keevnwpu‘cm‘. )sg ODD AND INTERESTING. A hard pillow is said to be a preventive for wrinkles. A new herring bank 100 miles long has been discovered off the west coast of New- foundland. The ï¬rst suspension bridges ever built Were made in China 2,000 years ago, being constructed cf iron chains. There are 4,200 men hard at work on the fourteen buildings which are to be erected on the “’orld’s Fair grounds at Chicago. The ï¬rst train run in Great Britain was between Stockton and Darlington on Sep- tember 27, 1325. George Stephenson was the driver, and the speed was not more than live miles an hour. In Vienna there is a club of rich men pledg- ed to marry poor girls. If amember marries a rich girl he is lined £400, the money being presented to some worthy impccunious couple engaged to be married. There are twenty-ï¬ve railway tunnels in England between one and two miles long, four over two miles, two just three miles, and oneâ€"the Severn on the Great Western Railwayâ€"is over four and a-half miles long. The ï¬rst English Parliament was opened 627 years ago. Camels can stand heat and cold, but they perish quickly in a moist atmosphere. The household maintained by the Queen of England consists of nearly 1,000 per- sons. Out of the 210,010 domestic servants in London, it is cslllllltcd that 10,000 are al- ways out of employment. Crenution is now regarded by scientists throughout the world as the most sanitary mode in which to dispose of the dead. An electrical stop watch has been tested in a bicycle race, where it. determined the winner, although he was only one-hundredth of a second ahead. The latest whim for the owners of dogs is to make them wear shoes in the house for the purpose of protecting the polished floors. They are made of Chamois, with leather soles. A new parasite has been discovered which infests paper money, and is found nowhere else. It is invisible to the unassisted eye, does not attach itself to persons, but multi- plies at a rapid rate. There are nearly 3,000 stitches in a pair of huudsewn boots. The Hindoo nose-ting is to be abandoned, and a flower worn instead in the nose of the Indian woman. Mortality from consumption is rather higher in Scotland than in England, and. in England than in Ireland. The prejudice against the wearing of whiskers is becoming very marked in the leading clubs and restaurants of New York City. Careful investigation in Prussia. reveals the remarkable fact that the average life of Jews in Prussia is ï¬ve years longer than that of Christians. Russia appears, amid all her difficulties, to be making a determined attempt to com- plete the Trans-Siberian Railway. Some 12,000mcn are employed; of these 2,500 are soldiers, 900 men condemned to penal. servitude, 300 political prisoners, 400 Rus sian navvies, 1,700 Chinese and Coreans, and 425 stone masons and stonecutters. Chinese ingenuity seems equal to every emergency. A man-of-warattackcd a China- ese junk engaged in illegal traffic, and was eager to capture the crew alive. The sailors on the junk threw overbroad thousands of cocoanuts, and then leaped among them. The mau-ofâ€"war’s men could not distin- guish heads from cocoanuts, and nearly all of the Chinamcn escaped. Lcuwenhoek has computed that 10,000 threads of the web of afullgrown spider are not larger than a single hair of a man’s beard. He calculates that when young spiders be- gin to spin, 400 of their threads are not lar- ger than one from a full-sized insect. If this be a fact 4,000,000 webs of a young spider pro not as large as a single hair from a man’s ace. The practice of cremation is on the in- crease in Germany. in addition to the crematorium which has been in operation at Gotha since 1877, and where from ï¬ve to six hundred bodies are now cremated every year, a new establishment of the same kind has been consecrated at Ohlsdorf. Another Crematory will be opened in Octo- her at Carlsruhe, making the third in Ger- many. In Jerusalem the ï¬nest, and, in fact the only, hotel is kept and owned by a Phila- delphiau. Several years ago he visited the ancient