J , 2;. 3: £1. 3‘: i v; ‘3 . "*‘zgrpets and Oil-Cloths, N O. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. .. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"..~â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~~â€"'â€"_â€"â€"â€"-~â€"._â€"-.â€"_â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€" Serious outbreaks oi foot and mouth 1 AU c T I O N S AL E dis-11st! have occurred among cattle in m, A VALUABLE 0...... GRAZENG FARM- A lame colony of Russian Jews will likely he established by BJI‘UH Hirsch There will be oï¬'cred for sale by Public Audion near Calgary. AT "GARTHUB’S HOTEL, Over 50 families will leave Party in the Village of Sound next month and locnc near Ed- monton. N. W. 1‘. John 11. Sullivan has issued challenge to ï¬slit all comers. excepting negrocs, F E N E L 0 N F A L L S, for a purse of $25,000 _ . _ . 'l‘wenty'two cattle markets in Ger- â€â€˜ ‘he 00““) DIV'CLOI'I“, on many have been closed in consequence lWednesday, the [6th of March! 1392, â€r the prevalence 0‘ f0“ ““1 mouth dis at the hour of? o'clock p. m. the following case. valuable grazing farm, viz: 'l‘a'o shuts ï¬red almost simultaneously The East half of Lot 27 in the 1st Con~ in a room occupied by Fernleigli Mom cessmn of thel‘ownsliip of.V_erulam. in the . . . Countv of Victoria, containing One llun- inane. an artist, and his wife. startled ' . l drcil Acres more or less. the inmates of house No. 418 Fourth ’ This farm. (formerly owned by the Rev. ltreet, Wushinitou, on Sunday. The Mr. Logan) has upon it several newer-fail- door was forced upon by an oï¬cer, when ing springs of water, is a very-valuable one the husband and wife were found lyinu a?†gm?!’"gfl’m'lllgsesvl‘mdr1515â€de about . . . ‘ t _ wit the bed, dead. From their position “0 n" es roin me â€n “I 3 - , - Ternls.â€"'l‘en per cent. of the pur- the woman had evulcntly lain on the chase money to be paid at time of sale. bed “â€1 “lowed her I'USb‘md ‘0 place Terms for payment of balance will be made the pistol in litrl' mouth and lift). Then known at time of sale, or may be ascertain. Iittiu: up he turned the bloody weapon ed on application to to his ou'n mouth. tired, and dropped LEYS: REID (‘3 OWENS: back on the pillow dead. Dcspondcncy, 18 hegjffl‘sfaéifgiflio ., . the result of long and painful illness, Orto THOS.ROBERTS, was undoubtedly the cause of the deed. Fenelon Falls. 2.; W DIICD. MARSHALLâ€"Ill the township of Fenehn on Monday, March 4th, Mrs. John M. Mar- nhall, aged 22 years and 4 months. ESTJRUQLY STEER. Game on to the subscriber’s premises, lot No. 24 in the 2nd concession of Veriilam, in June last, a Steer now coming two years old; color red, with a little white on his right flank and a small star on his forehead. The owner can have him upon proving FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 00. property and paying charges. l-‘cnelon Falls, Fl‘ldfly, March 11“], 1892. ROBERT BICFARLAND. ‘Wlieat, Scotch or Fife .... 83 to 87 Vertilatn Februur 16th 1892. ,2â€,- Wlieat, fall, per bushel. ... 82 87 ____ _‘ y ’ 0 Wheat spring “ 82 84 Barley: per bushel. . .. 40 45 AGENTS WANTED. Outs, “ ........ 27 23 l’ “ ....... . 55 57 . . . ,g’ge’ .. so Fonthill Nurseries. Largest in Canada. l’oiatoes, †...... .. 15 20 700 acres. Butter, per lb ..... . ..... . 1'1 18 "325. Per doze" ----- - 13 1" We want reliable, energetic men to sell “33'; PC“ ‘0“ - - - ~ - - - -- . 3-00 1000 our Nursery stock; previous experience not llidcs ....... nun 2-00 2-50 necessary; any mini with tact and energy Sheepskins. . . . ........ 5° 90 can succeed; terms liberal; outï¬t free. Wool ...... .. ...... 18 20 Our agents have many advantages, such as selling homeâ€"grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice New Specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us. We have given particular attention to the propagation of HARDY VARIETIES â€"-â€"orâ€"â€" suitable to the Northern section of Canada. VALUABLE PROPERTY. F" ‘° STONE t; WELLINGTON, S New Adverti83ments. Under and by virtue of powers of sale 49‘3““ Toronto, Ont. contained in a certain mortgage made by , Samuel Swanton, there will be offered for The Head Surgeon. sale by public auction 011 Tuesday, Of the Lubon Medical Company is now - at Toronto Canada, and may be consulted The 29th day 0’ March,1892, either in pérson or by letter on all chronic at twelve o‘clock, noon, diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, ‘ or middle-awed who ï¬nd themselves nerv- AT THE MCARTHUR HOUSE†ous, weak :tIid ,exunusted, who are broken in the Village of down from excess or overwork, resulting in . many of the following symptoms: Mental .F E N E L O N FAL L S, depression, premature old age, loss of the following valuable property: vitality, loss at tnetnpry, bad dreams, dim- ' ness of sight, palpitation of the heart, Flt‘flll)’.