DRUG STORE hr lining-1 and anything in the Sldl’ldiiERl line. All the popular FATEiiTthEAiEENES kept in stock. Personal atten- tion given to all prescriptions and family recipes. Prices to suit my customers. Walter it. liladill, W. E. Ellis’s Old Stand. Fenclon Falls, March 3rd, 1892. Professional Cards. LEGAL &c. 'm- â€" A. l’. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorneyâ€" at-Law, Solicitor B in Cl. ancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. II. HOPKINS. (Succussou T0 Manna Jr 11011111113) )ARRIS'I‘E R. SOLICI'l‘UR, 61c Money B to Loan :11. 6 [11:1 cent. Ollice, “il- liam sttect, next to the Bank of Montreal. .a... MOORE & JACKSON, )ARRISTFRS. SOLIUITORS, in. Of- ) lice, William street, Lindsay. F.D.llooun.A..J.101<son WM O‘LEAR Y 1‘1: 0'1 EARY, ARRISTFRS, ATTORNE EYS-AT- LAW, Solicitors 1n Chancer3, kc. Ollice, ohony Block, lxentst1eet, luudsay. Aaraun U' [11-11mm 11111111 0‘ Luanr. MelN'l‘ Y R11} 11'. STEWART, ARRIS'I‘ERS,Solil-'ito1s. Notaries, 61c. B Olhces 111111 Ontario Bank, Kent street, Money to loan 1116 per cent. 011 Lindsay. easy terms. D. J. 110111-1111: BARRON & McL/l UGHL/N. ARRI s‘lERS, E Ollice: Baker’slllock Kent Str1- ct, Lindsay, opposite V citch’ a [10191.110111‘3' to loan at 1011 est rates of interest. (111111 A. 1311111011. T. Srswaar. R. J. lchAUcnmx. MEDICAL _._..._._.. A. \V. J. D1;.8GR\ SIM. D., ORONER , Physician, S11rgeon,&c. , kc. Residence, llrick Cott11gc,W1-.lli11gtcu lroot,Liudsa1'. â€MW. -â€" DR. .\. W I LSO N â€"11in.,11.c. 11.13.,Ot1ta1'io,â€"â€" HYSICI AN, SI'l‘ (‘1'? ON .1: ACCOUCU- our. Olli1e. Colborue Street, Feaclon Falls. Du. II. II. GRAHAM, RADIYATE of the University 01 Trinity G Onl.1~ge, Fellow of Trinity Medical School .\lemiur ot the Royal College or But-genus 111 England. Member 01 1he Col- loge of l‘hysitians .ir Surmons of Ontario. Ollie!- and residence on Francis- St. \\ est lenclon Falls opposite the Gazette ofliec. SURVEYORS. Amâ€â€œ"""' ' ‘ .1 131118 1111‘ KSON. ) L Surveyor. Commissionerin the Q. R, .Coureynu1-1r.&c. Residencc,aud ad- (ten, Fcuelou Falls. DENTAL. ....-_....n_..._.-.â€"._...H__ __ 1s. 11. snoss, DEN TIST, LINDSA", I'll! be at the †NcArthnr Rouse," Penelon foils, the second Wednesday ofeacb month. ï¬antiful and durable artiï¬cial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. [only at yean' experience. 16.1,. H. AUSTIN’S OLD STAND. Our stool; is well assorted IE8. ï¬mmim@fl Whig Mower-ck... Fresh Canned Tore-s E A Q G A A EA of rd atoos, , all of the least duality. WWWWWW-omm 1.388 Don’t fail to try our 25 cent Tea 3 it is extra value. Greater Bargains than ever in BOOTS do SHOES. With latest goods. 01' on .ard Olioieest brands of Japan, Young Hyson and Black Teas, and Blended Gof- Fenelon Falls, February 25th, 1 fees, fresh ground. Enrrafls For The Hoiidaysi Christmas, New 111111181 Wedding Presents, Consisting of Ladies’1 and Gent’s Dressing Cases in Plush and Leather, Col- la 'and Cuï¬â€˜ Boxes, Sl1a1 mg and Perfume Cases, SILVER- WARE, Christmas & New Year 8 Cards, Pictures: and Piafure Frames 11 very ï¬ne assortment of Wedding Rings, Watches, and other Jewellery, Musical Instruments, Dolls and Toys of all descriptions, all of which will be sold at rock bottom prices. S. N EVISON . Fenelon Falls, December 161b, 1891. "Ohl Mamma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine 01 .†“Read this. Willie.†The Oils for Genuine Satisfaction {or all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED LARDINE 81 GYUNEEB 311.3, used by the Largest Millmcn in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS & 00., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD In Fenclon Falls. FENELON ithLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 4TH,1892. NOTICE. Ail Notes made payable to Jam-:5 Brun' Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr post- -mast1-1 here, 11 he holds said notes. JAS.JOHNS'10N & Câ€"o‘ Penelon Falls, June 30111, 189Lâ€"191f. INSUIIANCE. 11E ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. issues by far the best 11"111111 policy in Canada. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. Feuelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. 17. Furniture. Having in store 11 large and well assorted Stock of Student’s Easy Chairs, CARPET PLATFORM ROCKERS, BEDROOM SUITES, EXTENSION TABLES. and everything usually kept in a ï¬rst class Furniture Store, all in want of something nice for CHRISTMAS AND NEW lElllS Presents will do well to call and EXAMINE M'Y STOCK before purchasing elsewhere. 3%†All good Goods, and purchased low 1.1. DEYIVIAN, ansnraxua 6; Foam-1111111 DEALER, Uolborne Street, Fenelon Falls. 1%. E M O V7 A L. Dr. GRAHAM has removed four doors east. to his own residence, nearly opposite Mr. Mcchwn’s in furniture factory. Fenelon Falls, July 23rd, 1891. 22-4. Horses for Sale. The undersigned have liliii lllllllllllli iiii'lil of Horses for sale, GHEAP FOR CASE-1, or part cash and approved notes for the balance. GREENE & ELLIS. 