city, and saw that a good hotel would pay, and he at once erected a first- class hostelry. Pilgrims from every land, bound to Jerusalem, were only too glad to ï¬nd a clean, comfortable hotel so far away from home, and it is now royally patronized by travellers. Guides are kept who are experts in Biblical history, and who pilot guests to all points of interest. Inventors claim that surfaces of alumin- ium may be successfully soldered to each other, and to other metallic surfaces, by using silver chloride as a flux in conjunc~ tion with ordinary solder. The pieces of metal, one or both of which are aluminium, are flawed in the relative position required in t a joint, ï¬nely-powdered fused silver chloride spread along the line of junction, and solder melted on with a blowpipo or other device. The joints are thus easily and rapidly obtained, and become hard and perfectl sound on setting, and neither crack, akc, nor check. The old penalty against a German soldier or sailor of the standing army or navy who left the fatherland was a ï¬ne of 200 marks or forty davs‘ imprisonment, That has now been rain to a thousand marks’ line, or four months. A gold coin passes from one to another two billion times before the stamp or im- rcssiou upon it becomes obliterated by rictiou, while a silver coin changes between people three and a quarter billion times be- ioro it becomes entirely eli'aced. When the Queen opens Parliament in person she proceeds in state to the House of Lords and commands Black Rod to let the Commons know “ that it is her Majesty’s pleasure that they attend her immediately in this house." Black Rod proceeds to the House of Commons and formally commands their attendance on which the Speaker and the Commons go up to the Bar oi thc'House of Lords and the Queen delivers her s eh- whieli is read by the Lord Chancellor 'nccl- ing on one knee. A Boy’s Idea- The following conversation reported by a friend was recently overheard between two brothers, aged four and six years: “ Say, \Vinny, what is the difference. anyway, between a bicycle and a tricycle 2†Elder (with patronizing air)â€"â€"“ Why, Ray, don’t you know that '2 If a man takes the thing home to see how he likes it, it is a tricycle, but if he buys it outright it is a bicycle." ’ may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., from either addresses. The price at which thae A MONTREAL, MIRACLE. _ pills are sold makes a course of treatment After Seven Yen‘rs of Helpless' comparatively inexpensive as compared ncss, Health IS Restored. with other remedies, or medical treatment ’TflE LINDSAY EXPEDITION. A Stair-men or the chmnrkuble Case 01' Miss Ramsay as Investigated By a Re. porter of [.45 Blonde. Failure orthe Cosilicst Attempt Yet nude. in Australian Exploration. ’ The expedition which started about a yearago to complete the exploration of West- ern Australia, under the leadership of Mr. David Lindsay, has been a complete failure. It was the most expensive expedition ever organized for Australian exploration. It was ï¬tted out by Sir Thomas Elder, and it , started northward into the desert region to carry out a plan of explorations formulated by the Royal Geographical Society of Aus- tralia. The expedition has disbanded, and most of its members are in Adelaide, the officers having been dissatisï¬ed with the lleadership of Mr. Lindsay. They complain of incompatibility of temper, and declare that he did not treat them with confidence - _ , or genialit-y. Sir Thomas Elder continues, tron to add another laurel to the renoun however, to express full (onï¬dence in Mr. achieved by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, by . , . . . . giving the facts of a case, and certainly .‘ .Lmdsab but 1‘ 18 n0†l’kely that he “"11 be ' - - bar 0 of another expedition. remarkable one which cannot fail to Inter- m c g . . est Montrealcrs, inasmuch as it is not only The eqmpment 0f the Party “lcmdcd . thirty camels brought from Arabia with local, but gives the cure of a. younrv lady . . r ' well known and esteemed in the daistrictltl’eu’ dnrrs'. Emmy hfld Emdcrgone aloi’g in which she resides. The young lady who - Kai’s?