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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Apr 1892, p. 7

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wusors cover M. ' Are the best in tho world for tho Throat and Chest. tor the voice unequalled. R. a 'l‘. W. Stamped on each drop. ____________________.._._.____â€"â€" DR. TAFTSASTR EALRNB earns}... GUREME' an m... DR rar’rnnos. RocrmsFR E E TEE. N.Y.Cnnndisn Dept. lsdaflaldc St. W..'l‘ono.\"ro.u.\xam. gopircxmpllonialpd all lung Trouble! it curlchlf; uncil‘ Timings. tho Blood. gives new Life and Health. Whole- sale by Evans .t (30.. (Umlted.) Montreal. She Was "lulu: to Give In All. When Queen Elizabeth of England, found death approaching her, she cried despair» rngiy, “ All my possessions for a moment of time I" There are wealthy ladies today the world over, who would gladly exchange their riches for sound health. Many are made well and happy by Dr. Pierce’s Fav- orite Prescription, a never~failing cure for diseases so common to women. As a correc- tive for all functional weaknesses it is of universal repute among the sex, and thous- ands of pale, worn-out, enfeebled victims have been changed into vigorous women and irls by its use. Guaranteed to give satis- _action or price refunded. Druggists have It. He who would search for pearls must dive below. “Two Souls With bntn Single Thought.‘ As they sat side by side, they sighed. “ On my idol !" he said, and then idled. “Dear Luke,” said she, as she looked. “ I will wed thee if thou wilt,” and he wilted. The honeymoon passed in an excess of joy. Excess in eating rich food brings indigestion, sick headache, and frequent attacks of diz- ziness. Dr. Pierecc’s Pleasant Pellets will cure all these. They are tiny, sugar-coated, and easy to swallow. No other preparation compares with them as 0. Liver Pill. They are guaranteed, and one is a dose. Virtue treads paths that end not in the grave. some or 801mm AND mousrnr. Across the Ocean in a Bellscn. _ To mike a voyage across the ocean to En. One of the most curious developments of rope in a balloon is an enterprise projected commercial enterprise and industrial inge- by Professor Samuel A. King, the aeronnnt, unity, recently exhibited is the importation and several financial hackers, to take a into this country,ofnpeculiar vegetable ma- place from Philidelphia some time during terial from Oran, an Algerian seaport on the next summer. The project is not yet de- Mediterranean Sea. The fibre of this sub. finitely assured, although Professor King stance possesses the quality of being so elas- has been promised the funds necessary for a tic that it can be used as a substitute for complete preparation for the trans-Atlantic springs and the like, in the manufacture of journey. The expense that would be at- furniture backs and seals ;it isso expansive, tached to such an enterprise is estimated t) indeed, andso easily affected by higher tem- be about $20,000 or $25,000. Professor peratures in its dry state that, when pack~ King was seen late on Tuesday night about ed, the bales have to be held in place by the proposed oceanic balloon trip at his means of heavy steel bands. The pcculiar- home. He had declined to give for publi- ity of this grass is that it thrives only around cation just what arrangements had been the volcanic slopes of Oran and flourishes made, deeming that it would not be proper, up to within a short distance of the craters inasmuch as the enterprise had not been themselvesâ€"tho latter being always in a positively assured. semi-active state, and the earth around so “The talk is that the start,” said be, warm that not a plant of any kind can “should take place some time in August thrive or is ever seen to grow except this from this city. That is the best time. I am steel-like roduct, and the practical value very anxious that it shall realy occur for I which is li 'ely to be fully utilized in future. have been considering such a project for The triple expansion mill engine, lately several 3'031’3- I thlhh I have a 19-5“ mapped described as having been erected for a flair 0'” the Plhhs by Whlch Shell 5 Journey can I inning mill in Belfast. Ireland, secures be accomplished- It 15 hecessmy uh?” I c ose rc ulation by means of two governors, 3h°hld try ‘0 mil-he the ml? 30°”: for m a and each cylinder has four Corliss valves. erlod “‘05, h“ $3931: I lmlgtht Sud th“ I The use of so lemcntary overnor, remarks 8"“ 11° V180? 