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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Sep 1892, p. 5

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l t' l. ' her. i, A Handsome Premium. The Toaosrro WEEKLY Batman has produceda premium for its new sub- scribers this Autumn which really calls for special compliment. The proprie- tors of that paper have prepared a hand- some picture of the conservative mem- bers of Parliament, well arranged, exe- cuted in the finest type of photogravure, and prinaed on excellent paper for fram- ing. No premium given away with newspapers this year equals it. The whole picture is largeand when set off hv the tasteful oak frame, which is so fashionable nowadays, will made a very handsome adornment to the home. In the centre are the members at the Cab- inet, while grouped around them are their supporters in the House. The pictures of Cabinet ministers are large in size, and every one is an excellent likeness. In the centre the photo of the Premier is by far the best Sir John Abbott has ever had, while that of Sir John Thompson, the famous leader of the House of Comm ins, who is represented standing with his hand resting upon the table, an attitude he often assumes when addressing {he House. is literally a speaking likeness. The photos of the individual members are capital; they are not small and unrecognizable, requiring a micro- scope for identification, but the Con- servatives of every county returning a Conservative will, in this group, pos- sess an excellent likeness of their mem- As a work of art this group pic- ture takes high rank: as an acceptable addition to the Conservative houses of the land it will be pretty sure to circu- late from Vancouver to Halifax. The picture, to give an exact idea of its im- portance, measures 3 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 4 inches. On the margin is a con- venient key, giving the names of every member with numbers correspopding to the numbers on the photograph. -0 Country Roads. Mr. George E. Casey, M. P. for West l‘lluin, has a good letter in The St. Thomas Journal on the subject of coun- try roads. We give his conclusions :â€" In the first place there are certain prin- ciples of road-making, on which, with proper advice, the municipal authorities - should establish certain standardsâ€"such a standard for main highways, such and such for side lines and concussions. the roads be madeâ€" uniformly on these principles, not all finished at once, but goes. “ Commute ” all statute labor as at present assessed on an unilorm cash basis, adding what is now spent in grants. Let those who would rather work than pay cash hire their teams or themselves to the township and“ get some ready money in a slack season of the year. The pathmaster should make and mend Like the section boss of a railway, guided by an uniform system of instructions and not by his own whim. lie cails attention to the following among other advantageszâ€"Roads Would be so built that each year's work would bring them nearer to the standard established, whereas now it often makes them worse. They would be practically permanent when completed. When a, road is once well made it takes a great deal of' road making to unmakc it. Sometimes the roads. badly need mendingy at seasons when it is not convenient to do road work. Under this plan they could be attended to without troubling the farmer. All this would involve no new cost unless, after trial, it was decided to incur it. "Big Injun.” Matthias Splitlog, ohiefol‘ the Wyau dunes. lives in Kansas. and being known to posw‘ss about a million dollars’ worth of prop rth, is called the Wealthiest in- i plan in America. Although over sev- g enty years of age, and. unable to read or write, he is a keen business man. 3 By his shrewdncss and ability he has ' acquir- .2 large. tracts of land in Kansas anti dilw"?! 9, housesand lots in Kansas City. and NH money invested in a nun:- bcr of paying enterprises. The white men to whom he gave a $30,000 lesson in punctuality had persltatlul him to sell them a certain tract of land for $40,051}. and were to pay him at 10 o'elv .~.