†19 “aimâ€? to game thetm t? owes her restoration to health and strength ’15 11-91183 .C ’ma e.“ , ’0 PM ‘yl 817‘“ ' f is Miss Ramsay, daughter of Mr. John Ram- "on m M m APHI’ 1.591’ along. t m me.° say, the well known? manufacturers went, the Purposed trul’fscl’ntmenml muroad’ With and one of Montreal’s most esteemcdociti- the purpose of “tnk‘l’g ‘Vesm'urd fmm 15â€â€œ lens who does business at 360 St James route between the Widely separated tracks street», and resides at 1-1 Coursol street. Some i“ came†explorers" and thus accumulate Lc Mondo. April lst. The total force in the British Naval Ser- vice alloat in 1390 was 53,350 officers and men, of whom 30,020 were between the ages of 15 and 24, 17,310 between 25 and 35, 5,150 between 35 and 45, and 870 above 45 years of age. Have You Thought of It? For four thousand years or more the world groaned, suffered, and fumed about its corns, for there was no positive reliefâ€"no certain and painless cure until Dr. Scott Putnam gave to the world his great Corn Extractor, During the past year newspapers in vari- ous parts of the countrK have chronicled ac- counts of marvellous cures from the use of a medicine known as Dr. “'illiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. These remarkable cures, many of them in cases hitherto held by medical science tobc incurable, were known as the Hamilton miracle, the Cape Breton miracle; the Detroit mirale, the Saratoga C0. miracle, etc., and were vouched for by such leading newspapers as the Toronto Globe, Hamilton Times, Hamilton Specta- tor, Halifax Hcrald, Detroit News, Albany N. Y. Journalnnd others, whose high stand ing left no room to doubt that the facts were 2 as stated. And now Le Monde is in a posi- carelessuess, for the remedy is at hand. Try Putnam’s Corn Extractor. It is sure. painless, and prompt. Beware of substitutes N. C. Polson d: (30., proprietors, Kingston. The Rothschild family of Europe, says Herr Flurscheim, the German economist, is estimated to be worth S],000,000,00U and income to be $35,000,000. Nature‘s Creative l‘owcrs Surpass all the arts of man, fearless of contradictiot St. Leon mineral water has proved its su- periority. Used freely as a table water it absorbs those secretions that quench life. Also St. Leon soothes, feeds, and tones up the nerve and vital forces, is so full of that mysterious life snstainin fluid can be ignited. The charmed, reï¬ne feelings that flow steadily on when St. Leon is imbibed hose only can tell who try it well. The Queen of Portugal is the most dressy lady in Europe. She buys costumes, bon- nets, and hats wholesale. Her pale com- . - terial to ï¬ll the great blank spaces on of the facts of this remarkable case havmg ma , . . , , P come to the knowledge of Le Monde, a re- thFdIin"% égstfaha': git. “mmalsdl‘ldir porter of this paper was detailed to make if.“ "’6 _ e mi": 1"" 20"? It?" ‘V‘fmfl Pm“ an investigation and in the interest of other {51:1}?! “0;? 8: lgferxpwom “in (3 st]: 333' sufferers, lay an accurate statement of the ,1 '1 F0 I? d S I em a 5° m r " I. ’ facts as he found them, before the public. “ 16†“my mac 8 no“ ’wesmm Ausm‘ m" . to look for relics of the ill-fated explorer Both Mr. Ramsay and his daughter were . . Y . found to be enthusiastic in their praises of Le’c’mrdt" Who disappeared somlst’enous’y Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and from the story many years ago' told the reporter they had excellent reasons for their enthusiasm. plexion and auburn hair permit of any kind of headgear. “WARNENG.