WITH THE ELECTRICIANS- In Belgium the telephone system is opero sted by the government. It is announced that the United States lighthouse board will introduce electric lighting in the lighthouses along the great lakes. The commissioners of the District of Co- lumbia have ordered that all the theatres in Washington must be equipped through- out with electric lights. The proposed underground electric rail- ways for London, if sanctioned, will be 16 feet under the Thames, 68 feet beneath Regent’s Park and 85 feet below Oxford street. It is said that the telephone demonstrat- ed its usefulness in a new and very satis- factory manner during the recent strike at- Buil'alo, by being used to gather soldiers from all over the state. Companies every- where were summoned together and started for the scene of the trouble in very short spaces of time. . The question of an antidote for an elec» tric shock is now being agitated. An ama- teur investigator is reported to have found that the insertion of aromatic spirits of ammonia into the body of a.hird which had received a shock from an electric wire brought the animal back to life after all signs of animation had disappeared. The ostal telegraph system of Great Brit- / _ 7.. THE mini ciss. Further Details of the Sensation at Gravenhurst. A Prominent Physician Interviewedâ€"â€" Science Has its Sayâ€"â€".leost a Resur- recuon. >(Toronto Mail.) (From Our Own Reporter.) Gaavssnrrrsr, Sept. 30.â€"Further inves- tigation discloses the fact that there is hard- _ly anything else spoken of in this town but Sam Murray’s wonderful recovery. His case is considered marvellous, and no cure at the shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre ever startled people like his case has this section of the community. In the hotels you hear his name mentioned, and being welLknown along the diï¬erent towns on the Northern railway, Murray's case attracts unusual in- terest. Dr. Cornell is one of the most popular men in Gravenhurst. He runs a large drug store, and has a very extensive practise. He stands high in the medical profession, and is Grand Trunk physician for that sec- tion. His drug business is one of the larg- est in Northern Ontario. He was seen at his oflice. He said: “I have known Mur- ray for a long time. He was employed on the Grand Trunk railway as brakesman for several years. His ï¬ngers were crushed, and being one of the Grand Trunk physi- -. ‘ _ . ‘ ‘ ’. _ _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~..\i. J‘ -Cll‘l‘l‘lk'll. Send for Illustrated Circular of our "New Taller Sys- tem." The loading syst em. New S‘eeve Chart inst out. .1. a .t. can 1'88. Toronto, Press steal Dressmakers. SAUSAG E GASINGS. ii" our ï¬sh. constant ly on hand. also prime American liog‘s'Casings Full lines New llama, Lo? [big " Pullin a bundle of letters out of a rawer. “ \ e have not been advertising these pills to any great extent, and we are astonished at their rapid sale. The only way to account for it is that they,sell on their merits. Those who use them tell their friends about them and they are ad- ?How are you †:Nicely, Thank You.†Thank Who?†“Why the inventor of vertised in that way. These pills are a new departure in medicine. The formula has been used successfully by one of the most eminent pecialists in the world for the cure of kidney diseases. But his serv~ ices are only available for the wealthy. and even if the formula were known to all prac- titioners could not be made up by the drug stores, for special facilities have to be ar- ranged for compounding them: Hitherto kidney remedies have been put up in liquid form. A certain percentage of alcohol has to be put in such mixtures to keep the medicine. This alcohol. it has been time and again demonstrated, counteracts the beneï¬cial effects of the drugs contained in the mixture, for there is nothing worse for the kidneys than alcohol, and it defeats the objects for which the remedy is intend- ed. \Ve obviate this difï¬culty by having the active principles only of the drugs put up in concentrated form in the shape of a pill, which is easily taken. They are neatly put up in boxes with the trade mark ‘ Dodd’s Kidney Pills ’ on each box, and are for sale by all druggists and dealersinmedi- cines at ï¬fty cents per box. \Ve will mail them direct on receipt of price.