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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Sep 1892, p. 1

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AND ALL 953 FULL ASSORTMENT- RIGHT PRICES. Walter R. lllatlill, W. E. Ellis’s Old Stand. Feoelon Falls, Sept’r 1st, 1892. l’x-ol'essioual Cards. LEGAL &c.' A...P. DEVMN, ) ARRISTER, Attorney-at-an, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, (Successon 'ro Mmrxx 6r Hcrxms) AltltlS'l‘l'llt, SOLlClTUR, he Money to Lonn at 6 per cent. Ofiice, Wil- linui street, next to the Bunk of Montreal. MOOitE JACKSON, AItRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, kc. 0r- ) tioc.\\"illinm atreet,Lindsny. F. l). Moons. A. JACKSON. , O'LEARY & O'mtARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ) Solicitors in Chancery, &6. Office, obenyBlock, Kentstreet, Lindsay. ' Aurnon O’letnr. Econ O'Lssnv. MCINTYRE &- STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, &c. Ollices over Ontario Bunk, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Mclnrrnn. ‘ NOTICE. All Notes made payable to JAMES BftAr Agent, will have to be paid to Frank hcrr post-master here, who holds snid notes: JAS. JOHNSTON & Co- Pcnelon Falls, June 30th, 189l.â€"19 t.f. “ _._.. '1‘. Srnwnur. -w.__.___â€"._._..f.__ MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI. M. D., WORONER, Physician,Snrgeon,&c., &C. iJ Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treet, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, â€"-u. 3., I. c. r. s 3., Ontario,â€" 1)HYSICIAN, SURGEON Jr ACCOUCH- F..- our. Olliee, Colborne Street, Fenclon Fells. Du. n. n. GRAHAM, RADUATE ot‘ the University ol Trinity ] College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England, Member of the col- lsgc of Physicians .5: Surgeons of Ontario. Ollice and residence on Francis-St. \\ est Penelon Falls, oppositcthe Gazette oliice. W‘â€" R. M- MASON, YETERlNARY SURG EON ; llonor Grud- ‘1 note Ontnrio Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; lt. .\l. O. V. 3|. A. . Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louise streets, Fenelon Falls. .. _...-._.__.____~ tannins. JILZTWL‘ . JAM ES DICKSON, ) L. Surveyor. Commissioner int . Conveyancer, &C. Residence, and ad- dress, l-‘euelou Falls. tenure. w. n. cnoss, pp DENTIST, LINDsstY, will he at the “ hicArtbur House," Fonelou Falls, the second “'ednesdlty ot'each mouth. Beautiful and double artificial teeth made, and all other‘dentnl work properly done. Kurt: 3': :em‘ experience. ts-ty. l l | l i l l l l i Cl. 2“ g to a i>§5 5 is <15 a Q g mpg. g C042 ’k" m o A. 4:. Q' 7333 A: it“; W s fie Q) as... o . I rig is) 8 fl CD’ PC “‘59 "3 Hi? £5 , .fi 3 . fl 13“ Fl . PM mat §E m as % SE. _ m ‘H m me h] "3 a Q) :35 O "A H g 33 . . :5 g . rm 8?: .5; ‘0 fl r +9 arm .85: 0 g m ’5'!) @ Q‘l o m w S: I 0 m ":30 6 E hr 4...; 51+? ,5 H w c6 w c8 *5 Q " -o f @a O 8?. gg , .7 C: b0 .5 .5 : 031:3 #4 E cg ‘\ a Q OE EA; 9 5 {rig @- """“ E“; “‘3 g3. fl P E a) H oi > 3": fl :1 8 s i: Q) L: O iâ€"t" GB 10 to +3 E z N 313 . U2 E . :3 ‘5 g “a “.8 4 E} U? H g a” 5“ re 0 c8 c3 FL! CD ram E .2: v 3, Ell B éi DU [11 > U a E to 4L W As I have decided to give'up the Painting business, I will sell out my entire Stock of White Lead, rendy‘mixed Paints, Oils, Turpentine, J spans, Furniture and Carriage Varnish at greatly reducedflrices, and all those who are in want of any of the above lines will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. 38“ Glazing, Kalsominlng and Paper-hanging done as usual. ‘ _ _ So Feuelon Falls, September lst, 1892. “Ohl Momma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine he Q. 011." “ Read this. Willie.” The Oils for Genuine Satisfaction {or all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED LABINE 8!. GYLINDEB fills, used by the Largest Millmen in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS & 00., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD in Fenelon Falls. EENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1892. 1W. Cholera. l t Lumbermeu to Enter Suit. A NEW YORK rnrsromn BELIEVES run, A rumour current about town fer DISEASE MAY BE conrnuacrnn. , some days is confirmed by the ii)llOWltl{ ‘ despntch from Ottawa: Messrs. Mesonn NEW YORK, Aug. 26.