†ask your Druggist for IB~ BONS’ TOOTHACHE GUM, tat-Cd no A. P. 602. failure of the expedition was the unfavor- able season, which tried to the very utmost the endurance and patience of every mem- ber of the party. In the far interior not a drop of rain had fallen for several years. \Vhen they reached the sandy wastes which they were to traverse, they discovered that sources of water from which earlier explorers had drawn were wholly dried up. It was decided to be impossible to follow out the programme of crossing the desert country almost due west between the tracks of Giles and Forrest. Only two alternatives were left. The party must either retreat and Perhaps the chief reason for the dismal At the age of 14, said Mr. Ramsay, my daughter was attack» subsmum' ed by chorea, more commonly known as St. Vitus dance. Chorea, it may ‘be said, is a diseased condition of the nervous system which may result from feebleness of con- stitution, overstudy, or from a shock or fright, leaving the patient in a more or less helpless condition, control of the limbs being lost. The trouble was brought on through a fright she received at a ï¬re which occurred in our neighborhood. That was more than seven years ago, and those seven years have been ï¬lled with untold misery to NG. CLEANSING. HEALING. Instant Belief, Permanent .« Cure, Failure Im assible. -‘ SOOTI . . confess defeat on the very threshold of their .131“? swelled 904595 are my daughter. I Her t1 ouble wastn the worrst work, or they must cross the country to_ 51mph, anagrams of patmh’ ‘ form, and until she began usmg Dr. W 11- such ashes. ache,iosmgsense . . -. of smell,i’oul breath, hawking .:_ ward the southwest to the Victoria Springs, about 600 miles dist-ant, where the explorer Giles reported years ago the existence of ample water supplies. They made that journey in the midst of torrid heat, with only a. quart and a half of water a day for each man, and with so scanty a supply for the camels that they were almost dead by the time they reached the Victoria Springs. To the utter dismay of the explorers they found that the verdant oasis, as described by Giles, was scorched and barren. Not a drop of water could be found. They wore in danger of speedy death unless they soon obtained water. lVith frantic desperation they began to dig in one of the bellows, and when they reached a depth of twenty feel; they came to water. It was bitter and so liams'Piuk Pills, medical science seemed unable to successfully cope with it. When she was attacked, lcallcd ina physician who treated her for a. long time, but With- out the least beneï¬cial resulte. I felt dis- couraged, but determined to leave nothing undone that might tend to restore her health, and I accordingly called in another doctor. His treatment seemed to do her some good, buthe left for the States and she relapsed into her old condition. I then placed her under the care ofanother doctor, whose treatment helped her, but she was all run down and so weak that she could scar- cely move about. 'A year ago last sum- mer I wanted to send her to the coun- try, but. the doctors said she could go no xgetrgatslfliszvgztfguizlé 5:13;“ Egrgog} impregnated with salts that it was almost , - undrinkable, but neither man nor camel re- agg’bï¬ggdt’l’v‘fssgâ€™ï¬ git?“ (1123?: glï¬idd: fused it, and the replenishing of their water and spitting. general feeling of dobility, etc. If u are troubled With any of 688 or kindred sym toms, on have Catarrh, ring 5110111 I lose no - time procurm a bottle 9f ; NASAL BALM. o warnedm 2, time. neglected cold 111 head . results in. .Catarrh, followed by consumption .and death. Sold by all druggists, or sent, post paid, on receipt of price ‘» (50 cents and $51) by addressmg ; FULFORD & CO. Brockville.0ni. l). . CATARR DR- “Amara syntactic.335%.. FREE :1. free trial package. Clark Chemical .00 Toronto, Ont ARTEFIGEAL LIMBS. We are the loading ï¬rm in Canada. _No other ï¬rm can compete with us, every Inmb warranted for Comfort, Finish and Eillcroney equal to the best in the world. AUTHORS s. cox, I2! CHURCH STREET, - TORONTO. . bans with the fluid objectionable as it was at any moment. She lingered on, howaver, <3 . . _ ’ v in this condition until last summer, when SE†ed the" 11’ es Md enabled the Party to the doctor'gave his permission to take her mac†“If: was? angm' _ . to the country, and she was away from the The dim-“90131011 “1 the expedltlon had not city from the ï¬rst of June until the middle adf'31300d sofa-1‘ that hopes of ï¬nally accom- of