\‘ at. a bank in Kzutsm l‘ity. 0n the appointed morning, a i'm' minutes; befirc the hour named, the old Indian entered the bank and took a S‘ilt, with his eye fixed upon a clock. l‘he cap ttalists had not appeared when the hands of the clock reached the hour. As it began to strike, the old Indiaui rose to hie feet, and at the lust stroke : of the clock he promptly walked out of, the building. Or the street, less than; a block away. he met the men who ; were to buy his land hurrying toward? the back. They begged him to return. . but he refused, saying that if they still ! wished to deal with him he would. mom i them at ten o'clock on the tollowing ' day at the some place. This time both ' tbs white men; and, the Indian were, Let -‘ . . ,. Germany, all on the same plan as far as the money . iofl'cred old Matthias the price agreed while $140,000 was yesterday’s price, today's price was $160,000; and to these terms they were finally compelled to accedeâ€"15:5. 0-. The tea crop in many parts of China has been a failure. A New Orleans despatch says the outlook for the cotton crop is gloomy. 3 The Apache Indians in the Sierra g Madrc mountains have massacred a 1 family bf settlers near Colona Pacheco, I Mexico. The price of paper is likely to go up owing to the scarcity of rags due to the l anti-cholera prohibition of their import- ation. , A British man-of-war has been order- ed to Vladivostock, Siberia, to look into the recent outrages by Russians on Canadian sealers. There is now being exhibited at Cey- lon a “jungle man " from China. The creature stands about two feet in height, has a head and face like a monkey, and a body that otherwise appears to be that of a human being. An Indiana girl started out in a house dress and without a head covering, to visit a near neighbor, met her sweet- heart on the way and was induced to board an approaching train, and was married at the next station. OTTAWA, Sept. 26.-â€"Sir William Johnston Ritchie, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, died yester- day morning at 9 o'clock after a few week’s illness. His condition lately has been very serious and Sir James Grant, M. D., was in constant attendance. One Melchoir Farker, a convict in the pcnetcntiary at Szrezdin, in Hungary, has invented a patent shaving {machine wherebyhc can shave a man in twenty- five seconds. With this machine he shaved all the convicts in the prison,_ 150 in number, to the complete satis- faction of the governor. What the prisoners say is not stated. A kitten became lodged in the fly- wheel of, an engine in Portland, Ore. The wheel ran for six hours and a halt l «The cat was taken out nearly lifeless. but recovered. The fly-whccl makes 250 revolutions per minute, and every turn pussy travelled l7 feet. The en- gine was in motion 390 minutes, and during that time the kitten travelled a distance of 315 miles. . 1h bicyclist has been sentenced to seven months imprisonment at. Glashutte,. because every night he would cross the track at some point just in front of the locomotive, so that the engineer was in great straits not to kill him. One evening he was accom- panied by another wheelman, who fell. and thus the offender became known. It was impossible to catch him before. Mr. E. B. Boulton, F. R. S.,fasciualed the Biology Section of the British Asso- ciation with the results of his experi- ments on caterpillars hatching in pill boxes. The pepper moth was the par- ticular insect which he experimented on, and his experiments show that if you take an egg of one of these and crow it. in a guilded pill pox you get a golden caterpillar. Again, if the pill box be black, so is the caterpillar; while a mixed environment produces a mud- 'dicd creature, just as in man the envir- ontnent of the Humor-the palace pretty much determines a person’s character- 'isties. W EIAJliRIED. thmssosâ€"lchtransâ€"At Fenclon Falls, by Rev. D. N. McCamus, on Wednesday, September Elst, 1892, Mr. Richard Wikiu- son of Vurulum, to Miss Kate McGivcrn of Fenolon Falls. LAMBâ€"BILLHTT.â€" At St. Peter's Church, Vernlam, by the Rev. Wm. Fnrncomb, on Tuesday, Sept 27th, Mr. John Lamb, Jr., to Miss Martha Sophia mum, both of thci township ot'Verulnm. ‘ FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill ('0. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Sept. 30th,1892. Wheat, Scotch or Fife . . .. 65 to 67 Wheat. fall, per bushel. . . . 65 67 Wheat, spring “ 62 64 Barley, per bushel . . . . . . . . 30 36 Buckwheat ‘-' .... .. .. L15 36 Oats, -“ . . . . . . . . '27 ‘28 l’cnsc, ‘- 55 55‘ Rye, “ . . . . . . . . 