' '1 ' T Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millineiiflf order. This furnishesa pretext to the placed the responsibility upon you. Grits to start a series of cock and bull Think of it. How will you meet it in stories that the major is on a mission to the time (it may not be far distant) induce the Orangemen to accept Sir when your opportunity is gone by 7 John Thompson as Premier; but when \Vhen, perchance, some one will throw it is remembered how great is Sir John's back upon you the awful reflection that strength in the eastern provinces and you failed in your duty in this great how few Orangcmen there are in Nova matter. There is not one woman in Scotia, the absurdity of the Grit yarns this day who will fail to see, if she will is apparent." only allow herself to look around, that A day later the Globe contained a it will require all the talent and energy special from Halifax saying that of all the Christian community to put “ Col. Sam Hughes, M. P. for North away from our midst this soul and body Victoria, was in the city yesterday. destroying curse, the liquor trafï¬c; and Last week he visited St. John, Sussex shall the Christian woman stand aloof? and Monctou, New Brunswick, arriving come and help us in our endeavors, at Slinbenacadie, in this Province, on as a company of women, banded together Saturday night, where he spent Sunday to help, by educating public opinion, by with the Grand Master of the Order of prayer, by united effort in every laudable Orangemen. To-day he left for Spring- way to aid in this much needed work. hill. At all these points there are lodg- You cannot possibly say you have no es ofOrangemen, and most of them are interest, for that you cimnot possibly recognised headquarters for that order help having if you are a Christian in for their respective districts. Your cor- the true sense of the nameâ€"for Christ respondent is informed, on What he be came to destroy the works of evil. You lieves to be undoubted authority, that cannot truthfully say you have no influ- Mr. Hughes’s mission in the Provinces once, for there is no person living but is to sound Orangemen in regard to the has, and women, above all others, ought elevation of Sir John Thompson to the to wield that influence for good. May Premiership. This statement is based your eyes be open to the importance of on information given by gentlemen high this matter, so that you may do the in the Orange Order and whose inform- duty which is laid upon you, the duty ation is substantiated by a leading Con~ of the 1,0ng servativc now visiting Halifax." The Globe’s correspondent’s state- ment is so straight and explicit that there can be no doubt of its Correctness; but as Orangeism was pretty nearly all Sam’s stock in trade when he commenc- ep business as a tory, it looks rather in- consistent for him to be advocating the claims of a Catholic to the Premiership, ilai'diniréfl‘iiiimiéâ€"o Sioves. A “52:31.3â€ge ' FARM MACHINES -Asnâ€" IMPLEMENTS this year. Call and examine the 7 New Binders and New Mowers Lowest Prices in the County for Slave 3, Hay and Manure Forks \‘X 71 B 'ld' 0‘ Pa er, Paints, Oils 810. L MS, m mo p Robson’s Show Room. COMMON SENSE BINDER TWINE, Riggs;;;;;,“,:‘;;;j;§s§;sj,,, - Agent for P. Hamilton’s Farm Implements and McColl Bros.’ Lardine Machine Oil. THE mantis Will. or erasure at the small proï¬ts at which I will sell for spot 0437" Fenelon Falls, May 4th, 192. Come and examine the New Fanning Mill and get the prices before leaving the Falls. The best brands of BINDER TVVINE kept in stock at the lowest prices. Brantford Repairs Always on Hand. Thanking my numerous customers for their lihetial patronage in the past, I beg to assure them that no effort will be spared to deserve a continuance ofit in the future. THOMAS ROBSON. Fenelon Falls, April 27th, 1892. m The Fcnelon Falls Gazette. Not Onr Stdry. The exchange from which We clip the following is mistaken in crediting the ï¬rst story to the Gazette, though it is one of which any paper might justly be proud :â€" A story to the effect that a horse had Friday. October 21st, 1892. To the Ladï¬eg. A Change in the Cabinet. and, therefore, the Empire. considers it its shoes torn off by “"htnin" owes its M.ll. It was ofï¬cially announced in the Eucuglbentsuli‘im t1: [gomazcrygï¬crh'z‘lgcjy origin to the Fenelon Falls Gaiseltc. It , . Empirelast Monday that Hon. Edgar 0 L 0‘1“ 0° a ‘ ' ‘ is further stated that the shoes were ' 1 a y g- . Dewdney, Minister of the Interior in Smile mm? as}? is“) gallant “Ed.a“d ver: found lying miles apart. Lightning W the Dominion Government, had been same may" a an mmres m’ or 0“ has been known to play some remarkâ€" tircly owned, an invention for ventilat- . . . able tricks at times. A drummer at log cars, which may have proved a fall- . l . f . the hotel a low days ago told a story to: ure’ aswe have [mud "mung 0 n the effect that he was driving a rig- lately.’ and he .appcars now. to have tum' through a town up west when the elec- ed his attention to refrigerators, one tricky struck the bit in the horse’s 0f thh “0 ought to keep Where.“ ca" mouth and knocked out several of the retire info “When he needs 600mg 0ft" brute’s teeth, The current then leaped which, judging by the Warden/‘3 at from buckle to buckle tearing them off lea“ once a week' their moorings and hurling them through. the windows on either side of the street. The traveller was hauled before the- beak of the place and made to pay handsomely for the damage. The horse which he was driving being uninjured, with the excaption of the loss of the molars, his story about the lightning had no weight with the p‘esiding magistrate. W _._.._ _ Personals. 1 Mr. W. R. Madill was at Toronto this week. Mrs. Irvine .lonkin of Bobcat-good has been at the Falls on a visit to her son, Mr. W. '1‘. Junkin, since Tuesday last. Mr. M. W. Robson of Lindsay was at the Falls yesterday visiting his bro~ ther, Mr. Thos. Robson, and other rel» atives. Mr. M. Ryan, of the Bed Store, returnedito the Falls on Wednesday, after spending a few days with his farm ily at Camden East. Mr. Edward Fitzgerald, who holds a responsible position in a drug store in Buiialo, was at the Falls from Friday until 'ch-dnesday, when he left to visit relatives at l‘arry Harbor, but he will be here again before he returns to Buif~ alo. appointed Meat-Governor of British Columbia, and that Mr. T. M. Daly, of Selkirk, Manitoba, was to succeed him as head of the Department. The “ In- terior †is well rid of Dewdne’y: how the British Columbians will like him remains to be seen. Physically he is a ï¬ne looking man, and had the good fortune to marry a friend of Lady Macdonald, who good-naturedly urged her own husband to do what he could for the husband of her'friend. The Indians of the Northwest, whom he told to “ eat pork or die and be dâ€"d,†will no doubt rejoice secretly, if not openly, at his departure and hope for better things from his successor. Mr. Thomas Mayne Daly, the new Minister, who was sworn in on Monday, is only 40 years old and was born at Stratford, Got. In 1881 he “hung out his shin- glc †as a lawyer at Brandon, Manitoba, became mayor the next year, Was elected as a conservative to the Dominion Par- liament in 1887, and at the last general election was returned by a greatly increased majority. New Shapes! Correct Styles! Right Prices! We make it a point to have everything in the Millinery line that may be asked for, and to have a stock sufï¬cient for all demands, and to maintain that stock complete throughout the season. Soliciting the favor of an early call from you, we assure you that it will be a pleasure to us to make it to your interest to give us a liberal share of yourpatronage. Mrs. R. MCBQUGALL, _ Two doors North of the Post-oiiice. Fenelon Falls, April 14th, 1892. HERE Ybll WWW Newspaper Items. Mr. E. T. Adair, a Toronto journnlâ€" ist has recently purchased the Norwood Register, which Mr. J. A. Harper has been running with very fair .success during about a dozen years. On Thursday of last week the Peter- borough Ewaminer appeared in what is called a new dressâ€"that is, it was print- ed entirely from new type of the very latest and approved faces, the very small- est of it being remarkably easy to read. In an editorial calling attention to the improvement we are told that it involved an outlay of nearly $2,000, including some additions to the jabbing material; and it is to be hoped that a large in- crease of' public patronage will repay the enterprising proprietor, Mr. J. R. Strat- ton, M. ’P. P., for his liberal outlay. Dropping in, on Tuesday, to pay the Lindsay Post a fraternal visit, we found that great changes had been made by the new proprietors. Formerly the Post occupied two flats or floors, all the type being up stairs, but Messrs. Wilson & Wilson have decided, we think wisely, to have everything on the same level, and, in order to afford sufï¬cient room, a considerable additiOn was built to the rear end of the ground floor. By the new arrangement there is not only a considerable saving of rent, but no time is lost running up and down stairs. and the foreman can see at a glance all that is going on and whether the junior and senior devils are attending to business or are ï¬ghting brocdsword combats with the column rules. I have on hand a number of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ ~®WER~ Cflstg which I will sell 3 MM, Timber and Logs. The sale of timber limits by the On- tario GoVernment on the 13th inst. is admitted, even by the opposition, to have been a great success. The sale was widely advertiscd, the limits were knock- ed down