â€"Medical men Boyd & C-o. lumber merchants, of But.» in this city are greatly interested in a'caygeon, have entered suit in tho new treatment of cholera. discovered st=exchequer suit to recover the sum of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, and it $10,000 from Mr. E. '1‘. Smith, collector was learned yesterday that in case the of slide and booms for the public works epidemic continues to spread the efficacy _ department personally, and also asks an of the treatment will be promptly and injunction restraining him from selling- thoroughly tested by New York experts. lumber siezcd for arrenrnges of slide Ofthis treatment, which is analogous does. The allegation made is that the. to that employed by Jenner in smallpox lumber in question was seized for dues and by Pasteur in hydrophobia, Dr. ofthc slide at Fenelon Falls, which they lIoEkide, who has been studying‘at the claim they are notentitled'to pay. They Pasteur Institute for some ~tours, claims also ask a petition of right to sue tho to be the discowrer. He is confident-y department for a similar sum, and in- the inoculatory method will do for chol- junction to restrain the Government ern what it has already done for small- from selling, and to prevent further seiz- pox and hydrophobin. He has used ures. The slide dues claimed amount choleric vaccine upon several animals, to $2.241, the value of lumber seized with the result that none of them have 35,000. This, the pinintiil's clatim, nro died, while of those animals subjected already sold. They urge that their to the poisonous virus and not inoculatâ€" trade has been paralyzed and they have ed all have died. After his experiments been prevented from filling orders and with rabbits, guinea pigs and pigeons coutructs.â€"-Lindsay Post. had proved successful, Dr. Hf l _._. .o . n.-. A Mother’s Terrible Loss. ATHENS, Gu., Aug. 26.-â€"â€"A farmer named Wilson, living in Madison County went to a mill leaving his wife and four children at home. Two hours later he returned and found his wife lying in- sensible on the floor, with four (lead children about her. When the mother was restored to consciousness she said she had taken the baby to the spring, leaving the other children in the house. Hearing their cries she put the baby dowu and hurried back to the house, and found two dead, the other dying. The living one said they had poked their fingers through a crack in the floornudn hen had pickednt them. The mother went back to the spring for her baby and found that it had fallen into the water and been drowned: The third child died before she got back to‘ the house and the mother su'uont'tl away. Investigation slicived that the supposed hen was a rattlesriake. . H o - _-____, The Law on Bstray Animals. ' injected into himself some attenuated virus and noted that the result and symptoms were a slight elevation of the temperature, pains in the head, dryness in the mouth and a swelling of the skin and gangrene at the spot where the iu~ oculation took place. There was scarce- ly any intestinal derangement and the normal condition of health was restored wtihin 24 hours. He next experiment- ed on himself with active virus with the same results, and concluded that inoculations of this kind could be made ,upon human beings with perfect safety and with the assurance that six days after the vaccination the patient would be proof against all attacks of cholera. â€"o-. o Peace and Security Count in Our ' Favor. ’ ' A few years ago we could announce in Europe, as a reason why Canada should be preferred to the United States as a field for settlement, the fact that the national indebtedness, and expendi- ture were both much lower here, in proportion to population, than across the lines. The rapid decrease in the great war debt of the .Union, and increase in our National obligations as a result of the carrying out of vast public works, have, however, robbed us of this argument. But circumstances are rapidly supplying us with a. still more potent one. While this country is free from industrial troubles, a state ol'uifnirs is rising in the States scarcely «The laws of Ontario provide