NOTICE n: ;;;; it e: ":3 d i. To the Cltlzens 0f Fenelon O a a All Notes made payable to JAMES Boar ‘l'; Q Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr F4113 and. the surrounding Q Fit I- postâ€"master‘here, who holds said notes. 0 ti? JAB. JOHNSTON a Go Celmtl‘y. 1': (D .~ g Penelon Falls, June 30111, lS‘JLâ€"IQ t.t‘. - 5;; ¢ to ~ , pd CD C3 '5 INSURANCE. Havmg sold my Drug and a fl - . . â€.4 lâ€"-t m THE ROYAL CANADIAN lleUItANCE Statlonery busmess to MLW. q; 46 E '33 . 000. issues by far the bestFarm policy ' Ill 111111 ll. R. Madill, of Whitby, I desire a l> g g 1 mm: AUSTI‘N,( .' gen . to thank my numerous custom- :8 (I) g Fenelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 17. l ers for their very liberal sup- E is" .p-l. fl port during the past seven CG :4: M =‘ years, and would respectfullv m8 (D 8 ask for Mr. Madill a continu- C3 .F-l ' ~53 ance of their patronage, and Q3 :4: :4 can fully recommend him as B :5 U . I M an exceptlonally well quallï¬ed M Q Furniture Druggist, having had a long experience in the drug busi- Having in store a large and well assorted Stock of Student’s Easy Chairs, CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES. and everything usually kept ill a ï¬rst class Furniture Store, all ill want. of something nice for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S Presents will do well to call and EXAMINE MY STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. 3%“ All good Goods, and purchased low - L.DES’TI\IAN, Usosnraxsn &. FURNITURE Drawn, Golborne Street, Fenelon Falls. 1% E M O V A. L. Dr. GRAHAM has removed four doors cast to his own residence,'llearly opposite Mr. McKeown’s furniture factory. Fenelon Falls, July 23rd,1891. 22-4. ness ill both Toronto and New York, and feel satisfied that you will ï¬nd it a pleasure to deal with him. W. E. ELLIS. m... . ,... _ N.._._. .__..._-. .,..._._.__.__ .. Annotn I’x'ol'cssional Cards. u»-_. M...â€" LEGAL &c. A. r. nllVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. 11. HOPKINS, (Soccesson r0 MAll'rnt & Horxlss) ARRISTER,SOL1(‘ITUR, Arc Money '8 to Loan at 6 per cent. Ollice, 11 ll- linm street, next. to the Bank of Montreal. Moonn & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. 01'- ï¬ce, William street, Lindsay. F. D. Moore. A. Jscxson. O‘LEARY & O'LEARY, ARRlSTEllS, A'l‘TORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors ln Cllltncely, kc. Ofï¬ce. ollcnylllock, Rentstleet, Lindsay. Aarnun O’Llsllllr. Hucll 0' Lunar. MW MCINTYRE & STFWART, ' AlllllSTERS, Solicitms, Notaries, &c B Otiices overOntalio Bank, Kent street, Lindsey. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Molnrrns. Don’t fail to try our 25 cent Tea 3 than ever inBOOTs & Snons. ï¬rmï¬med Thï¬s Wnseks Fresh Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Fens, Salmon and; Sardines, all of the best duality. Ohoicest brandsof Japan, Young Hyson and Blac gains With latest goods. Horses for Sale. The undersigned have lllllll Willlllllll llllll of Horses for sale, CHEAP FOR CASH, or part. cash and approved notes for the balance. GREENE & ELLIS. Fenelon Falls, Dec r 10th,1891._ 42-4. LINDSAY Marble Works. so R. CHKITIBERS 1 .1â€" is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and snrloundillg c‘ountlr with MONUMENT-S AND llEADS'l‘ONES, both Marble and Granite. T. Srswaar. BARRON &. MCLAUGHU/V \RRIS’I‘ERS, ll. ..Ollice:11ltker’sBlock ) Kent Street, Lindsay , opposite Vcitcll’ 3 Hotel. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Jens A. BAnnon. Greater Bar Fenelon Falls, February 25th, 1892'. fees, fresh ground. R. J. McLauonuw idEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., ,ORONER, Physician,Sllrgcon,&c., kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington trout, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, --ll. 3., ll. 0. r. a 8., Ontario,â€" llYSlClAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- _ our. Otlice, Colborne Street, Fenclon Falls. Hurrah For The .Helidaysl WW Christmas, New Year’s Minding Presents, Consisting of Ladies and Gent’s Dressing Cases in Plush and Leather, Col- lar and Cuff Boxes, Sllating and Perfume Cases, SILVER-n WARE, Christmas & New Y’ear 8 Cards, Pictures and Picture Frames Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Malble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc, a SIM cialty. ll ORKSâ€"lll rear 0 the market on Cam~ bridge strccl, opposite MatthewsJ pa:king DR. ll. 11. GRAHAM, The Mill 6, the Farmer aud the - Monopolist. ‘ d‘ The mole ls stlnllgcl than the mall.~ Though the mule is stronger than the man, the man manages the mole for his own purposes. He put a bridle on him and a saddle and rides on his Lack. He puts harness made of leather on the. mule, and by speaking,r to him and giril g llilll plenty of licks, induces him to wall; and pull tl waggon, while the man gets into the “ammo and lidcs. The luu‘le does the bald w',0lk but all the money gained by the mule a hold wmk the man appropriates to himself. The male lives roughly, is fed ill a trough and sleeps on the ground or ill a little straw. The mall cats at a table nlld sleeps in a warm bed. Verity the mule is a useful animal to the man. The farmer is stronger than the moo» opolist. Though the farmer is much stronger than the monopolist, the mon- opolist. lllanugcs him for his own pul- poses. He puts a bridle, called loyalty to