September, when she came home much phslnng their work were at that time given improved. But it did not last long ‘for in “P- After recuperation tiley.started up the about a, month she began to fail again ; west coast and entered the interior again, bottle after bottle of medicine was taken bu“ alter rcn9hing the headWMel‘S 0f the which would stimulate her a. little when Murcmson Rive-1‘ the tI‘OUbleE between another relapse would come. About this Lindsay “11d his RSSiStflntS induced them to time I saw in the papers the article telling throw UP the enterprise. T1193] said they of the case of hip. John Marshan’ of would no longer serve under Lindsay, and Hamilton, and I told her I would bring as soon as they had reached the coast every her a box of Dr_ \Vmiam’s Pjnk Pius man except the leader tendered lns restgna- She replied that there was another per. tion. Thus has ended the most ambitious seription for me to get which the doctor attemptthat has beenptade to complete the had left. I was now determined to give OXPIOI‘MIOH 0f AUStl‘ullflv- the Pink Pills atrial and told her to say nothing aboptfit, halt to try;) two nges1 oi ills ï¬rst. is are t 18 ï¬rst ox was nis let .. ,, Eire could notice an improvement, and after HOW are you? I MY the second box she was not like the same :ZNicely, Thank You.†woman at all. “’0de you believe Thaw Who?†I I it, when she had taken the ï¬fth box she ac: “Why the inventor of; duties, and was not abit the worse for it. Before she began taking the Pink Pills, if she attempted to sweep out her own room she would be utterly done out. What more can be said in favor of the wonderful merit of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills? Those who know my daughter, and have seen the re- markable change which the use of Pink Pills have wrought, can scarcely believe it, but it is a solemn fact, and my only regret is that I did not know of the wonderful medicine long ago. Since my daughter be- gan to improve Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have been used by many of our friends and neighbors, and I do not know of a single case in which they have not proved beneï¬- ciul. The above are the facts of the case as re- lated by Mr. Ramsay, and they certainly bear the strongest testimony to the great curative properties of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills. The facts are also vouched for by neigh- bors, including the family of Mr. J. S. Randolph the \\ ell known Grand Trunk conductor who also says that the pills have been of inestnnable value in his own family. The remarkable and gratify results from ,, the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the ogggqhgygggoggg cggrfhoegmsggo case of Miss Ramsay, show that they are .m .7 . - -._ - -.-_... .__. A-.. a scientiï¬c preparation designed to enrich A610 SCALE “son. DRESS Ct'i'l‘lh'c. and build up the blood and restore shatter- for Outggim ogéfilggz:ggblfibggmï¬udlggm ed nerves, and are a 3 mile for all diseases ‘ " " ' tually was able to attend to her household Which cured me of CONSUMPTION." Give Man/t: for its discovery. That it does not make you sick when you take it. Give Maui's. That it is three times as efï¬cacious as the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give thanks. That it is such awonder- ful flesh producer. Git/r thanks. '1‘ batik is the best remedy for Consumption, .S’cro/ula, ï¬ronc/u'tz's, Whaling 22':- 5 cases, Cough: and Colds. Besure you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Drugglsts, at 50c. and $x.oo. n SCOTT 8: BOWNE. Bellcville. A Food designed for Invahds and Convalescents, must possess this quality JUHNSTUN’S llUlD BEEF DOES Besides supplying the NfllTRISllMENT BEEF. STRONG 0f PRIME arising from either 0 these causes; that. . g . ‘ they are also a speciï¬c for the trouble pecu- gogï¬a‘flï¬ngï¬gfg’“11,33: liar to females and all forms of Weakness. In the case of young girls v. ho are pole or business Controlled by them 2.0. Box 23. sallow they speedily enrich the blood, and 1"" "n‘°:_.___._______._____.