â€"Th° berth-east. quarterlof 10‘ emissions, lack of energy, pain in the No. 27 in the 7th concessnon of the .lowp- kidneys, head-ache, pimples on the face 0,. “HP °_f.l‘°"°l°“ 1“ the County 0f Victoria, body, itching or peculiar sensation about containing 50 “"55 more 0" 1033- the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- Sceniidly.â€"Tho North-west quarter of ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of lot No. 28 in the 7th concetisiou of the said the muscles, eyelids, and elsewhere, bush- Township of Fenclon, containing 50 acres fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will more or less. power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, Thit’tll)‘.-â€"Tlle south tmlfof the east half weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, of lot No. 28 in the 7th concession of the hulure to be rested by sleep, constipation, uid Township of Fenelon, containing 50 dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for acres more or less. solitude, excitability of temper, sunken 'rcrrns.â€"Onc-tentli of the purchase tit-yelssurtppnded with Lumen CIRCLES, Oily money to be paid down at the time ot’sale. “0""5 b in, etc, are 5} mptoms 0f “CFVOUS Liberal terms for the balance will be made debiliiy that 1°12“ to ills‘mill and death known at the time Ofsale. unless cured. ’llie spring of Vital force For further particulars apply to hiring lost its tcu'sripn everii' function‘walnes n , , _ to censor ueuce. iose w io are Sica ro ROMAN)?" O BRUEN ‘i‘ (“88.th abuse coinmitted in ignorance may be per- lc'ld‘m' SOI‘CNOT-‘i ninneutly cured. Send your address for 3-3. 7-1 Church St, Toronto. book on ail diseases peculiar to man. Book sent free, sealed. Heart disease, the symp- toms ot‘ which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain . , . l; l in the heart with beats strong, rapid and two-story hm: hote ’ irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about the breast bone, THE “ MANSION HOUSE †.. , ’ etc., can posuively be cured. ho cure, on rituatcd on the corner of Colboriic and pav. Send for book. Address M. Y. Francis streets. Possession given on the - ,, , _ 1st ot‘July ncxt. Apply to EEIBON, .4 lllacdoucll Ave. Toronto, (on ' .WINSURANGE. l-‘enclon Falls, March mm, 1892. 3-3111. l'ursuant to the Revised Statues of On- Mr. G. Cunningham having transferred his tario, th‘Si, Chap. llU, the creditors of Julia Insurance Business to me, I am prepared Martin, late of the Township of Verulaui in to take risks on all classes of property tho County of Victoria, ycoinaii, deceased, At V'crv L0‘V‘ctst IQutes. who du‘d on or about the third day of ‘ November, A. D. lStll. are,oii or b. fore. the . . . 81h day of Avril. -*\~ It â€9‘3. ‘0 send by None butfirst-class British and Canadian post prepaid to W. ‘l‘. Jniikin, of the Vil- - logo of Feuclon Falls, in the County of compames represented. \‘ieioria drug-ï¬st, one of the executors . “‘â€" under the lustawiil of the said deceased, w- FAIIDI PROPERTY at very low rates. tlu-ir Christian and surnames, addresses d d ‘r' i' . , ti ‘ fill arti‘ulars of T" xillieir rifting) iihdsthe iiatui'c oilthe ;ccurities $39,000 to loan “(ml 6 Per cent“ up' ‘V. E. EIJ IJIS, (it‘auy) held by them. The said executors shall, after the said 8th day of April, l89'l, Draggist and Bookseller. I-‘euclon Falls, June 25th, 1889. 20. I-IOTEL '1‘0 RENT. To rent on easy terms, that well-known be at tint-my to distribute the assets of the raid deceased, or any part tlicritot, among the parties entitled thereto, baring regard only to the claims of which such executors have then noticeund shall not be liable -.._... . "H ‘ ' ""'" ' for the assets or any part thereof so_distrib- DaV|d Chambers’ nte-l,to any person of whose clnim sucl; executors have not notice at the time o ' _. distribution of such assets or part thereof, FranCIS at“! Fenelon Falls- as the c sr tnav he. “â€" Dated at quclutt Falls this 8th day of Blacksmitliingin allitsdiii'orentbranchei Hutch.1592. done on short notice and at the lowest ROllERT JUNKIX. living prices. Particular attention paid to W. '1‘. JUNKIN. horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will ‘34, . Encarta". guarantee satisfaction, 45-ly, t l l l l CARTER The Cheap Man’s NEVV is now very nearly complete, and for Quality, Style --_A.NDâ€"â€" PREflE it is second to no stock in On- tario, having bought the greatâ€" est bulk of my stock under