party, ill his mouth, a saddle on his back and rides llilll wllCle he wills. He puts harness made of prejudice on the farmer, and, by making speeches to him and giving lliln plenty of tally, induces llilll to walk and draw the nlonopolist's carriage. The. farmer does much hard work, but the money gained by the farmer’s work the monopolist appropri~ ates to himself. The farmer has be- come peel and lites lQUj'llly on a more gawed faint, and eats plain food lrom deli and tin plate. The monopolist has become wealthy and cats from ï¬ne china. and silver plates and sleeps on a downy bed. The farmer is very useful to the monopolist. Moralâ€"Those who do not; use their brains for themselves must use their muscles for somebody elseâ€"Indiana Messenger. o‘ The Provincial Estimates. The same regard for economy wllitll marked the PlOVlnul ll cxpcnditole 01' 1891 appeals to have govelned the p11- palation ot' the estimates for 1892. A little mom will be spent. on the oldillary selvices this yeal than last, but a good deal less 13 set uplllt for capital account the result being that the total outlro, i; the estimate is realized, will be over llalfa million less than in 1891. For expenses connected with popular educaâ€" tion an increase of $10,090 is provided for; illlnligrlltion goes up by a little OVel' $3,000; in the agricultural department an addition of $14,000 is askedâ€"$8,- 790 is for the extra assistance promised the local agricultural societies; and for hospitals and charities, provision is made for $17, 000 over and above the expenditnle ol the yeal‘,., n‘onc by. '1 hose ï¬gurse all indicate careful plunillg and show that there IS little to be gained by the Opposition in criticizing the ï¬nancial record 01 the Government. Some other ground of attack will have to bc‘louncl it' success is to be hoped tbr.-â€"- Toma/u ( Tory) News. ...__...-__._... -oâ€"W.. _. .. The Force of Imagination. A terrible accident occurred the otilrr day ill the woods, on a farm near Canton. A man was chopping, when the axe came in contact with his boot. The poor fellow fainted away, his foot. was wrap- ped up, the man laid on a slcizh and a man was seat. post haste to town tor a surgeon, who with fast driving lll'rirml at the place where the accident occurred. The boot was carefully removed by lltt‘ doctor, when 10 and behold there mu not a single scratch to be seen. The poor boot was the only thing that. had been hurt. This reminds one of what ago. when one of our town rumlllers was i ; W’ . mm, inlwtwwkuW'wW†5;...“ " .;.‘... '._.__.†_‘..‘ " __-"’“_'"" - -' “ ' occurred on the street here some 31011;“ . RADUATF. of the University 01 Trinity G College. Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Ru) :ll (‘ollcge or Surgeons nl l.ngland. .‘lollllltl‘ ot the Col- log 1: of l’lnsi (minis & Sllrglolls 01‘ Ontario. Oï¬ce and rt‘Sltlt‘lltl‘ on l~‘l ancis-Sl. \\ est Tonelon Falls, opposite the Gazette otlicc. m . --_ .. .___, SURVFFORS. JAMES menses, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 11., . Convoynnccr. &c. Residence, and ad. dress, Fem-loll Falls. DENTAL. M... .._......__._._.___. â€3"†WM - la. n. enoss, DEN'EIS'I‘, LINDSxt'i' will be at the †lchrth: lr House," Fonelon Falls, the second “3- dnesday ot‘each month. ‘Wulil‘ul Ind durable artiï¬cial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. Early 17 :clrs‘ experience. â€4:. a vow fine as sSOltment of lVeddillg Rings, “latches, and other Jewellery, Musi. :11 Instruments, Dollsand Toys of all descriptions, all of which will he sold at rollâ€"zit bottom prices. 3. NEVISON. Fenclon Falls, Decembervlï¬tll, 1891. “0111 Mammal. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine Oil.†“ Read this. Willie†' The Oils for Gennine Satisfaction for all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATE!) LARBINE 35 NUMBER I113, m... __ used by the Largest llillnlen in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS & Co., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD In Pension Falls. llonsc. Being a practical workman all should see his designs and compare llices before purchasing elsewhere. BOBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall HEADQUARTERS L‘l VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Paper and Picture lanes â€"15 ATâ€" l w. A. Goonwrms, Baker’ 3 Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. ll Army man, “ the child of a king, as he called himself. He ll'tuSClll‘lCtl rclv carelully into Dl Sl'lltera oilicc, saying. “Gite me a (llillk of ll :rltc ,llllll lleallv gone. Oh! I .llll dying! Quick, doc- tor†On exalllinalinll there was not a scrrat :h elcll the CllllillllL' had not ll-:r;l cut. â€"1’ wt Hope Guide. -"'“‘--â€"~--â€"â€"O-o~.~. . __ A negro eniprit was burned at 11.0 stake by all Arkallsfw lllob on Saturday in the. presence 0160911 pcople. ‘ The foot and mouth disc :lsc ll m splnld to 16 distlicts in Schlu-wig-llolsuill It ls plC‘fllltctl tlc discos.) nus plays! gated by lnallurc. Three families of 28 pcrsous have been poisoned at it cunt Chase, Maine, probably by the use of cooking soda. which had'becn kept a long time in a box. One death ensued and others me seriously ill. ’lMachine Needles. Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. Please call and see my 5:. Paper. Lindsay, April 211d, 1891. stabbed on the street by ll. Salvation. ‘ .3? .1 . t t ' t 4 l 1 4 t t A--_.