as} Y, . . 1Qâ€m\1€h“«.< n/vw ray-Nme FENELON FALL-S, ONTAR I now have in my stock of BL choice VEE â€"â€"AN 1)â€" lflllll seed, which I will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Call and get my prices before buying elsewhere. Walter ll. Madill, W. E. ElllS’S Old Stand. rcnclon Falls, March. 15th 1892. Professional Cards. Aâ€"â€"â€"â€"_.._â€".._.._.. LEGAL &c. A. l’. DICVLlN, )ARRISTER, Attot'ucy-at-Law, Solicitor .) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. ll. HOPKINS. (Succnsson 'ro Mums & llormxs) ARRIS'l‘Elt, SOLICITUR, &c Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Ollicc, “ll- h‘am street, next to the Bank of Montreal. MOORE lb JACKSON, ARRHTERS, SOLlUlTOllS, &c. 0f- ) lice, William strcct,Lindsay. l‘. D. Mount-2. A. JACKSON. ()‘LEARY & O'LEARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYRAT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, lac. Ofï¬ce. ebony Block. licutstrcct, Lindsay. Arrnun U'Lmur. l-lucu O’LEAnr. MCINTYRE 8; STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors. Nolarics, kc. Olliccs over Ontario Bunk, Kent strcct, Lindsay. Moneyvto loan at 6 per cent. on as: terms D. J. Mclu’rrnn. BARRON & McLAUGHL/N. Altllli'l‘liRS, F. c. Oliice:Baker’s Block Kent Strut‘l, Lindsay, opposite Vcitch’s Hotel. Money to loan at. lowest rates of interest. loan A. Banner. .â€"â€"â€". T. STEWART. R. J. MCLAUGHLIN. -vms...“ -. .. > menioiifw" W.â€" A. W. J. lilzlillASSl M. l)., .onoxnnl Physician,Surgeon,&c., kc. J ltcsilcm-c, llrick Cottage, Wellington tract, Lindsay. .on llll. .-\. WILSON. -â€"n. c., u. c. r. I: s., Ontario,â€" )llYSlCl.\N, SURGEON ll: ACC‘OUCII- our. Ollice. Colborue Street, l‘cuelon Falls. ..__...._...â€"â€"- l)n. ll. ll GRAHAM, RADUA'I‘E of the University oi Trinity College. Fellow of Trinity Medical Iohool, Member of the Royal Collcgc‘ or .lll‘gt‘mh‘ or England. Mcmln't' oi-thc (.ol- _ logo of Physicians & Surgeons oi Ontario. Oï¬icv .iud ri-sidx-nr-c on l-‘rancrs-ht. \\ est lonelou l"all<, opposite the Gazette ofï¬ce. R- M; MASON, ETlilllNAllY SURGEON ; llonor (irau‘ note (I itario \W-tcrxual')‘ Uullt‘gc, To- ronto, l<~‘l : l:. .\l. U. V .\|. A. I Rt‘sltli‘llt‘t‘-â€"l'U.'llI-r Cohurue and Louisa ‘ streets, bout-loo Falls. SURVEYURS. râ€".__._‘__~'~...::;;_.__. ' ' N "- “www- .l .\ \l HS llll 'KSON, L. Sort-Moi. t‘mnmisdomr in the Q. ll, P. Conn-pincer. kc. Residence, and ad‘ dress, Fencinn Falls. ' DENTAL. mf‘f‘“. ‘ ?,.,..,;. ..,..-...... w. a. stress, l DICN 'l‘ l ï¬â€™l‘. LI Nilï¬'A‘Y. will b- at the " .‘lr.\rth:ir "(rue-1," Funclon 3 rolls, the second \letwsday ufencll month. if llcuutifol and durable arri‘ trial (er-lb made, ; and all other d~-ntal work properly done. burly 37 :em' experience. l6-ly. l ___..____.â€" - a l m1®®5u 8, price Men’s Dongoia Laced Shoe bought at 65 cents :2 w 1 Women’s Polished Calf Laced Boot-s, Woman‘s Dongola Buttoned Boot $1 50, for s1 00. l M Q c2? 10 "5 w éw . ‘5 r-1 a .2 i E g“ Q ’5 “S m @- “E3 ' m M m it ° CD or: “9 § as b†e '9 one was 8 O E s as“ e: w t 3§6i~"°8m r-r U2 .21.. Fig .21 Q shag“ w a: o o 0‘ O r... '15 Q, m -~ woos a 'g ’qmq‘m o '6 B n -z Q 7â€":me d 63 s“ O s .93 :0 Dodge“ 2 .22 3ng gm .2 a :22. 4Q o'8 Q ,2 “Dee-rm s§8 ‘â€"-..‘,' z. \ o n d: o L ï¬g 9‘02 050;; *3 fps: 3;. .03 “(Dan ~2i>s g 9 08. s8 4 :3 2‘06 50 i: d g 8 ~34 ":3 '4 st ’ CF: (/2 R: CB 2 as :74 "-1 B r: 0 p4 ’ D STAKE}. per cent. less 35 ; prices ght AHS'HW’S 0L i Quality good; style r f bou oroods can be Sold at i C Most of this stock was bought w to? than these Fenelonr Falls, March 15th, 1892. annuals For: The Hoiiéiaysi W Christmas, New Year’s & l‘ledding Presents, Consisting of â€"â€"-â€" Ladies’ and Gent’s Dressing Cases in Plush and Leather, Col- lar and Cull Boxes, b‘llanng and Perfume Cases, SELVERnwnRE, Christmas & New Year’s Cards, Pictures and" Picture Frames. a verv line assortment of Wedding Rings, Watches, and other Jewellery, Musical Instruments, Dolls and Toys of all descriptions, all of which will be sold at rock bottom prices. Fenelon Falls, December 16th. 1891. S. NEVISON. 