†From these interviews with and the in “in 9'" Ireland is “owi il’ is “i‘l' the mo“ cians I looked after his case. One night in vestlgationa made your correspondent gigantic and complete organization for the transmission of messages in the world. The staff number 3453, the annual amount ex- pended in salaries and wages is $322,960, and the total number of telegrams passing through the ofï¬ce per annum is 32,537,770 The electric power plant at the “’orld’s June, ’91, he was carried into my ofï¬ce. He had fallen down on the street. I found has proved beyond a doubt that such a man as Sam Murray exists, and that the facts of that he was suffering from paralysis. He his case ‘15 PUbliSl'Ed in the Gravenhul'ï¬t has been disabled until recently, but I don’t care to talk very much of his case. I am not seeking cheap notoriety.†“But, doctor, I suppose you have no ob- fail‘ is_ to ‘ be made up Of all the Pl'ilmipi’tl jection to answer a few queries to substan- American makes of boilers, engines and pinto what Murrayaays?†dynamos, the units being of all sizes up to 1000 horse power, The esigns call for the delivery of over 30,000 horse power in steam, power istribution station. The largest electric generator ever install “ “Well, no ; go ahead.†- “Was Murray ill for a long time, and is . . it true that his disability claims were paid hopeless. 'which was some idea of the size of this by the Grand Trunk, You attended him some time, you say, and you should know. †“Yes, Iattended him, and he was pretty ed in Canada is going into the power station 10W. Although I never gave up hope, I of the Ottawa street railway. It weighs thought he Would never be able to .get 33,000 pounds, and will furnish current for about again. After he fell the ï¬rst time the road and for use "in heating appliances with which the power house is to be equip- ped. This will probably be the ï¬rst build- ing in America heated throughout by elec- tricity. â€" An ingenious lock has been invented by which doors, etc., may be locked and un- locked from a distance electrically. It is specially applicable for doors in private and business houses, and oflices where absolute privacy is needed or desired. The lock is operated by simply turning a switch. Thus the occupant of aroom may instantaneously admit a person, and as instantaneously lock the door on his egress without leaving his chair, as the switch can be placed close at hand. According to Electrical Industries, the total number of electric roads in the United States, Sept. 15, 1892, was 469, with a capi- tal stock of $205,870,000. The number of miles was 5446, on which there were oper- ated 7760 motor cars and 3790 trail cars, Taking the census of 1890, it is found that Massachusetts has 5448 inhabitants to a mile of railway. This state leads the country in this respect. Minnesota is close, to Massachusetts, having 5800 people to the mile of electric raliway. California has 7191 : Ohio, 7345 ; Texas, 3373 ; New York, 11,468, and Illinois, 14,604. Armour & Co. have adopted a novel idea of connecting the different houses and de- partments of their establishment at the Chicago stockyards by an electric railroad. Heretoforo pork and other products ofthe packing houses have been moved from place to place by men with wlieelborrows or in barrels. The electric line does away with the vast amount of work required by the old method, and greatly adds to the work- ing facilities of the Armour plant. Every product or other thing to be moved about the yards is put on board the little cars and shipped to any department of the packing houses. The system is simple. It does not interfere with the workmen, and has proved to be one of the most valuable of the modern improvements introduced in the packing business in recent years. I'BRSIANS HAD HORSE RACES. The Modern Sport Known In England Only 275 Years Ago. Horse racing undoubtedly began with the use of the horse, for that animal ap- pears to enjoy racing as much as does his master. The Persians probably conducted the ï¬rst regular races. The Greeks intro- duced chariot races in their Olympian and other games. These races were very spirited and gave , publiin paragraphs that he was not expect- I ed to live over night. Every week we ex- satisfaction to the crowds of spectators in proportion to the number of chariots which collided. with the result of killing horses, drivars and spectators. As the s ectators stood on the ground and crowds closely about the small circular tracks they fre- quently contributed to the interest of the races by