l 1 i t 3. siesta non l AND AL‘L Mi FULL ASSORTMENT RIGHT muons. Walter It. litadill, w. E. Ellis’s on stand. Fenclou Falls, Sept’r lst, 1892. Professional Cards. _ LEGAL &c. A. r. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ’ in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay, G. ll. HOPKINS, . (Successoa 'ro MARTIN dz HOPKINS) AltRlS'I‘ER, SOLICI'I‘OR, &c A Money B to Loan at 6 per cent. Oflice, Wil- liam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. .â€"._..â€"__.â€" .___.._.- MOORE & JACKSON, 3ARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Of- l lice, William street,Lindsay. ' †A.JACKSON. F. D. Moons. O'LEARY & O‘LEARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW, B Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Ofï¬ce, oheny Block, Rentstreet, Lindsay. . Anrnna O'Lsanv. ann O'LEAnY. newsman & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. Offices over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on one] terms. D. J. Blclsrrnn. NOTICE. All Notes made payable to JAMES BnAr Agent, will have to be ‘paid to Frank Kerr postmaster here, who holds said notes: - JAS. JOHNSTON 8; Co- Ponclon Falls, June 30th, 1891.â€"l9 t.f. .0 T. Srnwsar. ,._.â€"â€"â€"â€"~____.~___. MEDICAL. .fw. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treat, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, -â€"n. 3., it. c. r. .t 5., Ontario,â€" YSICIAN, SURGEON ti: ACCOUCH- our. Otliee, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. DR. 11. n. GRAHAM, RADUA'I‘E of' the University til Trinity I College, Fellow of Trinity Medical school, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ot England, Member ol‘the Col- lege of Physicians 8: Surgeons ot Ontario. (mice and residence on Francis~St.‘\\ est Penelon Falls, Opposite the Gazette othce. R- M. MASON, ETHRINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto. 159+ ; R. SRO. V. .\l. A. Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louisa streets, Fenelon Falls. Snnvnvons. w .; .. ‘:r:z::::::“"__."’m“'“' ' _.___._. muss DICKSOX, ) L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8., . Conveyanerr, kc. Residence, and ad- d teas, Fem-Ion Falls. “ "‘nstL.‘ ' _ 2:73.221: : w. H. cnoss, DENTIST. LINDSA‘Y, vi“ be at the “ McArtbnr House," Fenclon Rolls, the second Wednesday ofench month. Beautiful and durable artificial teeth made, and all othcr'denml work properly done. Huh 2? :cm' experience. “My. ~-v.~.r 2.- -. .mva. ...«_ __;;... . "C3. : 0UP STAND. Q s >5 9†g 2.?3 . m5 '5 :>., E" Q gig I 6% {E Q 73a r=l E53 25% id =1 {3 Q.) 63+: O - , +3 “o H cs £5 ...::l B s 22*: ~â€"« s Q) M um: . 3% m ‘6 s2 00 rd m w†hi g Q9 :3? o g I Q _. i Q :5 'Q 5‘52 r-c: . e) . PsmssOs .p es "as a rs: ‘Vm'is V" ‘3 CG 0: ' :9. 3E . g .4 o “ ‘6 m as r ~° ..~:.* "“‘ a P .s ._._, n. ,3 c "c Q} 8“ H . 5D .t‘: g 3% -, <72 m ,m, get. s5 '53 m s s E“ (Dee Q) *3 01' > (0.51 :1 co 3 ‘3 CD ' .H o H (9% H m '0“ 4...: S :1 N 5 m a :3 s i3 . -OF-1 h m “ s s s w“ e: E0 ' E4 = o t ‘8 I he: q; .ar-‘Q s .7113; B m . READ THIS. * As I have decided to give up the Painting business, I will sell out my entire Stock of White Lead, ready mixed Paints, Oils, Turpentine, J apans, Furniture and Carriage Varnish at greatly rcdztcedprz'ces, and all those who are in rant of any of the above lines will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. £55“ Glazing, Kalsomining and Paper-hanging done as usual. ' S. NEVISON. Fenelon Falls, September 1st, 1892. “0h! Momma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine; 011.†“ Read this. Willie.†The Oils for Gennine Satisfaction for all sorts of' Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED thliiE & GYLEWER ELSA used by the Largest Millmen in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS 8: 00.. TORONTO- For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD in Pension Falls. ‘FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14TH, I892. c .., .,~.‘ ...