0h! Momma. Willie’s tired ofusing poor Machine Oi .†. “ Read this. W illie-†The Oils for Genuine Satisfaction {or all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATE!) URINE 85 BREWER Uged luv the Lurgrsl Milimcn in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS 8: 00., ’l‘Oltl.)I\"l’(O. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEABD in Pension Fails. ro, FRlDAY, MAY ism, 1892. l INSURANCE]. ’ HE ROY-AL CANADlANlNSURANCE me (h, Toronm 37 Co issues by far the best Farm policy l in Canada. ' JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. Fenelon Falls, June 12th, 1890. - 17. . =' llllliiilllllllllll. NOW iS THE TIME TO BUY as Furniture. DURING- HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut in Prices Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges, Centre Tab/es, Cane and Easy Chairs. Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures. Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices. W Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. ' 14. l) 1*] Y 1‘1 A N, Unnnnrmnn 6r. FURNITURE DEALER, Uolborne Street, Penelou Falls. W Residence over the Shop. “Ea _ The Head Surgeon, Ol‘ the Luhou Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada. and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic (llSt'llSl‘S peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-agch who find lllei||S|‘vaS nerv- ouS, weak 'and cxnaustcd, who are broken down t'wvm excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, pt'cmutul‘c old age, loss of vitality, loss ut memory, bad dreams, nim- ncss of sight, palpitation of the bran, omissions, lack of energy. pain in the kidneys, head-ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar srusnlion about the Scrotum, wasting of the organs. dizzi- ness, specks hclorc the eyes, twitching of the muscles. eyelids, and elsewhere. bash- fulucsgdcposils in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mnzch-s, desire to sleep. failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of Voice, chll‘t‘ for solitude, cxc'tability of lcmpcr, Stlllh‘cn eyes Slll‘l‘Olllltltd with annx cnu‘mcs, oily" looking skin, etc ,are symptoms of nervous (ll-bilin that loan to insanity and dumb unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who are sick lhro' HbllSl' committed in igmraucc may be [wr- nnuu-ntly ('lll'l'tl. Send your address for book on all disvnscs Ill culiar to man Book sent free. wall-d llcart dist-use. the simp- toms of which are liunt spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip brats, but fluslu‘s, rush of blood to the lIL'illl, dull pain in thc lu-arl Willi heals smug. rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about the breast hone, etc, can lllISlllVl‘ly be cured. No cure, no pay. Scull for book. Address .\l. LUBON, 24 Macdoncll Ave. Toronto, Cun- l min. LINDSA;_ Marble Works. R. CHE/isms is prepared to furnish the people of hind- say and surrounding counlry with MONUMEXTS AND llHADSTOXliS, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly‘givcn on all kinds of cemetery Work Marble Table Tops. Wash Tops, Mantel l’ll'l‘i'S, 1-10., a specially. WORKSâ€"in rear o the murkc' on (fain- bri-lge sin-ct, opposnc Maithcns" pazking house. Being a practical workman .tll shrnld l purchasing else“ here. 8081'. CHAMBERS. Son]. of the Town Hall .su: his designs and compare prices before ‘ The Majority a Source of Dgigeii. cuts ((‘onmrnmtirc ‘x The Government at Ottawa has a majority of sixty-two in a House ol mo hundred and thirteenâ€"almost two to one. The disparity in thebumber ot' the follow-inn.r behind the respective lead» ers constitutes a serious menace to tho country. It is unwise to place unlimit- ed powerâ€"and the Abbott Ministry practically has this for the time being- in the bands ofauy man or set of men. The truth of this uencrnl statement has