aliowin a few of their number to be run over and 'illcd. The Romans patronized chariot racing and also introduced mounted races. The jockeys rode without saddles, wore colors and received handsome prizes for their skill and daring. Circus tricks were features in these contests. Horse racing in Erauce was common in the 0th century. In one case the winner received for a prize the band of a titled! lady. In the lid) and 13th centuries regu- isr tracks were built and running races held in England. he kept poking about and took three or four other spells. He was then conï¬ned to his house, and later on took to his bed. Boils and eruptions broke out on his legs and arms, neck and face. and his blood was in a very bad way. He kept gradually gettingworse, and everybody thought he would die. ' He complained of his back very much. Iattributed his disease largely to overwork. I believed he would never be able to resume his duties again. He was paid his total disability claim by the Grand Trunk at that time.†“How does it come that he is about and working again?†“\Vell, you see as a professional man I hardly like to say. It might look as if I were lending myself to some advertising scheme, and I would rathebnot say any- thing on that subject.†“ But, doctor, that is not fair. Does Sam Murray know what cured him ‘2†“Well, he says, and everybody says, it was some pills he bought here that cured him. †“What pills, doctor. Do you know the name of them?" i - “ There you go again. Now, I said I did not want to put myself in a false position before the profession.†“ But he bought the pills in your drug store. \Vhat pills were they ‘2†" “Well, I’ll tell you the truth, they were Dodd's Kidney Pills, and remember, I want you to say, if you say anything about me, ‘ this is the truth. Sam got the pills here, and he says they cured him. I have sold a lot of them to others and they all speak highly of them.†" Doctor, would you as a physician pre- scribe these pills in your practice for kidney troubles?†“ Yes, I would. Knowing the active principles of the pills they are such as I would prescribe to patients suflering from kidney troubles, for they are both a tonic and a diuretic.†“ Doctor, is it true that diseased kidneys poison the blood?" “ Yes, the blood gets full of uric acid." “ \Vill the curing of diseased kidneys cleanse the blood of uric acid and im- purities?†“ Well, it is only natural to suppose that if you remove the cause ofa disease you can expect a cure. " ‘ “ Do you consider Sam Murray’s case a remarkable one ‘3" “ Yes, I certainly do." A NEWS PA PE I‘- SI’A N. Fred Harbridge, of the Gravenhurst Ban- ner, was seen. He said: Sam Murray’s case is causing a good deal of talk. We used to ected his death notice. Sam got hold of )odd's Kidney Pills through a little book that was dropped into his house called Kid~ ney Talk, and he took the pills and is as ' well as over. When he was that bad that part of his life insurance was paid by the Grand Trunk you may judge he was pretty low. He recovered so rapidly and miracu- loust that everybody is talking about his case. We had something in the paper about it. There is no denying that he is cured, and that Dodd's Pills did it. Anybody in Gravcnhurst will tell you that. a GRAXD TRUNK OFFICIAL. Mr. J. T. Torrey, Grand Trunk agent at Gravcnhurst, was seen. Mr. Torrey is a middle-aged inan,and a great- favorite in the place. He was asked if he knew Murray, and he said “ Yes. I know two Murrays, Sam Murray and his brother. I put both ‘ - - Tl†mo‘lem highs“ “‘“mn‘? “‘co' hm“ of them to work as brakesmen on the Grand ever. dates back :45 years. James I. was Trunk. I remember when Sam was mken its royal pattern. His nephew, Char‘es II. - . . had a line stable of horses, which he enter- gelaï¬nd now), "Faded he would gel. bet ed in races. He introduced the practice of “Did he get his total disability money equalising the weight of riders and formu~ from the Gucd Trunk... lated many other rules and regulations which "Yes, he got his sick benefits first through “'6‘? “over†“"mmR “cur Silver cuIâ€! me,and then when it wasexpected he would worth $500 each were iron as prizes. During the reign of eorge ll . racing re- ceived a great impetus. One nobleman lost $1,000,000 on bets. Fast runners sold as high as $50,000 each. The King had a line stable and imported many choice Arabian horses. which ini rowed the breed. and help. ed to found the nglo-Arab horses. The hurdle race which had its orign in Ireland, was introduced into England by George IV. Hares trotting is essentiall an American institution, and dates back a at 100 years The only other country in which the trot- ting races are popular is Russia, where much attention is paid to breeding trailers. die his total disability claim was paid through me also. I never thought Sam would recover. He says he was cured by taking Dodd’s Kidney Pills." 