for, under a forfeiture of $500, by its manufacturers, the W orld’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. “ A word to the wise is sufficient.” Is a man never home because his sins find him out »? ~ ' now to Get Tainandsome Husband. “ “'hen‘cr some lucky Indian maiden ' Found a rod ear in the liusking, - ‘ Muska !' cried they altogether: ‘Muska I' you shall have a sweetheartâ€" You shall have a husband.” The handsome man always admires the beautiful woman. Then sim ly make your- self beautiful. Remove all latches, pim- ples, " forked sigusof turkey tracks” from your features,’by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription,a tonic to the nervous, circulatory and procreative systems. Its use brings roses to the cheeks, and sparkle to the eyes. Take it, and you will, like the Indian maiden, find a. “red" ear‘ ’ in good health, an omen of future happiness. Guar- anteed to give satisfaction in every ‘case, or ‘ ' money paid for it refunded. , “'hen they brake up a passenger train what becomes of the pieces ‘3 As a cure for cold in the head and catarrh Nasal Balm is endorsed by prominent men everywhere. D. Derbyshire, president of the Ontario Creamery Association, says :â€" ‘ Nasal Balm beats the world for'catarrh and cold in the head. In my own case it effected relief from the first application.” Sold by dealers or sent by mail on receipt of priceâ€"50 cts. and $1 a bottle. Fulford Sr. 00., Brockville, Ont. The best society. is not always the best edu cator. , H . All the Drugg’ls'ts Sell that well-known reparation T. A. SLO-' CUM’S OXYGE IZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL, and no prepara~ tion for lung troubles, ctc., deserve, to bo~ better spoken of. Consumptives can now‘ take heart, for at the general office in To- ronto, Canada, can be seen the highest testimonials that were ever given a similar medicine. 35 cts. per bottle. ‘ .‘ 9% .. id . : ._ " , ‘32. ONE ENJ Ys Both the method and results when Syruposzigs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet romptly on the Kidneys, Liver and . owlc s,.cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever ro- duced, pleasing to the taste erg ac- ceptable to the stomach, pro t! in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agreeable substances, its manyexccllcntqualities commendit to all and have made it the most . popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one w o wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CRIIFDBIIIA .FIG SYRUP 00.. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK. N. I Guardsman to defend you against coughs and colds, Adams’ Wild Cherry and Licorice Tutti F rutti Gum. Sold by all druggists and confectioners ; 5 cents. With a politician the check [is mightier than his word. Dr. T. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have a wasting away of Fleshâ€"Use it. For sale by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. Some one says theage of a political‘party may be told by its rings. Grlp‘TanIShes. So Do Deadly Colds. Headaches, backaches, dyspepsia, indi~e3< tion, constipation, kidney, liver and al‘ kin- dred troubles ifnatnre’s miraculous, diseasea conquering, life-restorin‘ St. Leon be used. Allrknown mixtures in ,t a world pale in in- significance into this 'creation's mystery. Safe as milk and contains the most powerful poison absorbents known to science to purify blood and flesh ; and also every element to build up frail, weakly, despairing sufferers to the highest pinnacle of perfect strength and joy. I 'Lugginga twenty-pound baby around the , , room from midnight until the roosters crow ' ‘ will-crush out the divine afilatus from the bosom of the mos; soulful poet. * GIBBON‘S TOOTHACIIE GUM. For sale by Dmggisfs. Price 150. .