been proved in this particular instance. The Ministry has become arrogant; it has lost its kccn regard for public Opio- ion and has for-cotton all about I‘L‘CCl'L professions. Ofï¬cials have brcn pen-- >lum‘d or rc-instntsd who should have been dismissed or sent to jail; a Minis- [01‘ has been allowed to retain his seat. in the Cabinet and to take his place in the Commons whose sole. title to oilicc and omniquan are such as a partlzan judge. who has arrogated to himself the \ place 01 a constituency, can give; and inquiry into grave charch was at ï¬rst rcl‘us‘Jd and then granted only becanm of the significant warning given by the County of Welland, and even then por- tions at the charges were struck out of thc'imliclmcnt. Another verdict or twu such as that given in Welland would he in the interests of the country. The b:dance between the parties would be more evenly adjusted, and an addi- tional spur given to urge the Gorern» lllt'lll back towards the straight path from - which it has recently been strayiu-r. ~-â€"â€"»-~â€"-o* ~»â€"-â€"â€"-«~â€"~~ - A Disastrous Fire in Peterborough; Another disastrous. lire has taken place. this time in Ashburnham. The Ontario Canoe Company's factory on Elizabeth street was bilrncd to the‘ around this (Monday) morning at two o'clock. and $25,000 went up in smoke. This makes the third great conilagrarion which thc ï¬rclucn have had to battle with during the last seven wet-ks. On March 17d: the mouldch doparuaent of the Carbon Works was destroyed by ï¬re, and afterwards the large woollen mills of Mann Bros, situated on the river bank. met a like fate. The fire was first di‘Corcrcd at a few minutes bt'llll'e tw'o o'clock this morning by M r. Sidney Martin, who resides on Mark street in close proximity to the Ontario ‘ Canoe Company's factory. He immc~ dialer ran and aroused Mr. Samuel Mulligan, who is employed in the factory, and lives close by. Mr. Harry Morgan who also works in the factory, and a Couple of o:bcr employees who reside in the neighborhood, were the ï¬rst to no the flames and arrive on the scene. The tire was ï¬rst discovered in the room when- he shavings and other rcl'uve \t'crckcpt. This room is in a icon-Io adjoining the engine room, on the mulli- casl side, and was soon in a mas» of flames. The Ontario Canoe Company's factory was'a large plastered building, l'anr stories high. It Was sixty-live foot long by thirty b-ct wide, and sixty fact high. it Was built in the ytal‘ 1884 and has been used err-r since for the manufacture of canoes, which have bccn ccloln'al-d all over the world. The Company. from the fir-t day they established in bllslln'“, have always done a large and increasing trade. The ï¬re occllt't'e'tl at the Wort 'Is:~'lblc time, as the firm had in a large stock of lumber and had rccvl'lud num- bers Ol'OI'Ilt'F from all over the 1) non» ion for their famous canoe-a. 'l'hv lirm 1 ill“) manulnciurwl window sashes, doors. blinds. etc, a large amount oi planing l and such like work. There was not a cent of insurance on anything. The ills-unmch omnpanics ruptircd a prmninn ol and El pct" cunt , which Mr. Roucrs wa~ unable to bear. llc stated that the buildings and controls had m-vcr been insured, and that there was no truth in tho rnznonr that the lllr'Jl‘llnCC policies had run out iwo “malls ago. Mr. lingers said he could notat pro-rut say win-.tlnu' l’c cmupany \s'ould rebuild or not, the l mt ’ being so hczu'y.â€"I’otcrbm'o' Emmi/Hr. The bull‘do are in no dancer of b}â€" comiug an extinct species. Since they l have been plucml under protection of tho ', Gnvcrmucut troops they have hero i Increasing. ’ ; l’t'lnccss Angeline. of Seattle, las ‘turnrd prophctcsa. She says that the world will come to an and in June. and that the important intrlligcncc was com- municalcd to her by the spirit of the great Wall Kce Wee Kum. uhn v.53 long ago a wonderful and influential . medicine umn of her tribe. ,5... ..,,. .. g- a “AM‘ng ‘ï¬,M.â€"_ v