v' ‘2‘ .3 l! :3 fl. .9 '5’! , .....â€" b’o’-fo.e -pry long to do without them; but Mrs. liittleto'n', who was far worse injured. will be laid up for some time longer, though she is doing as well as cw be expected, taking her great out: into Consideration. Mr. W. A. Gillis's little boy w-ts all right again a day or . two alter he got hurt; and Mr. Pink- ham. being a hardy. temperate man in the prime of life, and having a line enn- stitution, has suffered very little from his terrible accident and the subsequent ell-d elbow is healing rapidly. still at Mrs. Patton's, with his wife in attendance upon him, but will be taken home in. probably. about a fortnight. SERIOUS Acetnnsr.-â€"On the mom in: of the 122h inst. Mr. R. B. Sylves- ter. of this village, met with a very seri- nus accident, which we did not hear of until some days later. While be. We: knocking an old box to pieces with an axe, a splinter flew up and struck his right eye, cutting from the pupil thrn' the retina to the white. Notwithstandâ€" ing the intense pain, he was in his pho- tograph all day; but next tunrnlng, by the advice of Dr. Graham. he went to the Toronto General llosnital to consult Dr. Buruham, the celebrated specialist. and, as he has not. yet returned, we are unable to say whether he will lose the sight ol' the eye or not. .-.- ....c -..... __ Manufacturers Would be Beneï¬ted. (Fr mt. lite Toronto News, Conservative.) Notwiihstantlinrz all the information contaitn-d in the cons-us. a city paper is still raising the foolish cry that our tnanul‘nctnringr interests would be des~ trnyt-d by a policy of free trade with England. “ Nu statement could be Farther From the truth. Take the Province of Onâ€" tario as an example. Here there is a total of thirty-four millions invested in plant and tools in cla3siï¬ed establish- ments. and of this twenty-three million dollars is in industries that would aetu- ally be bent-tiled by the abolition of duties on British imports. Of this ter millions is in Foundries and machine shops, ï¬ve and one half in gas works, sash and door factories, agricultural im- plement works, cheese factories. brin and tile works, bakeries, tailoring estab- lishments, oil refineries and tanneries, and ten millions in saw and grist mills. What is more important than all, how- ever, is that. in some of the chief of the unprotected indnstricsâ€"nnprotectcd so far as Britain is concerned. at leastâ€"the increase in the number of employees-was one hundred and titty per cent. in ten 1‘ ears as against an increase of only thirty three per cent. in those most high- ly protected against British competition. “With those Facts before the people pray let us hear no more of the ruin that Would be wrought. to the manl'ae- turin: interest by granting.r the relief that. is so badly needed by other and vastly more important interests. It may be true that some few pampered hot.- housc industries would suli't-r by corn- petition on equal terms with British prullllcl‘rs, but. for one home industry that would be injured a dozan would be henclltted directly, besides sharing in , the bounding prosperity that would come to the country as a whole as a result of the adoption of a policy of free trade between Canada and the Mother Land." ...‘O Spooncr, a Chic-go bicyclist, establisl d a new world's record by riding 375 miles in I.†hours. , To be more or less shaken 500 times every year by earthtptakes seems to be the lot of every thUllcl' of Japan. When the earthquakes are more active than usual one or two thousand additional shakion may be added to the usual minimum of full). The passage throth the Suez canal grows shorter every year. Accordion to the annual report the. average dura- ï¬tion is 23h. Illtn.â€"â€"sonic 31 minutes loss than twelve months ago. This improve- ment is du~ to the electric light enabliu- their voyage at night. .‘I .-\l\} ICIIGI). \l‘ttsosâ€"llnr.-â€"Al the residence of the bride‘s mother, by the Rev. James Fraser, on Monday. July 18th. .‘lr. Frederick Henry Wilson of Chicago, U. S. to lliss Sotihiu l'dy ul Feuclon Falls. FEX'FZLOX FA LLS MARKETS. R!}i.1r(r»lb_'.' [he .Vorth Star Ruh’rr 3/1".†('0. Foo nlull Falls. Friday, July 22nd, ISM. He is i twenty-three millions. two and one qnar % Newfllâ€"ldvertgmeiitâ€"s. , .....- ..._._.._____._ "Salesman Wanted. 