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Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Oct 1892, p. 8

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‘ fi l efx’: i ‘ '5 i r '~ . x J‘ I .l '- I 'l k ,. " , v... _. r P ,t . u i t . ~, i 2 i A I 'y t .‘. i .~ i t ‘l l . . f l ‘- J u '9 . 'V . c Q l t r 0 i ,r‘ J-‘tlicsiu the Arena for this month to '1‘VW, roars-roubqu»»~>¢qn~n~W-A.~w«yfi./ ... , =y=~~‘_',.r'_,* .\ , _.._,’ v w V,.,,._ __ -,.‘,.y-.m»~w,nw~-u mm mm’; ’ ‘ ' ' ' *r 1 v x - «a; . ‘ 31¢ .â€" Golumbas. ! On the morning: of Friday, Octoberi 12th, 1492, Rodrigo Triana, a sailor on the Pinto, one of Christopher Columbus's vessels, first saw the land which Colum- l-us sought. At present many people in many places are celebrating the four hundredth anniversary of that discov- ery ; and in! st of them are giving Columbus great credit for his wisdom, l is energy, his skill. and for many other - qualities which enabled him to voyage, at-tms unknown seas in search of ncwi worlds. But Mr. A. P. Dunlap under- giVe quite another character to the great explorer. It is Well known that in recent years attempts have been made to induce the papal authorities to canon- ize Columbus; and that on investigation the requtst was refused. Mr. Dunlop undertakes, and with some uppearapcc oi'succoss, to show that the great navi- gator should be placed, not among the saints. hut in the opposite category. It has been said that the land was first sighted by Rodrigo 'l‘riana, a sailor on the Pinto. The Queen had promised 10,000 maradevis to him who should first see land; but Columbus swindled Triana out of the money by pretending that he had seen a light on shore at ten o'clock the previous night. Clearly it was impossible that he coald have seen the light, because the vessels were sail- ing briskly before a fair breeze all night, and the log shows that between ten o'clock at night and the moment in which the discovery was actually made, the vessel sailed fully fil'ty miles. Besides, the Pinta was considerably in advance of Columbus's own ship. The discoverer carried home the most abom- inably false accounts of the land be had discovered. He represented that gold was in common use among the natives, though in fact there was very little there. He said he inhaled the odour of rich spices in Asia, and the nightingales were so numerous as in their flight to darken the sky. He said there were two islands lying opposite one to the other, of which the one was inhabited sohly by women of aWarlikc nature, and the other solely by men. He pre- tended that the land he had discovered was part ol Cathay or China, and that the had sent an embassy to the ‘i Grand Khan." But the worst part of his record is that of fiendish cruelty to the poor people whom he discovered. The West India island were' peopled by simple confiding savages. Columbus’s tit-st work was to reduce them to slavery. Washington Irving says: “ He had with him twenty bloodhounds, fearless and ferocious. When once they had seized their prey nothing could compel them to relinquish their hold. 'The horses, urng on by their cruel riders, bore down upon the unarmed and defenseless people striking them to the earth and trampling upon them. The horsemen dealt blows on all sides, with spear or lance, and the blows were not returned. None of vthosc butchered and terrified Indians made the least resistance, while the bloodhounds, scarce more savage than their masters, sprang upon the naked bodies of the prostrate and the fleeing, dragging them to the earth and tearing open their bowels. Those who escaped the slaughter were sold to slavery worse than death.” Since the World began no more horrible scenes of massacre and slavery have been witnessed than those which Columbus caused in the West India islands. So merciless was the slavery, so fierce the m: score, that in as few years the original inhabitants Were completely exterminatcd, and the conquerors were compelled to import accrues to till the soil. Wherever the Spanish arms were carried there the most horrible atrocities were perpetrated. Blood flowed in torrents, and the name of religion was called in to sanctil'y massacres oi'. the most revolting descrip- tion. Columbus was the author of this policy of murder and slavery, and he Was the worthy predecessor of Cortez . and Pizarro. v--._..