~ .; r. Blake’s Movements. The Hon. Edward Blake is announced ' to speak at a home rule meeting at Bos ton, Mass, on the 26th inst. The Irish citizens of the United States have been addressed by many of the leaders and I craters of the Irish Parliamentary party, .hut it is a safe prediction that the Boston meeting will agree that no rep- resentativc of the home rule cause who has ever visited that country had a greater grasp of that question. a more invincible logic or more splendid gifts of speech than the eminent Canadian who now represents South Longl'ord in the Imperial Parliament. The result of his visit to Boston must be to re. awaken and intensify interest in the home rule movement throughout the United States, as his speech at the Pavilion in few weeks ago very sensibly stimulated the interest of Canadians in the Irish struggle. On Wednesday, November 2, Mr. Blake, accompanied by Mrs. Blake, sails for Liverpool by the Teutonic. He has accepted an in- vitation to attend the annual banquet of the Liberal Anchor Society in honor of Colston's Day, at Bristol, on Novem- ber 14. On that occasion Sir George Trcvelyan, the Secretary for Scotland, and Mr. Blake will be the chict'spcakcrs. This is one of the principal events during the Parliamentary recess. On this day there has been for a great many years a Liberal and also a Conservative banquet in memory of the Bristol phil- anthropist. Mr. Blake has also been asked to speak at many points in Great Britain during thewintcr. It is be- coming very manifest this there has opened for Mr. Blake a great: part in British politics; and while it is true' that Canadians will follow his career in the old land with sympathetic interest and rejoice in his triumphs, no honor that he can reccive in British politics will give as‘genuine satisfaction to the Canadian people as an early announce- ment that he has decided to withdraw from the Imperial Parliament to return to the Canadian House of' Commons and dedicate al’rcsli his high purposes and great talents to the service of his native land.â€"-Globe. 0.0â€"..â€" License in England. ‘ It seems pretty generally understood that the new Gladstone Government will introduce some amendments to the liquor liconse laws in E.:gland, and that. these will be in the direction of greater stringency. That public sentiment in England is far behind that in‘Cunada is well known. What would be a consid- erable advance there would be behind what has been already attained with us. The Toronto Mail gives the summary ol'a measure that is likely to bc intro- duced at the next session of the Imper- ial Parliament. The Speaker, a lead- ing organ of the Gladstone Government, is its authority. Such “amendments†here would not. be thought much of, but they maybe so considered in England. The summary is as follows ze“ Exist- ing saloon licenses to be conï¬rmed for three years, but. in order to lessen the number within that period provision to be made for the surrender of licenses on a payment cquivelant to oneycnr's proï¬t. Loans might be authorized for that purpose. At the end of three years all licenses should expire. The local an. thoritiesâ€"thc town, village, or county councilâ€"should then fix the number of licenses to be issuedâ€"in no case to ex- ceed the proportion of one license for each 1,000 inhabitants. These licenses, which are to run ï¬ve years, should be otl'ered :it public auction to the highest- responsiblc and reputable bidder. Any I proï¬ts to be derived l‘rom‘this plan nllOUltl be applied for the compensation of those who surrendered their licenses during the three-year period. All licensed houses to be subject to the 02.“ est police supervision and subject to 23:: regulation of‘ the local authorities. .3 conviction of a. license-ladder to be lol- lowcd, according to the gravity of the l offence, by a forfeiture or by the collars-w tnent of the offence on the back of t!.:», license. to he followed by forfeiture in the event of repetition.†.___._.__....__..4., .. ...... ‘-.. _. The two-year-old colt G. W Johnson. a full brother to llnron, was sold at .uy: tion [or $30,000. It is estimated that 300,000 pt‘rslisl.‘ have died of cholera in linesia during; I the present epidemic. Raymon Nunez has been arrested at Pueblo, Mex, charged with creating .. cholera. scare. and advertised cheap funerals in c... a of an outbreak of the plague. He is an Utltlt‘l'takl‘r, I N o. 34. An Exciting Time. \vaII THE BRITISH scttooxt-za MAYâ€" BELLE HAD WITH A RUSSIAN CllUlSl-Ilt. Vlcronu, Oct. S.