-, Are nBLOOD B U! L DER. ,’ and NERVE ‘ S argue. 1 ey 5111313 2" ‘ in. condense ” form an. the sub« stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves,thusmakin them a certain an speedy cure 120118.11 diseases enemas from impoverish blood,andshattered nerves, such as rah alysis, spinal .dlfi- eases, rheumatism, sciaticaJossoimem- , cry, erysi las,pal- . ‘pitationo theheart, - scrofula,chlorosisor " :, ' ' . =3 green sickness, that ' tired feeling that _afiects so many, etc. They have a specific action on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost Vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abuse, should take these PILns. They Will restore" lost energies, both physical and mental. sues-reams: woman afflicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, beam} down pains. weak back“ ulcerations, etc., w find these pills an unfailing cure. PALE £le SALLOW Glllts hould take these Pills. They enrich the blood gesture health's roses to the cheeks and cor: rect all irregularities. BEWARE or Imsnozgs. These Pills are « sold by all dealers only m boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price-50cents a. box or 6 for $2.50. ~THE DRJNILLIAMS MED. CO.. ' ,_ Brockvllle. Ont? or merristown, NI. TUTTI-FRUTTI . ‘ . Office of. Dr.E..Guemncy,528 Fifth Ave- 1 New Yons, October 22, 1891. ' Amara 8: Sunscrm . . 'i’hyslology teaches that a certain amount of ’ saliva secreted by the salivary glands of tho , mouth,and mixing With the food Deidre or after ‘_ it passesinto the stomach, is essential to diges- - tion. The chewing of your Tutti-l-rutti Gum, ' before or after a meal, especially when com- i hin’eil withs) valuable a digestive as" Armour‘s ; Pa .siu,"notonly hicrcaccs th a flow ofsalirabut ; atlas so'materisl ytoits strength 'ssto insure a ; pcrfrst' digestion at the same time correcting any odor of the breath which may I) eprcscnt . Eases-r Gurnnsnr.l\i.1). ' A Sold by all Druuglsts and Confectioners in 50. ‘ . Packages,cr for box of assorted samples which - . willhe sent by mail. postage paid to any address I on recoiptof 25 cents. 3 Address ~ THE TUTTI-FRUTTI. A. V. CO. , ' 60 ~Yongo St., Toronto, Ont- . ANTEDâ€"By a Canadian House a Man with $5,000 to buy an interest in their, buisncss, and go to England and take charge business controlled by them. P.0. Box 5‘33, Toronto. ‘ ‘ - consumption. Cough, Bron fiAVE YOU chitis, Lung Troubles, No For wonder Appetite, “’astings. Debility. ful sure new remedy, Address, 17!) St. Lawrence St. M onlrenl BONNER Wi‘i‘SIiN’S CGUGII DROPS Are the best in the world for the Threat and Chest, for the voice unequalled. B. a? T. W. Stumped onvcnch drop. OUR‘NEW BOOK “ House" and Ilome.’ a complctchouscwife's guide by Marion Har- lood, the greatest living writer on household matters.arecognized authority in all domes- ticufTairs._ Semi for illustrated circulars and terms. \I M. Bmoos. PUBLISHER, ’loronto. ASTH M ADIL 'II‘IXI‘TSASTHIMIALENI‘? never an 8; 115': your :.dircss, and no will DUREDW‘“ free "”‘l mm... on. ’I‘AF‘I‘ BROS. homing-FR E E TIER, KY. Canadian Dept. 186 Aelaidc St. W.. 'I‘unox'ro UANADA. \V.McDOWALL DIRECT IM PORTER OF rm GUNS. RIFLES SHOOTING SUITS,HUNT1NG BOOTS,ETG. LOADED BARTRIICES. ARTIFICIAL BIRDS AND TRAFS A SPECIALTY. 81 YONGE STREET,TORONTO. Bewareof NOTICE In RE ms: Pu! say (can 140 no: man nudytoatcp than fora um aadtben have them rum again. I mean a radial con. 1 have and: the disease of 1‘13, EPILEP- of or YALLKNG SICKNESS a life L“ study. I warrant *m remedy to cure the w.u1-:caa._ Beam other: have leduno reason for no: new "emf a core. send at was for a truth-.- md a rm of my " Gin: EXPRESS and rosr-orncu I W. R or. me. we Assume ST. ‘ ear, osouTo, bI‘IT. I z________ I I 1 « ctoau wmcu nu MY arms Assam: NW . A FIELD TEA curesConstlmtlon.