5:1 53 Potatoes, “ .. . . . .. . 1M ."x Huttonpcr lb..... . . . . . . . lo ' Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . l" , i‘ Hay, per ton...... . 6.”) 71M 'llides {no 4"”) llogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50 as o ; zShcepskius . . . . . .. 40 GU; Wool 16 is: A: 3- an”: -._â€"_.. â€" -mg, pair: - .. , New Advertisements. , NERVE mvz nuns up u an at. l «mu that can: the valiant: at ‘ Nervous nobility Lost Visor and Failing Manhood: [atom the. weakness 0! body or mind tamed by our-work. or them-- or u- cauot youth. This Renatwa white!) cure: the most obstinate um Illa: all other suntan.“ hamtnmleztn’to mesa“.va or x or 02 mil rust-3m rd gutsan Tlifidufi .DXCIRR i if“. Tuna...“ "rattan-make. Sold nuclei: Falls at W. T. Junkies, promptly"on hand ; but when the former ‘ upon_for the land, he told them that l at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted ‘ MELON, '34 Maedonell Ave. Toronto, Can- tda. The eminent Surgeon and Specialist of Chicago, Will occupy parlors in TWOMEY'S X HOTEL, l FENELOll it FALst On Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 5th and 6th, 1892, For the cure of Rupture, Varicocle, Hydro- cle and Piles. No cutting. No. pain. No detention from business. A permanent cure guaranteed. Dr. Br 'son successfully treats Epilepsy, Hysteria, Choroea, Neurulgia, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, all Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lung Troubles of Catar- rhal origin, Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Stomach and Liver, Kidney and Genitalurinary Af- fections, Syphilis, Syphilitic Paralysis, Stricture. Gonorrhoea, Enlarged Prostate, Skin Diseases, Eczema, “Salt Rheum,” Facial Blemishes, Pimples, Diseases Pecul- iar to Womenâ€"Painful, too profuse or de- layed Menstruation, Displacements of the Uterus, Sterility, anorrhoea, Tumors of whatever kind. N. B.â€"-Thosc wishing to consult him for the Cure of'Rupture, Piles, or Varicole will please call early, as he,wil-'1 only treat a limited number ofcases. Remember the date, October 5th and 6th. PEMNYROYALW WAFERSe.t m A. Specific monthly medicine for India to restore and finds.“ this menus; ' reducing tree, edthy an patulou large. Nomchea or palm on Ip- roa ow used by over 30,0001an can use will use again. Invigontens thpso grganc. Buy at your druzglssz on y t on with our at store on: tacootlabel. Avoldlnbs ttnte caled‘. culars mu] acetamp. 1.00 l' x. Addroll. lions on md’fr. -__._.,-£9i£mnÂ¥. fireman“ ~â€" ‘Sal'esmen Wanted.‘ We want both tra‘mlling: andtlocahsales- men to represent the old establisltethOnt- bill Natrsecies. Salary paid from the start to salesmen experienced in our line. Liberal Terms to beginners and a. permanent situa< tion assured. We have 7’00 Acres under cultivation and are the only firm fur- nishing Slrt'ctly first-class Canadian. grown Stock. Outfit free. Hardy varieties for North- ern Ontario and Manitoba a speciality. We guarantee our stock, Apply for terms at once. We want you now. . STONE.& WELLINGTON, 21-3m. Toronto, Out. The Head Surgeon Of the Lubon Medical Company is now either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous,.weuk and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dim- ncss of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids, and elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tendernesa of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby_ muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with Lumps cutenns, oily looking skin, etc., are symptoms of nervous debilin that lead to insanity anti death unless cured. The spring of vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who are sick thro’ abuse committed in ignorance may be per- manently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Book sent free, sealed. lleart disease, the symp- toms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular. the second heart beat quicker than the llrst, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. .