'rns rnoruis'roas. Mr. J. A McKee of the ï¬rm of L. A. Smith 3: Co., manufacturers of Dodd’s Kid‘ ney Pills was seen at their place of business in Toronto. He was very busy but was willing to speak of the Murray case. He said in answer to some ouestions. “ Yes, we have heard of Murray‘s wonderful core at Gravenhurst through taking our Dodd's Kidney l‘ills. But his case is only one of many. Here are several others just as start- Banner are true in every particular. Not only does Sam Murray himself speak out, but his evidence is supported by document- ary proofs and also by Dr. Cornell, awell known physician in Gravenhurst, the mayor of the town, the station master, and others, Also that Dodd’s Kidney Pills efl'ectcd his cure after the case had been given up as Dr. Harveys Southern Red Pine for con he and colds is the most reliable and erect cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. sco‘l‘T’s thii cured me of GBHSllllPTlflll." Give thank: for its discovery. That it does not make you sick when you take it. Give thanks. That it is three times as efï¬cacious as the old-fashioned cod liver oil. Give Maul-r. That it is such a wonder- ful flesh producer. Give thanks. Thatit is the best remedy for Consennptiou, Sew/Illa, franc/site's, 7Vasting flir- eases, Cong/z: and Colds. Besurc you get the genuine in Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at ,. 50c. and 51.00. i SCOTT & BOWNE. Belleville. I l for the Young. 1 the children. “'orld's l-‘nlr Cook Book. The biggest Cook Book ever sold for the money. From I: worth to London. Being“) Phow I’sacrod places of Methodism in Eng- and. Beautiful Thoughts or “re. A'han - » some book. Beautiful Songs. Sacred. senti- graphs 0 Clear B-icoo. Rolls. Cheeso,l.urd. etc. Park Bucstu. &. Co.. LTD. Successors to Jas PARK & Sox ., Tomato. GENTS WANTED FOR on: NEW BOOKS. Inter-calla and Instrneilvc Bending ï¬nstratcd. Just the hook for mental and instrumental. “'0 have several other fast selling Books. Bib‘cs and Albums. mend for List. &c. “'ILLIAM Bnioos, Pub- ishcr Tomato. Ont. AVE YOU A HORSE? A line he ever been lame! It troubled with any disease of the FEET Cpmpbells Horse Foot Remedy is a POSIIZHE Chm»; Send card for FREE book on diseases and treatise of the same. to JACl‘isoN L. LITTLE. Veterinary Chemist, 72 Spadiua Ave, Toronto. ice GENTSâ€"Our Specialties are “Tmth in Is the most nutritious food yet discovered. every home,$25 a week roflt. Write for particulars. Christy Knife 0.. Toronto. ou want a Fanning Mill, with all latest improvements. “'0 have now 3lbs. Lean Neat. Rice equals 4 lbs. Potatoes. Half the people in the world subsist nearly Ono pound of{2 lbs. Bread. in use over 29.000 Cliathaiu Mills. \Vriio for entire†on Rico. Circular and Price List before making your purchase. maasox CAMPBELL, Chulhnm. om. MOTHER’S COMPANION THE NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE. Buyone! Be happy! The \‘l‘llliums Mfg. Co., Lulu Montreal. RETAILER ATTENTION I Buy direct from us and save money. Mount Roy91 Milling 85 M’f’g 00.. Montreal. Bames Human Conception Natures all-powerful ‘ healer is discoveredand when imbibed freely ‘ radiates the arterial network of the body, :. 3, absorbs and rushes off Fri“ all effete, deadly pois- -“ onous matter. Also it It is estimated that of the four million in- habitants of London, a million and a half EMPIRE TOBACCO co" ' MONTREAL were born in the country. A. P. 630 ‘ Of Complete Steam Launches from 20x1 to 34x7 “Acme Coal-oil Boilers and Engines" from 1 to 8 H.P. Large sizes. Cool or wood fuel. "Tliejliarsh Steam Pump" the best boiler feeder in the market. Returns exhaust into food water heating it from 40 to50 degrees. For catalogue send 3 cent s.amp. Jon! GlLLlEssh (20.. Carleton l'lncc. om. V contains all the sixteen 1 elements of ripe mole- cular life, builds up every weak part, re- , stdres nerve and vital , power, is the sunshine of life, the wonderful. So say all that use St. Leon Water. World, Feb. 13th, 1892. John Bull Steel Plate Range. KOFF NO MORE . 