___ bring the bright, rosy glow 05 health to the H DETAFTSASTHMA LEXE fails-need cheeks. In fact there appears to beno ,GHREDW‘P' - _ . . . (Lire-5,. . 1!. mad (rm inal disease de udent upon a wanted condi- 9â€â€ """ew , . mule. DR. TAFfrnnus BjJCllESâ€"FR E E tion of the load, or shattered condition of T58. XX coaxing Dciï¬iéwd'lelaide the nervous system that will not speedily 5" " o’w‘ "MD" yield to a treatment with these ills. (“31's WANTED-For "Out of Darkness These pills are manufactured y the Ur. ; into Light, or the story of my Life" by Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., ' Jowpb l“. Hers the converted Prizc-Fighlcr - v ' - _and Saloon-Keeper. The story of his travels and Morr’S‘o’vn' 1" X " mm are 30m "1 o and the life in: icd am more thrilling than the boxes. (NEW? in bulk l’)’ the hundred) 3‘ : page of not on, Send for Circulars and terms. 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and HI. Barons. Publisher. Toronw. Ont. buisness, and go to England and take charge 5:1,. . eases If there is suffering now it is a result of, I >.is~‘.\‘~ ~:~ Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet )romptly on the Kidneys, Liver and owe s, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. S map of Figs is the only remedy 0 its kind ever ro- duccd, pleasing to the taste an ac. ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bone cial 111 its effects, preparedonly from the most healthy and agreeable substances, Its manyexccllent qualities common (1 it to all and have“made it the most popular remedy known. . Syrup of Figs 1s for sale 111 _750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocuro 1t promptly for any one w 10 WlSheS to try it. Manufactured only by the DAlIFDRNlA FIG SYRUP 80., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. _ LOUISVILLE. KY.‘ NEW YORK, N. Y. FIELD TEA cures Constipation;$ick Headache, restores the Complexion. let; Free Sample at GARFIELD ’l‘na Aonxcv, 317 Church St... ’l‘oron . BOILER lNSl’ECTON T AND INSURANCE 00., OF CANADA. Established for the prevention of steam boiler explosion b ’ pro or inspections. SirAloxand‘or Campbell, (.01 I.G.. Mont-Gov. of Ontario, President. Ileml (mice. (‘unutln Lil'c Build- in . King SI. W., Toronto, rooms ~19 and 50. gonsulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents. (31120.0. Ronn, Chief Engineer. A. Fnasrm, Sco MONEY! MONEY! _l\[l_9l\lEY~ LONDON AND BAHADIAN . . , '- 103 Bay Street. Toronto. Oepltal....................$5,000.000. Money to Loan on improved farms, city .and town property on liberal terms of repay. ment and AT LOWEST l unnnu'r nuns. MUN CIPAL Dnnnxrunus Pl. ncuassn. Apply to local appraisers or to J. F. KIRK, Manager. Choice farms forsalo 1n Ont. a Manitoba __________________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" CONBOY’S (IEAOHJ ’I CARRIAGE 'rrs are the best in the market and have patented im rovements not foundinanyothcr make. or or one from your Carriage maker. Take no other klnd, UUH PEHFEBTIDN SPRAYING Will -18.... JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING EOR. b!) no :0 ._w $0 3: a.†u- rn.“ ‘0 ml" 9.. I: 4.: 3'5 E 8- "“u. 3’“ . E. ="=‘ "-2 ‘5 can 0:2 '83 $2.: 0 "3.2- $3 â€"I ‘ g 7‘ Ch 33 3, “6g "' “2.3-2 o (D = < “a. g E '< The only effective means of destroying the Apbls, Cnnkcrworm. Apple Curcullo and other Insects that are so injurious to Orchards and Gardens. We manufacture the MOST COMPLETE lino of I‘IISII'A and WINDHIHB both for pumping \V’alcr and driving Machinery, of any firm in Canada. It will pay you to send for largo illustrath catalogue before purchasing else- where. 0N1‘ARIO PUHPCO.. LTD,Toronio Ont. Mention this paper. Containing a. large percent~ \ age of the flour of Oatmeal. It makes and keeps Lady’s " _ hands soft and smooth. It cures eczema. and all dis- of the skin. Be Sure vï¬ï¬le Genuine. ’l‘llll ALBERT TOILET SOAP COMPANY. r ' < “aren’t . a...» “a...†~m-~â€".. . m...“â€" W .m mm. M“ . is a? ’. _ .. . y..-..-.»- a... .5... .‘ _,.. t... “A... . ~..-.. .~«..... . up . . ...,...._,, hwyâ€.-. c .- gum w c -.__.. ‘ I..- -M‘..~u ‘.