3 i We want both travelling and local sales- l men to represent the old established Font- ‘g. hill Nurseries. S-tluri/ paidfrom the start to l salesmen experienced in our line. Liberal g Terms to beginners and a permanent situa- v tion assured, we have 7()O Acres '2 under Cultivation and are the onln‘ ï¬rm fur- : Stork. Outï¬t free. Hardy enrich}: for North 5 cm Ontario and Manic-bu a Speciality. We lguttrtmttt our stark, Apply for terms at V once. We want you new. STONE & WELLINGTON, I 21-3m. Toronto, Ont. l l lAUCTION SALE 1 or vawanm , iFARM PROPERTY -â€" [N THE-â€" measure of FENELONE 33' IN THE COUNTY OI“ VICTORIA. There will be sold on Wednesday, the 10th of August, 1892, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, At Dir-Arthur’s IIotol , in the Village of Fenclon Falls, by virtue l of powers of sale contained in a certain l mortgage which will be produced at the | l time ot'sale, the following property: The East 66 Acres of Lot No. 25 in I the First Concession of the said Town- t ship of Fenelon. l The following improvements are said to be on the premises: About 35 acres clear- ed, having erected thereon 8. Log House and Log Stable. Titansâ€"Twenty per cent. of the purchase money to he paid down on the do) of sale. For balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. & MACKENZIE, )Solicitors, Toronto St., Toronto- Or to Masses. MCDOUGALL 8r. Bnaxnox, 22-3w. Fenelou Falls. SALESMEï¬ WIXNT 173 D. Having done business in Canada for the past 30 years, our reputation and responsi- bility are well known. We pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is satisfactory, No previous experience re- quired. Write us for terms, which are. very liberal, betore engaging with any other ï¬rm. unanimousâ€"Bradstreet‘s or Dun Wimnn tit Co's Comm°rcinl Agencies. well known ' to business men; or Standard Batik, Col- borne, Ont. - CHASE BROTHER-‘3’ COMPANY, Nurseryanou, COLBORNE, - - ONTARIO. BY-LAW NO. 862. A By-Law to establish a Line of Road across Lots 6 and D in Concession A in Somervrlle. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Somcrvillc enacts as follows :â€" ’ That a line of read he established across 2 Lots 6 and l) in Concession A in the Town- a ship of Somerville. known and described as follows, that is to say: Commencing at n _ point on the Monrk Road at a distance of * t‘onr cll-IlllS and ninety-four links more or less, on a. course north, ten and one-half l degrees west. from the centre of the north I end of the bridge which spans Gull River ' in said lot six Thence south fifty one and l tliree-tt-urths degrees west, ï¬ve chains and ï¬fteen links. Thence south forty-one de- grees west. six chains. Thence south ï¬fty one and three-fourths degrees west, thir teen chains and thirty-live links more or less to the eastern shore of Gull River. Said road to be one chain wide, and the above described line to be the centre there- of. v JAMES WILSON, , S A ll. SUDDA llY. Clerk. Take Notice. The above is a copy ofa hy-law that will be passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Somerville at the next meet: ing- ot‘ said Council, which meeting will he held at Columnnk on Wednesday, the twen- t,\'~t‘ourtli day of August next: and all par- ties interested are hereby requested to take due notice and govern themsr-lves accord- lltg' IV. Dated this llth day ofJu‘y. l992. SA.“ SUDDAllY, 3 l-4 w. '1â€): Clerk, Santerirt'I/r. GIIKL “V A N'I‘ it’ll). Good wages given to a competent girl. Apply to ‘ MRS. NEELANDS, WMâ€" . .. Elltulcal operation, and his badly man. nishing Shirl/.1] ï¬rst-elm: (.‘amiriinn gran-n3 b.- m, l l l l GRAND iiiiflilli‘ Ste C A Dry Goods Clothing Slur -. THE HANDY REL/ABLE COOK COOK Bl’ Mrs. JANE WARREN. A Practical and Comprehen- sive Manual of Common Sense Cookery, showing how to buy, cook, serve and carve meat, game, ï¬sh, fowl and vegeta- bles. Also giving directions for preserving, pickling, canâ€" ning and drying all kinds of berries, fruits, meats, game due. And instructions for making in the best style all varieties of candies, ice cream, cakes and astry. Also 3. Ready Reckoner, for computing the price of coal, hay, or any other commodity sold by the ton or part of the tort This handsome illustrated COOK BOOK, containing 225 pages or 1,200 Valuable Re- To EVERY CUSTOMER buying over ONE DOLLAR'S worth of goods. They will be presented Free of C/zarg'e with this VALUABLE Coos BOOK. Sign of the Golden Lion. id. .l. ENTER, Kent St., Lir dsay. Wheat. Search or l’it‘c 9" to 9': ,_ Wheat. titll per bushel. . .. 