1'13 3901 3- 35 ‘- , a mechanicalppjournal, isgbecoming almost Should Pr°f°53°r thg he0°mPhSh “"3 universal in establishments where even V°yage across the Oceanih & hallo?“ ihw‘mld speed is a necessity; the main governor has he the fit“ feat 0‘ the kmd 1“ hmer- of course, a corresponding speed for each There have beehfievcml attempt} made to Position in its range, and on its rising to cross the Atlantic through the air, but they give the earlier cut-off needed with a reduc- refiulhed "1 Signal fallhl‘es- PIOfBSSOI‘ Wise tion of load, the engine would run at the tried 1t about forty years ago: but he was increase corresponding with the new posi- h°t able to get 9' Start Subsequently Pm' tion of the governorâ€"the sup lemcntary fessorhowe 151301113519?“ attempt» the Bt'a't‘ overuor steps in, however, an varies the “13 Pomh bemg at Pomt Breeze: “but the ength of the rod connecting the main gov- b31102“ “"15 {1°17 PmPel‘ly mhdeâ€" ~ POfeSSOI‘ ernor with the detents, the results being to Donaldson dld not have “111011 better success cut oil‘ the steam still earlier, and to bring in 11h! 3m)“ Emmy yefl-rs, “'80- , , . the engine back to the normal speed. In It ‘5 I’m-955°” Kings 01113“’11 that the practice, the action of the two governors is b31100“ necessary to make “1 tmhs'Atlahhs simultaneous, causing the variation of speed V°yagP Should he 9' hydrogen one» and the to be very slight and little more than capacny Shoum be from 400.000 to 500,000 t def wid 1 v r in cubic feet. He believes that a trip through 1113:1338.” My, even 11“ 0 y u y g a high altitude, say three and one-half milec . 5 . high as has been suggested by some aero- mlggxfiggggghgggggh $33,833; 5’13: naut,s, is not advisable. His idea i. u... about 115° can be cooled in paper, he happen- ggeQDggbogégffggld saggy; dragd ioplal. £090 ed to use a lithographed card, of which the ’ g' v 8 en mu m" m . the water. In this way the balloon could edges were turned up; upon taking away . . _ . . the card it was discovered that the litho- st’nke 8' current of a" and tmvel With it across the ocean. 5' T. EATON Co. (LIMITED) We are going to add to our business this season. \Ve had plenty last, but we’re going to have more. Not going to swoop it and you in by hurrah and rush, but by steady, every -day-the-same kind of work win your dollars and goodwill. lVe are going to do it by sell- ing the best Dry Goods. Not the best puffed, but the best. made and a. quality that has it’s name on it. \Ve’ll have none in our store that hasn’t. Sometimes the truth seems like exaggeration because so much exaggeration passes for truth. You judge this as csâ€" Here Lies! Epitaphy is a. demoralizing kind of tafi'y. 83y and “fut? 1t do‘vn as C‘ha'fi“ It appears on the tombstone, and eulogizes It would be If the store were the dead almost to the ver stars. The . V usual method of beginning, is? “Here lies.” other than this, but when you Very suggestive, for the lies are frequently think of a thousand help- quite astonishingâ€"almost enough so to both , , . ‘ D ‘ .t amuse and amaze the dead of1whom they are BI‘S 1D. fifty dlfiel ent epitll - written. A truthful epitapi in many in- .' 0. . n stances, would be: “Here lies one who ments covenno 11.1016 t a’ omitted to take Drf. Pifirce’g Gotlrden Medici three acres Of selhng space, cal Discovery.” I sic an en ering, an _ - ' dreading premature death, test the potent you Shall detelmlne thls great remedy. it cures all chronic, liver, blood, Dry Goods Palace to be $01116- and lung diseases, as biliousness, skin and beyond the ordinary- It is I It is 1 Such' a showing of fashionable stuffs is beyond comprehension of those who liavn’t already seen It. We V ANTED-B a Canadian House. a Man with S5, to buy an interest in their, buisnem, and go to England and take charge . business contr ollcd by thorn l’.0. Box 33. _‘ Toronto. 