$lck Headache. muons the Complexion. Get Free Sample at Gammon Tu Aosxcv. 317 church St... Toma GDNSUMPTIDN. A D unspent!" remedy tor the above din-us: byli- ay. :mitbousandsoleuesofthemtklndandollm .. -.... . sunninghaflbbflew Weastmaglamyhlth VA GAIN 0? A POUND A DAY IN THE . in n: slimy, that lwl‘ll send rwo commas ran. CASE OFAXAN WHO BAS BECOME “ALL I with a ‘11.me mA'l‘lSE on this disease to any one must GAIN ‘Gd mu: :xnnsss and no. nun-v. mm now-Nuns!) HAS ssGUNfro 'rAua “mu“m‘lufldm‘m 0 I86 ADELAIDE ruA'r umAaKAsLs FLESH raonucsa, T- A' SL°°UM' ' " ‘ SGGTT’SL ET” “eggflmm E}; ”3m j; OF PURE ODD LIVERIIII. \VITH Hypophosphitos ofLime.& Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. p THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER . vMONEYl ,______-_._ MONEYI PW“...â€" MONEY LDIIDON All!) GARADIAN LOAN AND AGEIlGY 06 LTD W 108 Bay Street. Toronto. capital"..................$5.000.000. Money to= Loanon improved farms. cit-y Acum PAL-“ABLE ‘5 MILK. E'f‘ and town property on liberal terms of to my- Dosssn BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT 5 meat and .n‘ 1.0““Es'l‘ ( nukes-r sass. UN emu. lmaux'rnnnsnt ncussnn. Apply to local appraisers or to , , ._ J.F.KIRK, Manager. Choice farms forsale in Out. 6: Manitoba GANADA PERMANENT ' '. Loan and Savings Company. EuULsxon lS car up ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GlSTS A'r soc. AND $!.oo - SCO TTév 120 WNE, Bel/milk. g - vâ€"uâ€" .â€".â€"..â€"â€"‘ .msp- - $13,000,000. 93‘“ DOQfQPN'LD ~. ‘ - -. _ soils. of wards ; «er a «coo out on. A row oimomsj ’4 Invested Capital. - , H ‘tAD‘OFHég'ninfi‘ino st, Tosomo CThe ample apld .itncseasipg rtzsourclfs of1 this ompany em. 0 1 8 nos ors , 0 mu '0 in van- 3:.céflifi’éziklim: cos on Real Estate securities to any amount CONS p,51°Ls n "" without delay, at the lowest current rate of “.1“. “CYCLES interest, and on the most favorablo terms. . , MID swarms 600:5 ,3 'Lgau: granted onl improved clam“ and on ,"J , pro no he town on ci 'propor es. '- WHOLEEil-‘Emtmcgs . ‘ Mortgages and Deben .uros purchased. Jenn 50! ron (ATALeGuE. - If on: a emu 04- Application may be made through the loan. ppruisers of the Company or to J. Herbert Mason, Managing Director, Toronto NR . A R“? C as ”it ..mwes. rag...- susmmna -. STRENGTH -GIVIIIG - mvnonfiinc Jonhston’s Fluid. f Beef .. IS A PERFECT 1500b FOR - ,INVALIDS AND CO-NVALESCENTS. ‘IIti'supplies all the Properties of PRIME BEEF in an easily DIGESTED form, . ' llostllelinie yleifilmel ‘ Forums sufPNDoF THE DAY. by: ,~ SOLD EVERYWHERE, " USED'BSf-EVERYBODY ' Made by The Albertl‘uilet 80311 Company B R 3 it Millennial SIMPSON D'RY PRESS ‘i MARTIN MAGIIINESâ€"STEAM'AND HAND power nzpnrss mcumisron BmcK AND SHINGLES nRv FANS, PUG MILLS, DISINTEGRATORS, SANDERS, MOULDS. ETC. DRY Press Bmcxs mus FROM SHALE on our name $10 T0 $20 PER 1,000 Extra cost to produce chiefly in plant. j. Sand for Prices O stating Wants. G Finest Catalogue in the Trade. warsnous, BRANT-FORD, ‘f‘; Tonomo Omar: CANADA. V TELEPHONE m. 71 ADELAIDE STREET EAST.- we are looking for? If so, we would urge you not to keep PUTTING- OFE‘ ‘. mat. ter of so much importance. You will 118%? meet with such another opportun- “Y “INSURING YOUR lle as is now presented by us. For full partlculars write the confederation Life, lunch. or apply at any of the AGENCIES. "" so xxx-mu HEICEA‘OW’ as: Panama TEB tloas (cannibal. ‘gllifll'y to ad zxpenhos Paid. (f liar advantages to regimen. Ho 3.: complete. with ”Melting Itics. OUTFIT FBI-til. We momma whiz wr manure. Write BOW]. 3808. (:0. Kumrrmen. 'I'oroutc, Out. Finish-Janis reliable; _. A..." .. : “mm-rams -; ‘ . 42.- , ... ..¢...n__......... L. ... I -«~ 7mm "m r . ..._-. _-â€"â€".WM_.- . .

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