___.. -mâ€" 1892. FALL. 1892. We take pleasure in informing our friends and the public in general that our I ll Pill. Gilli We are now showing extra value in is now complete. Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Dress ’ Tweeds, Winccys, Ginghams, Flanncls, F lannclcttcs, Prints, Cottons, Shirt- ings, Mantles, Cottonades, ’l‘wceds, etc., etc. We are also pleased to state that we have just secured, at a low rate for spot cash, a. large and well assorted stock of ll. it W llTEB. CLili it, which we are offering at 33 per cent. less than regular prices. It will certainly pay intending puschasers to Call and inspect 0111' Stock of DRY Goons 85 CLOTHING. We profess to sell closer than the closest. We know our prices cannot possibly be beaten. WE ONEROEAL ALL OOMPEIITOhS by substantial percentage.~ Try us once cmdyou’ll always My. 0Y9@9 King of Low Prices, FENELON FALLS. Opposite the Post-office. GOOD FITS. WELL MADE. NICE PATTERNS. VERY CHEAP. Call and see them at CLARK & SON’S. AGENTS WANTED. Fonthiii Nurseries. Largest in Canada. 700 acres. We want reliable, energetic men to sell SHILOH’S _ CONSUMPTION Farm for Sale or to Bani. The west parts of lots 23 and 24 in the 11th concession of FENEIJON’ 190 acres, close to the Village of Fenelon Falls. 100 Acres Cleared, and part seeded down. The unseeded por~ tiou ploughed and ready for spring crop; the remainder of the land in wood. GOOD MARKET AT FENELON FALLS for grain and cord-wood of all sorts. 38" Price Low. Terms Easy. If not sold soon, will be leased. Apply” J G WILLIius J: n: SMITH: ‘ ’}P°fl Hope. G. n. G. McVITY, 8-t.f. 288 Huron Street, Toronto Scientific American OAVEATS TRADE units. ' oesrcn PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO. 361 Bnoanwar. Now Your. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free or charge in the WALL Parana. FROM . ENGLISH, CANADIAN AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All the Latest Designs in Hall, Dining Room. Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. PRICES & STYLETTâ€"Oâ€"NJIT cosroarrs. l Call and see my 50. per roll Paper, Good Dwelling, Barn, Stable a Fences. l ,, u u 60. it u l‘ 76. (t u u u em .t u u it 90. u u u u 10c. u it land all the way to 50c. per Roll. Ihnvo on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. REMEMBER THE PLACE: Just Opposite flew Post oilicc, Iient; S truer. LIN I)SA$’. -â€"â€"â€"_. G. A. lilE'rHEnELL. D EN TI T 113?”. fitlmfifit glitttitim GASâ€"(VITXLâ€"iznn AIR.) est circulation of on scientific paper in the wor d. Splendldl illus rated. No intelligent: man shou d be w thout it. Weeklv. $3.00 a velar: 31.50 six months. Address MUNN & 00.. Powwow. 361 Broadway. New York. SCHOOL BOOKS ‘AND SUPPLIES PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGS A FULL STOCK AT W. T. J UN KIN ’ S . one. artist, DEALER IN hill.thth FAN”an GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION . \ . Go to J. NEELANDS, Dentist, Lindsar, it you want teeth extracted positively tinn- out pain. Gas has been given by him with great success for over 2i years. He studied with Dr. Colton,of New York, the inven- tor of gas for extracting teeth. Numbers of persons are wearing artificial teeth made by hlr. Neelands 20 years ago, and never reguired any. repairs. Gold crowns, pores-- lain crowns and britieew-ork done. \‘isiic Fenelon Falls, McArthur House, on lho third Tuesday of every month. Cull early in the day. 40-t. Fast Colored Cling- hams for 100. Fast Colored. Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. W The freshest Goods in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. “â€" ..__..___..