6. GENTS “‘AXTED- For “Out of Darkness into Light, or the story of my Life." by Jo-eph l~‘. Hess the converted Prize-Fighter and Saloon-Keeper. The story .0! his travels and tholito he led are more thrilling than the . page of fiction. Send for circulars and terms. a \‘M. Barons. Publisher, Toronto, Ont. l .1 I I I .I :5 .f _l 'i ._g t i i. I i i I i ‘. ‘H s A 091) rozm FOR mum Supplying tho material that forms FLESH, MUSCLE s. BONE. MONEY! MONEY! Mons: T ‘ _._._. Lornorfimmmu . LOAN All!) Author or LTD - :5,» 103 Bay Street. Toronto. 3-.5. l scalp diseases, scrofulous sores and swell- ings, saltrheum, tetter, erysipelas, and even scrofula of the lungs (or Consumption), if taken in time. Great truths are portions of the soul of man. raphedcharcaters were clearly anddistinct- A.P_ 599_ . ‘ Y impressed upon the cooled surface of the bafiggge wilfiidggggo5:23:33‘3‘30‘11‘E; 3:: a to say It hasn’t an Capital ..... ...... .....$5.000.000. .4 s l l 1' cm inin thus after hard friction ' . 'â€" alfi \lf'zfsilfingf‘ Bygrepeated experiments in Passfgfiers mg] the fol"; Thedlowefdofic . Are 331,001) equal anywhere. CGI‘l’a‘llllly not whgft’g‘gxpfigpgzggnmhgggffig‘gnglggfg Olly,- this direction he has succeeded in obtaining 3:811 dedlls: :3 8‘ Cmsmef’ an coil dd ‘8 ' B UILDEB in Canada montand AT mme ( URRENT RATES, UN results of a very satisfactory character, . Ge.“ e in 0 ymea‘ns ° 3. rope 9' e" and NERVE ' OIPAI. Dnaauruuus Pl. normsno. ' The idea is to have the cuisine removed TONIL. Applyto local appraisers orto removing the paper each time by a mere washing and rubbing process. It is found, in fact, that sulphur will receive impressions from and reproduce, in a faithful manner, characters or designs in ordinary graphite crayon, colored crayons, writing ink, typographical inks, china ink, lithographic inksâ€"whethercolored or uncolorcd varieties â€"-and others. He also states that it will reproduce with remarkable exuctitude maps. \Vorkots and artisans in metallurgy will be interested in the formula, lately publish- ed, of Morgan’s process for coating sheet iron with lead, by means of which such ad- mirable results are obtained. In accom- plishing this result, the metal is first made free of sale by means of hot dilute sulphuric acid, then washed with water, and after- ward trausferrod to a vat containing a solu- tion of lime or other alkaline compound, which serves to prevent oxidation and acts as a flux. The sheet iron is now placed in a dilute solution of zinc chloride containin on the average twenty pounds of oxalic acid and ten pounds of sodium sulphite'per ton of iron treated, these quantities depending upon the quality of the metal. After this immersion, the sheets are passed through melted lead, and allowed to drain. simple methods differing but slightly in their details ; but it has recently been pro- posed, insteud of the usual plan of using pitch to cement coal dust together to form briquettes, to resort to substances of a glutinous or fariuuccous character, these in- cluding those obtained from wheat, barley, ryc, or other cereals of vegetables, 5 per cent. to 95 per cent, of coal dust being found to constiute a suitable proportion. The mixture may be kncodcd, by hand and sets in a short time, so that moulding under pressure is not really essential, though moulding may be resorted to, for securing rapid manufacture. The product is said to burn with less smoke than the ordinary briquettes, and it is claimed that, in the matter of cost, the new article is the more economical. Ashes, or refuse matter from coal tires, with or without fresh coal, may also be utilized. A protographic journal states that by treating resin with sulphur to about two hundred and fifty degrees. Cent, 3. reaction takes place, attended by the evolution of sulphurettcd hydrogen, and leading to the formation of an almost black pitchysub- stance containining sulphur and resembling considerably the well-known Syrian asphalt in many of its properties. Among these is its quality of being insoluble inalcohol, but it dissolves readily in chloroform and benzine, and is also sensitive to light in the same way as Syrian asphalt, for which lat. tcr it can be substituted in photographic work. A new English pattern of stair thread is made of alternate strips of lead and steel, the lead furnishing foot-hold and the steel preventing wear. The lead is cast in groov- es in a plate of steel, and it is asserted that this form of stcphas unusual durability, not wearing smooth even under heavytravcl. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"~â€"â€"-O-â€"â€"â€"â€"- Do Not Bellevc it. Do not believe that Nerviline will cure neuralgia almost instantly. If your teeth ache console yourself with the reflection that «in can't last for ever. Don‘t use Nervi inn; it mith stop the pain. Rheu- matism is often ditlicult to cure. Keep on rubbing the old fashioned liniments as a matter of respect to your grandfather's aunt. Nervilinc is a new discovery that in itself ought to condemn it. Therefore cling to the old; snll‘er pain; avoid the use of Nerviliue, the most prw‘crful, penetrating, and certain pain remedy in the world. TryinztohlakeU ‘ Mrs. Mugge~“ What are you drinking whisky for!“ Mr. Mugsâ€"J‘ Th' grip, m' dear. " from the upper 'car about the space of twenty-feet, so that there would be no danger from the coal oil stove. Professor King has made over three hundred balloon ascensions in his career. ._~__â€"‘.â€"â€"â€"â€"uâ€"â€"- Syrup ofl-‘lgs, Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. Her Nature Revealed. J ackâ€"“ What is your idea of a. true wo- man 9.” Harryâ€"“ One who will kiss her rival on the way to keep an appointment with a man she has hired to toll the bell at the hour of her rival’s wedding.” Business is Business. A good story is told of a. New York mil- lionaire who was caught on a surface car “ If you’re a smoker, perhaps you will not object to pay my fare and take its value in this way.” Here he drew from his cigar-case a fine after-dinner l’erfecto and offered it to the conductor. “ All right,” said the latter, “ but ‘ biz is biz.’ The fare is flve cents, and you’ll have to give me two of them.” The passenger laughineg complied, as he thought the humor of the affair, intentional or not, deserved recognition. Younaction alone determines your worth. Blood Supply. To one cupful of boiling milk add same quantity of St. Leon Water “ cold.” Drink before, with or after meals freely as neces- sity requires, You will feel such a glow, inconceivably warming and thrilling the pulses, such bracing of nervous power, such elevation of vital and mental force incon- ceivable, surpassing all preparations to sup- ply lifc ever discovered. “ \Ve possess over- whelming authority. ” Clemency is the surest proof of a true monarch. Mr. John A. Campbell, Sr. Sixte, Qua, writes :â€"-“ lily wife was unwell for four years from irregular periods, brought about bya severe cold. She tried many remedies, but without relief. Seeing Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills advertised, I procured two boxes aud the result is a permanent cure. They are the best medicine in the world for the disease you represent them, for. Sold by all dealers. . There is no worship where there is no joy. NEH" \‘ORK. Elegant new buffet sleeping cars, especi- ally built for this service, leave Union Station daily, except Sunday, at 455 p. m., running through without change to New York City over the popular \Vest Shore route Lunches are served on these cars, and they contain every comfort and convenience, and are an perfect in all their appointments that a trip to New York is made a pleasure, all tedious transfers and the annoyance of lunch counters being dispensed with. Sun- days leave Toronto at l'2,‘20 p. m., connect- ing With a through car at Hamilton, Train leaving Toronto every day at 12.50. p.m., connects at Hamilton with through sleeping car for New York, arriving 7.30 following morning. Labor not needed for good is food for Mrs. .\luggsâ€"“ You got over the grip a physic. month ago. " Mr. .