75 75 l ill-.BW. Sturgeon Point. Wheat. spring " . . . . 70 'th 3 llzll'lt‘t’. per bushel . . . . . . . . 35 ~10 , Buckwheat " . . . . . . . . 40 45 l STR- AX" ED SIIEXCPr Oats, “ . . . . . . . . 2? '28 ; . _ 1.9M,“ u ‘ . . . . . _ . 5.. 55 : Strnycd into the phrases of the under- R", u , , , , _ . , _ 4o 45 3 signed, lot ‘24 con. l in the township of pinunpsr t.‘ p“. H†‘5 3i) Vernlnm. on or about the th of June. one mm", p" 1b , _ , , . . . _ _ , , _ 11 1-3 j white Ewe. The owner is requested to call, Eggs. per dozen. 9 10 ’ PW" PNPNU': P33 “Ellenâ€!I “ml "W" ll" ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 10.00 ' “W3 -. iiiiispfff‘li'. 2.00 2.5.); I WILLIAM vases. Sheepkins. . ..... . ... . ... ‘50 {ml l-‘enelon Fells P. O. Wool . . . . . . . ... l? 19 Vcrulam, June 25th, l892. 19-4.‘ at â€"â€"OF THEâ€"â€" “HE’S i ,RE’TIRING FROM BUSINESS. 7 ! Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, KentStreet, Lindsay, . BURGOYNE & Co. We have decided to wind up our large retail business in this place, and as a. ï¬rst. move we here give notice that. on and after March 1st we propose reducing our credit business. Hav- ing placed our orders for a. large and very choice selections in all the various lines of Spring & Summer Goods before the ï¬rm thought of retiring, we will continue business until our lease expires. The whole stock we intend to place before our customers at very low prices, and by so “doing to rush it off. Boots! Boots l \Vc beat the band in all kinds of foot-wear, Shoes 1 Shoes! Everybody is interested, as the season is now at hand when every one wants something in this line. 5500’ Worth Now to be Sacriï¬cecl. We purpose to ï¬rst open the ball in this line. All this large. and new stock by the best makers in Canada. we purpose sell- ing at cost. Our stock is too large and varied to give prices. This is No Advertising Dodge. life are prepared to quote prices that will tempt all. Re~ member, we are going out of business, and are bound to sell. All outstanding Accounts, Notes, etc., overdue must be settled at once to save costs. BURGOVNE 34 C033, The Leading Retail Men Fenelon Falls, February 22nd, 1892. GOOD FITS. WELL MADE; NICE PATTERNS. VERY CHEAP. Call and see them at FREEâ€" CLARK & SON’S. EN SURANCE. Reeve. ,- . , "7 “peg “with (Lt leaSt ‘0 Gents' Mr. Wm E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, 1 am prepared to take risks on all classes of properly At ’Vory Loxvoest Rates _____..._.__â€"â€"‘ SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this succees. ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par- None butï¬rst-class British and Canadian allel in the history of medicine. an druggisls Companies represented. 3&- F.\ RSI PR OPERVTS’ at very low rates. James Arnold. Fcnelon Falls, June ch. l802. lY-Iy. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"nV THE-â€" County of Victoria. , The next sittings of the above Court will he held in Dickson‘s ltnll, l-‘cnelon Falls. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1892 l l commencing at. 10 o’clock in the forenoo i Friday, June 24th. will be the last day r I . service on defendants residing in this coun- guarantee sallsfaclwn. i ty. Defendants residing outside the count; . mint be served on or before June 13th. I S. Vuvtaos, E. D. Hun, Bailiff. Clerl Fenelon Falls, July 6th, 1892 ‘ horse-shoeing. are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. ' Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat. or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Cronp, or Whooping Cough, use itprom tly, and relief is sure. If you read that insi ions disease CONSUMPTION, don’t/ail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothin . Ask your Druggist tor SHIIDH’S CURE, rice l0 cts., acts. and 3!.00. If your Lun it are sore or ack lame, use Shiloh’s PorousI’ ester. 25 cts. “....-.†David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksmilhingia all its different branches done on short notice and at. the tour-it Particular attention paid to: Give me a call and l will“ living prices. 4:1-ly. .. ~.â€"â€"â€"d Subscribe for the “"Fencltm Falls Gazette," only 5.51 a yean _,. in advance. r l i ....w