____ I, ._ lOiiii EBAY. MANUFACTURER 0F SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, VALISES. Everything belonging to the g Saddlery and Harness Trade 2'l'riend of Christ," was submitted to n A papyrus manuscript found in the. d 1) iii an old hermit in a cave near m5 GREAT COUGH CURE’this m Jv-rwalem in the year 1880. and which fulCONSUMPTION CURE, iswithout a par- . experts have all along believed to have $31131 in the history 0‘ medicme' A11 dmgglstl .. flare authorized toscllitona 'tive guarantee ll” ‘3 test that no other care canpsgilccssfully stand: , y , ,, _ Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, commune oi the Biblical Socrety oi ,use it, {crit will care you. If your child has hm n the handiwork of St. Peter, our Nursery stock; previous experience not necessary; any man with tact and energy can succeed; terms liberal; outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice New Specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us. Eolhorne Street, lonelon Falls. The Canada lifelssurance in’y ESTABLISHED IN 1817. ]. odnn in 1890 They have arrived at the conclusion that the Work is it r .iity exactly what it purports to be. t "V iast literary unrk of limgl‘entapnsllt‘. It is )thi that a“soeiciy ot Britisi .lél-'l‘8ty mlnptnaries" have clieer £20. £000 for the documan A lady resident oi‘ Kingston preserved some biuckberries this tall. and through iii-fling insufficiently corked they ferment- .ed. She emptied the entire lot into an «enclosure where some ducks were b. in, kept. The ducks ate lreely of the lorries and won became very boisterous. “necking: loudly and reeling: around like intoxicated men. and not behaving; themselves as well-bred ducks should. 1%}. and by they were entirely overcome. and lay over on their backs and like so many dead ducks. After a few hours, i on over, they revived and are now pddtr but wiser by their experience. We have given particular attention to the propagation of HARDY VARIETIES suitable to the. Northern section of Canada. For terms apply to STONE it WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. gtthroup,orWh mgCou h.useit rom tl , relic! is misoplf you dread disease CONSUMPTION, dou’tfar'l to use it, it Juli can you or cost nothin . Ask your Druggtst for SHILOH’S CUREgPi-ice to ctr... ms. and $1.00.. If your Lun s are sore or lame, use Sinioh's Porous? r. 25 cts. nay” id 'cfigm’oeis; “5.523.951.5315” General Blacksmith, Francis-st., Fenelon Fails. Blacksmithingta ailits difl'erentbranches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me n callnnd I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-iy. 49.30:. ~18 ATâ€" W. A. GOGDWIN’S Baker’s Block, Kent-eh, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabasfinc and We Works Agency. 38" Please call and see my be. Paper. Linden], April Ind, 1891. Subscribe for the “Fenelon Falls Gazette,” only $1 a year in advance. Room Paper and Picture Frames TIIE OLDEST AND THE LEADING LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY IN CANADA. Capital it; Assets as at the 30th of April, 1880, over $0,000,000. Annual Income for the year ending 30th April. 1885, 81,840,000. Total Sum assured to 30th .tnrii,1885. amounts to $47,000,000. e profits of this old and reliable Com- pany are larger than any other Life Oflice doing business in the Dominion, and its ratio oi‘expenscs to income are less than that ofany other Canadian or British office. The policies of this Company are indisputa- ble on any grounds whatever after two years, and policies becoming claims are paid at once. The rates charged by this Company are as low as any first-clan office. All forms of polici-e are issued. fleDOUGALL A BRANDON, ‘34,. Agents, Pension Falll. constantly kept in stock. REPAIRING Done on the Shortest Notice. Kent-stfihiioy, Out. The “ Fencion Fails liazcitc ” is printed every Friday at the office, on the corner of May 6; Francis streets. SUBSCRIPTION 81A 1'11.“th ADVANCE or one eentper week will he added on ion; as it remains unpaid. Advertising liators. Professional or business cards, 50 cent. perlinc per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and it cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half your on quarter, tor a column or less, upon reason able terms. r JOB PRINTING of allordinary kinds executed neatly, co rcctly and reasonable rates. 5. D. HAND, Frontier a. Q.- a w“*<. . «were-.m- mmmrwmww Lanai . ' ‘n;<f«‘w:w.‘.-s.:....u".. __".

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