\luggsâ€"-“ Yes, m‘ dear ; but I didn‘t know 'bout whisky brin'good fer grip :nen, u'dns: " . _ without change in his pocket. He went The couvorsmn of coal dustinto fuel has to the conductor quietly and explained his fora long time been accomplished by various situation, and ended by saying : cursors Toorlucuz can. For sale by Drugslsts. Price 150. . They supply - 1n condensed form ALI. the sub- stances needed to enrich the .Blood and to rebuild the Nerves,thusmakin§ them a certain an speedy cure for all diseases arinin from no overishe blood,a.n shattered nerves, such as pars alysis, spinal _dis- eases, rheumatism, sciaticadgss ofmem- ory, erysl elas, pal. pitationo theheart, ‘ , , , scrofula.chlorosisor w: ‘ ,- ' r ‘. - V green sickness, that tire feelingt at_af! r so many, etc. They have a specific action on the sexual system of both men andwomon, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia. excesses, or self-abuse, should take these PILLS. They Will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERlNG WOMEN nfllictedwith the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearin down pains. weak back,_ulcerations, etc., mil find these pills an unfailing cure. PALE Alli) SALLOW GIRLS shouldtake thesePills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. anmn or Imanous. These Pills are sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trademark orwill be sent by mail, ost aid, on receipt of priceâ€"meents a box or for 2.50. THE DR.WILLIAMS MED. 00., Brockville. 0nt.. or Morristown. RY. The Gold. The disagreeable g taste of the GOD [IVER all. is dissipated in Oi'Pure Cod LiVer‘ Oil with HYPOP‘HwPHITES OZB" 331MB AND SODA. The patient suffering from CONSUMPTION. BRONCIHTIS, COUGH. COLD, 03 \VASTING DISEASES, takes the remedy as he would take milk. A per- fect emulsion, and I wonderfulflelh reducer. Take no other. All Druggfsts. ., 1.00. SCOTT d} BOW'NE, Belleville. D, AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS CUTTING. taught by Miss Chubb. general agent for Ontario. 256} l’onze Sh. Toronto. Ont. TORONTO BISCUIT AND CONFEGTIONERY 00 make the host goods. Try them and um. D ARZIELD TEA cures ConstipationSick hrudwcho. restores the Complexion. ;.c-. v"- ’ I ct Free Sample at GARFIELD TBA Aomvcv, 317 Church St.. Toron . , >1.» _.A;.,-.= 'I‘.:I 1' "CE‘E EL'MAN 5F0§g «1 x semen " '. can”: Vf.‘:‘1-'fu';'. *if’; 3' ’51334- :1. f ‘, . I: w ,2“: (5' W.McDOWALL DIRECT IMPORTER OF FINE GUNS, RIFLES SHOOTING SUITS,HUNTING BOOTS,ETC. LOADED CARYRIHIES. ARTIFICIAL BIRDS AND TRAPS A SPECIALTY. 8 King Street East. Toronto. If you believe that, let us LRKIRK. Manage“ send you samples (free of Choice farmsforsaleannt.&Manltoba course) of just such dry goods as will tell their own talc. We have a. most thoroughly {’1 equipped Mail Order Depart- 3 ment to attend to all such re- 5 6 o quests and'fill all orders the same day as received. We : charge nothing for our work. " We’re only too glad to have (“ERA”) Tm, yOu use us JuSt so as lnay- {are the best in the market and have patented Canouam be I im rovcments not found in any other make. or or one from your Carriage maker. Take ‘5 ‘ ” n no other kind, I 4‘” T. EATON co v, (LIMITED) YONGE ST. QUEEN ST. _ $0,192.19t,196,198_,200. 10nd“ - - TORONTG ' 3'“ All under One Roof. Learn to cutâ€"No bett_cr ‘ I trade. Thorough m< " struction given at TORONTO CUTTING ! 3 SCHOOL. 123 Yonge St. Terms moderate. g ’ Write for particulars. Also agcpts for the ' McDowell armcnt Drafting Machine. ‘ydli’l‘ll‘llllll. Lllllli J. DOAN 84. SON. For Circular Address, . . ’77Northcotc Ave" Toronto w " cars 61‘ 1'“: Fit-(EAT Gone; A‘rA Low 99.01 , norf'r a: sh agent-,1 ,V To pA‘I‘QONITAEuOI-Qw = iégopT-SRNh‘vBW. 5' .9. ' .I‘N’JDHD' WKTLHfi'a . SI ., creeks,‘J:wELL‘r:a~r [mo (Stun-wane. :3 Q0145 , P's-rots at elcvctes . Mu area-rm; Goons N ‘ I." “,3 .1 WHOLESALB‘IfllICEf‘ ! can So! m CATALoGUE Ir unscrew»!- ctosso wmcu You raw new.» 5350:»: rumors: RANK .TA ART ac F89 Kl‘gc $2 ‘Jt‘m Tenome A iBUHR STONE Chopping Mills with I Elevators attached ' mnos'nv WATEROUS BRANTFORD, CANADA Have had a great run. : . Got tholr new ' Catalogue RE YOU... we are looking for? 5 ' mus mm mm . BUILT BY WATEROUS BRANTFORD If so, we would urge you not to keep PUTTING OPP a mat- ter of so much importance. You Will never meet with such another opportun- ity °f INSURING YOUR “if as is now presented by us. 'm full particulars write the Confederation Life. Toronto, or apply at any of the Acmcms. w... ‘4 . a. ._, 4 t;.~i--n .1. , “1;:- .uw M,~M wan...“ m w -.

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