after keen Competition to the highest bidder' without respect to per- sons, a Yankee having as good a chance as an Ontario Grit, and the prices realiz- ed werc so good that a great deal over $2,000,000 will go into the Provincial treasury. For some time past Mr. Muwat has been urged to make it a con- dition of the sale that the timber should be manufactured into lumber in Canada, but the condition was not imposed, and now an effort is being mud 9* have the import duty on sawlogs rein; .sed. The Toronto News says:â€" “ The Hamilton Spectator and Mont- real Gazettc are strongly urging the Do- minion Government to reimposc the ex- port duty on logs. The Empire on Sat- urday practically tendered the same ad- vice. If the Government were not at least open to conviction in this matter it is hardly likely three of its chief mouth- pieces would make use of the language they did make usc oi. The opportunity aï¬'ordcd by such a favorable state oi’ mind on the part of the Ministry should not be allowed to pass unimproved. " A deputation made up of represcntativos from Collingwood, Owen Sound, Mid- land, Parry Sound and points in tl.e Algoma districts ought at once to be or- ET 303'? Phiï¬ES _ as. I do not want to carry them over. Now is your time to get a. good Over-coat cheap. These goods are _All New and of the Latest Styles, and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. â€"-ALSO,â€" - A Large Stock of. Boots and Shoes at prices to suit the times. Groceries, Crockery and Glassâ€"ware. _ A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. .5. M’FARLAND, vaontey’s Block. Tim Runeâ€"A meeting of persons in favor of the erection of a skating and curling rink was held in Jordan's hall on Monday evening last, and it was de- cided to build a rink this fall on the market square. The following gentlemen were chosen as directors:~-lIcnr;,‘ Aus- tin, Thos. Austin, Novison, W. it. Madill, Thomas liobtan, Jawph Heard, Jame; Arnold, J. H. Brandon and R. M. Mason. The directors then elected Mr. Thomas Robson president, Mr. Ma- dill vice-president and Mr. Arnold sec rotary-treasurer. Tm: lionessâ€"The weather yester- The W. C. T. U. To the women, the Christian women, of our village, those of you who, for one reason or another, stand aloof from tem- perance Work, as such, have you ever seriously asked yourselves the question, , u Why a," I not engaged in we wok day Was very favorable for observations known as that (,f- up. wwvmvs oi} the partial eclipse of the sun, and Christian Temperance l‘nion?" Wuâ€, “K gm": knitwear; “hm? “'3QHQ' m' ‘ ' . t 3 i ' II n ( ti you have not done so yet, ‘.:.::i‘<1- take '"l P- m- "um "3'" 0 0‘" H “J†a short portion of your valuabie time m'iim‘ have been 5,00" out or door"? now to ask yourseli‘this important ques- g’fzmg 3‘ “’0 †glormus O‘Tb or all)“ “on. Win the answer 5.0,, give yum- With one eye closed and a piece 01 smok- sell bearscrntiny? I mean thcscrntiny 9d glass before the when A5 OUIY “' “heaven! Have you considered the little more than one-half of the moon awful responsibility ofa talent unused ? cross,†the, upper part Of “"3 “av 30 Can you estimate the value of that tn}. ‘ Small a portion of the latter was obscured em? CM, you be" the responsibility that the slight diminution of its light that must rest upon you with the non- would have been “unbut‘id ‘0 “Cloud' use of such talent? Consider for a “d the “HPâ€? Would have been “Ollwd moment that you alone can use that by but few 'f It hm] "0" been duly ‘ dealer in the .County. committed to you; you cannot place it “ï¬rmed by “1° “imnomcm- We cl; the followina from the Em- upon other shoulders; not another in- ACCIDENr.-â€"-Last Frida evening. DOORS 9 ° y "‘ 9 Fenelon Falls, January 27th, 1892. Is Selling His Entire Stock of ganized for the purpose of waiting upon at and S' J l Th d ' f 1r om ompson an pressing or a r ' itio ftl e dut . Tl ere c- be W lictltllizpdhubiltiuat‘suchdrcqntist, ifmput strongly enough, will be granted." of inunnl‘uoture. in order to make room for nevv designs and patterns. Call early and secure bargains. us I am selling cheaper than any Major Barn»..- ETC. pire, dividual can do your work but your- Walter Hopkins, about 17 years old, mar In areas are we T0 0313313.. ALI. wens WARRANTED. 365;, light, it? ieiiiyiiisiiioiiiinbiiiiglad i'c'ciiitiioiii- iiiiiiuii: nil: nitricbTioiiiiuiioiiiititii UNDER-TAKING ATTENDED To In ALL ITS BWMN vingm 'Mr. Hu’ghcs is inmwstcd in re. the work you. should have done. Is it while ridipg a horse along the road near w. M c K e 0 m 119 likiiiiiiifliéfiguifdéhiiiiiiioiiioï¬f ifri,".iii3miiiii’n3§iiifiiti'iifiiiaiï¬iii ii'dhinii’eiiai’imfédaiienihigriiiifuiii mire/s STREET WEST. FENEw/V FALLSl ‘ if:‘2§.;,Elï¬,m§;€i‘:d°£°§éi’§£t‘3? £3; ï¬'fmiï¬â€˜r’ifï¬â€˜ is†do? 3152. lift: 3.232.: “$281.55.,‘lï¬wii'35.33%? ,3,