â€"-â€"-'l‘he schoolm- Maybelle, just arrived from Copper island, reports an exciting adventure on August 29. The schooner was anchored 70 miles north of Behring Island in a dense fog, which lifted suddenly, reveal- ing a Russian cruiser a short distance away. The latter made no signals. lowered no boat. but sent a shot across the schoontr's bows, which missed tlm rigging only by a few feet. The Indian crew in terror hoisted all sail, the cap- tain's order being unheard or unheedel in the excitement. Then come a second shot, better aimed, From the Russiap, which pierced the schooner above tho water line, going completely through the f'orccnstle, owing to the short rnuuu :it which it was directed. Still no boat. left the cruiser, her commander appar- ently being satisfied with bombarding the helpless sealer. Luckily lor tho latter, the fog thickened, and in it she escaped. The damages were patched up at the nearest beach and the schooner v - came home. -o - o~.___._.__ The Ravages of Cholera. IT ‘ BREAKS OUT AMONG THE TROOPS STATIONED AT BERLIN. LONDON, Oct. lOth.-â€"â€"’l‘he Times has published an article on the cholera pros- pects for this and I 33;; year. It says; westward, despite elaborate prtcantions and supposed sanitary perfection. Prob- ubly the general public does not gather a clear idea of the I'act that cholera is doingjnst what it has always done For- merlyâ€"creeping quietly onward, and sewing the autumnal seeds in new ground over a wide area, which will, burst forth luxuriant with the advent ol' summer. It. is a most mischievous de- lusion that after September nothing is “to be feared. For individual towns and districts which have borne the burnt of‘ a severe epidemic winter generally means dclivery,but for the neighboring coun- tries it means only the beginning of trouble." o ’- 0-.â€" Depression in Great Britain. WHILE IT IS CONSIDERABLE IT IS NOT UNPBECEDENTED. LONDON, Oct. 10.â€"'â€"The sensational reports current of the prevalence of se- verc depression in the commercial and agricultural interests of Great Britain have caused the Association Press rcp- rcsentutive here to make special enquir- ies at. the labor bureau and in other quarters. The oflicials ot' the labor bureau state that while the prevailing depression is considerable it is not. onâ€" ptccedented. Taking the returns ot' the whole of the trades unions reporting duting September, ï¬ve per cent. of the number of' workmen are shown to be out. of work. The reports embrace l.250.~ 000 union workmen. 'l‘ho shipbuilding trade is the Worst alfectcd. Next come the cotton, iron and steel industries. No signs of imprMement in the shipbuilding trade are likely to be seen in the near future. ._._â€"_ uâ€"wm» ovoâ€"u- ~~~~~ -â€" Australie’s Mineral Wealth. LONDON. Oct. lll.~l€xtraordinnry reports have reached hero of new minâ€" oral discoveries, tin and coal. in Aus- tralia. Rich lodes of tin have bruit : t‘ound in Victoria and immense beds of ’ Iron ore. . . , lhc assistant Government geologist 5i) Victoria reports that besides blank i‘cwnl nrn‘ns cowrin: 3411’} square miles t-t-ivl Containio. 30.0061,“ )0 tons, there .m- nll‘ulfl of‘ brown coal with scouts or 'l"o'_'liIf_' l3†ic‘t in thickness, amount~ in: 0 man} billions of tons. (invet'nmvut rt'ports from Ncw‘S-dulll .Waics cStimzitol enough coal withiu‘ artsy ivorlwl lt"I'.'|'s' to permit an annual output of ten midlon for many years to come. .---â€"- o o O~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"â€" Bliss Betsy 'l‘rumbcll, who died 1 t‘:e.:.ttly at the ulmshouse in Showbegnn. , Ale, ur the no of 92, was supported by the town tron» the dry at her birth 3th the clay of her death, f'or although able to (lo (:u.i~i.l 't’ablc work, both ,. indoors and out, she vn- nt' l'ecbfe. intellect and unable to 1.1th cm: of her s-i’l’, Ning‘ly'i'ï¬'t) years n.) :t [! ï¬l’ farm is the lung-:zt time on rucard. “- We are already in October, and still epidemic keeps marching steadily