1 _ ‘ .-__ WATSONS’ coucn DROPS WILL GIVE POSITIVE AND INST“ Li ANT RELIEF To THOSE SUFFERING 4 FROM COLos, HOARSENESS, SORE g THROAT, ETC-,AND AREINVALUABLE B. TO ORATORSAND VOCALISTS. R. & T. W.__sTaMPi-:o on EACH DROP. TRY THEM WHAT A TIME 'n. ’3." y . . by 50 1 cars is to be making ,. / .1? I " .PVAENT ./ And the fellows who havoibecn at it that long ought to know a little so they just turn out UNICORN A Complete Cure by 'HOOD’S A v M SARSAPARILLA. This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re- Because they know it is the best; Manufactured by tired farmer and one of the most re- ‘ spectcd citizhns of Otsego Co., N. Y. A, & - “Fourteen years ago I had an attack of the ' gravel, and have since been troubled with inv ~.__-_ .. Liver and Kidneys gradually growing worse. Three years ago I got down so low that I could scarcely walk. I loolied more like a corpse than a living being. I hag no appetite and for ï¬ve weeks I me ESTABLISHED nothing but gruel. I was hadl emaciated 187i. and had no more color than :1 mar lo statue. Hood's Sursapai‘illa was recommended and I thought I would try it. Before Iliad finished the ï¬rst bottle I not;ccd that I felt better. suf- fered less, the inflammation of the hind- des- had subsided, the color began to return to in face, and I begun to feel hungry. After I ind taken three bottles ICOlilll eat anything without hurting me. Why, I got so hungry , that I had to eat 5 times a day. I have now - fully recovered, thanks to Hood’s Sarsaparilla I feel well and run well. All who know me marvel to see me so well.†D. M. JORDAN. Mr. David M. J ordain of Edmeston, N. Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless 6:71: ' ' “mummi- FOR cOAi. AND wooo. LATEST AND BEST. EVERLASTING. ' liNBltl'lAKAnll-J. Be sure and see the elegant stove before buy- ing uny othcr. Sold by all leading dealers. Munf'd by 15. A: 1‘. Gurney (70.. Toronto dera‘tiOn Life u TO RONTO. {.L K. MACDONALD, Managing Din-Mar, Insurance at Risk, - - $22,000,000 Gash Assets, - - - $4,000,000 Paid Policy-holders, - - eéésoooo HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner Pills, assist digestion. cure headache and biliousncss. NEW BUSINESS FOR l892 IS WELL Ill ADVANGE OF THAT Fdd 1891 OR ANY PREVIOUS YEAR. -: POLICIES FREE :- Practically, FROM ALL CONDITIONS as 10 Residence, Travel and Occupation. AFTER TWO YEARS... “‘0‘. ,__..... .-_. ORONTO BISCUIT AND CONFEGTIOHER‘! 03. make the best goods. Try them and see. .m \‘\\|“ AD'IWESIâ€"lln spare time you can make money selling our wonderful Knives. Write for particulars. Chï¬stgijnife Co., Toronto DO YOU IMAGINE That copio would have been regularly using our oiict Soups since l5l5 (foray-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD 1 The public are not fools and do not continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. HEARI-E. __,_A_ ‘ 11 PATENT MEDICu‘Ea' at .r “V...- I SALE PRICESâ€"‘25 per cent. discount oli’a‘l leading medicines. Sent by mail to any address in Canada. Pills and Wafer-i sent post “till. \Villiams' Pink Pills 3%: Carter's Little .ivcr Pills 18c: Pennyroyai Wafers 75c. and all others at the same low rato=.. Orders prom- gtly executed. JACKSON L. LITTLE, '12 padlna Ale... Torogtg. _._____.__.._.._ BANADA PERMANENT Llhll’ All) SAI’II’GE GOIIPIIY. Invested Capital. 312.000.000 Head Ofï¬ce, Toronto at. Toronto. Then do it economically. Chop y_o_u_i: grain with a Waterous Chopper It elevates and screens the grain, grinds 20 to 40 bushels per hour and bags the chap. GRINDING SURFACES: Best French Buhr Stones, unequalled for durability. WATEROUS, - Bradford, Canada. The ample and inc-reusing resources of this Company enables its Directors tomakc ad- vances on Ill-1A1. ESTATE secur'tiei to any amount. without delay. at the lowest current mtc of interest. and on the most favorable terms Loans granted on improved farms and on productive town and city properties. Mortgages and Debentures urchased. Application may be made t rough the local Appraisers of the Company or to - J. Herbert Mason, Manama: Director. Toronto_ i a .3... .,,,..L.g"‘.¢ «It. ‘ ‘ "aewws‘pitria vvq‘r‘ r. .- â€" Z r._ . .......wn...i rout-WWW .mmmfl_ ‘;, e 3- 423,. -1, .3. ‘ ‘ .>â€" »-3«~â€"-asm w- .v _ ; IF \~ ,.~ - .3 “M wry. ,-..' i_ 'r ‘. e s: . K - ,. w.) e"... ..â€"-4 a... -. «seam . Aâ€. . . ,. , 2 -‘¢ ,.._ -.....~.._. ,s' a... u. I,†W~-,,.. .. ._. . ._ g.