ve- ry peculiar circumstances, the result of which will permit me to sell you at a slight advance on wholesale cost. I11 DRESS GOODS I am showing the very latest styles. In STAPLE Goons my prices are the lowest. In MEN’S and BOYS’ HATS and CAPS you can depend on me for the latest. READYâ€"MADE [l0 lllllï¬. In this Department I do not buy the goods in the regular way. If I do not secure a; Bankrupt Stock at the right price, I can always with my ready cash secure a. job line at clearing prices, which accounts for the STARTLING PRICES I sell clothing at. It has been said, owing, I suppose, to the very large stock I carry and the very cheap prices [sell clothing at, that I am selling on commission for a. wholesale clothing house. Never mind what- they say; I will continue to pay spot cash, and secure some of the big plums that are always in the market for cash buyers, and give my customers the Cheapest Clothing in the Province of Ontario. Men’s Tweed Suits for $2 50. “ Serge Suits for $2 50. “ Wool Pants for 750. Boys’ 2-piece Suits for 75c. Space will not allow me to enumerate any more prices. Special priccs to Dealers and Peddlers. Letter orders re- ceive prompt attention. Sign of the Golden Lion. u. 1. Mini, The Lindsay Cheap Man. ‘vnlw' â€".__.._.__._...___.... “m...â€" .‘._..~-.â€". .. - â€in a an in N33“. BURGOYNE 8i; CO. We have decided to wind up our large retail business in this place, and as a ï¬rst; move we here give notice that on and after March lst we propose reducing our credit business. H av- ing placed our orders for a large and veryichoice selections in- all the various lines of Spring & Summer Goods before the ï¬rm thought, of retiring, we will continue business until our lease expires. The whole stock we intend to place before our customers at very low prices, and by so. doing": to‘ rush it off, Boots! Bobts l Shoes l Shoes l‘ We beat the band in all kinds of foot-wear. Everybody is interested, as the season is now at hand when every one wants- something in this line. $5,500’ Worth Now to be Sacriï¬ced. We purpose to ï¬rst open the ball 'in this line. All this large and new stock by the best makers in Canada we purpose sell- ing at cost. Our stock is ‘too large and raried to give prices. This is No AdVertising Dodge. ‘ We are prepared to quote prices that will tempt all. lte~ member, we are going out of business, and are bound to sell. iii“? All outstanding Accounts, Notes, etc, overdue must;~ be settled at once to save costs. ‘ BUSGOYNE 8r 003$, The Leading Retail Men. Fenelou Fall‘s, February 22nd, 1892. GOOD FITS. .WELL MADE. NICE PATTERNS. ' VERY CHEAP. M Call and see them at CLARK & SON’S. . A Rare Chance l SHILOH’S «+87 Tcï¬? 87o CONSUMPTION. CURE. IN FENELON FALLS FOR SALE, This GREAT COUGH CURE, this mecca-2 Belonging to the Estate of the late D. J. Scully. Will be sold in single lots or in ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par- allel in the history blocks to suit purchasers. Also a brick house and lot on Fidler‘s liill. NOW IS YOUIS' r11311‘133re authorized to sell it on a. positive guarantee, _.._. AS .__.. a test that no other core can successfully stand. ‘ ‘ It'you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, TI'IESL' erï¬T BL SOLD use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Group, or Whooping Can it, use it prom tly, For terms and particulars apply to Barron and “:1in is sure. If you “in“: insidious & McLaughlin, Solicitors for the Estate diseaseCONSUMPTION, don’t/ditto uscit.it Lindsay, or to will care you or cost nothing.) .Aslt your to w. E. ELLIS, Fencion Falls. Dmsirist for SHIDOH’S CURE. cc to cm. . o_ , lOtf acts. and $1.00.. It your Lun s are core or A1â€â€ “'ll‘i 1830"" ack lame, use Shaloh's Porous? r. 25 cu. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"-ov rusâ€" County of Victoria. R- M- MASON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; llonor Gren- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- " ' ..\. .V..\l.'l. The next sittings of the above Court will rogttc‘gidfgieLRCoing- ColbOi-ue and Louise he held in Dickson s hall, l~cnelon Falls, streets, Fenelon Falls. On MONDAY, APRIL THE 2531,1892. commencing at 10 ovï¬ligni“ illiebfopzapon Subscribe for the u Penelon Tuesda ',Atiri114( , :-, Wt c 2 “3 list a. ._ r , l n , day of sci-rice in this county, and Friday, Fla-“v Gazette, 0’11.) 81 a year April 89h. in any other campy-D n . in advance. All kinds of Job G†51.5mm. " ' â€'0‘ fl, Printing done in good style and at reasonable prices. Bailiff. Cle Penelon .Falls, Jan'y 23rd, 1892. of medicine. All druggistl’ u ‘ r/_' 1'1 M , 04-3 .o. .‘. rn .tst“