42-4. Fenelon Falls, Dec r10tl1,1891. LINDSAY ilaiblo W01 its \“3 ' t ’r 7,2,; R. CHAMBERS zit-r is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND llEADS’l‘UNliS, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, 11112., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Matthews‘ puking house. Being a practical workman all should 31.1: his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. BOBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall HEAD C, UARTERS JN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Rum Paper and Picture Frames â€"lS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block. Kent-51., Lindsay. Arlists’ Goods 3 Specialty. ’Mschine Needles. Alabastine and 1m Works Agency. 38" Please call and see my 51:. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1891. ‘ nitrogen Wood Ashes, Alsiks and 11.11 Cliver. To the elimr of Tits 111111111111. SIRâ€"W11 ship yearly to the Suites: £0111 l, 00-‘J M2 .000 cars of :11‘ 1115. We ship y1 111|_1 to Great. Britain and the continent alsikc and red clover t1) the value of soup-thin;r like the value ot‘Sl,- 000,000 I would very much like to draw the attention of your readers who grow als kc and red clover to the very great impor ance of girln: tht ir land all the wood a~ln~s they can lay their hands 011 that int-1 lauds they now have in cl 161 and alsike. or are p11ttiu1ri11toc.o- vcr and alsike. Clove1 and alsiko es~ peeially need potash, and wood ashes is one of the cheapest forms in which pot- ash can be bought. Farmers should never sell or trade off :1 pound of wood ashes. You have so many readers :1- nmngst the farmer counuuuity who do not see or read the agricultural papers, that I believe it you will insert this let- ter or draw the attention of the farmers to the importance of' using all the wood ashes they can get. hold of from their 11 ighbors or the towns and villages, you will be very greatly beneï¬ting this provâ€" ince 01' Ontario. As alsike and red clo ver get their nitrogen from the air, it is 11 waste of money to give it to them in the form of Fertilizers, but they need potash, and, it' potash is given to these plants, it makes them stronger and so much more able to draw more and more from the air. The land is greatly enriched with the nitrogen that is left in the soil, that is, From the roots, stalks and stems which remain or are ploughed in, the lollowin: crops of wheat, barley, ctc., ot'coursc getting the bClli'ilt. Peas, beans, luoornc will be as greatly beneï¬ted as alsike and red clo- . ver. Please use your influence to 310p the leak of wood ashes. Yours, 111.11., Toronto, Feb. 26. ALFRED Born. 0-.- ---- m-w _ An Indian Fat Woman. Mrs. Chippewa, the larg'st. woman. in the world, died on February 2nd at Dog Lake, an Indian reservation on the shores of Lake Manitoba, distant from . Winnipeg a little over 100 miles. The. avoirdupois of the. deceased was phenom- enal. She tipped the scales at over 700 pounds a Few days before she died. The cause of death, though an autopsy has not been made, was undoubtedly due to -. fatty degeneration of the heart. The woman was born 47 ago years on the shores of Hudson Bay. She moved to Lake Manitoba district with her parents smenteeu years ago where she has since lesided,exceptin1r a for. weeks spent in Winnipe" museum six 3oars ago. At that. ti me she weighed 624 pounds. was ï¬ve feet eleven and a l'ull- blooded squaw. Al'ter death the body was pl teed in a culii1 111211.111 feet lone,r and five feet 1101035 The 11 11111.11] 11:13 married to an Indian weiulu iug less than 100 pounds. .\11'. Fred Burrows, of this city, had arrauued to take her to the World's Fair at Chicago . in 1892. -â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"â€"o-o-â€"oâ€"â€"A ~-- - The Great City. lValter Deï¬ant, in the March number of' Harper’s Magazine, concludingr his, very popular series ol'articlcs 0111101111011 says: “ We have seen London from age to age. It has cl1:111'_'cd indeed. Yet in one thing it has shown no change. London has always been :1 city leaking Forward, presdu: forward. ï¬rming 1111‘- the future, trampling 011 the past. As it has been so it is, the city may have reached its highest point; it may be about. to decline; as yet it shows no sign; it has sounded no note of decay or of‘ decline or of growing: ago. The city which began with the East Saxon settle. ment among the forsaken streets thirteen hundred years 11110 is in the full strength. and lustihood oi manhood. For which, as in private duty bound, let u: praise and 111-11,:uil'y the providence which 11:11 so guided the steps of the citizens, and so filled their hearts with the spitit of‘ self- reliance, hope and coumge. â€". ...._._.. - The Nsah Indians, who are the mod. expert seal hunters in the world, have struck for an advance of wages. The. Indians have refused to ship in several ol'tho schoonern which have started from Seattle toward-1 the north. The red men think that on account of the lllL'lI prices paid for the skins last year the owners of the Vessels will make 11 11111111 deal 111' moufy this year, and shoe: (1 :11:- cordinnly 1:111: the crew 11 larger share of the catch. The: 1111' the captains have 1101. yielded to the demands, but have shipped white crews. Sher, inches in heigl1t,. 1 :‘u .3 :'.':-_1. 7 '“;,~:""' 1 . '. 1. .,,..».1..._,.... 1’ '.,«*-‘Rf uâ€"wâ€"....â€"... 1 we..."â€" WW" Am mm .-â€"._._..-- â€ï¬‚m' . .- , ~..».°\A 1 4“â€. _- ,5. Wuwor’ ~.. ..