that a person taking any estrnycd stock shall give notice of such taking up by pub- lishing :1 notice three times in a weekly newspaper, if one is published in the section where the ostrny was taken up, and if the property is not called for within three weeks of the first insertion of the notice, the finder shall go to «justice of the peace and take oath to distinguishable from a civil war. The the finding and advertlSiug- If “'0 peace and security enjoyed on mi,» side property is not claimed within one your of the border, and riots and rumors of and should not exceed $50 in vulue It riots in the other, will give to the Domin- . ion a vastly greater advantage in com- Same “P- HOWE" 550 ” Sim“ be who" peting in Europe for the better class U1 tised by thejustiee and sold, and the settlers than we enjoyed even when the exceeds Of all expenses film“ he PflHl relative position of the two countries 0"01‘ to the county treasurer. Any financially was the. opposite of what it PMSon taking “P “"3 03m‘)’ “"‘l ""5830" is todayâ€"News. ing to cause the snme to be :tthcl‘llst‘tl and appraised shall be liable to a line of 820. The estrnyul applies to any other personal property which may be found in like manner. _â€"_.- g--. .__...__. A Water Weight Railroad. A novel form of inclined railway has been built at Bridgenorth, England. It connects the upper and lower parts of the town, communication between which was formerly provided by menus of steps out in the solid rock. The length of the track in only 201 feet, but. its verti- cal rise is 111 feet. There are two cars on separate lines of rail, and they are connected by a steel cable passing round a wheel at the top. They are thus balanced, and a preponderating weight. is given, whichever one is at the top, by pumping a supply of water into a tank ' i th ' ' , ‘ . placed . n 0 frame at tile car. "H'e meg a note was sent to Mr. Gladstone, steel rails are secured to ties which are ' . . n o ('l ' ene‘ Id him in the midst bolted to the solid rock and also int-in d’ th 11'“ m m’ - I of the election excitement he found bedded In concrete. The brakes :tr.:t . . ,- ’- - . . inure to send the following In his own normally on the wheels, and motion ls . . . , p _ “ onlv oqqible While the bu,“ I ) ‘ ,nnwlwrtung on a. postal card. All l L~ ' ' S ' ' . I . . v p , . " m" “"i‘ WI'HC‘. and ad I think. and all I hope is his bundle. The track ts cut. out ml solid rock, so that it shall not spoil the l blind {‘1’0" ‘l'cl ld‘vlfmli or, am bird," beauties of the landscaPJ.-â€".S'ct'. Am. 5 t '0 ou" ce-i'm mp“ U m“ poor M). , ward rnce. l The ln=t git-.ifi'e in the London Zoo- A Schombcrg correspondence sendsilogieul gardens has recently died and the following to the Aurora Bonnet-Edie institutioan, for the first time The villagers were surprised to hearisince 1836, withontaliving specimen that a man at the north end 0! the vil- lof this animal. It. has had in all thirty lagc had been buried in the earth for 3 specinnms, of which seventeen were born three hours and was got out all rigor,;0n the place. The girafl'c market is better than he was before. It, was an ; very poorly supplied. and there is but old gentleman who got poisoned withgoue specimen now for sale in Europe. ivy. They duga trench, removed his-j'l‘hc git-all}.- is practically extinct in clothing, put him in and covered himeoulh, Africa and cannot be found up all but his head; left him there within a thousand miles ot'Cupe Town. three hours, and when he came out he: There are still girafl'cs in East Africa, wasseured man. Thisis said to he a but there are no means of catching sure cure. them. A hunting party composed of four young men has been found murdered ion the banks ofthe Cnney Creek, in the Indian territory. Papers found on one of the men indicated that his name was Cherrie and that he trnvmle-l for the Willimnn‘tic Thread 00., of Oon~ necticut. Recently a young man in ~Denver, Colo, who had doubts about the divin- ity of Christ, told his pastor that it Mr. Gladstone nflirmed his belief in that doctrine he would accept it. Accord- ..__.â€".â€"....o__._ then belongs to the party taking the ' \‘r,

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