\'o cure, no vmv. Send for Address M. V. , l'I;-.i{. é sseonn nmsrou occur ---02 rimâ€"n Contuty of Victoria. The next sittings ot‘ the above Court will be held in Dickson's hall, It‘enclon Falls, ON MONDAY, OSTOBER 3rd, 1892, ' commencingat 10 o‘clock in the forenoon Thursday, Sc;.t.22ud, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this ‘ county. Defendants living in other couno g ties must be served on or before Sept. 17th. S. Revises, E. D. Hun, I Bailiff. Ecneloa Falls, July 6th, I89} Clerk. Polypus, . DR. W. 6- Bills“. We is New Time to Talk Fall Goods. # Ca in wants you to be fair with your- self and see his new Pal 84 Wine STOCK. It presents an opportunity for economical buying that nobody can afford to miss. Our. store is crowded withvthe newest of NEW STYLES, selected with experienced care (dimmed aunts \ ‘l 'r‘”. llllllllllllll. llllllllllllli. . NOW is THE TIME TO BUY) Furniture. ' â€"â€" DURlNG HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut in Prices Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, lounges, Centre Tables-r Cane and Easy Chairs. Bureaus, Stile-board's. and every description of Kitchen Furniture ‘Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 3%“ Undertaking promptly and carefully as to quality. Good taste as to “Ended t0- stylo. It is L.'DEYDIAN, [Insurance 8: Funut'rnun DEALER, Uolborne Street, Penelon Falls. @0003}? At the Right Prices. DRESS GOODS. In this department you can- not help being struck with the merits of our Dress Goods. We know from the sales al- ready made that the Styles, Faérz'cs and Prices are right. - MANTLES, Ulsters and Mantle Cloths in , the latest styles and designs, and very cheap. STAPLES. We maintain the attractive- ness of this department by car- rying an enormous stock of all the best productions of Domes- tic Cotton and \Voollcn Goods, and by selling them at a very small profit. N OVELTIES. In Dress Linings, Ribbons, Frillings, Handkerchiefs, Veil- ings, Hosiery, Corsets and La- dies’ white underwear we tar/cc {/16 lead. MEN’S FURNISHINGS. EN SilltANCE.-t W Residence over the Shop. “Eu Cheap Lumber. We have still on hand a quantity of inch, 1:}, 2 and 3 inch, 2 x4, 2 x 6,2 x 8, 2 x IO and 2:12, 12 to 16 feet long, IIEDILOCII 85 PINE, which we will sell Cheap for Cash. The sooner you come the more you have to choose from. Also, 40,000 feet of Dry Pinned Lumber, Flooring, Novolty Siding. V.â€"joint, planed one and two sides, Lath and Pickcts, Pinned and Rough. Hardwood and Hemlock, 2 and 3 inches, for stable floors, and 4x8 Pine, dry, for- window sills. 3%?” Any Casingror. Moulding can be got' planed at short notice. Base-boards mould- cd or plain. Apply at our mill. GREENE it: ELLIS.. FencionFalls, June 16th, 1892. 17. v LINDSAY v Marble Works. t R. CHKiiiBERs é is prepared to furnish the people of. hind; say anti surroundingcountry with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel, Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam» bridge street, opposite Matthews’ panting house. Being a practical workman all should see his designsand compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. RDBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall. We are leaders in Ties, 001- Mr. win. Ellis having irtttli-‘ft'l‘l‘t‘tl his lars, Shir“ s, Gloves, Braces and Umbrellas. CLOTHING. In Boys’, Youths’ and Men‘s : Suits, Overocoats, Pants and Vests we carry the Largest .- Stonit, the Best Qua/fly, and at In conclusion, on account of being crowded for room in forâ€" mer seasons, we have enlarged our premises by taking in an upper flat 1,300 feet in size, which we have converted into a show~room for Ladies’ Man-‘ tics and Boys‘ Clothing. Sign of the Golden Lion. 1. starts, Kent 8t.,_Lindsay. insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Vet-y Lo-wcst Itutcs llone but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented“ : â€"â€" I {W Fallifif I’JROI’IGIE'I‘S" ! at very low rules. i Fcnelon Falls, June Nth, ISO‘J. gm. as a: ‘ XVANTE l r. A I l Having done business in Canada for the 1 past 30 years, our reputation and. responsi- , bility are Well known. We pay salary and iexpenses {mm the start, if everything is isatisfactory. No previous experience re- 3 quired. Write us for terms, which are very l libcral,bclorc engaging with any other fitm ‘ Rst‘naasccs.â€"Bradstreet's or Dun Wiman t 2 IT-ly. k Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to business men; or Standard Bank, Col»- borne, Ont. CHASE BBOTHERS’ COMPANYs, Nurserymen, i COLBORNE, - - ONTARJQ. . . . l James Arnold. the Lowest Prue's 111 Lindsay. ‘ ' . --.< ~.-, . lfi rov. r1 :3 ‘- gs: .. . . Aemhm

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